]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/stevee/pakfire.git/commitdiff
Remove some backup files.
authorMichael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>
Sat, 16 Jul 2011 18:47:19 +0000 (20:47 +0200)
committerMichael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>
Sat, 16 Jul 2011 18:47:19 +0000 (20:47 +0200)
pakfire/repository/database_old.py [deleted file]
pakfire/repository/index_old.py [deleted file]
pakfire/repository/local_old.py [deleted file]
pakfire/repository/remote_old.py [deleted file]

diff --git a/pakfire/repository/database_old.py b/pakfire/repository/database_old.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e360e20..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import shutil
-import sqlite3
-import time
-from pakfire.constants import *
-class Cursor(sqlite3.Cursor):
-       def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
-               # For debugging of SQL queries.
-               #print args, kwargs
-               return sqlite3.Cursor.execute(self, *args, **kwargs)
-class Database(object):
-       def __init__(self, pakfire, filename):
-               self.pakfire = pakfire
-               self._db = None
-               self._tmp = False
-               if filename == ":memory:":
-                       self._tmp = True
-                       filename = "/tmp/.%s-db" % random.randint(0, 1024**2)
-               self.filename = filename
-               self.open()
-       def __del__(self):
-               if self._db:
-                       #self._db.commit()
-                       self._db.close()
-       def create(self):
-               pass
-       def open(self):
-               if not self._db:
-                       logging.debug("Open database %s" % self.filename)
-                       dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
-                       if not os.path.exists(dirname):
-                               os.makedirs(dirname)
-                       database_exists = os.path.exists(self.filename)
-                       # Make a connection to the database.
-                       self._db = sqlite3.connect(self.filename)
-                       self._db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
-                       # Create the database if it was not there, yet.
-                       if not database_exists:
-                               self.create()
-       def close(self):
-               self._db.close()
-               self._db = None
-               if self._tmp:
-                       os.unlink(self.filename)
-       def commit(self):
-               self._db.commit()
-       def cursor(self):
-               return self._db.cursor(Cursor)
-       def executescript(self, *args, **kwargs):
-               return self._db.executescript(*args, **kwargs)
-       def save(self, path):
-               """
-                       Save a copy of this database to a new one located at path.
-               """
-               self.commit()
-               shutil.copy2(self.filename, path)
-class PackageDatabase(Database):
-       def create(self):
-               c = self.cursor()
-               c.executescript("""
-                       CREATE TABLE files(
-                               name            TEXT,
-                               pkg                     INTEGER,
-                               size            INTEGER,
-                               type            INTEGER,
-                               hash1           TEXT
-                       );
-                       CREATE TABLE packages(
-                               id                      INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-                               name            TEXT,
-                               epoch           INTEGER,
-                               version         TEXT,
-                               release         TEXT,
-                               arch            TEXT,
-                               groups          TEXT,
-                               filename        TEXT,
-                               size            INTEGER,
-                               hash1           TEXT,
-                               provides        TEXT,
-                               requires        TEXT,
-                               conflicts       TEXT,
-                               obsoletes       TEXT,
-                               license         TEXT,
-                               summary         TEXT,
-                               description     TEXT,
-                               uuid            TEXT,
-                               build_id        TEXT,
-                               build_host      TEXT,
-                               build_date      TEXT,
-                               build_time      INTEGER
-                       );
-               """)
-               # XXX add some indexes here
-               self.commit()
-               c.close()
-       def list_packages(self):
-               c = self.cursor()
-               c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM packages ORDER BY name")
-               for pkg in c:
-                       yield pkg["name"]
-               c.close()
-       def package_exists(self, pkg):
-               return not self.get_id_by_pkg(pkg) is None
-       def get_id_by_pkg(self, pkg):
-               c = self.cursor()
-               c.execute("SELECT id FROM packages WHERE name = ? AND version = ? AND \
-                       release = ? AND epoch = ? LIMIT 1", (pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.release, pkg.epoch))
-               ret = None
-               for i in c:
-                       ret = i["id"]
-                       break
-               c.close()
-               return ret
-       def add_package(self, pkg):
-               raise NotImplementedError
-class RemotePackageDatabase(PackageDatabase):
-       def add_package(self, pkg, reason=None):
-               if self.package_exists(pkg):
-                       logging.debug("Skipping package which already exists in database: %s" % pkg.friendly_name)
-                       return
-               logging.debug("Adding package to database: %s" % pkg.friendly_name)
-               filename = ""
-               if pkg.repo.local:
-                       # Get the path relatively to the repository.
-                       filename = pkg.filename[len(pkg.repo.path):]
-                       # Strip leading / if any.
-                       if filename.startswith("/"):
-                               filename = filename[1:]
-               c = self.cursor()
-               c.execute("""
-                       INSERT INTO packages(
-                               name,
-                               epoch,
-                               version,
-                               release,
-                               arch,
-                               groups,
-                               filename,
-                               size,
-                               hash1,
-                               provides,
-                               requires,
-                               conflicts,
-                               obsoletes,
-                               license,
-                               summary,
-                               description,
-                               uuid,
-                               build_id,
-                               build_host,
-                               build_date,
-                               build_time
-                       ) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
-                       (
-                               pkg.name,
-                               pkg.epoch,
-                               pkg.version,
-                               pkg.release,
-                               pkg.arch,
-                               " ".join(pkg.groups),
-                               filename,
-                               pkg.size,
-                               pkg.hash1,
-                               " ".join(pkg.provides),
-                               " ".join(pkg.requires),
-                               " ".join(pkg.conflicts),
-                               " ".join(pkg.obsoletes),
-                               pkg.license,
-                               pkg.summary,
-                               pkg.description,
-                               pkg.uuid,
-                               pkg.build_id,
-                               pkg.build_host,
-                               pkg.build_date,
-                               pkg.build_time,
-                       )
-               )
-               self.commit()
-               c.close()
-               pkg_id = self.get_id_by_pkg(pkg)
-               c = self.cursor()
-               for file in pkg.filelist:
-                       c.execute("INSERT INTO files(name, pkg) VALUES(?, ?)", (file, pkg_id))
-               self.commit()
-               c.close()
-               return pkg_id
-class LocalPackageDatabase(RemotePackageDatabase):
-       def __init__(self, pakfire):
-               # Generate filename for package database
-               filename = os.path.join(pakfire.path, PACKAGES_DB)
-               RemotePackageDatabase.__init__(self, pakfire, filename)
-       def create(self):
-               RemotePackageDatabase.create(self)
-               # Alter the database layout to store additional local information.
-               logging.debug("Altering database table for local information.")
-               c = self.cursor()
-               c.executescript("""
-                       ALTER TABLE packages ADD COLUMN installed INT;
-                       ALTER TABLE packages ADD COLUMN reason TEXT;
-                       ALTER TABLE packages ADD COLUMN repository TEXT;
-                       ALTER TABLE packages ADD COLUMN scriptlet TEXT;
-                       ALTER TABLE packages ADD COLUMN triggers TEXT;
-               """)
-               self.commit()
-               c.close()
-       def add_package(self, pkg, reason=None):
-               # Insert all the information to the database we have in the remote database
-               pkg_id = RemotePackageDatabase.add_package(self, pkg)
-               # then: add some more information
-               c = self.cursor()
-               # Save timestamp when the package was installed.
-               c.execute("UPDATE packages SET installed = ? WHERE id = ?", (time.time(), pkg_id))
-               # Add repository information.
-               c.execute("UPDATE packages SET repository = ? WHERE id = ?", (pkg.repo.name, pkg_id))
-               # Save reason of installation (if any).
-               if reason:
-                       c.execute("UPDATE packages SET reason = ? WHERE id = ?", (reason, pkg_id))
-               # Update the filename information.
-               c.execute("UPDATE packages SET filename = ? WHERE id = ?", (pkg.filename, pkg_id))
-               # Add the scriptlet to database (needed to update or uninstall packages).
-               c.execute("UPDATE packages SET scriptlet = ? WHERE id = ?", (pkg.scriptlet, pkg_id))
-               # Add triggers to the database.
-               triggers = " ".join(pkg.triggers)
-               c.execute("UPDATE packages SET triggers = ? WHERE id = ?", (triggers, pkg_id))
-               self.commit()
-               c.close()
diff --git a/pakfire/repository/index_old.py b/pakfire/repository/index_old.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 79c412c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-import fnmatch
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import time
-import database
-import metadata
-import pakfire.compress as compress
-import pakfire.downloader as downloader
-import pakfire.packages as packages
-import pakfire.util as util
-from pakfire.constants import *
-from pakfire.i18n import _
-class Index(object):
-       def __init__(self, pakfire, repo):
-               self.pakfire = pakfire
-               self.repo = repo
-               self._packages = []
-       @property
-       def arch(self):
-               return self.pakfire.distro.arch
-       def get_all_by_name(self, name):
-               for package in self.packages:
-                       if package.name == name:
-                               yield package
-       def get_by_file(self, filename):
-               for pkg in self.packages:
-                       match = False
-                       for pkg_filename in pkg.filelist:
-                               if fnmatch.fnmatch(pkg_filename, filename):
-                                       match = True
-                                       break
-                       if match:
-                               yield pkg
-       def get_by_evr(self, name, epoch, version, release):
-               try:
-                       epoch = int(epoch)
-               except TypeError:
-                       epoch = 0
-               for pkg in self.packages:
-                       if pkg.type == "source":
-                               continue
-                       if pkg.name == name and pkg.epoch == epoch \
-                                       and pkg.version == version and pkg.release == release:
-                               yield pkg
-       def get_by_id(self, id):
-               raise NotImplementedError
-       def get_by_uuid(self, uuid):
-               for pkg in self.packages:
-                       if pkg.uuid == uuid:
-                               return pkg
-       def get_by_provides(self, requires):
-               for pkg in self.packages:
-                       if pkg.does_provide(requires):
-                               yield pkg
-       @property
-       def packages(self):
-               for pkg in self._packages:
-                       yield pkg
-       @property
-       def size(self):
-               i = 0
-               for pkg in self.packages:
-                       i += 1
-               return i
-       def update(self, force=False):
-               pass
-       def add_package(self, pkg):
-               raise NotImplementedError
-       @property
-       def cachefile(self):
-               return None
-       def import_to_solver(self, solver, repo):
-               if self.cachefile:
-                       if not os.path.exists(self.cachefile):
-                               self.create_solver_cache()
-                       logging.debug("Importing repository cache data from %s" % self.cachefile)
-                       repo.add_solv(self.cachefile)
-               else:
-                       for pkg in self.packages:
-                               solver.add_package(pkg, repo.name())
-               logging.debug("Initialized new repo '%s' with %s packages." % \
-                       (repo.name(), repo.size()))
-       def create_solver_cache(self):
-               cachedir = os.path.dirname(self.cachefile)
-               if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
-                       os.makedirs(cachedir)
-               f = open(self.cachefile, "w")
-               # Write metadata header.
-               xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
-               xml += "<metadata xmlns=\"http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/common\""
-               xml += " xmlns:rpm=\"http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/rpm\">\n"
-               # We dump an XML string for every package in this repository and
-               # write it to the XML file.
-               for pkg in self.packages:
-                       xml += pkg.export_xml_string()
-               # Write footer.
-               xml += "</metadata>"
-               p = subprocess.Popen("rpmmd2solv", stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                       stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-               stdout, stderr = p.communicate(xml)
-               f.write(stdout)
-               f.close()
-class DirectoryIndex(Index):
-       def __init__(self, pakfire, repo, path):
-               if path.startswith("file://"):
-                       path = path[7:]
-               self.path = path
-               Index.__init__(self, pakfire, repo)
-               # Always update this because it will otherwise contain no data
-               self.update(force=True)
-       def update(self, force=False):
-               logging.debug("Updating repository index '%s' (force=%s)" % (self.path, force))
-               # Do nothing if the update is not forced but populate the database
-               # if no packages are present.
-               if not force and self._packages:
-                       return
-               # If we update the cache, we clear it first.
-               self._packages = []
-               for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(self.path):
-                       for file in files:
-                               # Skip files that do not have the right extension
-                               if not file.endswith(".%s" % PACKAGE_EXTENSION):
-                                       continue
-                               file = os.path.join(dir, file)
-                               package = packages.open(self.pakfire, self.repo, file)
-                               logging.debug("Found package: %s" % package)
-                               if isinstance(package, packages.BinaryPackage):
-                                       if not package.arch in (self.arch, "noarch"):
-                                               logging.warning("Skipped package with wrong architecture: %s (%s)" \
-                                                       % (package.filename, package.arch))
-                                               print package.type
-                                               continue
-                               # XXX this is disabled because we could also have source
-                               # repositories. But we should not mix them.     
-                               #if package.type == "source":
-                               #       # Silently skip source packages.
-                               #       continue
-                               self._packages.append(package)
-       def save(self, path=None):
-               if not path:
-                       path = self.path
-               path = os.path.join(path, "index.db")
-               db = database.PackageDatabase(self.pakfire, path)
-               for pkg in self.packages:
-                       db.add_package(pkg)
-               db.close()
-class DatabaseIndexFactory(Index):
-       def __init__(self, pakfire, repo):
-               Index.__init__(self, pakfire, repo)
-               # Add empty reference to a fictional database.
-               self.db = None
-               self.open_database()
-       def open_database(self):
-               raise NotImplementedError
-       @property
-       def packages(self):
-               c = self.db.cursor()
-               c.execute("SELECT * FROM packages")
-               for pkg in c:
-                       yield packages.DatabasePackage(self.pakfire, self.repo, self.db, pkg)
-               c.close()
-       def add_package(self, pkg, reason=None):
-               return self.db.add_package(pkg, reason)
-       def get_by_id(self, id):
-               c = self.db.cursor()
-               c.execute("SELECT * FROM packages WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", (id,))
-               ret = None
-               for pkg in c:
-                       ret = packages.DatabasePackage(self.pakfire, self.repo, self.db, pkg)
-               c.close()
-               return ret
-       def get_by_file(self, filename):
-               c = self.db.cursor()
-               c.execute("SELECT pkg FROM files WHERE name GLOB ?", (filename,))
-               for pkg in c:
-                       yield self.get_by_id(pkg["pkg"])
-               c.close()
-       @property
-       def filelist(self):
-               c = self.db.cursor()
-               c.execute("SELECT pkg, name FROM files")
-               files = {}
-               for entry in c:
-                       file = entry["name"]
-                       try:
-                               files[pkg_id].append(file)
-                       except KeyError:
-                               files[pkg_id] = [file,]
-               c.close()
-               return files
-class InstalledIndex(DatabaseIndexFactory):
-       def open_database(self):
-               # Open the local package database.
-               self.db = database.LocalPackageDatabase(self.pakfire)
-class LocalIndex(DatabaseIndexFactory):
-       def open_database(self):
-               self.db = database.RemotePackageDatabase(self.pakfire, ":memory:")
-       def save(self, path=None, algo="xz"):
-               """
-                       This function saves the database and metadata to path so it can
-                       be exported to a remote repository.
-               """
-               if not path:
-                       path = self.repo.path
-               # Create filenames
-               metapath = os.path.join(path, METADATA_DOWNLOAD_PATH)
-               db_path  = os.path.join(metapath, METADATA_DATABASE_FILE)
-               md_path  = os.path.join(metapath, METADATA_DOWNLOAD_FILE)
-               if not os.path.exists(metapath):
-                       os.makedirs(metapath)
-               else:
-                       # If a database is present, we remove it because we want to start
-                       # with a clean environment.
-                       if os.path.exists(db_path):
-                               os.unlink(db_path)
-               # Save the database to path and get the filename.
-               self.db.save(db_path)
-               # Make a reference to the database file that it will get a unique name
-               # so we won't get into any trouble with caching proxies.
-               db_hash = util.calc_hash1(db_path)
-               db_path2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(db_path),
-                       "%s-%s" % (db_hash, os.path.basename(db_path)))
-               # Compress the database.
-               if algo:
-                       compress.compress(db_path, algo=algo, progress=True)
-               if not os.path.exists(db_path2):
-                       shutil.move(db_path, db_path2)
-               else:
-                       os.unlink(db_path)
-               # Create a new metadata object and add out information to it.
-               md = metadata.Metadata(self.pakfire, self)
-               # Save name of the hashed database to the metadata.
-               md.database = os.path.basename(db_path2)
-               md.database_hash1 = db_hash
-               md.database_compression = algo
-               # Save metdata to repository.
-               md.save(md_path)
-class RemoteIndex(DatabaseIndexFactory):
-       def open_database(self):
-               self.update(force=False)
-       def _update_metadata(self, force):
-               # Shortcut to repository cache.
-               cache = self.repo.cache
-               filename = os.path.join(METADATA_DOWNLOAD_PATH, METADATA_DOWNLOAD_FILE)
-               # Marker if we need to do the download.
-               download = True
-               # Marker for the current metadata.
-               old_metadata = None
-               if not force:
-                       # Check if file does exists and is not too old.
-                       if cache.exists(filename):
-                               age = cache.age(filename)
-                               if age and age < TIME_10M:
-                                       download = False
-                                       logging.debug("Metadata is recent enough. I don't download it again.")
-                               # Open old metadata for comparison.
-                               old_metadata = metadata.Metadata(self.pakfire, self,
-                                       cache.abspath(filename))
-               if download:
-                       logging.debug("Going to (re-)download the repository metadata.")
-                       # Initialize a grabber for download.
-                       grabber = downloader.MetadataDownloader()
-                       grabber = self.repo.mirrors.group(grabber)
-                       data = grabber.urlread(filename, limit=METADATA_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT)
-                       # Parse new metadata for comparison.
-                       new_metadata = metadata.Metadata(self.pakfire, self, metadata=data)
-                       if old_metadata and new_metadata < old_metadata:
-                               logging.warning("The downloaded metadata was less recent than the current one. Trashing that.")
-                       else:
-                               # We explicitely rewrite the metadata if it is equal to have
-                               # a new timestamp and do not download it over and over again.
-                               with cache.open(filename, "w") as o:
-                                       o.write(data)
-               # Parse the metadata that we just downloaded or load it from cache.
-               self.metadata = metadata.Metadata(self.pakfire, self,
-                       cache.abspath(filename))
-       def _update_database(self, force):
-               # Shortcut to repository cache.
-               cache = self.repo.cache
-               # Construct cache and download filename.
-               filename = os.path.join(METADATA_DOWNLOAD_PATH, self.metadata.database)
-               if not cache.exists(filename):
-                       # Initialize a grabber for download.
-                       grabber = downloader.DatabaseDownloader(
-                               text = _("%s: package database") % self.repo.name,
-                       )
-                       grabber = self.repo.mirrors.group(grabber)
-                       data = grabber.urlread(filename)
-                       with cache.open(filename, "w") as o:
-                               o.write(data)
-                       # decompress the database
-                       if self.metadata.database_compression:
-                               # Open input file and remove the file immediately.
-                               # The fileobj is still open and the data will be removed
-                               # when it is closed.
-                               compress.decompress(cache.abspath(filename),
-                                       algo=self.metadata.database_compression)
-                       # check the hashsum of the downloaded file
-                       if not util.calc_hash1(cache.abspath(filename)) == self.metadata.database_hash1:
-                               # XXX an exception is not a very good idea because this file could
-                               # be downloaded from another mirror. need a better way to handle this.
-                               # Remove bad file from cache.
-                               cache.remove(filename)
-                               raise Exception, "Downloaded file did not match the hashsum. Need to re-download it."
-               # (Re-)open the database.
-               self.db = database.RemotePackageDatabase(self.pakfire,
-                       cache.abspath(filename))
-       def update(self, force=False):
-               """
-                       Download the repository metadata and the package database.
-               """
-               # Skip the download for local repositories.
-               if self.repo.local:
-                       return
-               # At first, update the metadata.
-               self._update_metadata(force)
-               # Then, we download the database eventually.
-               self._update_database(force)
-               # XXX this code needs lots of work:
-               # XXX   * check the metadata content
-       @property
-       def cachefile(self):
-               return "%s.cache" % self.db.filename
diff --git a/pakfire/repository/local_old.py b/pakfire/repository/local_old.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 917f7c5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import pakfire.packages as packages
-import pakfire.util as util
-import index
-from base import RepositoryFactory
-from pakfire.constants import *
-class LocalRepository(RepositoryFactory):
-       def __init__(self, pakfire, name, description, path, idx="db"):
-               RepositoryFactory.__init__(self, pakfire, name, description)
-               # Save location of the repository and create it if not existant.
-               self.path = path
-               if not os.path.exists(self.path):
-                       os.makedirs(self.path)
-               if idx == "db":
-                       self.index = index.LocalIndex(self.pakfire, self)
-               elif idx == "directory":
-                       self.index = index.DirectoryIndex(self.pakfire, self, self.path)
-       def remove(self):
-               if os.path.exists(self.path):
-                       util.rm(self.path)
-       @property
-       def local(self):
-               # This is obviously local.
-               return True
-       @property
-       def priority(self):
-               """
-                       The local repository has always a high priority.
-               """
-               return 10
-       def _collect_packages(self, path):
-               logging.info("Collecting packages from %s." % path)
-               for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(path):
-                       for file in files:
-                               if not file.endswith(".%s" % PACKAGE_EXTENSION):
-                                       continue
-                               file = os.path.join(dir, file)
-                               pkg = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, file)
-                               self._add_package(pkg)
-       def _add_package(self, pkg):
-               # XXX gets an instance of binary package and puts it into the
-               # repo location if not done yet
-               # then: the package gets added to the index
-               if not isinstance(pkg, packages.BinaryPackage):
-                       raise Exception
-               # Skip everything but binary packages.
-               if pkg.type == "source":
-                       return
-               repo_filename = os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(pkg.filename))
-               # Do we need to copy the package files?
-               copy = True
-               pkg_exists = None
-               if os.path.exists(repo_filename):
-                       pkg_exists = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, repo_filename)
-                       # If package in the repo is equivalent to the given one, we can
-                       # skip any further processing.
-                       if pkg.hash1 == pkg_exists.hash1:
-                               logging.debug("The package does already exist in this repo: %s" % pkg.friendly_name)
-                               copy = False
-                       else:
-                               logging.warning("The package is going to be replaced: %s -> %s" % (pkg_exists, pkg))
-                               os.unlink(repo_filename)
-                       del pkg_exists
-               if copy:
-                       logging.debug("Copying package '%s' to repository." % pkg.friendly_name)
-                       repo_dirname = os.path.dirname(repo_filename)
-                       if not os.path.exists(repo_dirname):
-                               os.makedirs(repo_dirname)
-                       # Try to use a hard link if possible, if we cannot do that we simply
-                       # copy the file.
-                       try:
-                               os.link(pkg.filename, repo_filename)
-                       except OSError:
-                               shutil.copy2(pkg.filename, repo_filename)
-               # Create new package object, that is connected to this repository
-               # and so we can do stuff.
-               pkg = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, repo_filename)
-               logging.info("Adding package '%s' to repository." % pkg.friendly_name)
-               self.index.add_package(pkg)
-       def save(self, path=None):
-               """
-                       Save the index information to path.
-               """
-               self.index.save(path)
-class LocalBinaryRepository(LocalRepository):
-       @property
-       def packages(self):
-               for pkg in self.index.packages:
-                       # XXX should be changed to "binary" if all packages do support this.
-                       if pkg.type == "source":
-                               continue
-                       yield pkg
-class LocalSourceRepository(LocalRepository):
-       @property
-       def packages(self):
-               for pkg in self.index.packages:
-                       if not pkg.type == "source":
-                               continue
-                       yield pkg
-class LocalBuildRepository(LocalBinaryRepository):
-       def __init__(self, pakfire):
-               RepositoryFactory.__init__(self, pakfire, "build", "Locally built packages")
-               self.path = self.pakfire.config.get("local_build_repo_path")
-               if not os.path.exists(self.path):
-                       os.makedirs(self.path)
-               self.index = index.DirectoryIndex(self.pakfire, self, self.path)
-       @property
-       def priority(self):
-               return 20000
diff --git a/pakfire/repository/remote_old.py b/pakfire/repository/remote_old.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 52c3484..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import os
-import cache
-import index
-import pakfire.downloader as downloader
-from base import RepositoryFactory
-class RemoteRepository(RepositoryFactory):
-       cacheable = True
-       def __init__(self, pakfire, name, description, url, mirrorlist, gpgkey, enabled):
-               RepositoryFactory.__init__(self, pakfire, name, description)
-               # Parse arguments.
-               self.url = url
-               self.gpgkey = gpgkey
-               self.mirrorlist = mirrorlist
-               if enabled:
-                       self.enabled = True
-               else:
-                       self.enabled = False
-               # Create a cache for the repository where we can keep all temporary data.
-               self.cache = cache.RepositoryCache(self.pakfire, self)
-               # Initialize mirror servers.
-               self.mirrors = downloader.MirrorList(self.pakfire, self)
-               # Initialize index.
-               self.index = index.RemoteIndex(self.pakfire, self)
-               logging.debug("Created new repository(name='%s', url='%s', enabled='%s')" % \
-                       (self.name, self.url, self.enabled))
-       def __repr__(self):
-               return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.url)
-       @property
-       def local(self):
-               # If files are located somewhere in the filesystem we assume it is
-               # local.
-               if self.url.startswith("file://"):
-                       return True
-               # Otherwise not.
-               return False
-       @property
-       def arch(self):
-               return self.pakfire.distro.arch
-       @property
-       def path(self):
-               if self.local:
-                       return self.url[7:]
-               return self.cache.path
-       @property
-       def priority(self):
-               priority = 100
-               url2priority = {
-                       "file://" : 50,
-                       "http://" : 75,
-               }
-               for url, prio in url2priority.items():
-                       if self.url.startswith(url):
-                               priority = prio
-                               break
-               return priority
-       #def update(self, force=False):
-       #       if self.index:
-       #               self.index.update(force=force)
-       def _replace_from_cache(self, pkg):
-               for _pkg in self.cache.packages:
-                       if pkg == _pkg:
-                               pkg = _pkg
-                               break
-               return pkg
-       @property
-       def packages(self):
-               for pkg in self.index.packages:
-                       yield self._replace_from_cache(pkg)
-       def get_by_provides(self, requires):
-               for pkg in self.index.get_by_provides(requires):
-                       yield self._replace_from_cache(pkg)
-       def get_by_file(self, filename):
-               return self.index.get_by_file(filename)
index a9b36c9446da36b024222f388d527e768ac6b2fb..24106b414d5b96424108f5f234481ac60c2e6499 100644 (file)
@@ -27,16 +27,12 @@ pakfire/packages/virtual.py
index 44ac7d3ff6ce9a2e172347587bab1fe2391df9af..dc61530681dffbd6633efc816e787b5feb2a7e7d 100644 (file)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-16 20:37+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-16 20:47+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Requires"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../pakfire/repository/index_old.py:397 ../pakfire/repository/index.py:216
+#: ../pakfire/repository/index.py:216
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s: package database"
 msgstr ""