]> git.ipfire.org Git - ipfire-2.x.git/blob - html/cgi-bin/ddns.cgi
Uploads.cgi entfernt. Die war noch ueber.
[ipfire-2.x.git] / html / cgi-bin / ddns.cgi
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # SmoothWall CGIs
4 #
5 # This code is distributed under the terms of the GPL
6 #
7 # (c) The SmoothWall Team
8 #
9 # $Id: ddns.cgi,v 2006/02/07 01:29:47 franck78 Exp $
10 #
12 use strict;
14 # enable only the following on debugging purpose
15 #use warnings;
16 #use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
18 require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl';
19 require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl";
20 require "${General::swroot}/header.pl";
22 #workaround to suppress a warning when a variable is used only once
23 my @dummy = ( ${Header::table2colour}, ${Header::colouryellow} );
24 undef (@dummy);
26 my $ddnsprefix = $Lang::tr{'ddns noip prefix'};
27 $ddnsprefix =~ s/%/$General::noipprefix/;
29 my %color = ();
30 my %mainsettings = ();
31 &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings);
32 &General::readhash("/srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/".$mainsettings{'THEME'}."/include/colors.txt", \%color);
34 # Files used
35 my $setting = "${General::swroot}/ddns/settings";
36 our $datafile = "${General::swroot}/ddns/config";
38 my %settings=();
39 #Settings1
40 $settings{'BEHINDROUTER'} = 'RED_IP';
41 $settings{'MINIMIZEUPDATES'} = '';
43 #Settings2 for editing the multi-line list
44 #Must not be saved !
45 $settings{'HOSTNAME'} = '';
46 $settings{'DOMAIN'} = '';
47 $settings{'LOGIN'} = '';
48 $settings{'PASSWORD'} = '';
49 $settings{'PASSWORD2'} = '';
50 $settings{'ENABLED'} = '';
51 $settings{'PROXY'} = '';
52 $settings{'WILDCARDS'} = '';
53 $settings{'SERVICE'} = '';
56 'ENABLED','PROXY','WILDCARDS','SERVICE'); # List here ALL setting2 fields. Mandatory
58 $settings{'ACTION'} = ''; # add/edit/remove
59 $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # point record for ACTION
60 $settings{'KEY2'} = ''; # point record for ACTION
62 my $errormessage = '';
63 my $warnmessage = '';
65 &Header::showhttpheaders();
67 #Get GUI values
68 &Header::getcgihash(\%settings);
70 # Load multiline data
71 our @current = ();
72 if (open(FILE, "$datafile")) {
73 @current = <FILE>;
74 close (FILE);
75 }
77 #
78 # Check Settings1 first because they are needed before working on @current
79 #
80 if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'save'}) {
81 # No user input to check. !
82 #unless ($errormessage) { # Everything is ok, save settings
83 $settings{'BEHINDROUTERWAITLOOP'} = '-1'; # init & will update on next setddns.pl call
84 map (delete ($settings{$_}) ,(@nosaved,'ACTION','KEY1','KEY2'));# Must never be saved
85 &General::writehash($setting, \%settings); # Save good settings
86 $settings{'ACTION'} = $Lang::tr{'save'}; # Recreate 'ACTION'
87 map ($settings{$_}= '',(@nosaved,'KEY1','KEY2')); # and reinit var to empty
88 #}
89 } else {
90 &General::readhash($setting, \%settings); # Get saved settings and reset to good if needed
91 }
93 #
94 # Now manipulate the multi-line list with Settings2
95 #
96 # Toggle enable/disable field. Field is in second position
97 if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}) {
98 #move out new line
99 chomp(@current[$settings{'KEY1'}]);
100 my @temp = split(/\,/,@current[$settings{'KEY1'}]);
101 my $K2=$settings{'KEY2'};
102 $temp[ $K2 ] = ( $temp[ $K2 ] eq 'on') ? '' : 'on'; # Toggle the field
103 @current[$settings{'KEY1'}] = join (',',@temp)."\n";
104 $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # End edit mode
105 &General::log($Lang::tr{'ddns hostname modified'});
107 # Write changes to config file.
108 &WriteDataFile; # sort newly added/modified entry
109 }
111 if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'add'}) {
112 # Validate inputs
114 unless ($settings{'LOGIN'} ne '') {
115 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'username not set'};
116 }
118 # list box returns 'service optional synonyms'
119 # keep only first name
120 $settings{'SERVICE'} =~ s/ .*$//;
122 # for freedns.afraid.org, only 'connect string' is mandatory
123 if ($settings{'SERVICE'} ne 'freedns.afraid.org') {
124 unless ($settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'regfish.com' || $settings{'PASSWORD'} ne '') {
125 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'password not set'};
126 }
127 unless ($settings{'PASSWORD'} eq $settings{'PASSWORD2'}) {
128 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'passwords do not match'};
129 }
131 # Permit an empty HOSTNAME for the nsupdate, regfish, dyndns, enom, ovh, zoneedit, no-ip, easydns
132 unless ($settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'zoneedit.com' || $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'nsupdate' ||
133 $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'dyndns-custom'|| $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'regfish.com' ||
134 $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'enom.com' || $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'dnspark.com' ||
135 $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'ovh.com' || $settings{'HOSTNAME'} ne '' ||
136 $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'no-ip.com' || $settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'easydns.com' ) {
137 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'hostname not set'};
138 }
139 unless ($settings{'HOSTNAME'} eq '' || $settings{'HOSTNAME'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+$/) {
140 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'invalid hostname'};
141 }
142 unless ($settings{'DOMAIN'} ne '') {
143 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'domain not set'};
144 }
145 unless ($settings{'DOMAIN'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z_0-9.-]+$/) {
146 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'invalid domain name'};
147 }
148 unless ($settings{'DOMAIN'} =~ /[.]/) {
149 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'invalid domain name'};
150 }
151 }
153 # recheck service wich don't need too much fields
154 if ($settings{'SERVICE'} eq 'cjb.net') {
155 $errormessage = ''; # clear previous error
156 unless ($settings{'LOGIN'} ne '') {
157 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'username not set'};
158 }
159 unless ($settings{'PASSWORD'} ne '') {
160 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'password not set'};
161 }
162 unless ($settings{'PASSWORD'} eq $settings{'PASSWORD2'}) {
163 $errormessage = $Lang::tr{'passwords do not match'};
164 }
165 }
167 unless ($errormessage) {
168 if ($settings{'KEY1'} eq '') { #add or edit ?
169 unshift (@current, "$settings{'SERVICE'},$settings{'HOSTNAME'},$settings{'DOMAIN'},$settings{'PROXY'},$settings{'WILDCARDS'},$settings{'LOGIN'},$settings{'PASSWORD'},$settings{'ENABLED'}\n");
170 &General::log($Lang::tr{'ddns hostname added'});
171 } else {
172 @current[$settings{'KEY1'}] = "$settings{'SERVICE'},$settings{'HOSTNAME'},$settings{'DOMAIN'},$settings{'PROXY'},$settings{'WILDCARDS'},$settings{'LOGIN'},$settings{'PASSWORD'},$settings{'ENABLED'}\n";
173 $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # End edit mode
174 &General::log($Lang::tr{'ddns hostname modified'});
175 }
176 map ($settings{$_}='' ,@nosaved); # Clear fields
177 # Write changes to config file.
178 &WriteDataFile; # sort newly added/modified entry
179 }
180 }
182 if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'edit'}) {
183 #move out new line
184 my $line = @current[$settings{'KEY1'}]; # KEY1 is the index in current
185 chomp($line);
186 my @temp = split(/\,/, $line);
187 $settings{'SERVICE'} = $temp[0];
188 $settings{'HOSTNAME'} = $temp[1];
189 $settings{'DOMAIN'} = $temp[2];
190 $settings{'PROXY'} = $temp[3];
191 $settings{'WILDCARDS'} = $temp[4];
192 $settings{'LOGIN'} = $temp[5];
193 $settings{'PASSWORD'} = $settings{'PASSWORD2'} = $temp[6];
194 $settings{'ENABLED'} = $temp[7];
195 }
197 if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'remove'}) {
198 splice (@current,$settings{'KEY1'},1); # Delete line
199 open(FILE, ">$datafile") or die 'ddns datafile error';
200 print FILE @current;
201 close(FILE);
202 $settings{'KEY1'} = ''; # End remove mode
203 &General::log($Lang::tr{'ddns hostname removed'});
204 # Write changes to config file.
205 &WriteDataFile;
206 }
208 if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'instant update'}) {
209 system('/usr/local/bin/setddns.pl', '-f');
210 }
213 if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq '')
214 {
215 $settings{'SERVICE'} = 'dyndns.org';
216 $settings{'ENABLED'} = 'on';
217 }
219 &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'dynamic dns'}, 1, '');
220 &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left', '', $errormessage);
222 my %checked =(); # Checkbox manipulations
223 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'cjb.net'} = '';
224 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dhs.org'} = '';
225 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dnspark.com'} = '';
226 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dtdns.com'} = '';
227 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyndns.org'} = '';
228 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyndns-custom'} = '';
229 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyndns-static'} = '';
230 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyns.cx'} = '';
231 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dynu.ca'} = '';
232 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'easydns.com'} = '';
233 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'enom.com'} = '';
234 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'freedns.afraid.org'} = '';
235 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'hn.org'} = '';
236 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'no-ip.com'} = '';
237 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'nsupdate'} = '';
238 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'ovh.com'} = '';
239 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'regfish.com'} = '';
240 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'selfhost.de'} = '';
241 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'tzo.com'} = '';
242 $checked{'SERVICE'}{'zoneedit.com'} = '';
243 $checked{'SERVICE'}{$settings{'SERVICE'}} = "selected='selected'";
245 $checked{'BEHINDROUTER'}{'RED_IP'} = '';
246 $checked{'BEHINDROUTER'}{'FETCH_IP'} = '';
247 $checked{'BEHINDROUTER'}{$settings{'BEHINDROUTER'}} = "checked='checked'";
248 $checked{'MINIMIZEUPDATES'} = ($settings{'MINIMIZEUPDATES'} eq '' ) ? '' : "checked='checked'";
250 $checked{'PROXY'}{'on'} = ($settings{'PROXY'} eq '') ? '' : "checked='checked'";
251 $checked{'WILDCARDS'}{'on'} = ($settings{'WILDCARDS'} eq '') ? '' : "checked='checked'";
252 $checked{'ENABLED'}{'on'} = ($settings{'ENABLED'} eq '' ) ? '' : "checked='checked'";
254 if ($errormessage) {
255 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'error messages'});
256 print "<font class='base'>$errormessage&nbsp;</font>";
257 &Header::closebox();
258 }
260 if ($warnmessage) {
261 $warnmessage = "<font color=${Header::colourred}><b>$Lang::tr{'capswarning'}</b></font>: $warnmessage";
262 }
263 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'settings'});
264 print "<form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>";
265 print <<END
266 <table width='100%'>
267 <tr>
268 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'dyn dns source choice'}</td>
269 </tr><tr>
270 <td class='base'><input type='radio' name='BEHINDROUTER' value='RED_IP' $checked{'BEHINDROUTER'}{'RED_IP'} />
271 $Lang::tr{'use ipfire red ip'}</td>
272 </tr><tr>
273 <td class='base'><input type='radio' name='BEHINDROUTER' value='FETCH_IP' $checked{'BEHINDROUTER'}{'FETCH_IP'} />
274 $Lang::tr{'fetch ip from'} <img src='/blob.gif' alt='*' /></td>
275 </tr>
276 <tr>
277 <td class='base'><input type='checkbox' name='MINIMIZEUPDATES' $checked{'MINIMIZEUPDATES'} />
278 $Lang::tr{'ddns minimize updates'}</td>
279 </tr>
280 </table>
281 <br /><hr />
282 END
283 ;
285 print <<END
286 <table width='100%'>
287 <tr>
288 <td class='base' valign='top'><img src='/blob.gif' alt='*' /></td>
289 <td width='70%' class='base'>$Lang::tr{'avoid dod'}</td>
290 <td width='30%' align='center' class='base'><input type='submit' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'save'}' /></td>
291 </tr>
292 </table>
293 </form>
294 END
295 ;
296 &Header::closebox(); # end of Settings1
299 my $buttontext = $Lang::tr{'add'};
300 if ($settings{'KEY1'} ne '') {
301 $buttontext = $Lang::tr{'update'};
302 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'edit an existing host'});
303 } else {
304 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'add a host'});
305 }
307 #Edited line number (KEY1) passed until cleared by 'save' or 'remove'
308 print <<END
309 <form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
310 <input type='hidden' name='KEY1' value='$settings{'KEY1'}' />
311 <table width='100%'>
312 <tr>
313 <td width='25%' class='base'>$Lang::tr{'service'}:</td>
314 <td width='25%'><select size='1' name='SERVICE'>
315 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'cjb.net'}>cjb.net</option>
316 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dhs.org'}>dhs.org</option>
317 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dnspark.com'}>dnspark.com</option>
318 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dtdns.com'}>dtdns.com</option>
319 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyndns.org'}>dyndns.org</option>
320 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyndns-custom'}>dyndns-custom</option>
321 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyndns-static'}>dyndns-static</option>
322 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dyns.cx'}>dyns.cx</option>
323 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'dynu.ca'}>dynu.ca dyn.ee dynserv.(ca|org|net|com)</option>
324 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'easydns.com'}>easydns.com</option>
325 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'enom.com'}>enom.com</option>
326 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'freedns.afraid.org'}>freedns.afraid.org</option>
327 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'hn.org'}>hn.org</option>
328 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'no-ip.com'}>no-ip.com</option>
329 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'nsupdate'}>nsupdate</option>
330 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'ovh.com'}>ovh.com</option>
331 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'regfish.com'}>regfish.com</option>
332 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'selfhost.de'}>selfhost.de</option>
333 <!-- <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'tzo.com'}>tzo.com</option> comment this service out until a working fix is developed -->
334 <option $checked{'SERVICE'}{'zoneedit.com'}>zoneedit.com</option>
335 </select></td>
336 <td width='20%' class='base'>$Lang::tr{'hostname'}:&nbsp;<img src='/blob.gif' alt='*' /></td>
337 <td width='30%'><input type='text' name='HOSTNAME' value='$settings{'HOSTNAME'}' /></td>
338 </tr><tr>
339 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'behind a proxy'}</td>
340 <td><input type='checkbox' name='PROXY' value='on' $checked{'PROXY'}{'on'} /></td>
341 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'domain'}:</td>
342 <td><input type='text' name='DOMAIN' value='$settings{'DOMAIN'}' /></td>
343 </tr><tr>
344 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'enable wildcards'}</td>
345 <td><input type='checkbox' name='WILDCARDS' value='on' $checked{'WILDCARDS'}{'on'} /></td>
346 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'username'}</td>
347 <td><input type='text' name='LOGIN' value='$settings{'LOGIN'}' /></td>
348 </tr><tr>
349 <td></td>
350 <td></td>
351 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'password'}</td>
352 <td><input type='password' name='PASSWORD' value='$settings{'PASSWORD'}' /></td>
353 </tr><tr>
354 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'enabled'}</td>
355 <td><input type='checkbox' name='ENABLED' value='on' $checked{'ENABLED'}{'on'} /></td>
356 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'again'}</td>
357 <td><input type='password' name='PASSWORD2' value='$settings{'PASSWORD2'}' /></td>
358 </tr>
359 </table>
360 <hr />
361 <table width='100%'>
362 <tr>
363 <td class='base' valign='top'><img src='/blob.gif' alt='*' /></td>
364 <td width='70%' class='base'>$ddnsprefix</td>
366 <td width='30%' align='center' class='base'>
367 <input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'add'}' />
368 <input type='submit' name='SUBMIT' value='$buttontext' /> </td>
369 </tr>
370 </table>
371 </form>
372 END
373 ;
374 &Header::closebox();
376 #
377 # Third box shows the list, in columns
378 #
379 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'current hosts'});
380 print <<END
381 <table width='100%'>
382 <tr>
383 <td width='15%' align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'service'}</b></td>
384 <td width='25%' align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'hostname'}</b></td>
385 <td width='30%' align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'domain'}</b></td>
386 <td width='10%' align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'proxy'}</b></td>
387 <td width='10%' align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'wildcards'}</b></td>
388 <td width='10%' colspan='3' class='boldbase' align='center'><b>$Lang::tr{'action'}</b></td>
389 </tr>
390 END
391 ;
392 my $ip = &General::GetDyndnsRedIP;
393 my $key = 0;
394 foreach my $line (@current) {
395 chomp($line); # remove newline
396 my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
398 if ($temp[0] eq 'no-ip.com') {
399 $temp[1] =~ s!$General::noipprefix(.*)!<b>group:</b>$1 !;
400 }
402 #Choose icon for checkbox
404 my $gifproxy='';
405 my $descproxy='';
406 if ($temp[3] eq "on") {
407 $gifproxy = 'on.gif';
408 $descproxy = $Lang::tr{'click to disable'};
409 } else {
410 $gifproxy = 'off.gif';
411 $descproxy = $Lang::tr{'click to enable'};
412 }
414 my $gifwildcard='';
415 my $descwildcard='';
416 if ($temp[4] eq "on") {
417 $gifwildcard = 'on.gif';
418 $descwildcard = $Lang::tr{'click to disable'};
419 } else {
420 $gifwildcard = 'off.gif';
421 $descwildcard = $Lang::tr{'click to enable'};
422 }
424 my $sync = "<font color='blue'>";
425 my $gif = '';
426 my $gdesc = '';
427 if ($temp[7] eq "on") {
428 $gif = 'on.gif';
429 $gdesc = $Lang::tr{'click to disable'};
430 $sync = (&General::DyndnsServiceSync ($ip,$temp[1], $temp[2]) ? "<font color='green'>": "<font color='red'>") ;
431 } else {
432 $gif = 'off.gif';
433 $gdesc = $Lang::tr{'click to enable'};
434 }
436 #Colorize each line
437 if ($settings{'KEY1'} eq $key) {
438 print "<tr bgcolor='${Header::colouryellow}'>";
439 } elsif ($key % 2) {
440 print "<tr bgcolor='$color{'color22'}'>";
441 } else {
442 print "<tr bgcolor='$color{'color20'}'>";
443 }
445 #if a field is empty, replace it with a '---' to see colorized info!
446 $temp[1] = '---' if (!$temp[1]);
447 $temp[2] = '---' if (!$temp[2]);
449 print <<END
450 <td align='center'><a href='http://$temp[0]'>$temp[0]</a></td>
451 <td align='center'>$sync$temp[1]</td>
452 <td align='center'>$sync$temp[2]</td>
454 <td align='center'>
455 <form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
456 <input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' />
457 <input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' src='/images/$gifproxy' alt='$descproxy' title='$descproxy' />
458 <input type='hidden' name='KEY1' value='$key' />
459 <input type='hidden' name='KEY2' value='3' />
460 </form>
461 </td>
463 <td align='center'>
464 <form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
465 <input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' />
466 <input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' src='/images/$gifwildcard' alt='$descwildcard' title='$descwildcard' />
467 <input type='hidden' name='KEY1' value='$key' />
468 <input type='hidden' name='KEY2' value='4' />
469 </form>
470 </td>
472 <td align='center'>
473 <form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
474 <input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' />
475 <input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' src='/images/$gif' alt='$gdesc' title='$gdesc' />
476 <input type='hidden' name='KEY1' value='$key' />
477 <input type='hidden' name='KEY2' value='7' />
478 </form>
479 </td>
481 <td align='center'>
482 <form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
483 <input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' />
484 <input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' src='/images/edit.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' title='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' />
485 <input type='hidden' name='KEY1' value='$key' />
486 </form>
487 </td>
489 <td align='center'>
490 <form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
491 <input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' />
492 <input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' src='/images/delete.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' title='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' />
493 <input type='hidden' name='KEY1' value='$key' />
494 </form>
495 </td>
496 </tr>
497 END
498 ;
499 $key++;
500 }
501 print "</table>";
503 # If table contains entries, print 'Key to action icons'
504 if ($key) {
505 print <<END
506 <table width='100%'>
507 <tr>
508 <td class='boldbase'>&nbsp;<b>$Lang::tr{'legend'}:&nbsp;</b></td>
509 <td><img src='/images/on.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'click to disable'}' /></td>
510 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'click to disable'}</td>
511 <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
512 <td><img src='/images/off.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'click to enable'}' /></td>
513 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'click to enable'}</td>
514 <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
515 <td><img src='/images/edit.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' /></td>
516 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'edit'}</td>
517 <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
518 <td><img src='/images/delete.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' /></td>
519 <td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'remove'}</td>
520 <form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
521 <td align='center' width='30%'><input type='submit' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'instant update'}' /></td>
522 </form>
523 </tr>
524 </table>
525 END
526 ;
527 }
529 &Header::closebox();
530 &Header::closebigbox();
531 &Header::closepage();
533 ## Ouf it's the end !
536 # write the "current" array
537 sub WriteDataFile {
538 #Save current
539 open(FILE, ">$datafile") or die 'ddns datafile error';
540 print FILE @current;
541 close (FILE);
542 }