]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/systemd.git/blob - ccdv.c
[PATCH] 043 release
[thirdparty/systemd.git] / ccdv.c
1 /* ccdv.c
2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 2002-2003, by Mike Gleason, NcFTP Software.
4 * All Rights Reserved.
5 *
6 * Licensed under the GNU Public License.
7 */
8 #include <unistd.h>
9 #include <sys/types.h>
10 #include <sys/time.h>
11 #include <sys/wait.h>
12 #include <fcntl.h>
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include <stdlib.h>
16 #include <errno.h>
18 #define SETCOLOR_SUCCESS (gANSIEscapes ? "\033\1331;32m" : "")
19 #define SETCOLOR_FAILURE (gANSIEscapes ? "\033\1331;31m" : "")
20 #define SETCOLOR_WARNING (gANSIEscapes ? "\033\1331;33m" : "")
21 #define SETCOLOR_NORMAL (gANSIEscapes ? "\033\1330;39m" : "")
23 #define TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE 8192
24 #define INDENT 2
26 #define TERMS "vt100:vt102:vt220:vt320:xterm:xterm-color:ansi:linux:scoterm:scoansi:dtterm:cons25:cygwin"
28 size_t gNBufUsed = 0, gNBufAllocated = 0;
29 char *gBuf = NULL;
30 int gCCPID;
31 char gAction[200] = "";
32 char gTarget[200] = "";
33 char gAr[32] = "";
34 char gArLibraryTarget[64] = "";
35 int gDumpCmdArgs = 0;
36 char gArgsStr[1000];
37 int gColumns = 80;
38 int gANSIEscapes = 0;
39 int gExitStatus = 95;
41 static void DumpFormattedOutput(void)
42 {
43 char *cp;
44 char spaces[8 + 1] = " ";
45 char *saved;
46 int curcol;
47 int i;
49 curcol = 0;
50 saved = NULL;
51 for (cp = gBuf + ((gDumpCmdArgs == 0) ? strlen(gArgsStr) : 0); ; cp++) {
52 if (*cp == '\0') {
53 if (saved != NULL) {
54 cp = saved;
55 saved = NULL;
56 } else break;
57 }
58 if (*cp == '\r')
59 continue;
60 if (*cp == '\t') {
61 saved = cp + 1;
62 cp = spaces + 8 - (8 - ((curcol - INDENT - 1) % 8));
63 }
64 if (curcol == 0) {
65 for (i = INDENT; --i >= 0; )
66 putchar(' ');
67 curcol = INDENT;
68 }
69 putchar(*cp);
70 if (++curcol == (gColumns - 1)) {
71 putchar('\n');
72 curcol = 0;
73 } else if (*cp == '\n')
74 curcol = 0;
75 }
76 free(gBuf);
77 } /* DumpFormattedOutput */
81 /* Difftime(), only for timeval structures. */
82 static void TimeValSubtract(struct timeval *tdiff, struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t0)
83 {
84 tdiff->tv_sec = t1->tv_sec - t0->tv_sec;
85 tdiff->tv_usec = t1->tv_usec - t0->tv_usec;
86 if (tdiff->tv_usec < 0) {
87 tdiff->tv_sec--;
88 tdiff->tv_usec += 1000000;
89 }
90 } /* TimeValSubtract */
94 static void Wait(void)
95 {
96 int pid2, status;
98 do {
99 status = 0;
100 pid2 = (int) waitpid(gCCPID, &status, 0);
101 } while (((pid2 >= 0) && (! WIFEXITED(status))) || ((pid2 < 0) && (errno == EINTR)));
102 if (WIFEXITED(status))
103 gExitStatus = WEXITSTATUS(status);
104 } /* Wait */
108 static int SlurpProgress(int fd)
109 {
110 char s1[71];
111 char *newbuf;
112 int nready;
113 size_t ntoread;
114 ssize_t nread;
115 struct timeval now, tnext, tleft;
116 fd_set ss;
117 fd_set ss2;
118 const char *trail = "/-\\|", *trailcp;
120 trailcp = trail;
121 snprintf(s1, sizeof(s1), "%s%s%s... ", gAction, gTarget[0] ? " " : "", gTarget);
122 printf("\r%-70s%-9s", s1, "");
123 fflush(stdout);
125 gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
126 tnext = now;
127 tnext.tv_sec++;
128 tleft.tv_sec = 1;
129 tleft.tv_usec = 0;
130 FD_ZERO(&ss2);
131 FD_SET(fd, &ss2);
132 for(;;) {
133 if (gNBufUsed == (gNBufAllocated - 1)) {
134 if ((newbuf = (char *) realloc(gBuf, gNBufAllocated + TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE)) == NULL) {
135 perror("ccdv: realloc");
136 return (-1);
137 }
138 gNBufAllocated += TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE;
139 gBuf = newbuf;
140 }
141 for (;;) {
142 ss = ss2;
143 nready = select(fd + 1, &ss, NULL, NULL, &tleft);
144 if (nready == 1)
145 break;
146 if (nready < 0) {
147 if (errno != EINTR) {
148 perror("ccdv: select");
149 return (-1);
150 }
151 continue;
152 }
153 gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
154 if ((now.tv_sec > tnext.tv_sec) || ((now.tv_sec == tnext.tv_sec) && (now.tv_usec >= tnext.tv_usec))) {
155 tnext = now;
156 tnext.tv_sec++;
157 tleft.tv_sec = 1;
158 tleft.tv_usec = 0;
159 printf("\r%-71s%c%-7s", s1, *trailcp, "");
160 fflush(stdout);
161 if (*++trailcp == '\0')
162 trailcp = trail;
163 } else {
164 TimeValSubtract(&tleft, &tnext, &now);
165 }
166 }
167 ntoread = (gNBufAllocated - gNBufUsed - 1);
168 nread = read(fd, gBuf + gNBufUsed, ntoread);
169 if (nread < 0) {
170 if (errno == EINTR)
171 continue;
172 perror("ccdv: read");
173 return (-1);
174 } else if (nread == 0) {
175 break;
176 }
177 gNBufUsed += nread;
178 gBuf[gNBufUsed] = '\0';
179 }
180 snprintf(s1, sizeof(s1), "%s%s%s: ", gAction, gTarget[0] ? " " : "", gTarget);
181 Wait();
182 if (gExitStatus == 0) {
183 printf("\r%-70s", s1);
184 printf("[%s%s%s]", ((gNBufUsed - strlen(gArgsStr)) < 4) ? SETCOLOR_SUCCESS : SETCOLOR_WARNING, "OK", SETCOLOR_NORMAL);
185 printf("%-5s\n", " ");
186 } else {
187 printf("\r%-70s", s1);
189 printf("%-2s\n", " ");
190 gDumpCmdArgs = 1; /* print cmd when there are errors */
191 }
192 fflush(stdout);
193 return (0);
194 } /* SlurpProgress */
198 static int SlurpAll(int fd)
199 {
200 char *newbuf;
201 size_t ntoread;
202 ssize_t nread;
204 printf("%s%s%s.\n", gAction, gTarget[0] ? " " : "", gTarget);
205 fflush(stdout);
207 for(;;) {
208 if (gNBufUsed == (gNBufAllocated - 1)) {
209 if ((newbuf = (char *) realloc(gBuf, gNBufAllocated + TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE)) == NULL) {
210 perror("ccdv: realloc");
211 return (-1);
212 }
213 gNBufAllocated += TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE;
214 gBuf = newbuf;
215 }
216 ntoread = (gNBufAllocated - gNBufUsed - 1);
217 nread = read(fd, gBuf + gNBufUsed, ntoread);
218 if (nread < 0) {
219 if (errno == EINTR)
220 continue;
221 perror("ccdv: read");
222 return (-1);
223 } else if (nread == 0) {
224 break;
225 }
226 gNBufUsed += nread;
227 gBuf[gNBufUsed] = '\0';
228 }
229 Wait();
230 gDumpCmdArgs = (gExitStatus != 0); /* print cmd when there are errors */
231 return (0);
232 } /* SlurpAll */
236 static const char *Basename(const char *path)
237 {
238 const char *cp;
239 cp = strrchr(path, '/');
240 if (cp == NULL)
241 return (path);
242 return (cp + 1);
243 } /* Basename */
247 static const char * Extension(const char *path)
248 {
249 const char *cp = path;
250 cp = strrchr(path, '.');
251 if (cp == NULL)
252 return ("");
253 // printf("Extension='%s'\n", cp);
254 return (cp);
255 } /* Extension */
259 static void Usage(void)
260 {
261 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ccdv /path/to/cc CFLAGS...\n\n");
262 fprintf(stderr, "I wrote this to reduce the deluge Make output to make finding actual problems\n");
263 fprintf(stderr, "easier. It is intended to be invoked from Makefiles, like this. Instead of:\n\n");
264 fprintf(stderr, "\t.c.o:\n");
265 fprintf(stderr, "\t\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -c\n");
266 fprintf(stderr, "\nRewrite your rule so it looks like:\n\n");
267 fprintf(stderr, "\t.c.o:\n");
268 fprintf(stderr, "\t\t@ccdv $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -c\n\n");
269 fprintf(stderr, "ccdv 1.1.0 is Free under the GNU Public License. Enjoy!\n");
270 fprintf(stderr, " -- Mike Gleason, NcFTP Software <http://www.ncftp.com>\n");
271 exit(96);
272 } /* Usage */
276 int main(int argc, char **argv)
277 {
278 int pipe1[2];
279 int devnull;
280 char emerg[256];
281 int fd;
282 int nread;
283 int i;
284 int cc = 0, pch = 0;
285 const char *quote;
287 if (argc < 2)
288 Usage();
290 snprintf(gAction, sizeof(gAction), "Running %s", Basename(argv[1]));
291 memset(gArgsStr, 0, sizeof(gArgsStr));
292 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
293 // printf("argv[%d]='%s'\n", i, argv[i]);
294 quote = (strchr(argv[i], ' ') != NULL) ? "\"" : "";
295 snprintf(gArgsStr + strlen(gArgsStr), sizeof(gArgsStr) - strlen(gArgsStr), "%s%s%s%s%s", (i == 1) ? "" : " ", quote, argv[i], quote, (i == (argc - 1)) ? "\n" : "");
296 if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) && ((i + 1) < argc)) {
297 if (strcasecmp(Extension(argv[i + 1]), ".o") != 0) {
298 strcpy(gAction, "Linking");
299 snprintf(gTarget, sizeof(gTarget), "%s", Basename(argv[i + 1]));
300 }
301 } else if (strchr("-+", (int) argv[i][0]) != NULL) {
302 continue;
303 } else if (strncasecmp(Extension(argv[i]), ".c", 2) == 0) {
304 cc++;
305 snprintf(gTarget, sizeof(gTarget), "%s", Basename(argv[i]));
306 // printf("gTarget='%s'\n", gTarget);
307 } else if ((strncasecmp(Extension(argv[i]), ".h", 2) == 0) && (cc == 0)) {
308 pch++;
309 snprintf(gTarget, sizeof(gTarget), "%s", Basename(argv[i]));
310 } else if ((i == 1) && (strcmp(Basename(argv[i]), "ar") == 0)) {
311 snprintf(gAr, sizeof(gAr), "%s", Basename(argv[i]));
312 } else if ((gArLibraryTarget[0] == '\0') && (strcasecmp(Extension(argv[i]), ".a") == 0)) {
313 snprintf(gArLibraryTarget, sizeof(gArLibraryTarget), "%s", Basename(argv[i]));
314 }
315 }
316 if ((gAr[0] != '\0') && (gArLibraryTarget[0] != '\0')) {
317 strcpy(gAction, "Creating library");
318 snprintf(gTarget, sizeof(gTarget), "%s", gArLibraryTarget);
319 } else if (pch > 0) {
320 strcpy(gAction, "Precompiling");
321 } else if (cc > 0) {
322 strcpy(gAction, "Compiling");
323 }
325 if (pipe(pipe1) < 0) {
326 perror("ccdv: pipe");
327 exit(97);
328 }
330 (void) close(0);
331 devnull = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 00666);
332 if ((devnull != 0) && (dup2(devnull, 0) == 0))
333 close(devnull);
335 gCCPID = (int) fork();
336 if (gCCPID < 0) {
337 (void) close(pipe1[0]);
338 (void) close(pipe1[1]);
339 perror("ccdv: fork");
340 exit(98);
341 } else if (gCCPID == 0) {
342 /* Child */
343 (void) close(pipe1[0]); /* close read end */
344 if (pipe1[1] != 1) { /* use write end on stdout */
345 (void) dup2(pipe1[1], 1);
346 (void) close(pipe1[1]);
347 }
348 (void) dup2(1, 2); /* use write end on stderr */
349 execvp(argv[1], argv + 1);
350 perror(argv[1]);
351 exit(99);
352 }
354 /* parent */
355 (void) close(pipe1[1]); /* close write end */
356 fd = pipe1[0]; /* use read end */
358 gColumns = (getenv("COLUMNS") != NULL) ? atoi(getenv("COLUMNS")) : 80;
359 gANSIEscapes = (getenv("TERM") != NULL) && (strstr(TERMS, getenv("TERM")) != NULL);
360 gBuf = (char *) malloc(TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE);
361 if (gBuf == NULL)
362 goto panic;
363 gNBufUsed = 0;
364 gNBufAllocated = TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE;
365 if (strlen(gArgsStr) < (gNBufAllocated - 1)) {
366 strcpy(gBuf, gArgsStr);
367 gNBufUsed = strlen(gArgsStr);
368 }
370 if (isatty(1)) {
371 if (SlurpProgress(fd) < 0)
372 goto panic;
373 } else {
374 if (SlurpAll(fd) < 0)
375 goto panic;
376 }
377 DumpFormattedOutput();
378 exit(gExitStatus);
380 panic:
381 gDumpCmdArgs = 1; /* print cmd when there are errors */
382 DumpFormattedOutput();
383 while ((nread = read(fd, emerg, (size_t) sizeof(emerg))) > 0)
384 (void) write(2, emerg, (size_t) nread);
385 Wait();
386 exit(gExitStatus);
387 } /* main */