]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/systemd.git/blob - CODING_STYLE
resolved: fix DNS_TYPE_ANY vs DNS_CLASS_ANY confusion
[thirdparty/systemd.git] / CODING_STYLE
1 - 8ch indent, no tabs, except for files in man/ which are 2ch indent,
2 and still no tabs
4 - We prefer /* comments */ over // comments, please. This is not C++, after
5 all. (Yes we know that C99 supports both kinds of comments, but still,
6 please!)
8 - Don't break code lines too eagerly. We do *not* force line breaks at
9 80ch, all of today's screens should be much larger than that. But
10 then again, don't overdo it, ~140ch should be enough really.
12 - Variables and functions *must* be static, unless they have a
13 prototype, and are supposed to be exported.
15 - structs in MixedCase (with exceptions, such as public API structs),
16 variables + functions in lower_case.
18 - The destructors always unregister the object from the next bigger
19 object, not the other way around
21 - To minimize strict aliasing violations, we prefer unions over casting
23 - For robustness reasons, destructors should be able to destruct
24 half-initialized objects, too
26 - Error codes are returned as negative Exxx. e.g. return -EINVAL. There
27 are some exceptions: for constructors, it is OK to return NULL on
28 OOM. For lookup functions, NULL is fine too for "not found".
30 Be strict with this. When you write a function that can fail due to
31 more than one cause, it *really* should have "int" as return value
32 for the error code.
34 - Do not bother with error checking whether writing to stdout/stderr
35 worked.
37 - Do not log errors from "library" code, only do so from "main
38 program" code. (With one exception: it is OK to log with DEBUG level
39 from any code, with the exception of maybe inner loops).
41 - Always check OOM. There is no excuse. In program code, you can use
42 "log_oom()" for then printing a short message, but not in "library" code.
44 - Do not issue NSS requests (that includes user name and host name
45 lookups) from PID 1 as this might trigger deadlocks when those
46 lookups involve synchronously talking to services that we would need
47 to start up
49 - Do not synchronously talk to any other service from PID 1, due to
50 risk of deadlocks
52 - Avoid fixed-size string buffers, unless you really know the maximum
53 size and that maximum size is small. They are a source of errors,
54 since they possibly result in truncated strings. It is often nicer
55 to use dynamic memory, alloca() or VLAs. If you do allocate fixed-size
56 strings on the stack, then it is probably only OK if you either
57 use a maximum size such as LINE_MAX, or count in detail the maximum
58 size a string can have. (DECIMAL_STR_MAX and DECIMAL_STR_WIDTH
59 macros are your friends for this!)
61 Or in other words, if you use "char buf[256]" then you are likely
62 doing something wrong!
64 - Stay uniform. For example, always use "usec_t" for time
65 values. Do not mix usec and msec, and usec and whatnot.
67 - Make use of _cleanup_free_ and friends. It makes your code much
68 nicer to read!
70 - Be exceptionally careful when formatting and parsing floating point
71 numbers. Their syntax is locale dependent (i.e. "5.000" in en_US is
72 generally understood as 5, while on de_DE as 5000.).
74 - Try to use this:
76 void foo() {
77 }
79 instead of this:
81 void foo()
82 {
83 }
85 But it is OK if you do not.
87 - Single-line "if" blocks should not be enclosed in {}. Use this:
89 if (foobar)
90 waldo();
92 instead of this:
94 if (foobar) {
95 waldo();
96 }
98 - Do not write "foo ()", write "foo()".
100 - Please use streq() and strneq() instead of strcmp(), strncmp() where applicable.
102 - Please do not allocate variables on the stack in the middle of code,
103 even if C99 allows it. Wrong:
105 {
106 a = 5;
107 int b;
108 b = a;
109 }
111 Right:
113 {
114 int b;
115 a = 5;
116 b = a;
117 }
119 - Unless you allocate an array, "double" is always the better choice
120 than "float". Processors speak "double" natively anyway, so this is
121 no speed benefit, and on calls like printf() "float"s get promoted
122 to "double"s anyway, so there is no point.
124 - Do not mix function invocations with variable definitions in one
125 line. Wrong:
127 {
128 int a = foobar();
129 uint64_t x = 7;
130 }
132 Right:
134 {
135 int a;
136 uint64_t x = 7;
138 a = foobar();
139 }
141 - Use "goto" for cleaning up, and only use it for that. i.e. you may
142 only jump to the end of a function, and little else. Never jump
143 backwards!
145 - Think about the types you use. If a value cannot sensibly be
146 negative, do not use "int", but use "unsigned".
148 - Do not use types like "short". They *never* make sense. Use ints,
149 longs, long longs, all in unsigned+signed fashion, and the fixed
150 size types uint32_t and so on, as well as size_t, but nothing
151 else. Do not use kernel types like u32 and so on, leave that to the
152 kernel.
154 - Public API calls (i.e. functions exported by our shared libraries)
155 must be marked "_public_" and need to be prefixed with "sd_". No
156 other functions should be prefixed like that.
158 - In public API calls, you *must* validate all your input arguments for
159 programming error with assert_return() and return a sensible return
160 code. In all other calls, it is recommended to check for programming
161 errors with a more brutal assert(). We are more forgiving to public
162 users then for ourselves! Note that assert() and assert_return()
163 really only should be used for detecting programming errors, not for
164 runtime errors. assert() and assert_return() by usage of _likely_()
165 inform the compiler that he should not expect these checks to fail,
166 and they inform fellow programmers about the expected validity and
167 range of parameters.
169 - Never use strtol(), atoi() and similar calls. Use safe_atoli(),
170 safe_atou32() and suchlike instead. They are much nicer to use in
171 most cases and correctly check for parsing errors.
173 - For every function you add, think about whether it is a "logging"
174 function or a "non-logging" function. "Logging" functions do logging
175 on their own, "non-logging" function never log on their own and
176 expect their callers to log. All functions in "library" code,
177 i.e. in src/shared/ and suchlike must be "non-logging". Every time a
178 "logging" function calls a "non-logging" function, it should log
179 about the resulting errors. If a "logging" function calls another
180 "logging" function, then it should not generate log messages, so
181 that log messages are not generated twice for the same errors.
183 - Avoid static variables, except for caches and very few other
184 cases. Think about thread-safety! While most of our code is never
185 used in threaded environments, at least the library code should make
186 sure it works correctly in them. Instead of doing a lot of locking
187 for that, we tend to prefer using TLS to do per-thread caching (which
188 only works for small, fixed-size cache objects), or we disable
189 caching for any thread that is not the main thread. Use
190 is_main_thread() to detect whether the calling thread is the main
191 thread.
193 - Command line option parsing:
194 - Do not print full help() on error, be specific about the error.
195 - Do not print messages to stdout on error.
196 - Do not POSIX_ME_HARDER unless necessary, i.e. avoid "+" in option string.
198 - Do not write functions that clobber call-by-reference variables on
199 failure. Use temporary variables for these cases and change the
200 passed in variables only on success.
202 - When you allocate a file descriptor, it should be made O_CLOEXEC
203 right from the beginning, as none of our files should leak to forked
204 binaries by default. Hence, whenever you open a file, O_CLOEXEC must
205 be specified, right from the beginning. This also applies to
206 sockets. Effectively this means that all invocations to:
208 a) open() must get O_CLOEXEC passed
209 b) socket() and socketpair() must get SOCK_CLOEXEC passed
210 c) recvmsg() must get MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC set
211 d) F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC should be used instead of F_DUPFD, and so on
213 - We never use the POSIX version of basename() (which glibc defines it in
214 libgen.h), only the GNU version (which glibc defines in string.h).
215 The only reason to include libgen.h is because dirname()
216 is needed. Everytime you need that please immediately undefine
217 basename(), and add a comment about it, so that no code ever ends up
218 using the POSIX version!
220 - Use the bool type for booleans, not integers. One exception: in public
221 headers (i.e those in src/systemd/sd-*.h) use integers after all, as "bool"
222 is C99 and in our public APIs we try to stick to C89 (with a few extension).
224 - When you invoke certain calls like unlink(), or mkdir_p() and you
225 know it is safe to ignore the error it might return (because a later
226 call would detect the failure anyway, or because the error is in an
227 error path and you thus couldn't do anything about it anyway), then
228 make this clear by casting the invocation explicitly to (void). Code
229 checks like Coverity understand that, and will not complain about
230 ignored error codes. Hence, please use this:
232 (void) unlink("/foo/bar/baz");
234 instead of just this:
236 unlink("/foo/bar/baz");
238 - Don't invoke exit(), ever. It is not replacement for proper error
239 handling. Please escalate errors up your call chain, and use normal
240 "return" to exit from the main function of a process. If you
241 fork()ed off a child process, please use _exit() instead of exit(),
242 so that the exit handlers are not run.
244 - Please never use dup(). Use fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 3)
245 instead. For two reason: first, you want O_CLOEXEC set on the new fd
246 (see above). Second, dup() will happily duplicate your fd as 0, 1,
247 2, i.e. stdin, stdout, stderr, should those fds be closed. Given the
248 special semantics of those fds, it's probably a good idea to avoid
249 them. F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC with "3" as parameter avoids them.
251 - When you define a destructor or unref() call for an object, please
252 accept a NULL object and simply treat this as NOP. This is similar
253 to how libc free() works, which accepts NULL pointers and becomes a
254 NOP for them. By following this scheme a lot of if checks can be
255 removed before invoking your destructor, which makes the code
256 substantially more readable and robust.
258 - Related to this: when you define a destructor or unref() call for an
259 object, please make it return the same type it takes and always
260 return NULL from it. This allows writing code like this:
262 p = foobar_unref(p);
264 which will always work regardless if p is initialized or not, and
265 guarantees that p is NULL afterwards, all in just one line.
267 - Use alloca(), but never forget that it is not OK to invoke alloca()
268 within a loop or within function call parameters. alloca() memory is
269 released at the end of a function, and not at the end of a {}
270 block. Thus, if you invoke it in a loop, you keep increasing the
271 stack pointer without ever releasing memory again. (VLAs have better
272 behaviour in this case, so consider using them as an alternative.)
273 Regarding not using alloca() within function parameters, see the
274 BUGS section of the alloca(3) man page.
276 - Use memzero() or even better zero() instead of memset(..., 0, ...)
278 - Instead of using memzero()/memset() to initialize structs allocated
279 on the stack, please try to use c99 structure initializers. It's
280 short, prettier and actually even faster at execution. Hence:
282 struct foobar t = {
283 .foo = 7,
284 .bar = "bazz",
285 };
287 instead of:
289 struct foobar t;
290 zero(t);
291 t.foo = 7;
292 t.bar = "bazz";
294 - When returning a return code from main(), please preferably use
295 EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS as defined by libc.
297 - The order in which header files are included doesn't matter too
298 much. However, please try to include the headers of external
299 libraries first (these are all headers enclosed in <>), followed by
300 the headers of our own public headers (these are all headers
301 starting with "sd-"), internal utility libraries from src/shared/,
302 followed by the headers of the specific component. Or in other
303 words:
305 #include <stdio.h>
306 #include "sd-daemon.h"
307 #include "util.h"
308 #include "frobnicator.h"
310 Where stdio.h is a public glibc API, sd-daemon.h is a public API of
311 our own, util.h is a utility library header from src/shared, and
312 frobnicator.h is an placeholder name for any systemd component. The
313 benefit of following this ordering is that more local definitions
314 are always defined after more global ones. Thus, our local
315 definitions will never "leak" into the global header files, possibly
316 altering their effect due to #ifdeffery.