will be removed on boot. The directory will not be created.
+ <example>
+ <title>Provision SSH public key access for root user via Credentials in QEMU</title>
+ <programlisting>-smbios type=11,value=io.systemd.credential.binary:tmpfiles.extra=$(echo "f~ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 700 root root - $(ssh-add -L | base64 -w 0)" | base64 -w 0)
+ <para>By passing this line to QEMU, the public key of the current user will be encoded in
+ base64, added to a tmpfiles.d line that tells systemd-tmpfiles to decode it into
+ <filename>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys</filename>, encode that line itself in base64 and
+ pass it as a Credential that will be picked up by systemd from SMBIOS on boot.
+ </para>
+ </example>