]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/lldpd.git/blob - tests/integration/test_basic.py
Merge pull request #285 from vincentbernat/feature/linux-caps
[thirdparty/lldpd.git] / tests / integration / test_basic.py
1 import time
2 import pytest
3 import pyroute2
6 def test_one_neighbor(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
7 with namespaces(2):
8 lldpd()
9 with namespaces(1):
10 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
11 assert out['lldp.eth0.age'].startswith('0 day, 00:00:')
12 assert out['lldp.eth0.chassis.descr'].startswith(
13 "Spectacular GNU/Linux 2016 Linux")
14 assert 'lldp.eth0.chassis.Router.enabled' in out
15 assert 'lldp.eth0.chassis.Station.enabled' in out
16 del out['lldp.eth0.age']
17 del out['lldp.eth0.chassis.descr']
18 del out['lldp.eth0.chassis.Router.enabled']
19 del out['lldp.eth0.chassis.Station.enabled']
20 assert out == {"lldp.eth0.via": "LLDP",
21 "lldp.eth0.rid": "1",
22 "lldp.eth0.chassis.mac": "00:00:00:00:00:02",
23 "lldp.eth0.chassis.name": "ns-2.example.com",
24 "lldp.eth0.chassis.mgmt-ip": "fe80::200:ff:fe00:2",
25 "lldp.eth0.chassis.Bridge.enabled": "off",
26 "lldp.eth0.chassis.Wlan.enabled": "off",
27 "lldp.eth0.port.mac": "00:00:00:00:00:02",
28 "lldp.eth0.port.descr": "eth1",
29 "lldp.eth0.port.ttl": "120"}
32 @pytest.mark.parametrize("neighbors", (5, 10, 20))
33 def test_several_neighbors(lldpd, lldpcli, links, namespaces, neighbors):
34 for i in range(2, neighbors + 1):
35 links(namespaces(1), namespaces(i))
36 for i in range(1, neighbors + 1):
37 with namespaces(i):
38 lldpd(sleep=(i == 1 and 2 or 0),
39 silent=True)
40 time.sleep(10)
41 with namespaces(1):
42 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
43 for i in range(2, neighbors + 1):
44 assert out['lldp.eth{}.chassis.name'.format((i - 2)*2)] == \
45 'ns-{}.example.com'.format(i)
48 def test_one_interface(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
49 with namespaces(2):
50 lldpd()
51 with namespaces(1):
52 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "interfaces")
53 assert out['lldp.eth0.chassis.descr'].startswith(
54 "Spectacular GNU/Linux 2016 Linux")
55 assert 'lldp.eth0.age' in out
56 assert 'lldp.eth0.chassis.Router.enabled' in out
57 assert 'lldp.eth0.chassis.Station.enabled' in out
58 del out['lldp.eth0.age']
59 del out['lldp.eth0.chassis.descr']
60 del out['lldp.eth0.chassis.Router.enabled']
61 del out['lldp.eth0.chassis.Station.enabled']
62 assert out == {"lldp.eth0.via": "unknown",
63 "lldp.eth0.chassis.mac": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
64 "lldp.eth0.chassis.name": "ns-1.example.com",
65 "lldp.eth0.chassis.mgmt-ip": "fe80::200:ff:fe00:1",
66 "lldp.eth0.chassis.Bridge.enabled": "off",
67 "lldp.eth0.chassis.Wlan.enabled": "off",
68 "lldp.eth0.port.mac": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
69 "lldp.eth0.port.descr": "eth0",
70 "lldp.eth0.ttl.ttl": "120"}
72 @pytest.mark.parametrize("interfaces", (5, 10, 20))
73 def test_several_interfaces(lldpd, lldpcli, links, namespaces, interfaces):
74 for i in range(2, interfaces + 1):
75 links(namespaces(1), namespaces(i))
76 for i in range(1, interfaces + 1):
77 with namespaces(i):
78 lldpd()
79 with namespaces(1):
80 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "interfaces")
81 for i in range(2, interfaces + 1):
82 assert out['lldp.eth{}.chassis.mac'.format((i - 2)*2)] == \
83 '00:00:00:00:00:01'
84 assert out['lldp.eth{}.port.mac'.format((i - 2)*2)] == \
85 '00:00:00:00:00:{num:02x}'.format(num=(i - 2)*2 + 1)
88 def test_overrided_description(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
89 with namespaces(2):
90 lldpd("-S", "Modified description")
91 with namespaces(1):
92 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
93 assert out['lldp.eth0.chassis.descr'] == "Modified description"
96 def test_overrided_description2(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
97 with namespaces(2):
98 lldpd()
99 lldpcli("configure", "system", "description", "Modified description")
100 lldpcli("update")
101 time.sleep(1)
102 with namespaces(1):
103 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
104 assert out['lldp.eth0.chassis.descr'] == "Modified description"
107 def test_overrided_chassisid(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
108 with namespaces(2):
109 lldpd()
110 lldpcli("configure", "system", "chassisid", "Modified chassis ID")
111 lldpcli("update")
112 time.sleep(1)
113 with namespaces(1):
114 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
115 assert out['lldp.eth0.chassis.local'] == "Modified chassis ID"
118 def test_overrided_chassisid_reverse(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
119 with namespaces(2):
120 lldpd()
121 lldpcli("configure", "system", "chassisid", "Modified chassis ID")
122 lldpcli("unconfigure", "system", "chassisid")
123 lldpcli("update")
124 time.sleep(1)
125 with namespaces(1):
126 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
127 assert out['lldp.eth0.chassis.mac'] == "00:00:00:00:00:02"
130 def test_hide_kernel(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
131 with namespaces(2):
132 lldpd("-k")
133 with namespaces(1):
134 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
135 assert out["lldp.eth0.chassis.descr"] == \
136 "Spectacular GNU/Linux 2016"
139 def test_listen_only(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
140 with namespaces(2):
141 lldpd("-r")
142 with namespaces(1):
143 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
144 assert out == {}
147 def test_forced_management_address(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
148 with namespaces(2):
149 lldpd("-m", "2001:db8::47")
150 with namespaces(1):
151 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
152 assert out["lldp.eth0.chassis.mgmt-ip"] == "2001:db8::47"
155 def test_management_address(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, links, namespaces):
156 with namespaces(2):
157 ipr = pyroute2.IPRoute()
158 idx = ipr.link_lookup(ifname="eth1")[0]
159 ipr.addr('add', index=idx, address="", mask=24)
160 ipr.addr('add', index=idx, address="", mask=24)
161 lldpd("-m", "172.25.*")
162 with namespaces(1):
163 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
164 assert out["lldp.eth0.chassis.mgmt-ip"] == ""
167 def test_change_management_address(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, links, namespaces):
168 with namespaces(2):
169 ipr = pyroute2.IPRoute()
170 idx = ipr.link_lookup(ifname="eth1")[0]
171 ipr.addr('add', index=idx, address="", mask=24)
172 lldpd("-m", "192.168.*")
173 # We need a short TX interval as updating the IP address
174 # doesn't trigger a resend.
175 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "tx-interval", "2")
176 with namespaces(1):
177 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
178 assert out["lldp.eth0.chassis.mgmt-ip"] == ""
179 with namespaces(2):
180 ipr.addr('del', index=idx, address="", mask=24)
181 ipr.addr('add', index=idx, address="", mask=24)
182 time.sleep(5)
183 with namespaces(1):
184 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
185 assert out["lldp.eth0.chassis.mgmt-ip"] == ""
188 def test_portid_subtype_ifname(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
189 with namespaces(2):
190 lldpd()
191 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "portidsubtype", "ifname")
192 time.sleep(3)
193 with namespaces(1):
194 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
195 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.ifname"] == "eth1"
196 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.descr"] == "eth1"
199 def test_portid_subtype_with_alias(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, links, namespaces):
200 with namespaces(2):
201 ipr = pyroute2.IPRoute()
202 idx = ipr.link_lookup(ifname="eth1")[0]
203 ipr.link('set', index=idx, ifalias="alias of eth1")
204 lldpd()
205 with namespaces(1):
206 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
207 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.ifname"] == "eth1"
208 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.descr"] == "alias of eth1"
211 def test_portid_subtype_macaddress(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, links, namespaces):
212 with namespaces(2):
213 ipr = pyroute2.IPRoute()
214 idx = ipr.link_lookup(ifname="eth1")[0]
215 ipr.link('set', index=idx, ifalias="alias of eth1")
216 lldpd()
217 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "portidsubtype", "macaddress")
218 time.sleep(3)
219 with namespaces(1):
220 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
221 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:02"
222 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.descr"] == "eth1"
225 def test_portid_subtype_local(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
226 with namespaces(2):
227 lldpd()
228 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "portidsubtype", "local", "localname")
229 time.sleep(3)
230 with namespaces(1):
231 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
232 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.local"] == "localname"
233 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.descr"] == "eth1"
236 def test_portid_subtype_local_with_description(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
237 with namespaces(2):
238 lldpd()
239 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "portidsubtype", "local", "localname", "description", "localdescription")
240 time.sleep(3)
241 with namespaces(1):
242 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
243 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.local"] == "localname"
244 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.descr"] == "localdescription"
247 def test_portdescription(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
248 with namespaces(2):
249 lldpd()
250 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "portdescription", "localdescription")
251 time.sleep(3)
252 with namespaces(1):
253 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
254 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.descr"] == "localdescription"
257 def test_portid_subtype_local_with_alias(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
258 with namespaces(2):
259 ipr = pyroute2.IPRoute()
260 idx = ipr.link_lookup(ifname="eth1")[0]
261 ipr.link('set', index=idx, ifalias="alias of eth1")
262 lldpd()
263 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "portidsubtype", "local", "localname")
264 time.sleep(3)
265 with namespaces(1):
266 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
267 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.local"] == "localname"
268 assert out["lldp.eth0.port.descr"] == "alias of eth1"
271 def test_port_status_txonly(lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces, links):
272 links(namespaces(1), namespaces(2))
273 with namespaces(1):
274 lldpd()
275 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "status", "tx-only")
276 with namespaces(2):
277 lldpd()
278 with namespaces(1):
279 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
280 assert out == {}
281 lldpcli("update")
282 with namespaces(2):
283 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
284 assert out["lldp.eth1.chassis.mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:01"
287 def test_port_status_rxonly(lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces, links):
288 links(namespaces(1), namespaces(2))
289 with namespaces(1):
290 lldpd()
291 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "status", "rx-only")
292 with namespaces(2):
293 lldpd()
294 with namespaces(1):
295 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
296 assert out["lldp.eth0.chassis.mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:02"
297 lldpcli("update")
298 with namespaces(2):
299 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
300 assert out == {}
303 def test_port_status_rxandtx(lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces, links):
304 links(namespaces(1), namespaces(2))
305 with namespaces(1):
306 lldpd()
307 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "status", "rx-and-tx") # noop
308 with namespaces(2):
309 lldpd()
310 with namespaces(1):
311 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
312 assert out["lldp.eth0.chassis.mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:02"
313 lldpcli("update")
314 with namespaces(2):
315 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
316 assert out["lldp.eth1.chassis.mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:01"
319 def test_port_status_disabled(lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces, links):
320 links(namespaces(1), namespaces(2))
321 with namespaces(1):
322 lldpd()
323 lldpcli("configure", "lldp", "status", "disabled")
324 with namespaces(2):
325 lldpd()
326 with namespaces(1):
327 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
328 assert out == {}
329 lldpcli("update")
330 with namespaces(2):
331 out = lldpcli("-f", "keyvalue", "show", "neighbors")
332 assert out == {}
335 def test_set_interface_alias(lldpd1, lldpd, lldpcli, namespaces):
336 with namespaces(1):
337 lldpcli("configure", "system", "interface", "description")
338 with namespaces(2):
339 lldpd()
340 with namespaces(1):
341 ipr = pyroute2.IPRoute()
342 link = ipr.link('get', ifname='eth0')[0]
343 assert link.get_attr('IFLA_IFALIAS') == 'lldpd: connected to ns-2.example.com'