]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - pdns/mtasker.cc
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[thirdparty/pdns.git] / pdns / mtasker.cc
1 /*
2 * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
3 * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
10 * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
11 * produced as the result of such linking.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 */
22 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
23 #include "config.h"
24 #endif
25 #include "mtasker.hh"
26 #include "misc.hh"
27 #include <stdio.h>
28 #include <iostream>
31 #include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
32 #endif /* PDNS_USE_VALGRIND */
34 /** \page MTasker
35 Simple system for implementing cooperative multitasking of functions, with
36 support for waiting on events which can return values.
38 \section copyright Copyright and License
39 MTasker is (c) 2002 - 2009 by bert hubert. It is licensed to you under the terms of the GPL version 2.
41 \section overview High level overview
42 MTasker is designed to support very simple cooperative multitasking to facilitate writing
43 code that would ordinarily require a statemachine, for which the author does not consider
44 himself smart enough.
46 This class does not perform any magic it only makes calls to makecontext() and swapcontext().
47 Getting the details right however is complicated and MTasker does that for you.
49 If preemptive multitasking or more advanced concepts such as semaphores, locks or mutexes
50 are required, the use of POSIX threads is advised.
52 MTasker is designed to offer the performance of statemachines while maintaining simple thread semantics. It is not
53 a replacement for a full threading system.
55 \section compatibility Compatibility
56 MTasker is only guaranteed to work on Linux with glibc 2.2.5 and higher. It does not work on FreeBSD and notably,
57 not on Red Hat 6.0. It may work on Solaris, please test.
59 \section concepts Concepts
61 There are two important concepts, the 'kernel' and the 'thread'. Each thread starts out as a function,
62 which is passed to MTasker::makeThread(), together with a possible argument.
64 This function is now free to do whatever it wants, but realise that MTasker implements cooperative
65 multitasking, which means that the coder has the responsibility of not taking the CPU overly long.
66 Other threads can only get the CPU if MTasker::yield() is called or if a thread sleeps to wait for an event,
67 using the MTasker::waitEvent() method.
69 \section kernel The Kernel
70 The Kernel consists of functions that do housekeeping, but also of code that the client coder
71 can call to report events. A minimal kernel loop looks like this:
72 \code
73 for(;;) {
74 MT.schedule();
75 if(MT.noProcesses()) // exit if no processes are left
76 break;
77 }
78 \endcode
80 The kernel typically starts from the main() function of your program. New threads are also
81 created from the kernel. This can also happen before entering the main loop. To start a thread,
82 the method MTasker::makeThread is provided.
84 \section events Events
85 By default, Events are recognized by an int and their value is also an int.
86 This can be overridden by specifying the EventKey and EventVal template parameters.
88 An event can be a keypress, but also a UDP packet, or a bit of data from a TCP socket. The
89 sample code provided works with keypresses, but that is just a not very useful example.
91 A thread can also wait for an event only for a limited time, and receive a timeout of that
92 event did not occur within the specified timeframe.
94 \section example A simple menu system
95 \code
96 MTasker<> MT;
98 void menuHandler(void *p)
99 {
100 int num=(int)p;
101 cout<<"Key handler for key "<<num<<" launched"<<endl;
103 MT.waitEvent(num);
104 cout<<"Key "<<num<<" was pressed!"<<endl;
105 }
108 int main()
109 {
110 char line[10];
112 for(int i=0;i<10;++i)
113 MT.makeThread(menuHandler,(void *)i);
115 for(;;) {
116 while(MT.schedule()); // do everything we can do
117 if(MT.noProcesses()) // exit if no processes are left
118 break;
120 if(!fgets(line,sizeof(line),stdin))
121 break;
123 MT.sendEvent(*line-'0');
124 }
125 }
126 \endcode
128 \section example2 Canonical multitasking example
129 This implements the canonical multitasking example, alternately printing an 'A' and a 'B'. The Linux kernel
130 started this way too.
131 \code
132 void printer(void *p)
133 {
134 char c=(char)p;
135 for(;;) {
136 cout<<c<<endl;
137 MT.yield();
138 }
140 }
142 int main()
143 {
144 MT.makeThread(printer,(void*)'a');
145 MT.makeThread(printer,(void*)'b');
147 for(;;) {
148 while(MT.schedule()); // do everything we can do
149 if(MT.noProcesses()) // exit if no processes are left
150 break;
151 }
152 }
153 \endcode
155 */
157 //! puts a thread to sleep waiting until a specified event arrives
158 /** Threads can call waitEvent to register that they are waiting on an event with a certain key.
159 If so desired, the event can carry data which is returned in val in case that is non-zero.
161 Furthermore, a timeout can be specified in seconds.
163 Only one thread can be waiting on a key, results of trying to have more threads
164 waiting on the same key are undefined.
166 \param key Event key to wait for. Needs to match up to a key reported to sendEvent
167 \param val If non-zero, the value of the event will be stored in *val
168 \param timeout If non-zero, number of seconds to wait for an event.
170 \return returns -1 in case of error, 0 in case of timeout, 1 in case of an answer
171 */
173 template<class EventKey, class EventVal, class Cmp>int MTasker<EventKey,EventVal,Cmp>::waitEvent(EventKey &key, EventVal *val, unsigned int timeoutMsec, const struct timeval* now)
174 {
175 if(d_waiters.count(key)) { // there was already an exact same waiter
176 return -1;
177 }
179 Waiter w;
180 w.context=std::make_shared<pdns_ucontext_t>();
181 w.ttd.tv_sec = 0; w.ttd.tv_usec = 0;
182 if(timeoutMsec) {
183 struct timeval increment;
184 increment.tv_sec = timeoutMsec / 1000;
185 increment.tv_usec = 1000 * (timeoutMsec % 1000);
186 if(now)
187 w.ttd = increment + *now;
188 else {
189 struct timeval realnow;
190 gettimeofday(&realnow, 0);
191 w.ttd = increment + realnow;
192 }
193 }
195 w.tid=d_tid;
196 w.key=key;
198 d_waiters.insert(w);
200 unsigned int diff=d_threads[d_tid].dt.ndiff()/1000;
201 d_threads[d_tid].totTime+=diff;
202 #endif
203 notifyStackSwitchToKernel();
204 pdns_swapcontext(*d_waiters.find(key)->context,d_kernel); // 'A' will return here when 'key' has arrived, hands over control to kernel first
205 notifyStackSwitchDone();
207 d_threads[d_tid].dt.start();
208 #endif
209 if(val && d_waitstatus==Answer)
210 *val=d_waitval;
211 d_tid=w.tid;
212 if((char*)&w < d_threads[d_tid].highestStackSeen) {
213 d_threads[d_tid].highestStackSeen = (char*)&w;
214 }
215 key=d_eventkey;
216 return d_waitstatus;
217 }
219 //! yields control to the kernel or other threads
220 /** Hands over control to the kernel, allowing other processes to run, or events to arrive */
222 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>void MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::yield()
223 {
224 d_runQueue.push(d_tid);
225 notifyStackSwitchToKernel();
226 pdns_swapcontext(*d_threads[d_tid].context ,d_kernel); // give control to the kernel
227 notifyStackSwitchDone();
228 }
230 //! reports that an event took place for which threads may be waiting
231 /** From the kernel loop, sendEvent can be called to report that something occurred for which there may be waiters.
232 \param key Key of the event for which threads may be waiting
233 \param val If non-zero, pointer to the content of the event
234 \return Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if there were no waiters, 1 if a thread was woken up.
236 WARNING: when passing val as zero, d_waitval is undefined, and hence waitEvent will return undefined!
237 */
238 template<class EventKey, class EventVal, class Cmp>int MTasker<EventKey,EventVal,Cmp>::sendEvent(const EventKey& key, const EventVal* val)
239 {
240 typename waiters_t::iterator waiter=d_waiters.find(key);
242 if(waiter == d_waiters.end()) {
243 //cerr<<"Event sent nobody was waiting for! " <<key << endl;
244 return 0;
245 }
246 d_waitstatus=Answer;
247 if(val)
248 d_waitval=*val;
250 d_tid=waiter->tid; // set tid
251 d_eventkey=waiter->key; // pass waitEvent the exact key it was woken for
252 auto userspace=std::move(waiter->context);
253 d_waiters.erase(waiter); // removes the waitpoint
254 notifyStackSwitch(d_threads[d_tid].startOfStack, d_stacksize);
255 pdns_swapcontext(d_kernel,*userspace); // swaps back to the above point 'A'
256 notifyStackSwitchDone();
257 return 1;
258 }
260 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp> std::shared_ptr<pdns_ucontext_t> MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::getUContext()
261 {
262 auto uc = std::make_shared<pdns_ucontext_t>();
263 if (d_cachedStacks.empty()) {
264 uc->uc_stack.resize(d_stacksize + 1);
265 }
266 else {
267 uc->uc_stack = std::move(d_cachedStacks.top());
268 d_cachedStacks.pop();
269 }
271 uc->uc_link = &d_kernel; // come back to kernel after dying
274 uc->valgrind_id = VALGRIND_STACK_REGISTER(&uc->uc_stack[0],
275 &uc->uc_stack[uc->uc_stack.size()-1]);
276 #endif /* PDNS_USE_VALGRIND */
278 return uc;
279 }
281 //! launches a new thread
282 /** The kernel can call this to make a new thread, which starts at the function start and gets passed the val void pointer.
283 \param start Pointer to the function which will form the start of the thread
284 \param val A void pointer that can be used to pass data to the thread
285 */
286 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>void MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::makeThread(tfunc_t *start, void* val)
287 {
288 auto uc = getUContext();
290 ++d_threadsCount;
291 auto& thread = d_threads[d_maxtid];
292 auto mt = this;
293 // we will get a better approximation when the task is executed, but that prevents notifying a stack at nullptr
294 // on the first invocation
295 d_threads[d_maxtid].startOfStack = &uc->uc_stack[uc->uc_stack.size()-1];
296 thread.start = [start, val, mt]() {
297 char dummy;
298 mt->d_threads[mt->d_tid].startOfStack = mt->d_threads[mt->d_tid].highestStackSeen = &dummy;
299 auto const tid = mt->d_tid;
300 start (val);
301 mt->d_zombiesQueue.push(tid);
302 };
303 pdns_makecontext (*uc, thread.start);
305 thread.context = std::move(uc);
306 d_runQueue.push(d_maxtid++); // will run at next schedule invocation
307 }
310 //! needs to be called periodically so threads can run and housekeeping can be performed
311 /** The kernel should call this function every once in a while. It makes sense
312 to call this function if you:
313 - reported an event
314 - called makeThread
315 - want to have threads running waitEvent() to get a timeout if enough time passed
317 \return Returns if there is more work scheduled and recalling schedule now would be useful
319 */
320 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>bool MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::schedule(const struct timeval* now)
321 {
322 if(!d_runQueue.empty()) {
323 d_tid=d_runQueue.front();
325 d_threads[d_tid].dt.start();
326 #endif
327 notifyStackSwitch(d_threads[d_tid].startOfStack, d_stacksize);
328 pdns_swapcontext(d_kernel, *d_threads[d_tid].context);
329 notifyStackSwitchDone();
331 d_runQueue.pop();
332 return true;
333 }
334 if (!d_zombiesQueue.empty()) {
335 auto zombi = d_zombiesQueue.front();
336 if (d_cachedStacks.size() < d_maxCachedStacks) {
337 auto thread = d_threads.find(zombi);
338 if (thread != d_threads.end()) {
339 d_cachedStacks.push(std::move(thread->second.context->uc_stack));
340 }
341 d_threads.erase(thread);
342 }
343 else {
344 d_threads.erase(zombi);
345 }
346 --d_threadsCount;
347 d_zombiesQueue.pop();
348 return true;
349 }
350 if(!d_waiters.empty()) {
351 struct timeval rnow;
352 if(!now)
353 gettimeofday(&rnow, 0);
354 else
355 rnow = *now;
357 typedef typename waiters_t::template index<KeyTag>::type waiters_by_ttd_index_t;
358 // waiters_by_ttd_index_t& ttdindex=d_waiters.template get<KeyTag>();
359 waiters_by_ttd_index_t& ttdindex=boost::multi_index::get<KeyTag>(d_waiters);
361 for(typename waiters_by_ttd_index_t::iterator i=ttdindex.begin(); i != ttdindex.end(); ) {
362 if(i->ttd.tv_sec && i->ttd < rnow) {
363 d_waitstatus=TimeOut;
364 d_eventkey=i->key; // pass waitEvent the exact key it was woken for
365 auto uc = i->context;
366 d_tid = i->tid;
367 ttdindex.erase(i++); // removes the waitpoint
369 notifyStackSwitch(d_threads[d_tid].startOfStack, d_stacksize);
370 pdns_swapcontext(d_kernel, *uc); // swaps back to the above point 'A'
371 notifyStackSwitchDone();
372 }
373 else if(i->ttd.tv_sec)
374 break;
375 else
376 ++i;
377 }
378 }
379 return false;
380 }
382 //! returns true if there are no processes
383 /** Call this to check if no processes are running anymore
384 \return true if no processes are left
385 */
386 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>bool MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::noProcesses() const
387 {
388 return d_threadsCount == 0;
389 }
391 //! returns the number of processes running
392 /** Call this to perhaps limit activities if too many threads are running
393 \return number of processes running
394 */
395 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>unsigned int MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::numProcesses() const
396 {
397 return d_threadsCount;
398 }
400 //! gives access to the list of Events threads are waiting for
401 /** The kernel can call this to get a list of Events threads are waiting for. This is very useful
402 to setup 'select' or 'poll' or 'aio' events needed to satisfy these requests.
403 getEvents clears the events parameter before filling it.
405 \param events Vector which is to be filled with keys threads are waiting for
406 */
407 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>void MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::getEvents(std::vector<Key>& events)
408 {
409 events.clear();
410 for(typename waiters_t::const_iterator i=d_waiters.begin();i!=d_waiters.end();++i) {
411 events.push_back(i->first);
412 }
413 }
415 //! Returns the current Thread ID (tid)
416 /** Processes can call this to get a numerical representation of their current thread ID.
417 This can be useful for logging purposes.
418 */
419 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>int MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::getTid() const
420 {
421 return d_tid;
422 }
424 //! Returns the maximum stack usage so far of this MThread
425 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>uint64_t MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::getMaxStackUsage()
426 {
427 return d_threads[d_tid].startOfStack - d_threads[d_tid].highestStackSeen;
428 }
430 //! Returns the maximum stack usage so far of this MThread
431 template<class Key, class Val, class Cmp>unsigned int MTasker<Key,Val,Cmp>::getUsec()
432 {
434 return d_threads[d_tid].totTime + d_threads[d_tid].dt.ndiff()/1000;
435 #else
436 return 0;
437 #endif
438 }