{% block thumbnail %}
{% if event.type == "job-created" %}

{% elif event.type == "job-dispatched" %}

{% elif event.type == "job-retry" %}

{% elif event.type == "build-finished" %}

{% elif event.type == "job-finished" %}

{% elif event.type in ("build-failed", "job-failed") %}

{% elif event.type == "build-points" and event.points > 0 %}

{% elif event.type == "build-points" and event.points < 0 %}

{% elif event.type == "build-bug-added" %}

{% elif event.type == "build-bug-removed" %}

{% elif event.type == "test-builds-succeeded" %}

{% elif event.type == "test-builds-failed" %}

{% elif event.type == "repository-build-added" %}

{% elif event.type == "repository-build-moved" %}

{% elif event.type == "repository-build-removed" %}

{% elif event.type == "builder-created" %}

{% elif event.type == "builder-deleted" %}

{% elif event.type == "mirror-created" %}

{% elif event.type == "mirror-deleted" %}

{% elif event.type == "mirror-online" %}

{% elif event.type == "mirror-offline" %}

{% elif event.type == "release-monitoring-created" %}

{% elif event.type == "release-monitoring-deleted" %}

{% elif event.type == "release-created" %}

{% elif event.type == "release-deleted" %}

{% elif event.type == "release-published" %}

{% else %}

{% end %}
{% end block %}

{% if event.type == "build-comment" %} {{ event.by_user }} {% elif event.type == "build-created" %} {{ _("Build Created") }} {% elif event.type == "build-deleted" %} {{ _("Build Deleted") }} {% elif event.type == "build-failed" %} {{ _("Build Failed") }} {% elif event.type == "build-finished" %} {{ _("Build Finished") }} {% elif event.type == "build-deprecated" %} {{ _("This build was deprecated") }} {% elif event.type == "build-watcher-added" %} {{ _("%s started watching this build") % event.user }} {% elif event.type == "build-watcher-removed" %} {{ _("%s stopped watching this build") % event.user }} {% elif event.type == "build-bug-added" %} {{ _("Bug #%s has been added") % event.bug }} {% elif event.type == "build-bug-removed" %} {{ _("Bug #%s has been removed") % event.bug }} {% elif event.type == "build-points" %} {% if event.points > 0 %} {{ _("This build has gained one point", "This build has gained %(points)s points", event.points) % { "points" : event.points } }} {% elif event.points < 0 %} {{ _("This build has lost one point", "This build has lost %(points)s points", -event.points) % { "points" : -event.points } }} {% end %} {% elif event.type == "test-builds-succeeded" %} {{ _("All Test Builds Succeeded") }} {% elif event.type == "test-builds-failed" %} {{ _("Test Builds Failed") }} {% elif event.type == "job-created" %} {{ _("Job Created") }} {% elif event.type == "job-failed" %} {{ _("Job Failed") }} {% elif event.type == "job-finished" %} {{ _("Job Finished") }} {% elif event.type == "job-aborted" %} {{ _("Job Aborted") }} {% elif event.type == "job-dispatched" %} {{ _("Job Dispatched") }} {% elif event.type == "job-retry" %} {{ _("Job Restarted") }} {% elif event.type == "builder-created" %} {{ _("Builder Created") }} {% elif event.type == "builder-deleted" %} {{ _("Builder Deleted") }} {% elif event.type == "mirror-created" %} {{ _("Mirror Created") }} {% elif event.type == "mirror-deleted" %} {{ _("Mirror Deleted") }} {% elif event.type == "mirror-online" %} {{ _("Mirror Came Online") }} {% elif event.type == "mirror-offline" %} {{ _("Mirror Went Offline") }} {% elif event.type == "repository-build-added" %} {{ _("Build has been added to repository %s") % event.repository }} {% elif event.type == "repository-build-moved" %} {{ _("Build has been moved to repository %s") % event.repository }} {% elif event.type == "repository-build-removed" %} {{ _("Build has been removed from repository %s") % event.repository }} {% elif event.type == "release-monitoring-created" %} {{ _("Release Monitoring has been enabled for %s") % event.package_name }} {% elif event.type == "release-monitoring-deleted" %} {{ _("Release Monitoring has been disabled for %s") % event.package_name }} {% elif event.type == "release-created" %} {{ _("Release Created")}} {% elif event.type == "release-deleted" %} {{ _("Release Deleted") }} {% elif event.type == "release-published" %} {{ _("Release of %s") % event.release }} {% else %} {{ _("- Unknown Event %s -") % event.type }} {% end %} {{ locale.format_date(event.t, shorter=True) }}

{# Show the error message #} {% if event.error %}

{{ event.error }}

{% end %} {% block content %}{% end %}