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442 <!--
443 Administrative API header for CUPS.
445 Copyright © 2016 by Apple Inc.
447 Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
448 information.
449 -->
451 <h1 class='title'>Administrative APIs</h1>
453 <div class='summary'><table summary='General Information'>
454 <thead>
455 <tr>
456 <th>Header</th>
457 <th>cups/adminutil.h</th>
458 </tr>
459 </thead>
460 <tbody>
461 <tr>
462 <th>Library</th>
463 <td>-lcups</td>
464 </tr>
465 <tr>
466 <th>See Also</th>
467 <td>Programming: <a href='api-overview.html' target='_top'>Introduction to CUPS Programming</a><br>
468 Programming: <a href='api-cups.html' target='_top'>CUPS API</a><br>
469 Programming: <a href='api-httpipp.html' target='_top'>HTTP and IPP APIs</a></td>
470 </tr>
471 </tbody>
472 </table></div>
473 <div class="contents">
474 <h2 class="title">Contents</h2>
475 <ul class="contents">
476 <li><a href="#OVERVIEW">Overview</a><ul class="subcontents">
477 <li><a href="#SETTINGS">Scheduler Settings</a></li>
478 <li><a href="#DEVICES">Devices</a></li>
479 </ul></li>
480 <li><a href="#FUNCTIONS">Functions</a><ul class="subcontents">
481 <li><a href="#cupsAdminCreateWindowsPPD">cupsAdminCreateWindowsPPD</a></li>
482 <li><a href="#cupsAdminExportSamba">cupsAdminExportSamba</a></li>
483 <li><a href="#cupsAdminGetServerSettings">cupsAdminGetServerSettings</a></li>
484 <li><a href="#cupsAdminSetServerSettings">cupsAdminSetServerSettings</a></li>
485 <li><a href="#cupsGetDevices">cupsGetDevices</a></li>
486 </ul></li>
487 <li><a href="#TYPES">Data Types</a><ul class="subcontents">
488 <li><a href="#cups_device_cb_t">cups_device_cb_t</a></li>
489 </ul></li>
490 </ul>
491 </div>
492 <div class="body">
493 <!--
494 Administrative API documentation for CUPS.
496 Copyright © 2016 by Apple Inc.
498 Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
499 information.
500 -->
502 <h2 class="title"><a name="OVERVIEW">Overview</a></h2>
504 <p>The administrative APIs provide convenience functions to perform certain administrative functions with the CUPS scheduler.</p>
506 <blockquote><b>Note:<b>
507 <p>Administrative functions normally require administrative privileges to execute and must not be used in ordinary user applications!</p>
508 </blockquote>
510 <h3><a name="SETTINGS">Scheduler Settings</a></h3>
512 <p>The <a href="#cupsAdminGetServerSettings"><code>cupsAdminGetServerSettings</code></a> and <a href="#cupsAdminSetServerSettings"><code>cupsAdminSetServerSettings</code></a> functions allow you to get and set simple directives and their values, respectively, in the <var>cupsd.conf</var> file for the CUPS scheduler. Settings are stored in CUPS option arrays which provide a simple list of string name/value pairs. While any simple <var>cupsd.conf</var> directive name can be specified, the following convenience names are also defined to control common complex directives:</p>
514 <ul>
515 <li><code>CUPS_SERVER_DEBUG_LOGGING</code></li>: For <code>cupsAdminGetServerSettings</code>, a value of "1" means that the <code>LogLevel</code> directive is set to <code>debug</code> or <code>debug2</code> while a value of "0" means it is set to any other value. For <code>cupsAdminSetServerSettings</code> a value of "1" sets the <code>LogLeveL</code> to <code>debug</code> while a value of "0" sets it to <code>warn</code>.</li>
516 <li><code>CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ADMIN</code></li>: A value of "1" specifies that administrative requests are accepted from remote addresses while "0" specifies that requests are only accepted from local addresses (loopback interface and domain sockets).</li>
517 <li><code>CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ANY</code></li>: A value of "1" specifies that requests are accepts from any address while "0" specifies that requests are only accepted from the local subnet (when sharing is enabled) or local addresses (loopback interface and domain sockets).</li>
518 <li><code>CUPS_SERVER_SHARE_PRINTERS</code></li>: A value of "1" specifies that printer sharing is enabled for selected printers and remote requests are accepted while a value of "0" specifies that printer sharing is disables and remote requests are not accepted.</li>
519 <li><code>CUPS_SERVER_USER_CANCEL_ANY</code></li>: A value of "1" specifies that the default security policy allows any user to cancel any print job, regardless of the owner. A value of "0" specifies that only administrative users can cancel other user's jobs.</li>
520 </ul>
522 <blockquote><b>Note:</b>
523 <p>Changing settings will restart the CUPS scheduler.</p>
524 <p>When printer sharing or the web interface are enabled, the scheduler's launch-on-demand functionality is effectively disabled. This can affect power usage, system performance, and the security profile of a system.</p>
525 </blockquote>
527 <p>The recommended way to make changes to the <var>cupsd.conf</var> is to first call <a href="#cupsAdminGetServerSettings"><code>cupsAdminGetServerSettings</code></a>, make any changes to the returned option array, and then call <a href="#cupsAdminSetServerSettings"><code>cupsAdminSetServerSettings</code></a> to save those settings. For example, to enable the web interface:</p>
529 <pre class="example">
530 #include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
531 #include &lt;cups/adminutil.h&gt;
533 void
534 enable_web_interface(void)
535 {
536 int num_settings = 0; /* Number of settings */
537 cups_option_t *settings = NULL; /* Settings */
540 if (!<a href="#cupsAdminGetServerSettings">cupsAdminGetServerSettings</a>(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, &amp;num_settings, &amp;settings))
541 {
542 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to get server settings: %s\n", cupsLastErrorString());
543 return;
544 }
546 num_settings = <a href="api-cups.html#cupsAddOption">cupsAddOption</a>("WebInterface", "Yes", num_settings, &amp;settings);
548 if (!<a href="#cupsAdminSetServerSettings">cupsAdminSetServerSettings</a>(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, num_settings, settings))
549 {
550 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to set server settings: %s\n", cupsLastErrorString());
551 }
553 <a href="api-cups.html#cupsFreeOptions">cupsFreeOptions</a>(num_settings, settings);
554 }
555 </pre>
557 <h3><a name="DEVICES">Devices</a></h3>
559 <p>Printers can be discovered through the CUPS scheduler using the <a href="#cupsGetDevices"><code>cupsGetDevices</code></a> API. Typically this API is used to locate printers to add the the system. Each device that is found will cause a supplied callback function to be executed. For example, to list the available printer devices that can be found within 30 seconds:</p>
561 <pre class="example">
562 #include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
563 #include &lt;cups/adminutil.h&gt;
566 void
567 get_devices_cb(
568 const char *device_class, /* I - Class */
569 const char *device_id, /* I - 1284 device ID */
570 const char *device_info, /* I - Description */
571 const char *device_make_and_model, /* I - Make and model */
572 const char *device_uri, /* I - Device URI */
573 const char *device_location, /* I - Location */
574 void *user_data) /* I - User data */
575 {
576 puts(device_uri);
577 }
580 void
581 show_devices(void)
582 {
583 <a href="#cupsGetDevices">cupsGetDevices</a>(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, 30, NULL, NULL, get_devices_cb, NULL);
584 }
585 </pre>
586 <h2 class="title"><a id="FUNCTIONS">Functions</a></h2>
587 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="cupsAdminCreateWindowsPPD">cupsAdminCreateWindowsPPD</a></h3>
588 <p class="description">Create the Windows PPD file for a printer.</p>
589 <p class="code">
590 char *cupsAdminCreateWindowsPPD(http_t *http, const char *dest, char *buffer, int bufsize);</p>
591 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
592 <table class="list"><tbody>
593 <tr><th>http</th>
594 <td class="description">Connection to server or <code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
595 <tr><th>dest</th>
596 <td class="description">Printer or class</td></tr>
597 <tr><th>buffer</th>
598 <td class="description">Filename buffer</td></tr>
599 <tr><th>bufsize</th>
600 <td class="description">Size of filename buffer</td></tr>
601 </tbody></table>
602 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
603 <p class="description">PPD file or NULL</p>
604 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="cupsAdminExportSamba">cupsAdminExportSamba</a></h3>
605 <p class="description">Export a printer to Samba.</p>
606 <p class="code">
607 int cupsAdminExportSamba(const char *dest, const char *ppd, const char *samba_server, const char *samba_user, const char *samba_password, FILE *logfile);</p>
608 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
609 <table class="list"><tbody>
610 <tr><th>dest</th>
611 <td class="description">Destination to export</td></tr>
612 <tr><th>ppd</th>
613 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
614 <tr><th>samba_server</th>
615 <td class="description">Samba server</td></tr>
616 <tr><th>samba_user</th>
617 <td class="description">Samba username</td></tr>
618 <tr><th>samba_password</th>
619 <td class="description">Samba password</td></tr>
620 <tr><th>logfile</th>
621 <td class="description">Log file, if any</td></tr>
622 </tbody></table>
623 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
624 <p class="description">1 on success, 0 on failure</p>
625 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="cupsAdminGetServerSettings">cupsAdminGetServerSettings</a></h3>
626 <p class="description">Get settings from the server.</p>
627 <p class="code">
628 int cupsAdminGetServerSettings(http_t *http, int *num_settings, cups_option_t **settings);</p>
629 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
630 <table class="list"><tbody>
631 <tr><th>http</th>
632 <td class="description">Connection to server or <code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
633 <tr><th>num_settings</th>
634 <td class="description">Number of settings</td></tr>
635 <tr><th>settings</th>
636 <td class="description">Settings</td></tr>
637 </tbody></table>
638 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
639 <p class="description">1 on success, 0 on failure</p>
640 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
641 <p class="discussion">The returned settings should be freed with cupsFreeOptions() when
642 you are done with them.
644 </p>
645 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="cupsAdminSetServerSettings">cupsAdminSetServerSettings</a></h3>
646 <p class="description">Set settings on the server.</p>
647 <p class="code">
648 int cupsAdminSetServerSettings(http_t *http, int num_settings, cups_option_t *settings);</p>
649 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
650 <table class="list"><tbody>
651 <tr><th>http</th>
652 <td class="description">Connection to server or <code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
653 <tr><th>num_settings</th>
654 <td class="description">Number of settings</td></tr>
655 <tr><th>settings</th>
656 <td class="description">Settings</td></tr>
657 </tbody></table>
658 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
659 <p class="description">1 on success, 0 on failure</p>
660 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="cupsGetDevices">cupsGetDevices</a></h3>
661 <p class="description">Get available printer devices.</p>
662 <p class="code">
663 ipp_status_t cupsGetDevices(http_t *http, int timeout, const char *include_schemes, const char *exclude_schemes, <a href="#cups_device_cb_t">cups_device_cb_t</a> callback, void *user_data);</p>
664 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
665 <table class="list"><tbody>
666 <tr><th>http</th>
667 <td class="description">Connection to server or <code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
668 <tr><th>timeout</th>
669 <td class="description">Timeout in seconds or <code>CUPS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
670 <tr><th>include_schemes</th>
671 <td class="description">Comma-separated URI schemes to include or <code>CUPS_INCLUDE_ALL</code></td></tr>
672 <tr><th>exclude_schemes</th>
673 <td class="description">Comma-separated URI schemes to exclude or <code>CUPS_EXCLUDE_NONE</code></td></tr>
674 <tr><th>callback</th>
675 <td class="description">Callback function</td></tr>
676 <tr><th>user_data</th>
677 <td class="description">User data pointer</td></tr>
678 </tbody></table>
679 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
680 <p class="description">Request status - <code>IPP_OK</code> on success.</p>
681 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
682 <p class="discussion">This function sends a CUPS-Get-Devices request and streams the discovered
683 devices to the specified callback function. The &quot;timeout&quot; parameter controls
684 how long the request lasts, while the &quot;include_schemes&quot; and &quot;exclude_schemes&quot;
685 parameters provide comma-delimited lists of backends to include or omit from
686 the request respectively.<br>
687 <br>
688 This function is deprecated with the IPP printer discovery functionality
689 being provided by the <a href="#cupsEnumDests"><code>cupsEnumDests</code></a> and @cupsGetDests@ functions.
691 </p>
692 <h2 class="title"><a id="TYPES">Data Types</a></h2>
693 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="cups_device_cb_t"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6&#160;</span>cups_device_cb_t</a></h3>
694 <p class="description">Device callback
695 </p>
696 <p class="code">
697 typedef void (*cups_device_cb_t)(const char *device_class, const char *device_id, const char *device_info, const char *device_make_and_model, const char *device_uri, const char *device_location, void *user_data);
698 </p>
699 </div>
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