]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/systemd.git/blob - test/test-functions
test-network: wait for the state file being updated
[thirdparty/systemd.git] / test / test-functions
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
4 #
5 # shellcheck disable=SC2030,SC2031
6 # ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh tw=180
7 # Note: the shellcheck line above disables warning for variables which were
8 # modified in a subshell. In our case this behavior is expected, but
9 # `shellcheck` can't distinguish this because of poor variable tracking,
10 # which results in warning for every instance of such variable used
11 # throughout this file.
12 # See:
13 # * comment in function install_verity_minimal()
14 # * koalaman/shellcheck#280
15 set -o pipefail
17 PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
18 export PATH
20 os_release=$(test -e /etc/os-release && echo /etc/os-release || echo /usr/lib/os-release)
21 # shellcheck source=/dev/null
22 source "$os_release"
23 [[ "$ID" = "debian" || " $ID_LIKE " = *" debian "* ]] && LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN=yes || LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN=""
24 [[ "$ID" = "arch" || " $ID_LIKE " = *" arch "* ]] && LOOKS_LIKE_ARCH=yes || LOOKS_LIKE_ARCH=""
25 [[ " $ID_LIKE " = *" suse "* ]] && LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE=yes || LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE=""
26 KERNEL_VER="${KERNEL_VER-$(uname -r)}"
29 TIMED_OUT= # will be 1 after run_* if *_TIMEOUT is set and test timed out
30 [[ "$LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE" ]] && FSTYPE="${FSTYPE:-btrfs}" || FSTYPE="${FSTYPE:-ext4}"
32 EFI_MOUNT="${EFI_MOUNT:-$(bootctl -x 2>/dev/null || echo /boot)}"
33 # Note that defining a different IMAGE_NAME in a test setup script will only result
34 # in default.img being copied and renamed. It can then be extended by defining
35 # a test_append_files() function. The $1 parameter will be the root directory.
36 # To force creating a new image from scratch (eg: to encrypt it), also define
37 # TEST_FORCE_NEWIMAGE=1 in the test setup script.
38 IMAGE_NAME=${IMAGE_NAME:-default}
44 # Simple wrapper to unify boolean checks.
45 # Note: this function needs to stay near the top of the file, so we can use it
46 # in code in the outermost scope.
47 get_bool() {
48 # Make the value lowercase to make the regex matching simpler
49 local _bool="${1,,}"
51 # Consider empty value as "false"
52 if [[ -z "$_bool" || "$_bool" =~ ^(0|no|false)$ ]]; then
53 return 1
54 elif [[ "$_bool" =~ ^(1|yes|true)$ ]]; then
55 return 0
56 else
57 echo >&2 "Value '$_bool' is not a valid boolean value"
58 exit 1
59 fi
60 }
62 # Since in Bash we can have only one handler per signal, let's overcome this
63 # limitation by having one global handler for the EXIT signal which executes
64 # all registered handlers
66 _at_exit() {
67 set +e
69 # Run the EXIT handlers in reverse order
70 for ((i = ${#_AT_EXIT_HANDLERS[@]} - 1; i >= 0; i--)); do
71 ddebug "Running EXIT handler '${_AT_EXIT_HANDLERS[$i]}'"
72 eval "${_AT_EXIT_HANDLERS[$i]}"
73 done
74 }
76 trap _at_exit EXIT
78 add_at_exit_handler() {
79 _AT_EXIT_HANDLERS+=("${1:?}")
80 }
82 # Decide if we can (and want to) run qemu with KVM acceleration.
83 # Check if nested KVM is explicitly enabled (TEST_NESTED_KVM). If not,
84 # check if it's not explicitly disabled (TEST_NO_KVM) and we're not already
85 # running under KVM. If these conditions are met, enable KVM (and possibly
86 # nested KVM), otherwise disable it.
87 if get_bool "${TEST_NESTED_KVM:=}" || (! get_bool "${TEST_NO_KVM:=}" && ! systemd-detect-virt -qv); then
88 QEMU_KVM=yes
89 else
90 QEMU_KVM=no
91 fi
93 if ! ROOTLIBDIR=$(pkg-config --variable=systemdutildir systemd); then
94 echo "WARNING! Cannot determine libdir from pkg-config, assuming /usr/lib/systemd" >&2
95 ROOTLIBDIR=/usr/lib/systemd
96 fi
98 # The calling test.sh scripts have TEST_BASE_DIR set via their Makefile, but we don't need them to provide it
99 TEST_BASE_DIR=${TEST_BASE_DIR:-$(realpath "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")}
100 TEST_UNITS_DIR="$(realpath "$TEST_BASE_DIR/units")"
101 SOURCE_DIR=$(realpath "$TEST_BASE_DIR/..")
102 # These variables are used by test scripts
106 # note that find-build-dir.sh will return $BUILD_DIR if provided, else it will try to find it
107 if get_bool "${NO_BUILD:=}"; then
109 elif ! BUILD_DIR="$("$TOOLS_DIR"/find-build-dir.sh)"; then
110 echo "ERROR: no build found, please set BUILD_DIR or use NO_BUILD" >&2
111 exit 1
112 fi
115 SYSTEMD_JOURNALD="${SYSTEMD_JOURNALD:-$(command -v "$BUILD_DIR/systemd-journald" || command -v "$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd-journald")}"
116 SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_REMOTE="${SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_REMOTE:-$(command -v "$BUILD_DIR/systemd-journal-remote" || command -v "$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd-journal-remote" || echo "")}"
117 SYSTEMD="${SYSTEMD:-$(command -v "$BUILD_DIR/systemd" || command -v "$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd")}"
118 SYSTEMD_NSPAWN="${SYSTEMD_NSPAWN:-$(command -v "$BUILD_DIR/systemd-nspawn" || command -v systemd-nspawn)}"
119 JOURNALCTL="${JOURNALCTL:-$(command -v "$BUILD_DIR/journalctl" || command -v journalctl)}"
120 SYSTEMCTL="${SYSTEMCTL:-$(command -v "$BUILD_DIR/systemctl" || command -v systemctl)}"
123 if [ -z "$TESTFILE" ]; then
124 echo "ERROR: test-functions must be sourced from one of the TEST-*/test.sh scripts" >&2
125 exit 1
126 fi
127 TESTNAME="$(basename "$(dirname "$(realpath "$TESTFILE")")")"
129 WORKDIR="/var/tmp/systemd-tests"
130 if get_bool "${NO_BUILD:=}"; then
132 else
134 fi
136 STATEFILE="$STATEDIR/.testdir"
138 TESTLOG="$STATEDIR/test.log"
140 if ! [[ "$TESTNAME" =~ ^TEST\-([0-9]+)\-.+$ ]]; then
141 echo "ERROR: Test name '$TESTNAME' is not in the expected format: TEST-[0-9]+-*" >&2
142 exit 1
143 fi
146 if [[ ! -f "$TEST_UNITS_DIR/testsuite-$TESTID.service" ]]; then
147 echo "ERROR: Test '$TESTNAME' is missing its service file '$TEST_UNITS_DIR/testsuite-$TESTID.service" >&2
148 exit 1
149 fi
152 awk
153 base64
154 basename
155 bash
156 capsh
157 cat
158 chmod
159 chown
160 chroot
161 cmp
162 cryptsetup
163 cut
164 date
165 dd
166 diff
167 dirname
168 dmsetup
169 echo
170 env
171 false
172 flock
173 getconf
174 getent
175 getfacl
176 getfattr
177 grep
178 gunzip
179 gzip
180 head
181 ionice
182 ip
183 jq
184 killall
185 ldd
186 ln
187 loadkeys
188 login
189 losetup
190 lsattr
191 lz4cat
192 mkfifo
193 mknod
194 mktemp
195 modprobe
196 mount
197 mountpoint
198 mv
199 nc
200 nproc
201 pkill
202 readlink
203 realpath
204 rev
205 rm
206 rmdir
207 rmmod
208 script
209 sed
210 seq
211 setfacl
212 setfattr
213 setfont
214 setpriv
215 setsid
216 sfdisk
217 sh
218 sleep
219 stat
220 stty
221 su
222 sulogin
223 sysctl
224 tail
225 tar
226 tee
227 test
228 timeout
229 touch
230 tr
231 true
232 truncate
233 umount
234 uname
235 unshare
236 useradd
237 userdel
238 wc
239 xargs
240 xzcat
241 )
244 cp
245 df
246 dhclient
247 dmesg
248 du
249 find
250 free
251 grep
252 hostname
253 id
254 less
255 ln
256 ls
257 mkdir
258 ping
259 ps
260 route
261 sort
262 strace
263 tty
264 vi
265 /usr/libexec/vi
266 )
268 is_built_with_asan() {
269 local _bin="${1:?}"
271 if ! type -P objdump >/dev/null; then
272 ddebug "Failed to find objdump. Assuming systemd hasn't been built with ASAN."
273 return 1
274 fi
276 # Borrowed from https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/cd9acd02f9d3f6e80011cc1e9549be526ce5f270/infra/base-images/base-runner/bad_build_check#L182
277 local _asan_calls
278 _asan_calls="$(objdump -dC "$_bin" | grep -E "(callq?|brasl?|bl)\s.+__asan" -c)"
279 if ((_asan_calls < 1000)); then
280 return 1
281 else
282 return 0
283 fi
284 }
286 is_built_with_coverage() {
287 if get_bool "${NO_BUILD:=}" || ! command -v meson >/dev/null; then
288 return 1
289 fi
291 meson configure "${BUILD_DIR:?}" | grep 'b_coverage' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -q 'true'
292 }
294 IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN=$(is_built_with_asan "$SYSTEMD_JOURNALD" && echo yes || echo no)
295 IS_BUILT_WITH_COVERAGE=$(is_built_with_coverage && echo yes || echo no)
297 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN"; then
298 PATH_TO_INIT="$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd-under-asan"
299 QEMU_MEM="${QEMU_MEM:-2G}"
300 QEMU_SMP="${QEMU_SMP:-4}"
302 # We need to correctly distinguish between gcc's and clang's ASan DSOs.
303 if ASAN_RT_NAME="$(awk '/libasan.so/ {x=$1; exit} END {print x; exit x==""}' < <(ldd "$SYSTEMD"))"; then
305 ASAN_RT_PATH="$(readlink -f "$(${CC:-gcc} --print-file-name "$ASAN_RT_NAME")")"
306 elif ASAN_RT_NAME="$(awk '/libclang_rt.asan/ {x=$1; exit} END {print x; exit x==""}' < <(ldd "$SYSTEMD"))"; then
308 ASAN_RT_PATH="$(readlink -f "$(${CC:-clang} --print-file-name "$ASAN_RT_NAME")")"
310 # As clang's ASan DSO is usually in a non-standard path, let's check if
311 # the environment is set accordingly. If not, warn the user and exit.
312 # We're not setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH automagically here, because
313 # user should encounter (and fix) the same issue when running the unit
314 # tests (meson test)
315 if ldd "$SYSTEMD" | grep -q "libclang_rt.asan.*not found"; then
316 echo >&2 "clang's ASan DSO ($ASAN_RT_NAME) is not present in the runtime library path"
317 echo >&2 "Consider setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ASAN_RT_PATH%/*}"
318 exit 1
319 fi
320 else
321 echo >&2 "systemd is not linked against the ASan DSO"
322 echo >&2 "gcc does this by default, for clang compile with -shared-libasan"
323 exit 1
324 fi
326 echo "Detected ASan RT '$ASAN_RT_NAME' located at '$ASAN_RT_PATH'"
327 fi
329 test_require_bin() {
330 local bin
332 for bin in "$@"; do
333 if ! command -v "$bin" >/dev/null; then
334 echo "Required binary $bin not available, skipping the test"
335 exit 0
336 fi
337 done
338 }
340 find_qemu_bin() {
341 QEMU_BIN="${QEMU_BIN:-""}"
342 # SUSE and Red Hat call the binary qemu-kvm. Debian and Gentoo call it kvm.
343 if get_bool "$QEMU_KVM"; then
344 [[ -n "$QEMU_BIN" ]] || QEMU_BIN="$(command -v kvm qemu-kvm 2>/dev/null | grep '^/' -m1)"
345 fi
347 [[ -n "$ARCH" ]] || ARCH="$(uname -m)"
348 case $ARCH in
349 x86_64)
350 # QEMU's own build system calls it qemu-system-x86_64
351 [[ -n "$QEMU_BIN" ]] || QEMU_BIN="$(command -v qemu-system-x86_64 2>/dev/null | grep '^/' -m1)"
352 ;;
353 i*86)
354 # new i386 version of QEMU
355 [[ -n "$QEMU_BIN" ]] || QEMU_BIN="$(command -v qemu-system-i386 2>/dev/null | grep '^/' -m1)"
357 # i386 version of QEMU
358 [[ -n "$QEMU_BIN" ]] || QEMU_BIN="$(command -v qemu 2>/dev/null | grep '^/' -m1)"
359 ;;
360 ppc64*)
361 [[ -n "$QEMU_BIN" ]] || QEMU_BIN="$(command -v qemu-system-ppc64 2>/dev/null | grep '^/' -m1)"
362 ;;
363 esac
365 if [[ ! -e "$QEMU_BIN" ]]; then
366 echo "Could not find a suitable qemu binary" >&2
367 return 1
368 fi
369 }
371 qemu_setup_swtpm_socket() {
372 local pid state_dir tpm_device
374 if ! tpm_device="$(qemu_get_tpm_device)"; then
375 dinfo "Found QEMU version is too old for TPM2 on ppc64le"
376 exit 0
377 fi
379 state_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
380 swtpm socket --tpm2 --tpmstate dir="$state_dir" --ctrl type=unixio,path="$state_dir/sock" &
381 pid=$!
382 if ! kill -0 "$pid"; then
383 derror "Failed to start swtpm"
384 return 1
385 fi
387 if ! timeout 5 bash -c "until [[ -S $state_dir/sock ]]; do sleep .5; done"; then
388 derror "Failed to setup swtpm socket"
389 return 1
390 fi
392 dinfo "Started swtpm as PID $pid with state dir $state_dir"
394 add_at_exit_handler "kill -TERM $pid 2>/dev/null; rm -rf '$state_dir'"
396 QEMU_OPTIONS+=" -chardev socket,id=chrtpm,path=$state_dir/sock -tpmdev emulator,id=tpm0,chardev=chrtpm -device $tpm_device,tpmdev=tpm0"
397 dinfo "Configured emulated TPM2 device $tpm_device"
399 return 0
400 }
402 qemu_get_tpm_device() {
403 local tpm_device="tpm-tis"
405 if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "ppc64le" ]]; then
406 # tpm-spapr support was introduced in qemu 5.0.0
407 if ! qemu_min_version "5.0.0"; then
408 return 1
409 fi
411 tpm_device="tpm-spapr"
412 fi
414 echo "$tpm_device"
415 return 0
416 }
418 # Compares argument #1=X.Y.Z (X&Y&Z = numeric) to the version of the installed qemu
419 # returns 0 if newer or equal
420 # returns 1 if older
421 # returns 2 if failing
422 qemu_min_version() {
423 find_qemu_bin || return 2
425 # get version from binary
426 local qemu_ver
427 qemu_ver="$("$QEMU_BIN" --version | awk '/^QEMU emulator version ([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)/ {print $4}')"
429 # Check version string format
430 echo "$qemu_ver" | grep -q '^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$' || return 2
431 echo "$1" | grep -q '^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$' || return 2
433 # compare as last command to return that value
434 printf "%s\n%s\n" "$1" "$qemu_ver" | sort -V -C
435 }
437 # Pads a file to multiple of 4 bytes
438 pad4_file() {
439 local size
440 size=$(stat -c "%s" "$1")
441 local padded
442 padded=$((((size + 3) / 4) * 4))
443 truncate -s "$padded" "$1"
444 }
446 # Return 0 if qemu did run (then you must check the result state/logs for actual
447 # success), or 1 if qemu is not available.
448 run_qemu() {
449 if declare -F run_qemu_hook >/dev/null; then
450 if ! run_qemu_hook "${workspace}"; then
451 derror "check_qemu_hook() returned with EC > 0"
452 ret=4
453 fi
454 fi
456 # If the test provided its own initrd, use it (e.g. TEST-24)
457 if [[ -z "$INITRD" && -f "${TESTDIR:?}/initrd.img" ]]; then
458 INITRD="$TESTDIR/initrd.img"
459 fi
461 if [ -f /etc/machine-id ]; then
462 read -r MACHINE_ID </etc/machine-id
463 [ -z "$INITRD" ] && [ -e "$EFI_MOUNT/$MACHINE_ID/$KERNEL_VER/initrd" ] \
465 [ -z "$KERNEL_BIN" ] && [ -e "$EFI_MOUNT/$MACHINE_ID/$KERNEL_VER/linux" ] \
467 fi
469 local CONSOLE=ttyS0
471 rm -f "$initdir"/{testok,failed,skipped}
472 # make sure the initdir is not mounted to avoid concurrent access
473 cleanup_initdir
474 umount_loopback
476 if [[ ! "$KERNEL_BIN" ]]; then
477 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_ARCH"; then
478 KERNEL_BIN=/boot/vmlinuz-linux
479 else
480 [ "$ARCH" ] || ARCH=$(uname -m)
481 case $ARCH in
482 ppc64*)
483 # Ubuntu ppc64* calls the kernel binary as vmlinux-*, RHEL/CentOS
484 # uses the "standard" vmlinuz- prefix
485 [[ -e "/boot/vmlinux-$KERNEL_VER" ]] && KERNEL_BIN="/boot/vmlinux-$KERNEL_VER" || KERNEL_BIN="/boot/vmlinuz-$KERNEL_VER"
486 CONSOLE=hvc0
487 ;;
488 *)
489 KERNEL_BIN="/boot/vmlinuz-$KERNEL_VER"
490 ;;
491 esac
492 fi
493 fi
495 local default_fedora_initrd="/boot/initramfs-${KERNEL_VER}.img"
496 local default_debian_initrd="/boot/initrd.img-${KERNEL_VER}"
497 local default_arch_initrd="/boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img"
498 local default_suse_initrd="/boot/initrd-${KERNEL_VER}"
499 if [[ ! "$INITRD" ]]; then
500 if [[ -e "$default_fedora_initrd" ]]; then
501 INITRD="$default_fedora_initrd"
502 elif [[ "$LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN" && -e "$default_debian_initrd" ]]; then
503 INITRD="$default_debian_initrd"
504 elif [[ "$LOOKS_LIKE_ARCH" && -e "$default_arch_initrd" ]]; then
505 INITRD="$default_arch_initrd"
506 elif [[ "$LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE" && -e "$default_suse_initrd" ]]; then
507 INITRD="$default_suse_initrd"
508 fi
509 fi
511 # If QEMU_SMP was not explicitly set, try to determine the value 'dynamically'
512 # i.e. use the number of online CPUs on the host machine. If the nproc utility
513 # is not installed or there's some other error when calling it, fall back
514 # to the original value (QEMU_SMP=1).
515 if [[ -z "${QEMU_SMP:=}" ]]; then
516 if ! QEMU_SMP=$(nproc); then
517 dwarn "nproc utility is not installed, falling back to QEMU_SMP=1"
518 QEMU_SMP=1
519 fi
520 fi
522 find_qemu_bin || return 1
524 if get_bool "${TEST_SETUP_SWTPM:-}"; then
525 qemu_setup_swtpm_socket || return 1
526 fi
528 # Umount initdir to avoid concurrent access to the filesystem
529 _umount_dir "$initdir"
531 local kernel_params=()
532 local qemu_options=()
533 local qemu_cmd=("$QEMU_BIN")
535 if [[ "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" = "yes" ]]; then
536 kernel_params+=("systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=yes")
537 elif [[ "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" = "no" ]]; then
538 kernel_params+=("systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=no" "systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=yes")
539 elif [[ "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" = "hybrid" ]]; then
540 kernel_params+=("systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=no" "systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=no")
541 elif [[ "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" != "default" ]]; then
542 dfatal "Unknown UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY. Got $UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY, expected [yes|no|hybrid|default]"
543 exit 1
544 fi
546 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE"; then
547 kernel_params+=("rd.hostonly=0")
548 fi
550 # Debian/Ubuntu's initramfs tries to check if it can resume from hibernation
551 # and wastes a minute or so probing disks, skip that as it's not useful here
552 kernel_params+=(
553 "root=LABEL=systemd_boot"
554 "rw"
555 "raid=noautodetect"
556 "rd.luks=0"
557 "loglevel=2"
558 "init=$PATH_TO_INIT"
559 "console=$CONSOLE"
560 "SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH=/usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/testsuite-$1.units:/usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/units:"
561 "systemd.unit=testsuite.target"
562 "systemd.wants=testsuite-$1.service"
563 "noresume"
566 )
568 if ! get_bool "$INTERACTIVE_DEBUG"; then
569 kernel_params+=(
570 "oops=panic"
571 "panic=1"
572 "systemd.wants=end.service"
573 )
574 fi
576 [ -e "$IMAGE_PRIVATE" ] && image="$IMAGE_PRIVATE" || image="$IMAGE_PUBLIC"
577 qemu_options+=(
578 -smp "$QEMU_SMP"
579 -net none
580 -m "${QEMU_MEM:-768M}"
581 -nographic
582 -kernel "$KERNEL_BIN"
583 -drive "format=raw,cache=unsafe,file=$image"
584 -device "virtio-rng-pci,max-bytes=1024,period=1000"
585 )
587 if [[ -n "${QEMU_OPTIONS:=}" ]]; then
588 local user_qemu_options
589 read -ra user_qemu_options <<< "$QEMU_OPTIONS"
590 qemu_options+=("${user_qemu_options[@]}")
591 fi
592 qemu_options+=(${QEMU_OPTIONS_ARRAY:+"${QEMU_OPTIONS_ARRAY[@]}"})
594 if [[ -n "${KERNEL_APPEND:=}" ]]; then
595 local user_kernel_append
596 readarray user_kernel_append <<< "$KERNEL_APPEND"
597 kernel_params+=("${user_kernel_append[@]}")
598 fi
600 if [[ -n "$INITRD" ]]; then
601 if [[ -n "$INITRD_EXTRA" ]]; then
602 # An addition initrd has been specified, let's combine it with the main one.
603 local t="$WORKDIR"/initrd.combined."$RANDOM"
605 # First, show contents of additional initrd
606 echo "Additional initrd contents:"
607 cpio -tv < "$INITRD_EXTRA"
609 # Copy the main initrd
610 zstd -d -c -f "$INITRD" > "$t"
611 add_at_exit_handler "rm $t"
612 # Kernel requires this to be padded to multiple of 4 bytes with zeroes
613 pad4_file "$t"
615 # Copy the additional initrd
616 cat "$INITRD_EXTRA" >> "$t"
617 pad4_file "$t"
619 qemu_options+=(-initrd "$t")
620 else
621 qemu_options+=(-initrd "$INITRD")
622 fi
623 fi
625 # Let's use KVM if possible
626 if [[ -c /dev/kvm ]] && get_bool $QEMU_KVM; then
627 qemu_options+=(-machine "accel=kvm" -enable-kvm -cpu host)
628 fi
630 if [[ "$QEMU_TIMEOUT" != "infinity" ]]; then
631 qemu_cmd=(timeout --foreground "$QEMU_TIMEOUT" "$QEMU_BIN")
632 fi
634 (set -x; "${qemu_cmd[@]}" "${qemu_options[@]}" -append "${kernel_params[*]}" |& tee "${TESTDIR:?}/console.log")
635 rc=$?
636 if [ "$rc" -eq 124 ] && [ "$QEMU_TIMEOUT" != "infinity" ]; then
637 derror "Test timed out after ${QEMU_TIMEOUT}s"
639 else
640 [ "$rc" != 0 ] && derror "qemu failed with exit code $rc"
641 fi
642 return 0
643 }
645 # Return 0 if nspawn did run (then you must check the result state/logs for actual
646 # success), or 1 if nspawn is not available.
647 run_nspawn() {
648 [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]] || return 1
649 rm -f "${initdir:?}"/{testok,failed,skipped}
651 local nspawn_cmd=()
652 local nspawn_options=(
653 "--register=no"
654 "--kill-signal=SIGKILL"
655 "--directory=${1:?}"
656 "--setenv=SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH=/usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/testsuite-$2.units:/usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/units:"
657 "--machine=TEST-$TESTID"
658 )
659 local kernel_params=(
661 "systemd.unit=testsuite.target"
662 "systemd.wants=testsuite-$2.service"
665 )
667 if get_bool "$INTERACTIVE_DEBUG"; then
668 nspawn_options+=("--console=interactive")
669 else
670 kernel_params+=("systemd.wants=end.service")
671 fi
673 if [[ -n "${NSPAWN_ARGUMENTS:=}" ]]; then
674 local user_nspawn_arguments
675 read -ra user_nspawn_arguments <<< "$NSPAWN_ARGUMENTS"
676 nspawn_options+=("${user_nspawn_arguments[@]}")
677 fi
679 if [[ -n "${KERNEL_APPEND:=}" ]]; then
680 local user_kernel_append
681 readarray user_kernel_append <<< "$KERNEL_APPEND"
682 kernel_params+=("${user_kernel_append[@]}")
683 fi
685 if [[ "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" = "hybrid" ]]; then
686 dwarn "nspawn doesn't support SYSTEMD_NSPAWN_UNIFIED_HIERARCHY=hybrid, skipping"
687 exit
688 elif [[ "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" = "yes" || "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" = "no" ]]; then
690 elif [[ "$UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY" = "default" ]]; then
692 else
693 dfatal "Unknown UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY. Got $UNIFIED_CGROUP_HIERARCHY, expected [yes|no|hybrid|default]"
694 exit 1
695 fi
697 if [[ "$NSPAWN_TIMEOUT" != "infinity" ]]; then
698 nspawn_cmd+=(timeout --foreground "$NSPAWN_TIMEOUT" "$SYSTEMD_NSPAWN")
699 else
700 nspawn_cmd+=("$SYSTEMD_NSPAWN")
701 fi
703 (set -x; "${nspawn_cmd[@]}" "${nspawn_options[@]}" "${kernel_params[@]}" |& tee "${TESTDIR:?}/console.log")
704 rc=$?
705 if [ "$rc" -eq 124 ] && [ "$NSPAWN_TIMEOUT" != "infinity" ]; then
706 derror "Test timed out after ${NSPAWN_TIMEOUT}s"
708 else
709 [ "$rc" != 0 ] && derror "nspawn failed with exit code $rc"
710 fi
711 return 0
712 }
714 # Build two very minimal root images, with two units, one is the same and one is different across them
715 install_verity_minimal() {
716 dinfo "Set up a set of minimal images for verity verification"
717 if [ -e "$initdir/usr/share/minimal.raw" ]; then
718 return
719 fi
720 if ! command -v mksquashfs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
721 dfatal "mksquashfs not found"
722 exit 1
723 fi
724 if ! command -v veritysetup >/dev/null 2>&1; then
725 dfatal "veritysetup not found"
726 exit 1
727 fi
728 # Local modifications of some global variables is intentional in this
729 # subshell (SC2030)
730 # shellcheck disable=SC2030
731 (
733 bash
734 cat
735 grep
736 mount
737 sleep
738 touch
739 )
740 oldinitdir="$initdir"
741 rm -rfv "$TESTDIR/minimal"
742 export initdir="$TESTDIR/minimal"
743 # app0 will use TemporaryFileSystem=/var/lib, app1 will need the mount point in the base image
744 mkdir -p "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system" "$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d" "$initdir/etc" "$initdir/var/tmp" "$initdir/opt" "$initdir/var/lib/app1"
745 setup_basic_dirs
746 install_basic_tools
747 install_ld_so_conf
748 # Shellcheck treats [[ -v VAR ]] as an assignment to avoid a different
749 # issue, thus falsely triggering SC2030 in this case
750 # See: koalaman/shellcheck#1409
751 if [[ -v ASAN_RT_PATH ]]; then
752 # If we're compiled with ASan, install the ASan RT (and its dependencies)
753 # into the verity images to get rid of the annoying errors about
754 # missing $LD_PRELOAD libraries.
755 inst_libs "$ASAN_RT_PATH"
756 inst_library "$ASAN_RT_PATH"
757 fi
758 cp "$os_release" "$initdir/usr/lib/os-release"
759 ln -s ../usr/lib/os-release "$initdir/etc/os-release"
760 touch "$initdir/etc/machine-id" "$initdir/etc/resolv.conf"
761 touch "$initdir/opt/some_file"
762 echo MARKER=1 >>"$initdir/usr/lib/os-release"
763 echo "PORTABLE_PREFIXES=app0 minimal minimal-app0" >>"$initdir/usr/lib/os-release"
764 cat >"$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/minimal-app0.service" <<EOF
765 [Service]
766 ExecStartPre=cat /usr/lib/os-release
767 ExecStart=sleep 120
768 EOF
769 cp "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/minimal-app0.service" "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/minimal-app0-foo.service"
771 mksquashfs "$initdir" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_0.raw" -noappend
772 veritysetup format "$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_0.raw" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_0.verity" | \
773 grep '^Root hash:' | cut -f2 | tr -d '\n' >"$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_0.roothash"
775 sed -i "s/MARKER=1/MARKER=2/g" "$initdir/usr/lib/os-release"
776 rm "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/minimal-app0-foo.service"
777 cp "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/minimal-app0.service" "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/minimal-app0-bar.service"
779 mksquashfs "$initdir" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_1.raw" -noappend
780 veritysetup format "$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_1.raw" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_1.verity" | \
781 grep '^Root hash:' | cut -f2 | tr -d '\n' >"$oldinitdir/usr/share/minimal_1.roothash"
783 # Rolling distros like Arch do not set VERSION_ID
784 local version_id=""
785 if grep -q "^VERSION_ID=" "$os_release"; then
786 version_id="$(grep "^VERSION_ID=" "$os_release")"
787 fi
789 export initdir="$TESTDIR/app0"
790 mkdir -p "$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d" "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system" "$initdir/opt"
791 grep "^ID=" "$os_release" >"$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app0"
792 echo "${version_id}" >>"$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app0"
793 ( echo "${version_id}"
794 echo "SYSEXT_IMAGE_ID=app" ) >>"$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app0"
795 cat >"$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/app0.service" <<EOF
796 [Service]
797 Type=oneshot
798 RemainAfterExit=yes
799 ExecStart=/opt/script0.sh
800 TemporaryFileSystem=/var/lib
801 StateDirectory=app0
802 RuntimeDirectory=app0
803 EOF
804 cat >"$initdir/opt/script0.sh" <<EOF
805 #!/bin/bash
806 set -e
807 test -e /usr/lib/os-release
808 echo bar >\${STATE_DIRECTORY}/foo
809 cat /usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app0
810 EOF
811 chmod +x "$initdir/opt/script0.sh"
812 echo MARKER=1 >"$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/some_file"
813 mksquashfs "$initdir" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/app0.raw" -noappend
815 export initdir="$TESTDIR/app1"
816 mkdir -p "$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d" "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system" "$initdir/opt"
817 grep "^ID=" "$os_release" >"$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app2"
818 ( echo "${version_id}"
819 echo "SYSEXT_SCOPE=portable"
820 echo "SYSEXT_IMAGE_ID=app"
822 echo "PORTABLE_PREFIXES=app1" ) >>"$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app2"
823 setfattr -n user.extension-release.strict -v false "$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app2"
824 cat >"$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/app1.service" <<EOF
825 [Service]
826 Type=oneshot
827 RemainAfterExit=yes
828 ExecStart=/opt/script1.sh
829 StateDirectory=app1
830 RuntimeDirectory=app1
831 EOF
832 cat >"$initdir/opt/script1.sh" <<EOF
833 #!/bin/bash
834 set -e
835 test -e /usr/lib/os-release
836 echo baz >\${STATE_DIRECTORY}/foo
837 cat /usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app2
838 EOF
839 chmod +x "$initdir/opt/script1.sh"
840 echo MARKER=1 >"$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/other_file"
841 mksquashfs "$initdir" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/app1.raw" -noappend
843 export initdir="$TESTDIR/app-nodistro"
844 mkdir -p "$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d" "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system"
845 ( echo "ID=_any"
846 echo "ARCHITECTURE=_any" ) >"$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app-nodistro"
847 echo MARKER=1 >"$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/some_file"
848 mksquashfs "$initdir" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/app-nodistro.raw" -noappend
850 export initdir="$TESTDIR/service-scoped-test"
851 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/extension-release.d" "$initdir/etc/systemd/system"
852 ( echo "ID=_any"
853 echo "ARCHITECTURE=_any" ) >"$initdir/etc/extension-release.d/extension-release.service-scoped-test"
854 echo MARKER_CONFEXT_123 >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system/some_file"
855 mksquashfs "$initdir" "$oldinitdir/etc/service-scoped-test.raw" -noappend
857 # We need to create a dedicated sysext image to test the reload mechanism. If we share an image to install the
858 # 'foo.service' it will be loaded from another test run, which will impact the targeted test.
859 export initdir="$TESTDIR/app-reload"
860 mkdir -p "$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d" "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system"
861 ( echo "ID=_any"
862 echo "ARCHITECTURE=_any"
863 echo "EXTENSION_RELOAD_MANAGER=1" ) >"$initdir/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.app-reload"
864 mkdir -p "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.d"
865 cat >"${initdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/foo.service" <<EOF
866 [Service]
867 Type=oneshot
868 RemainAfterExit=yes
869 ExecStart=echo foo
871 [Install]
872 WantedBy=multi-user.target
873 EOF
874 { echo "[Unit]"; echo "Upholds=foo.service"; } > "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.d/10-foo-service.conf"
875 mksquashfs "$initdir" "$oldinitdir/usr/share/app-reload.raw" -noappend
876 )
877 }
879 setup_basic_environment() {
880 # create the basic filesystem layout
881 setup_basic_dirs
883 install_systemd
884 install_missing_libraries
885 install_config_files
886 install_zoneinfo
887 create_rc_local
888 install_basic_tools
889 install_libnss
890 install_pam
891 install_dbus
892 install_fonts
893 install_locales
894 install_keymaps
895 install_x11_keymaps
896 install_terminfo
897 install_execs
898 install_fs_tools
899 install_modules
900 install_plymouth
901 install_haveged
902 install_debug_tools
903 install_ld_so_conf
904 install_testuser
905 has_user_dbus_socket && install_user_dbus
906 setup_selinux
907 install_depmod_files
908 generate_module_dependencies
909 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN"; then
910 create_asan_wrapper
911 fi
912 if get_bool "$TEST_INSTALL_VERITY_MINIMAL"; then
913 install_verity_minimal
914 fi
915 }
917 setup_selinux() {
918 dinfo "Setup SELinux"
919 # don't forget KERNEL_APPEND='... selinux=1 ...'
920 if ! get_bool "$SETUP_SELINUX"; then
921 dinfo "SETUP_SELINUX != yes, skipping SELinux configuration"
922 return 0
923 fi
925 local conf_dir=/etc/selinux
926 local fixfiles_tools=(awk bash cat chcon expr egrep find grep head secon setfiles rm sort uname uniq)
928 # Make sure the following statement can't expand to "/" to prevent
929 # a potential where-are-my-backups situation
930 rm -rf "${initdir:?}/$conf_dir"
931 if ! cp -ar "$conf_dir" "$initdir/$conf_dir"; then
932 dfatal "Failed to copy $conf_dir"
933 exit 1
934 fi
936 # We use a custom autorelabel service instead of the SELinux provided set
937 # of units & a generator, since the generator overrides the default target
938 # to the SELinux one when it detects /.autorelabel. However, we use
939 # systemd.unit= on the kernel command cmdline which always takes precedence,
940 # rendering all SELinux efforts useless. Also, pulling in selinux-autorelabel.service
941 # explicitly doesn't work either, as it doesn't check for the presence of /.autorelabel
942 # and does the relabeling unconditionally which always ends with a reboot, so
943 # we end up in a reboot loop (and it also spews quite a lot of errors as it
944 # wants /etc/fstab and dracut-initramfs-restore).
946 touch "$initdir/.autorelabel"
947 mkdir -p "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/units/basic.target.wants"
948 ln -sf ../autorelabel.service "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/units/basic.target.wants/"
950 image_install "${fixfiles_tools[@]}"
951 image_install fixfiles sestatus
952 }
954 install_valgrind() {
955 if ! type -p valgrind; then
956 dfatal "Failed to install valgrind"
957 exit 1
958 fi
960 local valgrind_bins valgrind_libs valgrind_supp
962 readarray -t valgrind_bins < <(strace -e execve valgrind /bin/true 2>&1 >/dev/null |
963 sed -r -n 's/execve\("([^"]*)".*/\1/p')
964 image_install "${valgrind_bins[@]}"
966 readarray -t valgrind_libs < <(LD_DEBUG=files valgrind /bin/true 2>&1 >/dev/null |
967 sed -r -n 's|.*calling init: (/.*vgpreload_.*)|\1|p')
968 image_install "${valgrind_libs[@]}"
970 readarray -t valgrind_supp < <(strace -e open valgrind /bin/true 2>&1 >/dev/null |
971 sed -r -n 's,open\("([^"]*(/debug[^"]*|\.supp))".*= [0-9].*,\1,p')
972 image_install "${valgrind_supp[@]}"
973 }
975 create_valgrind_wrapper() {
976 local valgrind_wrapper="$initdir/$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd-under-valgrind"
977 ddebug "Create $valgrind_wrapper"
978 cat >"$valgrind_wrapper" <<EOF
979 #!/usr/bin/env bash
981 mount -t proc proc /proc
982 exec valgrind --leak-check=full --track-fds=yes --log-file=/valgrind.out $ROOTLIBDIR/systemd "\$@"
983 EOF
984 chmod 0755 "$valgrind_wrapper"
985 }
987 create_asan_wrapper() {
988 local asan_wrapper default_asan_options default_ubsan_options default_environment manager_environment
990 [[ -z "$ASAN_RT_PATH" ]] && dfatal "ASAN_RT_PATH is empty, but it shouldn't be"
992 default_asan_options="${ASAN_OPTIONS:-strict_string_checks=1:detect_stack_use_after_return=1:check_initialization_order=1:strict_init_order=1}"
993 default_ubsan_options="${UBSAN_OPTIONS:-print_stacktrace=1:print_summary=1:halt_on_error=1}"
995 if [[ "$ASAN_COMPILER" == "clang" ]]; then
996 # clang: install llvm-symbolizer to generate useful reports
997 # See: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html#symbolizing-the-reports
998 image_install "llvm-symbolizer"
1000 # Let's add the ASan DSO's path to the dynamic linker's cache. This is pretty
1001 # unnecessary for gcc & libasan, however, for clang this is crucial, as its
1002 # runtime ASan DSO is in a non-standard (library) path.
1003 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/ld.so.conf.d/"
1004 echo "${ASAN_RT_PATH%/*}" >"${initdir:?}/etc/ld.so.conf.d/asan-path-override.conf"
1005 ldconfig -r "$initdir"
1006 fi
1008 # Create a simple environment file which can be included by systemd services
1009 # that need it (i.e. services that utilize DynamicUser=true and bash, etc.)
1010 cat >"${initdir:?}/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-asan-env" <<EOF
1012 ASAN_OPTIONS=$default_asan_options
1013 LSAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0
1014 UBSAN_OPTIONS=$default_ubsan_options
1015 EOF
1017 default_environment=(
1018 "ASAN_OPTIONS='$default_asan_options'"
1019 "UBSAN_OPTIONS='$default_ubsan_options'"
1021 )
1022 manager_environment=(
1023 "ASAN_OPTIONS='$default_asan_options:log_path=/systemd-pid1.asan.log:log_to_syslog=1'"
1024 "UBSAN_OPTIONS='$default_ubsan_options:log_path=/systemd-pid1.ubsan.log:log_to_syslog=1'"
1026 )
1028 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/"
1029 cat >"${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/asan.conf" <<EOF
1030 [Manager]
1031 DefaultEnvironment=${default_environment[*]}
1032 ManagerEnvironment=${manager_environment[*]}
1033 DefaultTimeoutStartSec=180s
1034 DefaultStandardOutput=journal+console
1035 EOF
1037 # ASAN and syscall filters aren't compatible with each other.
1038 find "${initdir:?}" -name '*.service' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/^\(MemoryDeny\|SystemCall\)/#\1/'
1040 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-journald.service.d/"
1041 cat >"${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-journald.service.d/asan-env.conf" <<EOF
1042 [Service]
1043 # The redirection of ASAN reports to a file prevents them from ending up in /dev/null.
1044 # But, apparently, sometimes it doesn't work: https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/886.
1045 Environment=ASAN_OPTIONS=$default_asan_options:log_path=/systemd-journald.asan.log UBSAN_OPTIONS=$default_ubsan_options:log_path=/systemd-journald.ubsan.log
1047 # Sometimes UBSan sends its reports to stderr regardless of what is specified in log_path
1048 # Let's try to catch them by redirecting stderr (and stdout just in case) to a file
1049 # See https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/12524#issuecomment-491108821
1050 StandardOutput=file:/systemd-journald.out
1051 EOF
1053 # 90s isn't enough for some services to finish when literally everything is run
1054 # under ASan+UBSan in containers, which, in turn, are run in VMs.
1055 # Let's limit which environments such services should be executed in.
1056 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-hwdb-update.service.d/"
1057 cat >"${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-hwdb-update.service.d/asan.conf" <<EOF
1058 [Unit]
1059 ConditionVirtualization=container
1061 [Service]
1062 TimeoutSec=240s
1063 EOF
1065 # Let's override another hard-coded timeout that kicks in too early
1066 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-journal-flush.service.d/"
1067 cat >"${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-journal-flush.service.d/asan.conf" <<EOF
1068 [Service]
1069 TimeoutSec=180s
1070 EOF
1072 asan_wrapper="${initdir:?}/${PATH_TO_INIT:?}"
1073 # Sanity check to make sure we don't overwrite something we shouldn't.
1074 [[ "$asan_wrapper" =~ systemd-under-asan$ ]]
1076 cat >"$asan_wrapper" <<EOF
1077 #!/usr/bin/env bash
1078 set -eux
1080 export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
1081 export ${manager_environment[@]}
1082 [[ -n "\$ASAN_OPTIONS" && -n "\$UBSAN_OPTIONS" ]]
1084 exec "$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd" "\$@"
1085 EOF
1086 chmod 0755 "$asan_wrapper"
1087 }
1089 create_strace_wrapper() {
1090 local strace_wrapper="$initdir/$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd-under-strace"
1091 ddebug "Create $strace_wrapper"
1092 cat >"$strace_wrapper" <<EOF
1093 #!/usr/bin/env bash
1095 exec strace -f -D -o /strace.out "$ROOTLIBDIR/systemd" "\$@"
1096 EOF
1097 chmod 0755 "$strace_wrapper"
1098 }
1100 install_fs_tools() {
1101 dinfo "Install fsck"
1102 image_install /sbin/fsck*
1103 image_install -o /bin/fsck*
1105 # fskc.reiserfs calls reiserfsck. so, install it
1106 image_install -o reiserfsck
1108 # we use mkfs in system-repart tests
1109 image_install /sbin/mkfs.ext4
1110 image_install /sbin/mkfs.vfat
1111 }
1113 install_modules() {
1114 dinfo "Install modules"
1116 instmods bridge dummy ipvlan macvlan vfat veth
1117 instmods loop =block
1118 instmods nls_ascii =nls
1119 instmods overlay =overlayfs
1120 instmods scsi_debug
1122 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE"; then
1123 instmods ext4 af_packet
1124 fi
1125 }
1127 install_dmevent() {
1128 instmods dm_crypt =crypto
1129 inst_binary dmeventd
1130 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/dm-event.{service,socket}
1131 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN"; then
1132 # dmsetup installs 55-dm and 60-persistent-storage-dm on Debian/Ubuntu
1133 # and since buster/bionic 95-dm-notify.rules
1134 # see https://gitlab.com/debian-lvm/lvm2/blob/master/debian/patches/udev.patch
1135 inst_rules 55-dm.rules 60-persistent-storage-dm.rules 95-dm-notify.rules
1136 else
1137 inst_rules 10-dm.rules 13-dm-disk.rules 95-dm-notify.rules
1138 fi
1139 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE"; then
1140 inst_rules 60-persistent-storage.rules 61-persistent-storage-compat.rules 99-systemd.rules
1141 fi
1142 }
1144 install_multipath() {
1145 instmods "=md" multipath
1146 image_install kpartx /lib/udev/kpartx_id lsmod mpathpersist multipath multipathd partx
1147 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/multipathd.{service,socket}
1148 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN"; then
1149 inst_rules 56-dm-parts.rules 56-dm-mpath.rules 60-multipath.rules 68-del-part-nodes.rules 95-kpartx.rules
1150 else
1151 inst_rules 11-dm-mpath.rules 11-dm-parts.rules 62-multipath.rules 66-kpartx.rules 68-del-part-nodes.rules
1152 fi
1153 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/multipath"
1155 local file
1156 while read -r file; do
1157 # Install libraries required by the given library
1158 inst_libs "$file"
1159 # Install the library itself and create necessary symlinks
1160 inst_library "$file"
1161 done < <(find /lib*/multipath -type f)
1162 }
1164 install_lvm() {
1165 image_install lvm
1166 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/lvm2-lvmpolld.{service,socket}
1167 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/{blk-availability,lvm2-monitor}.service
1168 image_install -o "/lib/tmpfiles.d/lvm2.conf"
1169 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN"; then
1170 inst_rules 56-lvm.rules 69-lvm-metad.rules
1171 else
1172 # Support the new udev autoactivation introduced in lvm 2.03.14
1173 # https://sourceware.org/git/?p=lvm2.git;a=commit;h=67722b312390cdab29c076c912e14bd739c5c0f6
1174 # Static autoactivation (via lvm2-activation-generator) was dropped
1175 # in lvm 2.03.15
1176 # https://sourceware.org/git/?p=lvm2.git;a=commit;h=ee8fb0310c53ed003a43b324c99cdfd891dd1a7c
1177 if [[ -f /lib/udev/rules.d/69-dm-lvm.rules ]]; then
1178 inst_rules 11-dm-lvm.rules 69-dm-lvm.rules
1179 else
1180 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system-generators/lvm2-activation-generator
1181 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/lvm2-pvscan@.service
1182 inst_rules 11-dm-lvm.rules 69-dm-lvm-metad.rules
1183 fi
1184 fi
1185 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/lvm"
1186 }
1188 install_btrfs() {
1189 instmods btrfs
1190 # Not all utilities provided by btrfs-progs are listed here; extend the list
1191 # if necessary
1192 image_install btrfs btrfstune mkfs.btrfs
1193 inst_rules 64-btrfs-dm.rules
1194 }
1196 install_iscsi() {
1197 # Install both client and server side stuff by default
1198 local inst="${1:-}"
1199 local file
1201 # Install client-side stuff ("initiator" in iSCSI jargon) - Open-iSCSI in this case
1202 # (open-iscsi on Debian, iscsi-initiator-utils on Fedora, etc.)
1203 if [[ -z "$inst" || "$inst" =~ (client|initiator) ]]; then
1204 image_install iscsi-iname iscsiadm iscsid iscsistart
1205 image_install -o "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/iscsi-{init,onboot,shutdown}.service
1206 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/iscsid.{service,socket}
1207 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/iscsi.service
1208 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}"/var/lib/iscsi/{ifaces,isns,nodes,send_targets,slp,static}
1209 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/iscsi"
1210 echo "iscsid.startup = /bin/systemctl start iscsid.socket" >"${initdir:?}/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf"
1211 # Since open-iscsi 2.1.2 [0] the initiator name should be generated via
1212 # a one-time service instead of distro package's post-install scripts.
1213 # However, some distros still use this approach even after this patch,
1214 # so prefer the already existing initiatorname.iscsi file if it exists.
1215 #
1216 # [0] https://github.com/open-iscsi/open-iscsi/commit/f37d5b653f9f251845db3f29b1a3dcb90ec89731
1217 if [[ ! -e /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi ]]; then
1218 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/iscsi-init.service
1219 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN"; then
1220 # The iscsi-init.service calls `sh` which might, in certain circumstances,
1221 # pull in instrumented systemd NSS modules causing `sh` to fail. Let's mitigate
1222 # this by pulling in an env file crafted by `create_asan_wrapper()` that
1223 # (among others) pre-loads ASan's DSO.
1224 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/iscsi-init.service.d/"
1225 printf "[Service]\nEnvironmentFile=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-asan-env" >"${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/iscsi-init.service.d/asan-env.conf"
1226 fi
1227 else
1228 inst_simple "/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi"
1229 fi
1230 fi
1232 # Install server-side stuff ("target" in iSCSI jargon) - TGT in this case
1233 # (tgt on Debian, scsi-target-utils on Fedora, etc.)
1234 if [[ -z "$inst" || "$inst" =~ (server|target) ]]; then
1235 image_install tgt-admin tgt-setup-lun tgtadm tgtd tgtimg
1236 image_install -o /etc/sysconfig/tgtd
1237 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}"/system/tgtd.service
1238 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/tgt"
1239 touch "${initdir:?}"/etc/tgt/{tgtd,targets}.conf
1240 # Install perl modules required by tgt-admin
1241 #
1242 # Forgive me father for I have sinned. The monstrosity below appends
1243 # a perl snippet to the `tgt-admin` perl script on the fly, which
1244 # dumps a list of files (perl modules) required by `tgt-admin` at
1245 # the runtime plus any DSOs loaded via DynaLoader. This list is then
1246 # passed to `inst_simple` which installs the necessary files into the image
1247 #
1248 # shellcheck disable=SC2016
1249 while read -r file; do
1250 inst_simple "$file"
1251 done < <(perl -- <(cat "$(command -v tgt-admin)" <(echo -e 'use DynaLoader; print map { "$_\n" } values %INC; print join("\n", @DynaLoader::dl_shared_objects)')) -p | awk '/^\// { print $1 }')
1252 fi
1253 }
1255 install_mdadm() {
1256 local unit
1257 local mdadm_units=(
1258 system/mdadm-grow-continue@.service
1259 system/mdadm-last-resort@.service
1260 system/mdadm-last-resort@.timer
1261 system/mdmon@.service
1262 system/mdmonitor-oneshot.service
1263 system/mdmonitor-oneshot.timer
1264 system/mdmonitor.service
1265 system-shutdown/mdadm.shutdown
1266 )
1268 image_install mdadm mdmon
1269 inst_rules 01-md-raid-creating.rules 63-md-raid-arrays.rules 64-md-raid-assembly.rules 69-md-clustered-confirm-device.rules
1270 # Fedora/CentOS/RHEL ships this rule file
1271 [[ -f /lib/udev/rules.d/65-md-incremental.rules ]] && inst_rules 65-md-incremental.rules
1273 for unit in "${mdadm_units[@]}"; do
1274 image_install "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}/$unit"
1275 done
1276 }
1278 install_compiled_systemd() {
1279 dinfo "Install compiled systemd"
1281 local ninja_bin
1282 ninja_bin="$(type -P ninja || type -P ninja-build)"
1283 if [[ -z "$ninja_bin" ]]; then
1284 dfatal "ninja was not found"
1285 exit 1
1286 fi
1287 (set -x; DESTDIR="$initdir" "$ninja_bin" -C "$BUILD_DIR" install)
1289 # If we are doing coverage runs, copy over the binary notes files, as lcov expects to
1290 # find them in the same directory as the runtime data counts
1291 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_COVERAGE"; then
1292 mkdir -p "${initdir}/${BUILD_DIR:?}/"
1293 rsync -am --include='*/' --include='*.gcno' --exclude='*' "${BUILD_DIR:?}/" "${initdir}/${BUILD_DIR:?}/"
1294 # Set effective & default ACLs for the build dir so unprivileged
1295 # processes can write gcda files with coverage stats
1296 setfacl -R -m 'd:o:rwX' -m 'o:rwX' "${initdir}/${BUILD_DIR:?}/"
1297 fi
1298 }
1300 install_debian_systemd() {
1301 dinfo "Install debian systemd"
1303 local files
1305 while read -r deb; do
1306 files="$(dpkg-query -L "$deb" 2>/dev/null)" || continue
1307 ddebug "Install debian files from package $deb"
1308 for file in $files; do
1309 [ -e "$file" ] || continue
1310 [ ! -L "$file" ] && [ -d "$file" ] && continue
1311 inst "$file"
1312 done
1313 done < <(grep -E '^Package:' "${SOURCE_DIR}/debian/control" | cut -d ':' -f 2)
1314 }
1316 install_suse_systemd() {
1317 local pkgs
1319 dinfo "Install SUSE systemd"
1321 pkgs=(
1322 systemd
1323 systemd-container
1324 systemd-coredump
1325 systemd-experimental
1326 systemd-homed
1327 systemd-journal-remote
1328 # Since commit fb6f25d7b979134a, systemd-resolved, which is shipped by
1329 # systemd-network sub-package on openSUSE, has its own testsuite.
1330 systemd-network
1331 systemd-portable
1332 udev
1333 )
1335 for p in "${pkgs[@]}"; do
1336 rpm -q "$p" &>/dev/null || continue
1338 ddebug "Install files from package $p"
1339 while read -r f; do
1340 [ -e "$f" ] || continue
1341 [ ! -L "$f" ] && [ -d "$f" ] && continue
1342 inst "$f"
1343 done < <(rpm -ql "$p")
1344 done
1346 dinfo "Install the data needed by the tests at runtime"
1347 inst_recursive "${SOURCE_DIR}/testdata"
1348 inst_recursive "${SOURCE_DIR}/unit-tests/manual"
1350 # On openSUSE, this directory is not created at package install, at least
1351 # for now.
1352 mkdir -p "$initdir/var/log/journal/remote"
1353 }
1355 install_distro_systemd() {
1356 dinfo "Install distro systemd"
1358 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN"; then
1359 install_debian_systemd
1360 elif get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_SUSE"; then
1361 install_suse_systemd
1362 else
1363 dfatal "NO_BUILD not supported for this distro"
1364 exit 1
1365 fi
1366 }
1368 install_systemd() {
1369 dinfo "Install systemd"
1370 if get_bool "$NO_BUILD"; then
1371 install_distro_systemd
1372 else
1373 install_compiled_systemd
1374 fi
1376 # Remove unneeded documentation
1377 rm -fr "${initdir:?}"/usr/share/{man,doc}
1379 # Enable debug logging in PID1
1380 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/"
1381 echo -ne "[Manager]\nLogLevel=debug\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/10-log-level.conf"
1382 if [[ -n "$TEST_SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL" ]]; then
1383 echo DefaultEnvironment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL="$TEST_SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL" >>"$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/99-log-level.conf"
1384 fi
1385 # Enable debug logging for user instances as well
1386 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/user.conf.d/"
1387 echo -ne "[Manager]\nLogLevel=debug\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/user.conf.d/10-log-level.conf"
1388 # Store coredumps in journal
1389 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/coredump.conf.d/"
1390 echo -ne "[Coredump]\nStorage=journal\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/coredump.conf.d/10-storage-journal.conf"
1391 # Propagate SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH to user systemd managers
1392 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d/"
1393 echo -ne "[Service]\nPassEnvironment=SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d/99-SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH.conf"
1395 # When built with gcov, disable ProtectSystem= and ProtectHome= in the test
1396 # images, since it prevents gcov to write the coverage reports (*.gcda
1397 # files)
1398 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_COVERAGE"; then
1399 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/service.d/"
1400 echo -ne "[Service]\nProtectSystem=no\nProtectHome=no\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system/service.d/99-gcov-override.conf"
1401 # Similarly, set ReadWritePaths= to the $BUILD_DIR in the test image to make the coverage work with
1402 # units using DynamicUser=yes. Do this only for services with test- prefix and a couple of
1403 # known-to-use DynamicUser=yes services, as setting this system-wide has many undesirable
1404 # side-effects, as it creates its own namespace.
1405 for service in test- systemd-journal-{gatewayd,upload}; do
1406 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/$service.service.d/"
1407 echo -ne "[Service]\nReadWritePaths=${BUILD_DIR:?}\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system/$service.service.d/99-gcov-rwpaths-override.conf"
1408 done
1409 # Ditto, but for the user daemon
1410 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/user/test-.service.d/"
1411 echo -ne "[Service]\nReadWritePaths=${BUILD_DIR:?}\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/user/test-.service.d/99-gcov-rwpaths-override.conf"
1412 # Bind the $BUILD_DIR into nspawn containers that are executed using
1413 # machinectl. Unfortunately, the .nspawn files don't support drop-ins
1414 # so we have to inject the bind mount directly into
1415 # the systemd-nspawn@.service unit.
1416 cp "$initdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@.service" "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@.service"
1417 sed -ri "s/^ExecStart=.+$/& --bind=${BUILD_DIR//\//\\\/}/" "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@.service"
1418 # Pass the $BUILD_DIR as $COVERAGE_BUILD_DIR env variable to the system
1419 # manager, similarly to what we do with $ASAN_RT_PATH during sanitized
1420 # builds
1421 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/"
1422 echo -ne "[Manager]\nDefaultEnvironment=COVERAGE_BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR\n" >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/99-COVERAGE_BUILD_DIR.conf"
1423 fi
1425 # If we're built with -Dportabled=false, tests with systemd-analyze
1426 # --profile will fail. Since we need just the profile (text) files, let's
1427 # copy them into the image if they don't exist there.
1428 local portable_dir="${initdir:?}${ROOTLIBDIR:?}/portable"
1429 if [[ ! -d "$portable_dir/profile/strict" ]]; then
1430 dinfo "Couldn't find portable profiles in the test image"
1431 dinfo "Copying them directly from the source tree"
1432 mkdir -p "$portable_dir"
1433 cp -frv "${SOURCE_DIR:?}/src/portable/profile" "$portable_dir"
1434 fi
1435 }
1437 get_ldpath() {
1438 local rpath
1439 rpath="$(objdump -p "${1:?}" 2>/dev/null | awk "/R(UN)?PATH/ { print \"$initdir\" \$2 }" | paste -sd :)"
1441 if [ -z "$rpath" ] ; then
1442 echo "$BUILD_DIR"
1443 else
1444 echo "$rpath"
1445 fi
1446 }
1448 install_missing_libraries() {
1449 dinfo "Install missing libraries"
1450 # install possible missing libraries
1451 for i in "${initdir:?}"{,/usr}/{sbin,bin}/* "$initdir"{,/usr}/lib/systemd/{,tests/unit-tests/{,manual/,unsafe/}}*; do
1452 LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}$(get_ldpath "$i")" inst_libs "$i"
1453 done
1455 # Install libgcc_s.so if available, since it's dlopen()ed by libpthread
1456 # and might cause unexpected failures during pthread_exit()/pthread_cancel()
1457 # if not present
1458 # See: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/23858
1459 while read -r libgcc_s; do
1460 [[ -e "$libgcc_s" ]] && inst_library "$libgcc_s"
1461 done < <(ldconfig -p | awk '/\/libgcc_s.so.1$/ { print $4 }')
1463 local lib path
1464 # A number of dependencies is now optional via dlopen, so the install
1465 # script will not pick them up, since it looks at linkage.
1466 for lib in libcryptsetup libidn libidn2 pwquality libqrencode tss2-esys tss2-rc tss2-mu tss2-tcti-device libfido2 libbpf libelf libdw xkbcommon p11-kit-1; do
1467 ddebug "Searching for $lib via pkg-config"
1468 if pkg-config --exists "$lib"; then
1469 path="$(pkg-config --variable=libdir "$lib")"
1470 if [ -z "${path}" ]; then
1471 ddebug "$lib.pc does not contain a libdir variable, skipping"
1472 continue
1473 fi
1475 if ! [[ ${lib} =~ ^lib ]]; then
1476 lib="lib${lib}"
1477 fi
1478 # p11-kit-1's .so doesn't have the API level in the name
1479 if [[ ${lib} =~ p11-kit-1$ ]]; then
1480 lib="libp11-kit"
1481 fi
1482 # Some pkg-config files are broken and give out the wrong paths
1483 # (eg: libcryptsetup), so just ignore them
1484 inst_libs "${path}/${lib}.so" || true
1485 inst_library "${path}/${lib}.so" || true
1487 if [[ "$lib" == "libxkbcommon" ]]; then
1488 install_x11_keymaps full
1489 fi
1490 else
1491 ddebug "$lib.pc not found, skipping"
1492 continue
1493 fi
1494 done
1496 # Install extra openssl 3 stuff
1497 path="$(pkg-config --variable=libdir libcrypto)"
1498 inst_simple "${path}/ossl-modules/legacy.so" || true
1499 inst_simple "${path}/ossl-modules/fips.so" || true
1500 inst_simple "${path}/engines-3/afalg.so" || true
1501 inst_simple "${path}/engines-3/capi.so" || true
1502 inst_simple "${path}/engines-3/loader_attic.so" || true
1503 inst_simple "${path}/engines-3/padlock.so" || true
1505 # Binaries from mtools depend on the gconv modules to translate between codepages. Because there's no
1506 # pkg-config file for these, we copy every gconv/ directory we can find in /usr/lib and /usr/lib64.
1507 # shellcheck disable=SC2046
1508 inst_recursive $(find /usr/lib* -name gconv 2>/dev/null)
1509 }
1511 cleanup_loopdev() {
1512 if [ -n "${LOOPDEV:=}" ]; then
1513 ddebug "losetup -d $LOOPDEV"
1514 losetup -d "${LOOPDEV}"
1515 unset LOOPDEV
1516 fi
1517 }
1519 add_at_exit_handler cleanup_loopdev
1521 create_empty_image() {
1522 if [[ -z "${IMAGE_NAME:=}" ]]; then
1523 echo "create_empty_image: \$IMAGE_NAME not set"
1524 exit 1
1525 fi
1527 # Partition sizes are in MiBs
1528 local root_size=768
1529 local data_size=100
1530 if ! get_bool "$NO_BUILD"; then
1531 if meson configure "${BUILD_DIR:?}" | grep 'static-lib\|standalone-binaries' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -q 'true'; then
1532 root_size=$((root_size + 200))
1533 fi
1534 if meson configure "${BUILD_DIR:?}" | grep 'link-.*-shared' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -q 'false'; then
1535 root_size=$((root_size + 200))
1536 fi
1537 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_COVERAGE"; then
1538 root_size=$((root_size + 250))
1539 fi
1540 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN"; then
1541 root_size=$((root_size * 2))
1542 fi
1543 fi
1545 if [[ "${IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_ROOT_SIZE:-0}" -gt 0 ]]; then
1546 root_size=$((root_size + IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_ROOT_SIZE))
1547 fi
1548 if [[ "${IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_DATA_SIZE:-0}" -gt 0 ]]; then
1549 data_size=$((data_size + IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_DATA_SIZE))
1550 fi
1552 echo "Setting up ${IMAGE_PUBLIC:?} (${root_size} MB)"
1553 rm -f "${IMAGE_PRIVATE:?}" "$IMAGE_PUBLIC"
1555 # Create the blank file to use as a root filesystem
1556 truncate -s "${root_size}M" "$IMAGE_PUBLIC"
1558 LOOPDEV="$(losetup --show -P -f "$IMAGE_PUBLIC")"
1559 [[ -b "$LOOPDEV" ]] || return 1
1560 # Create two partitions - a root one and a data one (utilized by some tests)
1561 sfdisk "$LOOPDEV" <<EOF
1562 label: gpt
1563 type=0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 name=root size=$((root_size - data_size))M bootable
1564 type=0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 name=data
1565 EOF
1567 udevadm settle
1569 local label=(-L systemd_boot)
1570 # mkfs.reiserfs doesn't know -L. so, use --label instead
1571 [[ "$FSTYPE" == "reiserfs" ]] && label=(--label systemd_boot)
1572 if ! mkfs -t "${FSTYPE}" "${label[@]}" "${LOOPDEV}p1" -q; then
1573 dfatal "Failed to mkfs -t ${FSTYPE}"
1574 exit 1
1575 fi
1576 }
1578 mount_initdir() {
1579 if [ -z "${LOOPDEV:=}" ]; then
1580 [ -e "${IMAGE_PRIVATE:?}" ] && image="$IMAGE_PRIVATE" || image="${IMAGE_PUBLIC:?}"
1581 LOOPDEV="$(losetup --show -P -f "$image")"
1582 [ -b "$LOOPDEV" ] || return 1
1584 udevadm settle
1585 fi
1587 if ! mountpoint -q "${initdir:?}"; then
1588 mkdir -p "$initdir"
1589 mount "${LOOPDEV}p1" "$initdir"
1591 fi
1592 }
1594 cleanup_initdir() {
1595 # only umount if create_empty_image_rootdir() was called to mount it
1596 if get_bool "$TEST_SETUP_CLEANUP_ROOTDIR"; then
1597 _umount_dir "${initdir:?}"
1598 fi
1599 }
1601 umount_loopback() {
1602 # unmount the loopback device from all places. Otherwise we risk file
1603 # system corruption.
1604 for device in $(losetup -l | awk '$6=="'"${IMAGE_PUBLIC:?}"'" {print $1}'); do
1605 ddebug "Unmounting all uses of $device"
1606 mount | awk '/^'"${device}"'p/{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty umount -v
1607 done
1608 }
1610 create_empty_image_rootdir() {
1611 create_empty_image
1612 mount_initdir
1613 }
1615 check_asan_reports() {
1616 local ret=0
1617 local root="${1:?}"
1618 local log report
1620 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN"; then
1621 ls -l "$root"
1622 if [[ -e "$root/systemd.asan.log.1" ]]; then
1623 cat "$root/systemd.asan.log.1"
1624 ret=$((ret+1))
1625 fi
1627 for log in pid1 journald; do
1628 report="$(find "$root" -name "systemd-$log.*san.log*" -exec cat {} \;)"
1629 if [[ -n "$report" ]]; then
1630 printf "%s\n" "$report"
1631 # shellcheck disable=SC2015
1632 [[ "$log" == journald ]] && cat "$root/systemd-journald.out" || :
1633 ret=$((ret+1))
1634 fi
1635 done
1637 # May 08 13:23:31 H testleak[2907148]: SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 4 byte(s) leaked in 1 allocation(s).
1638 pids="$(
1639 "$JOURNALCTL" -D "$root/var/log/journal" --grep 'SUMMARY: .*Sanitizer:' |
1640 grep -v -E 'dbus-daemon|dbus-broker-launch' |
1641 sed -r -n 's/.* .+\[([0-9]+)\]: SUMMARY:.*/\1/p'
1642 )"
1644 if [[ -n "$pids" ]]; then
1645 ret=$((ret+1))
1646 for pid in $pids; do
1647 "$JOURNALCTL" -D "$root/var/log/journal" _PID="$pid" --no-pager
1648 done
1649 fi
1650 fi
1652 return $ret
1653 }
1655 check_coverage_reports() {
1656 local root="${1:?}"
1658 if get_bool "$NO_BUILD"; then
1659 return 0
1660 fi
1661 if ! get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_COVERAGE"; then
1662 return 0
1663 fi
1665 if [ -n "${ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY}" ]; then
1666 dest="${ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY}/${testname:?}.coverage-info"
1667 else
1668 dest="${TESTDIR:?}/coverage-info"
1669 fi
1671 if [[ ! -e "${TESTDIR:?}/coverage-base" ]]; then
1672 # This shouldn't happen, as the report is generated during the setup
1673 # phase (test_setup()).
1674 derror "Missing base coverage report"
1675 return 1
1676 fi
1678 # Create a coverage report that will later be uploaded. Remove info about system
1679 # libraries/headers and generated files, as we don't really care about them.
1680 lcov --directory "${root}/${BUILD_DIR:?}" --capture --output-file "${dest}.new"
1681 if [[ -f "$dest" ]]; then
1682 # If the destination report file already exists, don't overwrite it, but
1683 # merge it with the already present one - this usually happens when
1684 # running both "parts" of a test in one run (the qemu and the nspawn part).
1685 lcov --add-tracefile "${dest}" --add-tracefile "${dest}.new" -o "${dest}"
1686 else
1687 # If there's no prior coverage report, merge the new one with the base
1688 # report we did during the setup phase (see test_setup()).
1689 lcov --add-tracefile "${TESTDIR:?}/coverage-base" --add-tracefile "${dest}.new" -o "${dest}"
1690 fi
1691 lcov --remove "$dest" -o "$dest" '/usr/include/*' '/usr/lib/*' "${BUILD_DIR:?}/*"
1692 rm -f "${dest}.new"
1694 # If the test logs contain lines like:
1695 #
1696 # ...systemd-resolved[735885]: profiling:/systemd-meson-build/src/shared/libsystemd-shared-250.a.p/base-filesystem.c.gcda:Cannot open
1697 #
1698 # it means we're possibly missing some coverage since gcov can't write the stats,
1699 # usually due to the sandbox being too restrictive (e.g. ProtectSystem=yes,
1700 # ProtectHome=yes) or the $BUILD_DIR being inaccessible to non-root users - see
1701 # `setfacl` stuff in install_compiled_systemd().
1702 #
1703 # Also, a note: some tests, like TEST-46, overmount /home with tmpfs, which
1704 # means if your build dir is under /home/your-user (which is usually the
1705 # case) you might get bogus errors and missing coverage.
1706 if ! get_bool "${IGNORE_MISSING_COVERAGE:=}" && \
1707 "${JOURNALCTL:?}" -q --no-pager -D "${root:?}/var/log/journal" --grep "profiling:.+?gcda:[Cc]annot open"; then
1708 derror "Detected possibly missing coverage, check the journal"
1709 return 1
1710 fi
1712 return 0
1713 }
1715 save_journal() {
1716 # Default to always saving journal
1717 local save="yes"
1719 if [ "${TEST_SAVE_JOURNAL}" = "no" ]; then
1720 save="no"
1721 elif [ "${TEST_SAVE_JOURNAL}" = "fail" ] && [ "$2" = "0" ]; then
1722 save="no"
1723 fi
1725 if [ -n "${ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY}" ]; then
1726 dest="${ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY}/${testname:?}.journal"
1727 else
1728 dest="${TESTDIR:?}/system.journal"
1729 fi
1731 for j in "${1:?}"/*; do
1732 if get_bool "$save"; then
1733 if [ "$SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_REMOTE" = "" ]; then
1734 cp -a "$j" "$dest"
1735 else
1736 "$SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_REMOTE" -o "$dest" --getter="$JOURNALCTL -o export -D $j"
1737 fi
1738 fi
1740 if [ -n "${TEST_SHOW_JOURNAL}" ]; then
1741 echo "---- $j ----"
1742 "$JOURNALCTL" --no-pager -o short-monotonic --no-hostname --priority="${TEST_SHOW_JOURNAL}" -D "$j"
1743 fi
1745 rm -r "$j"
1746 done
1748 if ! get_bool "$save"; then
1749 return 0
1750 fi
1752 if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ]; then
1753 setfacl -m "user:${SUDO_USER:?}:r-X" "$dest"*
1754 fi
1756 # we want to print this sometime later, so save this in a variable
1757 JOURNAL_LIST="$(ls -l "$dest"*)"
1758 }
1760 check_result_common() {
1761 local workspace="${1:?}"
1762 local ret
1764 if [ -s "$workspace/failed" ]; then
1765 # Non-empty …/failed has highest priority
1766 cp -a "$workspace/failed" "${TESTDIR:?}/"
1767 if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ]; then
1768 setfacl -m "user:${SUDO_USER:?}:r-X" "${TESTDIR:?}/"failed
1769 fi
1770 ret=1
1771 elif get_bool "$TIMED_OUT"; then
1772 echo "(timeout)" >"${TESTDIR:?}/failed"
1773 ret=2
1774 elif [ -e "$workspace/testok" ]; then
1775 # …/testok always counts (but with lower priority than …/failed)
1776 ret=0
1777 elif [ -e "$workspace/skipped" ]; then
1778 # …/skipped always counts (a message is expected)
1779 echo "${TESTNAME:?} was skipped:"
1780 cat "$workspace/skipped"
1781 ret=0
1782 else
1783 echo "(failed; see logs)" >"${TESTDIR:?}/failed"
1784 ret=3
1785 fi
1787 check_asan_reports "$workspace" || ret=4
1789 check_coverage_reports "$workspace" || ret=5
1791 save_journal "$workspace/var/log/journal" $ret
1793 if [ -d "${ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY}" ] && [ -f "$workspace/strace.out" ]; then
1794 cp "$workspace/strace.out" "${ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY}/"
1795 fi
1797 if [ ${ret:?} != 0 ] && [ -f "$TESTDIR/failed" ]; then
1798 echo -n "${TESTNAME:?}: "
1799 cat "$TESTDIR/failed"
1800 fi
1801 echo "${JOURNAL_LIST:-"No journals were saved"}"
1803 return ${ret:?}
1804 }
1806 check_result_nspawn() {
1807 local workspace="${1:?}"
1808 local ret=0
1810 # Run a test-specific checks if defined by check_result_nspawn_hook()
1811 if declare -F check_result_nspawn_hook >/dev/null; then
1812 if ! check_result_nspawn_hook "${workspace}"; then
1813 derror "check_result_nspawn_hook() returned with EC > 0"
1814 ret=4
1815 fi
1816 fi
1818 check_result_common "${workspace}" || ret=$?
1820 _umount_dir "${initdir:?}"
1822 return $ret
1823 }
1825 # can be overridden in specific test
1826 check_result_qemu() {
1827 local ret=0
1828 mount_initdir
1830 # Run a test-specific checks if defined by check_result_qemu_hook()
1831 if declare -F check_result_qemu_hook >/dev/null; then
1832 if ! check_result_qemu_hook "${initdir:?}"; then
1833 derror "check_result_qemu_hook() returned with EC > 0"
1834 ret=4
1835 fi
1836 fi
1838 check_result_common "${initdir:?}" || ret=$?
1840 _umount_dir "${initdir:?}"
1842 return $ret
1843 }
1845 check_result_nspawn_unittests() {
1846 local workspace="${1:?}"
1847 local ret=1
1849 [[ -e "$workspace/testok" ]] && ret=0
1851 if [[ -s "$workspace/failed" ]]; then
1852 ret=$((ret + 1))
1853 echo "=== Failed test log ==="
1854 cat "$workspace/failed"
1855 else
1856 if [[ -s "$workspace/skipped" ]]; then
1857 echo "=== Skipped test log =="
1858 cat "$workspace/skipped"
1859 # We might have only skipped tests - that should not fail the job
1860 ret=0
1861 fi
1862 if [[ -s "$workspace/testok" ]]; then
1863 echo "=== Passed tests ==="
1864 cat "$workspace/testok"
1865 fi
1866 fi
1868 get_bool "${TIMED_OUT:=}" && ret=1
1869 check_coverage_reports "$workspace" || ret=5
1871 save_journal "$workspace/var/log/journal" $ret
1873 _umount_dir "${initdir:?}"
1875 return $ret
1876 }
1878 check_result_qemu_unittests() {
1879 local ret=1
1881 mount_initdir
1882 [[ -e "${initdir:?}/testok" ]] && ret=0
1884 if [[ -s "$initdir/failed" ]]; then
1885 ret=$((ret + 1))
1886 echo "=== Failed test log ==="
1887 cat "$initdir/failed"
1888 else
1889 if [[ -s "$initdir/skipped" ]]; then
1890 echo "=== Skipped test log =="
1891 cat "$initdir/skipped"
1892 # We might have only skipped tests - that should not fail the job
1893 ret=0
1894 fi
1895 if [[ -s "$initdir/testok" ]]; then
1896 echo "=== Passed tests ==="
1897 cat "$initdir/testok"
1898 fi
1899 fi
1901 get_bool "${TIMED_OUT:=}" && ret=1
1902 check_coverage_reports "$initdir" || ret=5
1904 save_journal "$initdir/var/log/journal" $ret
1906 _umount_dir "$initdir"
1908 return $ret
1909 }
1911 create_rc_local() {
1912 dinfo "Create rc.local"
1913 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/rc.d"
1914 cat >"$initdir/etc/rc.d/rc.local" <<EOF
1915 #!/usr/bin/env bash
1916 exit 0
1917 EOF
1918 chmod 0755 "$initdir/etc/rc.d/rc.local"
1919 }
1921 install_execs() {
1922 ddebug "Install executables from the service files"
1924 local pkg_config_path="${BUILD_DIR:?}/src/core/"
1925 local systemunitdir userunitdir exe
1926 systemunitdir="$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$pkg_config_path" pkg-config --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd)"
1927 userunitdir="$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$pkg_config_path" pkg-config --variable=systemduserunitdir systemd)"
1928 while read -r exe; do
1929 # some {rc,halt}.local scripts and programs are okay to not exist, the rest should
1930 # also, plymouth is pulled in by rescue.service, but even there the exit code
1931 # is ignored; as it's not present on some distros, don't fail if it doesn't exist
1932 dinfo "Attempting to install $exe (based on unit file reference)"
1933 inst "$exe" || [ "${exe%.local}" != "$exe" ] || [ "${exe%systemd-update-done}" != "$exe" ] || [ "${exe##*/}" == "plymouth" ]
1934 done < <(sed -r -n 's|^Exec[a-zA-Z]*=[@+!-]*([^ ]+).*|\1|gp' "${initdir:?}"/{"$systemunitdir","$userunitdir"}/*.service | sort -u)
1935 }
1937 generate_module_dependencies() {
1938 dinfo "Generate modules dependencies"
1939 if [[ -d "${initdir:?}/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER:?}" ]] && \
1940 ! depmod -a -b "$initdir" "$KERNEL_VER"; then
1941 dfatal "\"depmod -a $KERNEL_VER\" failed."
1942 exit 1
1943 fi
1944 }
1946 install_depmod_files() {
1947 dinfo "Install depmod files"
1948 inst "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER:?}/modules.order"
1949 inst "/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/modules.builtin"
1950 }
1952 install_plymouth() {
1953 dinfo "Install plymouth"
1954 # install plymouth, if found... else remove plymouth service files
1955 # if [ -x /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-populate-initrd ]; then
1957 # /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-populate-initrd -t $initdir
1958 # image_install plymouth plymouthd
1959 # else
1960 rm -f "${initdir:?}"/{usr/lib,lib,etc}/systemd/system/plymouth* "$initdir"/{usr/lib,lib,etc}/systemd/system/*/plymouth*
1961 # fi
1962 }
1964 install_haveged() {
1965 # If haveged is installed, it's probably included in initrd and needs to be
1966 # installed in the image too.
1967 if [ -x /usr/sbin/haveged ]; then
1968 dinfo "Install haveged files"
1969 inst /usr/sbin/haveged
1970 for u in /usr/lib/systemd/system/haveged*; do
1971 inst "$u"
1972 done
1973 fi
1974 }
1976 install_ld_so_conf() {
1977 dinfo "Install /etc/ld.so.conf*"
1978 cp -a /etc/ld.so.conf* "${initdir:?}/etc"
1979 ldconfig -r "$initdir"
1980 }
1982 install_testuser() {
1983 dinfo "Set up a test user"
1984 # create unprivileged user for user manager tests
1985 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/sysusers.d"
1986 cat >"$initdir/etc/sysusers.d/testuser.conf" <<EOF
1987 u testuser 4711 "Test User" /home/testuser
1988 EOF
1990 mkdir -p "$initdir/home/testuser"
1991 chmod 0700 "$initdir/home/testuser"
1992 chown 4711:4711 "$initdir/home/testuser"
1993 }
1995 install_config_files() {
1996 dinfo "Install config files"
1997 inst /etc/sysconfig/init || :
1998 inst /etc/passwd
1999 inst /etc/shadow
2000 inst_any /etc/login.defs /usr/etc/login.defs
2001 inst /etc/group
2002 inst /etc/shells
2003 inst_any /etc/nsswitch.conf /usr/etc/nsswitch.conf
2004 inst /etc/pam.conf || :
2005 inst_any /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release
2006 inst /etc/localtime
2007 # we want an empty environment
2008 : >"${initdir:?}/etc/environment"
2009 : >"$initdir/etc/machine-id"
2010 : >"$initdir/etc/resolv.conf"
2012 # set the hostname
2013 echo 'H' >"$initdir/etc/hostname"
2015 # let's set up just one image with the traditional verbose output
2016 if [ "${IMAGE_NAME:?}" != "basic" ]; then
2017 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d"
2018 echo -e '[Manager]\nStatusUnitFormat=name' >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/status.conf"
2019 fi
2020 }
2022 install_basic_tools() {
2023 dinfo "Install basic tools"
2024 image_install "${BASICTOOLS[@]}"
2025 image_install -o sushell
2026 # in Debian ldconfig is just a shell script wrapper around ldconfig.real
2027 image_install -o ldconfig.real
2028 }
2030 install_debug_tools() {
2031 dinfo "Install debug tools"
2032 image_install -o "${DEBUGTOOLS[@]}"
2034 if get_bool "$INTERACTIVE_DEBUG"; then
2035 # Set default TERM from vt220 to linux, so at least basic key shortcuts work
2036 local getty_override="${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service.d"
2037 mkdir -p "$getty_override"
2038 echo -e "[Service]\nEnvironment=TERM=linux" >"$getty_override/default-TERM.conf"
2039 echo 'export TERM=linux' >>"$initdir/etc/profile"
2041 if command -v resize >/dev/null; then
2042 image_install resize
2043 echo "resize" >>"$initdir/etc/profile"
2044 fi
2046 # Sometimes we might end up with plymouthd still running (especially
2047 # with the initrd -> asan_wrapper -> systemd transition), which will eat
2048 # our inputs and make debugging via tty impossible. Let's fix this by
2049 # killing plymouthd explicitly for the interactive sessions.
2050 # Note: we can't use pkill/pidof/etc. here due to a bug in libasan, see:
2051 # - https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/49223
2052 # - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2098125
2053 local plymouth_unit="${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/kill-plymouth.service"
2054 cat >"$plymouth_unit" <<EOF
2055 [Unit]
2056 After=multi-user.target
2058 [Service]
2059 ExecStart=sh -c 'killall --verbose plymouthd || :'
2061 [Install]
2062 WantedBy=multi-user.target
2063 EOF
2064 "${SYSTEMCTL:?}" enable --root "${initdir:?}" kill-plymouth.service
2065 fi
2066 }
2068 install_libnss() {
2069 dinfo "Install libnss"
2070 # install libnss_files for login
2071 local NSS_LIBS
2072 mapfile -t NSS_LIBS < <(LD_DEBUG=files getent passwd 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed -n '/calling init: .*libnss_/ {s!^.* /!/!; p}')
2073 if [[ ${#NSS_LIBS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
2074 image_install "${NSS_LIBS[@]}"
2075 fi
2076 }
2078 install_dbus() {
2079 dinfo "Install dbus"
2080 inst "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}/system/dbus.socket"
2082 # Newer Fedora versions use dbus-broker by default. Let's install it if it's available.
2083 if [ -f "$ROOTLIBDIR/system/dbus-broker.service" ]; then
2084 inst "$ROOTLIBDIR/system/dbus-broker.service"
2085 inst_symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service
2086 inst /usr/bin/dbus-broker
2087 inst /usr/bin/dbus-broker-launch
2088 elif [ -f "$ROOTLIBDIR/system/dbus-daemon.service" ]; then
2089 # Fedora rawhide replaced dbus.service with dbus-daemon.service
2090 inst "$ROOTLIBDIR/system/dbus-daemon.service"
2091 # Alias symlink
2092 inst_symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service
2093 else
2094 inst "$ROOTLIBDIR/system/dbus.service"
2095 fi
2097 while read -r file; do
2098 inst "$file"
2099 done < <(find /etc/dbus-1 /usr/share/dbus-1 -xtype f 2>/dev/null)
2101 # setup policy for Type=dbus test
2102 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/dbus-1/system.d"
2103 cat >"$initdir/etc/dbus-1/system.d/systemd.test.ExecStopPost.conf" <<EOF
2104 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2105 <!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
2106 "https://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/busconfig.dtd">
2107 <busconfig>
2108 <policy user="root">
2109 <allow own="systemd.test.ExecStopPost"/>
2110 </policy>
2111 </busconfig>
2112 EOF
2114 # If we run without KVM, bump the service start timeout
2115 if ! get_bool "$QEMU_KVM"; then
2116 cat >"$initdir/etc/dbus-1/system.d/service.timeout.conf" <<EOF
2117 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2118 <!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
2119 "https://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/busconfig.dtd">
2120 <busconfig>
2121 <limit name="service_start_timeout">120000</limit>
2122 </busconfig>
2123 EOF
2124 # Bump the client-side timeout in sd-bus as well
2125 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d"
2126 echo -e '[Manager]\nDefaultEnvironment=SYSTEMD_BUS_TIMEOUT=120' >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/bus-timeout.conf"
2127 fi
2128 }
2130 install_user_dbus() {
2131 dinfo "Install user dbus"
2132 local userunitdir
2133 if ! userunitdir="$(pkg-config --variable=systemduserunitdir systemd)"; then
2134 dwarn "WARNING! Cannot determine userunitdir from pkg-config, assuming /usr/lib/systemd/user"
2135 userunitdir=/usr/lib/systemd/user
2136 fi
2138 inst "$userunitdir/dbus.socket"
2139 inst_symlink "$userunitdir/sockets.target.wants/dbus.socket" || inst_symlink /etc/systemd/user/sockets.target.wants/dbus.socket
2141 # Append the After= dependency on dbus in case it isn't already set up
2142 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d/"
2143 cat >"$initdir/etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d/dbus.conf" <<EOF
2144 [Unit]
2145 After=dbus.service
2146 EOF
2148 # Newer Fedora versions use dbus-broker by default. Let's install it if it's available.
2149 if [ -f "$userunitdir/dbus-broker.service" ]; then
2150 inst "$userunitdir/dbus-broker.service"
2151 inst_symlink /etc/systemd/user/dbus.service
2152 elif [ -f "${ROOTLIBDIR:?}/system/dbus-daemon.service" ]; then
2153 # Fedora rawhide replaced dbus.service with dbus-daemon.service
2154 inst "$userunitdir/dbus-daemon.service"
2155 # Alias symlink
2156 inst_symlink /etc/systemd/user/dbus.service
2157 else
2158 inst "$userunitdir/dbus.service"
2159 fi
2160 }
2162 install_pam() {
2163 dinfo "Install PAM"
2164 local paths=()
2166 if get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN" && type -p dpkg-architecture &>/dev/null; then
2167 paths+=("/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/security")
2168 else
2169 paths+=(/lib*/security)
2170 fi
2172 for d in /etc/pam.d /{usr/,}etc/security /usr/{etc,lib}/pam.d; do
2173 [ -d "$d" ] && paths+=("$d")
2174 done
2176 while read -r file; do
2177 inst "$file"
2178 done < <(find "${paths[@]}" -xtype f)
2180 # pam_unix depends on unix_chkpwd.
2181 # see http://www.linux-pam.org/Linux-PAM-html/sag-pam_unix.html
2182 image_install -o unix_chkpwd
2184 # set empty root password for easy debugging
2185 sed -i 's/^root:x:/root::/' "${initdir:?}/etc/passwd"
2187 # And make sure pam_unix will accept it by making sure that
2188 # the PAM module has the nullok option.
2189 for d in /etc/pam.d /usr/{etc,lib}/pam.d; do
2190 [ -d "$initdir/$d" ] || continue
2191 sed -i '/^auth.*pam_unix.so/s/$/ nullok/' "$initdir/$d"/*
2192 done
2193 }
2195 install_locales() {
2196 # install only C.UTF-8 and English locales
2197 dinfo "Install locales"
2199 if command -v meson >/dev/null \
2200 && (meson configure "${BUILD_DIR:?}" | grep 'localegen-path */') \
2201 || get_bool "$LOOKS_LIKE_DEBIAN"; then
2202 # locale-gen support
2203 image_install -o locale-gen localedef
2204 inst /etc/locale.gen || :
2205 inst /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED || :
2206 inst_recursive /usr/share/i18n/charmaps
2207 inst_recursive /usr/share/i18n/locales
2208 inst_recursive /usr/share/locale/en*
2209 inst_recursive /usr/share/locale/de*
2210 image_install /usr/share/locale/locale.alias
2211 # locale-gen might either generate each locale separately or merge them
2212 # into a single archive
2213 if ! (inst_recursive /usr/lib/locale/C.*8 /usr/lib/locale/en_*8 ||
2214 image_install /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive); then
2215 dfatal "Failed to install required locales"
2216 exit 1
2217 fi
2218 else
2219 inst_recursive /usr/lib/locale/C.*8 /usr/lib/locale/en_*8
2220 fi
2221 }
2223 # shellcheck disable=SC2120
2224 install_keymaps() {
2225 local i p
2226 local -a prefix=(
2227 "/usr/lib"
2228 "/usr/share"
2229 )
2231 dinfo "Install console keymaps"
2233 if (( $# == 0 )); then
2234 for p in "${prefix[@]}"; do
2235 # The first three paths may be deprecated.
2236 # It seems now the last three paths are used by many distributions.
2237 for i in \
2238 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/include/* \
2239 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/i386/include/* \
2240 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us.* \
2241 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/legacy/include/* \
2242 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/legacy/i386/qwerty/us.* \
2243 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/xkb/us*; do
2244 [[ -f "$i" ]] || continue
2245 inst "$i"
2246 done
2247 done
2248 else
2249 # When it takes any argument, then install more keymaps.
2250 for p in "${prefix[@]}"; do
2251 for i in \
2252 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/include/* \
2253 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/i386/*/* \
2254 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/legacy/i386/*/* \
2255 "$p"/kbd/keymaps/xkb/*; do
2256 [[ -f "$i" ]] || continue
2257 inst "$i"
2258 done
2259 done
2260 fi
2261 }
2263 install_x11_keymaps() {
2264 dinfo "Install x11 keymaps"
2266 if (( $# == 0 )); then
2267 # Install only keymap list.
2268 inst /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst
2269 else
2270 # When it takes any argument, then install all keymaps.
2271 inst_recursive /usr/share/X11/xkb
2272 fi
2273 }
2275 install_zoneinfo() {
2276 dinfo "Install time zones"
2277 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Seoul
2278 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Vladivostok
2279 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney
2280 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin
2281 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Dublin
2282 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev
2283 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Pacific/Auckland
2284 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/Pacific/Honolulu
2285 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/CET
2286 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/EET
2287 inst_any /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
2288 }
2290 install_fonts() {
2291 dinfo "Install system fonts"
2292 for i in \
2293 /usr/{lib,share}/kbd/consolefonts/eurlatgr* \
2294 /usr/{lib,share}/kbd/consolefonts/latarcyrheb-sun16*; do
2295 [[ -f "$i" ]] || continue
2296 inst "$i"
2297 done
2298 }
2300 install_terminfo() {
2301 dinfo "Install terminfo files"
2302 local terminfodir
2303 for terminfodir in /lib/terminfo /etc/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo; do
2304 [ -f "${terminfodir}/l/linux" ] && break
2305 done
2306 image_install -o "${terminfodir}/l/linux"
2307 }
2309 has_user_dbus_socket() {
2310 if [ -f /usr/lib/systemd/user/dbus.socket ] || [ -f /etc/systemd/user/dbus.socket ]; then
2311 return 0
2312 else
2313 echo "Per-user instances are not supported. Skipping..."
2314 return 1
2315 fi
2316 }
2318 setup_nspawn_root_hook() { :;}
2320 setup_nspawn_root() {
2321 if [ -z "${initdir}" ]; then
2322 dfatal "\$initdir not defined"
2323 exit 1
2324 fi
2326 rm -rf "${TESTDIR:?}/unprivileged-nspawn-root"
2328 if get_bool "$RUN_IN_UNPRIVILEGED_CONTAINER"; then
2329 ddebug "cp -ar $initdir $TESTDIR/unprivileged-nspawn-root"
2330 cp -ar "$initdir" "$TESTDIR/unprivileged-nspawn-root"
2331 fi
2333 setup_nspawn_root_hook
2334 }
2336 setup_basic_dirs() {
2337 mkdir -p "${initdir:?}/run"
2338 mkdir -p "$initdir/etc/systemd/system"
2339 mkdir -p "$initdir/var/log/journal"
2342 for d in usr/bin usr/sbin bin etc lib "${libdir:?}" sbin tmp usr var var/log var/tmp dev proc sys sysroot root run run/lock run/initramfs; do
2343 if [ -L "/$d" ]; then
2344 inst_symlink "/$d"
2345 else
2346 inst_dir "/$d"
2347 fi
2348 done
2350 ln -sfn /run "$initdir/var/run"
2351 ln -sfn /run/lock "$initdir/var/lock"
2352 }
2354 mask_supporting_services() {
2355 # mask some services that we do not want to run in these tests
2356 ln -fsv /dev/null "${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-hwdb-update.service"
2357 ln -fsv /dev/null "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-journal-catalog-update.service"
2358 ln -fsv /dev/null "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service"
2359 ln -fsv /dev/null "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.socket"
2360 ln -fsv /dev/null "$initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service"
2361 }
2363 inst_libs() {
2364 local bin="${1:?}"
2365 local so_regex='([^ ]*/lib[^/]*/[^ ]*\.so[^ ]*)'
2366 local file line
2368 while read -r line; do
2369 [[ "$line" = 'not a dynamic executable' ]] && break
2370 # Ignore errors about our own stuff missing. This is most likely caused
2371 # by ldd attempting to use the unprefixed RPATH.
2372 [[ "$line" =~ (libsystemd|libudev).*\ not\ found ]] && continue
2374 if [[ "$line" =~ not\ found ]]; then
2375 dfatal "Missing a shared library required by $bin."
2376 dfatal "Run \"ldd $bin\" to find out what it is."
2377 dfatal "$line"
2378 dfatal "Cannot create a test image."
2379 exit 1
2380 fi
2382 if [[ "$line" =~ $so_regex ]]; then
2383 file="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
2384 [[ -e "${initdir:?}/$file" ]] && continue
2385 inst_library "$file"
2386 fi
2387 done < <(LC_ALL=C ldd "$bin" 2>/dev/null)
2388 }
2390 import_testdir() {
2391 # make sure we don't get a stale LOOPDEV value from old times
2392 local _LOOPDEV="${LOOPDEV:=}"
2393 # We don't want shellcheck to follow & check the $STATEFILE
2394 # shellcheck source=/dev/null
2395 [[ -e "$STATEFILE" ]] && . "$STATEFILE"
2397 if [[ ! -d "$TESTDIR" ]]; then
2398 if [[ -z "$TESTDIR" ]]; then
2399 TESTDIR="$(mktemp --tmpdir=$WORKDIR -d -t systemd-test.XXXXXX)"
2400 else
2401 mkdir -p "$TESTDIR"
2402 fi
2404 cat >"$STATEFILE" <<EOF
2406 EOF
2407 export TESTDIR
2408 fi
2412 }
2414 import_initdir() {
2415 initdir="${TESTDIR:?}/root"
2416 mkdir -p "$initdir"
2417 export initdir
2418 }
2420 get_cgroup_hierarchy() {
2421 case "$(stat -c '%T' -f /sys/fs/cgroup)" in
2422 cgroup2fs)
2423 echo "unified"
2424 ;;
2425 tmpfs)
2426 if [[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/unified && "$(stat -c '%T' -f /sys/fs/cgroup/unified)" == cgroup2fs ]]; then
2427 echo "hybrid"
2428 else
2429 echo "legacy"
2430 fi
2431 ;;
2432 *)
2433 dfatal "Failed to determine host's cgroup hierarchy"
2434 exit 1
2435 esac
2436 }
2438 ## @brief Converts numeric logging level to the first letter of level name.
2439 #
2440 # @param lvl Numeric logging level in range from 1 to 6.
2441 # @retval 1 if @a lvl is out of range.
2442 # @retval 0 if @a lvl is correct.
2443 # @result Echoes first letter of level name.
2444 _lvl2char() {
2445 case "$1" in
2446 1) echo F;;
2447 2) echo E;;
2448 3) echo W;;
2449 4) echo I;;
2450 5) echo D;;
2451 6) echo T;;
2452 *) return 1;;
2453 esac
2454 }
2456 ## @brief Internal helper function for _do_dlog()
2457 #
2458 # @param lvl Numeric logging level.
2459 # @param msg Message.
2460 # @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
2461 #
2462 # @note This function is not supposed to be called manually. Please use
2463 # dtrace(), ddebug(), or others instead which wrap this one.
2464 #
2465 # This function calls _do_dlog() either with parameter msg, or if
2466 # none is given, it will read standard input and will use every line as
2467 # a message.
2468 #
2469 # This enables:
2470 # dwarn "This is a warning"
2471 # echo "This is a warning" | dwarn
2472 LOG_LEVEL="${LOG_LEVEL:-4}"
2474 dlog() {
2475 local lvl lvlc
2477 [ -z "$LOG_LEVEL" ] && return 0
2478 lvl="${1:?}"; shift
2479 [ "$lvl" -le "$LOG_LEVEL" ] || return 0
2480 lvlc="$(_lvl2char "$lvl")" || return 0
2482 if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
2483 echo "$lvlc: $*"
2484 else
2485 while read -r line; do
2486 echo "$lvlc: " "$line"
2487 done
2488 fi
2489 }
2491 ## @brief Logs message at TRACE level (6)
2492 #
2493 # @param msg Message.
2494 # @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
2495 dtrace() {
2496 set +x
2497 dlog 6 "$@"
2498 if get_bool "${debug:=}"; then
2499 set -x
2500 fi
2501 }
2503 ## @brief Logs message at DEBUG level (5)
2504 #
2505 # @param msg Message.
2506 # @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
2507 ddebug() {
2508 dlog 5 "$@"
2509 }
2511 ## @brief Logs message at INFO level (4)
2512 #
2513 # @param msg Message.
2514 # @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
2515 dinfo() {
2516 set +x
2517 dlog 4 "$@"
2518 if get_bool "${debug:=}"; then
2519 set -x
2520 fi
2521 }
2523 ## @brief Logs message at WARN level (3)
2524 #
2525 # @param msg Message.
2526 # @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
2527 dwarn() {
2528 set +x
2529 dlog 3 "$@"
2530 if get_bool "${debug:=}"; then
2531 set -x
2532 fi
2533 }
2535 ## @brief Logs message at ERROR level (2)
2536 #
2537 # @param msg Message.
2538 # @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
2539 derror() {
2540 dlog 2 "$@"
2541 }
2543 ## @brief Logs message at FATAL level (1)
2544 #
2545 # @param msg Message.
2546 # @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
2547 dfatal() {
2548 set +x
2549 dlog 1 "$@"
2550 if get_bool "${debug:=}"; then
2551 set -x
2552 fi
2553 }
2556 # Generic substring function. If $2 is in $1, return 0.
2557 strstr() { [ "${1#*"$2"*}" != "$1" ]; }
2559 # normalize_path <path>
2560 # Prints the normalized path, where it removes any duplicated
2561 # and trailing slashes.
2562 # Example:
2563 # $ normalize_path ///test/test//
2564 # /test/test
2565 normalize_path() {
2566 shopt -q -s extglob
2567 set -- "${1//+(\/)//}"
2568 shopt -q -u extglob
2569 echo "${1%/}"
2570 }
2572 # convert_abs_rel <from> <to>
2573 # Prints the relative path, when creating a symlink to <to> from <from>.
2574 # Example:
2575 # $ convert_abs_rel /usr/bin/test /bin/test-2
2576 # ../../bin/test-2
2577 # $ ln -s $(convert_abs_rel /usr/bin/test /bin/test-2) /usr/bin/test
2578 convert_abs_rel() {
2579 local __current __absolute __abssize __cursize __newpath
2580 local -i __i __level
2582 set -- "$(normalize_path "${1:?}")" "$(normalize_path "${2:?}")"
2584 # corner case #1 - self looping link
2585 [[ "$1" == "$2" ]] && { echo "${1##*/}"; return; }
2587 # corner case #2 - own dir link
2588 [[ "${1%/*}" == "$2" ]] && { echo "."; return; }
2590 IFS="/" read -ra __current <<< "$1"
2591 IFS="/" read -ra __absolute <<< "$2"
2593 __abssize=${#__absolute[@]}
2594 __cursize=${#__current[@]}
2596 while [[ "${__absolute[__level]}" == "${__current[__level]}" ]]; do
2597 (( __level++ ))
2598 if (( __level > __abssize || __level > __cursize ))
2599 then
2600 break
2601 fi
2602 done
2604 for ((__i = __level; __i < __cursize-1; __i++)); do
2605 if ((__i > __level))
2606 then
2607 __newpath=$__newpath"/"
2608 fi
2609 __newpath=$__newpath".."
2610 done
2612 for ((__i = __level; __i < __abssize; __i++)); do
2613 if [[ -n $__newpath ]]
2614 then
2615 __newpath=$__newpath"/"
2616 fi
2617 __newpath=$__newpath${__absolute[__i]}
2618 done
2620 echo "$__newpath"
2621 }
2624 # Install a directory, keeping symlinks as on the original system.
2625 # Example: if /lib points to /lib64 on the host, "inst_dir /lib/file"
2626 # will create ${initdir}/lib64, ${initdir}/lib64/file,
2627 # and a symlink ${initdir}/lib -> lib64.
2628 inst_dir() {
2629 local dir="${1:?}"
2630 local part="${dir%/*}"
2631 local file
2633 [[ -e "${initdir:?}/${dir}" ]] && return 0 # already there
2635 while [[ "$part" != "${part%/*}" ]] && ! [[ -e "${initdir}/${part}" ]]; do
2636 dir="$part $dir"
2637 part="${part%/*}"
2638 done
2640 # iterate over parent directories
2641 for file in $dir; do
2642 [[ -e "${initdir}/$file" ]] && continue
2643 if [[ -L $file ]]; then
2644 inst_symlink "$file"
2645 else
2646 # create directory
2647 mkdir -m 0755 "${initdir}/$file" || return 1
2648 [[ -e "$file" ]] && chmod --reference="$file" "${initdir}/$file"
2649 chmod u+w "${initdir}/$file"
2650 fi
2651 done
2652 }
2654 # $1 = file to copy to ramdisk
2655 # $2 (optional) Name for the file on the ramdisk
2656 # Location of the image dir is assumed to be $initdir
2657 # We never overwrite the target if it exists.
2658 inst_simple() {
2659 [[ -f "${1:?}" ]] || return 1
2660 strstr "$1" "/" || return 1
2662 local src="$1"
2663 local target="${2:-$1}"
2664 if ! [[ -d ${initdir:?}/$target ]]; then
2665 [[ -e ${initdir}/$target ]] && return 0
2666 [[ -L ${initdir}/$target ]] && return 0
2667 [[ -d "${initdir}/${target%/*}" ]] || inst_dir "${target%/*}"
2668 fi
2669 # install checksum files also
2670 if [[ -e "${src%/*}/.${src##*/}.hmac" ]]; then
2671 inst "${src%/*}/.${src##*/}.hmac" "${target%/*}/.${target##*/}.hmac"
2672 fi
2673 ddebug "Installing $src"
2674 cp --sparse=always --force --dereference --preserve=all "$src" "${initdir}/$target"
2675 }
2677 # find symlinks linked to given library file
2678 # $1 = library file
2679 # Function searches for symlinks by stripping version numbers appended to
2680 # library filename, checks if it points to the same target and finally
2681 # prints the list of symlinks to stdout.
2682 #
2683 # Example:
2684 # rev_lib_symlinks libfoo.so.8.1
2685 # output: libfoo.so.8 libfoo.so
2686 # (Only if libfoo.so.8 and libfoo.so exists on host system.)
2687 rev_lib_symlinks() {
2688 local fn="${1:?}"
2689 local links=""
2690 local orig
2691 orig="$(readlink -f "$1")"
2693 [[ "${fn}" =~ .*\.so\..* ]] || return 1
2695 until [[ "${fn##*.}" == so ]]; do
2696 fn="${fn%.*}"
2697 [[ -L "${fn}" && "$(readlink -f "${fn}")" == "${orig}" ]] && links+=" ${fn}"
2698 done
2700 echo "${links}"
2701 }
2703 # Same as above, but specialized to handle dynamic libraries.
2704 # It handles making symlinks according to how the original library
2705 # is referenced.
2706 inst_library() {
2707 local src="${1:?}"
2708 local dest="${2:-$1}"
2709 local reallib symlink
2711 strstr "$1" "/" || return 1
2712 [[ -e ${initdir:?}/$dest ]] && return 0
2713 if [[ -L $src ]]; then
2714 # install checksum files also
2715 if [[ -e "${src%/*}/.${src##*/}.hmac" ]]; then
2716 inst "${src%/*}/.${src##*/}.hmac" "${dest%/*}/.${dest##*/}.hmac"
2717 fi
2718 reallib="$(readlink -f "$src")"
2719 inst_simple "$reallib" "$reallib"
2720 inst_dir "${dest%/*}"
2721 [[ -d "${dest%/*}" ]] && dest="$(readlink -f "${dest%/*}")/${dest##*/}"
2722 ddebug "Creating symlink $reallib -> $dest"
2723 ln -sfn -- "$(convert_abs_rel "${dest}" "${reallib}")" "${initdir}/${dest}"
2724 else
2725 inst_simple "$src" "$dest"
2726 fi
2728 # Create additional symlinks. See rev_symlinks description.
2729 for symlink in $(rev_lib_symlinks "$src") ${reallib:+$(rev_lib_symlinks "$reallib")}; do
2730 if [[ ! -e "$initdir/$symlink" ]]; then
2731 ddebug "Creating extra symlink: $symlink"
2732 inst_symlink "$symlink"
2733 fi
2734 done
2735 }
2737 # find a binary. If we were not passed the full path directly,
2738 # search in the usual places to find the binary.
2739 find_binary() {
2740 local bin="${1:?}"
2741 if [[ -z ${bin##/*} ]]; then
2742 if [[ -x "$bin" ]] || { strstr "$bin" ".so" && ldd "$bin" &>/dev/null; }; then
2743 echo "$bin"
2744 return 0
2745 fi
2746 fi
2748 type -P "$bin"
2749 }
2751 # Same as above, but specialized to install binary executables.
2752 # Install binary executable, and all shared library dependencies, if any.
2753 inst_binary() {
2754 local bin="${1:?}"
2755 local path target
2757 # In certain cases we might attempt to install a binary which is already
2758 # present in the test image, yet it's missing from the host system.
2759 # In such cases, let's check if the binary indeed exists in the image
2760 # before doing any other checks. If it does, immediately return with
2761 # success.
2762 if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
2763 for path in "" bin sbin usr/bin usr/sbin; do
2764 [[ -e "${initdir:?}${path:+/$path}/${bin}" ]] && return 0
2765 done
2766 fi
2768 bin="$(find_binary "$bin")" || return 1
2769 target="${2:-$bin}"
2770 [[ -e "${initdir:?}/$target" ]] && return 0
2771 [[ -L "$bin" ]] && inst_symlink "$bin" "$target" && return 0
2773 local file line
2774 local so_regex='([^ ]*/lib[^/]*/[^ ]*\.so[^ ]*)'
2775 # DSOs provided by systemd
2776 local systemd_so_regex='/(libudev|libsystemd.*|.+[\-_]systemd([\-_].+)?|libnss_(mymachines|myhostname|resolve)).so'
2777 local wrap_binary=0
2778 local enable_lsan=0
2779 # I love bash!
2780 while read -r line; do
2781 [[ "$line" = 'not a dynamic executable' ]] && break
2783 # Ignore errors about our own stuff missing. This is most likely caused
2784 # by ldd attempting to use the unprefixed RPATH.
2785 [[ "$line" =~ libsystemd.*\ not\ found ]] && continue
2787 # We're built with ASan and the target binary loads one of the systemd's
2788 # DSOs, so we need to tweak the environment before executing the binary
2789 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN" && [[ "$line" =~ $systemd_so_regex ]]; then
2790 wrap_binary=1
2791 fi
2793 if [[ "$line" =~ $so_regex ]]; then
2794 file="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
2795 [[ -e "${initdir}/$file" ]] && continue
2796 inst_library "$file"
2797 continue
2798 fi
2800 if [[ "$line" =~ not\ found ]]; then
2801 dfatal "Missing a shared library required by $bin."
2802 dfatal "Run \"ldd $bin\" to find out what it is."
2803 dfatal "$line"
2804 dfatal "Cannot create a test image."
2805 exit 1
2806 fi
2807 done < <(LC_ALL=C ldd "$bin" 2>/dev/null)
2809 # Same as above, but we need to wrap certain libraries unconditionally
2810 #
2811 # chown, getent, login, setfacl, su, useradd, userdel
2812 # - dlopen() (not only) systemd's PAM modules
2813 # ls, mkfs.*, mksquashfs, mkswap, setpriv, stat
2814 # - pull in nss_systemd with certain options (like ls -l) when
2815 # nsswitch.conf uses [SUCCESS=merge] (like on Arch Linux)
2816 # delv, dig - pull in nss_resolve if `resolve` is in nsswitch.conf
2817 # tar - called by machinectl in TEST-25
2818 bin_rx='/(agetty|chown|curl|delv|dig|getfacl|getent|id|login|ls|mkfs\.[a-z0-9]+|mksquashfs|mkswap|setfacl|setpriv|stat|su|tar|useradd|userdel)$'
2819 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_ASAN" && [[ "$bin" =~ $bin_rx ]]; then
2820 wrap_binary=1
2821 # Ugh, so we want to disable LSan in most cases for the wrapped binaries, since
2822 # we don't care about memory leaks in such binaries. However, in certain cases
2823 # the external binary is the only interface for the systemd code, like for
2824 # the systemd NSS modules, where we want to detect memory leaks. So let's
2825 # do another check to decide if we want to enable LSan for given binary.
2826 if [[ "$bin" =~ /getent$ ]]; then
2827 enable_lsan=1
2828 fi
2829 fi
2831 # If the target binary is built with ASan support, we don't need to wrap
2832 # it, as it should handle everything by itself
2833 if get_bool "$wrap_binary" && ! is_built_with_asan "$bin"; then
2834 dinfo "Creating ASan-compatible wrapper for binary '$target'"
2835 # Install the target binary with a ".orig" suffix
2836 inst_simple "$bin" "${target}.orig"
2837 # Create a simple shell wrapper in place of the target binary, which
2838 # sets necessary ASan-related env variables and then exec()s the
2839 # suffixed target binary
2840 cat >"$initdir/$target" <<EOF
2841 #!/bin/bash
2842 # Preload the ASan runtime DSO, otherwise ASAn will complain
2843 export LD_PRELOAD="$ASAN_RT_PATH"
2844 # Disable LSan to speed things up, since we don't care about leak reports
2845 # from 'external' binaries
2846 export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=$enable_lsan
2847 # Set argv[0] to the original binary name without the ".orig" suffix
2848 exec -a "\$0" -- "${target}.orig" "\$@"
2849 EOF
2850 chmod +x "$initdir/$target"
2851 else
2852 inst_simple "$bin" "$target"
2853 fi
2854 }
2856 # same as above, except for shell scripts.
2857 # If your shell script does not start with shebang, it is not a shell script.
2858 inst_script() {
2859 local bin line shebang_regex
2860 bin="$(find_binary "${1:?}")" || return 1
2861 shift
2863 read -r -n 80 line <"$bin"
2864 # If debug is set, clean unprintable chars to prevent messing up the term
2865 get_bool "${debug:=}" && line="$(echo -n "$line" | tr -c -d '[:print:][:space:]')"
2866 shebang_regex='(#! *)(/[^ ]+).*'
2867 [[ "$line" =~ $shebang_regex ]] || return 1
2868 inst "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" && inst_simple "$bin" "$@"
2869 }
2871 # same as above, but specialized for symlinks
2872 inst_symlink() {
2873 local src="${1:?}"
2874 local target="${2:-$src}"
2875 local realsrc
2877 strstr "$src" "/" || return 1
2878 [[ -L "$src" ]] || return 1
2879 [[ -L "${initdir:?}/$target" ]] && return 0
2880 realsrc="$(readlink -f "$src")"
2881 if ! [[ -e "$initdir/$realsrc" ]]; then
2882 if [[ -d "$realsrc" ]]; then
2883 inst_dir "$realsrc"
2884 else
2885 inst "$realsrc"
2886 fi
2887 fi
2888 [[ ! -e "$initdir/${target%/*}" ]] && inst_dir "${target%/*}"
2889 [[ -d "${target%/*}" ]] && target="$(readlink -f "${target%/*}")/${target##*/}"
2890 ln -sfn -- "$(convert_abs_rel "${target}" "${realsrc}")" "$initdir/$target"
2891 }
2893 # attempt to install any programs specified in a udev rule
2894 inst_rule_programs() {
2895 local rule="${1:?}"
2896 local prog bin
2898 sed -rn 's/^.*?PROGRAM==?"([^ "]+).*$/\1/p' "$rule" | while read -r prog; do
2899 if [ -x "/lib/udev/$prog" ]; then
2900 bin="/lib/udev/$prog"
2901 else
2902 if ! bin="$(find_binary "$prog")"; then
2903 dinfo "Skipping program $prog used in udev rule $(basename "$rule") as it cannot be found"
2904 continue
2905 fi
2906 fi
2908 #dinfo "Installing $_bin due to it's use in the udev rule $(basename $1)"
2909 image_install "$bin"
2910 done
2911 }
2913 # udev rules always get installed in the same place, so
2914 # create a function to install them to make life simpler.
2915 inst_rules() {
2916 local target=/etc/udev/rules.d
2917 local found rule
2919 inst_dir "/lib/udev/rules.d"
2920 inst_dir "$target"
2921 for rule in "$@"; do
2922 if [ "${rule#/}" = "$rule" ]; then
2923 for r in /lib/udev/rules.d /etc/udev/rules.d; do
2924 if [[ -f "$r/$rule" ]]; then
2925 found="$r/$rule"
2926 inst_simple "$found"
2927 inst_rule_programs "$found"
2928 fi
2929 done
2930 fi
2931 for r in '' ./; do
2932 if [[ -f "${r}${rule}" ]]; then
2933 found="${r}${rule}"
2934 inst_simple "$found" "$target/${found##*/}"
2935 inst_rule_programs "$found"
2936 fi
2937 done
2938 [[ $found ]] || dinfo "Skipping udev rule: $rule"
2939 found=
2940 done
2941 }
2943 # general purpose installation function
2944 # Same args as above.
2945 inst() {
2946 case $# in
2947 1) ;;
2948 2)
2949 [[ ! "$initdir" && -d "$2" ]] && export initdir="$2"
2950 [[ "$initdir" = "$2" ]] && set "$1"
2951 ;;
2952 3)
2953 [[ -z "$initdir" ]] && export initdir="$2"
2954 set "$1" "$3"
2955 ;;
2956 *)
2957 dfatal "inst only takes 1 or 2 or 3 arguments"
2958 exit 1
2959 ;;
2960 esac
2962 local fun
2963 for fun in inst_symlink inst_script inst_binary inst_simple; do
2964 "$fun" "$@" && return 0
2965 done
2967 dwarn "Failed to install '$1'"
2968 return 1
2969 }
2971 # install any of listed files
2972 #
2973 # If first argument is '-d' and second some destination path, first accessible
2974 # source is installed into this path, otherwise it will installed in the same
2975 # path as source. If none of listed files was installed, function return 1.
2976 # On first successful installation it returns with 0 status.
2977 #
2978 # Example:
2979 #
2980 # inst_any -d /bin/foo /bin/bar /bin/baz
2981 #
2982 # Lets assume that /bin/baz exists, so it will be installed as /bin/foo in
2983 # initrd.
2984 inst_any() {
2985 local dest file
2987 [[ "${1:?}" = '-d' ]] && dest="${2:?}" && shift 2
2989 for file in "$@"; do
2990 if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then
2991 [[ -n "$dest" ]] && inst "$file" "$dest" && return 0
2992 inst "$file" && return 0
2993 fi
2994 done
2996 return 1
2997 }
2999 inst_recursive() {
3000 local p item
3002 for p in "$@"; do
3003 # Make sure the source exists, as the process substitution below
3004 # suppresses errors
3005 stat "$p" >/dev/null || return 1
3007 while read -r item; do
3008 if [[ -d "$item" ]]; then
3009 inst_dir "$item"
3010 elif [[ -f "$item" ]]; then
3011 inst_simple "$item"
3012 fi
3013 done < <(find "$p" 2>/dev/null)
3014 done
3015 }
3017 # image_install [-o ] <file> [<file> ... ]
3018 # Install <file> to the test image
3019 # -o optionally install the <file> and don't fail, if it is not there
3020 image_install() {
3021 local optional=no
3022 local prog="${1:?}"
3024 if [[ "$prog" = '-o' ]]; then
3025 optional=yes
3026 shift
3027 fi
3029 for prog in "$@"; do
3030 if ! inst "$prog" ; then
3031 if get_bool "$optional"; then
3032 dinfo "Skipping program $prog as it cannot be found and is" \
3033 "flagged to be optional"
3034 else
3035 dfatal "Failed to install $prog"
3036 exit 1
3037 fi
3038 fi
3039 done
3040 }
3042 # Install a single kernel module along with any firmware it may require.
3043 # $1 = full path to kernel module to install
3044 install_kmod_with_fw() {
3045 local module="${1:?}"
3046 # no need to go further if the module is already installed
3047 [[ -e "${initdir:?}/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER:?}/${module##*"/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/"}" ]] && return 0
3048 [[ -e "$initdir/.kernelmodseen/${module##*/}" ]] && return 0
3050 [ -d "$initdir/.kernelmodseen" ] && : >"$initdir/.kernelmodseen/${module##*/}"
3052 inst_simple "$module" "/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/${module##*"/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/"}" || return $?
3054 local modname="${module##*/}"
3055 local fwdir found fw
3056 modname="${modname%.ko*}"
3058 while read -r fw; do
3059 found=
3060 for fwdir in /lib/firmware/updates /lib/firmware; do
3061 if [[ -d "$fwdir" && -f "$fwdir/$fw" ]]; then
3062 inst_simple "$fwdir/$fw" "/lib/firmware/$fw"
3063 found=yes
3064 fi
3065 done
3066 if ! get_bool "$found"; then
3067 if ! grep -qe "\<${modname//-/_}\>" /proc/modules; then
3068 dinfo "Possible missing firmware \"${fw}\" for kernel module" \
3069 "\"${modname}.ko\""
3070 else
3071 dwarn "Possible missing firmware \"${fw}\" for kernel module" \
3072 "\"${modname}.ko\""
3073 fi
3074 fi
3075 done < <(modinfo -k "$KERNEL_VER" -F firmware "$module" 2>/dev/null)
3076 return 0
3077 }
3079 # Do something with all the dependencies of a kernel module.
3080 # Note that kernel modules depend on themselves using the technique we use
3081 # $1 = function to call for each dependency we find
3082 # It will be passed the full path to the found kernel module
3083 # $2 = module to get dependencies for
3084 # rest of args = arguments to modprobe
3085 for_each_kmod_dep() {
3086 local func="${1:?}"
3087 local kmod="${2:?}"
3088 local found=0
3089 local cmd modpath
3090 shift 2
3092 while read -r cmd modpath _; do
3093 [[ "$cmd" = insmod ]] || continue
3094 "$func" "$modpath" || return $?
3095 found=1
3096 done < <(modprobe "$@" --ignore-install --show-depends "$kmod")
3098 ! get_bool "$found" && return 1
3099 return 0
3100 }
3102 # instmods [-c] <kernel module> [<kernel module> ... ]
3103 # instmods [-c] <kernel subsystem>
3104 # install kernel modules along with all their dependencies.
3105 # <kernel subsystem> can be e.g. "=block" or "=drivers/usb/storage"
3106 # FIXME(?): dracutdevs/dracut@f4e38c0da8d6bf3764c1ad753d9d52aef63050e5
3107 instmods() {
3108 local check=no
3109 if [[ $# -ge 0 && "$1" = '-c' ]]; then
3110 check=yes
3111 shift
3112 fi
3114 inst1mod() {
3115 local mod="${1:?}"
3116 local ret=0
3117 local mod_dir="/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER:?}/"
3119 case "$mod" in
3120 =*)
3121 if [ -f "${mod_dir}/modules.${mod#=}" ]; then
3122 (
3123 [[ "$mpargs" ]] && echo "$mpargs"
3124 cat "${mod_dir}/modules.${mod#=}"
3125 ) | instmods
3126 else
3127 (
3128 [[ "$mpargs" ]] && echo "$mpargs"
3129 find "$mod_dir" -path "*/${mod#=}/*" -name "*.ko*" -type f -printf '%f\n'
3130 ) | instmods
3131 fi
3132 ;;
3133 --*)
3134 mpargs+=" $mod"
3135 ;;
3136 i2o_scsi)
3137 # Do not load this diagnostic-only module
3138 return
3139 ;;
3140 *)
3141 mod=${mod##*/}
3142 # if we are already installed, skip this module and go on
3143 # to the next one.
3144 [[ -f "${initdir:?}/.kernelmodseen/${mod%.ko}.ko" ]] && return
3146 # We use '-d' option in modprobe only if modules prefix path
3147 # differs from default '/'. This allows us to use Dracut with
3148 # old version of modprobe which doesn't have '-d' option.
3149 local mod_dirname=${mod_dir%%/lib/modules/*}
3150 [[ -n ${mod_dirname} ]] && mod_dirname="-d ${mod_dirname}/"
3152 # ok, load the module, all its dependencies, and any firmware
3153 # it may require
3154 for_each_kmod_dep install_kmod_with_fw "$mod" \
3155 --set-version "$KERNEL_VER" \
3156 ${mod_dirname:+"$mod_dirname"} \
3157 ${mpargs:+"$mpargs"}
3158 ((ret+=$?))
3159 ;;
3160 esac
3161 return "$ret"
3162 }
3164 local mod mpargs
3166 if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then # filenames from stdin
3167 while read -r mod; do
3168 if ! inst1mod "${mod%.ko*}" && [ "$check" = "yes" ]; then
3169 dfatal "Failed to install $mod"
3170 return 1
3171 fi
3172 done
3173 fi
3175 for mod in "$@"; do # filenames as arguments
3176 if ! inst1mod "${mod%.ko*}" && [ "$check" = "yes" ]; then
3177 dfatal "Failed to install $mod"
3178 return 1
3179 fi
3180 done
3182 return 0
3183 }
3185 _umount_dir() {
3186 local mountpoint="${1:?}"
3187 if mountpoint -q "$mountpoint"; then
3188 ddebug "umount $mountpoint"
3189 umount "$mountpoint"
3190 fi
3191 }
3193 # can be overridden in specific test
3194 test_setup_cleanup() {
3195 cleanup_initdir
3196 }
3198 _test_cleanup() {
3199 # (post-test) cleanup should always ignore failure and cleanup as much as possible
3200 (
3201 set +e
3202 [[ -n "$initdir" ]] && _umount_dir "$initdir"
3203 [[ -n "$IMAGE_PUBLIC" ]] && rm -vf "$IMAGE_PUBLIC"
3204 # If multiple setups/cleans are ran in parallel, this can cause a race
3205 if [[ -n "$IMAGESTATEDIR" && $TEST_PARALLELIZE -ne 1 ]]; then
3206 rm -vf "${IMAGESTATEDIR}/default.img"
3207 fi
3208 [[ -n "$TESTDIR" ]] && rm -vfr "$TESTDIR"
3209 [[ -n "$STATEFILE" ]] && rm -vf "$STATEFILE"
3210 ) || :
3211 }
3213 # can be overridden in specific test
3214 test_cleanup() {
3215 _test_cleanup
3216 }
3218 test_cleanup_again() {
3219 [ -n "$TESTDIR" ] || return
3220 rm -rf "$TESTDIR/unprivileged-nspawn-root"
3221 [[ -n "$initdir" ]] && _umount_dir "$initdir"
3222 }
3224 test_create_image() {
3225 create_empty_image_rootdir
3227 # Create what will eventually be our root filesystem onto an overlay
3228 (
3229 LOG_LEVEL=5
3230 setup_basic_environment
3231 )
3232 }
3234 test_setup() {
3235 if get_bool "${TEST_REQUIRE_INSTALL_TESTS:?}" && \
3236 command -v meson >/dev/null && \
3237 [[ "$(meson configure "${BUILD_DIR:?}" | grep install-tests | awk '{ print $2 }')" != "true" ]]; then
3238 dfatal "$BUILD_DIR needs to be built with -Dinstall-tests=true"
3239 exit 1
3240 fi
3242 if [ -e "${IMAGE_PRIVATE:?}" ]; then
3243 echo "Reusing existing image $IMAGE_PRIVATE → $(realpath "$IMAGE_PRIVATE")"
3244 mount_initdir
3245 else
3246 if [ ! -e "${IMAGE_PUBLIC:?}" ]; then
3247 # default.img is the base that every test uses and optionally appends to
3248 if [ ! -e "${IMAGESTATEDIR:?}/default.img" ] || [ -n "${TEST_FORCE_NEWIMAGE:=}" ]; then
3249 # Create the backing public image, but then completely unmount
3250 # it and drop the loopback device responsible for it, since we're
3251 # going to symlink/copy the image and mount it again from
3252 # elsewhere.
3253 local image_old="${IMAGE_PUBLIC}"
3254 if [ -z "${TEST_FORCE_NEWIMAGE}" ]; then
3255 IMAGE_PUBLIC="${IMAGESTATEDIR}/default.img"
3256 fi
3257 test_create_image
3258 test_setup_cleanup
3259 umount_loopback
3260 cleanup_loopdev
3261 IMAGE_PUBLIC="${image_old}"
3262 fi
3263 if [ "${IMAGE_NAME:?}" != "default" ] && ! get_bool "${TEST_FORCE_NEWIMAGE}"; then
3264 cp -v "$(realpath "${IMAGESTATEDIR}/default.img")" "$IMAGE_PUBLIC"
3265 fi
3266 fi
3268 local hook_defined
3269 declare -f -F test_append_files >/dev/null && hook_defined=yes || hook_defined=no
3271 echo "Reusing existing cached image $IMAGE_PUBLIC → $(realpath "$IMAGE_PUBLIC")"
3272 if get_bool "$TEST_PARALLELIZE" || get_bool "$hook_defined"; then
3273 cp -v -- "$(realpath "$IMAGE_PUBLIC")" "$IMAGE_PRIVATE"
3274 else
3275 ln -sv -- "$(realpath "$IMAGE_PUBLIC")" "$IMAGE_PRIVATE"
3276 fi
3278 mount_initdir
3281 dinfo "Masking supporting services"
3282 mask_supporting_services
3283 fi
3285 # Send stdout/stderr of testsuite-*.service units to both journal and
3286 # console to make debugging in CIs easier
3287 # Note: we can't use a dropin for `testsuite-.service`, since that also
3288 # overrides 'sub-units' of some tests that already use a specific
3289 # value for Standard(Output|Error)=
3290 # (e.g. test/units/testsuite-66-deviceisolation.service)
3291 if ! get_bool "$INTERACTIVE_DEBUG"; then
3292 local dropin_dir="${initdir:?}/etc/systemd/system/testsuite-${TESTID:?}.service.d"
3293 mkdir -p "$dropin_dir"
3294 printf '[Service]\nStandardOutput=journal+console\nStandardError=journal+console' >"$dropin_dir/99-stdout.conf"
3295 fi
3297 if get_bool "$IS_BUILT_WITH_COVERAGE"; then
3298 # Do an initial coverage capture, to make sure the final report includes
3299 # files that the tests didn't touch at all
3300 lcov --initial --capture --directory "${initdir}/${BUILD_DIR:?}" --output-file "${TESTDIR:?}/coverage-base"
3301 fi
3303 if get_bool "$hook_defined"; then
3304 test_append_files "${initdir:?}"
3305 fi
3306 fi
3308 setup_nspawn_root
3309 }
3311 test_run() {
3312 local test_id="${1:?}"
3313 mount_initdir
3315 # Reset the boot counter, if present
3316 rm -f "${initdir:?}/var/tmp/.systemd_reboot_count"
3318 if ! get_bool "${TEST_NO_QEMU:=}"; then
3319 if run_qemu "$test_id"; then
3320 check_result_qemu || { echo "qemu test failed"; return 1; }
3321 else
3322 dwarn "can't run qemu, skipping"
3323 fi
3324 fi
3325 if ! get_bool "${TEST_NO_NSPAWN:=}"; then
3326 mount_initdir
3327 if run_nspawn "${initdir:?}" "$test_id"; then
3328 check_result_nspawn "$initdir" || { echo "nspawn-root test failed"; return 1; }
3329 else
3330 dwarn "can't run systemd-nspawn, skipping"
3331 fi
3333 if get_bool "${RUN_IN_UNPRIVILEGED_CONTAINER:=}"; then
3334 dir="$TESTDIR/unprivileged-nspawn-root"
3335 if NSPAWN_ARGUMENTS="-U --private-network ${NSPAWN_ARGUMENTS:-}" run_nspawn "$dir" "$test_id"; then
3336 check_result_nspawn "$dir" || { echo "unprivileged-nspawn-root test failed"; return 1; }
3337 else
3338 dwarn "can't run systemd-nspawn, skipping"
3339 fi
3340 fi
3341 fi
3342 return 0
3343 }
3345 do_test() {
3346 if [[ $UID != "0" ]]; then
3347 echo "TEST: $TEST_DESCRIPTION [SKIPPED]: not root" >&2
3348 exit 0
3349 fi
3351 if get_bool "${TEST_NO_QEMU:=}" && get_bool "${TEST_NO_NSPAWN:=}"; then
3352 echo "TEST: $TEST_DESCRIPTION [SKIPPED]: both qemu and nspawn disabled" >&2
3353 exit 0
3354 fi
3356 if get_bool "${TEST_QEMU_ONLY:=}" && ! get_bool "$TEST_NO_NSPAWN"; then
3357 echo "TEST: $TEST_DESCRIPTION [SKIPPED]: qemu-only tests requested" >&2
3358 exit 0
3359 fi
3361 if get_bool "${TEST_PREFER_NSPAWN:=}" && ! get_bool "$TEST_NO_NSPAWN"; then
3363 fi
3365 # Detect lib paths
3366 [[ "$libdir" ]] || for libdir in /lib64 /lib; do
3367 [[ -d $libdir ]] && libdirs+=" $libdir" && break
3368 done
3370 [[ "$usrlibdir" ]] || for usrlibdir in /usr/lib64 /usr/lib; do
3371 [[ -d $usrlibdir ]] && libdirs+=" $usrlibdir" && break
3372 done
3374 mkdir -p "$WORKDIR"
3375 mkdir -p "$STATEDIR"
3377 import_testdir
3378 import_initdir
3380 if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ]; then
3381 ddebug "Making ${TESTDIR:?} readable for ${SUDO_USER} (acquired from sudo)"
3382 setfacl -m "user:${SUDO_USER:?}:r-X" "${TESTDIR:?}"
3383 fi
3385 testname="$(basename "$PWD")"
3387 while (($# > 0)); do
3388 case $1 in
3389 --run)
3390 echo "${testname} RUN: $TEST_DESCRIPTION"
3391 test_run "$TESTID"
3392 ret=$?
3393 if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
3394 echo "${testname} RUN: $TEST_DESCRIPTION [OK]"
3395 else
3396 echo "${testname} RUN: $TEST_DESCRIPTION [FAILED]"
3397 fi
3398 exit $ret
3399 ;;
3400 --setup)
3401 echo "${testname} SETUP: $TEST_DESCRIPTION"
3402 test_setup
3403 test_setup_cleanup
3404 ;;
3405 --clean)
3406 echo "${testname} CLEANUP: $TEST_DESCRIPTION"
3407 test_cleanup
3408 ;;
3409 --clean-again)
3410 echo "${testname} CLEANUP AGAIN: $TEST_DESCRIPTION"
3411 test_cleanup_again
3412 ;;
3413 --all)
3414 ret=0
3415 echo -n "${testname}: $TEST_DESCRIPTION "
3416 # Do not use a subshell, otherwise cleanup variables (LOOPDEV) will be lost
3417 # and loop devices will leak
3418 test_setup </dev/null >"$TESTLOG" 2>&1 || ret=$?
3419 if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
3420 test_setup_cleanup </dev/null >>"$TESTLOG" 2>&1 || ret=$?
3421 fi
3422 if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
3423 test_run "$TESTID" </dev/null >>"$TESTLOG" 2>&1 || ret=$?
3424 fi
3425 test_cleanup
3426 if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
3427 # $TESTLOG is in $STATEDIR, so clean it up only on success
3428 [[ -n "$STATEDIR" ]] && rm -vfr "$STATEDIR"
3429 echo "[OK]"
3430 else
3431 echo "[FAILED]"
3432 echo "see $TESTLOG"
3433 fi
3434 exit $ret
3435 ;;
3436 *)
3437 break
3438 ;;
3439 esac
3440 shift
3441 done
3442 }