#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################## ##### VPN-Watch.pl Version 0.7 ##### ################################################## # # # VPN-Watch is part of the IPFire Firewall # # # ################################################## # XXX The vpn-watch daemon is disabled, because # apparently, it is not needed anymore after # strongswan has abandoned pluto. exit(0); use strict; require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; my @vpnsettings; my $i = 0; my $file = "/var/run/vpn-watch.pid"; my $debug = 0; if ( -e $file ){ logger("There my be another vpn-watch runnning because $file exists, vpn-watch will try kill the process."); open(FILE, "<$file"); my $PID = ; close(FILE); system("kill -9 $PID"); } system("echo $$ > $file"); my $round=0; while ( $i == 0){ if ($debug){logger("We will wait 60 seconds before next action.");} sleep(60); $round++; # Reset roundcounter after 10 min. To do established check. if ($round > 9) { $round=0; } if (open(FILE, "<${General::swroot}/vpn/config")) { @vpnsettings = ; close(FILE); unless(@vpnsettings) {exit 1;} } my $status = `ipsec status`; foreach (@vpnsettings){ my @settings = split(/,/,$_); chomp($settings[30]); if ($settings[27] ne 'RED'){next;} if ($settings[4] ne 'net'){next;} if ($settings[1] ne 'on'){next;}chomp($settings[29]); if ($settings[29] ne 'on'){next;} my $remotehostname = $settings[11]; if ($debug){logger("Checking connection to $remotehostname.");} my $remoteip = `/usr/bin/ping -c 1 $remotehostname 2>/dev/null | head -n1 | awk '{print \$3}' | tr -d '()' | tr -d ':'`;chomp($remoteip); if ($remoteip eq ""){next;if ($debug){logger("Unable to resolve $remotehostname.");}} my $ipmatch= `echo "$status" | grep '$remoteip' | grep '$settings[2]'`; my $established= `echo "$status" | grep '$settings[2]' | grep -e 'erouted;' -e 'INSTALLED'`; my $known= `echo "$status" | grep '$settings[2]'`; if ( $ipmatch eq '' && $known ne '' ){ logger("Remote IP for host $remotehostname($remoteip) has changed, restarting ipsec."); system("/usr/local/bin/ipsecctrl S $settings[0]"); $round=0; } if ($debug){logger("Round=".$round." and established=".$established);} if ( ($round == 0) && ($established eq '')) { logger("Connection to $remotehostname($remoteip) not erouted, restarting ipsec."); system("/usr/local/bin/ipsecctrl S $settings[0]"); $round=0; } } if ($debug){logger("All connections may be fine nothing was done.");} } sub logger { my $log = shift; system("logger -t vpnwatch \"$log\""); }