{% extends "base-1.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Welcome to IPFire") }}{% end block %} {% block container %}


The Open Source Firewall Distribution

{{ _("Secure up your network with IPFire") }}

{{ _("Firewall") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} Die vielseitige und State-of-the-Art Firewall-Engine in IPFire ist auch in komplexen Netzen übersichtlich und leicht zu nutzen. {% else %} IPFire comes with a versatile and state of the art firewall engine that makes even the most complex setups easy to administer. {% end %}

{{ _("Performance") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} Auch schnelle Netze und der Einsatz auf eingebetteten Systemen sind kein Problem für IPFire. {% else %} IPFire is ready for high performance networks and running evenly well on embedded hardware. {% end %}

{{ _("Easy to use") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} IPFire ist in 15 bis 20 Minuten installiert und kommt mit vielen wichtigen Funktionen für professionelle Netzwerke. {% else %} IPFire is set up easily in 15 to 20 minutes but also comes with expert features that are needed in professional networks. {% end %}

{{ _("Network Security") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} Sicherheit hat höchste Priorität. Das gehärtete System schützt sich selbst vor Angriffen aus dem Netz. {% else %} IPFire is designed for high security. It is hardened to protect itself from attacks from the network. {% end %}

{{ _("Open Source") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} IPFire ist freie Software, welche von einer offenen Community tagtäglich verbessert wird. {% else %} IPFire is free software and developed by an open community, that improves it every single day. {% end %}

{{ _("Trusted by thousands") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} IPFire wird in Europa entwickelt, in vielen Ländern überall auf der Welt eingesetzt, und bietet Internetzugang für hundertausende Nutzer jeden Tag. {% else %} IPFire is developed in Europe and used all over the world in hundreds of countries by hundreds of thousands of users every day. {% end %}

Latest Release

{{ locale.format_date(latest_release.date, shorter=True) }}

{{ _("%s has been released!") % latest_release.name }}

A complete history of IPFire releases is available at our News page.

What’s going on?

{% for type, item in latest_news %}
{{ locale.format_date(item.published, relative=True, shorter=True) }}  
{% if type == "news" %} {{ item.title }} {% elif type == "planet" %} {{ item.title }} {% end %}
{% end %}
{{ _("Read More") }}

IPFire’s Wishlist

{% if hottest_wish %} {% if hottest_wish.is_new() %} {{ _("NEW") }} {% elif hottest_wish.remaining_days and hottest_wish.remaining_days <= 10 %} {{ _("one day left", "%(num)s days left", hottest_wish.remaining_days) % { "num" : hottest_wish.remaining_days } }} {% else %} {{ _("%d%% funded") % hottest_wish.percentage }} {% end %}

{{ hottest_wish.title }}

{{ _("%.2f%% complete") % hottest_wish.percentage_bar }}

Read more about that wish.

{% end %}

FireInfo Statistics

Latest Release

2.19 Core 109


Favorite Kernel



Favorite CPU



Favorite Virtualisation



{{ _("Professional Appliances & Services") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} Lightning Wire Labs bietet Hardware-Appliances für mittlere bis große Unternehmen und SOHO an. Diese sorgen in jedem Netz für beste Zuverlässigkeit, Stabilität und Performance. {% else %} Lightning Wire Labs offer IPFire hardware appliances for enterprises, large businesses and SOHO. Deploying one of these on your network will provide you with the greatest reliability, stability and performance. {% end %}

{% end block %}