]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - modules/remotebackend/httpconnector.cc
Logging: have a global g_log
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / modules / remotebackend / httpconnector.cc
1 /*
2 * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
3 * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
10 * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
11 * produced as the result of such linking.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 */
22 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
23 #include "config.h"
24 #endif
25 #include "remotebackend.hh"
26 #include <sys/socket.h>
27 #include <unistd.h>
28 #include <fcntl.h>
30 #include <sstream>
31 #include "pdns/lock.hh"
33 #ifndef UNIX_PATH_MAX
34 #define UNIX_PATH_MAX 108
35 #endif
37 HTTPConnector::HTTPConnector(std::map<std::string,std::string> options) {
38 this->d_url = options.find("url")->second;
39 if (options.find("url-suffix") != options.end()) {
40 this->d_url_suffix = options.find("url-suffix")->second;
41 } else {
42 this->d_url_suffix = "";
43 }
44 this->timeout = 2;
45 this->d_post = false;
46 this->d_post_json = false;
47 this->d_socket = NULL;
49 if (options.find("timeout") != options.end()) {
50 this->timeout = std::stoi(options.find("timeout")->second)/1000;
51 }
52 if (options.find("post") != options.end()) {
53 std::string val = options.find("post")->second;
54 if (val == "yes" || val == "true" || val == "on" || val == "1") {
55 this->d_post = true;
56 }
57 }
58 if (options.find("post_json") != options.end()) {
59 std::string val = options.find("post_json")->second;
60 if (val == "yes" || val == "true" || val == "on" || val == "1") {
61 this->d_post_json = true;
62 }
63 }
64 }
66 HTTPConnector::~HTTPConnector() {
67 if (d_socket != NULL)
68 delete d_socket;
69 }
71 void HTTPConnector::addUrlComponent(const Json &parameters, const string& element, std::stringstream& ss) {
72 std::string sparam;
73 if (parameters[element] != Json())
74 ss << "/" << asString(parameters[element]);
75 }
77 std::string HTTPConnector::buildMemberListArgs(std::string prefix, const Json& args) {
78 std::stringstream stream;
80 for(const auto& pair: args.object_items()) {
81 if (pair.second.is_bool()) {
82 stream << (pair.second.bool_value()?"1":"0");
83 } else if (pair.second.is_null()) {
84 stream << prefix << "[" << pair.first << "]=";
85 } else {
86 stream << prefix << "[" << pair.first << "]=" << this->asString(pair.second);
87 }
88 stream << "&";
89 }
91 return stream.str().substr(0, stream.str().size()-1); // snip the trailing &
92 }
94 // builds our request (near-restful)
95 void HTTPConnector::restful_requestbuilder(const std::string &method, const Json& parameters, YaHTTP::Request& req)
96 {
97 std::stringstream ss;
98 std::string sparam;
99 std::string verb;
101 // special names are qname, name, zonename, kind, others go to headers
103 ss << d_url;
105 ss << "/" << method;
107 // add the url components, if found, in following order.
108 // id must be first due to the fact that the qname/name can be empty
110 addUrlComponent(parameters, "id", ss);
111 addUrlComponent(parameters, "domain_id", ss);
112 addUrlComponent(parameters, "zonename", ss);
113 addUrlComponent(parameters, "qname", ss);
114 addUrlComponent(parameters, "name", ss);
115 addUrlComponent(parameters, "kind", ss);
116 addUrlComponent(parameters, "qtype", ss);
118 // set the correct type of request based on method
119 if (method == "activateDomainKey" || method == "deactivateDomainKey") {
120 // create an empty post
121 req.preparePost();
122 verb = "POST";
123 } else if (method == "setTSIGKey") {
124 req.POST()["algorithm"] = parameters["algorithm"].string_value();
125 req.POST()["content"] = parameters["content"].string_value();
126 req.preparePost();
127 verb = "PATCH";
128 } else if (method == "deleteTSIGKey") {
129 verb = "DELETE";
130 } else if (method == "addDomainKey") {
131 const Json& param = parameters["key"];
132 req.POST()["flags"] = asString(param["flags"]);
133 req.POST()["active"] = (param["active"].bool_value() ? "1" : "0");
134 req.POST()["content"] = param["content"].string_value();
135 req.preparePost();
136 verb = "PUT";
137 } else if (method == "isMaster") {
138 addUrlComponent(parameters, "ip", ss);
139 verb = "GET";
140 } else if (method == "superMasterBackend") {
141 std::stringstream ss2;
142 addUrlComponent(parameters, "ip", ss);
143 addUrlComponent(parameters, "domain", ss);
144 // then we need to serialize rrset payload into POST
145 for(size_t index = 0; index < parameters["nsset"].array_items().size(); index++) {
146 ss2 << buildMemberListArgs("nsset[" + std::to_string(index) + "]", parameters["nsset"][index]) << "&";
147 }
148 req.body = ss2.str().substr(0, ss2.str().size()-1);
149 req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
150 req.headers["content-length"] = std::to_string(req.body.size());
151 verb = "POST";
152 } else if (method == "createSlaveDomain") {
153 addUrlComponent(parameters, "ip", ss);
154 addUrlComponent(parameters, "domain", ss);
155 if (parameters["account"].is_null() == false && parameters["account"].is_string()) {
156 req.POST()["account"] = parameters["account"].string_value();
157 }
158 req.preparePost();
159 verb = "PUT";
160 } else if (method == "replaceRRSet") {
161 std::stringstream ss2;
162 for(size_t index = 0; index < parameters["rrset"].array_items().size(); index++) {
163 ss2 << buildMemberListArgs("rrset[" + std::to_string(index) + "]", parameters["rrset"][index]);
164 }
165 req.body = ss2.str();
166 req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
167 req.headers["content-length"] = std::to_string(req.body.size());
168 verb = "PATCH";
169 } else if (method == "feedRecord") {
170 addUrlComponent(parameters, "trxid", ss);
171 req.body = buildMemberListArgs("rr", parameters["rr"]);
172 req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
173 req.headers["content-length"] = std::to_string(req.body.size());
174 verb = "PATCH";
175 } else if (method == "feedEnts") {
176 std::stringstream ss2;
177 addUrlComponent(parameters, "trxid", ss);
178 for(const auto& param: parameters["nonterm"].array_items()) {
179 ss2 << "nonterm[]=" << YaHTTP::Utility::encodeURL(param.string_value(), false) << "&";
180 }
181 for(const auto& param: parameters["auth"].array_items()) {
182 ss2 << "auth[]=" << (param["auth"].bool_value()?"1":"0") << "&";
183 }
184 req.body = ss2.str().substr(0, ss2.str().size()-1);
185 req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
186 req.headers["content-length"] = std::to_string(req.body.size());
187 verb = "PATCH";
188 } else if (method == "feedEnts3") {
189 std::stringstream ss2;
190 addUrlComponent(parameters, "domain", ss);
191 addUrlComponent(parameters, "trxid", ss);
192 ss2 << "times=" << parameters["times"].int_value() << "&salt=" << YaHTTP::Utility::encodeURL(parameters["salt"].string_value(), false) << "&narrow=" << (parameters["narrow"].bool_value() ? 1 : 0) << "&";
193 for(const auto& param: parameters["nonterm"].array_items()) {
194 ss2 << "nonterm[]=" << YaHTTP::Utility::encodeURL(param.string_value(), false) << "&";
195 }
196 for(const auto& param: parameters["auth"].array_items()) {
197 ss2 << "auth[]=" << (param["auth"].bool_value()?"1":"0") << "&";
198 }
199 req.body = ss2.str().substr(0, ss2.str().size()-1);
200 req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
201 req.headers["content-length"] = std::to_string(req.body.size());
202 verb = "PATCH";
203 } else if (method == "startTransaction") {
204 addUrlComponent(parameters, "domain", ss);
205 addUrlComponent(parameters, "trxid", ss);
206 req.preparePost();
207 verb = "POST";
208 } else if (method == "commitTransaction" || method == "abortTransaction") {
209 addUrlComponent(parameters, "trxid", ss);
210 req.preparePost();
211 verb = "POST";
212 } else if (method == "calculateSOASerial") {
213 addUrlComponent(parameters, "domain", ss);
214 req.body = buildMemberListArgs("sd", parameters["sd"]);
215 req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
216 req.headers["content-length"] = std::to_string(req.body.size());
217 verb = "POST";
218 } else if (method == "setDomainMetadata") {
219 // copy all metadata values into post
220 std::stringstream ss2;
221 // this one has values too
222 if (parameters["value"].is_array()) {
223 for(const auto& val: parameters["value"].array_items()) {
224 ss2 << "value[]=" << YaHTTP::Utility::encodeURL(val.string_value(), false) << "&";
225 }
226 }
227 req.body = ss2.str().substr(0, ss2.str().size()-1);
228 req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
229 req.headers["content-length"] = std::to_string(req.body.size());
230 verb = "PATCH";
231 } else if (method == "removeDomainKey") {
232 // this one is delete
233 verb = "DELETE";
234 } else if (method == "setNotified") {
235 req.POST()["serial"] = std::to_string(parameters["serial"].number_value());
236 req.preparePost();
237 verb = "PATCH";
238 } else if (method == "directBackendCmd") {
239 req.POST()["query"] = parameters["query"].string_value();
240 req.preparePost();
241 verb = "POST";
242 } else if (method == "searchRecords" || method == "searchComments") {
243 req.GET()["pattern"] = parameters["pattern"].string_value();
244 req.GET()["maxResults"] = std::to_string(parameters["maxResults"].int_value());
245 verb = "GET";
246 } else if (method == "getAllDomains") {
247 req.GET()["includeDisabled"] = (parameters["include_disabled"].bool_value()?"true":"false");
248 verb = "GET";
249 } else {
250 // perform normal get
251 verb = "GET";
252 }
254 // put everything else into headers
255 for(const auto& pair: parameters.object_items()) {
256 std::string member = pair.first;
257 // whitelist header parameters
258 if ((member == "trxid" ||
259 member == "local" ||
260 member == "remote" ||
261 member == "real-remote" ||
262 member == "zone-id")) {
263 std::string hdr = "x-remotebackend-" + member;
264 req.headers[hdr] = asString(pair.second);
265 }
266 };
268 // finally add suffix and store url
269 ss << d_url_suffix;
271 req.setup(verb, ss.str());
272 req.headers["accept"] = "application/json";
273 }
275 void HTTPConnector::post_requestbuilder(const Json& input, YaHTTP::Request& req) {
276 if (this->d_post_json) {
277 std::string out = input.dump();
278 req.setup("POST", d_url);
279 // simple case, POST JSON into url. nothing fancy.
280 req.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/javascript; charset=utf-8";
281 req.headers["Content-Length"] = std::to_string(out.size());
282 req.headers["accept"] = "application/json";
283 req.body = out;
284 } else {
285 std::stringstream url,content;
286 // call url/method.suffix
287 url << d_url << "/" << input["method"].string_value() << d_url_suffix;
288 req.setup("POST", url.str());
289 // then build content
290 req.POST()["parameters"] = input["parameters"].dump();
291 req.preparePost();
292 req.headers["accept"] = "application/json";
293 }
294 }
296 int HTTPConnector::send_message(const Json& input) {
297 int rv,ec,fd;
299 std::vector<std::string> members;
300 std::string method;
301 std::ostringstream out;
303 // perform request
304 YaHTTP::Request req;
306 if (d_post)
307 post_requestbuilder(input, req);
308 else
309 restful_requestbuilder(input["method"].string_value(), input["parameters"], req);
311 rv = -1;
312 req.headers["connection"] = "Keep-Alive"; // see if we can streamline requests (not needed, strictly speaking)
314 out << req;
316 // try sending with current socket, if it fails retry with new socket
317 if (this->d_socket != NULL) {
318 fd = this->d_socket->getHandle();
319 // there should be no data waiting
320 if (waitForRWData(fd, true, 0, 1000) < 1) {
321 try {
322 d_socket->writenWithTimeout(out.str().c_str(), out.str().size(), timeout);
323 rv = 1;
324 } catch (NetworkError& ne) {
325 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While writing to HTTP endpoint "<<d_addr.toStringWithPort()<<": "<<ne.what()<<std::endl;
326 } catch (...) {
327 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While writing to HTTP endpoint "<<d_addr.toStringWithPort()<<": exception caught"<<std::endl;
328 }
329 }
330 }
332 if (rv == 1) return rv;
334 delete this->d_socket;
335 this->d_socket = NULL;
337 if (req.url.protocol == "unix") {
338 // connect using unix socket
339 } else {
340 // connect using tcp
341 struct addrinfo *gAddr, *gAddrPtr, hints;
342 std::string sPort = std::to_string(req.url.port);
343 memset(&hints,0,sizeof hints);
344 hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
345 hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG;
346 hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
347 hints.ai_protocol = 6; // tcp
348 if ((ec = getaddrinfo(req.url.host.c_str(), sPort.c_str(), &hints, &gAddr)) == 0) {
349 // try to connect to each address.
350 gAddrPtr = gAddr;
352 while(gAddrPtr) {
353 try {
354 d_socket = new Socket(gAddrPtr->ai_family, gAddrPtr->ai_socktype, gAddrPtr->ai_protocol);
355 d_addr.setSockaddr(gAddrPtr->ai_addr, gAddrPtr->ai_addrlen);
356 d_socket->connect(d_addr);
357 d_socket->setNonBlocking();
358 d_socket->writenWithTimeout(out.str().c_str(), out.str().size(), timeout);
359 rv = 1;
360 } catch (NetworkError& ne) {
361 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While writing to HTTP endpoint "<<d_addr.toStringWithPort()<<": "<<ne.what()<<std::endl;
362 } catch (...) {
363 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While writing to HTTP endpoint "<<d_addr.toStringWithPort()<<": exception caught"<<std::endl;
364 }
366 if (rv > -1) break;
367 delete d_socket;
368 d_socket = NULL;
369 gAddrPtr = gAddrPtr->ai_next;
371 }
372 freeaddrinfo(gAddr);
373 } else {
374 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to resolve " << req.url.host << ": " << gai_strerror(ec) << std::endl;
375 }
376 }
378 return rv;
379 }
381 int HTTPConnector::recv_message(Json& output) {
382 YaHTTP::AsyncResponseLoader arl;
383 YaHTTP::Response resp;
385 if (d_socket == NULL ) return -1; // cannot receive :(
386 char buffer[4096];
387 int rd = -1;
388 bool fail = false;
389 time_t t0;
391 arl.initialize(&resp);
393 try {
394 t0 = time((time_t*)NULL);
395 while(arl.ready() == false && (labs(time((time_t*)NULL) - t0) <= timeout)) {
396 rd = d_socket->readWithTimeout(buffer, sizeof(buffer), timeout);
397 if (rd==0)
398 throw NetworkError("EOF while reading");
399 if (rd<0)
400 throw NetworkError(std::string(strerror(rd)));
401 arl.feed(std::string(buffer, rd));
402 }
403 // timeout occured.
404 if (arl.ready() == false)
405 throw NetworkError("timeout");
406 } catch (NetworkError &ne) {
407 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While reading from HTTP endpoint "<<d_addr.toStringWithPort()<<": "<<ne.what()<<std::endl;
408 delete d_socket;
409 d_socket = NULL;
410 fail = true;
411 } catch (...) {
412 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While reading from HTTP endpoint "<<d_addr.toStringWithPort()<<": exception caught"<<std::endl;
413 delete d_socket;
414 fail = true;
415 }
417 if (fail) {
418 return -1;
419 }
421 arl.finalize();
423 if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 400) {
424 // bad.
425 return -1;
426 }
428 int rv = -1;
429 std::string err;
430 output = Json::parse(resp.body, err);
431 if (output != nullptr) return resp.body.size();
432 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Cannot parse JSON reply: "<<err<<endl;
434 return rv;
435 }