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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man2 / msgop.2
1 .\" Copyright 1993 Giorgio Ciucci <giorgio@crcc.it>
2 .\"
4 .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
5 .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
6 .\" preserved on all copies.
7 .\"
8 .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
9 .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
10 .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
11 .\" permission notice identical to this one.
12 .\"
13 .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
14 .\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date. The author(s) assume no
15 .\" responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from
16 .\" the use of the information contained herein. The author(s) may not
17 .\" have taken the same level of care in the production of this manual,
18 .\" which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working
19 .\" professionally.
20 .\"
21 .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by
22 .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work.
23 .\" %%%LICENSE_END
24 .\"
25 .\" Modified Tue Oct 22 16:40:11 1996 by Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>
26 .\" Modified Mon Jul 10 21:09:59 2000 by aeb
27 .\" Modified 1 Jun 2002, Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
28 .\" Language clean-ups.
29 .\" Enhanced and corrected information on msg_qbytes, MSGMNB and MSGMAX
30 .\" Added note on restart behavior of msgsnd() and msgrcv()
31 .\" Formatting clean-ups (argument and field names marked as .I
32 .\" instead of .B)
33 .\" Modified, 27 May 2004, Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
34 .\" Added notes on capability requirements
35 .\" Modified, 11 Nov 2004, Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
36 .\" Language and formatting clean-ups
37 .\" Added notes on /proc files
38 .\" FIXME . Add example programs to this page.
39 .\"
40 .TH MSGOP 2 2012-05-31 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
42 msgrcv, msgsnd \- System V message queue operations
44 .nf
45 .B #include <sys/types.h>
46 .B #include <sys/ipc.h>
47 .B #include <sys/msg.h>
48 .sp
49 .BI "int msgsnd(int " msqid ", const void *" msgp ", size_t " msgsz \
50 ", int " msgflg );
51 .sp
52 .BI "ssize_t msgrcv(int " msqid ", void *" msgp ", size_t " msgsz \
53 ", long " msgtyp ,
54 .BI " int " msgflg );
55 .fi
57 The
58 .BR msgsnd ()
59 and
60 .BR msgrcv ()
61 system calls are used, respectively, to send messages to,
62 and receive messages from, a System V message queue.
63 The calling process must have write permission on the message queue
64 in order to send a message, and read permission to receive a message.
65 .PP
66 The
67 .I msgp
68 argument is a pointer to caller-defined structure
69 of the following general form:
70 .in +4n
71 .nf
73 struct msgbuf {
74 long mtype; /* message type, must be > 0 */
75 char mtext[1]; /* message data */
76 };
77 .fi
78 .in
79 .PP
80 The
81 .I mtext
82 field is an array (or other structure) whose size is specified by
83 .IR msgsz ,
84 a nonnegative integer value.
85 Messages of zero length (i.e., no
86 .I mtext
87 field) are permitted.
88 The
89 .I mtype
90 field must have a strictly positive integer value.
91 This value can be
92 used by the receiving process for message selection
93 (see the description of
94 .BR msgrcv ()
95 below).
96 .SS msgsnd()
97 The
98 .BR msgsnd ()
99 system call appends a copy of the message pointed to by
100 .I msgp
101 to the message queue whose identifier is specified
102 by
103 .IR msqid .
104 .PP
105 If sufficient space is available in the queue,
106 .BR msgsnd ()
107 succeeds immediately.
108 (The queue capacity is defined by the
109 .I msg_qbytes
110 field in the associated data structure for the message queue.
111 During queue creation this field is initialized to
113 bytes, but this limit can be modified using
114 .BR msgctl (2).)
115 If insufficient space is available in the queue, then the default
116 behavior of
117 .BR msgsnd ()
118 is to block until space becomes available.
119 If
121 is specified in
122 .IR msgflg ,
123 then the call instead fails with the error
124 .BR EAGAIN .
126 A blocked
127 .BR msgsnd ()
128 call may also fail if:
129 .IP * 2
130 the queue is removed,
131 in which case the system call fails with
132 .I errno
133 set to
134 .BR EIDRM ;
135 or
136 .IP *
137 a signal is caught, in which case the system call fails
138 with
139 .I errno
140 set to
141 .BR EINTR ; see
142 .BR signal (7).
143 .RB ( msgsnd ()
144 is never automatically restarted after being interrupted by a
145 signal handler, regardless of the setting of the
147 flag when establishing a signal handler.)
148 .PP
149 Upon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated
150 as follows:
151 .IP
152 .I msg_lspid
153 is set to the process ID of the calling process.
154 .IP
155 .I msg_qnum
156 is incremented by 1.
157 .IP
158 .I msg_stime
159 is set to the current time.
160 .SS msgrcv()
161 The
162 .BR msgrcv ()
163 system call removes a message from the queue specified by
164 .I msqid
165 and places it in the buffer
166 pointed to by
167 .IR msgp .
168 .PP
169 The argument
170 .I msgsz
171 specifies the maximum size in bytes for the member
172 .I mtext
173 of the structure pointed to by the
174 .I msgp
175 argument.
176 If the message text has length greater than
177 .IR msgsz ,
178 then the behavior depends on whether
180 is specified in
181 .IR msgflg .
182 If
184 is specified, then
185 the message text will be truncated (and the truncated part will be
186 lost); if
188 is not specified, then
189 the message isn't removed from the queue and
190 the system call fails returning \-1 with
191 .I errno
192 set to
193 .BR E2BIG .
194 .PP
195 The argument
196 .I msgtyp
197 specifies the type of message requested as follows:
198 .IP * 2
199 If
200 .I msgtyp
201 is 0,
202 then the first message in the queue is read.
203 .IP *
204 If
205 .I msgtyp
206 is greater than 0,
207 then the first message in the queue of type
208 .I msgtyp
209 is read, unless
211 was specified in
212 .IR msgflg ,
213 in which case
214 the first message in the queue of type not equal to
215 .I msgtyp
216 will be read.
217 .IP *
218 If
219 .I msgtyp
220 is less than 0,
221 then the first message in the queue with the lowest type less than or
222 equal to the absolute value of
223 .I msgtyp
224 will be read.
225 .PP
226 The
227 .I msgflg
228 argument is a bit mask constructed by ORing together zero or more
229 of the following flags:
230 .TP
232 Return immediately if no message of the requested type is in the queue.
233 The system call fails with
234 .I errno
235 set to
236 .BR ENOMSG .
237 .TP
239 Used with
240 .I msgtyp
241 greater than 0
242 to read the first message in the queue with message type that differs
243 from
244 .IR msgtyp .
245 .TP
247 To truncate the message text if longer than
248 .I msgsz
249 bytes.
250 .PP
251 If no message of the requested type is available and
253 isn't specified in
254 .IR msgflg ,
255 the calling process is blocked until one of the following conditions occurs:
256 .IP * 2
257 A message of the desired type is placed in the queue.
258 .IP *
259 The message queue is removed from the system.
260 In this case the system call fails with
261 .I errno
262 set to
263 .BR EIDRM .
264 .IP *
265 The calling process catches a signal.
266 In this case the system call fails with
267 .I errno
268 set to
269 .BR EINTR .
270 .RB ( msgrcv ()
271 is never automatically restarted after being interrupted by a
272 signal handler, regardless of the setting of the
274 flag when establishing a signal handler.)
275 .PP
276 Upon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated
277 as follows:
278 .IP
279 .I msg_lrpid
280 is set to the process ID of the calling process.
281 .IP
282 .I msg_qnum
283 is decremented by 1.
284 .IP
285 .I msg_rtime
286 is set to the current time.
288 On failure both functions return \-1
289 with
290 .I errno
291 indicating the error,
292 otherwise
293 .BR msgsnd ()
294 returns 0
295 and
296 .BR msgrcv ()
297 returns the number of bytes actually copied into the
298 .I mtext
299 array.
301 When
302 .BR msgsnd ()
303 fails,
304 .I errno
305 will be set to one among the following values:
306 .TP
308 The calling process does not have write permission on the message queue,
309 and does not have the
311 capability.
312 .TP
314 The message can't be sent due to the
315 .I msg_qbytes
316 limit for the queue and
318 was specified in
319 .IR msgflg .
320 .TP
322 The address pointed to by
323 .I msgp
324 isn't accessible.
325 .TP
326 .B EIDRM
327 The message queue was removed.
328 .TP
329 .B EINTR
330 Sleeping on a full message queue condition, the process caught a signal.
331 .TP
333 Invalid
334 .I msqid
335 value, or nonpositive
336 .I mtype
337 value, or
338 invalid
339 .I msgsz
340 value (less than 0 or greater than the system value
341 .BR MSGMAX ).
342 .TP
344 The system does not have enough memory to make a copy of the
345 message pointed to by
346 .IR msgp .
347 .PP
348 When
349 .BR msgrcv ()
350 fails,
351 .I errno
352 will be set to one among the following values:
353 .TP
354 .B E2BIG
355 The message text length is greater than
356 .I msgsz
357 and
359 isn't specified in
360 .IR msgflg .
361 .TP
363 The calling process does not have read permission on the message queue,
364 and does not have the
366 capability.
367 .TP
369 No message was available in the queue and
371 was specified in
372 .IR msgflg .
373 .TP
375 The address pointed to by
376 .I msgp
377 isn't accessible.
378 .TP
379 .B EIDRM
380 While the process was sleeping to receive a message,
381 the message queue was removed.
382 .TP
383 .B EINTR
384 While the process was sleeping to receive a message,
385 the process caught a signal; see
386 .BR signal (7).
387 .TP
389 .I msgqid
390 was invalid, or
391 .I msgsz
392 was less than 0.
393 .TP
396 was specified in
397 .I msgflg
398 and no message of the requested type existed on the message queue.
400 SVr4, POSIX.1-2001.
402 The inclusion of
403 .I <sys/types.h>
404 and
405 .I <sys/ipc.h>
406 isn't required on Linux or by any version of POSIX.
407 However,
408 some old implementations required the inclusion of these header files,
409 and the SVID also documented their inclusion.
410 Applications intended to be portable to such old systems may need
411 to include these header files.
412 .\" Like Linux, the FreeBSD man pages still document
413 .\" the inclusion of these header files.
415 The
416 .I msgp
417 argument is declared as \fIstruct msgbuf *\fP with
418 libc4, libc5, glibc 2.0, glibc 2.1.
419 It is declared as \fIvoid *\fP
420 with glibc 2.2 and later, as required by SUSv2 and SUSv3.
422 The following limits on message queue resources affect the
423 .BR msgsnd ()
424 call:
425 .TP
427 Maximum size for a message text: 8192 bytes
428 (on Linux, this limit can be read and modified via
429 .IR /proc/sys/kernel/msgmax ).
430 .TP
432 Default maximum size in bytes of a message queue: 16384 bytes
433 (on Linux, this limit can be read and modified via
434 .IR /proc/sys/kernel/msgmnb ).
435 The superuser can increase the size of a message queue beyond
437 by a
438 .BR msgctl (2)
439 system call.
440 .PP
441 The implementation has no intrinsic limits for the system wide maximum
442 number of message headers
443 .RB ( MSGTQL )
444 and for the system wide maximum size in bytes of the message pool
445 .RB ( MSGPOOL ).
447 .BR msgctl (2),
448 .BR msgget (2),
449 .BR capabilities (7),
450 .BR mq_overview (7),
451 .BR svipc (7)