]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/systemd.git/blame - docs/_data/extra_pages.json
Merge pull request #31000 from flatcar-hub/krnowak/mutable-overlays
[thirdparty/systemd.git] / docs / _data / extra_pages.json
5d3f5e40 1[
2 {
3 "category": "Project",
4 "title": "mkosi Project - Build Bespoke OS Images",
5 "url": "https://mkosi.systemd.io/"
6 },
7 {
8 "category": "Project",
9 "title": "Brand",
10 "url": "https://brand.systemd.io/"
11 },
12 {
13 "category": "Project",
14 "title": "Mailing List",
15 "url": "https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel"
16 },
17 {
18 "category": "Project",
19 "title": "Mastodon",
20 "url": "https://mastodon.social/@pid_eins"
21 },
22 {
23 "category": "Project",
24 "title": "Releases",
25 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/systemd/releases"
26 },
27 {
28 "category": "Project",
29 "title": "GitHub Project Page",
30 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/systemd"
31 },
32 {
33 "category": "Project",
34 "title": "Issues",
35 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues"
36 },
37 {
38 "category": "Project",
39 "title": "Pull Requests",
40 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pulls"
41 },
42 {
43 "category": "Manual Pages",
44 "title": "Index",
45 "url": "https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/"
46 },
47 {
48 "category": "Manual Pages",
49 "title": "Directives",
50 "url": "https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.directives.html"
51 },
52 {
53 "category": "Publications",
54 "title": "Article in The H",
55 "url": "http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Control-Centre-The-systemd-Linux-init-system-1565543.html"
56 },
57 {
58 "category": "Publications",
59 "title": "Article in The H, Part 2",
60 "url": "http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Booting-up-Tools-and-tips-for-systemd-1570630.html"
61 },
62 {
63 "category": "Publications",
64 "title": "Bê-á-bá do systemd #1 (Brazilian Portuguese)",
65 "url": "https://community.ibm.com/community/user/legacy"
66 },
67 {
68 "category": "Publications",
69 "title": "Bê-á-bá do systemd #2 (Brazilian Portuguese)",
70 "url": "https://community.ibm.com/community/user/legacy"
71 },
72 {
73 "category": "Publications",
74 "title": "Bê-á-bá do systemd #3 (Brazilian Portuguese)",
75 "url": "https://community.ibm.com/community/user/legacy"
76 },
77 {
78 "category": "Publications",
79 "title": "Bê-á-bá do systemd #4 (Brazilian Portuguese)",
80 "url": "https://community.ibm.com/community/user/legacy"
81 },
82 {
83 "category": "Publications",
84 "title": "Bê-á-bá do systemd #5 (Brazilian Portuguese)",
85 "url": "https://community.ibm.com/community/user/legacy"
86 },
87 {
88 "category": "Publications",
89 "title": "Bê-á-bá do systemd #6 (Brazilian Portuguese)",
90 "url": "https://community.ibm.com/community/user/legacy"
91 },
92 {
93 "category": "Publications",
94 "title": "Évolutions techniques de systemd (French)",
95 "url": "https://linuxfr.org/news/evolutions-techniques-de-systemd"
96 },
97 {
98 "category": "Publications",
99 "title": "RHEL7 docs",
100 "url": "https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/system_administrators_guide/chap-managing_services_with_systemd"
101 },
102 {
103 "category": "Publications",
104 "title": "SUSE White Paper on systemd",
105 "url": "https://www.suse.com/media/white-paper/systemd_in_suse_linux_enterprise_12_white_paper.pdf"
106 },
107 {
108 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
109 "title": "Presentation about kdbus at linux.conf.au 2014",
110 "url": "https://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/linux.conf.au/2014/Friday/104-D-Bus_in_the_kernel_-_Lennart_Poettering.mp4"
111 },
112 {
113 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
114 "title": "Presentation about systemd at the Red Hat Summit 2013",
115 "url": "https://access.redhat.com/videos/403833"
116 },
117 {
118 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
119 "title": "Presentation about the journal at Devconf 2013",
120 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CACB7paLc"
121 },
122 {
123 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
124 "title": "Presentation about recent developments at Devconf 2013",
125 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rrpjYD373A"
126 },
127 {
128 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
129 "title": "Presentation about systemd at FOSDEM 2013",
130 "url": "https://ftp.fau.de/fosdem/2013/maintracks/Janson/systemd,_Two_Years_Later.webm"
131 },
132 {
133 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
134 "title": "Presentation about systemd at FOSDEM 2013 (Slides)",
135 "url": "https://0pointer.de/public/systemd-fosdem2013.pdf"
136 },
137 {
138 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
139 "title": "Presentation about systemd at FOSS.in 2012",
140 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2aa34Uzr3c"
141 },
142 {
143 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
144 "title": "Presentation about systemd at OSEC Barcamp 2012",
145 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UnEV9SPuw8"
146 },
147 {
148 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
149 "title": "Presentation about systemd at FOSDEM 2011",
150 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyMLi8QF6sw"
151 },
152 {
153 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
154 "title": "Presentation about systemd at linux.conf.au 2011",
155 "url": "http://linuxconfau.blip.tv/file/4696791/"
156 },
157 {
158 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
159 "title": "Presentation about systemd at linux.conf.au 2011 (Slides)",
160 "url": "https://0pointer.de/public/systemd-lca2011.pdf"
161 },
162 {
163 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
164 "title": "Interview about systemd at golem.de (German)",
165 "url": "https://video.golem.de/oss/4823/interview-mit-lennart-poettering-entwickler-systemd.html"
166 },
167 {
168 "category": "Videos for Users and Administrators",
169 "title": "Presentation about systemd at OSworld 2014 (systemd cheat-sheet) (Polish)",
170 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU3HJVUPMyw"
171 },
172 {
173 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
174 "title": "#01: Verifying Bootup",
175 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-1.html"
176 },
177 {
178 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
179 "title": "#02: Which Service Owns Which Processes?",
180 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-2.html"
181 },
182 {
183 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
184 "title": "#03: How Do I Convert A SysV Init Script Into A systemd Service File?",
185 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-3.html"
186 },
187 {
188 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
189 "title": "#04: Killing Services",
190 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-4.html"
191 },
192 {
193 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
194 "title": "#05: The Three Levels of \"Off\"",
195 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/three-levels-of-off"
196 },
197 {
198 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
199 "title": "#06: Changing Roots",
200 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/changing-roots.html"
201 },
202 {
203 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
204 "title": "#07: The Blame Game",
205 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/blame-game.html"
206 },
207 {
208 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
209 "title": "#08: The New Configuration Files",
210 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/the-new-configuration-files"
211 },
212 {
213 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
214 "title": "#09: On /etc/sysconfig and /etc/default",
215 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/on-etc-sysinit.html"
216 },
217 {
218 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
219 "title": "#10: Instantiated Services",
220 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/instances.html"
221 },
222 {
223 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
224 "title": "#11: Converting inetd Services",
225 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/inetd.html"
226 },
227 {
228 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
229 "title": "#12: Securing Your Services",
230 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/security.html"
231 },
232 {
233 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
234 "title": "#13: Log and Service Status",
235 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemctl-journal.html"
236 },
237 {
238 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
239 "title": "#14: The Self-Explanatory Boot",
240 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/self-documented-boot.html"
241 },
242 {
243 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
244 "title": "#15: Watchdogs",
245 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/watchdog.html"
246 },
247 {
248 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
249 "title": "#16: Gettys on Serial Consoles (and Elsewhere)",
250 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/serial-console.html"
251 },
252 {
253 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
254 "title": "#17: Using the Journal",
255 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/journalctl.html"
256 },
257 {
258 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
259 "title": "#18: Managing Resources",
260 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/resources.html"
261 },
262 {
263 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
264 "title": "#19: Detecting Virtualization",
265 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/detect-virt.html"
266 },
267 {
268 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
269 "title": "#20: Socket Activated Internet Services and OS Containers",
270 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/socket-activated-containers.html"
271 },
272 {
273 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
274 "title": "#21: Container Integration",
275 "url": "https://0pointer.net/blog/systemd-for-administrators-part-xxi.html"
276 },
277 {
278 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
279 "title": "A Russian translation",
280 "url": "https://wiki.opennet.ru/Systemd_%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F_%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2"
281 },
282 {
283 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
284 "title": "A more complete Russian translation (PDF)",
285 "url": "http://www2.kangran.su/~nnz/pub/s4a/s4a_latest.pdf"
286 },
287 {
288 "category": "The systemd for Administrators Blog Series",
289 "title": "A Vietnamese translation",
290 "url": "https://archlinuxvn.org/doc/systemd/#lp"
291 },
292 {
293 "category": "The systemd for Developers Series",
294 "title": "#1: Socket Activation",
295 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/socket-activation.html"
296 },
297 {
298 "category": "The systemd for Developers Series",
299 "title": "#2: Socket Activation (Part 2)",
300 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/socket-activation2.html"
301 },
302 {
303 "category": "The systemd for Developers Series",
304 "title": "#3: Logging to the Journal",
305 "url": "https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/journal-submit.html"
306 },
307 {
308 "category": "Related Packages",
309 "title": "Go Bindings for the Journal API, socket activation and DBUS",
310 "url": "https://github.com/coreos/go-systemd"
311 },
312 {
313 "category": "Related Packages",
314 "title": "PHP Bindings for the Journal APIs",
315 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/php-systemd"
316 },
317 {
318 "category": "Related Packages",
319 "title": "Lua Bindinds for systemd APIs",
320 "url": "https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-systemd"
321 },
322 {
323 "category": "Related Packages",
324 "title": "Node.JS bindings for the Journal APIs",
325 "url": "https://www.fourkitchens.com/blog/2012/09/25/nodejs-extension-systemd"
326 },
327 {
328 "category": "Related Packages",
329 "title": "Node.JS support for systemd Socket Activation",
330 "url": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/systemd"
331 },
332 {
333 "category": "Related Packages",
334 "title": "Node.JS wrapper for sd_notify",
335 "url": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/sd-notify"
336 },
337 {
338 "category": "Related Packages",
339 "title": "Node.JS wrapper for sd_notify (repo)",
340 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/node-sd-notify"
341 },
342 {
343 "category": "Related Packages",
344 "title": "Experimental Qt bindings",
345 "url": "https://github.com/ilpianista/libsystemd-qt"
346 },
347 {
348 "category": "Related Packages",
349 "title": "Haskell socket activation",
350 "url": "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/socket-activation"
351 },
352 {
353 "category": "Related Packages",
354 "title": "Haskell Journal API",
355 "url": "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/libsystemd-journal"
356 },
357 {
358 "category": "Related Packages",
359 "title": "Ruby bindings for the Journal APIs",
360 "url": "https://github.com/ledbettj/systemd-journal"
361 },
362 {
363 "category": "Related Packages",
364 "title": "Ruby bindings for the systemd D-Bus APIs",
365 "url": "https://github.com/nathwill/ruby-dbus-systemd"
366 },
367 {
368 "category": "Related Packages",
369 "title": "Erlang bindings for the Journal APIs",
370 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/ejournald"
371 },
372 {
373 "category": "Related Packages",
374 "title": "Erlang journald backend for Lager",
375 "url": "https://github.com/travelping/lager_journald_backend"
376 },
377 {
378 "category": "Related Packages",
379 "title": "Perl bindings for the Journal APIs",
380 "url": "https://metacpan.org/release/LKUNDRAK/Log-Journald-0.10"
381 },
382 {
383 "category": "Related Packages",
384 "title": "GLib bindings",
385 "url": "https://github.com/tcbrindle/systemd-glib"
386 },
387 {
388 "category": "Related Packages",
389 "title": "python-systemd",
390 "url": "https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/python-systemd/index.html"
391 },
392 {
393 "category": "Related Packages",
394 "title": "pystemd",
395 "url": "https://github.com/systemd/pystemd"
396 },
397 {
398 "category": "Related Packages",
399 "title": "C++ bindings for sd-bus",
400 "url": "https://github.com/Kistler-Group/sdbus-cpp/"
6b2a2776 401 },
402 {
403 "category": "Documentation for Developers - external links",
404 "title": "On /etc/os-release",
405 "url": "http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/os-release.html"
406 },
407 {
408 "category": "Documentation for Developers - external links",
409 "title": "Control Groups vs. Control Groups",
410 "url": "http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/cgroups-vs-cgroups.html"
411 },
412 {
413 "category": "Documentation for Developers - external links",
414 "title": "The 30 Biggest Myths about systemd",
415 "url": "http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/the-biggest-myths.html"
416 },
417 {
418 "category": "Documentation for Developers - external links",
419 "title": "Introduction to systemd in French",
420 "url": "http://lea-linux.org/documentations/Systemd"
421 },
4049d92f 422 {
423 "category": "The various distributions",
424 "title": "Fedora packages",
425 "url": "https://packages.fedoraproject.org/pkgs/systemd/systemd/"
426 },
427 {
428 "category": "The various distributions",
429 "title": "Fedora sources",
430 "url": "https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/systemd"
431 },
432 {
433 "category": "The various distributions",
434 "title": "Fedora bugtracker",
435 "url": "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?list_id=565273&classification=Fedora&query_format=advanced&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=MODIFIED&bug_status=ON_DEV&bug_status=ON_QA&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=RELEASE_PENDING&bug_status=POST&component=systemd&product=Fedora"
436 },
437 {
438 "category": "The various distributions",
439 "title": "openSUSE packages",
440 "url": "https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/systemd"
441 },
442 {
443 "category": "The various distributions",
444 "title": "openSUSE instructions",
445 "url": "http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Systemd"
446 },
447 {
448 "category": "The various distributions",
449 "title": "openSUSE bugtracker",
450 "url": "https://bugzilla.novell.com/buglist.cgi?short_desc=systemd&field0-0-0=product&type0-0-1=substring&field0-0-1=component&classification=openSUSE&value0-0-2=systemd&query_based_on=systemd&query_format=advanced&type0-0-3=substring&field0-0-3=status_whiteboard&value0-0-3=systemd&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=REOPENED&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&field0-0-2=short_desc&value0-0-1=systemd&type0-0-0=substring&value0-0-0=systemd&type0-0-2=substring&known_name=systemd"
451 },
452 {
453 "category": "The various distributions",
454 "title": "Arch Linux packages",
455 "url": "https://www.archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/systemd/"
456 },
457 {
458 "category": "The various distributions",
459 "title": "Arch Linux wiki",
460 "url": "https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd"
461 },
462 {
463 "category": "The various distributions",
464 "title": "Arch Linux bugtracker",
dc4eb788 465 "url": "https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/systemd/-/issues"
4049d92f 466 },
467 {
468 "category": "The various distributions",
469 "title": "Debian packages",
470 "url": "http://packages.debian.org/systemd"
471 },
472 {
473 "category": "The various distributions",
474 "title": "Debian wiki",
475 "url": "http://wiki.debian.org/systemd"
476 },
477 {
478 "category": "The various distributions",
479 "title": "Debian bugtracker",
480 "url": "http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?ordering=normal;archive=0;src=systemd"
481 },
482 {
483 "category": "The various distributions",
484 "title": "Ubuntu packages",
485 "url": "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd"
486 },
487 {
488 "category": "The various distributions",
489 "title": "Ubuntu wiki",
490 "url": "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/systemd"
491 },
492 {
493 "category": "The various distributions",
494 "title": "Mageia packages",
495 "url": "http://svnweb.mageia.org/packages/cauldron/systemd/current/"
496 },
497 {
498 "category": "The various distributions",
499 "title": "Mageia bugtracker",
500 "url": "https://bugs.mageia.org/buglist.cgi?field0-0-0=cf_rpmpkg&query_format=advanced&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&type0-0-0=substring&value0-0-0=systemd&component=RPM%20Packages&product=Mageia"
501 },
502 {
503 "category": "The various distributions",
504 "title": "Gentoo packages",
505 "url": "http://packages.gentoo.org/package/sys-apps/systemd"
506 },
507 {
508 "category": "The various distributions",
509 "title": "Gentoo wiki",
510 "url": "http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Systemd"
511 },
512 {
513 "category": "The various distributions",
514 "title": "Gentoo bugtracker",
515 "url": "https://bugs.gentoo.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=systemd"
516 }
5d3f5e40 517]