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3 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd">
6 <section>
7 <title>udev</title>
8 <refentry>
9 <refentryinfo>
10 <title>udev</title>
11 <productname>udev</productname>
12 </refentryinfo>
14 <refmeta>
15 <refentrytitle>udev</refentrytitle>
16 <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
17 </refmeta>
19 <refnamediv>
20 <refname>udev</refname>
21 <refpurpose>Linux dynamic device management</refpurpose>
22 </refnamediv>
24 <refsect1><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
25 <para>udev supplies the system software with device events, manages permissions
26 of device nodes and may create additional symlinks in the <filename>/dev</filename>
27 directory, or renames network interfaces. The kernel usually just assigns unpredictable
28 device names based on the order of discovery. Meaningful symlinks or network device
29 names provide a way to reliably identify devices based on their properties or
30 current configuration.</para>
32 <para>The udev daemon <citerefentry><refentrytitle>udevd</refentrytitle>
33 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> receives device uevents directly from
34 the kernel whenever a device is added or removed from the system, or it changes its
35 state. When udev receives a device event, it matches its configured set of rules
36 against various device attributes to identify the device. Rules that match, may
37 provide additional device information to be stored in the udev database, or information
38 to be used to create meaningful symlink names.</para>
40 <para>All device information udev processes, is stored in the udev database and
41 sent out to possible event subscribers. Access to all stored data and the event
42 sources are provided by the library libudev.</para>
43 </refsect1>
45 <refsect1><title>CONFIGURATION</title>
46 <para>udev configuration files are placed in <filename>/etc/udev/</filename>
47 and <filename>/lib/udev/</filename>. All empty lines, or lines beginning with
48 '#' will be ignored.</para>
50 <refsect2><title>Configuration file</title>
51 <para>udev expects its main configuration file at <filename>/etc/udev/udev.conf</filename>.
52 It consists of a set of variables allowing the user to override default udev values.
53 The following variables can be set:</para>
54 <variablelist>
55 <varlistentry>
56 <term><option>udev_root</option></term>
57 <listitem>
58 <para>Specifies where to place the device nodes in the filesystem.
59 The default value is <filename>/dev</filename>.</para>
60 </listitem>
61 </varlistentry>
63 <varlistentry>
64 <term><option>udev_log</option></term>
65 <listitem>
66 <para>The logging priority. Valid values are the numerical syslog priorities
67 or their textual representations: <option>err</option>, <option>info</option>
68 and <option>debug</option>.</para>
69 </listitem>
70 </varlistentry>
71 </variablelist>
72 </refsect2>
74 <refsect2><title>Rules files</title>
75 <para>The udev rules are read from the files located in the
76 default rules directory <filename>/lib/udev/rules.d/</filename>,
77 the custom rules directory <filename>/etc/udev/rules.d/</filename>
78 and the temporary rules directory <filename>/dev/.udev/rules.d/</filename>.
79 All rule files are sorted and processed in lexical order, regardless
80 in which of these directories they live.</para>
82 <para>Rule files are required to have a unique name, duplicate file names
83 are ignored. Files in <filename>/etc/udev/rules.d/</filename> have precedence
84 over files with the same name in <filename>/lib/udev/rules.d/</filename>. This
85 can be used to ignore a default rules file if needed.</para>
87 <para>Every line in the rules file contains at least one key value pair.
88 There are two kind of keys, match and assignment keys.
89 If all match keys are matching against its value, the rule gets applied and the
90 assign keys get the specified value assigned.</para>
92 <para>A matching rule may rename a network interface, add symlinks
93 pointing to the device node, or run a specified program as part of
94 the event handling.</para>
96 <para>A rule consists of a list of one or more key value pairs separated by
97 a comma. Each key has a distinct operation, depending on the used operator. Valid
98 operators are:</para>
99 <variablelist>
100 <varlistentry>
101 <term><option>==</option></term>
102 <listitem>
103 <para>Compare for equality.</para>
104 </listitem>
105 </varlistentry>
107 <varlistentry>
108 <term><option>!=</option></term>
109 <listitem>
110 <para>Compare for inequality.</para>
111 </listitem>
112 </varlistentry>
114 <varlistentry>
115 <term><option>=</option></term>
116 <listitem>
117 <para>Assign a value to a key. Keys that represent a list, are reset
118 and only this single value is assigned.</para>
119 </listitem>
120 </varlistentry>
122 <varlistentry>
123 <term><option>+=</option></term>
124 <listitem>
125 <para>Add the value to a key that holds a list of entries.</para>
126 </listitem>
127 </varlistentry>
129 <varlistentry>
130 <term><option>:=</option></term>
131 <listitem>
132 <para>Assign a value to a key finally; disallow any later changes,
133 which may be used to prevent changes by any later rules.</para>
134 </listitem>
135 </varlistentry>
136 </variablelist>
138 <para>The following key names can be used to match against device properties.
139 Some of the keys also match against properties of the parent devices in sysfs,
140 not only the device that has generated the event. If multiple keys that match
141 a parent device are specified in a single rule, all these keys must match at
142 one and the same parent device.</para>
143 <variablelist>
144 <varlistentry>
145 <term><option>ACTION</option></term>
146 <listitem>
147 <para>Match the name of the event action.</para>
148 </listitem>
149 </varlistentry>
151 <varlistentry>
152 <term><option>DEVPATH</option></term>
153 <listitem>
154 <para>Match the devpath of the event device.</para>
155 </listitem>
156 </varlistentry>
158 <varlistentry>
159 <term><option>KERNEL</option></term>
160 <listitem>
161 <para>Match the name of the event device.</para>
162 </listitem>
163 </varlistentry>
165 <varlistentry>
166 <term><option>NAME</option></term>
167 <listitem>
168 <para>Match the name of the node or network interface. It can
169 be used once the NAME key has been set in one of the preceding
170 rules.</para>
171 </listitem>
172 </varlistentry>
174 <varlistentry>
175 <term><option>SYMLINK</option></term>
176 <listitem>
177 <para>Match the name of a symlink targeting the node. It can
178 be used once a SYMLINK key has been set in one of the preceding
179 rules. There may be multiple symlinks; only one needs to match.
180 </para>
181 </listitem>
182 </varlistentry>
184 <varlistentry>
185 <term><option>SUBSYSTEM</option></term>
186 <listitem>
187 <para>Match the subsystem of the event device.</para>
188 </listitem>
189 </varlistentry>
190 <varlistentry>
191 <term><option>DRIVER</option></term>
192 <listitem>
193 <para>Match the driver name of the event device. Only set for devices
194 which are bound to a driver at the time the event is generated.</para>
195 </listitem>
196 </varlistentry>
197 <varlistentry>
198 <term><option>ATTR{<replaceable>filename</replaceable>}</option></term>
199 <listitem>
200 <para>Match sysfs attribute values of the event device. Trailing
201 whitespace in the attribute values is ignored, if the specified match
202 value does not contain trailing whitespace itself.
203 </para>
204 </listitem>
205 </varlistentry>
207 <varlistentry>
208 <term><option>KERNELS</option></term>
209 <listitem>
210 <para>Search the devpath upwards for a matching device name.</para>
211 </listitem>
212 </varlistentry>
214 <varlistentry>
215 <term><option>SUBSYSTEMS</option></term>
216 <listitem>
217 <para>Search the devpath upwards for a matching device subsystem name.</para>
218 </listitem>
219 </varlistentry>
221 <varlistentry>
222 <term><option>DRIVERS</option></term>
223 <listitem>
224 <para>Search the devpath upwards for a matching device driver name.</para>
225 </listitem>
226 </varlistentry>
228 <varlistentry>
229 <term><option>ATTRS{<replaceable>filename</replaceable>}</option></term>
230 <listitem>
231 <para>Search the devpath upwards for a device with matching sysfs attribute values.
232 If multiple <option>ATTRS</option> matches are specified, all of them
233 must match on the same device. Trailing whitespace in the attribute values is ignored,
234 if the specified match value does not contain trailing whitespace itself.</para>
235 </listitem>
236 </varlistentry>
238 <varlistentry>
239 <term><option>ENV{<replaceable>key</replaceable>}</option></term>
240 <listitem>
241 <para>Match against a device property value.</para>
242 </listitem>
243 </varlistentry>
245 <varlistentry>
246 <term><option>TAG</option></term>
247 <listitem>
248 <para>Match against a device tag.</para>
249 </listitem>
250 </varlistentry>
252 <varlistentry>
253 <term><option>TEST{<replaceable>octal mode mask</replaceable>}</option></term>
254 <listitem>
255 <para>Test the existence of a file. An octal mode mask can be specified
256 if needed.</para>
257 </listitem>
258 </varlistentry>
260 <varlistentry>
261 <term><option>PROGRAM</option></term>
262 <listitem>
263 <para>Execute a program. The key is true, if the program returns
264 successfully. The device properties are made available to the
265 executed program in the environment. The program's output printed to
266 stdout, is available in the RESULT key.</para>
267 </listitem>
268 </varlistentry>
270 <varlistentry>
271 <term><option>RESULT</option></term>
272 <listitem>
273 <para>Match the returned string of the last PROGRAM call. This key can
274 be used in the same or in any later rule after a PROGRAM call.</para>
275 </listitem>
276 </varlistentry>
277 </variablelist>
279 <para>Most of the fields support a shell style pattern matching. The following
280 pattern characters are supported:</para>
281 <variablelist>
282 <varlistentry>
283 <term><option>*</option></term>
284 <listitem>
285 <para>Matches zero, or any number of characters.</para>
286 </listitem>
287 </varlistentry>
288 <varlistentry>
289 <term><option>?</option></term>
290 <listitem>
291 <para>Matches any single character.</para>
292 </listitem>
293 </varlistentry>
294 <varlistentry>
295 <term><option>[]</option></term>
296 <listitem>
297 <para>Matches any single character specified within the brackets. For
298 example, the pattern string 'tty[SR]' would match either 'ttyS' or 'ttyR'.
299 Ranges are also supported within this match with the '-' character.
300 For example, to match on the range of all digits, the pattern [0-9] would
301 be used. If the first character following the '[' is a '!', any characters
302 not enclosed are matched.</para>
303 </listitem>
304 </varlistentry>
305 </variablelist>
307 <para>The following keys can get values assigned:</para>
308 <variablelist>
309 <varlistentry>
310 <term><option>NAME</option></term>
311 <listitem>
312 <para>The name, a network interface should be renamed to. Or as
313 a temporary workaraound, the name a device node should be named.
314 Usually the kernel provides the defined node name, or even creates
315 and removes the node before udev even receives any event. Changing
316 the node name from the kernel's default creates inconsistencies
317 and is not supported. If the kernel and NAME specify different names,
318 an error will be logged. Udev is only expected to handle device node
319 permissions and to create additional symlinks, not to change
320 kernel-provided device node names. Instead of renaming a device node,
321 SYMLINK should be used. Symlink names must never conflict with
322 device node names, it will result in unpredictable behavior.</para>
323 </listitem>
324 </varlistentry>
326 <varlistentry>
327 <term><option>SYMLINK</option></term>
328 <listitem>
329 <para>The name of a symlink targeting the node. Every matching rule will add
330 this value to the list of symlinks to be created. Multiple symlinks may be
331 specified by separating the names by the space character. In case multiple
332 devices claim the same name, the link will always point to the device with
333 the highest link_priority. If the current device goes away, the links will
334 be re-evaluated and the device with the next highest link_priority will own
335 the link. If no link_priority is specified, the order of the devices, and
336 which one of them will own the link, is undefined. Claiming the same name for
337 a symlink, which is or might be used for a device node, may result in
338 unexpected behavior and is not supported.
339 </para>
340 </listitem>
341 </varlistentry>
343 <varlistentry>
344 <term><option>OWNER, GROUP, MODE</option></term>
345 <listitem>
346 <para>The permissions for the device node. Every specified value overwrites
347 the compiled-in default value.</para>
348 </listitem>
349 </varlistentry>
351 <varlistentry>
352 <term><option>ATTR{<replaceable>key</replaceable>}</option></term>
353 <listitem>
354 <para>The value that should be written to a sysfs attribute of the
355 event device.</para>
356 </listitem>
357 </varlistentry>
359 <varlistentry>
360 <term><option>ENV{<replaceable>key</replaceable>}</option></term>
361 <listitem>
362 <para>Set a device property value. Property names with a leading '.'
363 are not stored in the database or exported to external tool or events.</para>
364 </listitem>
365 </varlistentry>
367 <varlistentry>
368 <term><option>TAG</option></term>
369 <listitem>
370 <para>Attach a tag to a device. This is used to filter events for users
371 of libudev's monitor functionality, or to enumerate a group of tagged
372 devices. The implementation can only work efficiently if only a few
373 tags are attached to a device. It is only meant to be used in
374 contexts with specific device filter requirements, and not as a
375 general-purpose flag. Excessive use might result in inefficient event
376 handling.</para>
377 </listitem>
378 </varlistentry>
380 <varlistentry>
381 <term><option>RUN</option></term>
382 <listitem>
383 <para>Add a program to the list of programs to be executed for a specific
384 device. This can only be used for very short running tasks. Running an
385 event process for a long period of time may block all further events for
386 this or a dependent device. Long running tasks need to be immediately
387 detached from the event process itself. If the option
388 <option>RUN{<replaceable>fail_event_on_error</replaceable>}</option> is
389 specified, and the executed program returns non-zero, the event will be
390 marked as failed for a possible later handling.</para>
391 <para>If no absolute path is given, the program is expected to live in
392 <filename>/lib/udev</filename>, otherwise the absolute path must be
393 specified. Program name and arguments are separated by spaces. Single quotes
394 can be used to specify arguments with spaces.</para>
395 </listitem>
396 </varlistentry>
398 <varlistentry>
399 <term><option>LABEL</option></term>
400 <listitem>
401 <para>Named label where a GOTO can jump to.</para>
402 </listitem>
403 </varlistentry>
405 <varlistentry>
406 <term><option>GOTO</option></term>
407 <listitem>
408 <para>Jumps to the next LABEL with a matching name</para>
409 </listitem>
410 </varlistentry>
412 <varlistentry>
413 <term><option>IMPORT{<replaceable>type</replaceable>}</option></term>
414 <listitem>
415 <para>Import a set of variables as device properties,
416 depending on <replaceable>type</replaceable>:</para>
417 <variablelist>
418 <varlistentry>
419 <term><option>program</option></term>
420 <listitem>
421 <para>Execute an external program specified as the assigned value and
422 import its output, which must be in environment key
423 format. Path specification, command/argument separation,
424 and quoting work like in <option>RUN</option>.</para>
425 </listitem>
426 </varlistentry>
427 <varlistentry>
428 <term><option>file</option></term>
429 <listitem>
430 <para>Import a text file specified as the assigned value, which must be in
431 environment key format.</para>
432 </listitem>
433 </varlistentry>
434 <varlistentry>
435 <term><option>db</option></term>
436 <listitem>
437 <para>Import a single property specified as the assigned value from the
438 current device database. This works only if the database is already populated
439 by an earlier event.</para>
440 </listitem>
441 </varlistentry>
442 <varlistentry>
443 <term><option>parent</option></term>
444 <listitem>
445 <para>Import the stored keys from the parent device by reading
446 the database entry of the parent device. The value assigned to
447 <option>IMPORT{parent}</option> is used as a filter of key names
448 to import (with the same shell-style pattern matching used for
449 comparisons).</para>
450 </listitem>
451 </varlistentry>
452 </variablelist>
453 <para>If no option is given, udev will choose between <option>program</option>
454 and <option>file</option> based on the executable bit of the file
455 permissions.</para>
456 </listitem>
457 </varlistentry>
459 <varlistentry>
460 <term><option>WAIT_FOR</option></term>
461 <listitem>
462 <para>Wait for a file to become available or until a 10
463 seconds timeout expires.</para>
464 </listitem>
465 </varlistentry>
467 <varlistentry>
468 <term><option>OPTIONS</option></term>
469 <listitem>
470 <para>Rule and device options:</para>
471 <variablelist>
472 <varlistentry>
473 <term><option>link_priority=<replaceable>value</replaceable></option></term>
474 <listitem>
475 <para>Specify the priority of the created symlinks. Devices with higher
476 priorities overwrite existing symlinks of other devices. The default is 0.</para>
477 </listitem>
478 </varlistentry>
479 <varlistentry>
480 <term><option>event_timeout=</option></term>
481 <listitem>
482 <para>Number of seconds an event will wait for operations to finish, before it
483 will terminate itself.</para>
484 </listitem>
485 </varlistentry>
486 <varlistentry>
487 <term><option>string_escape=<replaceable>none|replace</replaceable></option></term>
488 <listitem>
489 <para>Usually control and other possibly unsafe characters are replaced
490 in strings used for device naming. The mode of replacement can be specified
491 with this option.</para>
492 </listitem>
493 </varlistentry>
494 <varlistentry>
495 <term><option>watch</option></term>
496 <listitem>
497 <para>Watch the device node with inotify, when closed after being opened for
498 writing, a change uevent will be synthesised.</para>
499 </listitem>
500 </varlistentry>
501 </variablelist>
502 </listitem>
503 </varlistentry>
504 </variablelist>
506 <para>The <option>NAME</option>, <option>SYMLINK</option>, <option>PROGRAM</option>,
507 <option>OWNER</option>, <option>GROUP</option>, <option>MODE</option> and <option>RUN</option>
508 fields support simple printf-like string substitutions. The <option>RUN</option>
509 format chars gets applied after all rules have been processed, right before the program
510 is executed. It allows the use of device properties set by earlier matching
511 rules. For all other fields, substitutions are applied while the individual rule is
512 being processed. The available substitutions are:</para>
513 <variablelist>
514 <varlistentry>
515 <term><option>$kernel</option>, <option>%k</option></term>
516 <listitem>
517 <para>The kernel name for this device.</para>
518 </listitem>
519 </varlistentry>
521 <varlistentry>
522 <term><option>$number</option>, <option>%n</option></term>
523 <listitem>
524 <para>The kernel number for this device. For example, 'sda3' has
525 kernel number of '3'</para>
526 </listitem>
527 </varlistentry>
529 <varlistentry>
530 <term><option>$devpath</option>, <option>%p</option></term>
531 <listitem>
532 <para>The devpath of the device.</para>
533 </listitem>
534 </varlistentry>
536 <varlistentry>
537 <term><option>$id</option>, <option>%b</option></term>
538 <listitem>
539 <para>The name of the device matched while searching the devpath upwards for
540 <option>SUBSYSTEMS</option>, <option>KERNELS</option>, <option>DRIVERS</option> and <option>ATTRS</option>.
541 </para>
542 </listitem>
543 </varlistentry>
545 <varlistentry>
546 <term><option>$driver</option></term>
547 <listitem>
548 <para>The driver name of the device matched while searching the devpath upwards for
549 <option>SUBSYSTEMS</option>, <option>KERNELS</option>, <option>DRIVERS</option> and <option>ATTRS</option>.
550 </para>
551 </listitem>
552 </varlistentry>
554 <varlistentry>
555 <term><option>$attr{<replaceable>file</replaceable>}</option>, <option>%s{<replaceable>file</replaceable>}</option></term>
556 <listitem>
557 <para>The value of a sysfs attribute found at the device, where
558 all keys of the rule have matched. If the matching device does not have
559 such an attribute, follow the chain of parent devices and use the value
560 of the first attribute that matches.
561 If the attribute is a symlink, the last element of the symlink target is
562 returned as the value.</para>
563 </listitem>
564 </varlistentry>
566 <varlistentry>
567 <term><option>$env{<replaceable>key</replaceable>}</option>, <option>%E{<replaceable>key</replaceable>}</option></term>
568 <listitem>
569 <para>A device property value.</para>
570 </listitem>
571 </varlistentry>
573 <varlistentry>
574 <term><option>$major</option>, <option>%M</option></term>
575 <listitem>
576 <para>The kernel major number for the device.</para>
577 </listitem>
578 </varlistentry>
580 <varlistentry>
581 <term><option>$minor</option>, <option>%m</option></term>
582 <listitem>
583 <para>The kernel minor number for the device.</para>
584 </listitem>
585 </varlistentry>
587 <varlistentry>
588 <term><option>$result</option>, <option>%c</option></term>
589 <listitem>
590 <para>The string returned by the external program requested with PROGRAM.
591 A single part of the string, separated by a space character may be selected
592 by specifying the part number as an attribute: <option>%c{N}</option>.
593 If the number is followed by the '+' char this part plus all remaining parts
594 of the result string are substituted: <option>%c{N+}</option></para>
595 </listitem>
596 </varlistentry>
598 <varlistentry>
599 <term><option>$parent</option>, <option>%P</option></term>
600 <listitem>
601 <para>The node name of the parent device.</para>
602 </listitem>
603 </varlistentry>
605 <varlistentry>
606 <term><option>$name</option></term>
607 <listitem>
608 <para>The current name of the device node. If not changed by a rule, it is the
609 name of the kernel device.</para>
610 </listitem>
611 </varlistentry>
613 <varlistentry>
614 <term><option>$links</option></term>
615 <listitem>
616 <para>The current list of symlinks, separated by a space character. The value is
617 only set if an earlier rule assigned a value, or during a remove events.</para>
618 </listitem>
619 </varlistentry>
621 <varlistentry>
622 <term><option>$root</option>, <option>%r</option></term>
623 <listitem>
624 <para>The udev_root value.</para>
625 </listitem>
626 </varlistentry>
628 <varlistentry>
629 <term><option>$sys</option>, <option>%S</option></term>
630 <listitem>
631 <para>The sysfs mount point.</para>
632 </listitem>
633 </varlistentry>
635 <varlistentry>
636 <term><option>$tempnode</option>, <option>%N</option></term>
637 <listitem>
638 <para>The name of a created temporary device node to provide access to
639 the device from a external program before the real node is created.</para>
640 </listitem>
641 </varlistentry>
643 <varlistentry>
644 <term><option>%%</option></term>
645 <listitem>
646 <para>The '%' character itself.</para>
647 </listitem>
648 </varlistentry>
650 <varlistentry>
651 <term><option>$$</option></term>
652 <listitem>
653 <para>The '$' character itself.</para>
654 </listitem>
655 </varlistentry>
656 </variablelist>
657 </refsect2>
658 </refsect1>
660 <refsect1><title>AUTHOR</title>
661 <para>Written by Greg Kroah-Hartman <email>greg@kroah.com</email> and
662 Kay Sievers <email>kay.sievers@vrfy.org</email>. With much help from
663 Dan Stekloff and many others.</para>
664 </refsect1>
666 <refsect1>
667 <title>SEE ALSO</title>
668 <para><citerefentry>
669 <refentrytitle>udevd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
670 </citerefentry>,
671 <citerefentry>
672 <refentrytitle>udevadm</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
673 </citerefentry></para>
674 </refsect1>
675 </refentry>
676 </section>