Headers cups/backend.h
Library -lcups
See Also Programming: Introduction to CUPS Programming
Programming: CUPS API
Programming: PPD API
Programming: Raster API
Specifications: CUPS Design Description



Filters (which include printer drivers and port monitors) and backends are used to convert job files to a printable format and send that data to the printer itself. All of these programs use a common interface for processing print jobs and communicating status information to the scheduler. Each is run with a standard set of command-line arguments:

The job ID
The user printing the job
The job name/title
The number of copies to print
The options that were provided when the job was submitted
The file to print (first program only)

The scheduler runs one or more of these programs to print any given job. The first filter reads from the print file and writes to the standard output, while the remaining filters read from the standard input and write to the standard output. The backend is the last filter in the chain and writes to the device.

Security Considerations

It is always important to use security programming practices. Filters and most backends are run as a non-priviledged user, so the major security consideration is resource utilization - filters should not depend on unlimited amounts of CPU, memory, or disk space, and should protect against conditions that could lead to excess usage of any resource like infinite loops and unbounded recursion. In addition, filters must never allow the user to specify an arbitrary file path to a separator page, template, or other file used by the filter since that can lead to an unauthorized disclosure of information. Always treat input as suspect and validate it!

If you are developing a backend that runs as root, make sure to check for potential buffer overflows, integer under/overflow conditions, and file accesses since these can lead to privilege escalations. When writing files, always validate the file path and never allow a user to determine where to store a file.


Never write files to a user's home directory. Aside from the security implications, CUPS is a network print service and as such the network user may not be the same as the local user and/or there may not be a local home directory to write to.

In addition, some operating systems provide additional security mechanisms that further limit file system access, even for backends running as root. On Mac OS X, for example, no backend may write to a user's home directory.

Temporary Files

Temporary files should be created in the directory specified by the "TMPDIR" environment variable. The cupsTempFile2 function can be used to safely create temporary files in this directory.

Copy Generation

The argv[4] argument specifies the number of copies to produce of the input file. In general, you should only generate copies if the filename argument is supplied. The only exception to this are filters that produce device-independent PostScript output, since the PostScript filter pstops is responsible for generating copies of PostScript files.

Exit Codes

Filters must exit with status 0 when they successfully generate print data or 1 when they encounter an error. Backends can return any of the cups_backend_t constants.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are defined by the printing system when running print filters and backends:

The Apple language identifier associated with the job (Mac OS X only).
The job character set, typically "utf-8".
When a job is submitted to a printer class, contains the name of the destination printer class. Otherwise this environment variable will not be set.
The MIME type associated with the file (e.g. application/postscript).
The directory where cache files can be stored. Cache files can be used to retain information between jobs or files in a job.
The directory where (read-only) CUPS data files can be found.
The type of file being printed: "job-sheet" for a banner page and "document" for a regular print file.
The root directory of the server.
The device-uri associated with the printer.
The MIME type associated with the printer (e.g. application/vnd.cups-postscript).
The language locale associated with the job.
The full pathname of the PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file for this printer.
The queue name of the class or printer.
The recommended amount of memory to use for Raster Image Processors (RIPs).
The directory where temporary files should be created.

Communicating with the Scheduler

Filters and backends communicate with the scheduler by writing messages to the standard error file. The scheduler reads messages from all filters in a job and processes the message based on its prefix. For example, the following code sets the current printer state message to "Printing page 5":

int page = 5;

fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Printing page %d\n", page);

Each message is a single line of text starting with one of the following prefix strings:

ALERT: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "alert" log level.
ATTR: attribute=value [attribute=value]
Sets the named printer or job attribute(s). Typically this is used to set the marker-colors, marker-levels, marker-message, marker-names, marker-types, printer-alert, and printer-alert-description printer attributes. Standard marker-types values are listed in Table 1.
CRIT: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "critical" log level.
DEBUG: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "debug" log level.
DEBUG2: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "debug2" log level.
EMERG: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "emergency" log level.
ERROR: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "error" log level. Use "ERROR:" messages for non-persistent processing errors.
INFO: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute. If the current log level is set to "debug2", also adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "info" log level.
NOTICE: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "notice" log level.
PAGE: page-number #-copies
PAGE: total #-pages
Adds an entry to the current page log file. The first form adds #-copies to the job-media-sheets-completed attribute. The second form sets the job-media-sheets-completed attribute to #-pages.
PPD: keyword=value [keyword=value ...]
Changes or adds keywords to the printer's PPD file. Typically this is used to update installable options or default media settings based on the printer configuration.
STATE: printer-state-reason [printer-state-reason ...]
STATE: + printer-state-reason [printer-state-reason ...]
STATE: - printer-state-reason [printer-state-reason ...]
Sets, adds, or removes printer-state-reason keywords to the current queue. Typically this is used to indicate persistent media, ink, toner, and configuration conditions or errors on a printer. Table 2 lists the standard state keywords - use vendor-prefixed ("com.acme.foo") keywords for custom states.
WARNING: message
Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current error log file using the "warning" log level.

Messages without one of these prefixes are treated as if they began with the "DEBUG:" prefix string.

Table 1: Standard marker-types Values
marker-type Description
developer Developer unit
fuser Fuser unit
fuserCleaningPad Fuser cleaning pad
fuserOil Fuser oil
ink Ink supply
opc Photo conductor
solidWax Wax supply
staples Staple supply
toner Toner supply
transferUnit Transfer unit
wasteInk Waste ink tank
wasteToner Waste toner tank
wasteWax Waste wax tank

Table 2: Standard State Keywords
Keyword Description
connecting-to-device Connecting to printer but not printing yet
cover-open A cover is open on the printer
input-tray-missing An input tray is missing from the printer
marker-supply-empty Out of ink
marker-supply-low Low on ink
marker-waste-almost-full Waste tank almost full
marker-waste-full Waste tank full
media-empty Out of media
media-jam Media is jammed in the printer
media-low Low on media
paused Stop the printer
timed-out Unable to connect to printer
toner-empty Out of toner
toner-low Low on toner

Communicating with the Backend

Filters can communicate with the backend via the cupsBackChannelRead and cupsSideChannelDoRequest functions. The cupsBackChannelRead function reads data that has been sent back from the device and is typically used to obtain status and configuration information. For example, the following code polls the backend for back-channel data:

#include <cups/cups.h>

char buffer[8192];
ssize_t bytes;

/* Use a timeout of 0.0 seconds to poll for back-channel data */
bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0.0);

Filters can also use select() or poll() on the back-channel file descriptor (3 or CUPS_BC_FD) to read data only when it is available.

The cupsSideChannelDoRequest function allows you to get out-of-band status information and do synchronization with the device. For example, the following code gets the current IEEE-1284 device ID string from the backend:

#include <cups/sidechannel.h>

char data[2049];
int datalen;
cups_sc_status_t status;

/* Tell cupsSideChannelDoRequest() how big our buffer is, less 1 byte for
   nul-termination... */
datalen = sizeof(data) - 1;

/* Get the IEEE-1284 device ID, waiting for up to 1 second */
status = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ID, data, &datalen, 1.0);

/* Use the returned value if OK was returned and the length is non-zero */
if (status == CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK && datalen > 0)
  data[datalen] = '\0';
  data[0] = '\0';

Communicating with Filters

Backends communicate with filters using the reciprocal functions cupsBackChannelWrite, cupsSideChannelRead, and cupsSideChannelWrite. We recommend writing back-channel data using a timeout of 1.0 seconds:

#include <cups/cups.h>

char buffer[8192];
ssize_t bytes;

/* Obtain data from printer/device */

/* Use a timeout of 1.0 seconds to give filters a chance to read */
cupsBackChannelWrite(buffer, bytes, 1.0);

The cupsSideChannelRead function reads a side-channel command from a filter, driver, or port monitor. Backends can either poll for commands using a timeout of 0.0, wait indefinitely for commands using a timeout of -1.0 (probably in a separate thread for that purpose), or use select or poll on the CUPS_SC_FD file descriptor (4) to handle input and output on several file descriptors at the same time.

Once a command is processed, the backend uses the cupsSideChannelWrite function to send its response. For example, the following code shows how to poll for a side-channel command and respond to it:

#include <cups/sidechannel.h>

cups_sc_command_t command;
cups_sc_status_t status;
char data[2048];
int datalen = sizeof(data);

/* Poll for a command... */
if (!cupsSideChannelRead(&command, &status, data, &datalen, 0.0))
  switch (command)
    /* handle supported commands, fill data/datalen/status with values as needed */

    default :
	datalen = 0;

  /* Send a response... */
  cupsSideChannelWrite(command, status, data, datalen, 1.0);

Doing SNMP Queries with Network Printers

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) allows you to get the current status, page counter, and supply levels from most network printers. Every piece of information is associated with an Object Identifier (OID), and every printer has a community name associated with it. OIDs can be queried directly or by "walking" over a range of OIDs with a common prefix.

The two CUPS SNMP functions provide a simple API for querying network printers through the side-channel interface. Each accepts a string containing an OID like "." (the standard page counter OID) along with a timeout for the query.

The cupsSideChannelSNMPGet function queries a single OID and returns the value as a string in a buffer you supply:

#include <cups/sidechannel.h>

char data[512];
int datalen = sizeof(data);

if (cupsSideChannelSNMPGet(".", data, &datalen, 5.0)
        == CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK)
  /* Do something with the value */
  printf("Page counter is: %s\n", data);

The cupsSideChannelSNMPWalk function allows you to query a whole group of OIDs, calling a function of your choice for each OID that is found:

#include <cups/sidechannel.h>

my_callback(const char *oid, const char *data, int datalen, void *context)
  /* Do something with the value */
  printf("%s=%s\n", oid, data);


void *my_data;

cupsSNMPSideChannelWalk(".", 5.0, my_callback, my_data);


 CUPS 1.2 cupsBackChannelRead

Read data from the backchannel.

ssize_t cupsBackChannelRead (
    char *buffer,
    size_t bytes,
    double timeout


Buffer to read into
Bytes to read
Timeout in seconds, typically 0.0 to poll

Return Value

Bytes read or -1 on error


Reads up to "bytes" bytes from the backchannel/backend. The "timeout" parameter controls how many seconds to wait for the data - use 0.0 to return immediately if there is no data, -1.0 to wait for data indefinitely.

 CUPS 1.2 cupsBackChannelWrite

Write data to the backchannel.

ssize_t cupsBackChannelWrite (
    const char *buffer,
    size_t bytes,
    double timeout


Buffer to write
Bytes to write
Timeout in seconds, typically 1.0

Return Value

Bytes written or -1 on error


Writes "bytes" bytes to the backchannel/filter. The "timeout" parameter controls how many seconds to wait for the data to be written - use 0.0 to return immediately if the data cannot be written, -1.0 to wait indefinitely.


Get the device URI for a backend.

const char *cupsBackendDeviceURI (
    char **argv


Command-line arguments

Return Value

Device URI or NULL


The "argv" argument is the argv argument passed to main(). This function returns the device URI passed in the DEVICE_URI environment variable or the device URI passed in argv[0], whichever is found first.


Write a device line from a backend.

void cupsBackendReport (
    const char *device_scheme,
    const char *device_uri,
    const char *device_make_and_model,
    const char *device_info,
    const char *device_id,
    const char *device_location


device-scheme string
device-uri string
device-make-and-model string or NULL
device-info string or NULL
device-id string or NULL
device-location string or NULL


This function writes a single device line to stdout for a backend. It handles quoting of special characters in the device-make-and-model, device-info, device-id, and device-location strings.

 CUPS 1.3 cupsSideChannelDoRequest

Send a side-channel command to a backend and wait for a response.

cups_sc_status_t cupsSideChannelDoRequest (
    cups_sc_command_t command,
    char *data,
    int *datalen,
    double timeout


Command to send
Response data buffer pointer
Size of data buffer on entry, number of bytes in buffer on return
Timeout in seconds

Return Value

Status of command


This function is normally only called by filters, drivers, or port monitors in order to communicate with the backend used by the current printer. Programs must be prepared to handle timeout or "not implemented" status codes, which indicate that the backend or device do not support the specified side-channel command.

The "datalen" parameter must be initialized to the size of the buffer pointed to by the "data" parameter. cupsSideChannelDoRequest() will update the value to contain the number of data bytes in the buffer.

 CUPS 1.3 cupsSideChannelRead

Read a side-channel message.

int cupsSideChannelRead (
    cups_sc_command_t *command,
    cups_sc_status_t *status,
    char *data,
    int *datalen,
    double timeout


Command code
Status code
Data buffer pointer
Size of data buffer on entry, number of bytes in buffer on return
Timeout in seconds

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on error


This function is normally only called by backend programs to read commands from a filter, driver, or port monitor program. The caller must be prepared to handle incomplete or invalid messages and return the corresponding status codes.

The "datalen" parameter must be initialized to the size of the buffer pointed to by the "data" parameter. cupsSideChannelDoRequest() will update the value to contain the number of data bytes in the buffer.

 CUPS 1.4 cupsSideChannelSNMPGet

Query a SNMP OID's value.

cups_sc_status_t cupsSideChannelSNMPGet (
    const char *oid,
    char *data,
    int *datalen,
    double timeout


OID to query
Buffer for OID value
Size of OID buffer on entry, size of value on return
Timeout in seconds

Return Value

Query status


This function asks the backend to do a SNMP OID query on behalf of the filter, port monitor, or backend using the default community name.

"oid" contains a numeric OID consisting of integers separated by periods, for example ".". Symbolic names from SNMP MIBs are not supported and must be converted to their numeric forms.

On input, "data" and "datalen" provide the location and size of the buffer to hold the OID value as a string. HEX-String (binary) values are converted to hexadecimal strings representing the binary data, while NULL-Value and unknown OID types are returned as the empty string. The returned "datalen" does not include the trailing nul. CUPS_SC_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED is returned by backends that do not support SNMP queries. CUPS_SC_STATUS_NO_RESPONSE is returned when the printer does not respond to the SNMP query.

 CUPS 1.4 cupsSideChannelSNMPWalk

Query multiple SNMP OID values.

cups_sc_status_t cupsSideChannelSNMPWalk (
    const char *oid,
    double timeout,
    cups_sc_walk_func_t cb,
    void *context


First numeric OID to query
Timeout for each query in seconds
Function to call with each value
Application-defined pointer to send to callback

Return Value

Status of first query of CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK on success


This function asks the backend to do multiple SNMP OID queries on behalf of the filter, port monitor, or backend using the default community name. All OIDs under the "parent" OID are queried and the results are sent to the callback function you provide.

"oid" contains a numeric OID consisting of integers separated by periods, for example ".". Symbolic names from SNMP MIBs are not supported and must be converted to their numeric forms.

"timeout" specifies the timeout for each OID query. The total amount of time will depend on the number of OID values found and the time required for each query.

"cb" provides a function to call for every value that is found. "context" is an application-defined pointer that is sent to the callback function along with the OID and current data. The data passed to the callback is the same as returned by cupsSideChannelSNMPGet. CUPS_SC_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED is returned by backends that do not support SNMP queries. CUPS_SC_STATUS_NO_RESPONSE is returned when the printer does not respond to the first SNMP query.

 CUPS 1.3 cupsSideChannelWrite

Write a side-channel message.

int cupsSideChannelWrite (
    cups_sc_command_t command,
    cups_sc_status_t status,
    const char *data,
    int datalen,
    double timeout


Command code
Status code
Data buffer pointer
Number of bytes of data
Timeout in seconds

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on error


This function is normally only called by backend programs to send responses to a filter, driver, or port monitor program.

Data Types


Backend exit codes

typedef enum cups_backend_e cups_backend_t;


Bidirectional capabilities

typedef enum cups_sc_bidi_e cups_sc_bidi_t;


Request command codes

typedef enum cups_sc_command_e cups_sc_command_t;


Printer state bits

typedef enum cups_sc_state_e cups_sc_state_t;


Response status codes

typedef enum cups_sc_status_e cups_sc_status_t;


SNMP walk callback

typedef void (*cups_sc_walk_func_t)(const char *oid, const char *data, int datalen, void *context);



Backend exit codes


Job failed, authentication required
Job failed, cancel job
Job failed, use error-policy
Job failed, hold job
Job completed successfully
Job failed, stop queue


Bidirectional capability values


Bidirectional I/O is not supported
Bidirectional I/O is supported


Request command codes


Drain all pending output
Return bidirectional capabilities
Return the IEEE-1284 device ID
Return the device state
Query an SNMP OID
Query the next SNMP OID
Do a soft reset


Printer state bits


Device is busy
Other error condition
Toner/ink out condition
Toner/ink low condition
Paper out condition
Paper low condition
Device is offline
Device is online


Response status codes


The command/response message was invalid
An I/O error occurred
No status
Command not implemented
The device did not respond
Operation succeeded
The backend did not respond
Response too big