]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - pdns/rec-lua-conf.cc
Logging: have a global g_log
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / pdns / rec-lua-conf.cc
1 #include "config.h"
2 #include "ext/luawrapper/include/LuaContext.hpp"
4 #include <fstream>
5 #include <thread>
6 #include "namespaces.hh"
7 #include "logger.hh"
8 #include "rec-lua-conf.hh"
9 #include "sortlist.hh"
10 #include "filterpo.hh"
11 #include "syncres.hh"
12 #include "rpzloader.hh"
13 #include "base64.hh"
14 #include "remote_logger.hh"
15 #include "validate.hh"
16 #include "validate-recursor.hh"
17 #include "root-dnssec.hh"
19 GlobalStateHolder<LuaConfigItems> g_luaconfs;
22 This function can be called at any time. It is expected to overwrite all the contents
23 of LuaConfigItems, which is held in a GlobalStateHolder for RCU properties.
25 This function can be called again at a later date, so you must make sure that anything you
26 allow to be configured from here lives in g_luaconfs AND NOWHERE ELSE.
28 If someone loads an empty Lua file, the default LuaConfigItems struct MUST MAKE SENSE.
30 To make this easy on you, here is a LuaConfigItems constructor where you
31 can set sane defaults:
32 */
34 LuaConfigItems::LuaConfigItems()
35 {
36 DNSName root("."); // don't use g_rootdnsname here, it might not exist yet
37 for (const auto &dsRecord : rootDSs) {
38 auto ds=unique_ptr<DSRecordContent>(dynamic_cast<DSRecordContent*>(DSRecordContent::make(dsRecord)));
39 dsAnchors[root].insert(*ds);
40 }
41 }
45 template <typename C>
46 typename C::value_type::second_type constGet(const C& c, const std::string& name)
47 {
48 auto iter = c.find(name);
49 if(iter == c.end())
50 return 0;
51 return iter->second;
52 }
55 static void parseRPZParameters(const std::unordered_map<string,boost::variant<uint32_t, string> >& have, std::string& polName, boost::optional<DNSFilterEngine::Policy>& defpol, uint32_t& maxTTL, size_t& zoneSizeHint)
56 {
57 if(have.count("policyName")) {
58 polName = boost::get<std::string>(constGet(have, "policyName"));
59 }
60 if(have.count("defpol")) {
61 defpol=DNSFilterEngine::Policy();
62 defpol->d_kind = (DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind)boost::get<uint32_t>(constGet(have, "defpol"));
63 defpol->d_name = std::make_shared<std::string>(polName);
64 if(defpol->d_kind == DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind::Custom) {
65 defpol->d_custom=
66 DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::CNAME, 1,
67 boost::get<string>(constGet(have,"defcontent"))
68 );
70 if(have.count("defttl"))
71 defpol->d_ttl = static_cast<int32_t>(boost::get<uint32_t>(constGet(have, "defttl")));
72 else
73 defpol->d_ttl = -1; // get it from the zone
74 }
75 }
76 if(have.count("maxTTL")) {
77 maxTTL = boost::get<uint32_t>(constGet(have, "maxTTL"));
78 }
79 if(have.count("zoneSizeHint")) {
80 zoneSizeHint = static_cast<size_t>(boost::get<uint32_t>(constGet(have, "zoneSizeHint")));
81 }
82 }
84 void loadRecursorLuaConfig(const std::string& fname, bool checkOnly)
85 {
86 LuaConfigItems lci;
88 LuaContext Lua;
89 if(fname.empty())
90 return;
91 ifstream ifs(fname);
92 if(!ifs)
93 throw PDNSException("Cannot open file '"+fname+"': "+strerror(errno));
95 Lua.writeFunction("clearSortlist", [&lci]() { lci.sortlist.clear(); });
97 /* we can get: ""
98 {"", ""}
99 {"", {"", ""}}
100 */
102 map<string,DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind> pmap{
103 {"NoAction", DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind::NoAction},
104 {"Drop", DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind::Drop},
105 {"NXDOMAIN", DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind::NXDOMAIN},
106 {"NODATA", DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind::NODATA},
107 {"Truncate", DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind::Truncate},
108 {"Custom", DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind::Custom}
109 };
110 Lua.writeVariable("Policy", pmap);
112 Lua.writeFunction("rpzFile", [&lci](const string& filename, const boost::optional<std::unordered_map<string,boost::variant<uint32_t, string>>>& options) {
113 try {
114 boost::optional<DNSFilterEngine::Policy> defpol;
115 std::string polName("rpzFile");
116 std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> zone = std::make_shared<DNSFilterEngine::Zone>();
117 uint32_t maxTTL = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
118 if(options) {
119 auto& have = *options;
120 size_t zoneSizeHint = 0;
121 parseRPZParameters(have, polName, defpol, maxTTL, zoneSizeHint);
122 if (zoneSizeHint > 0) {
123 zone->reserve(zoneSizeHint);
124 }
125 }
126 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Loading RPZ from file '"<<filename<<"'"<<endl;
127 zone->setName(polName);
128 loadRPZFromFile(filename, zone, defpol, maxTTL);
129 lci.dfe.addZone(zone);
130 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Done loading RPZ from file '"<<filename<<"'"<<endl;
131 }
132 catch(const std::exception& e) {
133 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to load RPZ zone from '"<<filename<<"': "<<e.what()<<endl;
134 }
135 });
137 Lua.writeFunction("rpzMaster", [&lci, checkOnly](const string& master_, const string& zoneName, const boost::optional<std::unordered_map<string,boost::variant<uint32_t, string>>>& options) {
139 boost::optional<DNSFilterEngine::Policy> defpol;
140 std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> zone = std::make_shared<DNSFilterEngine::Zone>();
141 TSIGTriplet tt;
142 uint32_t refresh=0;
143 size_t maxReceivedXFRMBytes = 0;
144 uint16_t axfrTimeout = 20;
145 uint32_t maxTTL = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
146 ComboAddress localAddress;
147 ComboAddress master(master_, 53);
148 size_t zoneIdx;
150 try {
151 std::string polName(zoneName);
152 if(options) {
153 auto& have = *options;
154 size_t zoneSizeHint = 0;
155 parseRPZParameters(have, polName, defpol, maxTTL, zoneSizeHint);
156 if (zoneSizeHint > 0) {
157 zone->reserve(zoneSizeHint);
158 }
159 if(have.count("tsigname")) {
160 tt.name=DNSName(toLower(boost::get<string>(constGet(have, "tsigname"))));
161 tt.algo=DNSName(toLower(boost::get<string>(constGet(have, "tsigalgo"))));
162 if(B64Decode(boost::get<string>(constGet(have, "tsigsecret")), tt.secret))
163 throw std::runtime_error("TSIG secret is not valid Base-64 encoded");
164 }
165 if(have.count("refresh")) {
166 refresh = boost::get<uint32_t>(constGet(have,"refresh"));
167 }
168 if(have.count("maxReceivedMBytes")) {
169 maxReceivedXFRMBytes = static_cast<size_t>(boost::get<uint32_t>(constGet(have,"maxReceivedMBytes")));
170 }
171 if(have.count("localAddress")) {
172 localAddress = ComboAddress(boost::get<string>(constGet(have,"localAddress")));
173 }
174 if(have.count("axfrTimeout")) {
175 axfrTimeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(boost::get<uint32_t>(constGet(have, "axfrTimeout")));
176 }
177 }
178 if (localAddress != ComboAddress() && localAddress.sin4.sin_family != master.sin4.sin_family) {
179 // We were passed a localAddress, check if its AF matches the master's
180 throw PDNSException("Master address("+master.toString()+") is not of the same Address Family as the local address ("+localAddress.toString()+").");
181 }
183 zone->setDomain(DNSName(zoneName));
184 zone->setName(polName);
185 zone->setRefresh(refresh);
186 zoneIdx = lci.dfe.addZone(zone);
187 }
188 catch(const std::exception& e) {
189 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Problem configuring 'rpzMaster': "<<e.what()<<endl;
190 exit(1); // FIXME proper exit code?
191 }
192 catch(const PDNSException& e) {
193 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Problem configuring 'rpzMaster': "<<e.reason<<endl;
194 exit(1); // FIXME proper exit code?
195 }
197 try {
198 if (!checkOnly) {
199 std::thread t(RPZIXFRTracker, master, defpol, maxTTL, zoneIdx, tt, maxReceivedXFRMBytes * 1024 * 1024, localAddress, zone, axfrTimeout);
200 t.detach();
201 }
202 }
203 catch(const std::exception& e) {
204 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Problem starting RPZIXFRTracker thread: "<<e.what()<<endl;
205 exit(1); // FIXME proper exit code?
206 }
207 catch(const PDNSException& e) {
208 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Problem starting RPZIXFRTracker thread: "<<e.reason<<endl;
209 exit(1); // FIXME proper exit code?
210 }
211 });
213 typedef vector<pair<int,boost::variant<string, vector<pair<int, string> > > > > argvec_t;
214 Lua.writeFunction("addSortList",
215 [&lci](const std::string& formask_,
216 const boost::variant<string, argvec_t>& masks,
217 boost::optional<int> order_)
218 {
219 try {
220 Netmask formask(formask_);
221 int order = order_ ? (*order_) : lci.sortlist.getMaxOrder(formask)+1;
222 if(auto str = boost::get<string>(&masks))
223 lci.sortlist.addEntry(formask, Netmask(*str), order);
224 else {
226 auto vec = boost::get<argvec_t>(&masks);
227 for(const auto& e : *vec) {
228 if(auto s = boost::get<string>(&e.second)) {
229 lci.sortlist.addEntry(formask, Netmask(*s), order);
230 }
231 else {
232 const auto& v =boost::get<vector<pair<int, string> > >(e.second);
233 for(const auto& entry : v)
234 lci.sortlist.addEntry(formask, Netmask(entry.second), order);
235 }
236 ++order;
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 catch(std::exception& e) {
241 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Error in addSortList: "<<e.what()<<endl;
242 }
243 });
245 Lua.writeFunction("addDS", [&lci](const std::string& who, const std::string& what) {
246 warnIfDNSSECDisabled("Warning: adding Trust Anchor for DNSSEC (addDS), but dnssec is set to 'off'!");
247 DNSName zone(who);
248 auto ds = unique_ptr<DSRecordContent>(dynamic_cast<DSRecordContent*>(DSRecordContent::make(what)));
249 lci.dsAnchors[zone].insert(*ds);
250 });
252 Lua.writeFunction("clearDS", [&lci](boost::optional<string> who) {
253 warnIfDNSSECDisabled("Warning: removing Trust Anchor for DNSSEC (clearDS), but dnssec is set to 'off'!");
254 if(who)
255 lci.dsAnchors.erase(DNSName(*who));
256 else
257 lci.dsAnchors.clear();
258 });
260 Lua.writeFunction("addNTA", [&lci](const std::string& who, const boost::optional<std::string> why) {
261 warnIfDNSSECDisabled("Warning: adding Negative Trust Anchor for DNSSEC (addNTA), but dnssec is set to 'off'!");
262 if(why)
263 lci.negAnchors[DNSName(who)] = static_cast<string>(*why);
264 else
265 lci.negAnchors[DNSName(who)] = "";
266 });
268 Lua.writeFunction("clearNTA", [&lci](boost::optional<string> who) {
269 warnIfDNSSECDisabled("Warning: removing Negative Trust Anchor for DNSSEC (clearNTA), but dnssec is set to 'off'!");
270 if(who)
271 lci.negAnchors.erase(DNSName(*who));
272 else
273 lci.negAnchors.clear();
274 });
277 Lua.writeFunction("protobufServer", [&lci, checkOnly](const string& server_, const boost::optional<uint16_t> timeout, const boost::optional<uint64_t> maxQueuedEntries, const boost::optional<uint8_t> reconnectWaitTime, const boost::optional<uint8_t> maskV4, boost::optional<uint8_t> maskV6, boost::optional<bool> asyncConnect, boost::optional<bool> taggedOnly) {
278 try {
279 ComboAddress server(server_);
280 if (!lci.protobufServer) {
281 if (!checkOnly) {
282 lci.protobufServer = std::make_shared<RemoteLogger>(server, timeout ? *timeout : 2, maxQueuedEntries ? *maxQueuedEntries : 100, reconnectWaitTime ? *reconnectWaitTime : 1, asyncConnect ? *asyncConnect : false);
283 }
285 if (maskV4) {
286 lci.protobufMaskV4 = *maskV4;
287 }
288 if (maskV6) {
289 lci.protobufMaskV6 = *maskV6;
290 }
291 if (taggedOnly) {
292 lci.protobufTaggedOnly = *taggedOnly;
293 }
294 }
295 else {
296 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Only one protobuf server can be configured, we already have "<<lci.protobufServer->toString()<<endl;
297 }
298 }
299 catch(std::exception& e) {
300 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Error while starting protobuf logger to '"<<server_<<": "<<e.what()<<endl;
301 }
302 catch(PDNSException& e) {
303 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Error while starting protobuf logger to '"<<server_<<": "<<e.reason<<endl;
304 }
305 });
307 Lua.writeFunction("outgoingProtobufServer", [&lci, checkOnly](const string& server_, const boost::optional<uint16_t> timeout, const boost::optional<uint64_t> maxQueuedEntries, const boost::optional<uint8_t> reconnectWaitTime, boost::optional<bool> asyncConnect) {
308 try {
309 ComboAddress server(server_);
310 if (!lci.outgoingProtobufServer) {
311 if (!checkOnly) {
312 lci.outgoingProtobufServer = std::make_shared<RemoteLogger>(server, timeout ? *timeout : 2, maxQueuedEntries ? *maxQueuedEntries : 100, reconnectWaitTime ? *reconnectWaitTime : 1, asyncConnect ? *asyncConnect : false);
313 }
314 }
315 else {
316 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Only one protobuf server can be configured, we already have "<<lci.protobufServer->toString()<<endl;
317 }
318 }
319 catch(std::exception& e) {
320 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Error while starting protobuf logger to '"<<server_<<": "<<e.what()<<endl;
321 }
322 catch(PDNSException& e) {
323 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Error while starting protobuf logger to '"<<server_<<": "<<e.reason<<endl;
324 }
325 });
326 #endif
328 try {
329 Lua.executeCode(ifs);
330 g_luaconfs.setState(lci);
331 }
332 catch(const LuaContext::ExecutionErrorException& e) {
333 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to load Lua script from '"+fname+"': ";
334 try {
335 std::rethrow_if_nested(e);
336 } catch(const std::exception& exp) {
337 // exp is the exception that was thrown from inside the lambda
338 g_log << exp.what() << std::endl;
339 }
340 catch(const PDNSException& exp) {
341 // exp is the exception that was thrown from inside the lambda
342 g_log << exp.reason << std::endl;
343 }
344 throw;
346 }
347 catch(std::exception& err) {
348 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to load Lua script from '"+fname+"': "<<err.what()<<endl;
349 throw;
350 }
352 }