// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only /dts-v1/; #include "motorola-mapphone-common.dtsi" / { /* FS USB Host PHY on port 1 for mdm6600 */ fsusb1_phy: usb-phy@1 { compatible = "motorola,mapphone-mdm6600"; pinctrl-0 = <&usb_mdm6600_pins>; pinctrl-1 = <&usb_mdm6600_sleep_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; enable-gpios = <&gpio3 31 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* gpio_95 */ power-gpios = <&gpio2 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* gpio_54 */ reset-gpios = <&gpio2 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* gpio_49 */ /* mode: gpio_148 gpio_149 */ motorola,mode-gpios = <&gpio5 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, <&gpio5 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* cmd: gpio_103 gpio_104 gpio_142 */ motorola,cmd-gpios = <&gpio4 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, <&gpio4 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, <&gpio5 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* status: gpio_52 gpio_53 gpio_55 */ motorola,status-gpios = <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, <&gpio2 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, <&gpio2 23 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; #phy-cells = <0>; }; /* HS USB host TLL nop-phy on port 2 for w3glte */ hsusb2_phy: usb-phy@2 { compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv"; #phy-cells = <0>; }; pwm8: pwm-8 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&vibrator_direction_pin>; compatible = "ti,omap-dmtimer-pwm"; #pwm-cells = <3>; ti,timers = <&timer8>; ti,clock-source = <0x01>; }; pwm9: pwm-9 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&vibrator_enable_pin>; compatible = "ti,omap-dmtimer-pwm"; #pwm-cells = <3>; ti,timers = <&timer9>; ti,clock-source = <0x01>; }; vibrator { compatible = "pwm-vibrator"; pwms = <&pwm9 0 10000000 0>, <&pwm8 0 10000000 0>; pwm-names = "enable", "direction"; direction-duty-cycle-ns = <10000000>; }; }; /* Battery NVRAM on 1-wire handled by w1_ds250x driver */ &hdqw1w { pinctrl-0 = <&hdq_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default"; ti,mode = "1w"; }; &i2c2 { touchscreen@4a { compatible = "atmel,maxtouch"; reg = <0x4a>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&touchscreen_pins>; reset-gpios = <&gpio6 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* gpio173 */ /* gpio_183 with sys_nirq2 pad as wakeup */ interrupts-extended = <&gpio6 23 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, <&omap4_pmx_core 0x160>; interrupt-names = "irq", "wakeup"; wakeup-source; }; isl29030@44 { compatible = "isil,isl29030"; reg = <0x44>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&als_proximity_pins>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio6>; interrupts = <17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>; /* gpio177 */ }; }; &omap4_pmx_core { hdq_pins: hdq-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < /* 0x4a100120 hdq_sio.hdq_sio aa27 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x120, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0) >; }; /* kpd_row0.gpio_178 */ tmp105_irq: tmp105-irq-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP4_IOPAD(0x18e, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3) >; }; touchscreen_pins: touchscreen-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP4_IOPAD(0x180, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x1a0, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3) >; }; usb_mdm6600_pins: usb-mdm6600-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < /* enable 0x4a1000d8 usbb1_ulpitll_dat7.gpio_95 ag16 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x0d8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* power 0x4a10007c gpmc_nwp.gpio_54 c25 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x07c, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* reset 0x4a100072 gpmc_a25.gpio_49 d20 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x072, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* mode0/bpwake 0x4a10014e sdmmc5_dat1.gpio_148 af4 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x14e, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* mode1/apwake 0x4a100150 sdmmc5_dat2.gpio_149 ag3 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x150, PIN_OFF_OUTPUT_LOW | PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* status0 0x4a10007e gpmc_clk.gpio_55 b22 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x07e, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* status1 0x4a10007a gpmc_ncs3.gpio_53 c22 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x07a, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* status2 0x4a100078 gpmc_ncs2.gpio_52 d21 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x078, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* cmd0 0x4a100094 gpmc_ncs6.gpio_103 c24 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x094, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* cmd1 0x4a100096 gpmc_ncs7.gpio_104 d24 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x096, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* cmd2 0x4a100142 uart3_rts_sd.gpio_142 f28 */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x142, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) >; }; /* Modem sleep pins to keep gpio_49 high with internal pull */ usb_mdm6600_sleep_pins: usb-mdm6600-sleep-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP4_IOPAD(0x0d8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x07c, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x072, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7) /* Keep gpio_49 reset high */ OMAP4_IOPAD(0x14e, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x150, PIN_OFF_OUTPUT_LOW | PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x07e, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x07a, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x078, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x094, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x096, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) OMAP4_IOPAD(0x142, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) >; }; als_proximity_pins: als-proximity-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP4_IOPAD(0x18c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3) >; }; vibrator_direction_pin: vibrator-direction-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP4_IOPAD(0x1ce, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* dmtimer8_pwm_evt (gpio_27) */ >; }; vibrator_enable_pin: vibrator-enable-pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP4_IOPAD(0X1d0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* dmtimer9_pwm_evt (gpio_28) */ >; }; }; /* Configure pwm clock source for timers 8 & 9 */ &timer8 { assigned-clocks = <&abe_clkctrl OMAP4_TIMER8_CLKCTRL 24>; assigned-clock-parents = <&sys_32k_ck>; }; &timer9 { assigned-clocks = <&l4_per_clkctrl OMAP4_TIMER9_CLKCTRL 24>; assigned-clock-parents = <&sys_32k_ck>; }; &usbhsohci { phys = <&fsusb1_phy>; phy-names = "usb"; }; &usbhsehci { phys = <&hsusb2_phy>; }; &usbhshost { port1-mode = "ohci-phy-4pin-dpdm"; port2-mode = "ehci-tll"; }; &i2c4 { ak8975: magnetometer@c { compatible = "asahi-kasei,ak8975"; reg = <0x0c>; vdd-supply = <&vhvio>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio6>; interrupts = <15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>; /* gpio175 */ rotation-matrix = "-1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "-1"; }; };