]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - modules/gpgsqlbackend/spgsql.cc
Logging: have a global g_log
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / modules / gpgsqlbackend / spgsql.cc
1 /*
2 * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
3 * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
10 * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
11 * produced as the result of such linking.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 */
23 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
24 #include "config.h"
25 #endif
26 #include <string>
27 #include "spgsql.hh"
28 #include <sys/time.h>
29 #include <iostream>
30 #include "pdns/logger.hh"
31 #include "pdns/dns.hh"
32 #include "pdns/namespaces.hh"
33 #include <algorithm>
35 class SPgSQLStatement: public SSqlStatement
36 {
37 public:
38 SPgSQLStatement(const string& query, bool dolog, int nparams, SPgSQL* db, unsigned int nstatement) {
39 d_query = query;
40 d_dolog = dolog;
41 d_parent = db;
42 d_prepared = false;
43 d_nparams = nparams;
44 d_res = NULL;
45 d_res_set = NULL;
46 paramValues = NULL;
47 paramLengths = NULL;
48 d_nstatement = nstatement;
49 d_paridx = 0;
50 d_residx = 0;
51 d_resnum = 0;
52 d_fnum = 0;
53 d_cur_set = 0;
54 }
56 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, bool value) { return bind(name, string(value ? "t" : "f")); }
57 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, int value) { return bind(name, std::to_string(value)); }
58 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, uint32_t value) { return bind(name, std::to_string(value)); }
59 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, long value) { return bind(name, std::to_string(value)); }
60 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, unsigned long value) { return bind(name, std::to_string(value)); }
61 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, long long value) { return bind(name, std::to_string(value)); }
62 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, unsigned long long value) { return bind(name, std::to_string(value)); }
63 SSqlStatement* bind(const string& name, const std::string& value) {
64 prepareStatement();
65 allocate();
66 if (d_paridx>=d_nparams) {
67 releaseStatement();
68 throw SSqlException("Attempt to bind more parameters than query has: " + d_query);
69 }
70 paramValues[d_paridx] = new char[value.size()+1];
71 memset(paramValues[d_paridx], 0, sizeof(char)*(value.size()+1));
72 value.copy(paramValues[d_paridx], value.size());
73 paramLengths[d_paridx] = value.size();
74 d_paridx++;
75 return this;
76 }
77 SSqlStatement* bindNull(const string& name) { prepareStatement(); d_paridx++; return this; } // these are set null in allocate()
78 SSqlStatement* execute() {
79 prepareStatement();
80 if (d_dolog) {
81 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Query: "<<d_query<<endl;
82 }
83 d_res_set = PQexecPrepared(d_db(), d_stmt.c_str(), d_nparams, paramValues, paramLengths, NULL, 0);
84 ExecStatusType status = PQresultStatus(d_res_set);
85 if (status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK && status != PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR) {
86 string errmsg(PQresultErrorMessage(d_res_set));
87 releaseStatement();
88 throw SSqlException("Fatal error during query: " + d_query + string(": ") + errmsg);
89 }
90 d_cur_set = 0;
91 nextResult();
92 return this;
93 }
95 void nextResult() {
96 if (d_res_set == NULL) return; // no refcursor
97 if (d_cur_set >= PQntuples(d_res_set)) {
98 PQclear(d_res_set);
99 d_res_set = NULL;
100 return;
101 }
102 // this code handles refcursors if they are returned
103 // by stored procedures. you can return more than one
104 // if you return SETOF refcursor.
105 if (PQftype(d_res_set, 0) == 1790) { // REFCURSOR
106 #if PG_VERSION_NUM > 90000
107 // PQescapeIdentifier was added to libpq in postgresql 9.0
108 char *val = PQgetvalue(d_res_set, d_cur_set++, 0);
109 char *portal = PQescapeIdentifier(d_db(), val, strlen(val));
110 string cmd = string("FETCH ALL FROM \"") + string(portal) + string("\"");
111 PQfreemem(portal);
112 #else
113 string portal = string(PQgetvalue(d_res_set, d_cur_set++, 0));
114 string cmd = string("FETCH ALL FROM \"") + portal + string("\"");
115 #endif
116 // execute FETCH
117 if (d_dolog)
118 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Query: "<<cmd<<endl;
119 d_res = PQexec(d_db(),cmd.c_str());
120 d_resnum = PQntuples(d_res);
121 d_fnum = PQnfields(d_res);
122 d_residx = 0;
123 } else {
124 d_res = d_res_set;
125 d_res_set = NULL;
126 d_resnum = PQntuples(d_res);
127 d_fnum = PQnfields(d_res);
128 }
129 }
131 bool hasNextRow()
132 {
133 return d_residx<d_resnum;
134 }
136 SSqlStatement* nextRow(row_t& row) {
137 int i;
138 row.clear();
139 if (d_residx>=d_resnum || !d_res) return this;
140 row.reserve(PQnfields(d_res));
141 for(i=0;i<PQnfields(d_res);i++) {
142 if (PQgetisnull(d_res, d_residx, i)) {
143 row.push_back("");
144 } else if (PQftype(d_res, i) == 16) { // BOOLEAN
145 char *val = PQgetvalue(d_res, d_residx, i);
146 row.push_back(val[0] == 't' ? "1" : "0");
147 } else {
148 row.push_back(string(PQgetvalue(d_res, d_residx, i)));
149 }
150 }
151 d_residx++;
152 if (d_residx >= d_resnum) {
153 PQclear(d_res);
154 d_res = NULL;
155 nextResult();
156 }
157 return this;
158 }
160 SSqlStatement* getResult(result_t& result) {
161 result.clear();
162 if (d_res == NULL) return this;
163 result.reserve(d_resnum);
164 row_t row;
165 while(hasNextRow()) { nextRow(row); result.push_back(row); }
166 return this;
167 }
169 SSqlStatement* reset() {
170 int i;
171 if (d_res)
172 PQclear(d_res);
173 if (d_res_set)
174 PQclear(d_res_set);
175 d_res_set = NULL;
176 d_res = NULL;
177 d_paridx = d_residx = d_resnum = 0;
178 if (paramValues)
179 for(i=0;i<d_nparams;i++)
180 if (paramValues[i]) delete [] paramValues[i];
181 delete [] paramValues;
182 paramValues = NULL;
183 delete [] paramLengths;
184 paramLengths = NULL;
185 return this;
186 }
188 const std::string& getQuery() { return d_query; }
190 ~SPgSQLStatement() {
191 releaseStatement();
192 }
193 private:
194 PGconn* d_db() {
195 return d_parent->db();
196 }
198 void releaseStatement() {
199 d_prepared = false;
200 reset();
201 if (!d_stmt.empty()) {
202 string cmd = string("DEALLOCATE " + d_stmt);
203 PGresult *res = PQexec(d_db(), cmd.c_str());
204 PQclear(res);
205 d_stmt.clear();
206 }
207 }
209 void prepareStatement() {
210 if (d_prepared) return;
211 // prepare a statement; name must be unique per session (using d_nstatement to ensure this).
212 this->d_stmt = string("stmt") + std::to_string(d_nstatement);
213 PGresult* res = PQprepare(d_db(), d_stmt.c_str(), d_query.c_str(), d_nparams, NULL);
214 ExecStatusType status = PQresultStatus(res);
215 string errmsg(PQresultErrorMessage(res));
216 PQclear(res);
217 if (status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK && status != PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR) {
218 releaseStatement();
219 throw SSqlException("Fatal error during prepare: " + d_query + string(": ") + errmsg);
220 }
221 paramValues=NULL;
222 d_cur_set=d_paridx=d_residx=d_resnum=d_fnum=0;
223 paramLengths=NULL;
224 d_res=NULL;
225 d_res_set=NULL;
226 d_prepared = true;
227 }
229 void allocate() {
230 if (paramValues != NULL) return;
231 paramValues = new char*[d_nparams];
232 paramLengths = new int[d_nparams];
233 memset(paramValues, 0, sizeof(char*)*d_nparams);
234 memset(paramLengths, 0, sizeof(int)*d_nparams);
235 }
237 string d_query;
238 string d_stmt;
239 SPgSQL *d_parent;
240 PGresult *d_res_set;
241 PGresult *d_res;
242 bool d_dolog;
243 bool d_prepared;
244 int d_nparams;
245 int d_paridx;
246 char **paramValues;
247 int *paramLengths;
248 int d_residx;
249 int d_resnum;
250 int d_fnum;
251 int d_cur_set;
252 unsigned int d_nstatement;
253 };
255 bool SPgSQL::s_dolog;
257 SPgSQL::SPgSQL(const string &database, const string &host, const string& port, const string &user,
258 const string &password, const string &extra_connection_parameters)
259 {
260 d_db=0;
261 d_in_trx = false;
262 d_connectstr="";
263 d_nstatement = 0;
265 if (!database.empty())
266 d_connectstr+="dbname="+database;
268 if (!user.empty())
269 d_connectstr+=" user="+user;
271 if(!host.empty())
272 d_connectstr+=" host="+host;
274 if(!port.empty())
275 d_connectstr+=" port="+port;
277 if(!extra_connection_parameters.empty())
278 d_connectstr+=" " + extra_connection_parameters;
280 d_connectlogstr=d_connectstr;
282 if(!password.empty()) {
283 d_connectlogstr+=" password=<HIDDEN>";
284 d_connectstr+=" password="+password;
285 }
287 d_db=PQconnectdb(d_connectstr.c_str());
289 if (!d_db || PQstatus(d_db)==CONNECTION_BAD) {
290 try {
291 throw sPerrorException("Unable to connect to database, connect string: "+d_connectlogstr);
292 }
293 catch(...) {
294 if(d_db)
295 PQfinish(d_db);
296 d_db = 0;
297 throw;
298 }
299 }
300 }
302 void SPgSQL::setLog(bool state)
303 {
304 s_dolog=state;
305 }
307 SPgSQL::~SPgSQL()
308 {
309 PQfinish(d_db);
310 }
312 SSqlException SPgSQL::sPerrorException(const string &reason)
313 {
314 return SSqlException(reason+string(": ")+(d_db ? PQerrorMessage(d_db) : "no connection"));
315 }
317 void SPgSQL::execute(const string& query)
318 {
319 PGresult* res = PQexec(d_db, query.c_str());
320 ExecStatusType status = PQresultStatus(res);
321 string errmsg(PQresultErrorMessage(res));
322 PQclear(res);
323 if (status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK && status != PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR) {
324 throw sPerrorException("Fatal error during query: " + errmsg);
325 }
326 }
328 std::unique_ptr<SSqlStatement> SPgSQL::prepare(const string& query, int nparams)
329 {
330 d_nstatement++;
331 return std::unique_ptr<SSqlStatement>(new SPgSQLStatement(query, s_dolog, nparams, this, d_nstatement));
332 }
334 void SPgSQL::startTransaction() {
335 execute("begin");
336 d_in_trx = true;
337 }
339 void SPgSQL::commit() {
340 execute("commit");
341 d_in_trx = false;
342 }
344 void SPgSQL::rollback() {
345 execute("rollback");
346 d_in_trx = false;
347 }
349 bool SPgSQL::isConnectionUsable()
350 {
351 if (PQstatus(d_db) != CONNECTION_OK) {
352 return false;
353 }
355 bool usable = false;
356 int sd = PQsocket(d_db);
357 bool wasNonBlocking = isNonBlocking(sd);
359 if (!wasNonBlocking) {
360 if (!setNonBlocking(sd)) {
361 return usable;
362 }
363 }
365 usable = isTCPSocketUsable(sd);
367 if (!wasNonBlocking) {
368 if (!setBlocking(sd)) {
369 usable = false;
370 }
371 }
373 return usable;
374 }
376 void SPgSQL::reconnect()
377 {
378 PQreset(d_db);
379 }