############################################################################### # IPFire.org - An Open Source Firewall Solution # # Copyright (C) - IPFire Development Team # ############################################################################### name = python3-psutil version = 5.9.4 release = 1 thisapp = psutil-release-%{version} groups = System/Libraries url = https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil license = BSD summary = Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python description psutil (process and system utilities) is a cross-platform library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network, sensors) in Python. It is useful mainly for system monitoring, profiling and limiting process resources and management of running processes. It implements many functionalities offered by classic UNIX command line tools such as ps, top, iotop, lsof, netstat, ifconfig, free and others. end source_dl = https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/archive/refs/tags/release-%{version}.tar.gz#/ build requires python3-devel python3-setuptools end build %{python3} setup.py build end install %{python3} setup.py install --root=%{BUILDROOT} end end packages package %{name} package %{name}-debuginfo template DEBUGINFO end end