{% extends "base.html" %} {% block head %} {% end block %} {% block title %}{{ _("Welcome to IPFire") }}{% end block %} {% block container %} {% if latest_release %}
{{ _("Latest Release: %(release)s from %(when)s") \ % { "release" : latest_release.name, "when" : locale.format_day(latest_release.date, dow=False) } }} {% if latest_release.blog %}   {{ _("Read More") }} {% end %}
{% end %}

{{ _("More Than A Firewall") }}

Customisable, easy to configure, and the leading example

{{ _("The Open Source Firewall") }}_

{{ _("The Right Choice") }}

The only open source firewall with an active community, leading the market

{{ _("Free & Open") }}

Fully open source, complete freedom and for the greater good

{{ _("Security") }}

Powerful system, separate applicance, a bit more text here

{% end block %}