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442 <!--
443 PPD API header for CUPS.
445 Copyright © 2008-2012 by Apple Inc.
447 Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
448 information.
449 -->
451 <h1 class='title'>PPD API (DEPRECATED)</h1>
453 <blockquote>The PPD API is deprecated starting in CUPS 1.6/macOS 10.8. Please use the new Job Ticket APIs in the <a href="api-cups.html">CUPS API</a> documentation. These functions will be removed in a future release of CUPS.</blockquote>
455 <div class='summary'><table summary='General Information'>
456 <thead>
457 <tr>
458 <th>Header</th>
459 <th>cups/ppd.h</th>
460 </tr>
461 </thead>
462 <tbody>
463 <tr>
464 <th>Library</th>
465 <td>-lcups</td>
466 </tr>
467 <tr>
468 <th>See Also</th>
469 <td>Programming: <a href='api-overview.html' target='_top'>Introduction to CUPS Programming</a><br>
470 Programming: <a href='api-cups.html' target='_top'>CUPS API</a><br>
471 Specifications: <a href='spec-ppd.html' target='_top'>CUPS PPD Extensions</a></td>
472 </tr>
473 </tbody>
474 </table></div>
475 <div class="contents">
476 <h2 class="title">Contents</h2>
477 <ul class="contents">
478 <li><a href="#OVERVIEW">Overview</a><ul class="subcontents">
479 <li><a href="#LOADING">Loading a PPD File</a></li>
480 <li><a href="#OPTIONS_AND_GROUPS">Options and Groups</a></li>
481 <li><a href="#CONSTRAINTS">Constraints</a></li>
482 <li><a href="#PAGE_SIZES">Page Sizes</a></li>
483 <li><a href="#ATTRIBUTES">Attributes</a></li>
484 </ul></li>
485 <li><a href="#FUNCTIONS">Functions</a><ul class="subcontents">
486 <li><a href="#cupsGetConflicts">cupsGetConflicts</a></li>
487 <li><a href="#cupsGetPPD">cupsGetPPD</a></li>
488 <li><a href="#cupsGetPPD2">cupsGetPPD2</a></li>
489 <li><a href="#cupsGetPPD3">cupsGetPPD3</a></li>
490 <li><a href="#cupsGetServerPPD">cupsGetServerPPD</a></li>
491 <li><a href="#cupsMarkOptions">cupsMarkOptions</a></li>
492 <li><a href="#cupsResolveConflicts">cupsResolveConflicts</a></li>
493 <li><a href="#ppdCollect">ppdCollect</a></li>
494 <li><a href="#ppdCollect2">ppdCollect2</a></li>
495 <li><a href="#ppdConflicts">ppdConflicts</a></li>
496 <li><a href="#ppdEmit">ppdEmit</a></li>
497 <li><a href="#ppdEmitAfterOrder">ppdEmitAfterOrder</a></li>
498 <li><a href="#ppdEmitFd">ppdEmitFd</a></li>
499 <li><a href="#ppdEmitJCL">ppdEmitJCL</a></li>
500 <li><a href="#ppdEmitJCLEnd">ppdEmitJCLEnd</a></li>
501 <li><a href="#ppdEmitString">ppdEmitString</a></li>
502 <li><a href="#ppdFindAttr">ppdFindAttr</a></li>
503 <li><a href="#ppdFindChoice">ppdFindChoice</a></li>
504 <li><a href="#ppdFindCustomOption">ppdFindCustomOption</a></li>
505 <li><a href="#ppdFindCustomParam">ppdFindCustomParam</a></li>
506 <li><a href="#ppdFindMarkedChoice">ppdFindMarkedChoice</a></li>
507 <li><a href="#ppdFindNextAttr">ppdFindNextAttr</a></li>
508 <li><a href="#ppdFindOption">ppdFindOption</a></li>
509 <li><a href="#ppdFirstCustomParam">ppdFirstCustomParam</a></li>
510 <li><a href="#ppdFirstOption">ppdFirstOption</a></li>
511 <li><a href="#ppdInstallableConflict">ppdInstallableConflict</a></li>
512 <li><a href="#ppdIsMarked">ppdIsMarked</a></li>
513 <li><a href="#ppdLocalize">ppdLocalize</a></li>
514 <li><a href="#ppdLocalizeAttr">ppdLocalizeAttr</a></li>
515 <li><a href="#ppdLocalizeIPPReason">ppdLocalizeIPPReason</a></li>
516 <li><a href="#ppdLocalizeMarkerName">ppdLocalizeMarkerName</a></li>
517 <li><a href="#ppdMarkDefaults">ppdMarkDefaults</a></li>
518 <li><a href="#ppdMarkOption">ppdMarkOption</a></li>
519 <li><a href="#ppdNextCustomParam">ppdNextCustomParam</a></li>
520 <li><a href="#ppdNextOption">ppdNextOption</a></li>
521 <li><a href="#ppdPageLength">ppdPageLength</a></li>
522 <li><a href="#ppdPageSize">ppdPageSize</a></li>
523 <li><a href="#ppdPageSizeLimits">ppdPageSizeLimits</a></li>
524 <li><a href="#ppdPageWidth">ppdPageWidth</a></li>
525 </ul></li>
526 <li><a href="#TYPES">Data Types</a><ul class="subcontents">
527 <li><a href="#ppd_attr_t">ppd_attr_t</a></li>
528 <li><a href="#ppd_choice_t">ppd_choice_t</a></li>
529 <li><a href="#ppd_conform_t">ppd_conform_t</a></li>
530 <li><a href="#ppd_const_t">ppd_const_t</a></li>
531 <li><a href="#ppd_coption_t">ppd_coption_t</a></li>
532 <li><a href="#ppd_cparam_t">ppd_cparam_t</a></li>
533 <li><a href="#ppd_cplimit_t">ppd_cplimit_t</a></li>
534 <li><a href="#ppd_cptype_t">ppd_cptype_t</a></li>
535 <li><a href="#ppd_cpvalue_t">ppd_cpvalue_t</a></li>
536 <li><a href="#ppd_cs_t">ppd_cs_t</a></li>
537 <li><a href="#ppd_emul_t">ppd_emul_t</a></li>
538 <li><a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a></li>
539 <li><a href="#ppd_group_t">ppd_group_t</a></li>
540 <li><a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a></li>
541 <li><a href="#ppd_profile_t">ppd_profile_t</a></li>
542 <li><a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a></li>
543 <li><a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a></li>
544 <li><a href="#ppd_status_t">ppd_status_t</a></li>
545 <li><a href="#ppd_ui_t">ppd_ui_t</a></li>
546 </ul></li>
547 <li><a href="#STRUCTURES">Structures</a><ul class="subcontents">
548 <li><a href="#ppd_attr_s">ppd_attr_s</a></li>
549 <li><a href="#ppd_choice_s">ppd_choice_s</a></li>
550 <li><a href="#ppd_const_s">ppd_const_s</a></li>
551 <li><a href="#ppd_coption_s">ppd_coption_s</a></li>
552 <li><a href="#ppd_cparam_s">ppd_cparam_s</a></li>
553 <li><a href="#ppd_emul_s">ppd_emul_s</a></li>
554 <li><a href="#ppd_file_s">ppd_file_s</a></li>
555 <li><a href="#ppd_group_s">ppd_group_s</a></li>
556 <li><a href="#ppd_option_s">ppd_option_s</a></li>
557 <li><a href="#ppd_profile_s">ppd_profile_s</a></li>
558 <li><a href="#ppd_size_s">ppd_size_s</a></li>
559 </ul></li>
560 <li><a href="#UNIONS">Unions</a><ul class="subcontents">
561 <li><a href="#ppd_cplimit_u">ppd_cplimit_u</a></li>
562 <li><a href="#ppd_cpvalue_u">ppd_cpvalue_u</a></li>
563 </ul></li>
564 <li><a href="#ENUMERATIONS">Enumerations</a><ul class="subcontents">
565 <li><a href="#ppd_conform_e">ppd_conform_e</a></li>
566 <li><a href="#ppd_cptype_e">ppd_cptype_e</a></li>
567 <li><a href="#ppd_cs_e">ppd_cs_e</a></li>
568 <li><a href="#ppd_section_e">ppd_section_e</a></li>
569 <li><a href="#ppd_status_e">ppd_status_e</a></li>
570 <li><a href="#ppd_ui_e">ppd_ui_e</a></li>
571 </ul></li>
572 </ul>
573 </div>
574 <div class="body">
575 <!--
576 PPD API introduction for CUPS.
578 Copyright © 2007-2018 by Apple Inc.
579 Copyright © 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
581 Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
582 information.
583 -->
585 <h2 class='title'><a name='OVERVIEW'>Overview</a></h2>
587 <blockquote>The PPD API is deprecated starting in CUPS 1.6/macOS 10.8. Please use the new Job Ticket APIs in the <a href="cupspm.html">CUPS API</a> documentation. These functions will be removed in a future release of CUPS.</blockquote>
589 <p>The CUPS PPD API provides read-only access the data in PostScript Printer
590 Description ("PPD") files which are used for all printers with a driver. With
591 it you can obtain the data necessary to display printer options to users, mark
592 option choices and check for conflicting choices, and output marked choices in
593 PostScript output. The <a href="#ppd_file_t"><code>ppd_file_t</code></a>
594 structure contains all of the information in a PPD file.</p>
596 <blockquote><b>Note:</b>
598 <p>The CUPS PPD API uses the terms "option" and "choice" instead of the Adobe
599 terms "MainKeyword" and "OptionKeyword" to refer to specific printer options and
600 features. CUPS also treats option ("MainKeyword") and choice ("OptionKeyword")
601 values as case-insensitive strings, so option "InputSlot" and choice "Upper"
602 are equivalent to "inputslot" and "upper", respectively.</p>
603 </blockquote>
605 <h3><a name="LOADING">Loading a PPD File</a></h3>
607 <p>The <a href="#ppdOpenFile"><code>ppdOpenFile</code></a> function "opens" a
608 PPD file and loads it into memory. For example, the following code opens the
609 current printer's PPD file in a CUPS filter:</p>
611 <pre class="example">
612 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
614 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd = <a href="#ppdOpenFile">ppdOpenFile</a>(getenv("PPD"));
615 </pre>
617 <p>The return value is a pointer to a new
618 <a href="#ppd_file_t"><code>ppd_file_t</code></a> structure or <code>NULL</code>
619 if the PPD file does not exist or cannot be loaded. The
620 <a href="#ppdClose"><code>ppdClose</code></a> function frees the memory used
621 by the structure:</p>
623 <pre class="example">
624 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
626 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd;
628 <a href="#ppdClose">ppdClose</a>(ppd);
629 </pre>
631 <p>Once closed, pointers to the <a href="#ppd_file_t"><code>ppd_file_t</code></a>
632 structure and any data in it will no longer be valid.</p>
634 <h3><a name="OPTIONS_AND_GROUPS">Options and Groups</a></h3>
636 <p>PPD files support multiple options, which are stored in arrays of
637 <a href="#ppd_option_t"><code>ppd_option_t</code></a> and
638 <a href="#ppd_choice_t"><code>ppd_choice_t</code></a> structures.</p>
640 <p>Each option in turn is associated with a group stored in a
641 <a href="#ppd_group_t"><code>ppd_group_t</code></a> structure. Groups can be
642 specified in the PPD file; if an option is not associated with a group
643 then it is put in an automatically-generated "General" group. Groups can also
644 have sub-groups, however CUPS currently ignores sub-groups because of past
645 abuses of this functionality.</p>
647 <p>Option choices are selected by marking them using one of three functions. The
648 first is <a href="#ppdMarkDefaults"><code>ppdMarkDefaults</code></a> which
649 selects all of the default options in the PPD file:</p>
651 <pre class="example">
652 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
654 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd;
656 <a href="#ppdMarkDefaults">ppdMarkDefaults</a>(ppd);
657 </pre>
659 <p>The second is <a href="#ppdMarkOption"><code>ppdMarkOption</code></a>
660 which selects a single option choice in the PPD file. For example, the following
661 code selects the upper paper tray:</p>
663 <pre class="example">
664 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
666 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd;
668 <a href="#ppdMarkOption">ppdMarkOption</a>(ppd, "InputSlot", "Upper");
669 </pre>
671 <p>The last function is
672 <a href="#cupsMarkOptions"><code>cupsMarkOptions</code></a> which selects
673 multiple option choices in the PPD file from an array of CUPS options, mapping
674 IPP attributes like "media" and "sides" to their corresponding PPD options. You
675 typically use this function in a print filter with
676 <code>cupsParseOptions</code> and
677 <a href="#ppdMarkDefaults"><code>ppdMarkDefaults</code></a> to select all of
678 the option choices needed for the job, for example:</p>
680 <pre class="example">
681 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
683 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd = <a href="#ppdOpenFile">ppdOpenFile</a>(getenv("PPD"));
684 cups_option_t *options = NULL;
685 int num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &amp;options);
687 <a href="#ppdMarkDefaults">ppdMarkDefaults</a>(ppd);
688 <a href="#cupsMarkOptions">cupsMarkOptions</a>(ppd, num_options, options);
689 cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);
690 </pre>
692 <h3><a name="CONSTRAINTS">Constraints</a></h3>
694 <p>PPD files support specification of conflict conditions, called
695 constraints, between different options. Constraints are stored in an array of
696 <a href="#ppd_const_t"><code>ppd_const_t</code></a> structures which specify
697 the options and choices that conflict with each other. The
698 <a href="#ppdConflicts"><code>ppdConflicts</code></a> function tells you
699 how many of the selected options are incompatible. Since constraints are
700 normally specified in pairs, the returned value is typically an even number.</p>
702 <h3><a name="PAGE_SIZES">Page Sizes</a></h3>
704 <p>Page sizes are special options which have physical dimensions and margins
705 associated with them. The size information is stored in
706 <a href="#ppd_size_t"><code>ppd_size_t</code></a> structures and is available
707 by looking up the named size with the
708 <a href="#ppdPageSize"><code>ppdPageSize</code></a> function. The page size and
709 margins are returned in units called points; there are 72 points per inch. If
710 you pass <code>NULL</code> for the size, the currently selected size is
711 returned:</p>
713 <pre class="example">
714 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
716 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd;
717 <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *size = <a href="#ppdPageSize">ppdPageSize</a>(ppd, NULL);
718 </pre>
720 <p>Besides the standard page sizes listed in a PPD file, some printers
721 support variable or custom page sizes. Custom page sizes are supported if the
722 <code>variables_sizes</code> member of the
723 <a href="#ppd_file_t"><code>ppd_file_t</code></a> structure is non-zero.
724 The <code>custom_min</code>, <code>custom_max</code>, and
725 <code>custom_margins</code> members of the
726 <a href="#ppd_file_t"><code>ppd_file_t</code></a> structure define the limits
727 of the printable area. To get the resulting media size, use a page size string
728 of the form "Custom.<I>width</I>x<I>length</I>", where "width" and "length" are
729 in points. Custom page size names can also be specified in inches
730 ("Custom.<i>width</i>x<i>height</i>in"), centimeters
731 ("Custom.<i>width</i>x<i>height</i>cm"), or millimeters
732 ("Custom.<i>width</i>x<i>height</i>mm"):</p>
734 <pre class="example">
735 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
737 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd;
739 /* Get an 576x720 point custom page size */
740 <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *size = <a href="#ppdPageSize">ppdPageSize</a>(ppd, "Custom.576x720");
742 /* Get an 8x10 inch custom page size */
743 <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *size = <a href="#ppdPageSize">ppdPageSize</a>(ppd, "Custom.8x10in");
745 /* Get a 100x200 millimeter custom page size */
746 <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *size = <a href="#ppdPageSize">ppdPageSize</a>(ppd, "Custom.100x200mm");
748 /* Get a 12.7x34.5 centimeter custom page size */
749 <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *size = <a href="#ppdPageSize">ppdPageSize</a>(ppd, "Custom.12.7x34.5cm");
750 </pre>
752 <p>If the PPD does not support variable page sizes, the
753 <a href="#ppdPageSize"><code>ppdPageSize</code></a> function will return
754 <code>NULL</code>.</p>
756 <h3><a name="ATTRIBUTES">Attributes</a></h3>
758 <p>Every PPD file is composed of one or more attributes. Most of these
759 attributes are used to define groups, options, choices, and page sizes,
760 however several informational attributes may be present which you can access
761 in your program or filter. Attributes normally look like one of the following
762 examples in a PPD file:</p>
764 <pre class="example">
765 *name: "value"
766 *name spec: "value"
767 *name spec/text: "value"
768 </pre>
770 <p>The <a href="#ppdFindAttr"><code>ppdFindAttr</code></a> and
771 <a href="#ppdFindNextAttr"><code>ppdFindNextAttr</code></a> functions find the
772 first and next instances, respectively, of the named attribute with the given
773 "spec" string and return a <a href="#ppd_attr_t"><code>ppd_attr_t</code></a>
774 structure. If you provide a NULL specifier string, all attributes with the
775 given name will be returned. For example, the following code lists all of the
776 <code>Product</code> attributes in a PPD file:</p>
778 <pre class="example">
779 #include &lt;cups/ppd.h&gt;
781 <a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd;
782 <a href="#ppd_attr_t">ppd_attr_t</a> *attr;
784 for (attr = <a href="#ppdFindAttr">ppdFindAttr</a>(ppd, "Product", NULL);
785 attr != NULL;
786 attr = <a href="#ppdFindNextAttr">ppdFindNextAttr</a>(ppd, "Product", NULL))
787 puts(attr->value);
788 </pre>
789 <h2 class="title"><a id="FUNCTIONS">Functions</a></h2>
790 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6&#160;</span><a id="cupsGetConflicts">cupsGetConflicts</a></h3>
791 <p class="description">Get a list of conflicting options in a marked PPD.</p>
792 <p class="code">
793 int cupsGetConflicts(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice, cups_option_t **options);</p>
794 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
795 <table class="list"><tbody>
796 <tr><th>ppd</th>
797 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
798 <tr><th>option</th>
799 <td class="description">Option to test</td></tr>
800 <tr><th>choice</th>
801 <td class="description">Choice to test</td></tr>
802 <tr><th>options</th>
803 <td class="description">Conflicting options</td></tr>
804 </tbody></table>
805 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
806 <p class="description">Number of conflicting options</p>
807 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
808 <p class="discussion">This function gets a list of options that would conflict if &quot;option&quot; and
809 &quot;choice&quot; were marked in the PPD. You would typically call this function
810 after marking the currently selected options in the PPD in order to
811 determine whether a new option selection would cause a conflict.<br>
812 <br>
813 The number of conflicting options are returned with &quot;options&quot; pointing to
814 the conflicting options. The returned option array must be freed using
815 <a href="#cupsFreeOptions"><code>cupsFreeOptions</code></a>.
817 </p>
818 <h3 class="function"><a id="cupsGetPPD">cupsGetPPD</a></h3>
819 <p class="description">Get the PPD file for a printer on the default server.</p>
820 <p class="code">
821 const char *cupsGetPPD(const char *name);</p>
822 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
823 <table class="list"><tbody>
824 <tr><th>name</th>
825 <td class="description">Destination name</td></tr>
826 </tbody></table>
827 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
828 <p class="description">Filename for PPD file</p>
829 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
830 <p class="discussion">For classes, <code>cupsGetPPD</code> returns the PPD file for the first printer
831 in the class.<br>
832 <br>
833 The returned filename is stored in a static buffer and is overwritten with
834 each call to <code>cupsGetPPD</code> or <a href="#cupsGetPPD2"><code>cupsGetPPD2</code></a>. The caller &quot;owns&quot; the
835 file that is created and must <code>unlink</code> the returned filename.</p>
836 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.1.21/macOS 10.4&#160;</span><a id="cupsGetPPD2">cupsGetPPD2</a></h3>
837 <p class="description">Get the PPD file for a printer from the specified server.</p>
838 <p class="code">
839 const char *cupsGetPPD2(http_t *http, const char *name);</p>
840 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
841 <table class="list"><tbody>
842 <tr><th>http</th>
843 <td class="description">Connection to server or <code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
844 <tr><th>name</th>
845 <td class="description">Destination name</td></tr>
846 </tbody></table>
847 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
848 <p class="description">Filename for PPD file</p>
849 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
850 <p class="discussion">For classes, <code>cupsGetPPD2</code> returns the PPD file for the first printer
851 in the class.<br>
852 <br>
853 The returned filename is stored in a static buffer and is overwritten with
854 each call to <a href="#cupsGetPPD"><code>cupsGetPPD</code></a> or <code>cupsGetPPD2</code>. The caller &quot;owns&quot; the
855 file that is created and must <code>unlink</code> the returned filename.
857 </p>
858 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6&#160;</span><a id="cupsGetPPD3">cupsGetPPD3</a></h3>
859 <p class="description">Get the PPD file for a printer on the specified
860 server if it has changed.</p>
861 <p class="code">
862 http_status_t cupsGetPPD3(http_t *http, const char *name, time_t *modtime, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);</p>
863 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
864 <table class="list"><tbody>
865 <tr><th>http</th>
866 <td class="description">HTTP connection or <code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
867 <tr><th>name</th>
868 <td class="description">Destination name</td></tr>
869 <tr><th>modtime</th>
870 <td class="description">Modification time</td></tr>
871 <tr><th>buffer</th>
872 <td class="description">Filename buffer</td></tr>
873 <tr><th>bufsize</th>
874 <td class="description">Size of filename buffer</td></tr>
875 </tbody></table>
876 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
877 <p class="description">HTTP status</p>
878 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
879 <p class="discussion">The &quot;modtime&quot; parameter contains the modification time of any
880 locally-cached content and is updated with the time from the PPD file on
881 the server.<br>
882 <br>
883 The &quot;buffer&quot; parameter contains the local PPD filename. If it contains
884 the empty string, a new temporary file is created, otherwise the existing
885 file will be overwritten as needed. The caller &quot;owns&quot; the file that is
886 created and must <code>unlink</code> the returned filename.<br>
887 <br>
888 On success, <code>HTTP_STATUS_OK</code> is returned for a new PPD file and
889 <code>HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED</code> if the existing PPD file is up-to-date. Any other
890 status is an error.<br>
891 <br>
892 For classes, <code>cupsGetPPD3</code> returns the PPD file for the first printer
893 in the class.
895 </p>
896 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="cupsGetServerPPD">cupsGetServerPPD</a></h3>
897 <p class="description">Get an available PPD file from the server.</p>
898 <p class="code">
899 char *cupsGetServerPPD(http_t *http, const char *name);</p>
900 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
901 <table class="list"><tbody>
902 <tr><th>http</th>
903 <td class="description">Connection to server or <code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code></td></tr>
904 <tr><th>name</th>
905 <td class="description">Name of PPD file (&quot;ppd-name&quot;)</td></tr>
906 </tbody></table>
907 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
908 <p class="description">Name of PPD file or <code>NULL</code> on error</p>
909 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
910 <p class="discussion">This function returns the named PPD file from the server. The
911 list of available PPDs is provided by the IPP <code>CUPS_GET_PPDS</code>
912 operation.<br>
913 <br>
914 You must remove (unlink) the PPD file when you are finished with
915 it. The PPD filename is stored in a static location that will be
916 overwritten on the next call to <a href="#cupsGetPPD"><code>cupsGetPPD</code></a>, <a href="#cupsGetPPD2"><code>cupsGetPPD2</code></a>,
917 or <a href="#cupsGetServerPPD"><code>cupsGetServerPPD</code></a>.
919 </p>
920 <h3 class="function"><a id="cupsMarkOptions">cupsMarkOptions</a></h3>
921 <p class="description">Mark command-line options in a PPD file.</p>
922 <p class="code">
923 int cupsMarkOptions(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, int num_options, cups_option_t *options);</p>
924 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
925 <table class="list"><tbody>
926 <tr><th>ppd</th>
927 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
928 <tr><th>num_options</th>
929 <td class="description">Number of options</td></tr>
930 <tr><th>options</th>
931 <td class="description">Options</td></tr>
932 </tbody></table>
933 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
934 <p class="description">1 if conflicts exist, 0 otherwise</p>
935 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
936 <p class="discussion">This function maps the IPP &quot;finishings&quot;, &quot;media&quot;, &quot;mirror&quot;,
937 &quot;multiple-document-handling&quot;, &quot;output-bin&quot;, &quot;print-color-mode&quot;,
938 &quot;print-quality&quot;, &quot;printer-resolution&quot;, and &quot;sides&quot; attributes to their
939 corresponding PPD options and choices.</p>
940 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6&#160;</span><a id="cupsResolveConflicts">cupsResolveConflicts</a></h3>
941 <p class="description">Resolve conflicts in a marked PPD.</p>
942 <p class="code">
943 int cupsResolveConflicts(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice, int *num_options, cups_option_t **options);</p>
944 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
945 <table class="list"><tbody>
946 <tr><th>ppd</th>
947 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
948 <tr><th>option</th>
949 <td class="description">Newly selected option or <code>NULL</code> for none</td></tr>
950 <tr><th>choice</th>
951 <td class="description">Newly selected choice or <code>NULL</code> for none</td></tr>
952 <tr><th>num_options</th>
953 <td class="description">Number of additional selected options</td></tr>
954 <tr><th>options</th>
955 <td class="description">Additional selected options</td></tr>
956 </tbody></table>
957 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
958 <p class="description">1 on success, 0 on failure</p>
959 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
960 <p class="discussion">This function attempts to resolve any conflicts in a marked PPD, returning
961 a list of option changes that are required to resolve them. On input,
962 &quot;num_options&quot; and &quot;options&quot; contain any pending option changes that have
963 not yet been marked, while &quot;option&quot; and &quot;choice&quot; contain the most recent
964 selection which may or may not be in &quot;num_options&quot; or &quot;options&quot;.<br>
965 <br>
966 On successful return, &quot;num_options&quot; and &quot;options&quot; are updated to contain
967 &quot;option&quot; and &quot;choice&quot; along with any changes required to resolve conflicts
968 specified in the PPD file and 1 is returned.<br>
969 <br>
970 If option conflicts cannot be resolved, &quot;num_options&quot; and &quot;options&quot; are not
971 changed and 0 is returned.<br>
972 <br>
973 When resolving conflicts, <code>cupsResolveConflicts</code> does not consider
974 changes to the current page size (<code>media</code>, <code>PageSize</code>, and
975 <code>PageRegion</code>) or to the most recent option specified in &quot;option&quot;.
976 Thus, if the only way to resolve a conflict is to change the page size
977 or the option the user most recently changed, <code>cupsResolveConflicts</code>
978 will return 0 to indicate it was unable to resolve the conflicts.<br>
979 <br>
980 The <code>cupsResolveConflicts</code> function uses one of two sources of option
981 constraint information. The preferred constraint information is defined by
982 <code>cupsUIConstraints</code> and <code>cupsUIResolver</code> attributes - in this
983 case, the PPD file provides constraint resolution actions.<br>
984 <br>
985 The backup constraint information is defined by the
986 <code>UIConstraints</code> and <code>NonUIConstraints</code> attributes. These
987 constraints are resolved algorithmically by first selecting the default
988 choice for the conflicting option, then iterating over all possible choices
989 until a non-conflicting option choice is found.
991 </p>
992 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdCollect">ppdCollect</a></h3>
993 <p class="description">Collect all marked options that reside in the specified
994 section.</p>
995 <p class="code">
996 int ppdCollect(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, <a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a> section, <a href="#ppd_choice_t">ppd_choice_t</a> ***choices);</p>
997 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
998 <table class="list"><tbody>
999 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1000 <td class="description">PPD file data</td></tr>
1001 <tr><th>section</th>
1002 <td class="description">Section to collect</td></tr>
1003 <tr><th>choices</th>
1004 <td class="description">Pointers to choices</td></tr>
1005 </tbody></table>
1006 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1007 <p class="description">Number of options marked</p>
1008 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1009 <p class="discussion">The choices array should be freed using <code>free</code> when you are
1010 finished with it.</p>
1011 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdCollect2">ppdCollect2</a></h3>
1012 <p class="description">Collect all marked options that reside in the
1013 specified section and minimum order.</p>
1014 <p class="code">
1015 int ppdCollect2(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, <a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a> section, float min_order, <a href="#ppd_choice_t">ppd_choice_t</a> ***choices);</p>
1016 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1017 <table class="list"><tbody>
1018 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1019 <td class="description">PPD file data</td></tr>
1020 <tr><th>section</th>
1021 <td class="description">Section to collect</td></tr>
1022 <tr><th>min_order</th>
1023 <td class="description">Minimum OrderDependency value</td></tr>
1024 <tr><th>choices</th>
1025 <td class="description">Pointers to choices</td></tr>
1026 </tbody></table>
1027 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1028 <p class="description">Number of options marked</p>
1029 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1030 <p class="discussion">The choices array should be freed using <code>free</code> when you are
1031 finished with it.
1033 </p>
1034 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdConflicts">ppdConflicts</a></h3>
1035 <p class="description">Check to see if there are any conflicts among the
1036 marked option choices.</p>
1037 <p class="code">
1038 int ppdConflicts(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd);</p>
1039 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1040 <table class="list"><tbody>
1041 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1042 <td class="description">PPD to check</td></tr>
1043 </tbody></table>
1044 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1045 <p class="description">Number of conflicts found</p>
1046 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1047 <p class="discussion">The returned value is the same as returned by <a href="#ppdMarkOption"><code>ppdMarkOption</code></a>.</p>
1048 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdEmit">ppdEmit</a></h3>
1049 <p class="description">Emit code for marked options to a file.</p>
1050 <p class="code">
1051 int ppdEmit(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, FILE *fp, <a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a> section);</p>
1052 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1053 <table class="list"><tbody>
1054 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1055 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1056 <tr><th>fp</th>
1057 <td class="description">File to write to</td></tr>
1058 <tr><th>section</th>
1059 <td class="description">Section to write</td></tr>
1060 </tbody></table>
1061 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1062 <p class="description">0 on success, -1 on failure</p>
1063 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdEmitAfterOrder">ppdEmitAfterOrder</a></h3>
1064 <p class="description">Emit a subset of the code for marked options to a file.</p>
1065 <p class="code">
1066 int ppdEmitAfterOrder(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, FILE *fp, <a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a> section, int limit, float min_order);</p>
1067 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1068 <table class="list"><tbody>
1069 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1070 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1071 <tr><th>fp</th>
1072 <td class="description">File to write to</td></tr>
1073 <tr><th>section</th>
1074 <td class="description">Section to write</td></tr>
1075 <tr><th>limit</th>
1076 <td class="description">Non-zero to use min_order</td></tr>
1077 <tr><th>min_order</th>
1078 <td class="description">Lowest OrderDependency</td></tr>
1079 </tbody></table>
1080 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1081 <p class="description">0 on success, -1 on failure</p>
1082 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1083 <p class="discussion">When &quot;limit&quot; is non-zero, this function only emits options whose
1084 OrderDependency value is greater than or equal to &quot;min_order&quot;.<br>
1085 <br>
1086 When &quot;limit&quot; is zero, this function is identical to ppdEmit().
1088 </p>
1089 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdEmitFd">ppdEmitFd</a></h3>
1090 <p class="description">Emit code for marked options to a file.</p>
1091 <p class="code">
1092 int ppdEmitFd(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, int fd, <a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a> section);</p>
1093 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1094 <table class="list"><tbody>
1095 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1096 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1097 <tr><th>fd</th>
1098 <td class="description">File to write to</td></tr>
1099 <tr><th>section</th>
1100 <td class="description">Section to write</td></tr>
1101 </tbody></table>
1102 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1103 <p class="description">0 on success, -1 on failure</p>
1104 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdEmitJCL">ppdEmitJCL</a></h3>
1105 <p class="description">Emit code for JCL options to a file.</p>
1106 <p class="code">
1107 int ppdEmitJCL(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, FILE *fp, int job_id, const char *user, const char *title);</p>
1108 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1109 <table class="list"><tbody>
1110 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1111 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1112 <tr><th>fp</th>
1113 <td class="description">File to write to</td></tr>
1114 <tr><th>job_id</th>
1115 <td class="description">Job ID</td></tr>
1116 <tr><th>user</th>
1117 <td class="description">Username</td></tr>
1118 <tr><th>title</th>
1119 <td class="description">Title</td></tr>
1120 </tbody></table>
1121 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1122 <p class="description">0 on success, -1 on failure</p>
1123 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdEmitJCLEnd">ppdEmitJCLEnd</a></h3>
1124 <p class="description">Emit JCLEnd code to a file.</p>
1125 <p class="code">
1126 int ppdEmitJCLEnd(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, FILE *fp);</p>
1127 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1128 <table class="list"><tbody>
1129 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1130 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1131 <tr><th>fp</th>
1132 <td class="description">File to write to</td></tr>
1133 </tbody></table>
1134 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1135 <p class="description">0 on success, -1 on failure</p>
1136 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdEmitString">ppdEmitString</a></h3>
1137 <p class="description">Get a string containing the code for marked options.</p>
1138 <p class="code">
1139 char *ppdEmitString(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, <a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a> section, float min_order);</p>
1140 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1141 <table class="list"><tbody>
1142 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1143 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1144 <tr><th>section</th>
1145 <td class="description">Section to write</td></tr>
1146 <tr><th>min_order</th>
1147 <td class="description">Lowest OrderDependency</td></tr>
1148 </tbody></table>
1149 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1150 <p class="description">String containing option code or <code>NULL</code> if there is no option code</p>
1151 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1152 <p class="discussion">When &quot;min_order&quot; is greater than zero, this function only includes options
1153 whose OrderDependency value is greater than or equal to &quot;min_order&quot;.
1154 Otherwise, all options in the specified section are included in the
1155 returned string.<br>
1156 <br>
1157 The return string is allocated on the heap and should be freed using
1158 <code>free</code> when you are done with it.
1160 </p>
1161 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3&#160;</span><a id="ppdFindAttr">ppdFindAttr</a></h3>
1162 <p class="description">Find the first matching attribute.</p>
1163 <p class="code">
1164 <a href="#ppd_attr_t">ppd_attr_t</a> *ppdFindAttr(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *name, const char *spec);</p>
1165 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1166 <table class="list"><tbody>
1167 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1168 <td class="description">PPD file data</td></tr>
1169 <tr><th>name</th>
1170 <td class="description">Attribute name</td></tr>
1171 <tr><th>spec</th>
1172 <td class="description">Specifier string or <code>NULL</code></td></tr>
1173 </tbody></table>
1174 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1175 <p class="description">Attribute or <code>NULL</code> if not found</p>
1176 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdFindChoice">ppdFindChoice</a></h3>
1177 <p class="description">Return a pointer to an option choice.</p>
1178 <p class="code">
1179 <a href="#ppd_choice_t">ppd_choice_t</a> *ppdFindChoice(<a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a> *o, const char *choice);</p>
1180 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1181 <table class="list"><tbody>
1182 <tr><th>o</th>
1183 <td class="description">Pointer to option</td></tr>
1184 <tr><th>choice</th>
1185 <td class="description">Name of choice</td></tr>
1186 </tbody></table>
1187 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1188 <p class="description">Choice pointer or <code>NULL</code></p>
1189 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdFindCustomOption">ppdFindCustomOption</a></h3>
1190 <p class="description">Find a custom option.</p>
1191 <p class="code">
1192 <a href="#ppd_coption_t">ppd_coption_t</a> *ppdFindCustomOption(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *keyword);</p>
1193 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1194 <table class="list"><tbody>
1195 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1196 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1197 <tr><th>keyword</th>
1198 <td class="description">Custom option name</td></tr>
1199 </tbody></table>
1200 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1201 <p class="description">Custom option or NULL</p>
1202 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdFindCustomParam">ppdFindCustomParam</a></h3>
1203 <p class="description">Find a parameter for a custom option.</p>
1204 <p class="code">
1205 <a href="#ppd_cparam_t">ppd_cparam_t</a> *ppdFindCustomParam(<a href="#ppd_coption_t">ppd_coption_t</a> *opt, const char *name);</p>
1206 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1207 <table class="list"><tbody>
1208 <tr><th>opt</th>
1209 <td class="description">Custom option</td></tr>
1210 <tr><th>name</th>
1211 <td class="description">Parameter name</td></tr>
1212 </tbody></table>
1213 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1214 <p class="description">Custom parameter or NULL</p>
1215 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdFindMarkedChoice">ppdFindMarkedChoice</a></h3>
1216 <p class="description">Return the marked choice for the specified option.</p>
1217 <p class="code">
1218 <a href="#ppd_choice_t">ppd_choice_t</a> *ppdFindMarkedChoice(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *option);</p>
1219 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1220 <table class="list"><tbody>
1221 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1222 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1223 <tr><th>option</th>
1224 <td class="description">Keyword/option name</td></tr>
1225 </tbody></table>
1226 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1227 <p class="description">Pointer to choice or <code>NULL</code></p>
1228 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3&#160;</span><a id="ppdFindNextAttr">ppdFindNextAttr</a></h3>
1229 <p class="description">Find the next matching attribute.</p>
1230 <p class="code">
1231 <a href="#ppd_attr_t">ppd_attr_t</a> *ppdFindNextAttr(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *name, const char *spec);</p>
1232 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1233 <table class="list"><tbody>
1234 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1235 <td class="description">PPD file data</td></tr>
1236 <tr><th>name</th>
1237 <td class="description">Attribute name</td></tr>
1238 <tr><th>spec</th>
1239 <td class="description">Specifier string or <code>NULL</code></td></tr>
1240 </tbody></table>
1241 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1242 <p class="description">Attribute or <code>NULL</code> if not found</p>
1243 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdFindOption">ppdFindOption</a></h3>
1244 <p class="description">Return a pointer to the specified option.</p>
1245 <p class="code">
1246 <a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a> *ppdFindOption(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *option);</p>
1247 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1248 <table class="list"><tbody>
1249 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1250 <td class="description">PPD file data</td></tr>
1251 <tr><th>option</th>
1252 <td class="description">Option/Keyword name</td></tr>
1253 </tbody></table>
1254 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1255 <p class="description">Pointer to option or <code>NULL</code></p>
1256 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdFirstCustomParam">ppdFirstCustomParam</a></h3>
1257 <p class="description">Return the first parameter for a custom option.</p>
1258 <p class="code">
1259 <a href="#ppd_cparam_t">ppd_cparam_t</a> *ppdFirstCustomParam(<a href="#ppd_coption_t">ppd_coption_t</a> *opt);</p>
1260 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1261 <table class="list"><tbody>
1262 <tr><th>opt</th>
1263 <td class="description">Custom option</td></tr>
1264 </tbody></table>
1265 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1266 <p class="description">Custom parameter or NULL</p>
1267 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdFirstOption">ppdFirstOption</a></h3>
1268 <p class="description">Return the first option in the PPD file.</p>
1269 <p class="code">
1270 <a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a> *ppdFirstOption(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd);</p>
1271 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1272 <table class="list"><tbody>
1273 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1274 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1275 </tbody></table>
1276 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1277 <p class="description">First option or <code>NULL</code></p>
1278 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1279 <p class="discussion">Options are returned from all groups in ascending alphanumeric order.
1281 </p>
1282 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6&#160;</span><a id="ppdInstallableConflict">ppdInstallableConflict</a></h3>
1283 <p class="description">Test whether an option choice conflicts with
1284 an installable option.</p>
1285 <p class="code">
1286 int ppdInstallableConflict(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice);</p>
1287 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1288 <table class="list"><tbody>
1289 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1290 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1291 <tr><th>option</th>
1292 <td class="description">Option</td></tr>
1293 <tr><th>choice</th>
1294 <td class="description">Choice</td></tr>
1295 </tbody></table>
1296 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1297 <p class="description">1 if conflicting, 0 if not conflicting</p>
1298 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1299 <p class="discussion">This function tests whether a particular option choice is available based
1300 on constraints against options in the &quot;InstallableOptions&quot; group.
1302 </p>
1303 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdIsMarked">ppdIsMarked</a></h3>
1304 <p class="description">Check to see if an option is marked.</p>
1305 <p class="code">
1306 int ppdIsMarked(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice);</p>
1307 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1308 <table class="list"><tbody>
1309 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1310 <td class="description">PPD file data</td></tr>
1311 <tr><th>option</th>
1312 <td class="description">Option/Keyword name</td></tr>
1313 <tr><th>choice</th>
1314 <td class="description">Choice name</td></tr>
1315 </tbody></table>
1316 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1317 <p class="description">Non-zero if option is marked</p>
1318 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdLocalize">ppdLocalize</a></h3>
1319 <p class="description">Localize the PPD file to the current locale.</p>
1320 <p class="code">
1321 int ppdLocalize(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd);</p>
1322 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1323 <table class="list"><tbody>
1324 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1325 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1326 </tbody></table>
1327 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1328 <p class="description">0 on success, -1 on error</p>
1329 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1330 <p class="discussion">All groups, options, and choices are localized, as are ICC profile
1331 descriptions, printer presets, and custom option parameters. Each
1332 localized string uses the UTF-8 character encoding.
1334 </p>
1335 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdLocalizeAttr">ppdLocalizeAttr</a></h3>
1336 <p class="description">Localize an attribute.</p>
1337 <p class="code">
1338 <a href="#ppd_attr_t">ppd_attr_t</a> *ppdLocalizeAttr(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *keyword, const char *spec);</p>
1339 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1340 <table class="list"><tbody>
1341 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1342 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1343 <tr><th>keyword</th>
1344 <td class="description">Main keyword</td></tr>
1345 <tr><th>spec</th>
1346 <td class="description">Option keyword or <code>NULL</code> for none</td></tr>
1347 </tbody></table>
1348 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1349 <p class="description">Localized attribute or <code>NULL</code> if none exists</p>
1350 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1351 <p class="discussion">This function uses the current locale to find the localized attribute for
1352 the given main and option keywords. If no localized version of the
1353 attribute exists for the current locale, the unlocalized version is returned.</p>
1354 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdLocalizeIPPReason">ppdLocalizeIPPReason</a></h3>
1355 <p class="description">Get the localized version of a cupsIPPReason
1356 attribute.</p>
1357 <p class="code">
1358 const char *ppdLocalizeIPPReason(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *reason, const char *scheme, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);</p>
1359 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1360 <table class="list"><tbody>
1361 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1362 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1363 <tr><th>reason</th>
1364 <td class="description">IPP reason keyword to look up</td></tr>
1365 <tr><th>scheme</th>
1366 <td class="description">URI scheme or NULL for text</td></tr>
1367 <tr><th>buffer</th>
1368 <td class="description">Value buffer</td></tr>
1369 <tr><th>bufsize</th>
1370 <td class="description">Size of value buffer</td></tr>
1371 </tbody></table>
1372 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1373 <p class="description">Value or NULL if not found</p>
1374 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1375 <p class="discussion">This function uses the current locale to find the corresponding reason
1376 text or URI from the attribute value. If &quot;scheme&quot; is NULL or &quot;text&quot;,
1377 the returned value contains human-readable (UTF-8) text from the translation
1378 string or attribute value. Otherwise the corresponding URI is returned.<br>
1379 <br>
1380 If no value of the requested scheme can be found, NULL is returned.
1382 </p>
1383 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6&#160;</span><a id="ppdLocalizeMarkerName">ppdLocalizeMarkerName</a></h3>
1384 <p class="description">Get the localized version of a marker-names
1385 attribute value.</p>
1386 <p class="code">
1387 const char *ppdLocalizeMarkerName(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *name);</p>
1388 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1389 <table class="list"><tbody>
1390 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1391 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1392 <tr><th>name</th>
1393 <td class="description">Marker name to look up</td></tr>
1394 </tbody></table>
1395 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1396 <p class="description">Value or <code>NULL</code> if not found</p>
1397 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1398 <p class="discussion">This function uses the current locale to find the corresponding name
1399 text from the attribute value. If no localized text for the requested
1400 name can be found, <code>NULL</code> is returned.
1402 </p>
1403 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdMarkDefaults">ppdMarkDefaults</a></h3>
1404 <p class="description">Mark all default options in the PPD file.</p>
1405 <p class="code">
1406 void ppdMarkDefaults(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd);</p>
1407 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1408 <table class="list"><tbody>
1409 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1410 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1411 </tbody></table>
1412 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdMarkOption">ppdMarkOption</a></h3>
1413 <p class="description">Mark an option in a PPD file and return the number of
1414 conflicts.</p>
1415 <p class="code">
1416 int ppdMarkOption(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice);</p>
1417 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1418 <table class="list"><tbody>
1419 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1420 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1421 <tr><th>option</th>
1422 <td class="description">Keyword</td></tr>
1423 <tr><th>choice</th>
1424 <td class="description">Option name</td></tr>
1425 </tbody></table>
1426 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1427 <p class="description">Number of conflicts</p>
1428 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdNextCustomParam">ppdNextCustomParam</a></h3>
1429 <p class="description">Return the next parameter for a custom option.</p>
1430 <p class="code">
1431 <a href="#ppd_cparam_t">ppd_cparam_t</a> *ppdNextCustomParam(<a href="#ppd_coption_t">ppd_coption_t</a> *opt);</p>
1432 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1433 <table class="list"><tbody>
1434 <tr><th>opt</th>
1435 <td class="description">Custom option</td></tr>
1436 </tbody></table>
1437 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1438 <p class="description">Custom parameter or NULL</p>
1439 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5&#160;</span><a id="ppdNextOption">ppdNextOption</a></h3>
1440 <p class="description">Return the next option in the PPD file.</p>
1441 <p class="code">
1442 <a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a> *ppdNextOption(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd);</p>
1443 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1444 <table class="list"><tbody>
1445 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1446 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1447 </tbody></table>
1448 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1449 <p class="description">Next option or <code>NULL</code></p>
1450 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1451 <p class="discussion">Options are returned from all groups in ascending alphanumeric order.
1453 </p>
1454 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdPageLength">ppdPageLength</a></h3>
1455 <p class="description">Get the page length for the given size.</p>
1456 <p class="code">
1457 float ppdPageLength(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *name);</p>
1458 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1459 <table class="list"><tbody>
1460 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1461 <td class="description">PPD file</td></tr>
1462 <tr><th>name</th>
1463 <td class="description">Size name</td></tr>
1464 </tbody></table>
1465 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1466 <p class="description">Length of page in points or 0.0</p>
1467 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdPageSize">ppdPageSize</a></h3>
1468 <p class="description">Get the page size record for the named size.</p>
1469 <p class="code">
1470 <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *ppdPageSize(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *name);</p>
1471 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1472 <table class="list"><tbody>
1473 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1474 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1475 <tr><th>name</th>
1476 <td class="description">Size name</td></tr>
1477 </tbody></table>
1478 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1479 <p class="description">Size record for page or NULL</p>
1480 <h3 class="function"><span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6&#160;</span><a id="ppdPageSizeLimits">ppdPageSizeLimits</a></h3>
1481 <p class="description">Return the custom page size limits.</p>
1482 <p class="code">
1483 int ppdPageSizeLimits(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *minimum, <a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *maximum);</p>
1484 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1485 <table class="list"><tbody>
1486 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1487 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1488 <tr><th>minimum</th>
1489 <td class="description">Minimum custom size</td></tr>
1490 <tr><th>maximum</th>
1491 <td class="description">Maximum custom size</td></tr>
1492 </tbody></table>
1493 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1494 <p class="description">1 if custom sizes are supported, 0 otherwise</p>
1495 <h4 class="discussion">Discussion</h4>
1496 <p class="discussion">This function returns the minimum and maximum custom page sizes and printable
1497 areas based on the currently-marked (selected) options.<br>
1498 <br>
1499 If the specified PPD file does not support custom page sizes, both
1500 &quot;minimum&quot; and &quot;maximum&quot; are filled with zeroes.
1502 </p>
1503 <h3 class="function"><a id="ppdPageWidth">ppdPageWidth</a></h3>
1504 <p class="description">Get the page width for the given size.</p>
1505 <p class="code">
1506 float ppdPageWidth(<a href="#ppd_file_t">ppd_file_t</a> *ppd, const char *name);</p>
1507 <h4 class="parameters">Parameters</h4>
1508 <table class="list"><tbody>
1509 <tr><th>ppd</th>
1510 <td class="description">PPD file record</td></tr>
1511 <tr><th>name</th>
1512 <td class="description">Size name</td></tr>
1513 </tbody></table>
1514 <h4 class="returnvalue">Return Value</h4>
1515 <p class="description">Width of page in points or 0.0</p>
1516 <h2 class="title"><a id="TYPES">Data Types</a></h2>
1517 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_attr_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_attr_t</a></h3>
1518 <p class="description">PPD Attribute Structure </p>
1519 <p class="code">
1520 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_attr_s">ppd_attr_s</a> ppd_attr_t;
1521 </p>
1522 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_choice_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_choice_t</a></h3>
1523 <p class="description">Option choices </p>
1524 <p class="code">
1525 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_choice_s">ppd_choice_s</a> ppd_choice_t;
1526 </p>
1527 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_conform_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_conform_t</a></h3>
1528 <p class="description">Conformance Levels </p>
1529 <p class="code">
1530 typedef enum <a href="#ppd_conform_e">ppd_conform_e</a> ppd_conform_t;
1531 </p>
1532 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_const_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_const_t</a></h3>
1533 <p class="description">Constraints </p>
1534 <p class="code">
1535 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_const_s">ppd_const_s</a> ppd_const_t;
1536 </p>
1537 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_coption_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_coption_t</a></h3>
1538 <p class="description">Custom Option </p>
1539 <p class="code">
1540 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_coption_s">ppd_coption_s</a> ppd_coption_t;
1541 </p>
1542 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_cparam_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_cparam_t</a></h3>
1543 <p class="description">Custom Parameter </p>
1544 <p class="code">
1545 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_cparam_s">ppd_cparam_s</a> ppd_cparam_t;
1546 </p>
1547 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_cplimit_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_cplimit_t</a></h3>
1548 <p class="description">Custom Parameter Limit </p>
1549 <p class="code">
1550 typedef union <a href="#ppd_cplimit_u">ppd_cplimit_u</a> ppd_cplimit_t;
1551 </p>
1552 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_cptype_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_cptype_t</a></h3>
1553 <p class="description">Custom Parameter Type </p>
1554 <p class="code">
1555 typedef enum <a href="#ppd_cptype_e">ppd_cptype_e</a> ppd_cptype_t;
1556 </p>
1557 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_cpvalue_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_cpvalue_t</a></h3>
1558 <p class="description">Custom Parameter Value </p>
1559 <p class="code">
1560 typedef union <a href="#ppd_cpvalue_u">ppd_cpvalue_u</a> ppd_cpvalue_t;
1561 </p>
1562 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_cs_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_cs_t</a></h3>
1563 <p class="description">Colorspaces </p>
1564 <p class="code">
1565 typedef enum <a href="#ppd_cs_e">ppd_cs_e</a> ppd_cs_t;
1566 </p>
1567 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_emul_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_emul_t</a></h3>
1568 <p class="description">Emulators </p>
1569 <p class="code">
1570 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_emul_s">ppd_emul_s</a> ppd_emul_t;
1571 </p>
1572 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_file_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_file_t</a></h3>
1573 <p class="description">PPD File </p>
1574 <p class="code">
1575 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_file_s">ppd_file_s</a> ppd_file_t;
1576 </p>
1577 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_group_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_group_t</a></h3>
1578 <p class="description">Groups </p>
1579 <p class="code">
1580 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_group_s">ppd_group_s</a> ppd_group_t;
1581 </p>
1582 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_option_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_option_t</a></h3>
1583 <p class="description">Options </p>
1584 <p class="code">
1585 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_option_s">ppd_option_s</a> ppd_option_t;
1586 </p>
1587 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_profile_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_profile_t</a></h3>
1588 <p class="description">sRGB Color Profiles </p>
1589 <p class="code">
1590 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_profile_s">ppd_profile_s</a> ppd_profile_t;
1591 </p>
1592 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_section_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_section_t</a></h3>
1593 <p class="description">Order dependency sections </p>
1594 <p class="code">
1595 typedef enum <a href="#ppd_section_e">ppd_section_e</a> ppd_section_t;
1596 </p>
1597 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_size_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_size_t</a></h3>
1598 <p class="description">Page Sizes </p>
1599 <p class="code">
1600 typedef struct <a href="#ppd_size_s">ppd_size_s</a> ppd_size_t;
1601 </p>
1602 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_status_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_status_t</a></h3>
1603 <p class="description">Status Codes </p>
1604 <p class="code">
1605 typedef enum <a href="#ppd_status_e">ppd_status_e</a> ppd_status_t;
1606 </p>
1607 <h3 class="typedef"><a id="ppd_ui_t"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_ui_t</a></h3>
1608 <p class="description">UI Types </p>
1609 <p class="code">
1610 typedef enum <a href="#ppd_ui_e">ppd_ui_e</a> ppd_ui_t;
1611 </p>
1612 <h2 class="title"><a id="STRUCTURES">Structures</a></h2>
1613 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_attr_s">ppd_attr_s</a></h3>
1614 <p class="description">PPD Attribute Structure </p>
1615 <p class="code">struct ppd_attr_s {<br>
1616 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1617 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char spec[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1618 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];<br>
1619 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *value;<br>
1620 };</p>
1621 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1622 <table class="list"><tbody>
1623 <tr><th>name[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1624 <td class="description">Name of attribute (cupsXYZ)</td></tr>
1625 <tr><th>spec[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1626 <td class="description">Specifier string, if any</td></tr>
1627 <tr><th>text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] </th>
1628 <td class="description">Human-readable text, if any</td></tr>
1629 <tr><th>value </th>
1630 <td class="description">Value string</td></tr>
1631 </tbody></table>
1632 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_choice_s">ppd_choice_s</a></h3>
1633 <p class="description">Option choices </p>
1634 <p class="code">struct ppd_choice_s {<br>
1635 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char choice[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1636 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *code;<br>
1637 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char marked;<br>
1638 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a> *option;<br>
1639 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];<br>
1640 };</p>
1641 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1642 <table class="list"><tbody>
1643 <tr><th>choice[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1644 <td class="description">Computer-readable option name</td></tr>
1645 <tr><th>code </th>
1646 <td class="description">Code to send for this option</td></tr>
1647 <tr><th>marked </th>
1648 <td class="description">0 if not selected, 1 otherwise</td></tr>
1649 <tr><th>option </th>
1650 <td class="description">Pointer to parent option structure</td></tr>
1651 <tr><th>text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] </th>
1652 <td class="description">Human-readable option name</td></tr>
1653 </tbody></table>
1654 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_const_s">ppd_const_s</a></h3>
1655 <p class="description">Constraints </p>
1656 <p class="code">struct ppd_const_s {<br>
1657 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char choice1[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1658 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char choice2[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1659 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char option1[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1660 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char option2[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1661 };</p>
1662 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1663 <table class="list"><tbody>
1664 <tr><th>choice1[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1665 <td class="description">First option/choice (blank for all)</td></tr>
1666 <tr><th>choice2[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1667 <td class="description">Second option/choice (blank for all)</td></tr>
1668 <tr><th>option1[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1669 <td class="description">First keyword</td></tr>
1670 <tr><th>option2[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1671 <td class="description">Second keyword</td></tr>
1672 </tbody></table>
1673 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_coption_s">ppd_coption_s</a></h3>
1674 <p class="description">Custom Option </p>
1675 <p class="code">struct ppd_coption_s {<br>
1676 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1677 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int marked;<br>
1678 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a> *option;<br>
1679 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;cups_array_t *params;<br>
1680 };</p>
1681 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1682 <table class="list"><tbody>
1683 <tr><th>keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1684 <td class="description">Name of option that is being extended...</td></tr>
1685 <tr><th>marked </th>
1686 <td class="description">Extended option is marked</td></tr>
1687 <tr><th>option </th>
1688 <td class="description">Option that is being extended...</td></tr>
1689 <tr><th>params </th>
1690 <td class="description">Parameters</td></tr>
1691 </tbody></table>
1692 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_cparam_s">ppd_cparam_s</a></h3>
1693 <p class="description">Custom Parameter </p>
1694 <p class="code">struct ppd_cparam_s {<br>
1695 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_cpvalue_t">ppd_cpvalue_t</a> current;<br>
1696 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_cplimit_t">ppd_cplimit_t</a> minimum, maximum;<br>
1697 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1698 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int order;<br>
1699 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];<br>
1700 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_cptype_t">ppd_cptype_t</a> type;<br>
1701 };</p>
1702 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1703 <table class="list"><tbody>
1704 <tr><th>current </th>
1705 <td class="description">Current value</td></tr>
1706 <tr><th>maximum </th>
1707 <td class="description">Maximum value</td></tr>
1708 <tr><th>name[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1709 <td class="description">Parameter name</td></tr>
1710 <tr><th>order </th>
1711 <td class="description">Order (0 to N)</td></tr>
1712 <tr><th>text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] </th>
1713 <td class="description">Human-readable text</td></tr>
1714 <tr><th>type </th>
1715 <td class="description">Parameter type</td></tr>
1716 </tbody></table>
1717 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_emul_s">ppd_emul_s</a></h3>
1718 <p class="description">Emulators </p>
1719 <p class="code">struct ppd_emul_s {<br>
1720 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1721 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *start;<br>
1722 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *stop;<br>
1723 };</p>
1724 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1725 <table class="list"><tbody>
1726 <tr><th>name[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1727 <td class="description">Emulator name</td></tr>
1728 <tr><th>start </th>
1729 <td class="description">Code to switch to this emulation</td></tr>
1730 <tr><th>stop </th>
1731 <td class="description">Code to stop this emulation</td></tr>
1732 </tbody></table>
1733 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_file_s">ppd_file_s</a></h3>
1734 <p class="description">PPD File </p>
1735 <p class="code">struct ppd_file_s {<br>
1736 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int accurate_screens;<br>
1737 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int color_device;<br>
1738 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_cs_t">ppd_cs_t</a> colorspace;<br>
1739 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_const_t">ppd_const_t</a> *consts;<br>
1740 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int contone_only;<br>
1741 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_margins[4];<br>
1742 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_max[2];<br>
1743 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_min[2];<br>
1744 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_emul_t">ppd_emul_t</a> *emulations;<br>
1745 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char **filters;<br>
1746 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int flip_duplex;<br>
1747 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char **fonts;<br>
1748 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_group_t">ppd_group_t</a> *groups;<br>
1749 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *jcl_begin;<br>
1750 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *jcl_end;<br>
1751 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *jcl_ps;<br>
1752 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int landscape;<br>
1753 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *lang_encoding;<br>
1754 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *lang_version;<br>
1755 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int language_level;<br>
1756 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int manual_copies;<br>
1757 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *manufacturer;<br>
1758 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int model_number;<br>
1759 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *modelname;<br>
1760 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *nickname;<br>
1761 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_consts;<br>
1762 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_emulations;<br>
1763 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_filters;<br>
1764 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_fonts;<br>
1765 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_groups;<br>
1766 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_profiles;<br>
1767 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_sizes;<br>
1768 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *patches;<br>
1769 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *pcfilename;<br>
1770 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *product;<br>
1771 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_profile_t">ppd_profile_t</a> *profiles;<br>
1772 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *protocols;<br>
1773 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *shortnickname;<br>
1774 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_size_t">ppd_size_t</a> *sizes;<br>
1775 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int throughput;<br>
1776 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *ttrasterizer;<br>
1777 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int variable_sizes;<br>
1778 };</p>
1779 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1780 <table class="list"><tbody>
1781 <tr><th>accurate_screens </th>
1782 <td class="description">1 = supports accurate screens, 0 = not</td></tr>
1783 <tr><th>color_device </th>
1784 <td class="description">1 = color device, 0 = grayscale</td></tr>
1785 <tr><th>colorspace </th>
1786 <td class="description">Default colorspace</td></tr>
1787 <tr><th>consts </th>
1788 <td class="description">UI/Non-UI constraints</td></tr>
1789 <tr><th>contone_only </th>
1790 <td class="description">1 = continuous tone only, 0 = not</td></tr>
1791 <tr><th>custom_margins[4] </th>
1792 <td class="description">Margins around page</td></tr>
1793 <tr><th>custom_max[2] </th>
1794 <td class="description">Maximum variable page size</td></tr>
1795 <tr><th>custom_min[2] </th>
1796 <td class="description">Minimum variable page size</td></tr>
1797 <tr><th>emulations </th>
1798 <td class="description">Emulations and the code to invoke them</td></tr>
1799 <tr><th>filters </th>
1800 <td class="description">Filter strings...</td></tr>
1801 <tr><th>flip_duplex <span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span></th>
1802 <td class="description">1 = Flip page for back sides </td></tr>
1803 <tr><th>fonts </th>
1804 <td class="description">Pre-loaded fonts</td></tr>
1805 <tr><th>groups </th>
1806 <td class="description">UI groups</td></tr>
1807 <tr><th>jcl_begin </th>
1808 <td class="description">Start JCL commands</td></tr>
1809 <tr><th>jcl_end </th>
1810 <td class="description">End JCL commands</td></tr>
1811 <tr><th>jcl_ps </th>
1812 <td class="description">Enter PostScript interpreter</td></tr>
1813 <tr><th>landscape </th>
1814 <td class="description">-90 or 90</td></tr>
1815 <tr><th>lang_encoding </th>
1816 <td class="description">Language encoding</td></tr>
1817 <tr><th>lang_version </th>
1818 <td class="description">Language version (English, Spanish, etc.)</td></tr>
1819 <tr><th>language_level </th>
1820 <td class="description">Language level of device</td></tr>
1821 <tr><th>manual_copies </th>
1822 <td class="description">1 = Copies done manually, 0 = hardware</td></tr>
1823 <tr><th>manufacturer </th>
1824 <td class="description">Manufacturer name</td></tr>
1825 <tr><th>model_number </th>
1826 <td class="description">Device-specific model number</td></tr>
1827 <tr><th>modelname </th>
1828 <td class="description">Model name (general)</td></tr>
1829 <tr><th>nickname </th>
1830 <td class="description">Nickname (specific)</td></tr>
1831 <tr><th>num_consts </th>
1832 <td class="description">Number of UI/Non-UI constraints</td></tr>
1833 <tr><th>num_emulations </th>
1834 <td class="description">Number of emulations supported</td></tr>
1835 <tr><th>num_filters </th>
1836 <td class="description">Number of filters</td></tr>
1837 <tr><th>num_fonts </th>
1838 <td class="description">Number of pre-loaded fonts</td></tr>
1839 <tr><th>num_groups </th>
1840 <td class="description">Number of UI groups</td></tr>
1841 <tr><th>num_profiles <span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span></th>
1842 <td class="description">Number of sRGB color profiles </td></tr>
1843 <tr><th>num_sizes </th>
1844 <td class="description">Number of page sizes</td></tr>
1845 <tr><th>patches </th>
1846 <td class="description">Patch commands to be sent to printer</td></tr>
1847 <tr><th>pcfilename <span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3&#160;</span></th>
1848 <td class="description">PCFileName string </td></tr>
1849 <tr><th>product </th>
1850 <td class="description">Product name (from PS RIP/interpreter)</td></tr>
1851 <tr><th>profiles <span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span></th>
1852 <td class="description">sRGB color profiles </td></tr>
1853 <tr><th>protocols <span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3&#160;</span></th>
1854 <td class="description">Protocols (BCP, TBCP) string </td></tr>
1855 <tr><th>shortnickname </th>
1856 <td class="description">Short version of nickname</td></tr>
1857 <tr><th>sizes </th>
1858 <td class="description">Page sizes</td></tr>
1859 <tr><th>throughput </th>
1860 <td class="description">Pages per minute</td></tr>
1861 <tr><th>ttrasterizer </th>
1862 <td class="description">Truetype rasterizer</td></tr>
1863 <tr><th>variable_sizes </th>
1864 <td class="description">1 = supports variable sizes, 0 = doesn't</td></tr>
1865 </tbody></table>
1866 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_group_s">ppd_group_s</a></h3>
1867 <p class="description">Groups </p>
1868 <p class="code">struct ppd_group_s {<br>
1869 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT - PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1870 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1871 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_options;<br>
1872 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_subgroups;<br>
1873 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_option_t">ppd_option_t</a> *options;<br>
1874 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;struct <a href="#ppd_group_s">ppd_group_s</a> *subgroups;<br>
1875 };</p>
1876 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1877 <table class="list"><tbody>
1878 <tr><th>PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1879 <td class="description">Human-readable group name</td></tr>
1880 <tr><th>name[PPD_MAX_NAME] <span class="info">&#160;CUPS 1.1.18/macOS 10.3&#160;</span></th>
1881 <td class="description">Group name </td></tr>
1882 <tr><th>num_options </th>
1883 <td class="description">Number of options</td></tr>
1884 <tr><th>num_subgroups </th>
1885 <td class="description">Number of sub-groups</td></tr>
1886 <tr><th>options </th>
1887 <td class="description">Options</td></tr>
1888 <tr><th>subgroups </th>
1889 <td class="description">Sub-groups (max depth = 1)</td></tr>
1890 </tbody></table>
1891 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_option_s">ppd_option_s</a></h3>
1892 <p class="description">Options </p>
1893 <p class="code">struct ppd_option_s {<br>
1894 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_choice_t">ppd_choice_t</a> *choices;<br>
1895 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char conflicted;<br>
1896 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char defchoice[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1897 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1898 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int num_choices;<br>
1899 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float order;<br>
1900 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_section_t">ppd_section_t</a> section;<br>
1901 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];<br>
1902 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="#ppd_ui_t">ppd_ui_t</a> ui;<br>
1903 };</p>
1904 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1905 <table class="list"><tbody>
1906 <tr><th>choices </th>
1907 <td class="description">Option choices</td></tr>
1908 <tr><th>conflicted </th>
1909 <td class="description">0 if no conflicts exist, 1 otherwise</td></tr>
1910 <tr><th>defchoice[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1911 <td class="description">Default option choice</td></tr>
1912 <tr><th>keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1913 <td class="description">Option keyword name (&quot;PageSize&quot;, etc.)</td></tr>
1914 <tr><th>num_choices </th>
1915 <td class="description">Number of option choices</td></tr>
1916 <tr><th>order </th>
1917 <td class="description">Order number</td></tr>
1918 <tr><th>section </th>
1919 <td class="description">Section for command</td></tr>
1920 <tr><th>text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] </th>
1921 <td class="description">Human-readable text</td></tr>
1922 <tr><th>ui </th>
1923 <td class="description">Type of UI option</td></tr>
1924 </tbody></table>
1925 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_profile_s">ppd_profile_s</a></h3>
1926 <p class="description">sRGB Color Profiles </p>
1927 <p class="code">struct ppd_profile_s {<br>
1928 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float density;<br>
1929 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float gamma;<br>
1930 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float matrix[3][3];<br>
1931 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char media_type[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1932 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char resolution[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1933 };</p>
1934 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1935 <table class="list"><tbody>
1936 <tr><th>density </th>
1937 <td class="description">Ink density to use</td></tr>
1938 <tr><th>gamma </th>
1939 <td class="description">Gamma correction to use</td></tr>
1940 <tr><th>matrix[3][3] </th>
1941 <td class="description">Transform matrix</td></tr>
1942 <tr><th>media_type[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1943 <td class="description">Media type or &quot;-&quot;</td></tr>
1944 <tr><th>resolution[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1945 <td class="description">Resolution or &quot;-&quot;</td></tr>
1946 </tbody></table>
1947 <h3 class="struct"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_size_s">ppd_size_s</a></h3>
1948 <p class="description">Page Sizes </p>
1949 <p class="code">struct ppd_size_s {<br>
1950 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float bottom;<br>
1951 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float left;<br>
1952 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float length;<br>
1953 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int marked;<br>
1954 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];<br>
1955 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float right;<br>
1956 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float top;<br>
1957 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float width;<br>
1958 };</p>
1959 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1960 <table class="list"><tbody>
1961 <tr><th>bottom </th>
1962 <td class="description">Bottom printable margin in points</td></tr>
1963 <tr><th>left </th>
1964 <td class="description">Left printable margin in points</td></tr>
1965 <tr><th>length </th>
1966 <td class="description">Length of media in points</td></tr>
1967 <tr><th>marked </th>
1968 <td class="description">Page size selected?</td></tr>
1969 <tr><th>name[PPD_MAX_NAME] </th>
1970 <td class="description">Media size option</td></tr>
1971 <tr><th>right </th>
1972 <td class="description">Right printable margin in points</td></tr>
1973 <tr><th>top </th>
1974 <td class="description">Top printable margin in points</td></tr>
1975 <tr><th>width </th>
1976 <td class="description">Width of media in points</td></tr>
1977 </tbody></table>
1978 <h2 class="title"><a id="UNIONS">Unions</a></h2>
1979 <h3 class="union"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_cplimit_u">ppd_cplimit_u</a></h3>
1980 <p class="description">Custom Parameter Limit </p>
1981 <p class="code">union ppd_cplimit_u {<br>
1982 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_curve;<br>
1983 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int custom_int;<br>
1984 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_invcurve;<br>
1985 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int custom_passcode;<br>
1986 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int custom_password;<br>
1987 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_points;<br>
1988 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_real;<br>
1989 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int custom_string;<br>
1990 };</p>
1991 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
1992 <table class="list"><tbody>
1993 <tr><th>custom_curve </th>
1994 <td class="description">Gamma value</td></tr>
1995 <tr><th>custom_int </th>
1996 <td class="description">Integer value</td></tr>
1997 <tr><th>custom_invcurve </th>
1998 <td class="description">Gamma value</td></tr>
1999 <tr><th>custom_passcode </th>
2000 <td class="description">Passcode length</td></tr>
2001 <tr><th>custom_password </th>
2002 <td class="description">Password length</td></tr>
2003 <tr><th>custom_points </th>
2004 <td class="description">Measurement value</td></tr>
2005 <tr><th>custom_real </th>
2006 <td class="description">Real value</td></tr>
2007 <tr><th>custom_string </th>
2008 <td class="description">String length</td></tr>
2009 </tbody></table>
2010 <h3 class="union"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span><a id="ppd_cpvalue_u">ppd_cpvalue_u</a></h3>
2011 <p class="description">Custom Parameter Value </p>
2012 <p class="code">union ppd_cpvalue_u {<br>
2013 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_curve;<br>
2014 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;int custom_int;<br>
2015 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_invcurve;<br>
2016 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *custom_passcode;<br>
2017 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *custom_password;<br>
2018 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_points;<br>
2019 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;float custom_real;<br>
2020 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;char *custom_string;<br>
2021 };</p>
2022 <h4 class="members">Members</h4>
2023 <table class="list"><tbody>
2024 <tr><th>custom_curve </th>
2025 <td class="description">Gamma value</td></tr>
2026 <tr><th>custom_int </th>
2027 <td class="description">Integer value</td></tr>
2028 <tr><th>custom_invcurve </th>
2029 <td class="description">Gamma value</td></tr>
2030 <tr><th>custom_passcode </th>
2031 <td class="description">Passcode value</td></tr>
2032 <tr><th>custom_password </th>
2033 <td class="description">Password value</td></tr>
2034 <tr><th>custom_points </th>
2035 <td class="description">Measurement value</td></tr>
2036 <tr><th>custom_real </th>
2037 <td class="description">Real value</td></tr>
2038 <tr><th>custom_string </th>
2039 <td class="description">String value</td></tr>
2040 </tbody></table>
2041 <h2 class="title"><a id="ENUMERATIONS">Constants</a></h2>
2042 <h3 class="enumeration"><a id="ppd_conform_e"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_conform_e</a></h3>
2043 <p class="description">Conformance Levels </p>
2044 <h4 class="constants">Constants</h4>
2045 <table class="list"><tbody>
2046 <tr><th>PPD_CONFORM_RELAXED </th> <td class="description">Relax whitespace and control char</td></tr>
2047 <tr><th>PPD_CONFORM_STRICT </th> <td class="description">Require strict conformance</td></tr>
2048 </tbody></table>
2049 <h3 class="enumeration"><a id="ppd_cptype_e"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_cptype_e</a></h3>
2050 <p class="description">Custom Parameter Type </p>
2051 <h4 class="constants">Constants</h4>
2052 <table class="list"><tbody>
2053 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_CURVE </th> <td class="description">Curve value for f(x) = x^value</td></tr>
2054 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_INT </th> <td class="description">Integer number value</td></tr>
2055 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_INVCURVE </th> <td class="description">Curve value for f(x) = x^(1/value)</td></tr>
2056 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_PASSCODE </th> <td class="description">String of (hidden) numbers</td></tr>
2057 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_PASSWORD </th> <td class="description">String of (hidden) characters</td></tr>
2058 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_POINTS </th> <td class="description">Measurement value in points</td></tr>
2059 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_REAL </th> <td class="description">Real number value</td></tr>
2060 <tr><th>PPD_CUSTOM_STRING </th> <td class="description">String of characters</td></tr>
2061 </tbody></table>
2062 <h3 class="enumeration"><a id="ppd_cs_e"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_cs_e</a></h3>
2063 <p class="description">Colorspaces </p>
2064 <h4 class="constants">Constants</h4>
2065 <table class="list"><tbody>
2066 <tr><th>PPD_CS_CMY </th> <td class="description">CMY colorspace</td></tr>
2067 <tr><th>PPD_CS_CMYK </th> <td class="description">CMYK colorspace</td></tr>
2068 <tr><th>PPD_CS_GRAY </th> <td class="description">Grayscale colorspace</td></tr>
2069 <tr><th>PPD_CS_N </th> <td class="description">DeviceN colorspace</td></tr>
2070 <tr><th>PPD_CS_RGB </th> <td class="description">RGB colorspace</td></tr>
2071 <tr><th>PPD_CS_RGBK </th> <td class="description">RGBK (K = gray) colorspace</td></tr>
2072 </tbody></table>
2073 <h3 class="enumeration"><a id="ppd_section_e"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_section_e</a></h3>
2074 <p class="description">Order dependency sections </p>
2075 <h4 class="constants">Constants</h4>
2076 <table class="list"><tbody>
2077 <tr><th>PPD_ORDER_ANY </th> <td class="description">Option code can be anywhere in the file</td></tr>
2078 <tr><th>PPD_ORDER_DOCUMENT </th> <td class="description">... must be in the DocumentSetup section</td></tr>
2079 <tr><th>PPD_ORDER_EXIT </th> <td class="description">... must be sent prior to the document</td></tr>
2080 <tr><th>PPD_ORDER_JCL </th> <td class="description">... must be sent as a JCL command</td></tr>
2081 <tr><th>PPD_ORDER_PAGE </th> <td class="description">... must be in the PageSetup section</td></tr>
2082 <tr><th>PPD_ORDER_PROLOG </th> <td class="description">... must be in the Prolog section</td></tr>
2083 </tbody></table>
2084 <h3 class="enumeration"><a id="ppd_status_e"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_status_e</a></h3>
2085 <p class="description">Status Codes </p>
2086 <h4 class="constants">Constants</h4>
2087 <table class="list"><tbody>
2088 <tr><th>PPD_ALLOC_ERROR </th> <td class="description">Memory allocation error</td></tr>
2089 <tr><th>PPD_BAD_CUSTOM_PARAM </th> <td class="description">Bad custom parameter</td></tr>
2090 <tr><th>PPD_BAD_OPEN_GROUP </th> <td class="description">Bad OpenGroup</td></tr>
2091 <tr><th>PPD_BAD_OPEN_UI </th> <td class="description">Bad OpenUI/JCLOpenUI</td></tr>
2092 <tr><th>PPD_BAD_ORDER_DEPENDENCY </th> <td class="description">Bad OrderDependency</td></tr>
2093 <tr><th>PPD_BAD_UI_CONSTRAINTS </th> <td class="description">Bad UIConstraints</td></tr>
2094 <tr><th>PPD_BAD_VALUE </th> <td class="description">Bad value string</td></tr>
2095 <tr><th>PPD_FILE_OPEN_ERROR </th> <td class="description">Unable to open PPD file</td></tr>
2096 <tr><th>PPD_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER </th> <td class="description">Illegal control character</td></tr>
2097 <tr><th>PPD_ILLEGAL_MAIN_KEYWORD </th> <td class="description">Illegal main keyword string</td></tr>
2098 <tr><th>PPD_ILLEGAL_OPTION_KEYWORD </th> <td class="description">Illegal option keyword string</td></tr>
2099 <tr><th>PPD_ILLEGAL_TRANSLATION </th> <td class="description">Illegal translation string</td></tr>
2100 <tr><th>PPD_ILLEGAL_WHITESPACE </th> <td class="description">Illegal whitespace character</td></tr>
2101 <tr><th>PPD_INTERNAL_ERROR </th> <td class="description">Internal error</td></tr>
2102 <tr><th>PPD_LINE_TOO_LONG </th> <td class="description">Line longer than 255 chars</td></tr>
2103 <tr><th>PPD_MISSING_ASTERISK </th> <td class="description">Missing asterisk in column 0</td></tr>
2104 <tr><th>PPD_MISSING_CLOSE_GROUP </th> <td class="description">Missing CloseGroup</td></tr>
2105 <tr><th>PPD_MISSING_OPTION_KEYWORD </th> <td class="description">Missing option keyword</td></tr>
2106 <tr><th>PPD_MISSING_PPDADOBE4 </th> <td class="description">Missing PPD-Adobe-4.x header</td></tr>
2107 <tr><th>PPD_MISSING_VALUE </th> <td class="description">Missing value string</td></tr>
2108 <tr><th>PPD_NESTED_OPEN_GROUP </th> <td class="description">OpenGroup without a CloseGroup first</td></tr>
2109 <tr><th>PPD_NESTED_OPEN_UI </th> <td class="description">OpenUI/JCLOpenUI without a CloseUI/JCLCloseUI first</td></tr>
2110 <tr><th>PPD_NULL_FILE </th> <td class="description">NULL PPD file pointer</td></tr>
2111 <tr><th>PPD_OK </th> <td class="description">OK</td></tr>
2112 </tbody></table>
2113 <h3 class="enumeration"><a id="ppd_ui_e"><span class="info">&#160;DEPRECATED&#160;</span>ppd_ui_e</a></h3>
2114 <p class="description">UI Types </p>
2115 <h4 class="constants">Constants</h4>
2116 <table class="list"><tbody>
2117 <tr><th>PPD_UI_BOOLEAN </th> <td class="description">True or False option</td></tr>
2118 <tr><th>PPD_UI_PICKMANY </th> <td class="description">Pick zero or more from a list</td></tr>
2119 <tr><th>PPD_UI_PICKONE </th> <td class="description">Pick one from a list</td></tr>
2120 </tbody></table>
2121 </div>
2122 </body>
2123 </html>