]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/ipc/mem/PageStack.cc
Source Format Enforcement (#763)
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / ipc / mem / PageStack.cc
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
9 /* DEBUG: section 54 Interprocess Communication */
11 #include "squid.h"
13 #include "Debug.h"
14 #include "ipc/mem/Page.h"
15 #include "ipc/mem/PageStack.h"
17 #include <cmath>
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <limits>
21 /*
23 Ipc::Mem::IdSet and related code maintains a perfect full binary tree structure:
25 (l,r)
26 /\
27 (ll,lr) (rl,rr)
28 /\ /\
29 L1 L2 L3 L4
31 where
33 * (l,r) is an always-present root node;
34 * inner nodes, including the root one, count the total number of available
35 IDs in the leaf nodes of the left and right subtrees (e.g., r = rl + rr);
36 * leaf nodes are bitsets of available IDs (e.g., rl = number of 1s in L3);
37 all leaf nodes are always present.
39 The above sample tree would be stored as seven 64-bit atomic integers:
40 (l,r), (ll,lr), (rl,rr), L1, L2, L3, L4
42 */
44 namespace Ipc
45 {
47 namespace Mem
48 {
50 /// the maximum number of pages that a leaf node can store
51 static const IdSet::size_type BitsPerLeaf = 64;
53 class IdSetPosition
54 {
55 public:
56 using size_type = IdSet::size_type;
58 IdSetPosition() = default; ///< root node position
59 IdSetPosition(size_type aLevel, size_type anOffset);
61 /// whether we are at the top of the tree
62 bool atRoot() const { return !level && !offset; }
64 /// which direction is this position from our parent node
65 IdSetNavigationDirection ascendDirection() const;
67 /// the number of levels above us (e.g., zero for the root node)
68 IdSet::size_type level = 0;
69 /// the number of nodes (at our level) to the left of us
70 IdSet::size_type offset = 0;
71 };
73 /// a helper class to perform inner node manipulation for IdSet
74 class IdSetInnerNode
75 {
76 public:
77 using size_type = IdSet::size_type;
78 typedef uint64_t Packed; ///< (atomically) stored serialized value
80 /// de-serializes a given value
81 static IdSetInnerNode Unpack(Packed packed);
83 IdSetInnerNode() = default;
84 IdSetInnerNode(size_type left, size_type right);
86 /// returns a serializes value suitable for shared memory storage
87 Packed pack() const { return (static_cast<Packed>(left) << 32) | right; }
89 size_type left = 0; ///< the number of available IDs in the left subtree
90 size_type right = 0; ///< the number of available IDs in the right subtree
91 };
93 } // namespace Mem
95 } // namespace Ipc
97 /* Ipc::Mem::IdSetPosition */
99 Ipc::Mem::IdSetPosition::IdSetPosition(size_type aLevel, size_type anOffset):
100 level(aLevel),
101 offset(anOffset)
102 {
103 }
105 Ipc::Mem::IdSetNavigationDirection
106 Ipc::Mem::IdSetPosition::ascendDirection() const
107 {
108 return (offset % 2 == 0) ? dirLeft : dirRight;
109 }
111 /* Ipc::Mem::IdSetMeasurements */
113 Ipc::Mem::IdSetMeasurements::IdSetMeasurements(const size_type aCapacity)
114 {
115 capacity = aCapacity;
117 // For simplicity, we want a perfect full binary tree with root and leaves.
118 // We could compute all this with log2() calls, but rounding and honoring
119 // root+leaves minimums make that approach more complex than this fast loop.
120 requestedLeafNodeCount = (capacity + (BitsPerLeaf-1))/BitsPerLeaf;
121 treeHeight = 1+1; // the root level plus the leaf nodes level
122 leafNodeCount = 2; // the root node can have only two leaf nodes
123 while (leafNodeCount < requestedLeafNodeCount) {
124 leafNodeCount *= 2;
125 ++treeHeight;
126 }
127 innerLevelCount = treeHeight - 1;
129 debugs(54, 5, "rounded capacity up from " << capacity << " to " << (leafNodeCount*BitsPerLeaf));
131 // we do (1 << level) when computing 32-bit IdSetInnerNode::left
132 assert(treeHeight < 32);
133 }
135 /* Ipc::Mem::IdSetInnerNode */
137 Ipc::Mem::IdSetInnerNode::IdSetInnerNode(size_type aLeft, size_type aRight):
138 left(aLeft),
139 right(aRight)
140 {
141 }
143 Ipc::Mem::IdSetInnerNode
144 Ipc::Mem::IdSetInnerNode::Unpack(Packed packed)
145 {
146 // truncation during the cast is intentional here
147 return IdSetInnerNode(packed >> 32, static_cast<uint32_t>(packed));
148 }
150 /* Ipc::Mem::IdSet */
152 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::IdSet(const size_type capacity):
153 measurements(capacity),
154 nodes_(capacity)
155 {
156 // For valueAddress() to be able to return a raw uint64_t pointer, the
157 // atomic wrappers in nodes_ must be zero-size. Check the best we can. Once.
158 static_assert(sizeof(StoredNode) == sizeof(Node), "atomic locks use no storage");
159 assert(StoredNode().is_lock_free());
160 }
162 void
163 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::makeFullBeforeSharing()
164 {
165 // initially, all IDs are marked as available
166 fillAllNodes();
168 // ... but IDs beyond the requested capacity should not be available
169 if (measurements.capacity != measurements.leafNodeCount*BitsPerLeaf)
170 truncateExtras();
171 }
173 /// populates the entire allocated tree with available IDs
174 /// may exceed the requested capacity; \see truncateExtras()
175 void
176 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::fillAllNodes()
177 {
178 // leaf nodes
179 auto pos = Position(measurements.treeHeight-1, 0);
180 const auto allOnes = ~uint64_t(0);
181 std::fill_n(valueAddress(pos), measurements.leafNodeCount, allOnes);
183 // inner nodes, starting from the bottom of the tree
184 auto nodesAtLevel = measurements.leafNodeCount/2;
185 auto pagesBelow = BitsPerLeaf;
186 do {
187 pos = ascend(pos);
188 const auto value = IdSetInnerNode(pagesBelow, pagesBelow).pack();
189 std::fill_n(valueAddress(pos), nodesAtLevel, value);
190 nodesAtLevel /= 2;
191 pagesBelow *= 2;
192 } while (!pos.atRoot());
193 }
195 /// effectively removes IDs that exceed the requested capacity after makeFull()
196 void
197 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::truncateExtras()
198 {
199 // leaf nodes
200 // start with the left-most leaf that should have some 0s; it may even have
201 // no 1s at all (i.e. be completely unused)
202 auto pos = Position(measurements.treeHeight-1, measurements.capacity/BitsPerLeaf);
203 leafTruncate(pos, measurements.capacity % BitsPerLeaf);
204 const auto rightLeaves = measurements.leafNodeCount - measurements.requestedLeafNodeCount;
205 // this zeroing of the leaf nodes to the right from pos is only necessary to
206 // trigger asserts if the code dealing with the inner node counters is buggy
207 if (rightLeaves > 1)
208 std::fill_n(valueAddress(pos) + 1, rightLeaves-1, 0);
210 // inner nodes, starting from the bottom of the tree; optimization: only
211 // adjusting nodes on the way up from the first leaf-with-0s position
212 auto toSubtract = BitsPerLeaf - (measurements.capacity % BitsPerLeaf);
213 do {
214 const auto direction = pos.ascendDirection();
215 pos = ascend(pos);
216 toSubtract = innerTruncate(pos, direction, toSubtract);
217 } while (!pos.atRoot());
218 }
220 /// fill the leaf node at a given position with 0s, leaving only idsToKeep IDs
221 void
222 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::leafTruncate(const Position pos, const size_type idsToKeep)
223 {
224 Node &node = *valueAddress(pos); // no auto to simplify the asserts() below
225 assert(node == std::numeric_limits<Node>::max()); // all 1s
226 static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Node>::value, "right shift prepends 0s");
227 node >>= BitsPerLeaf - idsToKeep;
228 // node can be anything here, including all 0s and all 1s
229 }
231 /// accounts for toSubtract IDs removal from a subtree in the given direction of
232 /// the given position
233 /// \returns the number of IDs to subtract from the parent node
234 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::size_type
235 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::innerTruncate(const Position pos, const NavigationDirection dir, const size_type toSubtract)
236 {
237 auto *valuePtr = valueAddress(pos);
238 auto value = IdSetInnerNode::Unpack(*valuePtr);
239 size_type toSubtractNext = 0;
240 if (dir == dirLeft) {
241 toSubtractNext = toSubtract + value.right;
242 assert(value.left >= toSubtract);
243 value.left -= toSubtract;
244 value.right = 0;
245 } else {
246 assert(dir == dirRight);
247 toSubtractNext = toSubtract;
248 assert(value.right >= toSubtract);
249 // value.left is unchanged; we have only adjusted the right branch
250 value.right -= toSubtract;
251 }
252 *valuePtr = value.pack();
253 return toSubtractNext;
254 }
256 /// accounts for an ID added to subtree in the given dir from the given position
257 void
258 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::innerPush(const Position pos, const NavigationDirection dir)
259 {
260 // either left or right component will be true/1; the other will be false/0
261 const auto increment = IdSetInnerNode(dir == dirLeft, dir == dirRight).pack();
262 const auto previousValue = nodeAt(pos).fetch_add(increment);
263 // no overflows
264 assert(previousValue <= std::numeric_limits<Node>::max() - increment);
265 }
267 /// accounts for future ID removal from a subtree of the given position
268 /// \returns the direction of the subtree chosen to relinquish the ID
269 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::NavigationDirection
270 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::innerPop(const Position pos)
271 {
272 NavigationDirection direction = dirNone;
274 auto &node = nodeAt(pos);
275 auto oldValue = node.load();
276 IdSetInnerNode newValue;
277 do {
278 newValue = IdSetInnerNode::Unpack(oldValue);
279 if (newValue.left) {
280 --newValue.left;
281 direction = dirLeft;
282 } else if (newValue.right) {
283 --newValue.right;
284 direction = dirRight;
285 } else {
286 return dirEnd;
287 }
288 } while (!node.compare_exchange_weak(oldValue, newValue.pack()));
290 assert(direction == dirLeft || direction == dirRight);
291 return direction;
292 }
294 /// adds the given ID to the leaf node at the given position
295 void
296 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::leafPush(const Position pos, const size_type id)
297 {
298 const auto mask = Node(1) << (id % BitsPerLeaf);
299 const auto oldValue = nodeAt(pos).fetch_or(mask);
300 // this was a new entry
301 assert((oldValue & mask) == 0);
302 }
304 // TODO: After switching to C++20, use countr_zero() which may compile to a
305 // single TZCNT assembly instruction on modern CPUs.
306 /// a temporary C++20 countr_zero() replacement
307 static inline
308 int trailingZeros(uint64_t x)
309 {
310 if (!x)
311 return 64;
312 int count = 0;
313 for (uint64_t mask = 1; !(x & mask); mask <<= 1)
314 ++count;
315 return count;
316 }
318 /// extracts and returns an ID from the leaf node at the given position
319 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::size_type
320 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::leafPop(const Position pos)
321 {
322 auto &node = nodeAt(pos);
323 auto oldValue = node.load();
324 Node newValue;
325 do {
326 assert(oldValue > 0);
327 const auto mask = oldValue - 1; // flips the rightmost 1 and trailing 0s
328 newValue = oldValue & mask; // clears the rightmost 1
329 } while (!node.compare_exchange_weak(oldValue, newValue));
331 return pos.offset*BitsPerLeaf + trailingZeros(oldValue);
332 }
334 /// \returns the position of a parent node of the node at the given position
335 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::Position
336 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::ascend(Position pos)
337 {
338 assert(pos.level > 0);
339 --pos.level;
340 pos.offset /= 2;
341 return pos;
342 }
344 /// \returns the position of a child node in the given direction of the parent
345 /// node at the given position
346 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::Position
347 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::descend(Position pos, const NavigationDirection direction)
348 {
349 assert(pos.level < measurements.treeHeight);
350 ++pos.level;
352 pos.offset *= 2;
353 if (direction == dirRight)
354 ++pos.offset;
355 else
356 assert(direction == dirLeft);
358 return pos;
359 }
361 /// \returns the atomic node (either inner or leaf) at the given position
362 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::StoredNode &
363 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::nodeAt(const Position pos)
364 {
365 assert(pos.level < measurements.treeHeight);
366 // n = 2^(h+1) - 1 with h = level-1
367 const auto nodesAbove = (1U << pos.level) - 1;
369 // the second clause is for the special case of a root node
370 assert(pos.offset < nodesAbove*2 || (pos.atRoot() && nodesAbove == 0));
371 const auto nodesToTheLeft = pos.offset;
373 const size_t nodesBefore = nodesAbove + nodesToTheLeft;
374 assert(nodesBefore < measurements.nodeCount());
375 return nodes_[nodesBefore];
376 }
378 /// \returns the location of the raw (inner or leaf) node at the given position
379 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::Node *
380 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::valueAddress(const Position pos)
381 {
382 // IdSet() constructor asserts that this frequent reinterpret_cast is safe
383 return &reinterpret_cast<Node&>(nodeAt(pos));
384 }
386 bool
387 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::pop(size_type &id)
388 {
389 Position rootPos;
390 const auto directionFromRoot = innerPop(rootPos);
391 if (directionFromRoot == dirEnd)
392 return false; // an empty tree
394 auto pos = descend(rootPos, directionFromRoot);
395 for (size_t level = 1; level < measurements.innerLevelCount; ++level) {
396 const auto direction = innerPop(pos);
397 pos = descend(pos, direction);
398 }
400 id = leafPop(pos);
401 return true;
402 }
404 void
405 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::push(const size_type id)
406 {
407 const auto offsetAtLeafLevel = id/BitsPerLeaf;
408 auto pos = Position(measurements.innerLevelCount, offsetAtLeafLevel);
409 leafPush(pos, id);
411 do {
412 const auto direction = pos.ascendDirection();
413 pos = ascend(pos);
414 innerPush(pos, direction);
415 } while (!pos.atRoot());
416 }
418 size_t
419 Ipc::Mem::IdSet::MemorySize(const size_type capacity)
420 {
421 const IdSetMeasurements measurements(capacity);
422 // Adding sizeof(IdSet) double-counts the first node but it is better to
423 // overestimate (a little) than to underestimate our memory needs due to
424 // padding, new data members, etc.
425 return sizeof(IdSet) + measurements.nodeCount() * sizeof(StoredNode);
426 }
428 /* Ipc::Mem::PageStack */
430 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::PageStack(const Config &config):
431 config_(config),
432 size_(0),
433 ids_(config_.capacity)
434 {
435 if (config.createFull) {
436 ids_.makeFullBeforeSharing();
437 size_ = config_.capacity;
438 }
439 }
441 bool
442 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::pop(PageId &page)
443 {
444 assert(!page);
446 if (!config_.capacity)
447 return false;
449 IdSet::size_type pageIndex = 0;
450 if (!ids_.pop(pageIndex))
451 return false;
453 // must decrement after removing the page to avoid underflow
454 const auto newSize = --size_;
455 assert(newSize < config_.capacity);
457 page.number = pageIndex + 1;
458 page.pool = config_.poolId;
459 debugs(54, 8, page << " size: " << newSize);
460 assert(pageIdIsValid(page));
461 return true;
462 }
464 void
465 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::push(PageId &page)
466 {
467 debugs(54, 8, page);
468 assert(page);
469 assert(pageIdIsValid(page));
471 // must increment before inserting the page to avoid underflow in pop()
472 const auto newSize = ++size_;
473 assert(newSize <= config_.capacity);
475 const auto pageIndex = page.number - 1;
476 ids_.push(pageIndex);
478 debugs(54, 8, page << " size: " << newSize);
479 page = PageId();
480 }
482 bool
483 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::pageIdIsValid(const PageId &page) const
484 {
485 return page.pool == config_.poolId &&
486 0 < page.number && page.number <= capacity();
487 }
489 size_t
490 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::sharedMemorySize() const
491 {
492 return SharedMemorySize(config_);
493 }
495 size_t
496 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::SharedMemorySize(const Config &cfg)
497 {
498 const auto levelsSize = PageId::maxPurpose * sizeof(Levels_t);
499 const size_t pagesDataSize = cfg.capacity * cfg.pageSize;
500 return StackSize(cfg.capacity) + pagesDataSize + levelsSize;
501 }
503 size_t
504 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::StackSize(const PageCount capacity)
505 {
506 // Adding sizeof(PageStack) double-counts the fixed portion of the ids_ data
507 // member but it is better to overestimate (a little) than to underestimate
508 // our memory needs due to padding, new data members, etc.
509 return sizeof(PageStack) + IdSet::MemorySize(capacity);
510 }
512 size_t
513 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::stackSize() const
514 {
515 return StackSize(config_.capacity);
516 }
518 size_t
519 Ipc::Mem::PageStack::LevelsPaddingSize(const PageCount capacity)
520 {
521 const auto displacement = StackSize(capacity) % alignof(Levels_t);
522 return displacement ? alignof(Levels_t) - displacement : 0;
523 }