]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - pdns/recursordist/aggressive_nsec.cc
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / pdns / recursordist / aggressive_nsec.cc
1 /*
2 * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
3 * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
10 * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
11 * produced as the result of such linking.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 */
22 #include <cinttypes>
23 #include <climits>
25 #include "aggressive_nsec.hh"
26 #include "cachecleaner.hh"
27 #include "recursor_cache.hh"
28 #include "logger.hh"
29 #include "validate.hh"
31 std::unique_ptr<AggressiveNSECCache> g_aggressiveNSECCache{nullptr};
32 uint8_t AggressiveNSECCache::s_maxNSEC3CommonPrefix = AggressiveNSECCache::s_default_maxNSEC3CommonPrefix;
34 /* this is defined in syncres.hh and we are not importing that here */
35 extern std::unique_ptr<MemRecursorCache> g_recCache;
37 std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<AggressiveNSECCache::ZoneEntry>> AggressiveNSECCache::getBestZone(const DNSName& zone)
38 {
39 std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<AggressiveNSECCache::ZoneEntry>> entry{nullptr};
40 {
41 auto zones = d_zones.try_read_lock();
42 if (!zones.owns_lock()) {
43 return entry;
44 }
46 auto got = zones->lookup(zone);
47 if (got) {
48 return *got;
49 }
50 }
51 return entry;
52 }
54 std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<AggressiveNSECCache::ZoneEntry>> AggressiveNSECCache::getZone(const DNSName& zone)
55 {
56 {
57 auto zones = d_zones.read_lock();
58 auto got = zones->lookup(zone);
59 if (got && *got) {
60 auto locked = (*got)->lock();
61 if (locked->d_zone == zone) {
62 return *got;
63 }
64 }
65 }
67 auto entry = std::make_shared<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>>(zone);
69 {
70 auto zones = d_zones.write_lock();
71 /* it might have been inserted in the mean time */
72 auto got = zones->lookup(zone);
73 if (got && *got) {
74 auto locked = (*got)->lock();
75 if (locked->d_zone == zone) {
76 return *got;
77 }
78 }
79 zones->add(zone, std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>>(entry));
80 return entry;
81 }
82 }
84 void AggressiveNSECCache::updateEntriesCount(SuffixMatchTree<std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>>>& zones)
85 {
86 uint64_t counter = 0;
87 zones.visit([&counter](const SuffixMatchTree<std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>>>& node) {
88 if (node.d_value) {
89 counter += node.d_value->lock()->d_entries.size();
90 }
91 });
92 d_entriesCount = counter;
93 }
95 void AggressiveNSECCache::removeZoneInfo(const DNSName& zone, bool subzones)
96 {
97 auto zones = d_zones.write_lock();
99 if (subzones) {
100 zones->remove(zone, true);
101 updateEntriesCount(*zones);
102 }
103 else {
104 auto got = zones->lookup(zone);
105 if (!got || !*got) {
106 return;
107 }
109 /* let's increase the ref count of the shared pointer
110 so we get the lock, remove the zone from the tree,
111 then release the lock before the entry is deleted */
112 auto entry = *got;
113 {
114 auto locked = (*got)->lock();
115 if (locked->d_zone != zone) {
116 return;
117 }
118 auto removed = locked->d_entries.size();
119 zones->remove(zone, false);
120 d_entriesCount -= removed;
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 void AggressiveNSECCache::prune(time_t now)
126 {
127 uint64_t maxNumberOfEntries = d_maxEntries;
128 std::vector<DNSName> emptyEntries;
129 uint64_t erased = 0;
131 auto zones = d_zones.write_lock();
132 // To start, just look through 10% of each zone and nuke everything that is expired
133 zones->visit([now, &erased, &emptyEntries](const SuffixMatchTree<std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>>>& node) {
134 if (!node.d_value) {
135 return;
136 }
138 auto zoneEntry = node.d_value->lock();
139 auto& sidx = boost::multi_index::get<ZoneEntry::SequencedTag>(zoneEntry->d_entries);
140 const auto toLookAtForThisZone = (zoneEntry->d_entries.size() + 9) / 10;
141 uint64_t lookedAt = 0;
142 for (auto it = sidx.begin(); it != sidx.end() && lookedAt < toLookAtForThisZone; ++lookedAt) {
143 if (it->d_ttd <= now) {
144 it = sidx.erase(it);
145 ++erased;
146 }
147 else {
148 ++it;
149 }
150 }
152 if (zoneEntry->d_entries.empty()) {
153 emptyEntries.push_back(zoneEntry->d_zone);
154 }
155 });
157 d_entriesCount -= erased;
159 // If we are still above try harder by nuking entries from each zone in LRU order
160 auto entriesCount = d_entriesCount.load();
161 if (entriesCount > maxNumberOfEntries) {
162 erased = 0;
163 uint64_t toErase = entriesCount - maxNumberOfEntries;
164 zones->visit([&erased, &toErase, &entriesCount, &emptyEntries](const SuffixMatchTree<std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>>>& node) {
165 if (!node.d_value || entriesCount == 0) {
166 return;
167 }
168 auto zoneEntry = node.d_value->lock();
169 const auto zoneSize = zoneEntry->d_entries.size();
170 auto& sidx = boost::multi_index::get<ZoneEntry::SequencedTag>(zoneEntry->d_entries);
171 const auto toTrimForThisZone = static_cast<uint64_t>(std::round(static_cast<double>(toErase) * static_cast<double>(zoneSize) / static_cast<double>(entriesCount)));
172 if (entriesCount < zoneSize) {
173 throw std::runtime_error("Inconsistent agggressive cache " + std::to_string(entriesCount) + " " + std::to_string(zoneSize));
174 }
175 // This is comparable to what cachecleaner.hh::pruneMutexCollectionsVector() is doing, look there for an explanation
176 entriesCount -= zoneSize;
177 uint64_t trimmedFromThisZone = 0;
178 for (auto it = sidx.begin(); it != sidx.end() && trimmedFromThisZone < toTrimForThisZone;) {
179 it = sidx.erase(it);
180 ++erased;
181 ++trimmedFromThisZone;
182 if (--toErase == 0) {
183 break;
184 }
185 }
186 if (zoneEntry->d_entries.empty()) {
187 emptyEntries.push_back(zoneEntry->d_zone);
188 }
189 });
191 d_entriesCount -= erased;
192 }
194 if (!emptyEntries.empty()) {
195 for (const auto& entry : emptyEntries) {
196 zones->remove(entry);
197 }
198 }
199 }
201 static bool isMinimallyCoveringNSEC(const DNSName& owner, const std::shared_ptr<const NSECRecordContent>& nsec)
202 {
203 /* this test only covers Cloudflare's ones (https://blog.cloudflare.com/black-lies/),
204 we might need to cover more cases described in rfc4470 as well, but the name generation algorithm
205 is not clearly defined there */
206 const auto& storage = owner.getStorage();
207 const auto& nextStorage = nsec->d_next.getStorage();
209 // is the next name at least two octets long?
210 if (nextStorage.size() <= 2 || storage.size() != (nextStorage.size() - 2)) {
211 return false;
212 }
214 // does the next name start with a one-octet long label containing a zero, i.e. `\000`?
215 if (nextStorage.at(0) != 1 || static_cast<uint8_t>(nextStorage.at(1)) != static_cast<uint8_t>(0)) {
216 return false;
217 }
219 // is the rest of the next name identical to the owner name, i.e. is the next name the owner name prefixed by '\000.'?
220 if (nextStorage.compare(2, nextStorage.size() - 2, storage) != 0) {
221 return false;
222 }
224 return true;
225 }
227 static bool commonPrefixIsLong(const string& one, const string& two, size_t bound)
228 {
229 size_t length = 0;
230 const auto minLength = std::min(one.length(), two.length());
232 for (size_t i = 0; i < minLength; i++) {
233 const auto byte1 = one.at(i);
234 const auto byte2 = two.at(i);
235 // shortcut
236 if (byte1 == byte2) {
237 length += CHAR_BIT;
238 if (length > bound) {
239 return true;
240 }
241 continue;
242 }
243 // bytes differ, let's look at the bits
244 for (ssize_t j = CHAR_BIT - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
245 const auto bit1 = byte1 & (1 << j);
246 const auto bit2 = byte2 & (1 << j);
247 if (bit1 != bit2) {
248 return length > bound;
249 }
250 length++;
251 if (length > bound) {
252 return true;
253 }
254 }
255 }
256 return length > bound;
257 }
259 // If the NSEC3 hashes have a long common prefix, they deny only a small subset of all possible hashes
260 // So don't take the trouble to store those.
261 bool AggressiveNSECCache::isSmallCoveringNSEC3(const DNSName& owner, const std::string& nextHash)
262 {
263 std::string ownerHash(fromBase32Hex(owner.getRawLabel(0)));
264 // Special case: empty zone, so the single NSEC3 covers everything. Prefix is long but we still want it cached.
265 if (ownerHash == nextHash) {
266 return false;
267 }
268 return commonPrefixIsLong(ownerHash, nextHash, AggressiveNSECCache::s_maxNSEC3CommonPrefix);
269 }
271 void AggressiveNSECCache::insertNSEC(const DNSName& zone, const DNSName& owner, const DNSRecord& record, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const RRSIGRecordContent>>& signatures, bool nsec3)
272 {
273 if (nsec3 && nsec3Disabled()) {
274 return;
275 }
276 if (signatures.empty()) {
277 return;
278 }
280 std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<AggressiveNSECCache::ZoneEntry>> entry = getZone(zone);
281 {
282 auto zoneEntry = entry->lock();
283 if (nsec3 && !zoneEntry->d_nsec3) {
284 d_entriesCount -= zoneEntry->d_entries.size();
285 zoneEntry->d_entries.clear();
286 zoneEntry->d_nsec3 = true;
287 }
289 DNSName next;
290 if (!nsec3) {
291 auto content = getRR<NSECRecordContent>(record);
292 if (!content) {
293 throw std::runtime_error("Error getting the content from a NSEC record");
294 }
296 next = content->d_next;
297 if (next.canonCompare(owner) && next != zone) {
298 /* not accepting a NSEC whose next domain name is before the owner
299 unless the next domain name is the apex, sorry */
300 return;
301 }
303 if (isMinimallyCoveringNSEC(owner, content)) {
304 /* not accepting minimally covering answers since they only deny one name */
305 return;
306 }
307 }
308 else {
309 auto content = getRR<NSEC3RecordContent>(record);
310 if (!content) {
311 throw std::runtime_error("Error getting the content from a NSEC3 record");
312 }
314 if (content->isOptOut()) {
315 /* doesn't prove anything, sorry */
316 return;
317 }
319 if (g_maxNSEC3Iterations && content->d_iterations > g_maxNSEC3Iterations) {
320 /* can't use that */
321 return;
322 }
324 if (isSmallCoveringNSEC3(owner, content->d_nexthash)) {
325 /* not accepting small covering answers since they only deny a small subset */
326 return;
327 }
329 // XXX: Ponder storing everything in raw form, without the zone instead. It still needs to be a DNSName for NSEC, though,
330 // but doing the conversion on cache hits only might be faster
331 next = DNSName(toBase32Hex(content->d_nexthash)) + zone;
333 if (zoneEntry->d_iterations != content->d_iterations || zoneEntry->d_salt != content->d_salt) {
334 zoneEntry->d_iterations = content->d_iterations;
335 zoneEntry->d_salt = content->d_salt;
337 // Clearing the existing entries since we can't use them, and it's likely a rollover
338 // If it instead is different servers using different parameters, well, too bad.
339 d_entriesCount -= zoneEntry->d_entries.size();
340 zoneEntry->d_entries.clear();
341 }
342 }
344 /* the TTL is already a TTD by now */
345 if (!nsec3 && isWildcardExpanded(owner.countLabels(), *signatures.at(0))) {
346 DNSName realOwner = getNSECOwnerName(owner, signatures);
347 auto pair = zoneEntry->d_entries.insert({record.getContent(), signatures, realOwner, next, record.d_ttl});
348 if (pair.second) {
349 ++d_entriesCount;
350 }
351 else {
352 zoneEntry->d_entries.replace(pair.first, {record.getContent(), signatures, std::move(realOwner), next, record.d_ttl});
353 }
354 }
355 else {
356 auto pair = zoneEntry->d_entries.insert({record.getContent(), signatures, owner, next, record.d_ttl});
357 if (pair.second) {
358 ++d_entriesCount;
359 }
360 else {
361 zoneEntry->d_entries.replace(pair.first, {record.getContent(), signatures, owner, std::move(next), record.d_ttl});
362 }
363 }
364 }
365 }
367 bool AggressiveNSECCache::getNSECBefore(time_t now, std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<AggressiveNSECCache::ZoneEntry>>& zone, const DNSName& name, ZoneEntry::CacheEntry& entry)
368 {
369 auto zoneEntry = zone->try_lock();
370 if (!zoneEntry.owns_lock() || zoneEntry->d_entries.empty()) {
371 return false;
372 }
374 auto& idx = zoneEntry->d_entries.get<ZoneEntry::OrderedTag>();
375 auto it = idx.lower_bound(name);
376 bool end = false;
377 bool wrapped = false;
379 if (it == idx.begin() && it->d_owner != name) {
380 it = idx.end();
381 // we know the map is not empty
382 it--;
383 // might be that owner > name && name < next
384 // can't go further, but perhaps we wrapped?
385 wrapped = true;
386 }
388 while (!end && !wrapped && (it == idx.end() || (it->d_owner != name && !it->d_owner.canonCompare(name)))) {
389 if (it == idx.begin()) {
390 end = true;
391 break;
392 }
393 else {
394 it--;
395 }
396 }
398 if (end) {
399 return false;
400 }
402 auto firstIndexIterator = zoneEntry->d_entries.project<ZoneEntry::OrderedTag>(it);
403 if (it->d_ttd <= now) {
404 moveCacheItemToFront<ZoneEntry::SequencedTag>(zoneEntry->d_entries, firstIndexIterator);
405 return false;
406 }
408 entry = *it;
409 moveCacheItemToBack<ZoneEntry::SequencedTag>(zoneEntry->d_entries, firstIndexIterator);
410 return true;
411 }
413 bool AggressiveNSECCache::getNSEC3(time_t now, std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<AggressiveNSECCache::ZoneEntry>>& zone, const DNSName& name, ZoneEntry::CacheEntry& entry)
414 {
415 auto zoneEntry = zone->try_lock();
416 if (!zoneEntry.owns_lock() || zoneEntry->d_entries.empty()) {
417 return false;
418 }
420 auto& idx = zoneEntry->d_entries.get<ZoneEntry::HashedTag>();
421 auto entries = idx.equal_range(name);
423 for (auto it = entries.first; it != entries.second; ++it) {
425 if (it->d_owner != name) {
426 continue;
427 }
429 auto firstIndexIterator = zoneEntry->d_entries.project<ZoneEntry::OrderedTag>(it);
430 if (it->d_ttd <= now) {
431 moveCacheItemToFront<ZoneEntry::SequencedTag>(zoneEntry->d_entries, firstIndexIterator);
432 return false;
433 }
435 entry = *it;
436 moveCacheItemToBack<ZoneEntry::SequencedTag>(zoneEntry->d_entries, firstIndexIterator);
437 return true;
438 }
440 return false;
441 }
443 static void addToRRSet(const time_t now, std::vector<DNSRecord>& recordSet, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const RRSIGRecordContent>> signatures, const DNSName& owner, bool doDNSSEC, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret, DNSResourceRecord::Place place = DNSResourceRecord::AUTHORITY)
444 {
445 uint32_t ttl = 0;
447 for (auto& record : recordSet) {
448 if (record.d_class != QClass::IN) {
449 continue;
450 }
452 record.d_ttl -= now;
453 record.d_name = owner;
454 ttl = record.d_ttl;
455 record.d_place = place;
456 ret.push_back(std::move(record));
457 }
459 if (doDNSSEC) {
460 for (auto& signature : signatures) {
461 DNSRecord dr;
462 dr.d_type = QType::RRSIG;
463 dr.d_name = owner;
464 dr.d_ttl = ttl;
465 dr.setContent(std::move(signature));
466 dr.d_place = place;
467 dr.d_class = QClass::IN;
468 ret.push_back(std::move(dr));
469 }
470 }
471 }
473 static void addRecordToRRSet(const DNSName& owner, const QType& type, uint32_t ttl, std::shared_ptr<const DNSRecordContent>& content, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const RRSIGRecordContent>> signatures, bool doDNSSEC, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret)
474 {
475 DNSRecord nsecRec;
476 nsecRec.d_type = type.getCode();
477 nsecRec.d_name = owner;
478 nsecRec.d_ttl = ttl;
479 nsecRec.setContent(std::move(content));
480 nsecRec.d_place = DNSResourceRecord::AUTHORITY;
481 nsecRec.d_class = QClass::IN;
482 ret.push_back(std::move(nsecRec));
484 if (doDNSSEC) {
485 for (auto& signature : signatures) {
486 DNSRecord dr;
487 dr.d_type = QType::RRSIG;
488 dr.d_name = owner;
489 dr.d_ttl = ttl;
490 dr.setContent(std::move(signature));
491 dr.d_place = DNSResourceRecord::AUTHORITY;
492 dr.d_class = QClass::IN;
493 ret.push_back(std::move(dr));
494 }
495 }
496 }
498 bool AggressiveNSECCache::synthesizeFromNSEC3Wildcard(time_t now, const DNSName& name, const QType& type, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret, int& res, bool doDNSSEC, ZoneEntry::CacheEntry& nextCloser, const DNSName& wildcardName, const OptLog& log)
499 {
500 vState cachedState;
502 std::vector<DNSRecord> wcSet;
503 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const RRSIGRecordContent>> wcSignatures;
505 if (g_recCache->get(now, wildcardName, type, MemRecursorCache::RequireAuth, &wcSet, ComboAddress(""), boost::none, doDNSSEC ? &wcSignatures : nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &cachedState) <= 0 || cachedState != vState::Secure) {
506 VLOG(log, name << ": Unfortunately we don't have a valid entry for " << wildcardName << ", so we cannot synthesize from that wildcard" << endl);
507 return false;
508 }
510 addToRRSet(now, wcSet, std::move(wcSignatures), name, doDNSSEC, ret, DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER);
511 /* no need for closest encloser proof, the wildcard is there */
512 // coverity[store_truncates_time_t]
513 addRecordToRRSet(nextCloser.d_owner, QType::NSEC3, nextCloser.d_ttd - now, nextCloser.d_record, nextCloser.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
514 /* and of course we won't deny the wildcard either */
516 VLOG(log, name << ": Synthesized valid answer from NSEC3s and wildcard!" << endl);
517 ++d_nsec3WildcardHits;
518 res = RCode::NoError;
519 return true;
520 }
522 bool AggressiveNSECCache::synthesizeFromNSECWildcard(time_t now, const DNSName& name, const QType& type, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret, int& res, bool doDNSSEC, ZoneEntry::CacheEntry& nsec, const DNSName& wildcardName, const OptLog& log)
523 {
524 vState cachedState;
526 std::vector<DNSRecord> wcSet;
527 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const RRSIGRecordContent>> wcSignatures;
529 if (g_recCache->get(now, wildcardName, type, MemRecursorCache::RequireAuth, &wcSet, ComboAddress(""), boost::none, doDNSSEC ? &wcSignatures : nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &cachedState) <= 0 || cachedState != vState::Secure) {
530 VLOG(log, name << ": Unfortunately we don't have a valid entry for " << wildcardName << ", so we cannot synthesize from that wildcard" << endl);
531 return false;
532 }
534 addToRRSet(now, wcSet, std::move(wcSignatures), name, doDNSSEC, ret, DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER);
535 // coverity[store_truncates_time_t]
536 addRecordToRRSet(nsec.d_owner, QType::NSEC, nsec.d_ttd - now, nsec.d_record, nsec.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
538 VLOG(log, name << ": Synthesized valid answer from NSECs and wildcard!" << endl);
539 ++d_nsecWildcardHits;
540 res = RCode::NoError;
541 return true;
542 }
544 bool AggressiveNSECCache::getNSEC3Denial(time_t now, std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<AggressiveNSECCache::ZoneEntry>>& zoneEntry, std::vector<DNSRecord>& soaSet, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const RRSIGRecordContent>>& soaSignatures, const DNSName& name, const QType& type, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret, int& res, bool doDNSSEC, const OptLog& log)
545 {
546 DNSName zone;
547 std::string salt;
548 uint16_t iterations;
550 {
551 auto entry = zoneEntry->try_lock();
552 if (!entry.owns_lock()) {
553 return false;
554 }
555 salt = entry->d_salt;
556 zone = entry->d_zone;
557 iterations = entry->d_iterations;
558 }
560 auto nameHash = DNSName(toBase32Hex(hashQNameWithSalt(salt, iterations, name))) + zone;
562 ZoneEntry::CacheEntry exactNSEC3;
563 if (getNSEC3(now, zoneEntry, nameHash, exactNSEC3)) {
564 VLOG(log, name << ": Found a direct NSEC3 match for " << nameHash);
565 auto nsec3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NSEC3RecordContent>(exactNSEC3.d_record);
566 if (!nsec3 || nsec3->d_iterations != iterations || nsec3->d_salt != salt) {
567 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but the content is not valid, or has a different salt or iterations count" << endl);
568 return false;
569 }
571 if (!isTypeDenied(*nsec3, type)) {
572 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but the requested type (" << type.toString() << ") does exist" << endl);
573 return false;
574 }
576 const DNSName signer = getSigner(exactNSEC3.d_signatures);
577 /* here we need to allow an ancestor NSEC3 proving that a DS does not exist as it is an
578 exact match for the name */
579 if (type != QType::DS && isNSEC3AncestorDelegation(signer, exactNSEC3.d_owner, *nsec3)) {
580 /* RFC 6840 section 4.1 "Clarifications on Nonexistence Proofs":
581 Ancestor delegation NSEC or NSEC3 RRs MUST NOT be used to assume
582 nonexistence of any RRs below that zone cut, which include all RRs at
583 that (original) owner name other than DS RRs, and all RRs below that
584 owner name regardless of type.
585 */
586 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but this is an ancestor delegation NSEC3" << endl);
587 return false;
588 }
590 if (type == QType::DS && !name.isRoot() && signer == name) {
591 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but this NSEC3 comes from the child zone and cannot be used to deny a DS");
592 return false;
593 }
595 VLOG(log, ": done!" << endl);
596 ++d_nsec3Hits;
597 res = RCode::NoError;
598 addToRRSet(now, soaSet, soaSignatures, zone, doDNSSEC, ret);
599 addRecordToRRSet(exactNSEC3.d_owner, QType::NSEC3, exactNSEC3.d_ttd - now, exactNSEC3.d_record, exactNSEC3.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
600 return true;
601 }
603 VLOG(log, name << ": No direct NSEC3 match found for " << nameHash << ", looking for closest encloser" << endl);
604 DNSName closestEncloser(name);
605 bool found = false;
606 ZoneEntry::CacheEntry closestNSEC3;
607 while (!found && closestEncloser.chopOff()) {
608 auto closestHash = DNSName(toBase32Hex(hashQNameWithSalt(salt, iterations, closestEncloser))) + zone;
610 if (getNSEC3(now, zoneEntry, closestHash, closestNSEC3)) {
611 VLOG(log, name << ": Found closest encloser at " << closestEncloser << " (" << closestHash << ")" << endl);
613 auto nsec3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NSEC3RecordContent>(closestNSEC3.d_record);
614 if (!nsec3 || nsec3->d_iterations != iterations || nsec3->d_salt != salt) {
615 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but the content is not valid, or has a different salt or iterations count" << endl);
616 break;
617 }
619 const DNSName signer = getSigner(closestNSEC3.d_signatures);
620 /* This time we do not allow any ancestor NSEC3, as if the closest encloser is a delegation
621 NS we know nothing about the names in the child zone. */
622 if (isNSEC3AncestorDelegation(signer, closestNSEC3.d_owner, *nsec3)) {
623 /* RFC 6840 section 4.1 "Clarifications on Nonexistence Proofs":
624 Ancestor delegation NSEC or NSEC3 RRs MUST NOT be used to assume
625 nonexistence of any RRs below that zone cut, which include all RRs at
626 that (original) owner name other than DS RRs, and all RRs below that
627 owner name regardless of type.
628 */
629 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but this is an ancestor delegation NSEC3" << endl);
630 break;
631 }
633 if (type == QType::DS && !name.isRoot() && signer == name) {
634 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but this NSEC3 comes from the child zone and cannot be used to deny a DS");
635 return false;
636 }
638 found = true;
639 break;
640 }
641 }
643 if (!found) {
644 VLOG(log, name << ": Nothing found for the closest encloser in NSEC3 aggressive cache either" << endl);
645 return false;
646 }
648 unsigned int labelIdx = name.countLabels() - closestEncloser.countLabels();
649 if (labelIdx < 1) {
650 return false;
651 }
653 DNSName nsecFound;
654 DNSName nextCloser(closestEncloser);
655 nextCloser.prependRawLabel(name.getRawLabel(labelIdx - 1));
656 auto nextCloserHash = toBase32Hex(hashQNameWithSalt(salt, iterations, nextCloser));
657 VLOG(log, name << ": Looking for a NSEC3 covering the next closer " << nextCloser << " (" << nextCloserHash << ")" << endl);
659 ZoneEntry::CacheEntry nextCloserEntry;
660 if (!getNSECBefore(now, zoneEntry, DNSName(nextCloserHash) + zone, nextCloserEntry)) {
661 VLOG(log, name << ": Nothing found for the next closer in NSEC3 aggressive cache" << endl);
662 return false;
663 }
665 if (!isCoveredByNSEC3Hash(DNSName(nextCloserHash) + zone, nextCloserEntry.d_owner, nextCloserEntry.d_next)) {
666 VLOG(log, name << ": No covering record found for the next closer in NSEC3 aggressive cache" << endl);
667 return false;
668 }
670 auto nextCloserNsec3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NSEC3RecordContent>(nextCloserEntry.d_record);
671 if (!nextCloserNsec3 || nextCloserNsec3->d_iterations != iterations || nextCloserNsec3->d_salt != salt) {
672 VLOG(log, name << ": The NSEC3 covering the next closer is not valid, or has a different salt or iterations count, bailing out" << endl);
673 return false;
674 }
676 const DNSName nextCloserSigner = getSigner(nextCloserEntry.d_signatures);
677 if (type == QType::DS && !name.isRoot() && nextCloserSigner == name) {
678 VLOG(log, " but this NSEC3 comes from the child zone and cannot be used to deny a DS");
679 return false;
680 }
682 /* An ancestor NSEC3 would be fine here, since it does prove that there is no delegation at the next closer
683 name (we don't insert opt-out NSEC3s into the cache). */
684 DNSName wildcard(g_wildcarddnsname + closestEncloser);
685 auto wcHash = toBase32Hex(hashQNameWithSalt(salt, iterations, wildcard));
686 VLOG(log, name << ": Looking for a NSEC3 covering the wildcard " << wildcard << " (" << wcHash << ")" << endl);
688 ZoneEntry::CacheEntry wcEntry;
689 if (!getNSECBefore(now, zoneEntry, DNSName(wcHash) + zone, wcEntry)) {
690 VLOG(log, name << ": Nothing found for the wildcard in NSEC3 aggressive cache" << endl);
691 return false;
692 }
694 if ((DNSName(wcHash) + zone) == wcEntry.d_owner) {
695 VLOG(log, name << ": Found an exact match for the wildcard");
697 auto nsec3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NSEC3RecordContent>(wcEntry.d_record);
698 if (!nsec3 || nsec3->d_iterations != iterations || nsec3->d_salt != salt) {
699 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but the content is not valid, or has a different salt or iterations count" << endl);
700 return false;
701 }
703 const DNSName wcSigner = getSigner(wcEntry.d_signatures);
704 /* It's an exact match for the wildcard, so it does exist. If we are looking for a DS
705 an ancestor NSEC3 is fine, otherwise it does not prove anything. */
706 if (type != QType::DS && isNSEC3AncestorDelegation(wcSigner, wcEntry.d_owner, *nsec3)) {
707 /* RFC 6840 section 4.1 "Clarifications on Nonexistence Proofs":
708 Ancestor delegation NSEC or NSEC3 RRs MUST NOT be used to assume
709 nonexistence of any RRs below that zone cut, which include all RRs at
710 that (original) owner name other than DS RRs, and all RRs below that
711 owner name regardless of type.
712 */
713 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but the NSEC3 covering the wildcard is an ancestor delegation NSEC3, bailing out" << endl);
714 return false;
715 }
717 if (type == QType::DS && !name.isRoot() && wcSigner == name) {
718 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but this wildcard NSEC3 comes from the child zone and cannot be used to deny a DS");
719 return false;
720 }
722 if (!isTypeDenied(*nsec3, type)) {
723 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but the requested type (" << type.toString() << ") does exist" << endl);
724 return synthesizeFromNSEC3Wildcard(now, name, type, ret, res, doDNSSEC, nextCloserEntry, wildcard, log);
725 }
727 res = RCode::NoError;
728 VLOG(log, endl);
729 }
730 else {
731 if (!isCoveredByNSEC3Hash(DNSName(wcHash) + zone, wcEntry.d_owner, wcEntry.d_next)) {
732 VLOG(log, name << ": No covering record found for the wildcard in aggressive cache" << endl);
733 return false;
734 }
736 auto nsec3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NSEC3RecordContent>(wcEntry.d_record);
737 if (!nsec3 || nsec3->d_iterations != iterations || nsec3->d_salt != salt) {
738 VLOG(log, name << ": The content of the NSEC3 covering the wildcard is not valid, or has a different salt or iterations count" << endl);
739 return false;
740 }
742 const DNSName wcSigner = getSigner(wcEntry.d_signatures);
743 if (type == QType::DS && !name.isRoot() && wcSigner == name) {
744 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but this wildcard NSEC3 comes from the child zone and cannot be used to deny a DS");
745 return false;
746 }
748 /* We have a NSEC3 proving that the wildcard does not exist. An ancestor NSEC3 would be fine here, since it does prove
749 that there is no delegation at the wildcard name (we don't insert opt-out NSEC3s into the cache). */
750 res = RCode::NXDomain;
751 }
753 addToRRSet(now, soaSet, soaSignatures, zone, doDNSSEC, ret);
754 addRecordToRRSet(closestNSEC3.d_owner, QType::NSEC3, closestNSEC3.d_ttd - now, closestNSEC3.d_record, closestNSEC3.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
756 /* no need to include the same NSEC3 twice */
757 if (nextCloserEntry.d_owner != closestNSEC3.d_owner) {
758 addRecordToRRSet(nextCloserEntry.d_owner, QType::NSEC3, nextCloserEntry.d_ttd - now, nextCloserEntry.d_record, nextCloserEntry.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
759 }
760 if (wcEntry.d_owner != closestNSEC3.d_owner && wcEntry.d_owner != nextCloserEntry.d_owner) {
761 // coverity[store_truncates_time_t]
762 addRecordToRRSet(wcEntry.d_owner, QType::NSEC3, wcEntry.d_ttd - now, wcEntry.d_record, wcEntry.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
763 }
765 VLOG(log, name << ": Found valid NSEC3s covering the requested name and type!" << endl);
766 ++d_nsec3Hits;
767 return true;
768 }
770 bool AggressiveNSECCache::getDenial(time_t now, const DNSName& name, const QType& type, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret, int& res, const ComboAddress& who, const boost::optional<std::string>& routingTag, bool doDNSSEC, const OptLog& log)
771 {
772 std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>> zoneEntry;
773 if (type == QType::DS) {
774 DNSName parent(name);
775 parent.chopOff();
776 zoneEntry = getBestZone(parent);
777 }
778 else {
779 zoneEntry = getBestZone(name);
780 }
782 if (!zoneEntry) {
783 return false;
784 }
786 DNSName zone;
787 bool nsec3;
788 {
789 auto entry = zoneEntry->try_lock();
790 if (!entry.owns_lock()) {
791 return false;
792 }
793 if (entry->d_entries.empty()) {
794 return false;
795 }
796 zone = entry->d_zone;
797 nsec3 = entry->d_nsec3;
798 }
800 vState cachedState;
801 std::vector<DNSRecord> soaSet;
802 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const RRSIGRecordContent>> soaSignatures;
803 /* we might not actually need the SOA if we find a matching wildcard, but let's not bother for now */
804 if (g_recCache->get(now, zone, QType::SOA, MemRecursorCache::RequireAuth, &soaSet, who, routingTag, doDNSSEC ? &soaSignatures : nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &cachedState) <= 0 || cachedState != vState::Secure) {
805 VLOG(log, name << ": No valid SOA found for " << zone << ", which is the best match for " << name << endl);
806 return false;
807 }
809 if (nsec3) {
810 return getNSEC3Denial(now, zoneEntry, soaSet, soaSignatures, name, type, ret, res, doDNSSEC, log);
811 }
813 ZoneEntry::CacheEntry entry;
814 ZoneEntry::CacheEntry wcEntry;
815 bool covered = false;
816 bool needWildcard = false;
818 VLOG(log, name << ": Looking for a NSEC before " << name);
819 if (!getNSECBefore(now, zoneEntry, name, entry)) {
820 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, ": nothing found in the aggressive cache" << endl);
821 return false;
822 }
824 auto content = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NSECRecordContent>(entry.d_record);
825 if (!content) {
826 return false;
827 }
829 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, ": found a possible NSEC at " << entry.d_owner << " ");
830 // note that matchesNSEC() takes care of ruling out ancestor NSECs for us
831 auto denial = matchesNSEC(name, type.getCode(), entry.d_owner, *content, entry.d_signatures, log);
832 if (denial == dState::NODENIAL || denial == dState::INCONCLUSIVE) {
833 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but it does not cover us" << endl);
834 return false;
835 }
836 else if (denial == dState::NXQTYPE) {
837 covered = true;
838 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " and it proves that the type does not exist" << endl);
839 res = RCode::NoError;
840 }
841 else if (denial == dState::NXDOMAIN) {
842 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " and it proves that the name does not exist" << endl);
843 DNSName closestEncloser = getClosestEncloserFromNSEC(name, entry.d_owner, entry.d_next);
844 DNSName wc = g_wildcarddnsname + closestEncloser;
846 VLOG(log, name << ": Now looking for a NSEC before the wildcard " << wc);
847 if (!getNSECBefore(now, zoneEntry, wc, wcEntry)) {
848 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, ": nothing found in the aggressive cache" << endl);
849 return false;
850 }
852 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, ": found a possible NSEC at " << wcEntry.d_owner << " ");
854 auto nsecContent = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NSECRecordContent>(wcEntry.d_record);
856 denial = matchesNSEC(wc, type.getCode(), wcEntry.d_owner, *nsecContent, wcEntry.d_signatures, log);
857 if (denial == dState::NODENIAL || denial == dState::INCONCLUSIVE) {
859 if (wcEntry.d_owner == wc) {
860 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " proving that the wildcard does exist" << endl);
861 return synthesizeFromNSECWildcard(now, name, type, ret, res, doDNSSEC, entry, wc, log);
862 }
864 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " but it does no cover us" << endl);
866 return false;
867 }
868 else if (denial == dState::NXQTYPE) {
869 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " and it proves that there is a matching wildcard, but the type does not exist" << endl);
870 covered = true;
871 res = RCode::NoError;
872 }
873 else if (denial == dState::NXDOMAIN) {
874 VLOG_NO_PREFIX(log, " and it proves that there is no matching wildcard" << endl);
875 covered = true;
876 res = RCode::NXDomain;
877 }
879 if (wcEntry.d_owner != wc && wcEntry.d_owner != entry.d_owner) {
880 needWildcard = true;
881 }
882 }
884 if (!covered) {
885 return false;
886 }
888 ret.reserve(ret.size() + soaSet.size() + soaSignatures.size() + /* NSEC */ 1 + entry.d_signatures.size() + (needWildcard ? (/* NSEC */ 1 + wcEntry.d_signatures.size()) : 0));
890 addToRRSet(now, soaSet, std::move(soaSignatures), zone, doDNSSEC, ret);
891 // coverity[store_truncates_time_t]
892 addRecordToRRSet(entry.d_owner, QType::NSEC, entry.d_ttd - now, entry.d_record, entry.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
894 if (needWildcard) {
895 // coverity[store_truncates_time_t]
896 addRecordToRRSet(wcEntry.d_owner, QType::NSEC, wcEntry.d_ttd - now, wcEntry.d_record, wcEntry.d_signatures, doDNSSEC, ret);
897 }
899 VLOG(log, name << ": Found valid NSECs covering the requested name and type!" << endl);
900 ++d_nsecHits;
901 return true;
902 }
904 size_t AggressiveNSECCache::dumpToFile(std::unique_ptr<FILE, int (*)(FILE*)>& fp, const struct timeval& now)
905 {
906 size_t ret = 0;
908 auto zones = d_zones.read_lock();
909 zones->visit([&ret, now, &fp](const SuffixMatchTree<std::shared_ptr<LockGuarded<ZoneEntry>>>& node) {
910 if (!node.d_value) {
911 return;
912 }
914 auto zone = node.d_value->lock();
915 fprintf(fp.get(), "; Zone %s\n", zone->d_zone.toString().c_str());
917 for (const auto& entry : zone->d_entries) {
918 int64_t ttl = entry.d_ttd - now.tv_sec;
919 try {
920 fprintf(fp.get(), "%s %" PRId64 " IN %s %s\n", entry.d_owner.toString().c_str(), ttl, zone->d_nsec3 ? "NSEC3" : "NSEC", entry.d_record->getZoneRepresentation().c_str());
921 for (const auto& signature : entry.d_signatures) {
922 fprintf(fp.get(), "- RRSIG %s\n", signature->getZoneRepresentation().c_str());
923 }
924 ++ret;
925 }
926 catch (const std::exception& e) {
927 fprintf(fp.get(), "; Error dumping record from zone %s: %s\n", zone->d_zone.toString().c_str(), e.what());
928 }
929 catch (...) {
930 fprintf(fp.get(), "; Error dumping record from zone %s\n", zone->d_zone.toString().c_str());
931 }
932 }
933 });
935 return ret;
936 }