]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/openssl.git/blob - apps/CA.pl.in
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[thirdparty/openssl.git] / apps / CA.pl.in
1 #!{- $config{perl} -}
2 # Copyright 2000-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 #
4 # Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
5 # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
9 #
10 # Wrapper around the ca to make it easier to use
11 #
12 # {- join("\n# ", @autowarntext) -}
14 use strict;
15 use warnings;
17 my $openssl = "openssl";
18 if(defined $ENV{'OPENSSL'}) {
19 $openssl = $ENV{'OPENSSL'};
20 } else {
21 $ENV{'OPENSSL'} = $openssl;
22 }
24 my $verbose = 1;
27 my $DAYS = "-days 365";
28 my $CADAYS = "-days 1095"; # 3 years
29 my $REQ = "$openssl req $OPENSSL_CONFIG";
30 my $CA = "$openssl ca $OPENSSL_CONFIG";
31 my $VERIFY = "$openssl verify";
32 my $X509 = "$openssl x509";
33 my $PKCS12 = "$openssl pkcs12";
35 # default openssl.cnf file has setup as per the following
36 my $CATOP = "./demoCA";
37 my $CAKEY = "cakey.pem";
38 my $CAREQ = "careq.pem";
39 my $CACERT = "cacert.pem";
40 my $CACRL = "crl.pem";
41 my $DIRMODE = 0777;
43 my $NEWKEY = "newkey.pem";
44 my $NEWREQ = "newreq.pem";
45 my $NEWCERT = "newcert.pem";
46 my $NEWP12 = "newcert.p12";
47 my $RET = 0;
48 my $WHAT = shift @ARGV;
49 my $FILE;
51 # See if reason for a CRL entry is valid; exit if not.
52 sub crl_reason_ok
53 {
54 my $r = shift;
56 if ($r eq 'unspecified' || $r eq 'keyCompromise'
57 || $r eq 'CACompromise' || $r eq 'affiliationChanged'
58 || $r eq 'superseded' || $r eq 'cessationOfOperation'
59 || $r eq 'certificateHold' || $r eq 'removeFromCRL') {
60 return 1;
61 }
62 print STDERR "Invalid CRL reason; must be one of:\n";
63 print STDERR " unspecified, keyCompromise, CACompromise,\n";
64 print STDERR " affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOperation\n";
65 print STDERR " certificateHold, removeFromCRL";
66 exit 1;
67 }
69 # Copy a PEM-format file; return like exit status (zero means ok)
70 sub copy_pemfile
71 {
72 my ($infile, $outfile, $bound) = @_;
73 my $found = 0;
75 open IN, $infile || die "Cannot open $infile, $!";
76 open OUT, ">$outfile" || die "Cannot write to $outfile, $!";
77 while (<IN>) {
78 $found = 1 if /^-----BEGIN.*$bound/;
79 print OUT $_ if $found;
80 $found = 2, last if /^-----END.*$bound/;
81 }
82 close IN;
83 close OUT;
84 return $found == 2 ? 0 : 1;
85 }
87 # Wrapper around system; useful for debugging. Returns just the exit status
88 sub run
89 {
90 my $cmd = shift;
91 print "====\n$cmd\n" if $verbose;
92 my $status = system($cmd);
93 print "==> $status\n====\n" if $verbose;
94 return $status >> 8;
95 }
98 if ( $WHAT =~ /^(-\?|-h|-help)$/ ) {
99 print STDERR "usage: CA -newcert|-newreq|-newreq-nodes|-newca|-sign|-verify\n";
100 print STDERR " CA -pkcs12 [certname]\n";
101 print STDERR " CA -crl|-revoke cert-filename [reason]\n";
102 exit 0;
103 }
104 if ($WHAT eq '-newcert' ) {
105 # create a certificate
106 $RET = run("$REQ -new -x509 -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWCERT $DAYS");
107 print "Cert is in $NEWCERT, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
108 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-newreq' ) {
109 # create a certificate request
110 $RET = run("$REQ -new -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWREQ $DAYS");
111 print "Request is in $NEWREQ, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
112 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-newreq-nodes' ) {
113 # create a certificate request
114 $RET = run("$REQ -new -nodes -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWREQ $DAYS");
115 print "Request is in $NEWREQ, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
116 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-newca' ) {
117 # create the directory hierarchy
118 mkdir ${CATOP}, $DIRMODE;
119 mkdir "${CATOP}/certs", $DIRMODE;
120 mkdir "${CATOP}/crl", $DIRMODE ;
121 mkdir "${CATOP}/newcerts", $DIRMODE;
122 mkdir "${CATOP}/private", $DIRMODE;
123 open OUT, ">${CATOP}/index.txt";
124 close OUT;
125 open OUT, ">${CATOP}/crlnumber";
126 print OUT "01\n";
127 close OUT;
128 # ask user for existing CA certificate
129 print "CA certificate filename (or enter to create)\n";
130 $FILE = "" unless defined($FILE = <STDIN>);
131 $FILE =~ s{\R$}{};
132 if ($FILE ne "") {
133 copy_pemfile($FILE,"${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY", "PRIVATE");
134 copy_pemfile($FILE,"${CATOP}/$CACERT", "CERTIFICATE");
135 } else {
136 print "Making CA certificate ...\n";
137 $RET = run("$REQ -new -keyout"
138 . " ${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY"
139 . " -out ${CATOP}/$CAREQ");
140 $RET = run("$CA -create_serial"
141 . " -out ${CATOP}/$CACERT $CADAYS -batch"
142 . " -keyfile ${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY -selfsign"
143 . " -extensions v3_ca"
144 . " -infiles ${CATOP}/$CAREQ") if $RET == 0;
145 print "CA certificate is in ${CATOP}/$CACERT\n" if $RET == 0;
146 }
147 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-pkcs12' ) {
148 my $cname = $ARGV[1];
149 $cname = "My Certificate" unless defined $cname;
150 $RET = run("$PKCS12 -in $NEWCERT -inkey $NEWKEY"
151 . " -certfile ${CATOP}/$CACERT"
152 . " -out $NEWP12"
153 . " -export -name \"$cname\"");
154 print "PKCS #12 file is in $NEWP12\n" if $RET == 0;
155 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-xsign' ) {
156 $RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -infiles $NEWREQ");
157 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-sign' ) {
158 $RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT -infiles $NEWREQ");
159 print "Signed certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
160 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-signCA' ) {
161 $RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
162 . " -extensions v3_ca -infiles $NEWREQ");
163 print "Signed CA certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
164 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-signcert' ) {
165 $RET = run("$X509 -x509toreq -in $NEWREQ -signkey $NEWREQ"
166 . " -out tmp.pem");
167 $RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
168 . " -infiles tmp.pem") if $RET == 0;
169 print "Signed certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
170 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-verify' ) {
171 my @files = @ARGV ? @ARGV : ( $NEWCERT );
172 my $file;
173 foreach $file (@files) {
174 my $status = run("$VERIFY \"-CAfile\" ${CATOP}/$CACERT $file");
175 $RET = $status if $status != 0;
176 }
177 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-crl' ) {
178 $RET = run("$CA -gencrl -out ${CATOP}/crl/$CACRL");
179 print "Generated CRL is in ${CATOP}/crl/$CACRL\n" if $RET == 0;
180 } elsif ($WHAT eq '-revoke' ) {
181 my $cname = $ARGV[1];
182 if (!defined $cname) {
183 print "Certificate filename is required; reason optional.\n";
184 exit 1;
185 }
186 my $reason = $ARGV[2];
187 $reason = " -crl_reason $reason"
188 if defined $reason && crl_reason_ok($reason);
189 $RET = run("$CA -revoke \"$cname\"" . $reason);
190 } else {
191 print STDERR "Unknown arg \"$WHAT\"\n";
192 print STDERR "Use -help for help.\n";
193 exit 1;
194 }
196 exit $RET;