]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/binutils-gdb.git/blob - gdb/testsuite/gdb.threads/linux-dp.exp
2008-04-17 Daniel Jacobowitz <dan@codesourcery.com>
[thirdparty/binutils-gdb.git] / gdb / testsuite / gdb.threads / linux-dp.exp
1 # Copyright 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
2 # Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
8 #
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 #
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 # Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
18 # bug-gdb@gnu.org
20 #### Dining Philosophers, on LinuxThreads - Jim Blandy <jimb@cygnus.com>
21 ####
22 #### At the moment, GDB's support for LinuxThreads is pretty
23 #### idiosyncratic --- GDB's output doesn't look much like the output
24 #### it produces for other thread implementations, messages appear at
25 #### different times, etc. So these tests are specific to LinuxThreads.
26 ####
27 #### However, if all goes well, Linux will soon have a libthread_db
28 #### interface, and GDB will manage it the same way it does other
29 #### libthread_db-based systems. Then, we can adjust this file to
30 #### work with any such system.
32 ### Other things we ought to test:
33 ### stepping a thread while others are running
34 ### killing and restarting
35 ### quitting gracefully
37 if $tracelevel then {
38 strace $tracelevel
39 }
41 set prms_id 0
42 set bug_id 0
44 # This only works with Linux configurations.
45 if ![istarget *-*-linux-gnu*] then {
46 return
47 }
49 set testfile "linux-dp"
50 set srcfile ${testfile}.c
51 set binfile ${objdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}
52 if {[gdb_compile "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${binfile}" executable {debug libs=-lpthread}] != ""} {
53 return -1
54 }
56 gdb_start
57 gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
58 gdb_load ${binfile}
59 send_gdb "set print sevenbit-strings\n" ; gdb_expect -re "$gdb_prompt $"
60 runto_main
62 # There should be no threads initially.
63 gdb_test "info threads" "" "info threads 1"
65 # Try stepping over the thread creation function.
66 gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "linuxthreads.exp: create philosopher"]
67 set expect_manager -1
68 for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
69 gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "about to create philosopher: $i"
70 send_gdb "info threads\n"
71 set threads_before {}
72 gdb_expect {
73 -re "info threads\r\n" {
74 exp_continue
75 }
76 -re "^. +(\[0-9\]+ Thread \[-0-9a-fx\]+) \[^\n\]*\n" {
77 verbose -log "found thread $expect_out(1,string)" 2
78 lappend threads_before $expect_out(1,string)
79 exp_continue
80 }
81 -re "^\[^\n\]*\n" {
82 verbose -log "skipping line" 2
83 exp_continue -continue_timer
84 }
85 -re "^$gdb_prompt $" {
86 }
87 timeout {
88 fail "(timeout) info threads before: $i"
89 }
90 }
91 send_gdb "next\n"
92 set threads_created 0
93 gdb_expect {
94 -re "^next\r\n" {
95 exp_continue
96 }
97 -re "^ *\[_!\] \[0-9\]* \[_!\]\r\n" {
98 # Ignore program output.
99 exp_continue -continue_timer
100 }
101 -re "^\\\[New \[^\]\n\]+\\\]\[^\n\]+\n" {
102 incr threads_created
103 exp_continue
104 }
105 -re "^189\[^\n\]+\n" {
106 exp_continue
107 }
108 -re "^$gdb_prompt $" {
109 }
110 -re "Program received signal.*(Unknown signal|SIGUSR|Real-time event).*$gdb_prompt $" {
111 # It would be nice if we could catch the message that GDB prints
112 # when it first notices that the thread library doesn't support
113 # debugging, or if we could explicitly ask GDB somehow.
114 unsupported "This GDB does not support threads on this system."
115 return -1
116 }
117 -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
118 }
119 timeout {
120 fail "(timeout) create philosopher: $i"
121 }
122 }
123 if { $threads_created == 0 } {
124 # Not all targets announce new threads as they are created.
125 # For example, the GDB
126 # remote protocol target only finds out about threads when
127 # they actually report some event like a breakpoint hit,
128 # or when the user types 'info threads'.
129 unsupported "create philosopher: $i"
130 } elseif { $threads_created == 1 } {
131 if { $expect_manager < 0 } {
132 set expect_manager 0
133 }
134 pass "create philosopher: $i"
135 } elseif { !$i && $threads_created == 2 } {
136 # Two threads are created the first time in LinuxThreads,
137 # where the second is the manager thread. In NPTL, there is none.
138 set expect_manager 1
139 pass "create philosopher: $i"
140 } else {
141 fail "create philosopher: $i"
142 }
144 send_gdb "info threads\n"
145 set threads_after {}
146 gdb_expect {
147 -re "info threads\r\n" {
148 exp_continue
149 }
150 -re "^. +(\[0-9\]+ Thread \[-0-9a-fx\]+) \[^\n\]*\n" {
151 set name $expect_out(1,string)
152 for {set j 0} {$j != [llength $threads_before] } {incr j} {
153 if {$name == [lindex $threads_before $j]} {
154 set threads_before [lreplace $threads_before $j $j]
155 set name ""
156 break
157 }
158 }
159 if { $name != "" } {
160 lappend threads_after $name
161 }
162 exp_continue
163 }
164 -re "^\[^\n\]*\n" {
165 verbose -log "skipping line" 2
166 exp_continue -continue_timer
167 }
168 -re "^$gdb_prompt $" {
169 if { [llength $threads_before] != 0 } {
170 fail "info threads after: $i"
171 } elseif { !$i && [llength $threads_after] == 2 } {
172 set expect_manager 1
173 pass "info threads after: $i"
174 } elseif { [llength $threads_after] == 1 } {
175 if { $expect_manager < 0 } {
176 set expect_manager 0
177 }
178 pass "info threads after: $i"
179 } else {
180 fail "info threads after: $i"
181 }
182 }
183 timeout {
184 fail "(timeout) info threads after: $i"
185 }
186 }
188 }
190 set nthreads 6
192 # Run until there are some threads.
193 gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "linuxthreads.exp: info threads 2"]
194 gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "main thread's sleep"
195 set info_threads_ptn ""
196 for {set i $nthreads} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
197 append info_threads_ptn "$i Thread .*"
198 }
199 append info_threads_ptn "\[\r\n\]+$gdb_prompt $"
200 set info_threads_manager_ptn "[expr $nthreads + 1] Thread .*$info_threads_ptn"
202 gdb_test_multiple "info threads" "info threads 2" {
203 -re "$info_threads_manager_ptn" {
204 # We did see a manager thread. Check that against what we expected.
205 switch -exact -- $expect_manager {
206 -1 {
207 # We weren't sure whether to expect a manager thread.
208 pass "info threads 2"
209 }
210 1 {
211 # We were expecting a manager thread.
212 pass "info threads 2"
213 }
214 0 {
215 # We were not expecting to see the manager thread.
216 fail "info threads 2"
217 }
218 }
219 set expect_manager 1
220 incr nthreads
221 }
222 -re "$info_threads_ptn" {
223 # We did not see a manager thread. Check that against what we
224 # expected.
225 switch -exact -- $expect_manager {
226 -1 {
227 # We weren't sure whether to expect a manager thread.
228 # Don't expect it from here on out.
229 pass "info threads 2"
230 }
231 1 {
232 # We were expecting a manager thread, but we didn't see one.
233 fail "info threads 2"
234 }
235 0 {
236 # We were not expecting to see the manager thread.
237 pass "info threads 2"
238 }
239 }
240 set expect_manager 0
241 }
242 }
245 # Try setting a thread-specific breakpoint.
246 gdb_breakpoint "print_philosopher thread 5"
247 gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "thread 5's print"
248 # When there is no debugging info available for the thread library,
249 # the backtrace entry for philosopher's caller looks like:
250 # #1 0x4001c548 in pthread_create () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
251 # If you do have debug info, the output obviously depends more on the
252 # exact library in use; under NPTL, you get:
253 # #2 0x0012b7fc in start_thread (arg=0x21) at pthread_create.c:264
254 gdb_test "where" "print_philosopher.*philosopher.* \(from .*libpthread\|at pthread_create\).*" \
255 "first thread-specific breakpoint hit"
257 # Make sure it's catching the right thread. Try hitting the
258 # breakpoint ten times, and make sure we don't get anyone else.
259 set only_five 1
260 for {set i 0} {$only_five > 0 && $i < 10} {incr i} {
261 gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "thread 5's print, pass: $i"
262 send_gdb "info threads\n"
263 gdb_expect {
264 -re "\\* 5 Thread .* print_philosopher .*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
265 # Okay this time.
266 }
267 -re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
268 set only_five 0
269 }
270 timeout {
271 set only_five -1
272 }
273 }
274 }
276 set name "thread-specific breakpoint is thread-specific"
277 if {$only_five == 1} { pass $name }
278 if {$only_five == 0} { fail $name }
279 if {$only_five == -1} { fail "$name (timeout)" }
282 ### Select a particular thread.
283 proc select_thread {thread} {
284 global gdb_prompt
286 send_gdb "thread $thread\n"
287 gdb_expect {
288 -re "\\\[Switching to thread .*\\\].*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
289 pass "selected thread: $thread"
290 }
291 -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
292 fail "selected thread: $thread"
293 }
294 timeout {
295 fail "selected thread: $thread (timeout)"
296 }
297 }
298 }
300 ### Select THREAD, check for a plausible backtrace, and make sure
301 ### we're actually selecting a different philosopher each time.
302 ### Return true if the thread had a stack which was not only
303 ### acceptable, but interesting. SEEN should be an array in which
304 ### SEEN(N) exists iff we have found philosopher number N before.
306 set main_seen 0
307 set manager_seen 0
309 proc check_philosopher_stack {thread seen_name} {
310 global gdb_prompt
311 upvar $seen_name seen
312 global main_seen
313 global expect_manager manager_seen
315 set name "philosopher is distinct: $thread"
316 set interesting 0
318 select_thread $thread
319 send_gdb "where\n"
320 gdb_expect {
321 -re ".* in philosopher \\(data=(0x\[0-9a-f\]+).*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
322 set data $expect_out(1,string)
323 if {[info exists seen($data)]} {
324 fail $name
325 } else {
326 pass $name
327 set seen($data) yep
328 }
329 set interesting 1
330 }
331 -re ".* in __pthread_manager \\(.*$gdb_prompt $" {
332 if {$manager_seen == 1} {
333 fail "manager thread is distinct: $thread"
334 } else {
335 set manager_seen 1
336 pass "manager thread is distinct: $thread"
337 }
338 set interesting 1
339 }
340 -re "pthread_start_thread.*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
341 ## Maybe the thread hasn't started yet.
342 pass $name
343 }
344 -re ".* in main \\(.*$gdb_prompt $" {
345 if {$main_seen == 1} {
346 fail "main is distinct: $thread"
347 } else {
348 set main_seen 1
349 pass "main is distinct: $thread"
350 }
351 set interesting 1
352 }
353 -re " in \\?\\?.*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
354 ## Sometimes we can't get a backtrace. I'm going to call
355 ## this a pass, since we do verify that at least one
356 ## thread was interesting, so we can get more consistent
357 ## test suite totals. But in my heart, I think it should
358 ## be an xfail.
359 pass $name
360 }
361 -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
362 fail $name
363 }
364 timeout {
365 fail "$name (timeout)"
366 }
367 }
369 return $interesting
370 }
372 set any_interesting 0
373 array set seen {}
374 unset seen
375 for {set i 1} {$i <= $nthreads} {incr i} {
376 if [check_philosopher_stack $i seen] {
377 set any_interesting 1
378 }
379 }
381 if {$any_interesting} {
382 pass "found an interesting thread"
383 } else {
384 fail "found an interesting thread"
385 }
387 if {$manager_seen == $expect_manager} {
388 pass "manager thread found (not found) when expected"
389 } else {
390 fail "manager thread found (not found) when expected"
391 }