README - 02/25/2006 ------------------- INTRODUCTION This directory contains a dynamically loadable CUPS extension module for PHP 4 and 5. The CUPS 1.2 module has been substantially updated to provide an API more consistent with the C API and is NOT compatible with the CUPS 1.1 module. COMPILING AND INSTALLING Run "make" to compile the PHP CUPS extension: make To install it, type: make install RESOURCES AND SUPPORT Questions should be reported to the CUPS newsgroups/mailing lists at: Bug reports and enhancement requests can be submitted via the form at: QUICK REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION In lieu of actual documentation, the following definitions can be used as a quick reference to the supported functions: CUPS_CANCEL_JOB Cancels a job on the named destination: bool cups_cancel_job(string dest, int id) The return value is TRUE on success and FALSE on failure. Example: if (!cups_cancel_job("myprinter", 123)) print("Unable to cancel job: " . cups_last_error_string() . "\n"); CUPS_GET_DESTS Gets a list of available destinations: array cups_get_dests() The return value is an array of objects with the following properties: name The name of the printer or class instance The instance of the printer or class is_default TRUE if the printer or class is the default destination options Associative array of options and their values Example: $dest = cups_get_dests(); CUPS_GET_JOBS Gets a list of jobs: array cups_get_jobs(string dest, bool myjobs, int completed) The "dest" string can be blank for jobs on all destinations. Pass TRUE for "myjobs" to only get jobs for the current user. The "completed" argument can be 0 for pending jobs, 1 for completed jobs, and -1 for all jobs. The return value is an array of objects with the following properties: id The job ID dest Printer or class name title Title/job name user User the submitted the job format Document format state Job state size Size in kilobytes priority Priority (1-100) completed_time Time the job was completed creation_time Time the job was created processing_time Time the job was processed Example: $jobs = cups_get_jobs("", FALSE, -1); CUPS_LAST_ERROR Returns the IPP status code for the most recent request: int cups_last_error() Example: $error = cups_last_error(); CUPS_LAST_ERROR_STRING Returns the IPP status-message string for the most recent request: string cups_last_error_string() Example: $message = cups_last_error_string(); CUPS_PRINT_FILE Prints a single file to a printer or class: int cups_print_file(string dest, string filename, string title, array options) The return value is the job ID or 0 if there was an error. Example: $options = array("name" => "value", "name2" => "value2"); $id = cups_print_file("dest", "filename", "title", $options); CUPS_PRINT_FILES Prints one or more files to a printer or class: int cups_print_files(string dest, array files, string title, array options); The return value is the job ID or 0 if there was an error. Example: $files = array("file1", "file2", "file3"); $options = array("name" => "value", "name2" => "value2"); $id = cups_print_file("dest", $files, "title", $options);