]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/teissler/ipfire-2.x.git/blob - config/forwardfw/rules.pl
Forward Firewall: on every reload of the new firewall-rules the firewall.local is...
[people/teissler/ipfire-2.x.git] / config / forwardfw / rules.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 ###############################################################################
3 # #
4 # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall #
5 # Copyright (C) 2012 #
6 # #
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
10 # (at your option) any later version. #
11 # #
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
15 # GNU General Public License for more details. #
16 # #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
19 # #
20 ###############################################################################
21 # #
22 # Hi folks! I hope this code is useful for all. I needed something to handle #
23 # my VPN Connections in a comfortable way. #
24 # This script builds firewallrules from the webinterface #
25 ###############################################################################
27 use strict;
28 use Time::Local;
29 no warnings 'uninitialized';
31 # enable only the following on debugging purpose
32 #use warnings;
33 #use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
35 my %fwdfwsettings=();
36 my %defaultNetworks=();
37 my %configfwdfw=();
38 my %color=();
39 my %icmptypes=();
40 my %ovpnSettings=();
41 my %customgrp=();
42 our %sourcehash=();
43 our %targethash=();
44 my @timeframe=();
45 my %configinputfw=();
46 my %configoutgoingfw=();
47 my %configdmzfw=();
48 my %confignatfw=();
49 my %aliases=();
50 my @DPROT=();
51 my @p2ps=();
52 require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl';
53 require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl";
54 require "${General::swroot}/forward/bin/firewall-lib.pl";
56 my $configdmz = "${General::swroot}/forward/dmz";
57 my $configfwdfw = "${General::swroot}/forward/config";
58 my $configinput = "${General::swroot}/forward/input";
59 my $configoutgoing = "${General::swroot}/forward/outgoing";
60 my $confignat = "${General::swroot}/forward/nat";
61 my $p2pfile = "${General::swroot}/forward/p2protocols";
62 my $configgrp = "${General::swroot}/fwhosts/customgroups";
63 my $netsettings = "${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings";
64 my $errormessage='';
65 my $orange;
66 my $green;
67 my $blue;
70 my $conexists='off';
71 my $command = 'iptables -A';
72 my $dnat='';
73 my $snat='';
74 &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/forward/settings", \%fwdfwsettings);
75 &General::readhash("$netsettings", \%defaultNetworks);
76 &General::readhasharray($configdmz, \%configdmzfw);
77 &General::readhasharray($configfwdfw, \%configfwdfw);
78 &General::readhasharray($configinput, \%configinputfw);
79 &General::readhasharray($configoutgoing, \%configoutgoingfw);
80 &General::readhasharray($confignat, \%confignatfw);
81 &General::readhasharray($configgrp, \%customgrp);
82 &General::get_aliases(\%aliases);
84 #check if we have an internetconnection
85 open (CONN,"/var/ipfire/red/iface");
86 my $con = <CONN>;
87 close(CONN);
88 if (-f "/var/ipfire/red/active"){
89 $conexists='on';
90 }
91 open (CONN1,"/var/ipfire/red/local-ipaddress");
92 my $redip = <CONN1>;
93 close(CONN1);
94 ################################
96 ################################
97 my $MODE=1; # 0 - normal operation
98 # 1 - print configline and rules to console
99 #
100 ################################
101 my $param=shift;
103 if($param eq 'flush'){
104 if ($MODE eq '1'){
105 print " Flushing chains...\n";
106 }
107 &flush;
108 }else{
109 if ($MODE eq '1'){
110 print " Flushing chains...\n";
111 }
112 &flush;
113 if ($MODE eq '1'){
114 print " Preparing rules...\n";
115 }
116 &preparerules;
117 if($MODE eq '0'){
118 if ($fwdfwsettings{'POLICY'} eq 'MODE1'){
119 &p2pblock;
120 system ("/usr/sbin/firewall-policy");
121 }elsif($fwdfwsettings{'POLICY'} eq 'MODE2'){
122 $defaultNetworks{'GREEN_NETMASK'}=&General::iporsubtocidr($defaultNetworks{'GREEN_NETMASK'});
123 $green="$defaultNetworks{'GREEN_ADDRESS'}/$defaultNetworks{'GREEN_NETMASK'}";
124 if ($defaultNetworks{'BLUE_DEV'}){
125 $defaultNetworks{'BLUE_NETMASK'}=&General::iporsubtocidr($defaultNetworks{'BLUE_NETMASK'});
126 $blue="$defaultNetworks{'BLUE_ADDRESS'}/$defaultNetworks{'BLUE_NETMASK'}";
127 #set default rules for BLUE
128 system ("iptables -A $CHAIN -s $blue -d $green -j RETURN");
129 }
130 if ($defaultNetworks{'ORANGE_DEV'}){
131 $defaultNetworks{'ORANGE_NETMASK'}=&General::iporsubtocidr($defaultNetworks{'ORANGE_NETMASK'});
132 $orange="$defaultNetworks{'ORANGE_ADDRESS'}/$defaultNetworks{'ORANGE_NETMASK'}";
133 #set default rules for DMZ
134 system ("iptables -A $CHAIN -s $orange -d $green -j RETURN");
135 if ($defaultNetworks{'BLUE_DEV'}){
136 system ("iptables -A $CHAIN -s $orange -d $blue -j RETURN");
137 }
138 }
139 &p2pblock;
140 system ("iptables -A $CHAIN -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT");
141 system ("/usr/sbin/firewall-policy");
142 system ("/etc/sysconfig/firewall.local reload");
143 }
144 }
145 }
146 sub flush
147 {
148 system ("iptables -F FORWARDFW");
149 system ("iptables -F INPUTFW");
150 system ("iptables -F OUTGOINGFW");
151 system ("iptables -F PORTFWACCESS");
152 system ("iptables -t nat -F NAT_DESTINATION");
153 system ("iptables -t nat -F NAT_SOURCE");
154 }
155 sub preparerules
156 {
157 if (! -z "${General::swroot}/forward/dmz"){
158 &buildrules(\%configdmzfw);
159 }
160 if (! -z "${General::swroot}/forward/config"){
161 &buildrules(\%configfwdfw);
162 }
163 if (! -z "${General::swroot}/forward/input"){
164 &buildrules(\%configinputfw);
165 }
166 if (! -z "${General::swroot}/forward/outgoing"){
167 &buildrules(\%configoutgoingfw);
168 }
169 if (! -z "${General::swroot}/forward/nat"){
170 &buildrules(\%confignatfw);
171 }
172 }
173 sub buildrules
174 {
175 my $hash=shift;
176 my $STAG;
177 my $natip;
178 my $snatport;
179 my $fireport;
180 my $nat;
181 my $fwaccessdport;
182 foreach my $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$hash){
183 next if (($$hash{$key}[6] eq 'RED' || $$hash{$key}[6] eq 'RED1') && $conexists eq 'off' );
184 if ($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON'){
185 $command='iptables -t nat -A';
186 $natip=&get_nat_ip($$hash{$key}[29],$$hash{$key}[31]);
187 if($$hash{$key}[31] eq 'dnat'){
188 $nat='DNAT';
189 if ($$hash{$key}[30] =~ /\|/){
190 $$hash{$key}[30]=~ tr/|/,/;
191 $fireport='-m multiport --dport '.$$hash{$key}[30];
192 }else{
193 $fireport='--dport '.$$hash{$key}[30] if ($$hash{$key}[30]>0);
194 }
195 }else{
196 $nat='SNAT';
197 }
198 }
199 $STAG='';
200 if($$hash{$key}[2] eq 'ON'){
201 #get source ip's
202 if ($$hash{$key}[3] eq 'cust_grp_src'){
203 foreach my $grp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %customgrp){
204 if($customgrp{$grp}[0] eq $$hash{$key}[4]){
205 &get_address($customgrp{$grp}[3],$customgrp{$grp}[2],"src");
206 }
207 }
208 }else{
209 &get_address($$hash{$key}[3],$$hash{$key}[4],"src");
210 }
211 #get target ip's
212 if ($$hash{$key}[5] eq 'cust_grp_tgt'){
213 foreach my $grp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %customgrp){
214 if($customgrp{$grp}[0] eq $$hash{$key}[6]){
215 &get_address($customgrp{$grp}[3],$customgrp{$grp}[2],"tgt");
216 }
217 }
218 }elsif($$hash{$key}[5] eq 'ipfire'){
219 if($$hash{$key}[6] eq 'GREEN'){
220 $targethash{$key}[0]=$defaultNetworks{'GREEN_ADDRESS'};
221 }
222 if($$hash{$key}[6] eq 'BLUE'){
223 $targethash{$key}[0]=$defaultNetworks{'BLUE_ADDRESS'};
224 }
225 if($$hash{$key}[6] eq 'ORANGE'){
226 $targethash{$key}[0]=$defaultNetworks{'ORANGE_ADDRESS'};
227 }
228 if($$hash{$key}[6] eq 'ALL'){
229 $targethash{$key}[0]='';
230 }
231 if($$hash{$key}[6] eq 'RED' || $$hash{$key}[6] eq 'RED1'){
232 open(FILE, "/var/ipfire/red/local-ipaddress")or die "Couldn't open local-ipaddress";
233 $targethash{$key}[0]= <FILE>;
234 close(FILE);
235 }else{
236 foreach my $alias (sort keys %aliases){
237 if ($$hash{$key}[6] eq $alias){
238 $targethash{$key}[0]=$aliases{$alias}{'IPT'};
239 }
240 }
241 }
242 }else{
243 &get_address($$hash{$key}[5],$$hash{$key}[6],"tgt");
244 }
245 ##get source prot and port
246 $SRC_TGT='SRC';
247 $SPROT = &get_prot($hash,$key);
248 $SPORT = &get_port($hash,$key);
249 $SRC_TGT='';
251 ##get target prot and port
252 $DPROT=&get_prot($hash,$key);
254 if ($DPROT eq ''){$DPROT=' ';}
255 @DPROT=split(",",$DPROT);
257 #get time if defined
258 if($$hash{$key}[18] eq 'ON'){
259 my ($time1,$time2,$daylight);
260 my $daylight=$$hash{$key}[28];
261 $time1=&get_time($$hash{$key}[26],$daylight);
262 $time2=&get_time($$hash{$key}[27],$daylight);
263 if($$hash{$key}[19] ne ''){push (@timeframe,"Mon");}
264 if($$hash{$key}[20] ne ''){push (@timeframe,"Tue");}
265 if($$hash{$key}[21] ne ''){push (@timeframe,"Wed");}
266 if($$hash{$key}[22] ne ''){push (@timeframe,"Thu");}
267 if($$hash{$key}[23] ne ''){push (@timeframe,"Fri");}
268 if($$hash{$key}[24] ne ''){push (@timeframe,"Sat");}
269 if($$hash{$key}[25] ne ''){push (@timeframe,"Sun");}
270 $TIME=join(",",@timeframe);
272 $TIMEFROM="--timestart $time1 ";
273 $TIMETILL="--timestop $time2 ";
274 $TIME="-m time --weekdays $TIME $TIMEFROM $TIMETILL";
275 }
276 if ($MODE eq '1'){
277 print "NR:$key ";
278 foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$$hash{$key}}){
279 print "$i: $$hash{$key}[$i] ";
280 }
281 print "\n";
282 print"##################################\n";
283 #print rules to console
284 foreach my $DPROT (@DPROT){
285 $DPORT = &get_port($hash,$key,$DPROT);
286 if ($SPROT ne ''){$PROT=$SPROT;}else{$PROT=$DPROT;}
287 $PROT="-p $PROT" if ($PROT ne '' && $PROT ne ' ');
288 foreach my $a (sort keys %sourcehash){
289 foreach my $b (sort keys %targethash){
290 if ($sourcehash{$a}[0] ne $targethash{$b}[0] && $targethash{$b}[0] ne 'none' || $sourcehash{$a}[0] eq ''){
291 if($SPROT eq '' || $SPROT eq $DPROT || $DPROT eq ' '){
292 if(substr($sourcehash{$a}[0], 3, 3) ne 'mac' && $sourcehash{$a}[0] ne ''){ $STAG="-s";}
293 if(substr($DPORT, 2, 4) eq 'icmp'){
294 my @icmprule= split(",",substr($DPORT, 12,));
295 foreach (@icmprule){
296 if ($$hash{$key}[17] eq 'ON'){
297 print "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] --icmp-type $_ $TIME -j LOG\n";
298 }
299 print "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] --icmp-type $_ $TIME -j $$hash{$key}[0]\n";
300 }
301 }elsif($$hash{$key}[28] ne 'ON'){
302 if ($$hash{$key}[17] eq 'ON'){
303 print "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] $DPORT $TIME -j LOG\n";
304 }
305 print "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] $DPORT $TIME -j $$hash{$key}[0]\n";
306 }elsif($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'dnat'){
307 if ($$hash{$key}[17] eq 'ON'){
308 print "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $fireport $TIME -j LOG --log-prefix 'DNAT' \n";
309 }
310 my ($ip,$sub) =split("/",$targethash{$b}[0]);
311 print "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT $natip $fireport $TIME -j $nat --to $ip$DPORT\n";
312 $DPORT =~ s/\-/:/g;
313 if ($DPORT){
314 $fwaccessdport="--dport ".substr($DPORT,1,);
315 }elsif(! $DPORT && $$hash{$key}[30] ne ''){
316 if ($$hash{$key}[30]=~m/|/i){
317 $$hash{$key}[30] =~ s/\|/,/g;
318 $fwaccessdport="-m multiport --dport $$hash{$key}[30]";
319 }else{
320 $fwaccessdport="--dport $$hash{$key}[30]";
321 }
322 }
323 print "iptables -A PORTFWACCESS $PROT -i $con $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] -d $ip $fwaccessdport $TIME -j $$hash{$key}[0]\n";
324 }elsif($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'snat'){
325 print "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] $DPORT $TIME -j $nat --to $natip\n";
326 }
327 }
328 }
329 }
330 }
331 print"\n";
332 }
333 }elsif($MODE eq '0'){
334 foreach my $DPROT (@DPROT){
335 $DPORT = &get_port($hash,$key,$DPROT);
336 if ($SPROT ne ''){$PROT=$SPROT;}else{$PROT=$DPROT;}
337 $PROT="-p $PROT" if ($PROT ne '' && $PROT ne ' ');
338 foreach my $a (sort keys %sourcehash){
339 foreach my $b (sort keys %targethash){
340 if ($sourcehash{$a}[0] ne $targethash{$b}[0] && $targethash{$b}[0] ne 'none' || $sourcehash{$a}[0] eq ''){
341 if($SPROT eq '' || $SPROT eq $DPROT || $DPROT eq ' '){
342 if(substr($sourcehash{$a}[0], 3, 3) ne 'mac' && $sourcehash{$a}[0] ne ''){ $STAG="-s";}
343 if(substr($DPORT, 2, 4) eq 'icmp'){
344 my @icmprule= split(",",substr($DPORT, 12,));
345 foreach (@icmprule){
346 if ($$hash{$key}[17] eq 'ON'){
347 system ("$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] -- icmp-type $_ $TIME -j LOG");
348 }
349 system ("$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] --icmp-type $_ $TIME -j $$hash{$key}[0]");
350 }
351 }elsif($$hash{$key}[28] ne 'ON'){
352 if ($$hash{$key}[17] eq 'ON'){
353 system "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] $DPORT $TIME -j LOG\n";
354 }
355 system "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] $DPORT $TIME -j $$hash{$key}[0]\n";
356 }elsif($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'dnat'){
357 if ($$hash{$key}[17] eq 'ON'){
358 system "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT $natip $fireport $TIME -j LOG --log-prefix 'DNAT' \n";
359 }
360 my ($ip,$sub) =split("/",$targethash{$b}[0]);
361 system "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT $natip $fireport $TIME -j $nat --to $ip$DPORT\n";
362 $DPORT =~ s/\-/:/g;
363 if ($DPORT){
364 $fwaccessdport="--dport ".substr($DPORT,1,);
365 }elsif(! $DPORT && $$hash{$key}[30] ne ''){
366 if ($$hash{$key}[30]=~m/|/i){
367 $$hash{$key}[30] =~ s/\|/,/g;
368 $fwaccessdport="-m multiport --dport $$hash{$key}[30]";
369 }else{
370 $fwaccessdport="--dport $$hash{$key}[30]";
371 }
372 }
373 system "iptables -A PORTFWACCESS $PROT -i $con $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] -d $ip $fwaccessdport $TIME -j $$hash{$key}[0]\n";
374 }elsif($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'snat'){
375 if ($$hash{$key}[17] eq 'ON'){
376 system "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] $DPORT $TIME -j LOG --log-prefix 'SNAT '\n";
377 }
378 system "$command $$hash{$key}[1] $PROT $STAG $sourcehash{$a}[0] $SPORT -d $targethash{$b}[0] $DPORT $TIME -j $nat --to $natip$fireport\n";
379 }
380 }
381 }
382 }
383 }
384 }
385 }
386 }
387 %sourcehash=();
388 %targethash=();
389 undef $TIME;
390 undef $TIMEFROM;
391 undef $TIMETILL;
392 undef $fireport;
393 }
394 }
395 sub get_nat_ip
396 {
397 my $val=shift;
398 my $type=shift;
399 my $result;
400 if($val eq 'RED' || $val eq 'GREEN' || $val eq 'ORANGE' || $val eq 'BLUE'){
401 $result=$defaultNetworks{$val.'_ADDRESS'};
402 }elsif($val eq 'ALL'){
403 $result='-i '.$con;
404 }elsif($val eq 'Default IP' && $type eq 'dnat'){
405 $result='-d '.$redip;
406 }elsif($val eq 'Default IP' && $type eq 'snat'){
407 $result=$redip;
408 }else{
409 foreach my $al (sort keys %aliases){
410 if($val eq $al && $type eq 'dnat'){
411 $result='-d '.$aliases{$al}{'IPT'};
412 }elsif($val eq $al && $type eq 'snat'){
413 $result=$aliases{$al}{'IPT'};
414 }
415 }
416 }
417 return $result;
418 }
419 sub get_time
420 {
421 my $val=shift;
422 my $val1=shift;
423 my $time;
424 my $minutes;
425 my $ruletime;
426 $minutes = &utcmin($val);
427 $ruletime = $minutes + &time_get_utc($val);
428 if ($ruletime < 0){$ruletime +=1440;}
429 if ($ruletime > 1440){$ruletime -=1440;}
430 $time=sprintf "%02d:%02d", $ruletime / 60, $ruletime % 60;
431 return $time;
432 }
433 sub time_get_utc
434 {
435 # Calculates the UTCtime from a given time
436 my $val=shift;
437 my @localtime=localtime(time);
438 my @gmtime=gmtime(time);
439 my $diff = ($gmtime[2]*60+$gmtime[1]%60)-($localtime[2]*60+$localtime[1]%60);
440 return $diff;
441 }
442 sub utcmin
443 {
444 my $ruletime=shift;
445 my ($hrs,$min) = split(":",$ruletime);
446 my $newtime = $hrs*60+$min;
447 return $newtime;
448 }
449 sub p2pblock
450 {
451 my $P2PSTRING;
452 my $DO;
453 open( FILE, "< $p2pfile" ) or die "Unable to read $p2pfile";
454 @p2ps = <FILE>;
455 close FILE;
456 my $CMD = "-m ipp2p";
457 foreach my $p2pentry (sort @p2ps) {
458 my @p2pline = split( /\;/, $p2pentry );
459 if ( $fwdfwsettings{'POLICY'} eq 'MODE1' ) {
460 $DO = "ACCEPT";
461 if ("$p2pline[2]" eq "on") {
462 $P2PSTRING = "$P2PSTRING --$p2pline[1]";
463 }
464 }else {
465 $DO = "RETURN";
466 if ("$p2pline[2]" eq "off") {
467 $P2PSTRING = "$P2PSTRING --$p2pline[1]";
468 }
469 }
470 }
471 if ($MODE eq 1){
472 if($P2PSTRING){
473 print"/sbin/iptables -A FORWARDFW $CMD $P2PSTRING -j $DO\n";
474 }
475 }else{
476 if($P2PSTRING){
477 system("/sbin/iptables -A FORWARDFW $CMD $P2PSTRING -j $DO");
478 }
479 }
480 }
481 sub get_address
482 {
483 my $base=shift; #source of checking ($configfwdfw{$key}[x] or groupkey
484 my $base2=shift;
485 my $type=shift; #src or tgt
486 my $hash;
487 if ($type eq 'src'){
488 $hash=\%sourcehash;
489 }else{
490 $hash=\%targethash;
491 }
492 my $key = &General::findhasharraykey($hash);
493 if($base eq 'src_addr' || $base eq 'tgt_addr' ){
494 if (&General::validmac($base2)){
495 $$hash{$key}[0] = "-m mac --mac-source $base2";
496 }else{
497 $$hash{$key}[0] = $base2;
498 }
499 }elsif($base eq 'std_net_src' || $base eq 'std_net_tgt' || $base eq 'Standard Network'){
500 $$hash{$key}[0]=&fwlib::get_std_net_ip($base2,$con);
501 }elsif($base eq 'cust_net_src' || $base eq 'cust_net_tgt' || $base eq 'Custom Network'){
502 $$hash{$key}[0]=&fwlib::get_net_ip($base2);
503 }elsif($base eq 'cust_host_src' || $base eq 'cust_host_tgt' || $base eq 'Custom Host'){
504 $$hash{$key}[0]=&fwlib::get_host_ip($base2,$type);
505 }elsif($base eq 'ovpn_net_src' || $base eq 'ovpn_net_tgt' || $base eq 'OpenVPN static network'){
506 $$hash{$key}[0]=&fwlib::get_ovpn_net_ip($base2,1);
507 }elsif($base eq 'ovpn_host_src' ||$base eq 'ovpn_host_tgt' || $base eq 'OpenVPN static host'){
508 $$hash{$key}[0]=&fwlib::get_ovpn_host_ip($base2,33);
509 }elsif($base eq 'ovpn_n2n_src' ||$base eq 'ovpn_n2n_tgt' || $base eq 'OpenVPN N-2-N'){
510 $$hash{$key}[0]=&fwlib::get_ovpn_n2n_ip($base2,11);
511 }elsif($base eq 'ipsec_net_src' || $base eq 'ipsec_net_tgt' || $base eq 'IpSec Network'){
512 $$hash{$key}[0]=&fwlib::get_ipsec_net_ip($base2,11);
513 }
514 }
515 sub get_prot
516 {
517 my $hash=shift;
518 my $key=shift;
519 if ($$hash{$key}[7] eq 'ON' && $SRC_TGT eq 'SRC'){
520 if ($$hash{$key}[10] ne ''){
521 return"$$hash{$key}[8]";
522 }elsif($$hash{$key}[9] ne ''){
523 return"$$hash{$key}[8]";
524 }else{
525 return "$$hash{$key}[8]";
526 }
527 }elsif($$hash{$key}[11] eq 'ON' && $SRC_TGT eq ''){
528 if ($$hash{$key}[14] eq 'TGT_PORT'){
529 if ($$hash{$key}[15] ne ''){
530 return "$$hash{$key}[12]";
531 }elsif($$hash{$key}[13] ne ''){
532 return "$$hash{$key}[12]";
533 }else{
534 return "$$hash{$key}[12]";
535 }
536 }elsif($$hash{$key}[14] eq 'cust_srv'){
537 return &fwlib::get_srv_prot($$hash{$key}[15]);
539 }elsif($$hash{$key}[14] eq 'cust_srvgrp'){
540 return &fwlib::get_srvgrp_prot($$hash{$key}[15]);
541 }
542 }
543 #DNAT
544 if ($SRC_TGT eq '' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'dnat' && $$hash{$key}[11] eq '' && $$hash{$key}[12] ne ''){
545 return "$$hash{$key}[12]";
546 }
547 }
548 sub get_port
549 {
550 my $hash=shift;
551 my $key=shift;
552 my $prot=shift;
553 if ($$hash{$key}[7] eq 'ON' && $SRC_TGT eq 'SRC'){
554 if ($$hash{$key}[10] ne ''){
555 $$hash{$key}[10] =~ s/\|/,/g;
556 if(index($$hash{$key}[10],",") > 0){
557 return "-m multiport --sport $$hash{$key}[10] ";
558 }else{
559 if($$hash{$key}[28] ne 'ON' || ($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'snat') ||($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'dnat') ){
560 return "--sport $$hash{$key}[10] ";
561 }else{
562 return ":$$hash{$key}[10]";
563 }
564 }
565 }elsif($$hash{$key}[9] ne '' && $$hash{$key}[9] ne 'All ICMP-Types'){
566 return "--icmp-type $$hash{$key}[9] ";
567 }elsif($$hash{$key}[9] eq 'All ICMP-Types'){
568 return;
569 }
570 }elsif($$hash{$key}[11] eq 'ON' && $SRC_TGT eq ''){
571 if($$hash{$key}[14] eq 'TGT_PORT'){
572 if ($$hash{$key}[15] ne ''){
573 $$hash{$key}[15] =~ s/\|/,/g;
574 if(index($$hash{$key}[15],",") > 0){
575 return "-m multiport --dport $$hash{$key}[15] ";
576 }else{
577 if($$hash{$key}[28] ne 'ON' || ($$hash{$key}[28] eq 'ON' && $$hash{$key}[31] eq 'snat') ){
578 return "--dport $$hash{$key}[15] ";
579 }else{
580 $$hash{$key}[15] =~ s/\:/-/g;
581 return ":$$hash{$key}[15]";
582 }
583 }
584 }elsif($$hash{$key}[13] ne '' && $$hash{$key}[13] ne 'All ICMP-Types'){
585 return "--icmp-type $$hash{$key}[13] ";
586 }elsif($$hash{$key}[13] ne '' && $$hash{$key}[13] eq 'All ICMP-Types'){
587 return;
588 }
589 }elsif($$hash{$key}[14] eq 'cust_srv'){
590 if ($prot ne 'ICMP'){
591 if($$hash{$key}[31] eq 'dnat'){
592 return ":".&fwlib::get_srv_port($$hash{$key}[15],1,$prot);
593 }else{
594 return "--dport ".&fwlib::get_srv_port($$hash{$key}[15],1,$prot);
595 }
596 }elsif($prot eq 'ICMP' && $$hash{$key}[15] ne 'All ICMP-Types'){
597 return "--icmp-type ".&fwlib::get_srv_port($$hash{$key}[15],3,$prot);
598 }elsif($prot eq 'ICMP' && $$hash{$key}[15] eq 'All ICMP-Types'){
599 return;
600 }
601 }elsif($$hash{$key}[14] eq 'cust_srvgrp'){
602 if ($prot ne 'ICMP'){
603 return &fwlib::get_srvgrp_port($$hash{$key}[15],$prot);
604 }
605 elsif($prot eq 'ICMP'){
606 return &fwlib::get_srvgrp_port($$hash{$key}[15],$prot);
607 }
608 }
609 }
610 }