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[thirdparty/systemd.git] / docs / JOURNAL_EXPORT_FORMATS.md
1 ---
2 title: Journal Export Formats
3 category: Interfaces
4 layout: default
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
6 ---
8 # Journal Export Formats
10 ## Journal Export Format
12 _Note that this document describes the binary serialization format of journals only, as used for transfer across the network.
13 For interfacing with web technologies there's the Journal JSON Format, described below.
14 The binary format on disk is documented as the [Journal File Format](JOURNAL_FILE_FORMAT.md)._
16 _Before reading on, please make sure you are aware of the [basic properties of journal entries](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.journal-fields.html), in particular realize that they may include binary non-text data (though usually don't), and the same field might have multiple values assigned within the same entry (though usually hasn't)._
18 When exporting journal data for other uses or transferring it via the network/local IPC the _journal export format_ is used. It's a simple serialization of journal entries, that is easy to read without any special tools, but still binary safe where necessary. The format is like this:
20 * Two journal entries that follow each other are separated by a double newline.
21 * Journal fields consisting only of valid non-control UTF-8 codepoints are serialized as they are (i.e. the field name, followed by '=', followed by field data), followed by a newline as separator to the next field. Note that fields containing newlines cannot be formatted like this. Non-control UTF-8 codepoints are the codepoints with value at or above 32 (' '), or equal to 9 (TAB).
22 * Other journal fields are serialized in a special binary safe way: field name, followed by newline, followed by a binary 64-bit little endian size value, followed by the binary field data, followed by a newline as separator to the next field.
23 * Entry metadata that is not actually a field is serialized like it was a field, but beginning with two underscores. More specifically, `__CURSOR=`, `__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=`, `__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP=`, `__SEQNUM=`, `__SEQNUM_ID` are introduced this way. Note that these meta-fields are only generated when actual journal files are serialized. They are omitted for entries that do not originate from a journal file (for example because they are transferred for the first time to be stored in one). Or in other words: if you are generating this format you shouldn't care about these special double-underscore fields. But you might find them usable when you deserialize the format generated by us. Additional fields prefixed with two underscores might be added later on, your parser should skip over the fields it does not know.
24 * The order in which fields appear in an entry is undefined and might be different for each entry that is serialized.
25 And that's already it.
27 This format can be generated via `journalctl -o export`.
29 Here's an example for two serialized entries which consist only of text data:
31 ```
32 __CURSOR=s=739ad463348b4ceca5a9e69c95a3c93f;i=4ece7;b=6c7c6013a26343b29e964691ff25d04c;m=4fc72436e;t=4c508a72423d9;x=d3e5610681098c10;p=system.journal
33 __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1342540861416409
34 __MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP=21415215982
35 _BOOT_ID=6c7c6013a26343b29e964691ff25d04c
36 _TRANSPORT=syslog
39 SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=gdm-password]
41 MESSAGE=AccountsService-DEBUG(+): ActUserManager: ignoring unspecified session '8' since it's not graphical: Success
42 _PID=587
43 _UID=0
44 _GID=500
45 _COMM=gdm-session-wor
46 _EXE=/usr/libexec/gdm-session-worker
47 _CMDLINE=gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-password]
50 _SYSTEMD_CGROUP=/user/lennart/2
52 _SELINUX_CONTEXT=system_u:system_r:xdm_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
53 _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1342540861413961
54 _MACHINE_ID=a91663387a90b89f185d4e860000001a
55 _HOSTNAME=epsilon
57 __CURSOR=s=739ad463348b4ceca5a9e69c95a3c93f;i=4ece8;b=6c7c6013a26343b29e964691ff25d04c;m=4fc72572f;t=4c508a7243799;x=68597058a89b7246;p=system.journal
58 __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1342540861421465
59 __MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP=21415221039
60 _BOOT_ID=6c7c6013a26343b29e964691ff25d04c
61 _TRANSPORT=syslog
65 SYSLOG_PID=8278
66 MESSAGE=(root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
67 _PID=8278
68 _UID=0
69 _GID=0
70 _COMM=run-parts
71 _EXE=/usr/bin/bash
72 _CMDLINE=/bin/bash /bin/run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
75 _SYSTEMD_CGROUP=/user/root/8
77 _SELINUX_CONTEXT=system_u:system_r:crond_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
78 _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1342540861416351
79 _MACHINE_ID=a91663387a90b89f185d4e860000001a
80 _HOSTNAME=epsilon
82 ```
84 A message with a binary field produced by
85 ```bash
86 python3 -c 'from systemd import journal; journal.send("foo\nbar")'
87 journalctl -n1 -o export
88 ```
90 ```
91 __CURSOR=s=bcce4fb8ffcb40e9a6e05eee8b7831bf;i=5ef603;b=ec25d6795f0645619ddac9afdef453ee;m=545242e7049;t=50f1202
92 __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1423944916375353
93 __MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP=5794517905481
94 _BOOT_ID=ec25d6795f0645619ddac9afdef453ee
95 _TRANSPORT=journal
96 _UID=1001
97 _GID=1001
100 _SYSTEMD_SLICE=user-1001.slice
101 _MACHINE_ID=5833158886a8445e801d437313d25eff
102 _HOSTNAME=bupkis
104 _SELINUX_CONTEXT=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
106 CODE_FUNC=<module>
108 _COMM=python3
109 _EXE=/usr/bin/python3.4
110 _AUDIT_SESSION=35898
111 _SYSTEMD_CGROUP=/user.slice/user-1001.slice/session-35898.scope
113 _SYSTEMD_UNIT=session-35898.scope
115 ^G^@^@^@^@^@^@^@foo
116 bar
117 CODE_FILE=<string>
118 _PID=16853
119 _CMDLINE=python3 -c from systemd import journal; journal.send("foo\nbar")
120 _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1423944916372858
121 ```
123 ## Journal JSON Format
125 _Note that this section describes the JSON serialization format of the journal only, as used for interfacing with web technologies.
126 For binary transfer of journal data across the network there's the Journal Export Format described above.
127 The binary format on disk is documented as [Journal File Format](JOURNAL_FILE_FORMAT.md)._
129 _Before reading on, please make sure you are aware of the [basic properties of journal entries](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.journal-fields.html), in particular realize that they may include binary non-text data (though usually don't), and the same field might have multiple values assigned within the same entry (though usually hasn't)._
131 In most cases the Journal JSON serialization is the obvious mapping of the entry field names (as JSON strings) to the entry field values (also as JSON strings) encapsulated in one JSON object. However, there are a few special cases to handle:
133 * A field that contains non-printable or non-UTF8 is serialized as a number array instead. This is necessary to handle binary data in a safe way without losing data, since JSON cannot embed binary data natively. Each byte of the binary field will be mapped to its numeric value in the range 0…255.
134 * The JSON serializer can optionally skip huge (as in larger than a specific threshold) data fields from the JSON object. If that is enabled and a data field is too large, the field name is still included in the JSON object but assigned _null_.
135 * Within the same entry, Journal fields may have multiple values assigned. This is not allowed in JSON. The serializer will hence create a single JSON field only for these cases, and assign it an array of values (which the can be strings, _null_ or number arrays, see above).
136 * If the JSON data originates from a journal file it may include the special addressing fields `__CURSOR`, `__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP`, `__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP`, `__SEQNUM`, `__SEQNUM_ID`, which contain the cursor string of this entry as string, the realtime/monotonic timestamps of this entry as formatted numeric string of usec since the respective epoch, and the sequence number and associated sequence number ID, both formatted as strings.
138 Here's an example, illustrating all cases mentioned above. Consider this entry:
140 ```
141 MESSAGE=Hello World
142 _UDEV_DEVNODE=/dev/waldo
143 _UDEV_DEVLINK=/dev/alias1
144 _UDEV_DEVLINK=/dev/alias2
145 BINARY=this is a binary value \a
146 LARGE=this is a super large value (let's pretend at least, for the sake of this example)
147 ```
149 This translates into the following JSON Object:
150 ```json
151 {
152 "MESSAGE" : "Hello World",
153 "_UDEV_DEVNODE" : "/dev/waldo",
154 "_UDEV_DEVLINK" : [ "/dev/alias1", "/dev/alias2" ],
155 "BINARY" : [ 116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 98, 105, 110, 97, 114, 121, 32, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 32, 7 ],
156 "LARGE" : null
157 }
158 ```