]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/systemd.git/blob - docs/USERDB_AND_DESKTOPS.md
Merge pull request #15669 from andir/systemd-ipv6-pd-subnet-id
[thirdparty/systemd.git] / docs / USERDB_AND_DESKTOPS.md
1 ---
2 title: systemd-homed and JSON User/Group Record Support in Desktop Environments
3 category: Users, Groups and Home Directories
4 layout: default
5 ---
7 # `systemd-homed` and JSON User/Group Record Support in Desktop Environments
9 Starting with version 245, systemd supports a new subsystem
10 [`systemd-homed.service`](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-homed.service.html)
11 for managing regular ("human") users and their home directories. Along with it
12 a new concept `userdb` got merged that brings rich, extensible JSON user/group
13 records, extending the classic UNIX/glibc NSS `struct passwd`/`struct group`
14 structures. Both additions are added in a fully backwards compatible way,
15 accessible through `getpwnam()`/`getgrnam()`/… (i.e. libc NSS) and PAM as
16 usual, meaning that for basic support no changes in the upper layers of the
17 stack (in particular desktop environments, such as GNOME or KDE) have to be
18 made. However, for better support a number of changes to desktop environments
19 are recommended. A few areas where that applies are discussed below.
21 Before reading on, please read up on the basic concepts, specifically:
23 * [Home Directories](https://systemd.io/HOME_DIRECTORY)
24 * [JSON User Records](https://systemd.io/USER_RECORD)
25 * [JSON Group Records](https://systemd.io/GROUP_RECORD)
26 * [User/Group Record Lookup API via Varlink](https://systemd.io/USER_GROUP_API)
28 ## Support for Suspending Home Directory Access during System Suspend
30 One key feature of `systemd-homed` managed encrypted home directories is the
31 ability that access to them can be suspended automatically during system sleep,
32 removing any cryptographic key material from memory while doing so. This is
33 important in a world where most laptop users seldom shut down their computers
34 but most of the time just suspend them instead. Previously, the encryption keys
35 for the home directories remained in memory during system suspend, so that
36 sufficiently equipped attackers could read them from there and gain full access
37 to the device. By removing the key material from memory before suspend, and
38 re-requesting it on resume this attack vector can be closed down effectively.
40 Supporting this mechanism requires support in the desktop environment, since
41 the encryption keys (i.e. the user's login password) need to be reacquired on
42 system resume, from a lock screen or similar. This lock screen must run in
43 system context, and cannot run in the user's own context, since otherwise it
44 might end up accessing the home directory of the user even though access to it
45 is temporarily suspended and thus will hang if attempted.
47 It is suggested that desktop environments that implement lock screens run them
48 from system context, for example by switching back to the display manager, and
49 only revert back to the session after re-authentication via this system lock
50 screen (re-authentication in this case refers to passing the user's login
51 credentials to the usual PAM authentication hooks). Or in other words, when
52 going into system suspend it is recommended that GNOME Shell switches back to
53 the GNOME Display Manager login screen which now should double as screen lock,
54 and only switches back to the shell's UI after the user re-authenticated there.
56 Note that this change in behavior is a good idea in any case, and does not
57 create any dependencies on `systemd-homed` or systemd-specific APIs. It's
58 simply a change of behavior regarding use of existing APIs, not a suggested
59 hook-up to a any new API.
61 A display manager which supports this kind of out-of-context screen lock
62 operation needs to inform systemd-homed about this so that systemd-homed knows
63 that it is safe to suspend the user's home directory on suspend. This is done
64 via the `suspend=` argument to the
65 [`pam_systemd_home`](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/pam_systemd_home.html)
66 PAM module. A display manager should hence change its PAM stack configuration
67 to set this parameter to on. `systemd-homed` will not suspend home directories
68 if there's at least one active session of the user that does not support
69 suspending, as communicated via this parameter.
71 ## User Management UIs
73 The rich user/group records `userdb` and `systemd-homed` support carry various
74 fields of relevance to UIs that manage the local user database or parts
75 thereof. In particular, most of the metadata `accounts-daemon` (also see below)
76 supports is directly available in these JSON records. Hence it makes sense for
77 any user management UI to expose them directly.
79 `systemd-homed` exposes APIs to add, remove and make changes to local users via
80 D-Bus, with full [polkit](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/latest/)
81 hook-up. On the command line this is exposed via the
82 `homectl` command. A graphical UI that exposes similar functionality would be
83 very useful, exposing the various new account settings, and in particular
84 providing a stream-lined UI for enrolling new-style authentication tokens such
85 as PKCS#11/YubiKey-style devices. (Ideally, if the user plugs in an
86 uninitialized YubiKey during operation it might be nice if the Desktop would
87 automatically ask if a key pair shall be written to it and the local account be
88 bound to it, `systemd-homed` provides enough YubiKey/PKCS#11 support to make
89 this a reality today; except that it will not take care of token
90 initialization).
92 A strong point of `systemd-homed` is per-user resource management. In
93 particular disk space assignments are something that most likely should be
94 exposed in a user management UI. Various metadata fields are supplied allowing
95 exposure of disk space assignment "slider" UI. Note however that the file system
96 back-ends of `systemd-homed.service` have different feature sets. Specifically,
97 only btrfs has online file system shrinking support, ext4 only offline file
98 system shrinking support, and xfs no shrinking support at all (all three file
99 systems support online file system growing however). This means if the LUKS
100 back-end is used, disk space assignment cannot be instant for logged in users,
101 unless btrfs is used.
103 Note that only `systemd-homed` provides an API for modifying/creating/deleting
104 users. The generic `userdb` subsystem (which might have other back-ends, besides
105 `systemd-homed`, for example LDAP or Windows) exclusively provides a read-only
106 interface. (This is unlikely to change, as the other back-ends might have very
107 different concepts of adding or modifying users, i.e. might not even have any
108 local concept for that at all). This means any user management UI that intends
109 to change (and not just view) user accounts should talk directly to
110 `systemd-homed` to make use of its features; there's no abstraction available
111 to support other back-ends under the same API.
113 Unfortunately there's currently no documentation for the `systemd-homed` D-Bus
114 API. Consider using the `homectl` sources as guidelines for implementing a user
115 management UI. The JSON user/records are well documented however, see above,
116 and the D-Bus API provides limited introspection.
118 ## Relationship to `accounts-daemon`
120 For a long time `accounts-daemon` has been included in Linux distributions
121 providing richer user accounts. The functionality of this daemon overlaps in
122 many areas with the functionality of `systemd-homed` or `userdb`, but there are
123 systematic differences, which means that `systemd-homed` cannot replace
124 `accounts-daemon` fully. Most importantly: `accounts-daemon` provides
125 "side-car" metadata for *any* type of user account, while `systemd-homed` only
126 provides additional metadata for the users it defines itself. In other words:
127 `accounts-daemon` will augment foreign accounts; `systemd-homed` cannot be used
128 to augment users defined elsewhere, for example in LDAP or as classic
129 `/etc/passwd` records.
131 This probably means that for the time being, a user management UI (or other UI)
132 that wants to support rich user records with compatibility with the status quo
133 ante should probably talk to both `systemd-homed` and `accounts-daemon` at the
134 same time, and ignore `accounts-daemon`'s records if `systemd-homed` defines
135 them. While I (Lennart) personally believe in the long run `systemd-homed` is
136 the way to go for rich user records, any UI that wants to manage and support
137 rich records for classic records has to support `accounts-daemon` in parallel
138 for the time being.
140 In the short term, it might make sense to also expose the `userdb` provided
141 records via `accounts-daemon`, so that clients of the latter can consume them
142 without changes. However, I think in the long run `accounts-daemon` should
143 probably be removed from the general stack, hence this sounds like a temporary
144 solution only.
146 In case you wonder, there's no automatic mechanism for converting existing
147 users registered in `/etc/passwd` or LDAP to users managed by
148 `systemd-homed`. There's documentation for doing this manually though, see
149 [Converting Existing Users to systemd-homed managed
150 Users](https://systemd.io/CONVERTING_TO_HOMED).
152 ## Future Additions
154 JSON user/group records are extensible, hence we can easily add any additional
155 fields desktop environments require. For example pattern-based authentication
156 is likely very useful on touch-based devices, and the user records should hence
157 learn them natively. Fields for other authentication mechanisms, such as
158 fingerprint authentication should be provided as well, eventually.
160 It is planned to extend the `userdb` Varlink API to support look-ups by partial
161 user name and real name (GECOS) data, so that log-in screens can optionally
162 implement simple complete-as-you-type login screens.
164 It is planned to extend the `systemd-homed` D-Bus API to instantly inform clients
165 about hardware associated with a specific user being plugged in, to which login
166 screens can listen in order to initiate authentication. Specifically, any
167 YubiKey-like security token plugged in that is associated with a local user
168 record should initiate authentication for that user, making typing in of the
169 username unnecessary.