#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # # Copyright (C) 2007-2015 IPFire Team # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################### ### Clean up our environment # delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV PATH)}; $< = $>; # Store keys here $ENV{"GNUPGHOME"} = "/opt/pakfire/etc/.gnupg"; require "/opt/pakfire/lib/functions.pl"; my $interactive = 1; my $force = "noforce"; &Pakfire::logger("PAKFIRE INFO: IPFire Pakfire $Conf::version started!"); ### Check if we are running as root # my $user = qx(whoami); chomp($user); unless ( "$user" eq "root" ) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE ERROR: You must run pakfire as user root!"); exit 1; } unless ( -e "/var/ipfire/red/active" ) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE ERROR: You need to be online to run pakfire!"); exit 2; } ### Check if we are started by another name # if ( $0 =~ /pakfire-update$/ ) { &Pakfire::message("CRON INFO: Running an update"); my $random = int(rand(60)); &Pakfire::logger("CRON INFO: Waiting for $random seconds."); sleep($random); $ARGV[0] = "update"; $interactive = 0; } elsif ( $0 =~ /pakfire-upgrade$/ ) { &Pakfire::message("CRON INFO: Running an upgrade"); my $random = int(rand(3600)); &Pakfire::logger("CRON INFO: Waiting for $random seconds."); sleep($random); $ARGV[0] = "upgrade"; $interactive = 0; } unless (@ARGV) { &Pakfire::usage; } foreach (@ARGV) { if ("$_" =~ "^-") { # Turn off interactive mode $interactive = 0 if ("$_" eq "--non-interactive"); $interactive = 0 if ("$_" eq "-y"); # Turn off shell colors - Bad for displaying in webinterface $Pakfire::enable_colors = 0 if ("$_" eq "--no-colors"); # Turn on force mode $force = "force" if ("$_" eq "-f" ); $force = "force" if ("$_" eq "--force" ); } } if ("$ARGV[0]" eq "install") { shift; ### Make sure that the list is not outdated. &Pakfire::dbgetlist("noforce"); open(FILE, "<$Conf::dbdir/lists/packages_list.db"); my @db = ; close(FILE); my $dep; my @deps; my $pak; my @paks; my @temp; my @templine; my $found = 0; my $return; my @all; foreach $pak (@ARGV) { unless ("$pak" =~ "^-") { $return = &Pakfire::isinstalled($pak); if ($return eq 0) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: $pak is already installed"); next; } $found = 0; foreach (@db) { @templine = split(/;/,$_); if ("$templine[0]" eq "$pak" ) { push(@paks,$pak); push(@all,$pak); @temp = &Pakfire::resolvedeps("$pak"); foreach $dep (@temp) { push(@deps,$dep) if $dep; push(@all,$dep) if $dep; } $found = 1; break; } } if ($found == 0) { &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE WARN: The pak \"$pak\" is not known. Please try running \"pakfire update\"."); } } } unless (@paks) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE ERROR: No packages to install. Exiting..."); exit 1; } if (@deps) { my %sort = map{ $_, 1 } @deps; @deps = keys %sort; &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: Packages to install for dependencies:"); } foreach $dep (@deps) { my $size = &Pakfire::getsize("$dep"); $size = &Pakfire::beautifysize($size); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: $dep \t - $size"); } &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: Packages to install:"); foreach $pak (@paks) { my $size = &Pakfire::getsize("$pak"); $size = &Pakfire::beautifysize($size); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: $pak \t - $size"); } my $totalsize; foreach $pak (@all) { $totalsize = ($totalsize + &Pakfire::getsize("$pak")); } $totalsize = &Pakfire::beautifysize($totalsize); &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: Total size: \t ~ $totalsize"); &Pakfire::message(""); if ($interactive) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: Is this okay? [y/N]"); my $ret = ; chomp($ret); &Pakfire::logger("PAKFIRE INFO: Answer: $ret"); if ( $ret ne "y" ) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE ERROR: Installation aborted."); exit 1; } } else { &Pakfire::logger("PAKFIRE INFO: Interaction skipped."); } # my %sort = map{ $_, 1 } @all; # @all = sort keys %sort; ### Download first foreach $pak (@all) { &Pakfire::getpak("$pak", ""); } &Pakfire::message(""); foreach $pak (@deps) { &Pakfire::setuppak("$pak") if ($pak ne ""); } foreach $pak (@paks) { &Pakfire::setuppak("$pak") if ($pak ne ""); } } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "remove") { shift; my @paks; my $pak; foreach $pak (@ARGV) { unless ("$pak" =~ "^-") { $return = &Pakfire::isinstalled($pak); if ($return ne 0) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE WARN: $pak is not installed"); next; } push(@paks, $pak); } } unless (@paks) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE ERROR: No packages to remove. Exiting..."); exit 1; } &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: Packages to remove:"); foreach $pak (sort @paks) { my $size = &Pakfire::getsize("$pak"); $size = &Pakfire::beautifysize($size); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: $pak \t - $size"); } if ($interactive) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: Is this okay? [y/N]"); my $ret = ; chomp($ret); &Pakfire::logger("PAKFIRE INFO: Answer: $ret"); if ( $ret ne "y" ) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE ERROR: Installation aborted."); exit 1; } } foreach $pak (@paks) { &Pakfire::removepak("$pak"); } } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "update") { &Pakfire::makeuuid(); &Pakfire::getmirrors("$force"); &Pakfire::dbgetlist("$force"); &Pakfire::getcoredb("$force"); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "upgrade") { &Pakfire::upgradecore(); my @upgradepaks = &Pakfire::dblist("upgrade", "noweb"); my @deps = (); if (@upgradepaks) { # Resolve the dependencies of the to be upgraded packages @deps = &Pakfire::resolvedeps_recursive(@upgradepaks); &Pakfire::message(""); &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE UPGR: We are going to install all packages listed above."); if ($interactive) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE INFO: Is this okay? [y/N]"); my $ret = ; chomp($ret); &Pakfire::logger("PAKFIRE INFO: Answer: $ret"); if ( $ret ne "y" ) { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE ERROR: Installation aborted."); exit 1; } } } # Download packages foreach $pak (@upgradepaks) { &Pakfire::getpak("$pak", ""); } # Download dependencies foreach $pak (@deps) { &Pakfire::getpak("$pak", ""); } # Install dependencies first foreach $pak (@deps) { &Pakfire::setuppak("$pak"); } # Install all upgrades foreach $pak (@upgradepaks) { &Pakfire::upgradepak("$pak"); } } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "list") { if ("$ARGV[1]" =~ /installed|notinstalled/) { &Pakfire::dblist("$ARGV[1]", "noweb"); } else { &Pakfire::message("PAKFIRE WARN: Not a known option $ARGV[1]") if ($ARGV[1]); &Pakfire::dblist("all", "noweb"); } } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "resolvedeps") { foreach (@ARGV) { next if ("$_" eq "resolvedeps"); next if ("$_" =~ "^-"); &Pakfire::resolvedeps("$_"); } } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "enable") { if ("$ARGV[1]" eq "updates") { system("ln -s ../../opt/pakfire/pakfire /etc/fcron.daily/pakfire-update"); } elsif ("$ARGV[1]" eq "upgrades") { system("ln -s ../../opt/pakfire/pakfire /etc/fcron.daily/pakfire-upgrade"); } } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "disable") { if ("$ARGV[1]" eq "updates") { system("rm -f /etc/fcron.daily/pakfire-update"); } elsif ("$ARGV[1]" eq "upgrades") { system("rm -f /etc/fcron.daily/pakfire-upgrade"); } } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "status") { &Pakfire::status; } else { &Pakfire::usage; } &Pakfire::logger("PAKFIRE INFO: Pakfire has finished. Closing."); exit 0;