]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/http/one/Parser.cc
Source Format Enforcement (#1234)
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / http / one / Parser.cc
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 #include "squid.h"
10 #include "base/CharacterSet.h"
11 #include "debug/Stream.h"
12 #include "http/one/Parser.h"
13 #include "mime_header.h"
14 #include "parser/Tokenizer.h"
15 #include "SquidConfig.h"
17 /// RFC 7230 section 2.6 - 7 magic octets
18 const SBuf Http::One::Parser::Http1magic("HTTP/1.");
20 const SBuf &Http::One::CrLf()
21 {
22 static const SBuf crlf("\r\n");
23 return crlf;
24 }
26 void
27 Http::One::Parser::clear()
28 {
29 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_NONE;
30 buf_ = nullptr;
31 msgProtocol_ = AnyP::ProtocolVersion();
32 mimeHeaderBlock_.clear();
33 }
35 /// characters HTTP permits tolerant parsers to accept as delimiters
36 static const CharacterSet &
37 RelaxedDelimiterCharacters()
38 {
39 // RFC 7230 section 3.5
40 // tolerant parser MAY accept any of SP, HTAB, VT (%x0B), FF (%x0C),
41 // or bare CR as whitespace between request-line fields
42 static const CharacterSet RelaxedDels =
43 (CharacterSet::SP +
44 CharacterSet::HTAB +
45 CharacterSet("VT,FF","\x0B\x0C") +
46 CharacterSet::CR).rename("relaxed-WSP");
48 return RelaxedDels;
49 }
51 const CharacterSet &
52 Http::One::Parser::WhitespaceCharacters()
53 {
54 return Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser ?
55 RelaxedDelimiterCharacters() : CharacterSet::WSP;
56 }
58 const CharacterSet &
59 Http::One::Parser::DelimiterCharacters()
60 {
61 return Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser ?
62 RelaxedDelimiterCharacters() : CharacterSet::SP;
63 }
65 void
66 Http::One::Parser::skipLineTerminator(Tokenizer &tok) const
67 {
68 if (tok.skip(Http1::CrLf()))
69 return;
71 if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser && tok.skipOne(CharacterSet::LF))
72 return;
74 if (tok.atEnd() || (tok.remaining().length() == 1 && tok.remaining().at(0) == '\r'))
75 throw InsufficientInput();
77 throw TexcHere("garbage instead of CRLF line terminator");
78 }
80 /// all characters except the LF line terminator
81 static const CharacterSet &
82 LineCharacters()
83 {
84 static const CharacterSet line = CharacterSet::LF.complement("non-LF");
85 return line;
86 }
88 /**
89 * Remove invalid lines (if any) from the mime prefix
90 *
91 * RFC 7230 section 3:
92 * "A recipient that receives whitespace between the start-line and
93 * the first header field MUST ... consume each whitespace-preceded
94 * line without further processing of it."
95 *
96 * We need to always use the relaxed delimiters here to prevent
97 * line smuggling through strict parsers.
98 *
99 * Note that 'whitespace' in RFC 7230 includes CR. So that means
100 * sequences of CRLF will be pruned, but not sequences of bare-LF.
101 */
102 void
103 Http::One::Parser::cleanMimePrefix()
104 {
105 Tokenizer tok(mimeHeaderBlock_);
106 while (tok.skipOne(RelaxedDelimiterCharacters())) {
107 (void)tok.skipAll(LineCharacters()); // optional line content
108 // LF terminator is required.
109 // trust headersEnd() to ensure that we have at least one LF
110 (void)tok.skipOne(CharacterSet::LF);
111 }
113 // If mimeHeaderBlock_ had just whitespace line(s) followed by CRLF,
114 // then we skipped everything, including that terminating LF.
115 // Restore the terminating CRLF if needed.
116 if (tok.atEnd())
117 mimeHeaderBlock_ = Http1::CrLf();
118 else
119 mimeHeaderBlock_ = tok.remaining();
120 // now mimeHeaderBlock_ has 0+ fields followed by the LF terminator
121 }
123 /**
124 * Replace obs-fold with a single SP,
125 *
126 * RFC 7230 section 3.2.4
127 * "A server that receives an obs-fold in a request message that is not
128 * within a message/http container MUST ... replace
129 * each received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to
130 * interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream."
131 *
132 * "A proxy or gateway that receives an obs-fold in a response message
133 * that is not within a message/http container MUST ... replace each
134 * received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to interpreting
135 * the field value or forwarding the message downstream."
136 */
137 void
138 Http::One::Parser::unfoldMime()
139 {
140 Tokenizer tok(mimeHeaderBlock_);
141 const auto szLimit = mimeHeaderBlock_.length();
142 mimeHeaderBlock_.clear();
143 // prevent the mime sender being able to make append() realloc/grow multiple times.
144 mimeHeaderBlock_.reserveSpace(szLimit);
146 static const CharacterSet nonCRLF = (CharacterSet::CR + CharacterSet::LF).complement().rename("non-CRLF");
148 while (!tok.atEnd()) {
149 const SBuf all(tok.remaining());
150 const auto blobLen = tok.skipAll(nonCRLF); // may not be there
151 const auto crLen = tok.skipAll(CharacterSet::CR); // may not be there
152 const auto lfLen = tok.skipOne(CharacterSet::LF); // may not be there
154 if (lfLen && tok.skipAll(CharacterSet::WSP)) { // obs-fold!
155 mimeHeaderBlock_.append(all.substr(0, blobLen));
156 mimeHeaderBlock_.append(' '); // replace one obs-fold with one SP
157 } else
158 mimeHeaderBlock_.append(all.substr(0, blobLen + crLen + lfLen));
159 }
160 }
162 bool
163 Http::One::Parser::grabMimeBlock(const char *which, const size_t limit)
164 {
165 // MIME headers block exist in (only) HTTP/1.x and ICY
166 const bool expectMime = (msgProtocol_.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP && msgProtocol_.major == 1) ||
167 msgProtocol_.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_ICY ||
168 hackExpectsMime_;
170 if (expectMime) {
171 /* NOTE: HTTP/0.9 messages do not have a mime header block.
172 * So the rest of the code will need to deal with '0'-byte headers
173 * (ie, none, so don't try parsing em)
174 */
175 bool containsObsFold;
176 if (SBuf::size_type mimeHeaderBytes = headersEnd(buf_, containsObsFold)) {
178 // Squid could handle these headers, but admin does not want to
179 if (firstLineSize() + mimeHeaderBytes >= limit) {
180 debugs(33, 5, "Too large " << which);
181 parseStatusCode = Http::scHeaderTooLarge;
182 buf_.consume(mimeHeaderBytes);
183 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
184 return false;
185 }
187 mimeHeaderBlock_ = buf_.consume(mimeHeaderBytes);
188 cleanMimePrefix();
189 if (containsObsFold)
190 unfoldMime();
192 debugs(74, 5, "mime header (0-" << mimeHeaderBytes << ") {" << mimeHeaderBlock_ << "}");
194 } else { // headersEnd() == 0
195 if (buf_.length()+firstLineSize() >= limit) {
196 debugs(33, 5, "Too large " << which);
197 parseStatusCode = Http::scHeaderTooLarge;
198 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
199 } else
200 debugs(33, 5, "Incomplete " << which << ", waiting for end of headers");
201 return false;
202 }
204 } else
205 debugs(33, 3, "Missing HTTP/1.x identifier");
207 // NP: we do not do any further stages here yet so go straight to DONE
208 parsingStage_ = HTTP_PARSE_DONE;
210 return true;
211 }
213 // arbitrary maximum-length for headers which can be found by Http1Parser::getHostHeaderField()
214 #define GET_HDR_SZ 1024
216 // BUG: returns only the first header line with given name,
217 // ignores multi-line headers and obs-fold headers
218 char *
219 Http::One::Parser::getHostHeaderField()
220 {
221 if (!headerBlockSize())
222 return nullptr;
224 LOCAL_ARRAY(char, header, GET_HDR_SZ);
225 const char *name = "Host";
226 const int namelen = strlen(name);
228 debugs(25, 5, "looking for " << name);
230 // while we can find more LF in the SBuf
231 Tokenizer tok(mimeHeaderBlock_);
232 SBuf p;
234 while (tok.prefix(p, LineCharacters())) {
235 if (!tok.skipOne(CharacterSet::LF)) // move tokenizer past the LF
236 break; // error. reached invalid octet or end of buffer instead of an LF ??
238 // header lines must start with the name (case insensitive)
239 if (p.substr(0, namelen).caseCmp(name, namelen))
240 continue;
242 // then a COLON
243 if (p[namelen] != ':')
244 continue;
246 // drop any trailing *CR sequence
247 p.trim(Http1::CrLf(), false, true);
249 debugs(25, 5, "checking " << p);
250 p.consume(namelen + 1);
252 // TODO: optimize SBuf::trim to take CharacterSet directly
253 Tokenizer t(p);
254 t.skipAll(CharacterSet::WSP);
255 p = t.remaining();
257 // prevent buffer overrun on char header[];
258 p.chop(0, sizeof(header)-1);
260 // currently only used for pre-parse Host header, ensure valid domain[:port] or ip[:port]
261 static const auto hostChars = CharacterSet("host",":[].-_") + CharacterSet::ALPHA + CharacterSet::DIGIT;
262 if (p.findFirstNotOf(hostChars) != SBuf::npos)
263 break; // error. line contains character not accepted in Host header
265 // return the header field-value
266 SBufToCstring(header, p);
267 debugs(25, 5, "returning " << header);
268 return header;
269 }
271 return nullptr;
272 }
274 int
275 Http::One::ErrorLevel()
276 {
277 return Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser < 0 ? DBG_IMPORTANT : 5;
278 }
280 // BWS = *( SP / HTAB ) ; WhitespaceCharacters() may relax this RFC 7230 rule
281 void
282 Http::One::ParseBws(Parser::Tokenizer &tok)
283 {
284 const auto count = tok.skipAll(Parser::WhitespaceCharacters());
286 if (tok.atEnd())
287 throw InsufficientInput(); // even if count is positive
289 if (count) {
290 // Generating BWS is a MUST-level violation so warn about it as needed.
291 debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "found " << count << " BWS octets");
292 // RFC 7230 says we MUST parse BWS, so we fall through even if
293 // Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser is off.
294 }
295 // else we successfully "parsed" an empty BWS sequence
297 // success: no more BWS characters expected
298 }