]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/SquidMath.h
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[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / SquidMath.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
12 #include "base/forward.h"
13 #include "base/TypeTraits.h"
15 #include <limits>
16 #include <optional>
18 // TODO: Move to src/base/Math.h and drop the Math namespace
20 /* Math functions we define locally for Squid */
21 namespace Math
22 {
24 int intPercent(const int a, const int b);
25 int64_t int64Percent(const int64_t a, const int64_t b);
26 double doublePercent(const double, const double);
27 int intAverage(const int, const int, int, const int);
28 double doubleAverage(const double, const double, int, const int);
30 } // namespace Math
32 // If Sum() performance becomes important, consider using GCC and clang
33 // built-ins like __builtin_add_overflow() instead of manual overflow checks.
35 /// detects a pair of unsigned types
36 /// reduces code duplication in declarations further below
37 template <typename T, typename U>
38 using AllUnsigned = typename std::conditional<
39 std::is_unsigned<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<U>::value,
40 std::true_type,
41 std::false_type
42 >::type;
44 // TODO: Replace with std::cmp_less() after migrating to C++20.
45 /// whether integer a is less than integer b, with correct overflow handling
46 template <typename A, typename B>
47 constexpr bool
48 Less(const A a, const B b) {
49 // The casts below make standard C++ integer conversions explicit. They
50 // quell compiler warnings about signed/unsigned comparison. The first two
51 // lines exclude different-sign a and b, making the casts/comparison safe.
52 using AB = typename std::common_type<A, B>::type;
53 return
54 (a >= 0 && b < 0) ? false :
55 (a < 0 && b >= 0) ? true :
56 /* (a >= 0) == (b >= 0) */ static_cast<AB>(a) < static_cast<AB>(b);
57 }
59 /// ensure that T is supported by NaturalSum() and friends
60 template<typename T>
61 constexpr void
62 AssertNaturalType()
63 {
64 static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded, "std::numeric_limits<T>::max() is meaningful");
65 static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact, "no silent loss of precision");
66 static_assert(!std::is_enum<T>::value, "no silent creation of non-enumerated values");
67 }
69 // TODO: Investigate whether this optimization can be expanded to [signed] types
70 // A and B when std::numeric_limits<decltype(A(0)+B(0))>::is_modulo is true.
71 /// This IncreaseSumInternal() overload is optimized for speed.
72 /// \returns a non-overflowing sum of the two unsigned arguments (or nothing)
73 /// \prec both argument types are unsigned
74 template <typename S, typename A, typename B, std::enable_if_t<AllUnsigned<A,B>::value, int> = 0>
75 std::optional<S>
76 IncreaseSumInternal(const A a, const B b) {
77 // paranoid: AllUnsigned<A,B> precondition established that already
78 static_assert(std::is_unsigned<A>::value, "AllUnsigned dispatch worked for A");
79 static_assert(std::is_unsigned<B>::value, "AllUnsigned dispatch worked for B");
81 AssertNaturalType<S>();
82 AssertNaturalType<A>();
83 AssertNaturalType<B>();
85 // we should only be called by IncreaseSum(); it forces integer promotion
86 static_assert(std::is_same<A, decltype(+a)>::value, "a will not be promoted");
87 static_assert(std::is_same<B, decltype(+b)>::value, "b will not be promoted");
88 // and without integer promotions, a sum of unsigned integers is unsigned
89 static_assert(std::is_unsigned<decltype(a+b)>::value, "a+b is unsigned");
91 // with integer promotions ruled out, a or b can only undergo integer
92 // conversion to the higher rank type (A or B, we do not know which)
93 using AB = typename std::common_type<A, B>::type;
94 static_assert(std::is_same<AB, A>::value || std::is_same<AB, B>::value, "no unexpected conversions");
95 static_assert(std::is_same<AB, decltype(a+b)>::value, "lossless assignment");
96 const AB sum = a + b;
98 static_assert(std::numeric_limits<AB>::is_modulo, "we can detect overflows");
99 // 1. modulo math: overflowed sum is smaller than any of its operands
100 // 2. the sum may overflow S (i.e. the return base type)
101 // We do not need Less() here because we compare promoted unsigned types.
102 return (sum >= a && sum <= std::numeric_limits<S>::max()) ?
103 std::optional<S>(sum) : std::optional<S>();
104 }
106 /// This IncreaseSumInternal() overload supports a larger variety of types.
107 /// \returns a non-overflowing sum of the two arguments (or nothing)
108 /// \returns nothing if at least one of the arguments is negative
109 /// \prec at least one of the argument types is signed
110 template <typename S, typename A, typename B, std::enable_if_t<!AllUnsigned<A,B>::value, int> = 0>
111 std::optional<S> constexpr
112 IncreaseSumInternal(const A a, const B b) {
113 AssertNaturalType<S>();
114 AssertNaturalType<A>();
115 AssertNaturalType<B>();
117 // we should only be called by IncreaseSum() that does integer promotion
118 static_assert(std::is_same<A, decltype(+a)>::value, "a will not be promoted");
119 static_assert(std::is_same<B, decltype(+b)>::value, "b will not be promoted");
121 return
122 // We could support a non-under/overflowing sum of negative numbers, but
123 // our callers use negative values specially (e.g., for do-not-use or
124 // do-not-limit settings) and are not supposed to do math with them.
125 (a < 0 || b < 0) ? std::optional<S>() :
126 // To avoid undefined behavior of signed overflow, we must not compute
127 // the raw a+b sum if it may overflow. When A is not B, a or b undergoes
128 // (safe for non-negatives) integer conversion in these expressions, so
129 // we do not know the resulting a+b type AB and its maximum. We must
130 // also detect subsequent casting-to-S overflows.
131 // Overflow condition: (a + b > maxAB) or (a + b > maxS).
132 // A is an integer promotion of S, so maxS <= maxA <= maxAB.
133 // Since maxS <= maxAB, it is sufficient to just check: a + b > maxS,
134 // which is the same as the overflow-safe condition here: maxS - a < b.
135 // Finally, (maxS - a) cannot overflow because a is not negative and
136 // cannot underflow because a is a promotion of s: 0 <= a <= maxS.
137 Less(std::numeric_limits<S>::max() - a, b) ? std::optional<S>() :
138 std::optional<S>(a + b);
139 }
141 /// argument pack expansion termination for IncreaseSum<S, T, Args...>()
142 template <typename S, typename T>
143 std::optional<S>
144 IncreaseSum(const S s, const T t)
145 {
146 // Force (always safe) integer promotions now, to give std::enable_if_t<>
147 // promoted types instead of entering IncreaseSumInternal<AllUnsigned>(s,t)
148 // but getting a _signed_ promoted value of s or t in s + t.
149 return IncreaseSumInternal<S>(+s, +t);
150 }
152 /// \returns a non-overflowing sum of the arguments (or nothing)
153 template <typename S, typename T, typename... Args>
154 std::optional<S>
155 IncreaseSum(const S sum, const T t, const Args... args) {
156 if (const auto head = IncreaseSum(sum, t)) {
157 return IncreaseSum(head.value(), args...);
158 } else {
159 // std::optional<S>() triggers bogus -Wmaybe-uninitialized warnings in GCC v10.3
160 return std::nullopt;
161 }
162 }
164 /// \returns an exact, non-overflowing sum of the arguments (or nothing)
165 template <typename SummationType, typename... Args>
166 std::optional<SummationType>
167 NaturalSum(const Args... args) {
168 return IncreaseSum<SummationType>(0, args...);
169 }
171 /// Safely resets the given variable to NaturalSum() of the given arguments.
172 /// If the sum overflows, resets to variable's maximum possible value.
173 /// \returns the new variable value (like an assignment operator would)
174 template <typename S, typename... Args>
175 S
176 SetToNaturalSumOrMax(S &var, const Args... args)
177 {
178 var = NaturalSum<S>(args...).value_or(std::numeric_limits<S>::max());
179 return var;
180 }
182 /// converts a given non-negative integer into an integer of a given type
183 /// without loss of information or undefined behavior
184 template <typename Result, typename Source>
185 Result
186 NaturalCast(const Source s)
187 {
188 return NaturalSum<Result>(s).value();
189 }
191 #endif /* SQUID_SRC_SQUIDMATH_H */