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1 <!doctype linuxdoc system>
2 <article>
3 <title>Squid 3.0.STABLE19 release notes</title>
4 <author>Squid Developers</author>
6 <abstract>
7 This document contains the release notes for version 3.0 of Squid.
8 Squid is a WWW Cache application developed by the National Laboratory
9 for Applied Network Research and members of the Web Caching community.
10 </abstract>
12 <toc>
14 <sect>Notice
15 <p>
16 The Squid Team are pleased to announce the release of Squid-3.0.STABLE19.
18 This new release is available for download from <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.0/"> or the <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Mirrors/http-mirrors.html" name="mirrors">.
20 A large number of the show-stopper bugs have been fixed along with general improvements to the ICAP support and additional Languages.
22 We welcome feedback and bug reports. If you find a bug, please see <url url="http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/TroubleShooting#head-7067fc0034ce967e67911becaabb8c95a34d576d"> for how to submit a report with a stack trace.
24 <sect>Known issues
25 <p>
26 Although this release is deemed good enough for use in many setups, please note the existence of <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;short_desc=&amp;target_milestone=3.0&amp;long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;long_desc=&amp;bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;bug_file_loc=&amp;status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&amp;status_whiteboard=&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;emailtype1=substring&amp;email1=&amp;emailtype2=substring&amp;email2=&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;bug_id=&amp;votes=&amp;chfieldfrom=&amp;chfieldto=Now&amp;chfieldvalue=&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;order=bugs.bug_severity&amp;field0-0-0=noop&amp;type0-0-0=noop&amp;value0-0-0=" name="open bugs against Squid-3.0">.
28 <sect>Changes since earlier STABLE releases of Squid-3.0
29 <p>
30 The 3.0 change history can be <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.0/changesets/" name="viewed here">.
32 <sect>Changes since Squid-2.6
34 <sect1>Major new features
35 <p>
36 Squid 3.0 represents a major rewrite of Squid and has a number of new features.
38 The most important of these are:
40 <itemize>
41 <item>Code converted to C++, with significant internal restructuring and rewrites.
42 <item>ICAP implementation (RFC 3507 and www.icap-forum.org)
43 <item>Edge Side Includes (ESI) implementation (www.esi.org)
44 </itemize>
46 Most user-facing changes are reflected in squid.conf (see below).
48 <sect2>Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP)
50 <p>Squid 3.0 supports ICAP/1.0. To enable ICAP support, use the --enable-icap-client ./configure option and icap_enable squid.conf option. You will also need to configure ICAP services in your squid.conf using icap_service, icap_class, and icap_access options. The following example instructs Squid to talk to two ICAP services, one for request and one for response adaptation:
52 <verb>
53 icap_enable on
54 icap_service service_req reqmod_precache 1 icap://
55 icap_service service_resp respmod_precache 0 icap://
56 icap_class class_req service_req
57 icap_class class_resp service_resp
58 icap_access class_req allow all
59 icap_access class_resp allow all
60 </verb>
62 <p>Please see squid.conf.default for more details about these and many other icap_* options.
64 <p>Squid supports pre-cache request and pre-cache response vectoring points. The following ICAP features are supported: message preview, 204 responses outside of preview, request satisfaction, X-Transfer-* negotiation, persistent ICAP connections, client IP/credentials sharing, and optional bypass of certain service failures.
66 <p>No more than one ICAP service can be applied to an HTTP message. In other words, chaining or load balancing multiple services is not yet supported.
68 <p>Proxy-directed data trickling and patience pages are not supported yet.
70 <p>Following ICAP requirements, Squid never performs HTTP message adaptation without a successful and fresh ICAP OPTIONS response on file. A REQMOD or RESPMOD request will not be sent to a configured ICAP service until Squid receives a valid OPTIONS response from that service. If a service malfunctions or goes down, Squid may stop talking to the service for a while. Several squid.conf options can be used to tune the failure bypass algorithm (e.g., icap_service_failure_limit and icap_service_revival_delay).
72 <p>The bypass parameter of the icap_service squid.conf option determines whether Squid will try to bypass service failures. Most connectivity and preview-stage failures can be bypassed.
74 <p>More information about ICAP can be found from the ICAP-forum website <url url="http://www.icap-forum.org">
76 <sect2>Edge Side Includes (ESI)
78 <p>ESI is an open specification of an markup language enabling reverse proxies
79 to perform some simple XML based processing, offloading the final page assembly from the webserver and similar tasks.
81 <p>More information about ESI can be found from the ESI website <url url="http://www.esi.org">
83 <sect1>2.6 features not found in Squid-3.0
84 <p>
85 Some of the features found in Squid-2.6 is not available in Squid-3.
86 Some have been dropped as they are not needed. Some have not yet been forward-ported to Squid-3 and may appear in a later release.
88 <itemize>
89 <item>refresh_stale_hit option. Not yet ported.
90 <item>ability to follow X-Forwarded-For. Not yet ported.
91 <item>Full caching of Vary/ETag using If-None-Match. Only basic Vary cache supported. Not yet ported.
92 <item>Mapping of server error messages. Not yet ported.
93 <item>http_access2 access directive. Not yet ported.
94 <item>Location header rewrites. Not yet ported.
95 <item>wais_relay. Feature dropped as it's equivalent to cache_peer + cache_peer_access.
96 <item>urlgroup. Not yet ported.
97 <item>collapsed forwarding. Not yet ported.
98 <item>stable Windows support. Irregularly maintained.
99 </itemize>
101 <sect1>Logging changes
102 <sect2>access.log
103 <p>The TCP_REFRESH_HIT and TCP_REFRESH_MISS log types have been replaced because they were misleading (all refreshes need to query the origin server, so they could never be hits). The following log types have been introduced to replace them:
105 <descrip>
107 <p>The requested object was cached but STALE. The IMS query for the object resulted in "304 not modified".
109 <p>The requested object was cached but STALE. The IMS query returned the new content.
110 </descrip>
111 <p>See <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-6.html#ss6.7"> for a definition of all log types.
114 <sect>Windows support
115 <P>This Squid version can run on Windows as a system service using the Cygwin emulation environment,
116 or can be compiled in Windows native mode using the MinGW + MSYS development environment. Windows NT 4 SP4 and later are supported.<newline>
117 On Windows 2000 and later the service is configured to use the Windows Service Recovery option
118 restarting automatically after 60 seconds.
119 <descrip>
121 <tag>Usage</tag>
123 Some new command line options were added for the Windows service support:<newline>
125 The service installation is made with -i command line switch, it's possible to use -f switch at
126 the same time for specify a different config-file settings for the Squid Service that will be
127 stored on the Windows Registry.
129 A new -n switch specify the Windows Service Name, so multiple Squid instance are allowed.
130 <em/"Squid"/ is the default when the switch is not used.
132 So, to install the service, the syntax is:
134 <verb>squid -i [-f file] [-n name]</verb>
136 Service uninstallation is made with -r command line switch with the appropriate -n switch.
138 The -k switch family must be used with the appropriate -f and -n switches, so the syntax is:
140 <verb>squid -k command [-f file] -n service-name</verb>
141 where <em/service-name/ is the name specified with -n options at service install time.
143 To use the Squid original command line, the new -O switch must be used ONCE, the syntax is:
145 <verb>squid -O cmdline [-n service-name]</verb>
146 If multiple service command line options must be specified, use quote. The -n switch is
147 needed only when a non default service name is in use.
149 Don't use the "Start parameters" in the Windows 2000/XP/2003 Service applet: they are
150 specific to Windows services functionality and Squid is not designed for understand they.
152 In the following example the command line of the "squidsvc" Squid service is set to "-D -u 3130":
154 <verb>squid -O "-D -u 3130" -n squidsvc</verb>
155 </descrip>
157 <descrip>
158 <tag>PSAPI.DLL (Process Status Helper) Considerations</tag>
160 The process status helper functions make it easier for you to obtain information about
161 processes and device drivers running on Microsoft® Windows NT®/Windows® 2000. These
162 functions are available in PSAPI.DLL, which is distributed in the Microsoft® Platform
163 Software Development Kit (SDK). The same information is generally available through the
164 performance data in the registry, but it is more difficult to get to it. PSAPI.DLL is
165 freely redistributable.
167 PSAPI.DLL is available only on Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003. The implementation in Squid is
168 aware of this, and try to use it only on the right platform.
170 On Windows NT PSAPI.DLL can be found as component of many applications, if you need it,
171 you can find it on Windows NT Resource KIT. If you have problem, it can be
172 downloaded from here:
173 <url url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/platformsdk/Redist/4.0.1371.1/NT4/EN-US/psinst.EXE" name="http://download.microsoft.com/download/platformsdk/Redist/4.0.1371.1/NT4/EN-US/psinst.EXE">
175 On Windows 2000 and later it is available installing the Windows Support Tools, located on the
176 Support\Tools folder of the installation Windows CD-ROM.
177 </descrip>
179 <descrip>
180 <tag>Registry DNS lookup</tag>
181 On Windows platforms, if no value is specified in the <em/dns_nameservers/ option on
182 squid.conf or in the /etc/resolv.conf file, the list of DNS name servers are
183 taken from the Windows registry, both static and dynamic DHCP configurations
184 are supported.
185 </descrip>
187 <descrip>
188 <tag>Compatibility Notes</tag>
189 <itemize>
190 <item>It's recommended to use '/' char in Squid paths instead of '\'
191 <item>Paths with spaces (like 'C:\Programs Files\Squid) are NOT supported by Squid
192 <item>When using ACL like 'acl aclname acltype "file"' the file must be in DOS text
193 format (CR+LF) and the full Windows path must be specified, for example:
195 <verb>acl blocklist url_regex -i "c:/squid/etc/blocked1.txt"</verb>
197 <item>The Windows equivalent of '/dev/null' is 'NUL'
198 <item>Squid doesn't know how to run external helpers based on scripts, like .bat, .cmd,
199 .vbs, .pl, etc. So in squid.conf the interpreter path must be always specified, for example:
201 <verb>redirect_program c:/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/squid/libexec/redir.pl
202 redirect_program c:/winnt/system32/cmd.exe /C c:/squid/libexec/redir.cmd</verb>
203 <item>When Squid runs in command line mode, the launching user account must have administrative privilege on the system
204 <item>"Start parameters" in the Windows 2000/XP/2003 Service applet cannot be used
205 <item>Building with MinGW, when the configure option --enable-truncate is used, Squid cannot run on Windows NT, only Windows 2000 and later are supported
206 <item>On Windows Vista and later, User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled before running service installation
207 </itemize>
208 </descrip>
210 <descrip>
211 <tag>Known Limitations</tag>
212 <itemize>
213 <item>Squid features not operational:<newline>
214 <itemize>
215 <item>DISKD: still needs to be ported<newline>
216 <item>WCCP: cannot work because user space GRE support on Windows is missing<newline>
217 <item>Transparent Proxy: missing Windows non commercial interception driver<newline>
218 </itemize>
219 <item>Some code sections can make blocking calls.
220 <item>Some external helpers may not work.
221 <item>File Descriptors number hard-limited to 2048 when building with MinGW.
222 </itemize>
223 </descrip>
225 <descrip>
226 <tag>Building Squid on Windows</tag>
227 A reasonably recent release of <url url="http://www.cygwin.com/" name="Cygwin"> or <url url="http://www.mingw.org/" name="MinGW"> is needed.<newline>
228 The usage of the Cygwin environment is very similar to other Unix/Linux environments, and -devel version of libraries must be installed.<newline>
229 For the MinGW environment, the packages MSYS, MinGW and msysDTK must be installed. Some additional libraries and tools must be downloaded separately:<newline><newline>
230 OpenSSL: <url url="http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html" name="Shining Light Productions Win32 OpenSSL"><newline>
231 libcrypt: <url url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwrep/" name="MinGW packages repository"><newline>
232 db-1.85: <url url="http://tinycobol.org/download.html" name="TinyCOBOL download area"><newline>
233 uudecode: <url url="http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/" name="Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities"><newline><newline>
234 When running configure, --disable-wccp and --disable-wccpv2 options should always specified to avoid compile errors.<newline>
235 <itemize>
236 <item>New configure options:<newline>
237 <itemize>
238 <item>--enable-win32-service<newline>
239 </itemize>
240 <item>Updated configure options:<newline>
241 <itemize>
242 <item>--enable-arp-acl<newline>
243 <item>--enable-default-hostsfile<newline>
244 </itemize>
245 <item>Unsupported configure options:<newline>
246 <itemize>
247 <item>--enable-coss-aio-ops: On Windows Posix AIO is not available<newline>
248 <item>--with-large-files: No suitable build environment is available on both Cygwin and MinGW, but --enable-large-cache-files works fine<newline>
249 </itemize>
250 <item>Recommended configure minimal options for Windows:<newline>
251 <itemize>
252 <item>--prefix=c:/squid --disable-wccp --disable-wccpv2 --enable-win32-service --enable-default-hostsfile=none
253 </itemize>
254 </itemize>
255 <newline>
256 Before build Squid with SSL support, some operations are needed (in the following example OpenSSL is installed in C:\OpenSSL and MinGW in C:\MinGW):
257 <itemize>
258 <item>Copy C:\OpenSSL\lib\MinGW content to C:\MinGW\lib<newline>
259 <item>Copy C:\OpenSSL\include\openssl content to C:\MinGW\include\openssl<newline>
260 <item>Rename C:\MinGW\lib\ssleay32.a to C:\MinGW\lib\libssleay32.a<newline>
261 </itemize>
263 </descrip>
265 <descrip>
266 <tag>Using cache manager on Windows:</tag>
267 On Windows, cache manager (cachemgr.cgi) can be used with Microsoft IIS or Apache.<newline>
268 Some specific configuration could be needed:<newline>
269 <itemize>
270 <item>IIS 6 (Windows 2003):<newline>
271 <itemize>
272 <item>On IIS 6.0 all CGI extensions are denied by default for security reason, so the following configuration is needed:<newline>
273 <itemize>
274 <item>Create a cgi-bin Directory
275 <item>Define the cgi-bin IIS Virtual Directory with read and CGI execute IIS
276 permissions, ASP scripts are not needed. This automatically defines a
277 cgi-bin IIS web application
278 <item>Copy cachemgr.cgi into cgi-bin directory and look to file permissions:
279 the IIS system account and SYSTEM must be able to read and execute the file
280 <item>In IIS manager go to Web Service extensions and add a new Web Service
281 Extension called <em/"Squid Cachemgr"/, add the cachemgr.cgi file and set the
282 extension status to <em/Allowed/
283 </itemize>
284 </itemize>
285 <item>Apache:<newline>
286 <itemize>
287 <item>On Windows, cachemgr.cgi needs to create a temporary file, so Apache must be instructed
288 to pass the TMP and TEMP Windows environment variables to CGI applications:<newline>
289 <verb>
290 ScriptAlias /squid/cgi-bin/ "c:/squid/libexec/"
291 &lt;Location /squid/cgi-bin/cachemgr.cgi&gt;
292 PassEnv TMP TEMP
293 Order allow,deny
294 Allow from workstation.example.com
295 &lt;/Location&gt;
296 </verb>
297 </itemize>
298 </itemize>
299 </descrip>
303 <sect>Changes to squid.conf since Squid-2.6
304 <p>There have been many changes to Squid's configuration file since Squid-2.6.
306 <p>This section gives a detailed account of those changes in three categories:
308 <itemize>
309 <item><ref id="newtags" name="New tags">
310 <item><ref id="modifiedtags" name="Changes to existing tags">
311 <item><ref id="removedtags" name="Removed tags">
312 </itemize>
313 <p>
315 <sect1>New tags<label id="newtags">
316 <p>
317 <descrip>
318 <tag>minimum_icp_query_timeout (msec)</tag>
319 <verb>
320 Default: 5
322 Normally the ICP query timeout is determined dynamically. But
323 sometimes it can lead to very small timeouts, even lower than
324 the normal latency variance on your link due to traffic.
325 Use this option to put an lower limit on the dynamic timeout
326 value. Do NOT use this option to always use a fixed (instead
327 of a dynamic) timeout value. To set a fixed timeout see the
328 'icp_query_timeout' directive.
329 </verb>
331 <tag>background_ping_rate</tag>
332 <verb>
333 Default: 10 seconds
335 Controls how often the ICP pings are sent to siblings that
336 have background-ping set.
337 </verb>
339 <tag>httpd_accel_surrogate_id</tag>
340 <verb>
341 Default: unset
343 Surrogates (http://www.esi.org/architecture_spec_1.0.html)
344 need an identification token to allow control targeting. Because
345 a farm of surrogates may all perform the same tasks, they may share
346 an identification token.
347 </verb>
349 <tag>http_accel_surrogate_remote on|off</tag>
350 <verb>
351 Default: off
353 Remote surrogates (such as those in a CDN) honour Surrogate-Control: no-store-remote.
354 Set this to on to have squid behave as a remote surrogate.
355 </verb>
357 <tag>esi_parser libxml2|expat|custom</tag>
358 <verb>
359 Default: custom
361 ESI markup is not strictly XML compatible. The custom ESI parser
362 will give higher performance, but cannot handle non ASCII character
363 encodings.
364 </verb>
366 <tag>email_err_data on|off</tag>
367 <verb>
368 Default: on
370 If enabled, information about the occurred error will be
371 included in the mailto links of the ERR pages (if %W is set)
372 so that the email body contains the data.
373 Syntax is &lt;A HREF="mailto:%w%W"&gt;%w&lt;/A&gt;
374 </verb>
376 <tag>refresh_all_ims on|off</tag>
377 <verb>
378 Default: off
380 When you enable this option, squid will always check
381 the origin server for an update when a client sends an
382 If-Modified-Since request. Many browsers use IMS
383 requests when the user requests a reload, and this
384 ensures those clients receive the latest version.
386 By default (off), squid may return a Not Modified response
387 based on the age of the cached version.
388 </verb>
389 <tag>request_header_access</tag>
390 <p>Replaces the header_access directive of Squid-2.6 and earlier, but applies to requests only.
391 <tag>reply_header_access</tag>
392 <p>Replaces the header_access directive of Squid-2.6 and earlier, but applies to replies only.
394 <tag>icap_enable on|off</tag>
395 <verb>
396 Default: off
398 If you want to enable the ICAP module support, set this to on.
399 </verb>
400 <tag>icap_preview_enable on|off</tag>
401 <verb>
402 Default: off
404 Set this to 'on' if you want to enable the ICAP preview
405 feature in Squid.
406 </verb>
407 <tag>icap_preview_size</tag>
408 <verb>
409 Default: -1
411 The default size of preview data to be sent to the ICAP server.
412 -1 means no preview. This value might be overwritten on a per server
413 basis by OPTIONS requests.
414 </verb>
415 <tag>icap_default_options_ttl (seconds)</tag>
416 <verb>
417 Default: 60
419 The default TTL value for ICAP OPTIONS responses that don't have
420 an Options-TTL header.
421 </verb>
422 <tag>icap_persistent_connections on|off</tag>
423 <verb>
424 Default: on
426 Whether or not Squid should use persistent connections to
427 an ICAP server.
428 </verb>
429 <tag>icap_send_client_ip on|off</tag>
430 <verb>
431 Default: off
433 This adds the header "X-Client-IP" to ICAP requests.
434 </verb>
435 <tag>icap_send_client_username on|off</tag>
436 <verb>
437 Default: off
439 This adds the header "X-Client-Username" to ICAP requests
440 if proxy access is authentified.
441 </verb>
442 <tag>icap_service</tag>
443 <verb>
444 Default: none
446 Defines a single ICAP service
448 icap_service servicename vectoring_point bypass service_url
450 vectoring_point = reqmod_precache|reqmod_postcache|respmod_precache|respmod_postcache
451 This specifies at which point of request processing the ICAP
452 service should be plugged in.
453 bypass = 1|0
454 If set to 1 and the ICAP server cannot be reached, the request will go
455 through without being processed by an ICAP server
456 service_url = icap://servername:port/service
458 Note: reqmod_postcache and respmod_postcache is not yet implemented
460 Example:
461 icap_service service_1 reqmod_precache 0 icap://icap1.mydomain.net:1344/reqmod
462 icap_service service_2 respmod_precache 0 icap://icap2.mydomain.net:1344/respmod
463 </verb>
464 <tag>icap_class</tag>
465 <verb>
466 Default: none
468 Defines an ICAP service chain. If there are multiple services per
469 vectoring point, they are processed in the specified order.
471 icap_class classname servicename...
473 Example:
474 icap_class class_1 service_1 service_2
475 icap class class_2 service_1 service_3
476 </verb>
477 <tag>icap_access</tag>
478 <verb>
479 Default: none
481 Redirects a request through an ICAP service class, depending
482 on given acls
484 icap_access classname allow|deny [!]aclname...
486 The icap_access statements are processed in the order they appear in
487 this configuration file. If an access list matches, the processing stops.
488 For an "allow" rule, the specified class is used for the request. A "deny"
489 rule simply stops processing without using the class. You can also use the
490 special classname "None".
492 For backward compatibility, it is also possible to use services
493 directly here.
495 Example:
496 icap_access class_1 allow all
497 </verb>
499 <tag>accept_filter</tag>
500 <verb>
501 The name of an accept(2) filter to install on Squid's
502 listen socket(s). This feature is perhaps specific to
503 FreeBSD and requires support in the kernel.
505 The 'httpready' filter delays delivering new connections
506 to Squid until a full HTTP request has been received.
507 See the accf_http(9) man page.
508 </verb>
510 <tag>include</tag>
511 <p>New option to import entire secondary configuration files into squid.conf.
512 <verb>
513 Squid will follow the files immediately and insert all their content
514 as if it was at that position in squid.conf. As per squid.conf some
515 options are order-specific within the config as a whole.
517 A few layers of include are allowed, but too many are confusing and
518 squid will enforce an include depth of 16 files.
520 Syntax:
521 include /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2
522 </verb>
524 <tag>acl myportname</tag>
525 <p>New acl type myportname, matching the name of the http(s)_port where the request was accepted
526 <verb>
527 acl aclname myportname 3128 ... # http(s)_port name
528 </verb>
530 <tag>umask</tag>
531 <p>Ported from 2.6. Behaviour identical.
532 <verb>
533 Minimum umask which should be enforced while the proxy
534 is running, in addition to the umask set at startup.
536 For a traditional octal representation of umasks, start
537 your value with 0.
538 </verb>
540 </descrip>
543 <sect1>Changes to existing tags<label id="modifiedtags">
544 <p>
545 <descrip>
546 <tag>http_port</tag>
547 <p>New options:
548 <verb>
549 disable-pmtu-discovery=
550 Control Path-MTU discovery usage:
551 off lets OS decide on what to do (default).
552 transparent disable PMTU discovery when transparent support is enabled.
553 always disable always PMTU discovery.
555 In many setups of transparently intercepting proxies Path-MTU
556 discovery can not work on traffic towards the clients. This is
557 the case when the intercepting device does not fully track
558 connections and fails to forward ICMP must fragment messages
559 to the cache server. If you have such setup and experience that
560 certain clients sporadically hang or never complete requests set
561 disable-pmtu-discovery option to 'transparent'.
562 </verb>
564 <tag>cache_peer</tag>
565 <p>New options:
566 <verb>
567 basetime=n
569 background-ping
571 weighted-round-robin
573 use 'basetime=n' to specify a base amount to
574 be subtracted from round trip times of parents.
575 It is subtracted before division by weight in calculating
576 which parent to fectch from. If the rtt is less than the
577 base time the rtt is set to a minimal value.
579 use 'background-ping' to only send ICP queries to this
580 neighbor infrequently. This is used to keep the neighbor
581 round trip time updated and is usually used in
582 conjunction with weighted-round-robin.
584 use 'weighted-round-robin' to define a set of parents
585 which should be used in a round-robin fashion with the
586 frequency of each parent being based on the round trip
587 time. Closer parents are used more often.
588 Usually used for background-ping parents.
589 </verb>
591 <tag>cache_dir</tag>
592 <p>Common options <em>no-store</em>, replaces the older <em>read-only</em> option
594 <tag>auth_param</tag>
595 <p>Removed Basic auth option
596 <verb>
597 blankpasswor, not yet ported to squid-3.
598 auth_param basic concurrency 0
599 </verb>
601 <tag>external_acl_type</tag>
602 <p>New format specifications:
603 <verb>
604 %URI Requested URI
606 %PATH Requested URL path
607 </verb>
608 <p>New result keywords:
609 <verb>
610 tag= Apply a tag to a request (for both ERR and OK results)
611 Only sets a tag, does not alter existing tags.
612 </verb>
614 <tag>refresh_pattern</tag>
615 <p>New options:
616 <verb>
617 ignore-no-store
618 refresh-ims
620 ignore-no-store ignores any ``Cache-control: no-store''
621 headers received from a server. Doing this VIOLATES
622 the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you
623 liable for problems which it causes.
625 refresh-ims causes squid to contact the origin server
626 when a client issues an If-Modified-Since request. This
627 ensures that the client will receive an updated version
628 if one is available.
629 </verb>
631 <tag>acl</tag>
632 <p>The 'all' ACL is now provided as a built-in. Warnings will be displayed if any attempt is made to redefine it.
633 <p>New types:
634 <verb>
635 acl aclname http_status 200 301 500- 400-403 ... # status code in reply
636 </verb>
638 <tag>short_icon_urls</tag>
639 <p>New default:
640 <verb>
641 Default: on
642 (Old default: off)
643 </verb>
644 <tag>delay_class</tag>
645 <p>New delay classes:
646 <verb>
647 class 4 Everything in a class 3 delay pool, with an
648 additional limit on a per user basis. This
649 only takes effect if the username is established
650 in advance - by forcing authentication in your
651 http_access rules.
653 class 5 Requests are grouped according their tag (see
654 external_acl's tag= reply).
655 </verb>
657 <tag>htcp_port</tag>
658 <p>New default to require the feature to be enabled in squid.conf:
659 <verb>
660 Default: 0 (disabled)
661 (Old default: 4827)
662 </verb>
664 <tag>icp_port</tag>
665 <p>New default to require the feature to be enabled in squid.conf:
666 <verb>
667 Default: 0 (disabled)
668 (Old default: 3130)
669 </verb>
671 <tag>snmp_port</tag>
672 <p>New default to require the feature to be enabled in squid.conf:
673 <verb>
674 Default: 0 (disabled)
675 (Old default: 3401)
676 </verb>
678 <tag>logformat</tag>
679 <p>New format tags:
680 <verb>
681 rp Request URL-Path excluding hostname
683 et Tag returned by external acl
685 &lt;sH Reply high offset sent
687 &lt;sS Upstream object size
688 </verb>
690 <tag>reply_body_max_size</tag>
691 <p>Syntax changed:
692 <verb>
693 reply_body_max_size size [acl acl...]
694 </verb>
695 <p>allow/deny no longer used.
697 <tag>url_rewrite_program</tag>
698 <p>No urlgroup support in either requests or response
700 <tag>auth_param</tag>
701 <p>fake_auth helper for NTLM now accepts the '-S' parameter to strip NTLM domain off the username string.
702 This is useful for class 4 Delay Pools in Squid 3.x
704 <tag>half_closed_clients</tag>
705 <p>New default value of OFF
707 </descrip>
709 <sect1>Removed tags<label id="removedtags">
710 <p>
711 <descrip>
712 <tag>header_access</tag>
713 <p>This has been replaced by request_header_access and reply_header_access
715 <tag>httpd_accel_no_pmtu_disc</tag>
716 <p>Replaced by disable-pmtu-discovery http_port option
718 <tag>wais_relay_*</tag>
719 <p>equivalent to cache_peer + cache_peer_access.
721 </descrip>
724 <sect>Changes to ./configure Options since Squid-2.6
725 <p>There have been some changes to Squid's build configuration since Squid-2.6.
727 <p>This section gives an account of those changes in three categories:
729 <itemize>
730 <item><ref id="newoptions" name="New options">
731 <item><ref id="modifiedoptions" name="Changes to existing options">
732 <item><ref id="removedoptions" name="Removed options">
733 </itemize>
734 <p>
737 <sect1>New options<label id="newoptions">
739 <p>
740 <descrip>
741 <tag>--enable-shared[=PKGS]</tag>
742 <p>Build shared libraries. The default is to build without.</p>
744 <tag>--enable-static[=PKGS]</tag>
745 <p>Build static libraries. The default is on.</p>
747 <tag>--enable-fast-install[=PKGS]</tag>
748 <verb>Optimize for fast installation
749 default: yes</verb>
751 <tag>--disable-libtool-lock</tag>
752 <p>Avoid locking (might break parallel builds)</p>
754 <tag>--disable-optimizations</tag>
755 <p>Don't compile Squid with compiler optimizations enabled.
756 Optimization is good for production builds, but not
757 good for debugging. During development, use
758 --disable-optimizations to reduce compilation times
759 and allow easier debugging. This option implicitly
760 also enables --disable-inline</p>
762 <tag>--disable-inline</tag>
763 <p>Don't compile trivial methods as inline. Squid
764 is coded with much of the code able to be inlined.
765 Inlining is good for production builds, but not
766 good for development. During development, use
767 --disable-inline to reduce compilation times and
768 allow incremental builds to be quick. For
769 production builds, or load tests, use
770 --enable-inline to have squid make all trivial
771 methods inlinable by the compiler.</p>
773 <tag>--enable-debug-cbdata</tag>
774 <p>Provide some debug information in cbdata</p>
776 <tag>--enable-disk-io=\"list of modules\"</tag>
777 <p>Build support for the list of disk I/O modules.
778 The default is only to build the "Blocking" module.
779 See src/DiskIO for a list of available modules, or
780 Programmers Guide for details on how to build your
781 custom disk module.</p>
783 <tag>--enable-esi</tag>
784 <p>Enable ESI for accelerators. Requires libexpat.
785 Enabling ESI will cause squid to follow the Edge
786 Acceleration Specification (www.esi.org). This
787 causes squid to IGNORE client Cache-Control headers.</p>
788 <p><em>DO NOT</em> use this in a squid configured as a web
789 proxy, ONLY use it in a squid configured for
790 webserver acceleration.</p>
792 <tag>--enable-icap-client</tag>
793 <p>Enable the ICAP client.</p>
795 <tag>--disable-snmp</tag>
796 <p>Disable SNMP monitoring support which is now built by default.</p>
798 <tag>--disable-htcp</tag>
799 <p>Disable HTCP protocol support which is now built by default.</p>
801 <tag>--enable-kqueue</tag>
802 <p>Enable kqueue() support. Marked as experimental in 3.0.</p>
804 <tag>--enable-ipfw-transparent</tag>
805 <p>Enable Transparent Proxy support for systems
806 using FreeBSD IPFW style redirection.</p>
808 <tag>--disable-mempools</tag>
809 <p>Disable memPools. Note that this option now simply sets the
810 default behaviour. Specific classes can override this at runtime, and
811 only lib/MemPool.c needs to be altered to change the squid-wide
812 default for all classes.</p>
814 <tag>--enable-cpu-profiling</tag>
815 <p>This option allows you to see which internal functions
816 in Squid are consuming how much CPU. Compiles in probes
817 that measure time spent in probed functions. Needs
818 source modifications to add new probes. This is meant
819 for developers to assist in performance optimisations
820 of Squid internal functions.</p>
821 <p>If you are not developer and not interested in the stats
822 you shouldn't enable this, as overhead added, although
823 small, is still overhead. See lib/Profiler.c for more.</p>
825 <tag>--with-gnu-ld</tag>
826 <p>Assume the C compiler uses GNU ld. The default is to auto-detect.</p>
828 <tag>--with-pic</tag>
829 <p>Try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects. The default is to use both.</p>
831 <tag>--with-tags[=TAGS]</tag>
832 <p>Include additional configurations. The default is automatic.</p>
834 <tag>--with-default-user=USER</tag>
835 <p>Sets the default System User account for squid permissions.
836 The default is 'nobody' as in other releases of squid.</p>
838 <tag>--with-cppunit-basedir=[PATH]</tag>
839 <p>Path where the cppunit headers and libraries are found
840 for unit testing. The default is automatic detection.</p>
841 <p>NOTE: Since 3.0-PRE6 and 2.6STABLE14 squid no longer comes
842 bundled with CPPUnit. Compile-time validation will be disabled
843 if it is not installed on your system.</p>
845 </descrip>
846 </p>
848 <sect1>Changes to existing options<label id="modifiedoptions">
850 <p>
851 <descrip>
852 <tag>--enable-carp</tag>
853 <p>CARP support is now built by default.
854 --disable-carp can be used to build without it.</p>
856 <tag>--enable-htcp</tag>
857 <p>HTCP protocol support is now built by default.
858 Use --disable-htcp to build without it.</p>
860 <tag>--enable-snmp</tag>
861 <p>SNMP monitoring is now build by default.
862 Use --disable-snmp to build without it.</p>
864 <tag>--enable-heap-replacement</tag>
865 <p>Please use --enable-removal-policies directive instead.</p>
867 <tag>--with-maxfd=N</tag>
868 <p>Replaced by --with-filedescriptors=N</p>
869 <p>Override maximum number of filedescriptors. Useful
870 if you build as another user who is not privileged
871 to use the number of filedescriptors you want the
872 resulting binary to support</p>
874 <tag>--enable-select</tag>
875 <p>Deprecated.
876 Automatic checks will enable best I/O loop method available.</p>
878 <tag>--enable-epoll</tag>
879 <p>Deprecated.
880 Automatic checks will enable best I/O loop method available.</p>
882 <tag>--enable-poll</tag>
883 <p>Deprecated.
884 Automatic checks will enable best I/O loop method available.</p>
886 <tag>--enable-kqueue</tag>
887 <p>kqueue support is marked Experimental in Squid 3.0. Known to have some issues under load.</p>
889 </descrip>
890 </p>
893 <sect1>Removed options<label id="removedoptions">
895 <p>The following configure options have been removed.
897 <descrip>
898 <tag>--enable-dlmalloc</tag>
899 <p>Most OS:es have good malloc implementations these days, and the version we used to ship with Squid was very very old..</p>
900 <tag>--enable-mempool-debug</tag>
901 <p>Debug option, not needed and therefore removed.</p>
902 <tag>--enable-forward-log</tag>
903 <p>Rarely used extra log file. Removed.</p>
904 <tag>--enable-multicast-miss</tag>
905 <p>Rarely used feature, and multicast ICP acheives almost the same result. Removed.</p>
906 <tag>--enable-coss-aio-ops</tag>
907 <p>Specific to the COSS implementation in Squid-2</p>
908 <tag>--enable-large-cache-files</tag>
909 <p>Now enabled by default. Configure option was redundant and therefore removed.
910 <tag>--enable-truncate</tag>
911 <p>Known to cause race conditions where cache objects may get corrupted, and this for at most a marginal performance improvement. Removed.</p>
913 </descrip>
916 <sect>Regressions since Squid-2.7
918 <p>Some squid.conf and ./configure options which were available in Squid-2.7 are not yet available in Squid-3.0
920 <p>If you need something to do then porting one of these from Squid-2 to Squid-3 is most welcome.
922 <sect1>Missing squid.conf options available in Squid-2.7
923 <p>
924 <descrip>
925 <tag>acl</tag>
926 <p><em>urllogin</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
927 <p><em>urlgroup</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
929 <tag>acl_uses_indirect_client</tag>
930 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
932 <tag>auth_param digest</tag>
933 <p><em>concurrency</em> option not yet ported from Squid-2
935 <tag>authenticate_ip_shortcircuit_access</tag>
936 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
938 <tag>authenticate_ip_shortcircuit_ttl</tag>
939 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
941 <tag>broken_vary_encoding</tag>
942 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
944 <tag>cache_dir</tag>
945 <p><em>min-size</em> option not yet ported from Squid-2
946 <p><em>COSS</em> storage type is lacking stability fixes from 2.6
947 <p>COSS <em>overwrite-percent=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
948 <p>COSS <em>max-stripe-waste=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
949 <p>COSS <em>membufs=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
950 <p>COSS <em>maxfullbufs=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
952 <tag>cache_peer</tag>
953 <p><em>multicast-siblings</em> not yet ported from 2.7
954 <p><em>idle=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
955 <p><em>http11</em> not yet ported from 2.7
956 <p><em>connection-auth=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
957 <p><em>monitorinterval=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
958 <p><em>monitorsize=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
959 <p><em>monitortimeout=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
960 <p><em>monitorurl=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
962 <tag>cache_vary</tag>
963 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
965 <tag>collapsed_forwarding</tag>
966 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
968 <tag>delay_pool_uses_indirect_client</tag>
969 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
971 <tag>error_map</tag>
972 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
974 <tag>external_acl_type</tag>
975 <p><em>%ACL</em> format tag not yet ported from 2.6
976 <p><em>%DATA</em> format tag not yet ported from 2.6
978 <tag>external_refresh_check</tag>
979 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
981 <tag>follow_x_forwarded_for</tag>
982 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
984 <tag>http_access2</tag>
985 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
987 <tag>http_port</tag>
988 <p><em>act-as-origin</em> not yet ported from 2.7
989 <p><em>allow-direct</em> not yet ported from 2.7
990 <p><em>http11</em> not yet ported from 2.7
991 <p><em>urlgroup=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
992 <p><em>no-connection-auth</em> not yet ported from 2.6
994 <tag>ignore_expect_100</tag>
995 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
997 <tag>ignore_ims_on_miss</tag>
998 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1000 <tag>location_rewrite_access</tag>
1001 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1003 <tag>location_rewrite_children</tag>
1004 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1006 <tag>location_rewrite_concurrency</tag>
1007 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1009 <tag>location_rewrite_program</tag>
1010 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1012 <tag>log_uses_indirect_client</tag>
1013 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1015 <tag>logfile_daemon</tag>
1016 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1018 <tag>logformat</tag>
1019 <p><em>%oa</em> tag not yet ported from 2.7
1020 <p><em>%sn</em> tag not yet ported from 2.7
1022 <tag>max_filedescriptors</tag>
1023 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1025 <tag>max_stale</tag>
1026 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1028 <tag>refresh_pattern</tag>
1029 <p><em>stale-while-revalidate=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1030 <p><em>ignore-stale-while-revalidate=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1031 <p><em>max-stale=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1032 <p><em>negative-ttl=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1034 <tag>refresh_stale_hit</tag>
1035 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1037 <tag>server_http11</tag>
1038 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1040 <tag>storeurl_access</tag>
1041 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1043 <tag>storeurl_rewrite_children</tag>
1044 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1046 <tag>storeurl_rewrite_concurrency</tag>
1047 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1049 <tag>storeurl_rewrite_program</tag>
1050 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1052 <tag>update_headers</tag>
1053 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1055 <tag>upgrade_http0.9</tag>
1056 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1058 <tag>zero_buffers</tag>
1059 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1061 </descrip>
1063 <sect1>Missing ./configure options available in Squid-2.7
1064 <p>
1065 <descrip>
1066 <tag>--enable-devpoll</tag>
1067 <p>Support for Solaris /dev/poll</p>
1069 <tag>--enable-select-simple</tag>
1070 <p>Basic POSIX select() loop without any binary fd_set optimizations.</p>
1072 <tag>--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for</tag>
1073 <p>Support following the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header for determining the
1074 client IP address</p>
1076 <tag>--without-system-md5</tag>
1078 </descrip>
1080 </article>