]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - helpers/basic_auth/multi-domain-NTLM/smb_auth.pl
Cleanup: zap CVS Id tags
[thirdparty/squid.git] / helpers / basic_auth / multi-domain-NTLM / smb_auth.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # $Id$
4 #if you define this, debugging output will be printed to STDERR.
5 #$debug=1;
7 #to force using some DC for some domains, fill in this hash.
8 #the key is a regexp matched against the domain name
9 # the value is an array ref with PDC and BDC.
10 # the order the names are matched in is UNDEFINED.
11 #i.e.:
12 # %controllers = ( "domain" => ["pdc","bdc"]);
14 #%controllers = ( ".*" => ["pdcname","bdcname"]);
16 #define this if you wish to use a WINS server. If undefined, broadcast
17 # will be attempted.
18 #$wins_server="winsservername";
20 # Some servers (at least mine) really really want to be called by address.
21 # If this variable is defined, we'll ask nmblookup to do a reverse DNS on the
22 # DC addresses. It might fail though, for instance because you have a crappy
23 # DNS with no reverse zones or records. If it doesn't work, you'll have to
24 # fall back to the %controllers hack.
25 $try_reverse_dns=1;
27 # Soem servers (at least mine) don't like to be called by their fully
28 # qualified name. define this if you wish to call them ONLY by their
29 # hostname.
30 $dont_use_fqdn=1;
32 #no more user-serviceable parts
33 use Authen::Smb;
35 #variables:
36 # %pdc used to cache the domain -> pdc_ip values. IT NEVER EXPIRES!
39 $|=1;
40 while (<>) {
41 chomp;
42 if (! m;^(\S+)(/|%5c)(\S+)\s(\S+)$; ) { #parse the line
43 print "ERR\n";
44 next;
45 }
46 $domain=$1;
47 $user=$3;
48 $pass=$4;
49 $domain =~ s/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/pack("H2",$1)/gie;
50 $user =~ s/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/pack("H2",$1)/gie;
51 $pass =~ s/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/pack("H2",$1)/gie;
52 print STDERR "domain: $domain, user: $user, pass=$pass\n"
53 if (defined ($debug));
54 # check out that we know the PDC address
55 if (!$pdc{$domain}) {
56 ($pdc,$bdc)=&discover_dc($domain);
57 if ($pdc) {
58 $pdc{$domain}=$pdc;
59 $bdc{$domain}=$bdc;
60 }
61 }
62 $pdc=$pdc{$domain};
63 $bdc=$bdc{$domain};
64 if (!$pdc) {
65 #a pdc was not found
66 print "ERR\n";
67 print STDERR "No PDC found\n" if (defined($debug));
68 next;
69 }
71 print STDERR "querying '$pdc' and '$bdc' for user '$domain\\$user', ".
72 "pass $pass\n" if (defined($debug));
73 $result=Authen::Smb::authen($user,$pass,$pdc,$bdc,$domain);
74 print STDERR "result is: $nt_results{$result} ($result)\n"
75 if (defined($debug));
76 if ($result == NTV_NO_ERROR) {
77 print STDERR ("OK for user '$domain\\$user'\n") if (defined($debug));
78 print ("OK\n");
79 } else {
80 print STDERR "Could not authenticate user '$domain\\$user'\n";
81 print ("ERR\n");
82 }
83 }
85 #why do Microsoft servers have to be so damn picky and convoluted?
86 sub discover_dc {
87 my $domain = shift @_;
88 my ($pdc, $bdc, $lookupstring, $datum);
90 foreach (keys %controllers) {
91 if ($domain =~ /$_/) {
92 print STDERR "DCs forced by user: $_ => ".
93 join(',',@{$controllers{$_}}).
94 "\n" if (defined($debug));
95 return @{$controllers{$_}};
96 }
97 }
98 $lookupstring="nmblookup";
99 $lookupstring.=" -R -U $wins_server" if (defined($wins_server));
100 $lookupstring.=" -T" if (defined($try_reverse_dns));
101 $lookupstring.=" '$domain#1c'";
102 print STDERR "Discovering PDC: $lookupstring\n"
103 if (defined($debug));
104 #discover the PDC address
105 open(PDC,"$lookupstring|");
106 while (<PDC>) {
107 print STDERR "response line: $_" if (defined($debug));
108 if (m|(.*), (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|) {
109 $datum=$1;
110 print STDERR "matched $datum\n" if (defined($debug));
111 if (defined($dont_use_fqdn) && $datum =~ /^([^.]+)\..*/) {
112 $datum=$1;
113 print STDERR "stripped domain name: $datum\n" if (defined($debug));
114 }
115 } elsif (m|^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|) {
116 $datum=$1;
117 } else {
118 #no data here, go to next line
119 next;
120 }
121 if ($datum) {
122 if ($pdc) {
123 $bdc=$datum;
124 print STDERR "BDC is $datum\n" if (defined($debug));
125 last;
126 } else {
127 $pdc=$datum;
128 print STDERR "PDC is $datum\n" if (defined($debug));
129 }
130 last;
131 }
132 }
133 close(PDC);
134 return ($pdc,$bdc) if ($pdc);
135 return 0;
136 }