#!/usr/bin/python3 ############################################################################### # # # libloc - A library to determine the location of someone on the Internet # # # # Copyright (C) 2020 IPFire Development Team # # # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # # ############################################################################### import argparse import ipaddress import logging import math import re import socket import sys import telnetlib # Load our location module import location import location.database import location.importer from location.i18n import _ # Initialise logging log = logging.getLogger("location.importer") log.propagate = 1 class CLI(object): def parse_cli(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=_("Location Importer Command Line Interface"), ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() # Global configuration flags parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help=_("Enable debug output")) parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true", help=_("Enable quiet mode")) # version parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s @VERSION@") # Database parser.add_argument("--database-host", required=True, help=_("Database Hostname"), metavar=_("HOST")) parser.add_argument("--database-name", required=True, help=_("Database Name"), metavar=_("NAME")) parser.add_argument("--database-username", required=True, help=_("Database Username"), metavar=_("USERNAME")) parser.add_argument("--database-password", required=True, help=_("Database Password"), metavar=_("PASSWORD")) # Write Database write = subparsers.add_parser("write", help=_("Write database to file")) write.set_defaults(func=self.handle_write) write.add_argument("file", nargs=1, help=_("Database File")) write.add_argument("--signing-key", nargs="?", type=open, help=_("Signing Key")) write.add_argument("--backup-signing-key", nargs="?", type=open, help=_("Backup Signing Key")) write.add_argument("--vendor", nargs="?", help=_("Sets the vendor")) write.add_argument("--description", nargs="?", help=_("Sets a description")) write.add_argument("--license", nargs="?", help=_("Sets the license")) write.add_argument("--version", type=int, help=_("Database Format Version")) # Update WHOIS update_whois = subparsers.add_parser("update-whois", help=_("Update WHOIS Information")) update_whois.set_defaults(func=self.handle_update_whois) # Update announcements update_announcements = subparsers.add_parser("update-announcements", help=_("Update BGP Annoucements")) update_announcements.set_defaults(func=self.handle_update_announcements) update_announcements.add_argument("server", nargs=1, help=_("Route Server to connect to"), metavar=_("SERVER")) # Update overrides update_overrides = subparsers.add_parser("update-overrides", help=_("Update overrides"), ) update_overrides.add_argument( "files", nargs="+", help=_("Files to import"), ) update_overrides.set_defaults(func=self.handle_update_overrides) # Import countries import_countries = subparsers.add_parser("import-countries", help=_("Import countries"), ) import_countries.add_argument("file", nargs=1, type=argparse.FileType("r"), help=_("File to import")) import_countries.set_defaults(func=self.handle_import_countries) args = parser.parse_args() # Configure logging if args.debug: location.logger.set_level(logging.DEBUG) elif args.quiet: location.logger.set_level(logging.WARNING) # Print usage if no action was given if not "func" in args: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) return args def run(self): # Parse command line arguments args = self.parse_cli() # Initialise database self.db = self._setup_database(args) # Call function ret = args.func(args) # Return with exit code if ret: sys.exit(ret) # Otherwise just exit sys.exit(0) def _setup_database(self, ns): """ Initialise the database """ # Connect to database db = location.database.Connection( host=ns.database_host, database=ns.database_name, user=ns.database_username, password=ns.database_password, ) with db.transaction(): db.execute(""" -- announcements CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS announcements(network inet, autnum bigint, first_seen_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_seen_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS announcements_networks ON announcements(network); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS announcements_family ON announcements(family(network)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS announcements_search ON announcements USING GIST(network inet_ops); -- autnums CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS autnums(number bigint, name text NOT NULL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS autnums_number ON autnums(number); -- countries CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS countries( country_code text NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, continent_code text NOT NULL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS countries_country_code ON countries(country_code); -- networks CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS networks(network inet, country text); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_network ON networks(network); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_family ON networks USING BTREE(family(network)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_search ON networks USING GIST(network inet_ops); -- overrides CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS autnum_overrides( number bigint NOT NULL, name text, country text, is_anonymous_proxy boolean, is_satellite_provider boolean, is_anycast boolean ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS autnum_overrides_number ON autnum_overrides(number); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS network_overrides( network inet NOT NULL, country text, is_anonymous_proxy boolean, is_satellite_provider boolean, is_anycast boolean ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS network_overrides_network ON network_overrides(network); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS network_overrides_search ON network_overrides USING GIST(network inet_ops); """) return db def handle_write(self, ns): """ Compiles a database in libloc format out of what is in the database """ # Allocate a writer writer = location.Writer(ns.signing_key, ns.backup_signing_key) # Set all metadata if ns.vendor: writer.vendor = ns.vendor if ns.description: writer.description = ns.description if ns.license: writer.license = ns.license # Add all Autonomous Systems log.info("Writing Autonomous Systems...") # Select all ASes with a name rows = self.db.query(""" SELECT autnums.number AS number, COALESCE( (SELECT overrides.name FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE overrides.number = autnums.number), autnums.name ) AS name FROM autnums WHERE name <> %s ORDER BY number """, "") for row in rows: a = writer.add_as(row.number) a.name = row.name # Add all networks log.info("Writing networks...") # Select all known networks rows = self.db.query(""" -- Return a list of those networks enriched with all -- other information that we store in the database SELECT DISTINCT ON (network) network, autnum, -- Country COALESCE( ( SELECT country FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT country FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), networks.country ) AS country, -- Flags COALESCE( ( SELECT is_anonymous_proxy FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT is_anonymous_proxy FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), FALSE ) AS is_anonymous_proxy, COALESCE( ( SELECT is_satellite_provider FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT is_satellite_provider FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), FALSE ) AS is_satellite_provider, COALESCE( ( SELECT is_anycast FROM network_overrides overrides WHERE networks.network <<= overrides.network ORDER BY masklen(overrides.network) DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT is_anycast FROM autnum_overrides overrides WHERE networks.autnum = overrides.number ), FALSE ) AS is_anycast FROM ( SELECT known_networks.network AS network, announcements.autnum AS autnum, networks.country AS country, -- Must be part of returned values for ORDER BY clause masklen(announcements.network) AS sort_a, masklen(networks.network) AS sort_b FROM ( SELECT network FROM announcements UNION ALL SELECT network FROM networks UNION ALL SELECT network FROM network_overrides ) known_networks LEFT JOIN announcements ON known_networks.network <<= announcements.network LEFT JOIN networks ON known_networks.network <<= networks.network ORDER BY known_networks.network, sort_a DESC, sort_b DESC ) networks """) for row in rows: network = writer.add_network(row.network) # Save country if row.country: network.country_code = row.country # Save ASN if row.autnum: network.asn = row.autnum # Set flags if row.is_anonymous_proxy: network.set_flag(location.NETWORK_FLAG_ANONYMOUS_PROXY) if row.is_satellite_provider: network.set_flag(location.NETWORK_FLAG_SATELLITE_PROVIDER) if row.is_anycast: network.set_flag(location.NETWORK_FLAG_ANYCAST) # Add all countries log.info("Writing countries...") rows = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM countries ORDER BY country_code") for row in rows: c = writer.add_country(row.country_code) c.continent_code = row.continent_code c.name = row.name # Write everything to file log.info("Writing database to file...") for file in ns.file: writer.write(file) def handle_update_whois(self, ns): downloader = location.importer.Downloader() # Download all sources with self.db.transaction(): # Create some temporary tables to store parsed data self.db.execute(""" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _autnums(number integer, organization text) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _autnums_number ON _autnums(number); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _organizations(handle text, name text NOT NULL) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _organizations_handle ON _organizations(handle); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _rirdata(network inet NOT NULL, country text NOT NULL) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE INDEX _rirdata_search ON _rirdata USING BTREE(family(network), masklen(network)); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _rirdata_network ON _rirdata(network); """) # Remove all previously imported content self.db.execute(""" TRUNCATE TABLE networks; """) for source in location.importer.WHOIS_SOURCES: with downloader.request(source, return_blocks=True) as f: for block in f: self._parse_block(block) # Process all parsed networks from every RIR we happen to have access to, # insert the largest network chunks into the networks table immediately... families = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT family(network) AS family FROM _rirdata ORDER BY family(network)") for family in (row.family for row in families): smallest = self.db.get("SELECT MIN(masklen(network)) AS prefix FROM _rirdata WHERE family(network) = %s", family) self.db.execute("INSERT INTO networks(network, country) \ SELECT network, country FROM _rirdata WHERE masklen(network) = %s AND family(network) = %s", smallest.prefix, family) # ... determine any other prefixes for this network family, ... prefixes = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT masklen(network) AS prefix FROM _rirdata \ WHERE family(network) = %s ORDER BY masklen(network) ASC OFFSET 1", family) # ... and insert networks with this prefix in case they provide additional # information (i. e. subnet of a larger chunk with a different country) for prefix in (row.prefix for row in prefixes): self.db.execute(""" WITH candidates AS ( SELECT _rirdata.network, _rirdata.country FROM _rirdata WHERE family(_rirdata.network) = %s AND masklen(_rirdata.network) = %s ), filtered AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (c.network) c.network, c.country, masklen(networks.network), networks.country AS parent_country FROM candidates c LEFT JOIN networks ON c.network << networks.network ORDER BY c.network, masklen(networks.network) DESC NULLS LAST ) INSERT INTO networks(network, country) SELECT network, country FROM filtered WHERE parent_country IS NULL OR country <> parent_country ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING""", family, prefix, ) self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO autnums(number, name) SELECT _autnums.number, _organizations.name FROM _autnums JOIN _organizations ON _autnums.organization = _organizations.handle ON CONFLICT (number) DO UPDATE SET name = excluded.name; """) # Download all extended sources for source in location.importer.EXTENDED_SOURCES: with self.db.transaction(): # Download data with downloader.request(source) as f: for line in f: self._parse_line(line) def _check_parsed_network(self, network): """ Assistive function to detect and subsequently sort out parsed networks from RIR data (both Whois and so-called "extended sources"), which are or have... (a) not globally routable (RFC 1918 space, et al.) (b) covering a too large chunk of the IP address space (prefix length is < 7 for IPv4 networks, and < 10 for IPv6) (c) "" or "::" as a network address (d) are too small for being publicly announced (we have decided not to process them at the moment, as they significantly enlarge our database without providing very helpful additional information) This unfortunately is necessary due to brain-dead clutter across various RIR databases, causing mismatches and eventually disruptions. We will return False in case a network is not suitable for adding it to our database, and True otherwise. """ if not network or not (isinstance(network, ipaddress.IPv4Network) or isinstance(network, ipaddress.IPv6Network)): return False if not network.is_global: log.warning("Skipping non-globally routable network: %s" % network) return False if network.version == 4: if network.prefixlen < 7: log.warning("Skipping too big IP chunk: %s" % network) return False if network.prefixlen > 24: log.debug("Skipping network too small to be publicly announced: %s" % network) return False if str(network.network_address) == "": log.warning("Skipping network based on %s" % network) return False elif network.version == 6: if network.prefixlen < 10: log.warning("Skipping too big IP chunk: %s" % network) return False if network.prefixlen > 48: log.debug("Skipping network too small to be publicly announced: %s" % network) return False if str(network.network_address) == "::": log.warning("Skipping network based on '::': %s" % network) return False else: # This should not happen... log.warning("Skipping network of unknown family, this should not happen: %s" % network) return False # In case we have made it here, the network is considered to # be suitable for libloc consumption... return True def _parse_block(self, block): # Get first line to find out what type of block this is line = block[0] # aut-num if line.startswith("aut-num:"): return self._parse_autnum_block(block) # inetnum if line.startswith("inet6num:") or line.startswith("inetnum:"): return self._parse_inetnum_block(block) # organisation elif line.startswith("organisation:"): return self._parse_org_block(block) def _parse_autnum_block(self, block): autnum = {} for line in block: # Split line key, val = split_line(line) if key == "aut-num": m = re.match(r"^(AS|as)(\d+)", val) if m: autnum["asn"] = m.group(2) elif key == "org": autnum[key] = val.upper() # Skip empty objects if not autnum: return # Insert into database self.db.execute("INSERT INTO _autnums(number, organization) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (number) DO UPDATE SET \ organization = excluded.organization", autnum.get("asn"), autnum.get("org"), ) def _parse_inetnum_block(self, block): log.debug("Parsing inetnum block:") inetnum = {} for line in block: log.debug(line) # Split line key, val = split_line(line) # Filter any inetnum records which are only referring to IP space # not managed by that specific RIR... if key == "netname": if re.match(r"(ERX-NETBLOCK|(AFRINIC|ARIN|LACNIC|RIPE)-CIDR-BLOCK|IANA-NETBLOCK-\d{1,3}|NON-RIPE-NCC-MANAGED-ADDRESS-BLOCK)", val.strip()): log.warning("Skipping record indicating historic/orphaned data: %s" % val.strip()) return if key == "inetnum": start_address, delim, end_address = val.partition("-") # Strip any excess space start_address, end_address = start_address.rstrip(), end_address.strip() # Convert to IP address try: start_address = ipaddress.ip_address(start_address) end_address = ipaddress.ip_address(end_address) except ValueError: log.warning("Could not parse line: %s" % line) return # Set prefix to default prefix = 32 # Count number of addresses in this subnet num_addresses = int(end_address) - int(start_address) if num_addresses: prefix -= math.log(num_addresses, 2) inetnum["inetnum"] = "%s/%.0f" % (start_address, prefix) elif key == "inet6num": inetnum[key] = val elif key == "country": inetnum[key] = val.upper() # Skip empty objects if not inetnum or not "country" in inetnum: return # Skip objects with bogus country code 'ZZ' if inetnum.get("country") == "ZZ": log.warning("Skipping network with bogus country 'ZZ': %s" % \ (inetnum.get("inet6num") or inetnum.get("inetnum"))) return network = ipaddress.ip_network(inetnum.get("inet6num") or inetnum.get("inetnum"), strict=False) if not self._check_parsed_network(network): return self.db.execute("INSERT INTO _rirdata(network, country) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO UPDATE SET country = excluded.country", "%s" % network, inetnum.get("country"), ) def _parse_org_block(self, block): org = {} for line in block: # Split line key, val = split_line(line) if key == "organisation": org[key] = val.upper() elif key == "org-name": org[key] = val # Skip empty objects if not org: return self.db.execute("INSERT INTO _organizations(handle, name) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (handle) DO \ UPDATE SET name = excluded.name", org.get("organisation"), org.get("org-name"), ) def _parse_line(self, line): # Skip version line if line.startswith("2"): return # Skip comments if line.startswith("#"): return try: registry, country_code, type, line = line.split("|", 3) except: log.warning("Could not parse line: %s" % line) return # Skip any lines that are for stats only if country_code == "*": return if type in ("ipv6", "ipv4"): return self._parse_ip_line(country_code, type, line) def _parse_ip_line(self, country, type, line): try: address, prefix, date, status, organization = line.split("|") except ValueError: organization = None # Try parsing the line without organization try: address, prefix, date, status = line.split("|") except ValueError: log.warning("Unhandled line format: %s" % line) return # Skip anything that isn't properly assigned if not status in ("assigned", "allocated"): return # Cast prefix into an integer try: prefix = int(prefix) except: log.warning("Invalid prefix: %s" % prefix) return # Fix prefix length for IPv4 if type == "ipv4": prefix = 32 - int(math.log(prefix, 2)) # Try to parse the address try: network = ipaddress.ip_network("%s/%s" % (address, prefix), strict=False) except ValueError: log.warning("Invalid IP address: %s" % address) return if not self._check_parsed_network(network): return self.db.execute("INSERT INTO networks(network, country) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO \ UPDATE SET country = excluded.country", "%s" % network, country, ) def handle_update_announcements(self, ns): server = ns.server[0] with self.db.transaction(): if server.startswith("/"): self._handle_update_announcements_from_bird(server) else: self._handle_update_announcements_from_telnet(server) # Purge anything we never want here self.db.execute(""" -- Delete default routes DELETE FROM announcements WHERE network = '::/0' OR network = ''; -- Delete anything that is not global unicast address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 6 AND NOT network <<= '2000::/3'; -- DELETE "current network" address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE local loopback address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE RFC 1918 address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE test, benchmark and documentation address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE CGNAT address space (RFC 6598) DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE link local address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE IPv6 to IPv4 (6to4) address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- DELETE multicast and reserved address space DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND network <<= ''; -- Delete networks that are too small to be in the global routing table DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 6 AND masklen(network) > 48; DELETE FROM announcements WHERE family(network) = 4 AND masklen(network) > 24; -- Delete any non-public or reserved ASNs DELETE FROM announcements WHERE NOT ( (autnum >= 1 AND autnum <= 23455) OR (autnum >= 23457 AND autnum <= 64495) OR (autnum >= 131072 AND autnum <= 4199999999) ); -- Delete everything that we have not seen for 14 days DELETE FROM announcements WHERE last_seen_at <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '14 days'; """) def _handle_update_announcements_from_bird(self, server): # Pre-compile the regular expression for faster searching route = re.compile(b"^\s(.+?)\s+.+?\[AS(.*?).\]$") log.info("Requesting routing table from Bird (%s)" % server) # Send command to list all routes for line in self._bird_cmd(server, "show route"): m = route.match(line) if not m: log.debug("Could not parse line: %s" % line.decode()) continue # Fetch the extracted network and ASN network, autnum = m.groups() # Insert it into the database self.db.execute("INSERT INTO announcements(network, autnum) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO \ UPDATE SET autnum = excluded.autnum, last_seen_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", network.decode(), autnum.decode(), ) def _handle_update_announcements_from_telnet(self, server): # Pre-compile regular expression for routes route = re.compile(b"^\*[\s\>]i([^\s]+).+?(\d+)\si\r\n", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) with telnetlib.Telnet(server) as t: # Enable debug mode #if ns.debug: # t.set_debuglevel(10) # Wait for console greeting greeting = t.read_until(b"> ", timeout=30) if not greeting: log.error("Could not get a console prompt") return 1 # Disable pagination t.write(b"terminal length 0\n") # Wait for the prompt to return t.read_until(b"> ") # Fetch the routing tables for protocol in ("ipv6", "ipv4"): log.info("Requesting %s routing table" % protocol) # Request the full unicast routing table t.write(b"show bgp %s unicast\n" % protocol.encode()) # Read entire header which ends with "Path" t.read_until(b"Path\r\n") while True: # Try reading a full entry # Those might be broken across multiple lines but ends with i line = t.read_until(b"i\r\n", timeout=5) if not line: break # Show line for debugging #log.debug(repr(line)) # Try finding a route in here m = route.match(line) if m: network, autnum = m.groups() # Convert network to string network = network.decode() # Append /24 for IPv4 addresses if not "/" in network and not ":" in network: network = "%s/24" % network # Convert AS number to integer autnum = int(autnum) log.info("Found announcement for %s by %s" % (network, autnum)) self.db.execute("INSERT INTO announcements(network, autnum) \ VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO \ UPDATE SET autnum = excluded.autnum, last_seen_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", network, autnum, ) log.info("Finished reading the %s routing table" % protocol) def _bird_cmd(self, socket_path, command): # Connect to the socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(socket_path) # Allocate some buffer buffer = b"" # Send the command s.send(b"%s\n" % command.encode()) while True: # Fill up the buffer buffer += s.recv(4096) while True: # Search for the next newline pos = buffer.find(b"\n") # If we cannot find one, we go back and read more data if pos <= 0: break # Cut after the newline character pos += 1 # Split the line we want and keep the rest in buffer line, buffer = buffer[:pos], buffer[pos:] # Look for the end-of-output indicator if line == b"0000 \n": return # Otherwise return the line yield line def handle_update_overrides(self, ns): with self.db.transaction(): # Drop all data that we have self.db.execute(""" TRUNCATE TABLE autnum_overrides; TRUNCATE TABLE network_overrides; """) for file in ns.files: log.info("Reading %s..." % file) with open(file, "rb") as f: for type, block in location.importer.read_blocks(f): if type == "net": network = block.get("net") # Try to parse and normalise the network try: network = ipaddress.ip_network(network, strict=False) except ValueError as e: log.warning("Invalid IP network: %s: %s" % (network, e)) continue # Prevent that we overwrite all networks if network.prefixlen == 0: log.warning("Skipping %s: You cannot overwrite default" % network) continue self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO network_overrides( network, country, is_anonymous_proxy, is_satellite_provider, is_anycast ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO NOTHING""", "%s" % network, block.get("country"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anonymous-proxy"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-satellite-provider"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anycast"), ) elif type == "aut-num": autnum = block.get("aut-num") # Check if AS number begins with "AS" if not autnum.startswith("AS"): log.warning("Invalid AS number: %s" % autnum) continue # Strip "AS" autnum = autnum[2:] self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO autnum_overrides( number, name, country, is_anonymous_proxy, is_satellite_provider, is_anycast ) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING""", autnum, block.get("name"), block.get("country"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anonymous-proxy"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-satellite-provider"), self._parse_bool(block, "is-anycast"), ) else: log.warning("Unsupported type: %s" % type) @staticmethod def _parse_bool(block, key): val = block.get(key) # There is no point to proceed when we got None if val is None: return # Convert to lowercase val = val.lower() # True if val in ("yes", "1"): return True # False if val in ("no", "0"): return False # Default to None return None def handle_import_countries(self, ns): with self.db.transaction(): # Drop all data that we have self.db.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE countries") for file in ns.file: for line in file: line = line.rstrip() # Ignore any comments if line.startswith("#"): continue try: country_code, continent_code, name = line.split(maxsplit=2) except: log.warning("Could not parse line: %s" % line) continue self.db.execute("INSERT INTO countries(country_code, name, continent_code) \ VALUES(%s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", country_code, name, continent_code) def split_line(line): key, colon, val = line.partition(":") # Strip any excess space key = key.strip() val = val.strip() return key, val def main(): # Run the command line interface c = CLI() c.run() main()