From: IPFire Project To: {{ account.email_to }} Subject: {{ _("Our Christmas wish...") }} X-Auto-Response-Suppress: OOF {{ _("Hello %s,") % account.first_name }} {{ _("In the run-up to Christmas, we just wanted to give you an idea of what your donations do to support the IPFire Project:") }} * {{ _("Your money ensures the longevity and long-term success of this project.") }} * {{ _("It helps us fund developers and extend our skills") }} * {{ _("It will aid us to promote IPFire to more people around the world") }} * {{ _("This funds conferences, where we focus on future projects") }} * {{ _("It pays for our hosting") }} {{ _("To help us with this, we would love your Christmas gift.") }} {{ _("Have you thought of a recurring donation? Long-term donations help to secure IPFire's future and deliver what we mentioned above.") }} {{ _("Click here, to fulfil our wish:") }} -- Don't like these emails?