]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - doc/release-notes/release-3.2.sgml
Prep for, 3.2.4, 3.1.22
[thirdparty/squid.git] / doc / release-notes / release-3.2.sgml
1 <!doctype linuxdoc system>
2 <article>
3 <title>Squid 3.2.4 release notes</title>
4 <author>Squid Developers</author>
6 <abstract>
7 This document contains the release notes for version 3.2 of Squid.
8 Squid is a WWW Cache application developed by the National Laboratory
9 for Applied Network Research and members of the Web Caching community.
10 </abstract>
12 <toc>
14 <sect>Notice
15 <p>
16 The Squid Team are pleased to announce the release of Squid-3.2.4 for testing.
18 This new release is available for download from <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.2/"> or the <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Mirrors/http-mirrors.html" name="mirrors">.
20 While this release is not deemed ready for production use, we believe it is ready for wider testing by the community.
22 We welcome feedback and bug reports. If you find a bug, please see <url url="http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/BugReporting"> for how to submit a
23 report with a stack trace.
25 <sect1>Known issues
26 <p>
27 Although this release is deemed good enough for use in many setups, please note the existence of <url url="http://bugs.squid-cache.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;short_desc=&amp;target_milestone=3.2&amp;long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;long_desc=&amp;bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;bug_file_loc=&amp;status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&amp;status_whiteboard=&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;emailtype1=substring&amp;email1=&amp;emailtype2=substring&amp;email2=&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;bug_id=&amp;votes=&amp;chfieldfrom=&amp;chfieldto=Now&amp;chfieldvalue=&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;order=bugs.bug_severity&amp;field0-0-0=noop&amp;type0-0-0=noop&amp;value0-0-0=" name="open bugs against Squid-3.2">.
29 <p>Some issues to note as currently known in this release which are not able to be fixed in the 3.2 series are:
31 <itemize>
32 <item>TCP logging of access.log does not recover from broken connections well.
33 <item>SSL-Bump not re-wrapping decrypted traffic in CONNECT for peers.
34 <item>Cache Manager reports in txt/plain format even when requested directly via browser.
35 </itemize>
37 <p>Currently known issues which only depends on available developer time and may still be resolved in a future 3.2 release are:
39 <itemize>
40 <item>SMP Support still has a number of important bugs needing to be resolved. see the bugs list above for details.
41 <item>Windows support is still incomplete.
42 <item>The lack of some features available in Squid-2.x series. See the regression sections below for full details.
43 </itemize>
46 <sect1>Changes since earlier releases of Squid-3.2
47 <p>
48 The 3.2 change history can be <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.2/changesets/" name="viewed here">.
50 <sect>Major new features since Squid-3.1
51 <p>Squid 3.2 represents a new feature release above 3.1.
53 <p>The most important of these new features are:
54 <itemize>
55 <item>CVE-2009-0801 : NAT interception vulnerability to malicious clients.
56 <item>NCSA helper DES algorithm password limits
57 <item>SMP scalability
58 <item>Helper Multiplexer and On-Demand
59 <item>Helper Name Changes
60 <item>Multi-Lingual manuals
61 <item>Solaris 10 pthreads Support
62 <item>Surrogate/1.0 protocol extensions to HTTP
63 <item>Logging Infrastructure Updated
64 <item>Client Bandwidth Limits
65 <item>Better eCAP support
66 <item>Cache Manager access changes
67 </itemize>
69 Most user-facing changes are reflected in squid.conf (see below).
72 <sect1>CVE-2009-0801 : NAT interception vulnerability to malicious clients.
73 <p>Details in Advisory <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Advisories/SQUID-2011_1.txt" name="SQUID-2011:1">
75 <p>Squid locates the authority-URL details available in an HTTP request as
76 defined by RFC 2616 and validates that all found representations are
77 <em>textually</em> equivalent. In the case of intercepted traffic the
78 client destination IP is also compared to the Host: authority domains
79 DNS entries.
81 <p>When the Host: authority contradicts another authority source Squid will log
82 "SECURITY ALERT: Host: header forgery detected". The response will then be determined
83 by the <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/host_verify_strict/" name="host_verify_strict">
84 directive. Squid will respond with 409 Conflict error response when strict validation
85 fails and handles the request normally when strict validation succeeds or is OFF (default).
87 <p>Relaying of messages which FAIL non-strict Host: validation are permitted through Squid but
88 only to the original destination IP the client was requesting or to explicit peers. This means
89 DNS lookups to locate alternative DIRECT destinations will not be done.
91 <p>Known Issue: When non-strict validation fails Squid will relay the request, but can only do
92 so safely to the orginal destination IP the client was contacting. The client original
93 destination IP is lost when relaying to peers in a hierarchy. This means the upstream peers
94 are still at risk of causing same-origin bypass CVE-2009-0801 vulnerability.
95 Developer time is required to implement safe transit of these requests.
96 Please contact squid-dev if you are able to assist or sponsor the development.
99 <sect1>NCSA helper DES algorithm password limits
100 <p>Details in Advisory <url url="http://www.squid-cache.org/Advisories/SQUID-2011_2.txt" name="SQUID-2011:2">
102 <p>The DES algorithm used by the NCSA Basic authentication helper has an
103 limit of 8 bytes but some implementations do not error when truncating
104 longer passwords down to this unsafe level.
106 <p>This both significantly lowers the threshold of difficulty decrypting
107 captured password files and hides from users the fact that the extra bits
108 of their chosen long password is not being utilized.
110 <p>The NCSA helper bundled with Squid will prevent passwords longer than 8
111 characters being sent to the DES algorithm. The MD5 hash algorithm which
112 supports longer than 8 character passwords is also supported by this helper
113 and should be used instead.
116 <sect1>SMP scalability
117 <p>The new "workers" squid.conf option can be used to launch multiple worker
118 processes and utilize multiple CPU cores. The overall intent is to make
119 multiple workers look like one to an outside observer, while providing
120 knobs to customize each worker behavior if needed.
122 <p>By default, all worker processes are configured identically and do what a
123 single Squid instance would have done. Squid.conf macro substitutions and
124 conditionals (see below) can be used to customize individual worker
125 configurations. In the paragraphs below, "can share" implies "will share by
126 default".
128 <p>Workers can share HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP, ICP, and HTCP listening addresses.
129 Configuration related to ICP and HTCP clients must be adjusted to avoid
130 source address conflicts: Modify the IP address and/or the port used for
131 the protocol. Workers do not share DNS addresses by default because the OS
132 assigns each worker a unique DNS port.
134 <p>Workers can share logs.
136 <p>Workers can share caches. Memory cache is automatically shared when multiple
137 workers are used. Cache_dir are shared when configured with the <em>rock</em>
138 storage type. Cache_dir of other types must be adjusted to point each
139 disk-caching worker to its own disk area. ICP and HTCP responses are based
140 on the responding worker cache state.
142 <p>Cache manager statistics are reported from a worker point of view, for now.
143 Though some reports are combined. SNMP statistics are combined across all
144 workers.
146 <p>Startup, reconfiguration, shutdown, and log rotation are handled as for a
147 monolithic Squid. Abnormally terminated workers are restarted while
148 other workers continue serving traffic.
150 <sect2>Squid.conf macros and conditionals
151 <p>Added support for process_name and process_number macros as well as simple
152 if-statement conditionals in squid.conf. These features allow individual
153 worker customization in SMP mode. For details, search for "Conditional
154 configuration" and "SMP-Related Macros" sections in squid.conf.documented.
157 <sect1>Helper Multiplexer
158 <p>The helper multiplexer's purpose is to relieve some of the burden
159 Squid has when dealing with slow helpers. It does so by acting as a
160 middleman between squid and the actual helpers, talking to Squid via
161 the multiplexed concurrent variant of the helper protocol and to the
162 helpers via the non-concurrent variant.
164 <p>Helpers are started on demand, and in theory the muxer can handle up to
165 1k helpers per instance. It's up to squid to decide how many helpers
166 to start.
168 <p>The muxer knows nothing about the actual messages being passed around,
169 and as such can't really (yet?) compensate for broken helpers.
170 It is not yet able to manage dying helpers, but it will.
172 <p>To configure the multiplexer add its binary name (usually /usr/share/libexec/helper-mux.pl)
173 in front of the name of whichever helper is being multiplexed. It takes the helper binary
174 path and parameters as its own command parameters. The <em>concurrency</em> setting already
175 existing in Squid is used to configure how many child helpers it may run.
177 <p>For example, a traditional configration is
178 <verb>
179 url_rewrite_program /your/redirector.sh
180 url_rewrite_children 5
181 </verb>
182 the alternative multiplexer configuration is:
183 <verb>
184 url_rewrite_program /usr/share/libexec/helper-mux.pl /your/redirector.sh
185 url_rewrite_children 1 concurrency=5
186 </verb>
188 <p>Helpers which are already concurrent protocol enabled gain little benefit from the multiplexer
189 on most systems. However on some systems where Squid spawning helpers causes excess memory usage
190 the reduction in direct helper spawned by Squid can result in a great reduction in resource use.
192 <p>The helper can be controlled using various signals:
193 <itemize>
194 <item>SIGHUP: dump the state of all helpers to STDERR
195 </itemize>
198 <sect1>Helpers On-Demand
199 <p>Traditionally Squid has been configured with a fixed number of helpers and started them during
200 it's start and reconfigure phases. This forces the hard configuration problem of how many helpers
201 will be needed to be solved before starting Squid in production use.
203 <p>The on-demand helpers feature allows greater flexibility and resolves this problem by allowing
204 maximum, initial and idle thresholds to be configured. Squid will start the initial set during
205 start and reconfigure phases. However over the operational use new helpers up to the maxium will
206 be started as load demands. The idle threshold determins how many more helpers to start if the
207 currently running set is not enough to handle current request loads.
209 <p>For example, a traditional configration is
210 <verb>
211 auth_param ntlm /usr/libexec/squid/ntlm_auth
212 auth_param ntlm children 200
213 </verb>
214 the alternative on-demand configuration could be:
215 <verb>
216 auth_param ntlm /usr/libexec/squid/ntlm_auth
217 auth_param ntlm children 200 startup=10 idle=2
218 </verb>
220 <p>The example still permits up to 200 helpers to be running at once under peak traffic loads.
221 But only starts 10 when Squid is initialized resulting in a faster boot up.
222 When client requests threaten to overload the running helpers an additional 2 will be started.
224 <p>NOTE: if no <em>startup</em> and <em>idle</em> values are specified the traditional behaviour
225 of starting the maximum number of helpers will occur.
228 <sect1>Helper Name Changes
229 <p>To improve the understanding of what each helper does and where it should be used the helper binaries
230 which are bundled with Squid have undergone a naming change in this release.
232 <p>Below is a list of the old helper names and what their names have changed to.
233 For several helpers the directory name used in --enable-X-helpers configure option has also changed.
235 <sect2>Basic Authentication protocol helpers
236 <p><itemize>
237 <item>squid_db_auth - basic_db_auth - Retrieve authentication details from a simple SQL database table.
238 <item>getpwnam_auth - basic_getpwname_auth - Authenticate with local system user accounts.
239 <item>squid_ldap_auth - basic_ldap_auth - Authenticate with LDAP user accounts.
240 <item>MSNT-multi-domain - basic_msnt_multi_domain_auth - Authenticate with any one of multiple Windows Domain Controllers.
241 <item>msnt_auth - basic_msnt_auth - Authenticate with Windows Domain Controllers selected by username.
242 <item>ncsa_auth - basic_ncsa_auth - Authenticate with NCSA httpd-style password file.
243 <item>yp_auth - basic_nis_auth - Authenticate with NIS security system.
244 <item>pam_auth - basic_pam_auth - Authenticate with the system PAM infrastructure.
245 <item>pop3.pl - basic_pop3_auth - Authenticate with a mail server POP3/SMTP credentials.
246 <item>squid_radius_auth - basic_radius_auth - Authenticate with RADIUS.
247 <item>squid_sasl_auth - basic_sasl_auth - Authenticate with SASL.
248 <item>smb_auth - basic_smb_auth - Authenticate with Samba SMB.
249 <item>mswin_sspi - basic_sspi_auth - Authenticate with a Windows Domain Controller using SSPI.
250 </itemize>
252 <sect2>Digest Authentication protocol helpers
253 <p><itemize>
254 <item>digest_pw_auth - digest_file_auth - Authenticate against credentials stored in a simple text file.
255 </itemize>
257 <sect2>External ACL helpers
258 <p><itemize>
259 <item>mswin_check_ad_group - ext_ad_group_acl - Check logged in users Group membership using Active Directory.
260 <item>ip_user_check - ext_file_userip_acl - Restrict users to cetain IP addresses, using a text file backend.
261 <item>squid_kerb_ldap - ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl - Check logged in Kerberos or NTLM users Group membership using LDAP.
262 <item>squid_ldap_group - ext_ldap_group_acl - Check logged in users Group membership using LDAP.
263 <item>mswin_check_lm_group - ext_lm_group_acl - Check logged in users Group membership using LanManager.
264 <item>squid_session - ext_session_acl - Maintain a session cache of client identifiers (usually IP address).
265 This helper has also gone through a version update and now uses more current BerkeleyDB 4.1+ APIs.
266 <item>squid_unix_group - ext_unix_group_acl - Check logged in users Group membership using local UNIX groups.
267 <item>wbinfo_group.pl - ext_wbinfo_group_acl - Check logged in users Group membership using wbinfo.
268 </itemize>
270 <sect2>Negotiate Authentication protocol helpers
271 <p><itemize>
272 <item>squid_kerb_auth - negotiate_kerberos_auth - Authenticate with Kerberos servers.
273 <item>mswin_sspi - negotiate_sspi_auth - Authenticate with a Windows Domain Controller using SSPI.
274 <item>negotiate_wrapper - negotiate_wrapper_auth - Split Negotiate traffic between Kerberos and NTLM helpers.
275 </itemize>
277 <sect2>NTLM Authentication protocol helpers
278 <p><itemize>
279 <item>no_check.pl - Deprecated. - Use the faster and less easily decrypted ntlm_fake_auth instead.
280 <item>fakeauth_auth - ntlm_fake_auth - Perform NTLMSSP to recover the username but don't verify the password.
281 <item>ntlm_auth - ntlm_smb_lm_auth - Perform SMB LanManager domain-less authentication over NTLM protocol.
282 <item>mswin_ntlm_auth - ntlm_sspi_auth - Perform NTLMSSP authentication using Windows native Security Support Provider Interface API.
283 </itemize>
285 <sect2>URL re-write helpers
286 <p>This group of helpers have been bundled to demonstrate how to code URL re-writers:
287 <itemize>
288 <item>url_fake_rewrite - Accept various url_rewrite details and log the input.
289 </itemize>
292 <sect1>Multi-Lingual manuals
293 <p>The man(8) and man(1) pages bundled with Squid are now provided online for all
294 versions and beginning with 3.2 they are available in languages other than English (where translated).
296 <p>Details in <url url="http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Translations" name="The Squid wiki">
298 <p>3.1 began the Internationalization of Squid with the public facing error pages.
299 This move begins the Localization of the internal administrator facing manuals.
302 <sect1>Solaris 10 pthreads Support (Experimental)
303 <p>Automatic detection and use of the pthreads library available from Solaris 10
305 <p>The result of this addition means that faster more efficient AUFS cache storage mechanisims
306 are now available in Solaris 10.
308 <p>Support is experimental at this stage due to lack of feedback on the results of enabling it.
309 We recommend giving AUFS a try for faster disk storage and encourage feedback.
312 <sect1>Surrogate/1.0 protocol extensions to HTTP
313 <p>The <em>Surrogate</em> extensions to HTTP protocol enable an origin web server to specify separate
314 cache controls for a reverse proxy acting on its behalf. Previously this was closely tied with the ESI
315 feature support in Squid. This release opens Surrogate support to all reverse proxies.
317 <p>Reverse proxy requests sent on to the web server include the HTTP header <em>Surrogate-Capabilities:</em>
318 specifying the capabilities of the reverse proxy along with an ID which can be used to target reponses with
319 a <em>Surrogate-Control:</em> HTTP header used instead of the <em>Cache-Control:</em> header.
321 <p>The default surrogate ID is generated automatically from the Squid site-unique hostname as found by the
322 automatic detection or manual configuration of <em>visible_hostname</em> although can be configured
323 separately with the <em>httpd_accel_surrogate_id</em> option.
325 <p><em>Security Considerations:</em> Websites sould be careful of accepting any surrogate ID.
326 Older releases of Squid leak the Surrogate-Control headers to external servers.
327 This 3.2 series of Squid will now prevent this leakage of its own ID destined responses, however it is possible
328 and for some uses desirable to receive external reverse-proxies <em>Surrogate-Capabilities:</em> headers.
330 <p><em>NOTE:</em> Several operating system distributions historically package Squid with a forced value of
331 <em>visible_hostname localhost</em>. If this is done on a Surrogate enabled install a manual re-configuration
332 is required to prevent an unacceptable surrogate ID of 'localhost' being generated.
335 <sect1>Logging Infrastructure Updated
336 <p>The advanced logging modules introduced in Squid-2.7 are now available from Squid-3.2.
338 <p>This feature is documented at http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/LogModules
340 <p>The new infrastructure currently supports several different channels types (modules) ranging from
341 direct filesystem logging (stdio, daemon) to network logging (syslog, UDP and TCP). The daemon logging
342 interface allows for a custom helper to be written to process logs in real-time.
344 <p>Upgrading: the <em>access_log</em> and <em>cache_store_log</em> were previously logged via what is
345 now called the <em>stdio</em> module.
346 This is still supported and used by default if no module is named. For best performance particularly in SMP
347 environments we recommend the <em>daemon</em> be used. The provided <em>log_file_daemon</em> helper
348 performs the traditional logging to local filesystem.
350 <p>Additional to this the cache.log can now be limited to a smaller number of files stored.
351 Traditionally cache.log.N has been fixed at the same number of rotated files as access.log.N through the
352 <em>logfile_rotate</em> setting. The <em>debug_options</em> setting can now be used to configure the number
353 of debug cache.log files to rotate through with a <em>rotate=N</em> option. This is particularly useful for
354 logging a single cache.log at relatively high debug levels on a high-traffic system. Or one which is
355 required to store a long period of access.log and needs to conserve disk space.
357 <p>The <em>referer_log</em> and <em>useragent_log</em> directives have been converted to built-in log formats.
358 These logs are now created using an <em>access_log</em> line with the format "referrer" or "useragent".
359 They also now log all client requests, if there was no Referer or User-Agent header a dash (-) is logged.
361 <p>Known Issue: The TCP logging module does not recover from broken connections well.
362 At present it will restart the affected Squid instance if the TCP connection is broken.
365 <sect1> Client Bandwidth Limits
366 <p>In mobile environments, Squid may need to limit Squid-to-client bandwidth
367 available to individual users, identified by their IP addresses. The IP
368 address pool can be as large as a /10 IPv4 network (4 million unique IP
369 addresses) and even larger in IPv6 environments. On the other hand, the code
370 should support thousands of connections coming from a single IP (e.g.,
371 a child proxy).
373 <p>The implementation is based on storing bandwidth-related "bucket" information
374 in the existing "client database" hash (client_db.cc). The old code already
375 assigned each client IP a single ClientInfo object, which satisfies the
376 client-side IP-based bandwidth pooling requirements. The old hash size is
377 increased to support up to 32K concurrent clients if needed.
379 <p>Client-side pools are configured similarly to server-side ones, but there is
380 only one pool class. See client_delay_pools,
381 client_delay_initial_bucket_level, client_delay_parameters, and
382 client_delay_access in squid.conf. The client_delay_access matches the client
383 with delay parameters. It does not pool clients from different IP addresses
384 together.
386 <p>Special care is taken to provide fair distribution of bandwidth among clients
387 sharing the same bucket (i.e., clients coming from the same IP address).
388 Multiple same-IP clients competing for bandwidth are queued using FIFO
389 algorithm. If a bucket becomes empty, the first client among those sharing
390 the bucket is delayed by 1 second before it can attempt to receive more
391 response data from Squid. This delay may need to be lowered in
392 high-bandwidth environments.
395 <sect1>Better eCAP Suport
396 <p>Support for libecap version 0.2.0 has been added with this series of Squid. Bringing
397 better support for body handling, and logging.
399 <p>Known Issue: Due to API changes in libecap this release of Squid will not build
400 against any older libecap releases.
403 <sect1>Cache Manager access changes
404 <p>The Squid Cache Manager has previously only been accessible under the cache_object://
405 URL scheme. Which has restricted its reporting to tools which can send arbitrary
406 URI to the proxy.
408 <p>This version of Squid now provides access through the http:// and https:// URL schemes
409 allowing web browsers access without having to use the cachemgr.cgi gateway and enabling
410 the use of HTTPS security were desired.
412 <p>The cache manager is available under the path prefix /squid-internal-mgr/. For example
413 the URL http://example/com/squid-internal-mgr/menu will bring up the manager menu. This
414 means there are some configuration changes required to lock down manager access.
415 The <em>manager</em> ACL needs changing. A built-in definition is now used, equivalent
416 to the following regex pattern:
417 <verb>
418 ^(cache_object://|https?://[^/]+/squid-internal-mgr/)
419 </verb>
421 <p>The manager prefix /squid-internal-mgr/ with no action attempts to load an optional
422 template MGR_INDEX which may be installed amongst in the Squid error templates.
423 This template is not supplied with Squid but intended to be supplied by separate
424 cache manager applications as their front page embedding all scripts, accessors or
425 redirects required for their initial GUI display.
427 <p>MGR_INDEX file
428 <itemize>
429 <item>should contain a complete HTML page, with optional client-side scripting.
430 <item>must not contain server-side scripting.
431 <item>will have macro substitution performed on it using the same macros as used by the error page tempates.
432 </itemize>
434 <p>Version 3.2 of the CGI cache manager tool now presents XHR scripted probes to detect
435 proxies presenting these manager index pagess and provides direct HTTP/HTTPS web links
436 to those managers.
439 <sect>Changes to squid.conf since Squid-3.1
440 <p>
441 There have been changes to Squid's configuration file since Squid-3.1.
443 This section gives a thorough account of those changes in three categories:
445 <itemize>
446 <item><ref id="newtags" name="New tags">
447 <item><ref id="modifiedtags" name="Changes to existing tags">
448 <item><ref id="removedtags" name="Removed tags">
449 </itemize>
450 <p>
452 <sect1>New tags<label id="newtags">
453 <p>
454 <descrip>
455 <tag>adaptation_meta</tag>
456 <p>This option allows Squid administrator to add custom ICAP request
457 headers or eCAP options to Squid ICAP requests or eCAP transactions.
459 <tag>adaptation_send_client_ip</tag>
460 <p>Same as depricated icap_send_client_ip
461 but applies to both ICAP and eCAP.</p>
463 <tag>adaptation_send_username</tag>
464 <p>Same as depricated icap_send_client_username
465 but applies to both ICAP and eCAP.</p>
467 <tag>adaptation_uses_indirect_client</tag>
468 <p>Same as depricated icap_uses_indirect_client
469 but applies to both ICAP and eCAP.</p>
471 <tag>client_delay_pools</tag>
472 <p>New setting for client bandwith limits to specifies the number
473 of client delay pools used.
475 <tag>client_delay_initial_bucket_level</tag>
476 <p>New setting for client bandwith limits to determine the initial
477 bucket size as a percentage of max_bucket_size from
478 client_delay_parameters.
480 <tag>client_delay_parameters</tag>
481 <p>New setting for client bandwith limits to configures client-side
482 bandwidth limits.
484 <tag>client_delay_access</tag>
485 <p>New setting for client bandwith limits to determines the
486 client-side delay pool for the request.
488 <tag>client_dst_passthru</tag>
489 <p>New setting to disable extra Host: header security on interception proxies.
490 Impacts cache integrity/reliability and client browser security.
491 <p><em>IMPORTANT:</em> disabling this directive only allows Squid to change the
492 destination IP to another source indicated by Host: domain DNS or
493 cache_peer configuration. It <em>does not</em> affect Host: validation.
495 <tag>client_idle_pconn_timeout</tag>
496 <p>Renamed from <em>persistent_request_timeout</em>.
498 <tag>cpu_affinity_map</tag>
499 <p>New setting for SMP support to map Squid processes onto specific CPU cores.
501 <tag>connect_retries</tag>
502 <p>Replacement for <em>maximum_single_addr_tries</em>, but instead of only applying to hosts with single addresses.
503 This directive applies to all hosts, extending the number of connection attempts to each IP address.
505 <tag>dns_packet_max</tag>
506 <p>New setting to configure maximum number of bytes packet size to advertise via EDNS.
507 Set to "none" (the initial default) to disable EDNS large packet support.
509 <tag>else</tag>
510 <p>Part of conditional SMP support syntax. see <em>if</em>
512 <tag>endif</tag>
513 <p>Part of conditional SMP support syntax. see <em>if</em>
515 <tag>eui_lookup</tag>
516 <p>Whether to lookup the EUI or MAC address of a connected client.
518 <tag>host_verify_strict</tag>
519 <p>New option to enable super-strict HTTP and DNS information match.
520 Ensuring the HTTP URI details, DNS records, and TCP connection layers all match in a
521 three-legged security verification. Preventing domain hijacking or malicious poisoning
522 attacks by malicious scripts.
523 <p>The default is to verify only intercepted traffic, to log all issues and let failed
524 traffic through when doing so can be done safely.
526 <tag>icap_206_enable</tag>
527 <p>New option to toggle whether the ICAP 206 (Partial Content) responses extension.
528 Default is on.
530 <tag>if</tag>
531 <p>New conditional syntax for SMP multiple-worker.
532 If-statements can be used to make configuration directives depend on conditions.
533 <p>The else part is optional. The keywords <em>if</em>, <em>else</em> and <em>endif</em>
534 must be typed on their own lines, as if they were regular configuration directives.
536 <tag>logfile_daemon</tag>
537 <p>Ported from 2.7. Specify the file I/O daemon helper to run for logging.
539 <tag>max_stale</tag>
540 <p>Places an upper limit on how stale content Squid will serve from the cache if cache validation fails
542 <tag>memory_cache_mode</tag>
543 <p>Controls which objects to keep in the memory cache (cache_mem)
544 <verb>
545 'always' Keep most recently fetched objects in memory (default)
547 'disk' Only disk cache hits are kept in memory, which means
548 an object must first be cached on disk and then hit
549 a second time before cached in memory.
551 network Only objects fetched from network is kept in memory
552 </verb>
554 <tag>memory_cache_shared</tag>
555 <p>Controls whether the memory cache is shared among SMP workers.
556 <p>Currently, entities exceeding 32KB in size cannot be shared.
558 <tag>server_idle_pconn_timeout</tag>
559 <p>Renamed from <em>pconn_timeout</em>.
561 <tag>tproxy_uses_indirect_client</tag>
562 <p>Controls whether the indirect client address found in the X-Forwarded-For
563 header is used for spoofing instead of the directly connected client address.
564 Requires both <em>--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for</em> and <em>--enable-linux-netfilter</em>
566 <tag>workers</tag>
567 <p>Number of main Squid processes or "workers" to fork and maintain.
568 In SMP mode, each worker does nearly all what a single Squid daemon
569 does (e.g., listen on http_port and forward HTTP requests).
570 <verb>
571 0: "no daemon" mode, like running "squid -N ..."
572 1: "no SMP" mode, start one main Squid process daemon (default)
573 N: start N main Squid process daemons (i.e., SMP mode)
574 </verb>
576 <tag>write_timeout</tag>
577 <p>New setting to limit time spent waiting for data writes to be confirmed.
578 </descrip>
580 <sect1>Changes to existing tags<label id="modifiedtags">
581 <p>
582 <descrip>
583 <tag>access_log</tag>
584 <p>New <em>stdio</em> module to send log data directly from Squid to a disk file.
585 This is the historic behaviour of Squid before logging modules were introduced, and
586 remains the default used when no module is selected.
587 It is recommended to upgrade logging to the faster <em>daemon:</em> module.
588 <p>New <em>daemon</em> module to send each log line as text data to a file I/O daemon handling the slow disk I/O.
589 New installs, or installs with no logs configured explicitly will use this module by default.
590 <p>New <em>tcp</em> module to send each log line as text data to a TCP receiver.
591 <p>New <em>udp</em> module to send each log line as text data to a UDP receiver.
592 <p>New format <em>referrer</em> to log with the format prevously used by referer_log directive.
593 <p>New format <em>useragent</em> to log with the format prevously used by useragent_log directive.
595 <tag>acl : random, localip, localport</tag>
596 <p>New type <em>random</em>. Pseudo-randomly match requests based on a configured probability.
597 <p>Renamed <em>myip</em> to <em>localip</em>. It matches the IP which the client connected to.
598 <p>Renamed <em>myport</em> to <em>localport</em>. It matches the port which the client connected to.
599 <p>Ported <em>urllogin</em> option from Squid 2.7, to match a regex pattern on the URL login field (if any).
600 <p>The <em>localip</em>/<em>localport</em> differ from earlier releases where they matched a mix of
601 of an invalid IP and port 0, the client destination IP/port or the Squid listening IP/port.
602 This definition is now consistent across all modes of traffic received by Squid.
603 <p>The <em>manager</em> ACL requires adjustment to cover new cache manager access. So it has now been
604 built-in as a predefined ACL name matching URLs equivalent to the following regular expression:
605 <verb>
606 ^(cache_object://|https?://[^/]+/squid-internal-mgr/)
607 </verb>
608 squid.conf containing the old manager definition can expect to see ACL type collisions.
610 <tag>auth_param</tag>
611 <p>New options for Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate <em>children</em> settings.
612 <em>startup=N</em> determins minimum number of helper processes used.
613 <em>idle=N</em> determines how many helper to retain as buffer against sudden traffic loads.
614 <em>concurrency=N</em> previously called <em>auth_param ... concurrency</em> as a separate option.
615 <p>Removed Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate <em>auth_param ... concurrency</em> setting option.
616 <p>Known Issue: NTLM and Negotiate protocols do not support concurrency. When set this option is ignored.
618 <tag>cache_dir</tag>
619 <p><em>min-size</em> option ported from Squid-2
621 <tag>cache_peer</tag>
622 <p><em>htcp-*</em> options collapsed into <em>htcp=</em> taking an optional comma-separated list of flags.
623 The old form is deprecated but still accepted.
625 <tag>cache_store_log</tag>
626 <p>Now uses logging modules. Example: stdio:/file/path
627 see <em>access_log</em> for a list of supported modules and their parameters.
629 <tag>clientside_mark</tag>
630 <p>New configuration parameter <em>clientside_mark</em>
631 <p>Allows packets leaving Squid on the client side to be marked with a Netfilter mark value in the same way as the existing clientside_tos feature.
632 <p>This feature is only available for Netfilter environments.
634 <tag>deny_info</tag>
635 <p>Support URL format tags. For dynamically generated URL in denial redirect.
636 <p>Support the full range of 200-599 HTTP status codes.
637 3xx status only available when redirecting to a URI.
638 Other status only available when supplying an error template body.
640 <tag>external_acl_type</tag>
641 <p>New format tags and option parameters:
642 <p><em>%SRCEUI48</em> EUI-48 / MAC address of client from ARP lookup.
643 <p><em>%SRCEUI64</em> EUI-64 of clients with SLAAC address.
644 <p><em>%EXT_LOG</em> log= message returned by previous external ACL calls. An updated version may be returned.
645 <p><em>%EXT_TAG</em> tag= value returned by previous external ACL calls. Tag may not be altered once set.
646 <p><em>children-max=N</em> determins maximum number of helper processes used.
647 <p><em>children-startup=N</em> determins minimum number of helper processes used.
648 <p><em>children-idle=N</em> determines how many helper to retain as buffer against sudden traffic loads.
649 <p>Deprecated <em>children=N</em> in favor of <em>children-max=N</em>.
651 <tag>http_port act-as-origin vhost no-vhost</tag>
652 <p><em>act-as-origin</em> ported from 2.7.
653 This option corrects several HTTP header issues when operating as a reverse proxy and cache.
654 Notably the externally visible aging of objects stored in the server-side cache.
655 <p><em>vhost</em> is deprecated. <em>accel</em> mode, reverse proxy, now defaults to always enable HTTP/1.1 virtual domain support.
656 <p><em>no-vhost</em> option is added to disable the new reverse proxy behaviour.
658 <tag>icap_send_client_ip</tag>
659 <p>Deprecated in favor of adaptation_send_client_ip
660 which applies to both ICAP and eCAP.</p>
662 <tag>icap_send_client_username</tag>
663 <p>Deprecated in favor of adaptation_send_username
664 which applies to both ICAP and eCAP.</p>
666 <tag>icap_uses_indirect_client</tag>
667 <p>Deprecated in favor of adaptation_uses_indirect_client
668 which applies to both ICAP and eCAP.</p>
670 <tag>logformat</tag>
671 <p><em>%&lt;a</em> Server or Peer IP address from the last server connection (next hop).
672 <p><em>%&gt;bs</em> Number of HTTP-equivalent message body bytes received from the next hop.
673 <p><em>icap::%&gt;bs</em> Number of message body bytes received from the ICAP server.
674 <p><em>%sn</em> Unique sequence number per log line. Ported from 2.7
675 <p><em>%&gt;eui</em> EUI logging (EUI-48 / MAC address for IPv4, EUI-64 for IPv6).
676 Both EUI forms are logged in the same field. Type can be identified by length or byte delimiter.
677 <p><em>%err_code</em> The ID of an error response served by Squid or a similar internal error identifier
678 <p><em>%err_detail</em> Additional err_code-dependent error information.
679 <p><em>%&gt;la</em> Rename of %la to indicate being a client connection detail.
680 <p><em>%&gt;lp</em> Rename of %lp to indicate being a client connection detail.
681 <p><em>%&lt;p</em> Server or Peer port number from the last server connection (next hop).
683 <tag>memory_pools_limit</tag>
684 <p>Memory limits have been revised and corrected from 3.1.4 onwards.
685 <p>Please check and update your squid.conf to use the text <em>none</em> for no limit instead of the old 0 (zero).
686 <p>All users upgrading need to be aware that from Squid-3.3 setting this option to 0 (zero) will mean zero bytes of memory get pooled.
688 <tag>qos_flows</tag>
689 <p>New options <em>mark</em> and <em>tos</em> and <em>miss</em>
690 <p><em>tos</em> retains the original QOS functionality of the IP header TOS field.
691 <p><em>mark</em> offers the same functionality, but with a netfilter mark value.
692 <p>These options should be placed immediately after qos_flows.
693 <p>The <em>tos</em> value is optional in order to maintain backwards compatability.
694 <p>The preserve-miss functionality is available with the <em>mark</em> option and requires no kernel patching.
695 It does, however, require libnetfilter_conntrack.
696 This will be included by default if available (see the --without-netfilter-conntrack configure option for more details).
697 <p><em>miss</em> sets a value for a cache miss. It is available for both the tos and mark options and takes precedence over the preserve-miss feature.
699 <tag>range_offset_limit</tag>
700 <p>Added ACL support for control over when the limit applies and when it is avoided.
702 <tag>refresh_pattern</tag>
703 <p>New option <em>max-stale=</em> to provide a maximum staleness factor. Squid won't
704 serve objects more stale than this even if it failed to validate the object.
705 <p>Removed option <em>ignore-no-cache</em>. Its commonly desired behaviour is obsoleted
706 by correct HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control:no-cache handling.
708 <tag>reply_header_access</tag>
709 <p>Added support for custom response header names.</p>
711 <tag>request_header_access</tag>
712 <p>Added support for custom request header names.</p>
714 <tag>reply_header_replace</tag>
715 <p>Added support for custom response header names.</p>
717 <tag>request_header_replace</tag>
718 <p>Added support for custom request header names.</p>
720 <tag>tcp_outgoing_address</tag>
721 <p>This parameter is now compatible with persistent server connections.
722 The IPv6 magic 'to_ipv6' hacks needed in 3.1 are now no longer necessary.
724 <tag>tcp_outgoing_mark</tag>
725 <p>New configuration parameter <em>tcp_outgoing_mark</em>
726 <p>Allows packets leaving Squid on the server side to be marked with a Netfilter mark value in the same way as the existing tcp_outgoing_tos feature.
727 <p>This feature is only available for Netfilter environments.
729 <tag>tcp_outgoing_tos</tag>
730 <p>This parameter is now compatible with persistent server connections.
732 <tag>url_rewrite_children</tag>
733 <p>New options <em>startup=N</em>, <em>idle=N</em>, <em>concurrency=N</em>
734 <itemize>
735 <item>startup=N allow finer tuning of how many helpers are started initially.
736 <item>idle=N allow fine tuning of how many helper to retain as buffer against sudden traffic loads.
737 <item>concurrency=N was previously called url_rewrite_concurrency as a distinct directive.
738 </itemize>
740 <tag>windows_ipaddrchangemonitor</tag>
741 <p>Now only available to be set in Windows builds.
743 </descrip>
746 <sect1>Removed tags<label id="removedtags">
747 <p>
748 <descrip>
749 <tag>dns_v4_fallback</tag>
750 <p>Obsolete. Replaced by DNS parallel lookups.
752 <tag>emulate_httpd_log</tag>
753 <p>Replaced by <em>common</em> format option on an <em>access_log</em> directive.
755 <tag>forward_log</tag>
756 <p>Obsolete.
758 <tag>ftp_list_width</tag>
759 <p>Obsolete.
761 <tag>ignore_expect_100</tag>
762 <p>Obsolete.
764 <tag>log_fqdn</tag>
765 <p>Obsolete. Replaced by automatic detection of the %>A logformat tag.
767 <tag>log_ip_on_direct</tag>
768 <p>Obsolete. Use a custom log with <em>%&lt;A</em> format tag to receive server FQDN or peer name.
770 <tag>maximum_single_addr_tries</tag>
771 <p>The behaviour controlled by this directive is no longer possible.
772 It has been replaced by <em>connect_retries</em> option which operates a little differently.
774 <tag>pconn_timeout</tag>
775 <p>Renamed to <em>server_idle_pconn_timeout</em>
777 <tag>persistent_request_timeout</tag>
778 <p>Renamed to <em>client_idle_pconn_timeout</em>
780 <tag>referer_log</tag>
781 <p>Replaced by the <em>referrer</em> format option on an <em>access_log</em> directive.
783 <tag>url_rewrite_concurrency</tag>
784 <p>Replaced by url_rewrite_children ... concurrency=N option.
786 <tag>useragent_log</tag>
787 <p>Replaced by the <em>useragent</em> format option on an <em>access_log</em> directive.
788 </descrip>
791 <sect>Changes to ./configure options since Squid-3.1
792 <p>
793 There have been some changes to Squid's build configuration since Squid-3.1.
795 This section gives an account of those changes in three categories:
797 <itemize>
798 <item><ref id="newoptions" name="New options">
799 <item><ref id="modifiedoptions" name="Changes to existing options">
800 <item><ref id="removedoptions" name="Removed options">
801 </itemize>
804 <sect1>New options<label id="newoptions">
805 <p>
806 <descrip>
807 <tag>--enable-auth-basic[=HELPERS]</tag>
808 <p>Specified without any parameters all helpers will be auto-built.
809 <p>With an explicit empty list <em>=""</em> protocol support will be built but no helpers.
810 <p>With an explicit list protocol support and just those helpers will be built.
812 <tag>--enable-auth-digest[=HELPERS]</tag>
813 <p>Specified without any parameters all helpers will be auto-built.
814 <p>With an explicit empty list <em>=""</em> protocol support will be built but no helpers.
815 <p>With an explicit list protocol support and just those helpers will be built.
817 <tag>--enable-auth-negotiate</tag>
818 <p>Specified without any parameters all helpers will be auto-built.
819 <p>With an explicit empty list <em>=""</em> protocol support will be built but no helpers.
820 <p>With an explicit list protocol support and just those helpers will be built.
822 <tag>--enable-auth-ntlm</tag>
823 <p>Specified without any parameters all helpers will be auto-built.
824 <p>With an explicit empty list <em>=""</em> protocol support will be built but no helpers.
825 <p>With an explicit list protocol support and just those helpers will be built.
827 <tag>--enable-build-info</tag>
828 <p>Add an additional string in the output of "squid -v".
830 <tag>--enable-eui</tag>
831 <p>Enable Support for handling EUI operations.
832 This includes ARP lookups for MAC (EUI-48) addresses and the ACL arp type tests.
834 <tag>--enable-log-daemon-helpers</tag>
835 <p>Build helpers for logging I/O.
837 <tag>--enable-url-rewrite-helpers</tag>
838 <p>Build helpers for some basic URL-rewrite actions. For use by url_rewrite_program.
839 If omitted or set to =all then all bundled helpers that are able to build will be built.
840 If set to a specific list of helpers then only those helpers will build.
841 Currently one demo helper <em>fake</em> is provided in shell and C++ forms to demonstrate
842 the helper protocol usage and provide exemplar code.
844 <tag>--with-swapdir=PATH</tag>
845 <p>Location to display in documentation for the default cache.
846 Updated to indicate /var/cache/squid in accordance with the filesystem layout standards.
847 Squid-3 no longer builds an implicit disk cache at this location, so the change is not expected
848 to have any effect on existing builds other than fixing some mysterious lack of core dumps.
849 The old /var/cache location was often non-writable which blocked core dumps creation.
851 <tag>--without-netfiler-conntrack</tag>
852 <p>Disables the libnetfilter_conntrack library being used for the new qos_flows option <em>mark</em>.
853 default is to auto-detect the library and use where available.
854 </descrip>
856 <sect1>Changes to existing options<label id="modifiedoptions">
857 <p>
858 <descrip>
859 <tag>--enable-auth</tag>
860 <p>No longer takes a list of arguments. This option now is restricted to building Squid with or without authentication support.
861 <p>The new <em>--enable-auth-X</em>/<em>--disable-auth-X</em> parameters determine which authentication protocols and helpers are built.
863 </descrip>
864 </p>
866 <sect1>Removed options<label id="removedoptions">
867 <p>
868 <descrip>
869 <tag>--enable-arp-acl</tag>
870 <p>Replaced by --enable-eui
872 <tag>--enable-auth-basic-helpers</tag>
873 <p>replaced by <em>--enable-auth-basic</em>.
875 <tag>--enable-auth-digest-helpers</tag>
876 <p>replaced by <em>--enable-auth-digest</em>.
878 <tag>--enable-auth-negotiate-helpers</tag>
879 <p>replaced by <em>--enable-auth-negotiate</em>.
881 <tag>--enable-auth-ntlm-helpers</tag>
882 <p>replaced by <em>--enable-auth-ntlm</em>.
884 <tag>--enable-referer-log</tag>
885 <p>Obsolete.
887 <tag>--enable-useragent-log</tag>
888 <p>Obsolete.
890 </descrip>
893 <sect>Options Removed since Squid-2
895 <p>Some squid.conf and ./configure options which were available in Squid-2.6 and Squid-2.7 are made obsolete in Squid-3.2.
897 <sect1>Removed squid.conf options since Squid-2.7
898 <p>
899 <descrip>
900 <tag>auth_param</tag>
901 <p><em>blankpassword</em> option for basic scheme removed.
903 <tag>authenticate_ip_shortcircuit_access</tag>
904 <p>Not safe for general use.
905 An external_acl_type helper may be used to bypass authentication if that is suitable.
907 <tag>authenticate_ip_shortcircuit_ttl</tag>
908 <p>Not safe for general use.
909 An external_acl_type helper may be used to bypass authentication if that is suitable.
911 <tag>cache_peer</tag>
912 <p><em>http11</em> Obsolete.
914 <tag>external_acl_type</tag>
915 <p>Format tag <em>%{Header}</em> replaced by <em>%>{Header}</em>
916 <p>Format tag <em>%{Header:member}</em> replaced by <em>%>{Header:member}</em>
918 <tag>header_access</tag>
919 <p>Replaced by <em>request_header_access</em> and <em>reply_header_access</em>
921 <tag>http_port</tag>
922 <p><em>no-connection-auth</em> replaced by <em>connection-auth=[on|off]</em>. Default is ON.
923 <p><em>transparent</em> option replaced by <em>intercept</em>
924 <p><em>http11</em> obsolete.
926 <tag>http_access2</tag>
927 <p>Replaced by <em>adapted_http_access</em>
929 <tag>httpd_accel_no_pmtu_disc</tag>
930 <p>Replaced by <em>http_port disable-pmtu-discovery=</em> option
932 <tag>incoming_rate</tag>
933 <p>Obsolete.
935 <tag>redirector_bypass</tag>
936 <p>Replaced by <em>url_rewrite_bypass</em>
938 <tag>server_http11</tag>
939 <p>Obsolete.
941 <tag>upgrade_http0.9</tag>
942 <p>Obsolete.
944 <tag>zph_local</tag>
945 <p>Replaced by <em>qos_flows local-hit=</em>
947 <tag>zph_mode</tag>
948 <p>Obsolete.
950 <tag>zph_option</tag>
951 <p>Obsolete.
953 <tag>zph_parent</tag>
954 <p>Replaced by <em>qos_flows parent-hit=</em>
956 <tag>zph_sibling</tag>
957 <p>Replaced by <em>qos_flows sibling-hit=</em>
959 </descrip>
961 <sect1>Removed squid.conf options since Squid-2.6
962 <p>
963 <descrip>
964 <tag>acl</tag>
965 <p><em>urlgroup</em> type removed. Use <em>myportname</em> type instead.
967 <tag>cache_dir</tag>
968 <p><em>read-only</em> option replaced by <em>no-store</em>.
970 <tag>http_port</tag>
971 <p><em>urlgroup=</em> removed. Use <em>name=</em> feature instead.
973 <tag>zero_buffers</tag>
974 <p>Replaced by native support.
976 </descrip>
978 <sect1>Removed ./configure options since Squid-2.7
979 <p>
980 <descrip>
981 <tag>--enable-coss-aio-ops</tag>
982 <p>Obsolete.
984 <tag>--enable-devpoll</tag>
985 <p>Replaced by automatic detection.
987 <tag>--enable-dlmalloc=LIB</tag>
988 <p>Obsolete.
990 <tag>--enable-epoll</tag>
991 <p>Replaced by automatic detection.
993 <tag>--enable-forward-log</tag>
994 <p>Obsolete.
996 <tag>--enable-heap-replacement</tag>
997 <p>Obsolete.
999 <tag>--enable-htcp</tag>
1000 <p>Obsolete. Enabled by default.
1002 <tag>--enable-large-cache-files</tag>
1003 <p>Obsolete.
1005 <tag>--enable-mempool-debug</tag>
1006 <p>Obsolete.
1008 <tag>--enable-multicast-miss</tag>
1009 <p>Obsolete.
1011 <tag>--enable-poll</tag>
1012 <p>Replaced by automatic detection.
1014 <tag>--enable-select</tag>
1015 <p>Replaced by automatic detection.
1017 <tag>--enable-select-simple</tag>
1018 <p>Replaced by automatic detection.
1020 <tag>--enable-snmp</tag>
1021 <p>Obsolete. Enabled by default.
1023 <tag>--enable-truncate</tag>
1024 <p>Obsolete.
1026 <tag>--disable-kqueue</tag>
1027 <p>Obsolete. Disabled by default.
1029 <tag>--without-system-md5</tag>
1030 <p>Obsolete. Disabled by default.
1032 </descrip>
1035 <sect>Regressions since Squid-2.7
1037 <p>Some squid.conf and ./configure options which were available in Squid-2.7 are not yet available in Squid-3.2
1039 <p>If you need something to do then porting one of these from Squid-2 to Squid-3 is most welcome.
1041 <sect1>Missing squid.conf options available in Squid-2.7
1042 <p>
1043 <descrip>
1044 <tag>broken_vary_encoding</tag>
1045 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1047 <tag>cache_dir</tag>
1048 <p><em>COSS</em> storage type is lacking stability fixes from 2.6
1049 <p>COSS <em>overwrite-percent=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
1050 <p>COSS <em>max-stripe-waste=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
1051 <p>COSS <em>membufs=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
1052 <p>COSS <em>maxfullbufs=</em> option not yet ported from 2.6
1054 <tag>cache_peer</tag>
1055 <p><em>idle=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1056 <p><em>monitorinterval=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
1057 <p><em>monitorsize=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
1058 <p><em>monitortimeout=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
1059 <p><em>monitorurl=</em> not yet ported from 2.6
1061 <tag>cache_vary</tag>
1062 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1064 <tag>collapsed_forwarding</tag>
1065 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1067 <tag>error_map</tag>
1068 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1070 <tag>external_acl_type</tag>
1071 <p><em>%ACL</em> format tag not yet ported from 2.6
1072 <p><em>%DATA</em> format tag not yet ported from 2.6
1074 <tag>external_refresh_check</tag>
1075 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1077 <tag>ignore_ims_on_miss</tag>
1078 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1080 <tag>location_rewrite_access</tag>
1081 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1083 <tag>location_rewrite_children</tag>
1084 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1086 <tag>location_rewrite_concurrency</tag>
1087 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1089 <tag>location_rewrite_program</tag>
1090 <p>Not yet ported from 2.6
1092 <tag>refresh_pattern</tag>
1093 <p><em>stale-while-revalidate=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1094 <p><em>ignore-stale-while-revalidate=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1095 <p><em>negative-ttl=</em> not yet ported from 2.7
1097 <tag>refresh_stale_hit</tag>
1098 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1100 <tag>storeurl_access</tag>
1101 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1103 <tag>storeurl_rewrite_children</tag>
1104 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1106 <tag>storeurl_rewrite_concurrency</tag>
1107 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1109 <tag>storeurl_rewrite_program</tag>
1110 <p>Not yet ported from 2.7
1112 <tag>update_headers</tag>
1113 <p>Not yet fully ported from 2.7. Memory and rock storage caches support this natively. UFS caches do not support it.
1115 </descrip>
1116 </article>