SERIAL 0 115200 menu hshift 0 menu width 40 menu margin 1 menu color title * #FFFFFFFF * menu color border * #00000000 #00000000 none menu color sel * #ffffffff #ffe74c2e * menu color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #99e74c2e * menu color tabmsg * #ffffffff #00000000 * menu vshift 8 menu rows 10 menu helpmsgrow 16 menu background boot.png prompt 0 menu title {{ _("IPFire boot menu") }} ({{ arch }}) {% if latest_release %} {% module BootMenuConfig(latest_release, arch=arch, platform=platform) %} {% module BootMenuSeparator() %} {% end %} {% if stable_releases %} {% module BootMenuHeader(_("Stable releases"), stable_releases, arch=arch, platform=platform) %} {% end %} {% if development_releases %} {% module BootMenuHeader(_("Development releases"), development_releases, arch=arch, platform=platform) %} {% end %} {% if arch == "x86_64" %} menu separator label text help {{ _("You can as well install a 32-bit version of IPFire") }} endtext menu label {{ _("Change to i586") }} kernel vesamenu.c32 append premenu.cfg?arch=i586&platform={{ platform }} {% end %}