]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/sarg.git/blob - exclude.c
[thirdparty/sarg.git] / exclude.c
1 /*
2 * SARG Squid Analysis Report Generator http://sarg.sourceforge.net
3 * 1998, 2010
4 *
5 * SARG donations:
6 * please look at http://sarg.sourceforge.net/donations.php
7 * Support:
8 * http://sourceforge.net/projects/sarg/forums/forum/363374
9 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
10 *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 * (at your option) any later version.
15 *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 *
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
24 *
25 */
27 #include "include/conf.h"
28 #include "include/defs.h"
30 struct hostip4struct
31 {
32 //! The IP address.
33 unsigned long int address;
34 //! The mask to match the address of the URL.
35 unsigned long int mask;
36 };
38 struct hostnamestruct
39 {
40 //! The URL to match without any leading wildcard.
41 char *url;
42 //! The number of dots in the url if a wildcard is present or -1 if the address is complete (no wildcard)
43 int ndots;
44 };
46 static struct hostip4struct *exclude_ip4=NULL;
47 static int num_exclude_ip4=0;
48 static struct hostnamestruct *exclude_name=NULL;
49 static int num_exclude_name=0;
50 static int ip4allocated=0;
51 static int nameallocated=0;
53 static char *excludeuser=NULL;
55 static void store_exclude_ip4(unsigned short int *addr,int mask)
56 {
57 int i;
59 if (num_exclude_ip4>=ip4allocated) {
60 struct hostip4struct *temp;
62 ip4allocated+=5;
63 temp=realloc(exclude_ip4,ip4allocated*sizeof(*temp));
64 if (temp==NULL) {
65 debuga(_("Not enough memory to store the exlcluded IP addresses\n"));
66 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
67 }
68 exclude_ip4=temp;
69 }
70 exclude_ip4[num_exclude_ip4].address=0UL;
71 for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
72 exclude_ip4[num_exclude_ip4].address=(exclude_ip4[num_exclude_ip4].address<<8) | (unsigned char)(addr[i] & 0xFFU);
73 exclude_ip4[num_exclude_ip4].mask=(0xFFFFFFFFUL << (32-mask));
74 num_exclude_ip4++;
75 }
77 static void store_exclude_url(char *url,int length)
78 {
79 int start;
80 int i;
81 int ndots, firstdot;
82 struct hostnamestruct *item;
84 start=0;
85 ndots=-1;
86 firstdot=0;
87 for (i=0 ; i<length ; i++)
88 if (url[i]=='*') {
89 firstdot=1;
90 } else if (url[i]=='.') {
91 if (firstdot) {
92 firstdot=0;
93 ndots=1;
94 start=i+1;
95 } else if (ndots>=0)
96 ndots++;
97 }
98 if (start>=length || firstdot) return;
99 if (start>0) {
100 url+=start;
101 length-=start;
102 }
104 if (num_exclude_name>=nameallocated) {
105 struct hostnamestruct *temp;
107 nameallocated+=5;
108 temp=realloc(exclude_name,nameallocated*sizeof(*temp));
109 if (temp==NULL) {
110 debuga(_("Not enough memory to store the excluded URLs\n"));
111 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
112 }
113 exclude_name=temp;
114 }
116 item=exclude_name+num_exclude_name;
117 num_exclude_name++;
118 item->url=malloc(length+1);
119 if (!item->url) {
120 debuga(_("Not enough memory to store the excluded URLs\n"));
121 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
122 }
123 strncpy(item->url,url,length);
124 item->url[length]='\0';
125 item->ndots=(ndots>0) ? ndots : -1;
126 }
129 void gethexclude(const char *hexfile, int debug)
130 {
131 FILE *fp_ex;
132 char buf[255];
133 int i;
134 int ip_size;
135 unsigned int value4, value6;
136 unsigned short int addr[8];
137 int addr_len;
138 int mask, max_mask;
140 if(access(hexfile, R_OK) != 0) {
141 debuga(_("Cannot open exclude_hosts file: %s - %s\n"),hexfile,strerror(errno));
142 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
143 }
144 if(debug)
145 debuga(_("Loading exclude host file from: %s\n"),hexfile);
147 if ((fp_ex = fopen(hexfile, "r")) == NULL) {
148 debuga(_("(gethexclude) Cannot open file %s - %s\n"),hexfile,strerror(errno));
149 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
150 }
152 while(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp_ex)!=NULL){
153 if(buf[0]=='#')
154 continue;
155 fixendofline(buf);
156 ip_size=0x60 | 0x04;
157 value4=0U;
158 value6=0U;
159 addr_len=0;
160 for (i=0 ; (unsigned char)buf[i]>' ' && buf[i]!='/' ; i++) {
161 if (ip_size & 0x04) {
162 if (isdigit(buf[i])) {
163 value4=value4*10+(buf[i]-'0');
164 if (value4>0xFFU) ip_size&=~0x04;
165 } else if (buf[i]=='.' && addr_len<4) {
166 addr[addr_len++]=(unsigned short)(value4 & 0xFFU);
167 value4=0U;
168 } else {
169 ip_size&=~0x04;
170 }
171 }
172 if (ip_size & 0x60) {
173 if (isdigit(buf[i])) {
174 value6=(value6<<4)+(buf[i]-'0');
175 if (value6>0xFFFFU) ip_size&=~0x60;
176 } else if (toupper(buf[i])>='A' && toupper(buf[i])<='F') {
177 value6=(value6<<4)+(toupper(buf[i])-'A'+10);
178 if (value6>0xFFFFU) ip_size&=~0x60;
179 } else if (buf[i]==':' && addr_len<8) {
180 addr[addr_len++]=(unsigned short)(value6 & 0xFFFFU);
181 value6=0U;
182 } else {
183 ip_size&=~0x60;
184 }
185 }
186 }
187 if (i==0) continue;
188 if (ip_size & 0x04) {
189 if (addr_len!=3)
190 ip_size&=~0x04;
191 else
192 addr[addr_len++]=(unsigned short)(value4 & 0xFFU);
193 }
194 if (ip_size & 0x60) {
195 if (addr_len>=8)
196 ip_size&=~0x60;
197 else
198 addr[addr_len++]=(unsigned short)(value6 & 0xFFFFU);
199 }
200 if (ip_size) {
201 max_mask=(ip_size & 0x04) ? 4*8 : 8*16;
202 if (buf[i]=='/') {
203 mask=atoi(buf+i+1);
204 if (mask<0 || mask>max_mask) mask=max_mask;
205 } else
206 mask=max_mask;
207 if (ip_size & 0x04)
208 store_exclude_ip4(addr,mask);
209 else {
210 debuga(_("IPv6 addresses are not supported (found in %s)\n"),hexfile);
211 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
212 }
213 } else {
214 store_exclude_url(buf,i);
215 }
216 }
218 fclose(fp_ex);
219 return;
220 }
222 int vhexclude(const char *url)
223 {
224 int i, j;
225 int length;
226 int ip_size;
227 unsigned int value4, value6;
228 unsigned long int addr4;
229 unsigned short int addr6[8];
230 int addr_len;
231 int dotpos[10];
232 int ndots;
234 ip_size=0x60 | 0x04;
235 addr4=0UL;
236 value4=0U;
237 value6=0U;
238 addr_len=0;
239 for (i=0 ; (unsigned char)url[i]>' ' && url[i]!='/' && url[i]!='?'&& ((ip_size & 0x60)!=0 || url[i]!=':') && ip_size ; i++) {
240 if (ip_size & 0x04) {
241 if (isdigit(url[i])) {
242 value4=value4*10+(url[i]-'0');
243 if (value4>0xFFU) ip_size&=~0x04;
244 } else if (url[i]=='.' && addr_len<4) {
245 addr_len++;
246 addr4=(addr4<<8) | (unsigned long int)(value4 & 0xFFU);
247 value4=0U;
248 } else {
249 ip_size&=~0x04;
250 }
251 }
252 if (ip_size & 0x60) {
253 if (isdigit(url[i])) {
254 value6=(value6<<4)+(url[i]-'0');
255 if (value6>0xFFFFU) ip_size&=~0x60;
256 } else if (toupper(url[i])>='A' && toupper(url[i])<='F') {
257 value6=(value6<<4)+(toupper(url[i])-'A'+10);
258 if (value6>0xFFFFU) ip_size&=~0x60;
259 } else if (url[i]==':' && addr_len<8) {
260 addr6[addr_len++]=(unsigned short)(value6 & 0xFFFFU);
261 value6=0U;
262 } else {
263 ip_size&=~0x60;
264 }
265 }
266 }
267 if ((ip_size & 0x04) && addr_len==3) {
268 if (exclude_ip4 == NULL) return(1);
269 addr4=(addr4<<8) | (unsigned long int)(value4 & 0xFFU);
270 for (i=0 ; i<num_exclude_ip4 ; i++)
271 if (((exclude_ip4[i].address ^ addr4) & exclude_ip4[i].mask)==0) return(0);
272 } else if ((ip_size & 0x60) && addr_len<8) {
273 addr6[addr_len++]=(unsigned short)(value6 & 0xFFFFU);
274 } else {
275 if (exclude_name == NULL) return(1);
276 ndots=0;
277 for (length=0 ; (unsigned char)url[length]>' ' && url[length]!=':' && url[length]!='/' && url[length]!='?' ; length++)
278 if (url[length]=='.') {
279 /*
280 We store the position of each dots of the URL to match it against any
281 wildcard in the excluded list. The size of dotpos is big enough for the most
282 ambitious URL but we have a safety mechanism that shift the positions should there be too
283 many dots in the URL.
284 */
285 if (ndots<sizeof(dotpos)/sizeof(dotpos[0]))
286 dotpos[ndots++]=length+1;
287 else {
288 for (j=1 ; j<ndots ; j++) dotpos[j-1]=dotpos[j];
289 dotpos[ndots-1]=length+1;
290 }
291 }
292 if (length>0) {
293 for (i=0 ; i<num_exclude_name ; i++) {
294 if (exclude_name[i].ndots>0) {
295 const char *wurl=url;
296 int len=length;
297 if (exclude_name[i].ndots<=ndots) {
298 wurl+=dotpos[ndots-exclude_name[i].ndots];
299 len-=dotpos[ndots-exclude_name[i].ndots];
300 }
301 if (strncmp(exclude_name[i].url,wurl,len)==0 && exclude_name[i].url[len]=='\0') return(0);
302 } else {
303 if (strncmp(exclude_name[i].url,url,length)==0 && exclude_name[i].url[length]=='\0') return(0);
304 }
305 }
306 }
307 }
309 return(1);
310 }
313 void getuexclude(const char *uexfile, int debug)
314 {
316 FILE *fp_ex;
317 char buf[255];
318 long int nreg=0;
320 if(debug)
321 debuga(_("Loading exclude file from: %s\n"),uexfile);
323 if ((fp_ex = fopen(uexfile, "r")) == NULL) {
324 debuga(_("(gethexclude) Cannot open file %s - %s\n"),uexfile,strerror(errno));
325 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
326 }
328 if (fseek(fp_ex, 0, SEEK_END)==-1) {
329 debuga(_("Failed to move till the end of the excluded users file %s: %s\n"),uexfile,strerror(errno));
330 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
331 }
332 nreg = ftell(fp_ex);
333 if (nreg<0) {
334 debuga(_("Cannot get the size of file %s\n"),uexfile);
335 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
336 }
337 nreg += 11;
338 if (fseek(fp_ex, 0, SEEK_SET)==-1) {
339 debuga(_("Failed to rewind the excluded users file %s: %s\n"),uexfile,strerror(errno));
340 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
341 }
343 if((excludeuser=(char *) malloc(nreg))==NULL){
344 debuga(_("malloc error (%ld bytes required)\n"),nreg);
345 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
346 }
348 bzero(excludeuser,nreg);
350 while(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp_ex)!=NULL){
351 if(strchr(buf,'#') != NULL)
352 continue;
353 fixendofline(buf);
354 strcat(excludeuser,buf);
355 strcat(excludeuser," ");
356 }
358 strcat(excludeuser,"*END* ");
360 fclose(fp_ex);
362 return;
363 }
365 int vuexclude(const char *user)
366 {
367 const char *wuser;
368 int len;
370 if (excludeuser) {
371 len=strlen(user);
372 wuser=excludeuser;
373 while ((wuser=strstr(wuser,user))!=NULL) {
374 if (wuser[len]==' ') return(0);
375 wuser+=len;
376 }
377 }
379 return(1);
380 }
382 bool is_indexonly(void)
383 {
384 if (excludeuser==NULL) return(false);
385 return(strstr(excludeuser,"indexonly") != NULL);
386 }
388 void free_exclude(void)
389 {
390 int i;
392 if (exclude_ip4) {
393 free(exclude_ip4);
394 exclude_ip4=NULL;
395 }
397 if (exclude_name) {
398 for (i=0 ; i<num_exclude_name ; i++)
399 if (exclude_name[i].url) free(exclude_name[i].url);
400 free(exclude_name);
401 exclude_name=NULL;
402 }
404 if(excludeuser) {
405 free(excludeuser);
406 excludeuser=NULL;
407 }
408 }