{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Edit builder %s") % builder.hostname }}{% end block %} {% block body %}

{{ _("Edit builder %s") % builder.hostname }}

{{ xsrf_form_html() }}
{{ _("Name") }} {{ builder.hostname }} {{ _("The hostname cannot be changed.") }}
{{ _("Enabled") }} {{ _("The builder must be enabled in order to process build jobs.") }}

{{ _("Build job settings") }}

{{ _("These settings do only take effect if the builder is enabled.") }}

{{ _("Authorized to build source packages") }} {{ _("Only a few build servers are allowed to build source packages.") }}
{{ _("Authorized to build binary packages") }}  
{{ _("Authorized to build test packages") }}  
{{ _("Maximum number of parallel build jobs") }} {{ _("This is the number of build jobs that are started in parallel.") }}
{% end block %}