]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blame_incremental - src/http/StatusCode.h
Docs: Copyright updates for 2018 (#114)
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / http / StatusCode.h
... / ...
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
12namespace Http
16 * These basic HTTP reply status codes are defined by RFC 2616 unless otherwise stated.
17 * The IANA registry for HTTP status codes can be found at:
18 * http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml
19 */
20typedef enum {
21 scNone = 0,
22 scContinue = 100,
23 scSwitchingProtocols = 101,
24 scProcessing = 102, /**< RFC2518 section 10.1 */
25 scEarlyHints = 103, /**< draft-kazuho-early-hints-status-code */
26 scOkay = 200,
27 scCreated = 201,
28 scAccepted = 202,
29 scNonAuthoritativeInformation = 203,
30 scNoContent = 204,
31 scResetContent = 205,
32 scPartialContent = 206,
33 scMultiStatus = 207, /**< RFC2518 section 10.2 / RFC4918 */
34 scAlreadyReported = 208, /**< RFC5842 */
35 scImUsed = 226, /**< RFC3229 */
36 scMultipleChoices = 300,
37 scMovedPermanently = 301,
38 scFound = 302,
39 scSeeOther = 303,
40 scNotModified = 304,
41 scUseProxy = 305,
42 scTemporaryRedirect = 307,
43 scPermanentRedirect = 308, /**< RFC7538 */
44 scBadRequest = 400,
45 scUnauthorized = 401,
46 scPaymentRequired = 402,
47 scForbidden = 403,
48 scNotFound = 404,
49 scMethodNotAllowed = 405,
50 scNotAcceptable = 406,
51 scProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407,
52 scRequestTimeout = 408,
53 scConflict = 409,
54 scGone = 410,
55 scLengthRequired = 411,
56 scPreconditionFailed = 412,
57 scPayloadTooLarge = 413,
58 scUriTooLong = 414,
59 scUnsupportedMediaType = 415,
60 scRequestedRangeNotSatisfied = 416,
61 scExpectationFailed = 417,
62 scMisdirectedRequest = 421, /**< RFC7540 section 9.1.2 */
63 scUnprocessableEntity = 422, /**< RFC2518 section 10.3 / RFC4918 */
64 scLocked = 423, /**< RFC2518 section 10.4 / RFC4918 */
65 scFailedDependency = 424, /**< RFC2518 section 10.5 / RFC4918 */
66 scUpgradeRequired = 426,
67 scPreconditionRequired = 428, /**< RFC6585 */
68 scTooManyRequests = 429, /**< RFC6585 */
69 scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431, /**< RFC6585 */
70 scUnavailableForLegalReasons = 451, /**< RFC7725 */
71 scInternalServerError = 500,
72 scNotImplemented = 501,
73 scBadGateway = 502,
74 scServiceUnavailable = 503,
75 scGatewayTimeout = 504,
76 scHttpVersionNotSupported = 505,
77 scVariantAlsoNegotiates = 506, /**< RFC2295 */
78 scInsufficientStorage = 507, /**< RFC2518 section 10.6 / RFC4918 */
79 scLoopDetected = 508, /**< RFC5842 */
80 scNotExtended = 510, /**< RFC2774 */
81 scNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511, /**< RFC6585 */
83 // The 6xx codes below are for internal use only: Bad requests result
84 // in scBadRequest; bad responses in scGatewayTimeout.
86 scInvalidHeader = 600, /**< Squid header parsing error */
87 scHeaderTooLarge = 601 /* Header too large to process */
88} StatusCode;
90const char *StatusCodeString(const Http::StatusCode status);
92} // namespace Http