]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/systemd.git/blob - extras/cdsymlinks.c
[PATCH] update udev to scsi_id 0.7
[thirdparty/systemd.git] / extras / cdsymlinks.c
1 /* cdsymlinks.c
2 *
3 * Map cdrom, cd-r, cdrw, dvd, dvdrw, dvdram to suitable devices.
4 * Prefers cd* for DVD-incapable and cdrom and dvd for read-only devices.
5 * First parameter is the kernel device name.
6 * Second parameter, if present, must be "-d" => output the full mapping.
7 *
8 * Usage:
9 * BUS="ide", KERNEL="hd[a-z]", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/cdsymlinks.sh %k", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2} %c{3} %c{4} %c{5} %c{6}"
10 * BUS="scsi", KERNEL="sr[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/cdsymlinks.sh %k", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2} %c{3} %c{4} %c{5} %c{6}"
11 * BUS="scsi", KERNEL="scd[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/cdsymlinks.sh %k", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2} %c{3} %c{4} %c{5} %c{6}"
12 * (this last one is "just in case")
13 *
14 * (c) 2004 Darren Salt <linux@youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk>
15 */
17 #define _GNU_SOURCE
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <ctype.h>
23 #include <errno.h>
25 #include <strings.h>
26 #include <sys/types.h>
27 #include <dirent.h>
29 #include <unistd.h>
31 #include <wordexp.h>
33 static const char *progname;
35 /* This file provides us with our devices and capabilities information. */
36 #define CDROM_INFO "/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info"
38 /* This file contains our default settings. */
39 #define CONFIGURATION "/etc/udev/cdsymlinks.conf"
40 /* Default output types configuration, in the presence of an empty list */
43 static int debug = 0;
45 /* List item */
46 struct list_item_t {
47 struct list_item_t *next;
48 char *data;
49 };
51 /* List root. Note offset of list_t->head and list_item_t->next */
52 struct list_t {
53 struct list_item_t *head, *tail;
54 };
56 /* Configuration variables */
57 static struct list_t allowed_output = {0};
58 static int numbered_links = 1;
60 /* Available devices */
61 static struct list_t Devices = {0};
63 /* Devices' capabilities in full (same order as available devices list).
64 * There's no cap_CD; all are assumed able to read CDs.
65 */
66 static struct list_t cap_DVDRAM = {0}, cap_DVDRW = {0}, cap_DVD = {0},
67 cap_CDRW = {0}, cap_CDR = {0}, cap_CDWMRW = {0},
68 cap_CDMRW = {0};
70 /* Device capabilities by name */
71 static struct list_t dev_DVDRAM = {0}, dev_DVDRW = {0}, dev_DVD = {0},
72 dev_CDRW = {0}, dev_CDR = {0}, dev_CDWMRW = {0},
73 dev_CDMRW = {0};
74 #define dev_CD Devices
77 /*
78 * Some library-like bits first...
79 */
81 static void
82 errexit (const char *reason)
83 {
84 fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname, reason, strerror (errno));
85 exit (2);
86 }
89 static void
90 msgexit (const char *reason)
91 {
92 fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, reason);
93 exit (2);
94 }
97 static void
98 errwarn (const char *reason)
99 {
100 fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning: %s: %s\n", progname, reason, strerror (errno));
101 }
104 static void
105 msgwarn (const char *reason)
106 {
107 fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning: %s\n", progname, reason);
108 }
111 static void *
112 xmalloc (size_t size)
113 {
114 void *mem = malloc (size);
115 if (size && !mem)
116 msgexit ("malloc failed");
117 return mem;
118 }
121 static char *
122 xstrdup (const char *text)
123 {
124 char *mem = xmalloc (strlen (text) + 1);
125 return strcpy (mem, text);
126 }
129 /* Append a string to a list. The string is duplicated. */
130 static void
131 list_append (struct list_t *list, const char *data)
132 {
133 struct list_item_t *node = xmalloc (sizeof (struct list_item_t));
134 node->next = NULL;
135 if (list->tail)
136 list->tail->next = node;
137 list->tail = node;
138 if (!list->head)
139 list->head = node;
140 node->data = xstrdup (data);
141 }
144 /* Prepend a string to a list. The string is duplicated. */
145 static void
146 list_prepend (struct list_t *list, const char *data)
147 {
148 struct list_item_t *node = xmalloc (sizeof (struct list_item_t));
149 node->next = list->head;
150 list->head = node;
151 if (!list->tail)
152 list->tail = node;
153 node->data = xstrdup (data);
154 }
157 /* Delete a lists's contents, freeing claimed memory */
158 static void
159 list_delete (struct list_t *list)
160 {
161 struct list_item_t *node = list->head;
162 while (node)
163 {
164 struct list_item_t *n = node;
165 node = node->next;
166 free (n->data);
167 free (n);
168 }
169 list->tail = list->head = NULL;
170 }
173 /* Print out a list on one line, each item space-prefixed, no LF */
174 static void
175 list_print (const struct list_t *list, FILE *stream)
176 {
177 const struct list_item_t *node = (const struct list_item_t *)list;
178 while ((node = node->next) != NULL)
179 fprintf (stream, " %s", node->data);
180 }
183 /* Return the nth item in a list (count from 0)
184 * If there aren't enough items in the list, return the requested default
185 */
186 static const struct list_item_t *
187 list_nth (const struct list_t *list, size_t nth)
188 {
189 const struct list_item_t *node = list->head;
190 while (nth && node)
191 {
192 node = node->next;
193 --nth;
194 }
195 return node;
196 }
199 /* Return the first matching item in a list, or NULL */
200 static const struct list_item_t *
201 list_search (const struct list_t *list, const char *data)
202 {
203 const struct list_item_t *node = list->head;
204 while (node)
205 {
206 if (!strcmp (node->data, data))
207 return node;
208 node = node->next;
209 }
210 return NULL;
211 }
214 /* Split up a string on whitespace & assign the resulting tokens to a list.
215 * Ignore everything up until the first colon (if present).
216 */
217 static void
218 list_assign_split (struct list_t *list, char *text)
219 {
220 char *token = strchr (text, ':');
221 token = strtok (token ? token + 1 : text, " \t");
222 while (token)
223 {
224 list_prepend (list, token);
225 token = strtok (0, " \t\n");
226 }
227 }
231 /* Gather the default settings. */
232 static void
233 read_defaults (void)
234 {
235 FILE *conf = fopen (CONFIGURATION, "r");
236 if (!conf)
237 {
238 if (errno != ENOENT)
239 errwarn ("error accessing configuration");
240 }
241 else
242 {
243 char *text = NULL;
244 size_t textlen;
245 while (getline (&text, &textlen, conf) != -1)
246 {
247 wordexp_t p = {0};
248 int len = strlen (text);
249 if (len && text[len - 1] == '\n')
250 text[--len] = '\0';
251 if (len && text[len - 1] == '\r')
252 text[--len] = '\0';
253 if (!len)
254 continue;
255 char *token = text + strspn (text, " \t");
256 if (!*token || *token == '#')
257 continue;
258 switch (len = wordexp (text, &p, 0))
259 {
260 case WRDE_NOSPACE:
261 msgexit ("malloc failed");
262 case 0:
263 if (p.we_wordc == 1)
264 {
265 if (!strncmp (p.we_wordv[0], "OUTPUT=", 7))
266 {
267 list_delete (&allowed_output);
268 list_assign_split (&allowed_output, p.we_wordv[0] + 7);
269 }
270 else if (!strncmp (p.we_wordv[0], "NUMBERED_LINKS=", 14))
271 numbered_links = atoi (p.we_wordv[0] + 14);
272 break;
273 }
274 /* fall through */
275 default:
276 msgwarn ("syntax error in configuration file");
277 }
278 wordfree (&p);
279 }
280 if (!feof (conf))
281 errwarn ("error accessing configuration");
282 if (fclose (conf))
283 errwarn ("error accessing configuration");
284 free (text);
285 }
286 if (!allowed_output.head)
287 {
288 char *dflt = strdup (OUTPUT_DEFAULT);
289 list_assign_split (&allowed_output, dflt);
290 free (dflt);
291 }
292 }
295 /* From information supplied by the kernel:
296 * + get the names of the available devices
297 * + populate our capability lists
298 * Order is significant: device item N maps to each capability item N.
299 */
300 static void
301 populate_capability_lists (void)
302 {
303 FILE *info = fopen (CDROM_INFO, "r");
304 if (!info)
305 {
306 if (errno == ENOENT)
307 exit (0);
308 errexit ("error accessing CD/DVD info");
309 }
311 char *text = 0;
312 size_t textlen = 0;
314 while (getline (&text, &textlen, info) != -1)
315 {
316 if (!strncasecmp (text, "drive name", 10))
317 list_assign_split (&Devices, text);
318 else if (!strncasecmp (text, "Can write DVD-RAM", 17))
319 list_assign_split (&cap_DVDRAM, text);
320 else if (!strncasecmp (text, "Can write DVD-R", 15))
321 list_assign_split (&cap_DVDRW, text);
322 else if (!strncasecmp (text, "Can read DVD", 12))
323 list_assign_split (&cap_DVD, text);
324 else if (!strncasecmp (text, "Can write CD-RW", 15))
325 list_assign_split (&cap_CDRW, text);
326 else if (!strncasecmp (text, "Can write CD-R", 14))
327 list_assign_split (&cap_CDR, text);
328 else if (!strncasecmp (text, "Can read MRW", 14))
329 list_assign_split (&cap_CDMRW, text);
330 else if (!strncasecmp (text, "Can write MRW", 14))
331 list_assign_split (&cap_CDWMRW, text);
332 }
333 if (!feof (info))
334 errexit ("error accessing CD/DVD info");
335 fclose (info);
336 free (text);
337 }
340 /* Write out the links of type LINK which should be created for device NAME,
341 * taking into account existing links and the capability list for type LINK.
342 */
343 static void
344 do_output (const char *name, const char *link, const struct list_t *dev)
345 {
346 const struct list_item_t *i = (const struct list_item_t *)dev;
347 if (!i->next)
348 return;
350 errno = 0;
352 size_t link_len = strlen (link);
353 DIR *dir = opendir ("/dev");
354 if (!dir)
355 errexit ("error reading /dev");
357 struct list_t devls = {0}; /* symlinks whose name matches LINK */
358 struct list_t devlinks = {0}; /* those symlinks' targets */
359 struct dirent *entry;
360 while ((entry = readdir (dir)) != NULL)
361 {
362 if (strncmp (entry->d_name, link, link_len))
363 continue; /* wrong name: ignore it */
365 /* The rest of the name must be null or consist entirely of digits. */
366 const char *p = entry->d_name + link_len - 1;
367 while (*++p)
368 if (!isdigit (*p))
369 break;
370 if (*p)
371 continue; /* wrong format - ignore */
373 /* Assume that it's a symlink and try to read its target. */
374 char buf[sizeof (entry->d_name)];
375 int r = readlink (entry->d_name, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1);
376 if (r < 0)
377 {
378 if (errno == EINVAL)
379 continue; /* not a symlink - ignore */
380 errexit ("error reading link in /dev");
381 }
382 /* We have the name and the target, so update our lists. */
383 buf[r] = 0;
384 list_append (&devls, entry->d_name);
385 list_append (&devlinks, buf);
386 }
387 if (errno)
388 errexit ("error reading /dev");
389 if (closedir (dir))
390 errexit ("error closing /dev");
392 /* Now we write our output... */
393 size_t count = 0;
394 while ((i = i->next) != NULL)
395 {
396 int isdev = !strcmp (name, i->data); /* current dev == target dev? */
397 int present = 0;
398 size_t li = -1;
399 const struct list_item_t *l = (const struct list_item_t *)&devlinks;
401 /* First, we look for existing symlinks to the target device. */
402 while (++li, (l = l->next) != NULL)
403 {
404 if (strcmp (l->data, i->data))
405 continue;
406 /* Existing symlink found - don't output a new one.
407 * If ISDEV, we output the name of the existing symlink.
408 */
409 present = 1;
410 if (isdev)
411 printf (" %s", list_nth (&devls, li)->data);
412 }
414 /* If we found no existing symlinks for the target device... */
415 if (!present)
416 {
417 char buf[256];
418 snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), count ? "%s%d" : "%s", link, count);
419 /* Find the next available (not present) symlink name.
420 * We always need to do this for reasons of output consistency: if a
421 * symlink is created by udev as a result of use of this program, we
422 * DON'T want different output!
423 */
424 while (list_search (&devls, buf))
425 snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s%d", link, ++count);
426 /* If ISDEV, output it. */
427 if (isdev && (numbered_links || count == 0))
428 printf (" %s", buf);
429 /* If the link isn't in our "existing links" list, add it and increment
430 * our counter.
431 */
432 if (!list_search (&devls, buf))
433 {
434 list_append (&devls, buf);
435 ++count;
436 }
437 }
438 }
440 list_delete (&devls);
441 list_delete (&devlinks);
442 }
445 /* Populate a device list from a capabilities list. */
446 static void
447 populate_device_list (struct list_t *out, const struct list_t *caps)
448 {
449 const struct list_item_t *cap, *dev;
450 cap = (const struct list_item_t *)caps;
451 dev = (const struct list_item_t *)&Devices;
452 while ((cap = cap->next) != NULL && (dev = dev->next) != NULL)
453 if (cap->data[0] != '0')
454 list_append (out, dev->data);
455 }
458 int
459 main (int argc, char *argv[])
460 {
461 progname = argv[0];
462 debug = argc > 2 && !strcmp (argv[2], "-d");
464 if (argc < 2 || argc > 2 + debug)
465 msgexit ("usage: cdsymlinks DEVICE [-d]");
467 if (chdir ("/dev"))
468 errexit ("can't chdir /dev");
470 read_defaults ();
471 populate_capability_lists ();
473 /* Construct the device lists from the capability lists. */
474 populate_device_list (&dev_DVDRAM, &cap_DVDRAM);
475 populate_device_list (&dev_DVDRW, &cap_DVDRW);
476 populate_device_list (&dev_DVD, &cap_DVD);
477 populate_device_list (&dev_CDRW, &cap_CDRW);
478 populate_device_list (&dev_CDR, &cap_CDR);
479 populate_device_list (&dev_CDWMRW, &cap_CDWMRW);
480 populate_device_list (&dev_CDMRW, &cap_CDMRW);
481 /* (All devices can read CDs.) */
483 if (debug)
484 {
485 #define printdev(DEV) \
486 printf ("%-7s:", #DEV); \
487 list_print (&cap_##DEV, stdout); \
488 list_print (&dev_##DEV, stdout); \
489 puts ("");
491 printf ("Devices:");
492 const struct list_item_t *item = (const struct list_item_t *)&Devices;
493 while ((item = item->next) != NULL)
494 printf (" %s", item->data);
495 puts ("");
497 printdev (DVDRAM);
498 printdev (DVDRW);
499 printdev (DVD);
500 printdev (CDRW);
501 printdev (CDR);
502 printdev (CDWMRW);
503 printdev (CDMRW);
505 printf ("CDROM : (all)");
506 item = (const struct list_item_t *)&dev_CD;
507 while ((item = item->next) != NULL)
508 printf (" %s", item->data);
509 puts ("");
510 }
512 /* Write the symlink names. */
513 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "CD"))
514 do_output (argv[1], "cdrom", &dev_CD);
515 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "CDR"))
516 do_output (argv[1], "cd-r", &dev_CDR);
517 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "CDRW"))
518 do_output (argv[1], "cdrw", &dev_CDRW);
519 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "DVD"))
520 do_output (argv[1], "dvd", &dev_DVD);
521 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "DVDRW"))
522 do_output (argv[1], "dvdrw", &dev_DVDRW);
523 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "DVDRAM"))
524 do_output (argv[1], "dvdram", &dev_DVDRAM);
525 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "CDMRW"))
526 do_output (argv[1], "cdmrw", &dev_CDMRW);
527 if (list_search (&allowed_output, "CDWMRW"))
528 do_output (argv[1], "cdwmrw", &dev_CDWMRW);
529 puts ("");
531 return 0;
532 }