]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - pdns/slavecommunicator.cc
dnsdist: Add HTTPStatusAction to return a specific HTTP response
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / pdns / slavecommunicator.cc
1 /*
2 * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
3 * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
10 * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
11 * produced as the result of such linking.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 */
22 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
23 #include "config.h"
24 #endif
26 #include "utility.hh"
27 #include "dnssecinfra.hh"
28 #include "dnsseckeeper.hh"
29 #include "base32.hh"
30 #include <errno.h>
31 #include "communicator.hh"
32 #include <set>
33 #include <boost/utility.hpp>
34 #include "dnsbackend.hh"
35 #include "ueberbackend.hh"
36 #include "packethandler.hh"
37 #include "resolver.hh"
38 #include "logger.hh"
39 #include "dns.hh"
40 #include "arguments.hh"
41 #include "auth-caches.hh"
43 #include "base64.hh"
44 #include "inflighter.cc"
45 #include "namespaces.hh"
46 #include "common_startup.hh"
48 #include "ixfr.hh"
49 using boost::scoped_ptr;
52 void CommunicatorClass::addSuckRequest(const DNSName &domain, const ComboAddress& master)
53 {
54 Lock l(&d_lock);
55 SuckRequest sr;
56 sr.domain = domain;
57 sr.master = master;
58 pair<UniQueue::iterator, bool> res;
60 res=d_suckdomains.push_back(sr);
61 if(res.second) {
62 d_suck_sem.post();
63 }
65 }
67 struct ZoneStatus
68 {
69 bool isDnssecZone{false};
70 bool isPresigned{false};
71 bool isNSEC3 {false};
72 bool optOutFlag {false};
73 NSEC3PARAMRecordContent ns3pr;
75 bool isNarrow{false};
76 unsigned int soa_serial{0};
77 set<DNSName> nsset, qnames, secured;
78 uint32_t domain_id;
79 int numDeltas{0};
80 };
83 void CommunicatorClass::ixfrSuck(const DNSName &domain, const TSIGTriplet& tt, const ComboAddress& laddr, const ComboAddress& remote, scoped_ptr<AuthLua4>& pdl,
84 ZoneStatus& zs, vector<DNSRecord>* axfr)
85 {
86 UeberBackend B; // fresh UeberBackend
88 DomainInfo di;
89 di.backend=0;
90 // bool transaction=false;
91 try {
92 DNSSECKeeper dk (&B); // reuse our UeberBackend copy for DNSSECKeeper
94 bool wrongDomainKind = false;
95 // this checks three error conditions, and sets wrongDomainKind if we hit the third & had an error
96 if(!B.getDomainInfo(domain, di) || !di.backend || (wrongDomainKind = true, di.kind != DomainInfo::Slave)) { // di.backend and B are mostly identical
97 if(wrongDomainKind)
98 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Can't determine backend for domain '"<<domain<<"', not configured as slave"<<endl;
99 else
100 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Can't determine backend for domain '"<<domain<<"'"<<endl;
101 return;
102 }
104 soatimes st;
105 memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
106 st.serial=di.serial;
108 DNSRecord drsoa;
109 drsoa.d_content = std::make_shared<SOARecordContent>(g_rootdnsname, g_rootdnsname, st);
110 auto deltas = getIXFRDeltas(remote, domain, drsoa, tt, laddr.sin4.sin_family ? &laddr : 0, ((size_t) ::arg().asNum("xfr-max-received-mbytes")) * 1024 * 1024);
111 zs.numDeltas=deltas.size();
112 // cout<<"Got "<<deltas.size()<<" deltas from serial "<<di.serial<<", applying.."<<endl;
114 for(const auto& d : deltas) {
115 const auto& remove = d.first;
116 const auto& add = d.second;
117 // cout<<"Delta sizes: "<<remove.size()<<", "<<add.size()<<endl;
119 if(remove.empty()) { // we got passed an AXFR!
120 *axfr = add;
121 return;
122 }
125 // our hammer is 'replaceRRSet(domain_id, qname, qt, vector<DNSResourceRecord>& rrset)
126 // which thinks in terms of RRSETs
127 // however, IXFR does not, and removes and adds *records* (bummer)
128 // this means that we must group updates by {qname,qtype}, retrieve the RRSET, apply
129 // the add/remove updates, and replaceRRSet the whole thing.
132 map<pair<DNSName,uint16_t>, pair<vector<DNSRecord>, vector<DNSRecord> > > grouped;
134 for(const auto& x: remove)
135 grouped[{x.d_name, x.d_type}].first.push_back(x);
136 for(const auto& x: add)
137 grouped[{x.d_name, x.d_type}].second.push_back(x);
139 di.backend->startTransaction(domain, -1);
140 for(const auto g : grouped) {
141 vector<DNSRecord> rrset;
142 {
143 DNSZoneRecord zrr;
144 B.lookup(QType(g.first.second), g.first.first+domain, 0, di.id);
145 while(B.get(zrr)) {
146 zrr.dr.d_name.makeUsRelative(domain);
147 rrset.push_back(zrr.dr);
148 }
149 }
150 // O(N^2)!
151 rrset.erase(remove_if(rrset.begin(), rrset.end(),
152 [&g](const DNSRecord& dr) {
153 return count(g.second.first.cbegin(),
154 g.second.first.cend(), dr);
155 }), rrset.end());
156 // the DNSRecord== operator compares on name, type, class and lowercase content representation
158 for(const auto& x : g.second.second) {
159 rrset.push_back(x);
160 }
162 vector<DNSResourceRecord> replacement;
163 for(const auto& dr : rrset) {
164 auto rr = DNSResourceRecord::fromWire(dr);
165 rr.qname += domain;
166 rr.domain_id = di.id;
167 if(dr.d_type == QType::SOA) {
168 // cout<<"New SOA: "<<x.d_content->getZoneRepresentation()<<endl;
169 auto sr = getRR<SOARecordContent>(dr);
170 zs.soa_serial=sr->d_st.serial;
171 }
173 replacement.push_back(rr);
174 }
176 di.backend->replaceRRSet(di.id, g.first.first+domain, QType(g.first.second), replacement);
177 }
178 di.backend->commitTransaction();
179 }
180 }
181 catch(std::exception& p) {
182 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Got exception during IXFR: "<<p.what()<<endl;
183 throw;
184 }
185 catch(PDNSException& p) {
186 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Got exception during IXFR: "<<p.reason<<endl;
187 throw;
188 }
189 }
192 static bool processRecordForZS(const DNSName& domain, bool& firstNSEC3, DNSResourceRecord& rr, ZoneStatus& zs)
193 {
194 switch(rr.qtype.getCode()) {
195 case QType::NSEC3PARAM:
196 zs.ns3pr = NSEC3PARAMRecordContent(rr.content);
197 zs.isDnssecZone = zs.isNSEC3 = true;
198 zs.isNarrow = false;
199 return false;
200 case QType::NSEC3: {
201 NSEC3RecordContent ns3rc(rr.content);
202 if (firstNSEC3) {
203 zs.isDnssecZone = zs.isPresigned = true;
204 firstNSEC3 = false;
205 } else if (zs.optOutFlag != (ns3rc.d_flags & 1))
206 throw PDNSException("Zones with a mixture of Opt-Out NSEC3 RRs and non-Opt-Out NSEC3 RRs are not supported.");
207 zs.optOutFlag = ns3rc.d_flags & 1;
208 if (ns3rc.isSet(QType::NS) && !(rr.qname==domain)) {
209 DNSName hashPart = rr.qname.makeRelative(domain);
210 zs.secured.insert(hashPart);
211 }
212 return false;
213 }
215 case QType::NSEC:
216 zs.isDnssecZone = zs.isPresigned = true;
217 return false;
219 case QType::NS:
220 if(rr.qname!=domain)
221 zs.nsset.insert(rr.qname);
222 break;
223 }
225 zs.qnames.insert(rr.qname);
227 rr.domain_id=zs.domain_id;
228 return true;
229 }
231 /* So this code does a number of things.
232 1) It will AXFR a domain from a master
233 The code can retrieve the current serial number in the database itself.
234 It may attempt an IXFR
235 2) It will filter the zone through a lua *filter* script
236 3) The code walks through the zone records do determine DNSSEC status (secured, nsec/nsec3, optout)
237 4) It inserts the zone into the database
238 With the right 'ordername' fields
239 5) It updates the Empty Non Terminals
240 */
242 static vector<DNSResourceRecord> doAxfr(const ComboAddress& raddr, const DNSName& domain, const TSIGTriplet& tt, const ComboAddress& laddr, scoped_ptr<AuthLua4>& pdl, ZoneStatus& zs)
243 {
244 vector<DNSResourceRecord> rrs;
245 AXFRRetriever retriever(raddr, domain, tt, (laddr.sin4.sin_family == 0) ? NULL : &laddr, ((size_t) ::arg().asNum("xfr-max-received-mbytes")) * 1024 * 1024);
246 Resolver::res_t recs;
247 bool first=true;
248 bool firstNSEC3{true};
249 bool soa_received {false};
250 while(retriever.getChunk(recs)) {
251 if(first) {
252 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"AXFR started for '"<<domain<<"'"<<endl;
253 first=false;
254 }
256 for(Resolver::res_t::iterator i=recs.begin();i!=recs.end();++i) {
257 i->qname.makeUsLowerCase();
258 if(i->qtype.getCode() == QType::OPT || i->qtype.getCode() == QType::TSIG) // ignore EDNS0 & TSIG
259 continue;
261 if(!i->qname.isPartOf(domain)) {
262 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Remote "<<raddr.toStringWithPort()<<" tried to sneak in out-of-zone data '"<<i->qname<<"'|"<<i->qtype.getName()<<" during AXFR of zone '"<<domain<<"', ignoring"<<endl;
263 continue;
264 }
266 vector<DNSResourceRecord> out;
267 if(!pdl || !pdl->axfrfilter(raddr, domain, *i, out)) {
268 out.push_back(*i); // if axfrfilter didn't do anything, we put our record in 'out' ourselves
269 }
271 for(DNSResourceRecord& rr : out) {
272 if(!rr.qname.isPartOf(domain)) {
273 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Lua axfrfilter() filter tried to sneak in out-of-zone data '"<<i->qname<<"'|"<<i->qtype.getName()<<" during AXFR of zone '"<<domain<<"', ignoring"<<endl;
274 continue;
275 }
276 if(!processRecordForZS(domain, firstNSEC3, rr, zs))
277 continue;
278 if(rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::SOA) {
279 if(soa_received)
280 continue; //skip the last SOA
281 SOAData sd;
282 fillSOAData(rr.content,sd);
283 zs.soa_serial = sd.serial;
284 soa_received = true;
285 }
287 rrs.push_back(rr);
289 }
290 }
291 }
292 return rrs;
293 }
296 void CommunicatorClass::suck(const DNSName &domain, const ComboAddress& remote)
297 {
298 {
299 Lock l(&d_lock);
300 if(d_inprogress.count(domain)) {
301 return;
302 }
303 d_inprogress.insert(domain);
304 }
305 RemoveSentinel rs(domain, this); // this removes us from d_inprogress when we go out of scope
307 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Initiating transfer of '"<<domain<<"' from remote '"<<remote<<"'"<<endl;
308 UeberBackend B; // fresh UeberBackend
310 DomainInfo di;
311 di.backend=0;
312 bool transaction=false;
313 try {
314 DNSSECKeeper dk (&B); // reuse our UeberBackend copy for DNSSECKeeper
315 bool wrongDomainKind = false;
316 // this checks three error conditions & sets wrongDomainKind if we hit the third
317 if(!B.getDomainInfo(domain, di) || !di.backend || (wrongDomainKind = true, di.kind != DomainInfo::Slave)) { // di.backend and B are mostly identical
318 if(wrongDomainKind)
319 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Can't determine backend for domain '"<<domain<<"', not configured as slave"<<endl;
320 else
321 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Can't determine backend for domain '"<<domain<<"'"<<endl;
322 return;
323 }
324 ZoneStatus zs;
325 zs.domain_id=di.id;
327 TSIGTriplet tt;
328 if(dk.getTSIGForAccess(domain, remote, &tt.name)) {
329 string tsigsecret64;
330 if(B.getTSIGKey(tt.name, &tt.algo, &tsigsecret64)) {
331 if(B64Decode(tsigsecret64, tt.secret)) {
332 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to Base-64 decode TSIG key '"<<tt.name<<"' for domain '"<<domain<<"' not found"<<endl;
333 return;
334 }
335 } else {
336 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"TSIG key '"<<tt.name<<"' for domain '"<<domain<<"' not found"<<endl;
337 return;
338 }
339 }
342 scoped_ptr<AuthLua4> pdl;
343 vector<string> scripts;
344 string script=::arg()["lua-axfr-script"];
345 if(B.getDomainMetadata(domain, "LUA-AXFR-SCRIPT", scripts) && !scripts.empty()) {
346 if (pdns_iequals(scripts[0], "NONE")) {
347 script.clear();
348 } else {
349 script=scripts[0];
350 }
351 }
352 if(!script.empty()){
353 try {
354 pdl.reset(new AuthLua4());
355 pdl->loadFile(script);
356 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Loaded Lua script '"<<script<<"' to edit the incoming AXFR of '"<<domain<<"'"<<endl;
357 }
358 catch(std::exception& e) {
359 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Failed to load Lua editing script '"<<script<<"' for incoming AXFR of '"<<domain<<"': "<<e.what()<<endl;
360 return;
361 }
362 }
364 vector<string> localaddr;
365 ComboAddress laddr;
367 if(B.getDomainMetadata(domain, "AXFR-SOURCE", localaddr) && !localaddr.empty()) {
368 try {
369 laddr = ComboAddress(localaddr[0]);
370 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"AXFR source for domain '"<<domain<<"' set to "<<localaddr[0]<<endl;
371 }
372 catch(std::exception& e) {
373 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Failed to load AXFR source '"<<localaddr[0]<<"' for incoming AXFR of '"<<domain<<"': "<<e.what()<<endl;
374 return;
375 }
376 } else {
377 if(remote.sin4.sin_family == AF_INET && !::arg()["query-local-address"].empty()) {
378 laddr = ComboAddress(::arg()["query-local-address"]);
379 } else if(remote.sin4.sin_family == AF_INET6 && !::arg()["query-local-address6"].empty()) {
380 laddr = ComboAddress(::arg()["query-local-address6"]);
381 } else {
382 bool isv6 = remote.sin4.sin_family == AF_INET6;
383 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to AXFR, destination address is IPv" << (isv6 ? "6" : "4") << ", but query-local-address"<< (isv6 ? "6" : "") << " is unset!"<<endl;
384 return;
385 }
386 }
388 bool hadDnssecZone = false;
389 bool hadPresigned = false;
390 bool hadNSEC3 = false;
391 NSEC3PARAMRecordContent hadNs3pr;
392 bool hadNarrow=false;
395 vector<DNSResourceRecord> rrs;
396 if(dk.isSecuredZone(domain)) {
397 hadDnssecZone=true;
398 hadPresigned=dk.isPresigned(domain);
399 if (dk.getNSEC3PARAM(domain, &zs.ns3pr, &zs.isNarrow)) {
400 hadNSEC3 = true;
401 hadNs3pr = zs.ns3pr;
402 hadNarrow = zs.isNarrow;
403 }
404 }
405 else if(di.serial) {
406 vector<string> meta;
407 B.getDomainMetadata(domain, "IXFR", meta);
408 if(!meta.empty() && meta[0]=="1") {
409 vector<DNSRecord> axfr;
410 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Starting IXFR of '"<<domain<<"' from remote "<<remote<<endl;
411 ixfrSuck(domain, tt, laddr, remote, pdl, zs, &axfr);
412 if(!axfr.empty()) {
413 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"IXFR of '"<<domain<<"' from remote '"<<remote<<"' turned into an AXFR"<<endl;
414 bool firstNSEC3=true;
415 rrs.reserve(axfr.size());
416 for(const auto& dr : axfr) {
417 auto rr = DNSResourceRecord::fromWire(dr);
418 (rr.qname += domain).makeUsLowerCase();
419 rr.domain_id = zs.domain_id;
420 if(!processRecordForZS(domain, firstNSEC3, rr, zs))
421 continue;
422 if(dr.d_type == QType::SOA) {
423 auto sd = getRR<SOARecordContent>(dr);
424 zs.soa_serial = sd->d_st.serial;
425 }
426 rrs.push_back(rr);
427 }
428 }
429 else {
430 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Done with IXFR of '"<<domain<<"' from remote '"<<remote<<"', got "<<zs.numDeltas<<" delta"<<addS(zs.numDeltas)<<", serial now "<<zs.soa_serial<<endl;
431 purgeAuthCaches(domain.toString()+"$");
432 return;
433 }
434 }
435 }
437 if(rrs.empty()) {
438 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Starting AXFR of '"<<domain<<"' from remote "<<remote<<endl;
439 rrs = doAxfr(remote, domain, tt, laddr, pdl, zs);
440 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"AXFR of '"<<domain<<"' from remote "<<remote<<" done"<<endl;
441 }
443 if(zs.isNSEC3) {
444 zs.ns3pr.d_flags = zs.optOutFlag ? 1 : 0;
445 }
447 if(!zs.isPresigned) {
448 DNSSECKeeper::keyset_t keys = dk.getKeys(domain);
449 if(!keys.empty()) {
450 zs.isDnssecZone = true;
451 zs.isNSEC3 = hadNSEC3;
452 zs.ns3pr = hadNs3pr;
453 zs.optOutFlag = (hadNs3pr.d_flags & 1);
454 zs.isNarrow = hadNarrow;
455 }
456 }
458 if(zs.isDnssecZone) {
459 if(!zs.isNSEC3)
460 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Adding NSEC ordering information"<<endl;
461 else if(!zs.isNarrow)
462 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Adding NSEC3 hashed ordering information for '"<<domain<<"'"<<endl;
463 else
464 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Erasing NSEC3 ordering since we are narrow, only setting 'auth' fields"<<endl;
465 }
468 transaction=di.backend->startTransaction(domain, zs.domain_id);
469 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Backend transaction started for '"<<domain<<"' storage"<<endl;
471 // update the presigned flag and NSEC3PARAM
472 if (zs.isDnssecZone) {
473 // update presigned if there was a change
474 if (zs.isPresigned && !hadPresigned) {
475 // zone is now presigned
476 dk.setPresigned(domain);
477 } else if (hadPresigned && !zs.isPresigned) {
478 // zone is no longer presigned
479 dk.unsetPresigned(domain);
480 }
481 // update NSEC3PARAM
482 if (zs.isNSEC3) {
483 // zone is NSEC3, only update if there was a change
484 if (!hadNSEC3 || (hadNarrow != zs.isNarrow) ||
485 (zs.ns3pr.d_algorithm != hadNs3pr.d_algorithm) ||
486 (zs.ns3pr.d_flags != hadNs3pr.d_flags) ||
487 (zs.ns3pr.d_iterations != hadNs3pr.d_iterations) ||
488 (zs.ns3pr.d_salt != hadNs3pr.d_salt)) {
489 dk.setNSEC3PARAM(domain, zs.ns3pr, zs.isNarrow);
490 }
491 } else if (hadNSEC3 ) {
492 // zone is no longer NSEC3
493 dk.unsetNSEC3PARAM(domain);
494 }
495 } else if (hadDnssecZone) {
496 // zone is no longer signed
497 if (hadPresigned) {
498 // remove presigned
499 dk.unsetPresigned(domain);
500 }
501 if (hadNSEC3) {
502 // unset NSEC3PARAM
503 dk.unsetNSEC3PARAM(domain);
504 }
505 }
507 bool doent=true;
508 uint32_t maxent = ::arg().asNum("max-ent-entries");
509 DNSName shorter, ordername;
510 set<DNSName> rrterm;
511 map<DNSName,bool> nonterm;
514 for(DNSResourceRecord& rr : rrs) {
515 if(!zs.isPresigned) {
516 if (rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::RRSIG)
517 continue;
518 if(zs.isDnssecZone && rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::DNSKEY && !::arg().mustDo("direct-dnskey"))
519 continue;
520 }
522 // Figure out auth and ents
523 rr.auth=true;
524 shorter=rr.qname;
525 rrterm.clear();
526 do {
527 if(doent) {
528 if (!zs.qnames.count(shorter))
529 rrterm.insert(shorter);
530 }
531 if(zs.nsset.count(shorter) && rr.qtype.getCode() != QType::DS)
532 rr.auth=false;
534 if (shorter==domain) // stop at apex
535 break;
536 }while(shorter.chopOff());
538 // Insert ents
539 if(doent && !rrterm.empty()) {
540 bool auth;
541 if (!rr.auth && rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::NS) {
542 if (zs.isNSEC3)
543 ordername=DNSName(toBase32Hex(hashQNameWithSalt(zs.ns3pr, rr.qname)));
544 auth=(!zs.isNSEC3 || !zs.optOutFlag || zs.secured.count(ordername));
545 } else
546 auth=rr.auth;
548 for(const auto &nt: rrterm){
549 if (!nonterm.count(nt))
550 nonterm.insert(pair<DNSName, bool>(nt, auth));
551 else if (auth)
552 nonterm[nt]=true;
553 }
555 if(nonterm.size() > maxent) {
556 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"AXFR zone "<<domain<<" has too many empty non terminals."<<endl;
557 nonterm.clear();
558 doent=false;
559 }
560 }
562 // RRSIG is always auth, even inside a delegation
563 if (rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::RRSIG)
564 rr.auth=true;
566 // Add ordername and insert record
567 if (zs.isDnssecZone && rr.qtype.getCode() != QType::RRSIG) {
568 if (zs.isNSEC3) {
569 // NSEC3
570 ordername=DNSName(toBase32Hex(hashQNameWithSalt(zs.ns3pr, rr.qname)));
571 if(!zs.isNarrow && (rr.auth || (rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::NS && (!zs.optOutFlag || zs.secured.count(ordername))))) {
572 di.backend->feedRecord(rr, ordername, true);
573 } else
574 di.backend->feedRecord(rr, DNSName());
575 } else {
576 // NSEC
577 if (rr.auth || rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::NS) {
578 ordername=rr.qname.makeRelative(domain);
579 di.backend->feedRecord(rr, ordername);
580 } else
581 di.backend->feedRecord(rr, DNSName());
582 }
583 } else
584 di.backend->feedRecord(rr, DNSName());
585 }
587 // Insert empty non-terminals
588 if(doent && !nonterm.empty()) {
589 if (zs.isNSEC3) {
590 di.backend->feedEnts3(zs.domain_id, domain, nonterm, zs.ns3pr, zs.isNarrow);
591 } else
592 di.backend->feedEnts(zs.domain_id, nonterm);
593 }
595 di.backend->commitTransaction();
596 transaction = false;
597 di.backend->setFresh(zs.domain_id);
598 purgeAuthCaches(domain.toString()+"$");
601 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"AXFR done for '"<<domain<<"', zone committed with serial number "<<zs.soa_serial<<endl;
602 if(::arg().mustDo("slave-renotify"))
603 notifyDomain(domain);
604 }
605 catch(DBException &re) {
606 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to feed record during incoming AXFR of '" << domain<<"': "<<re.reason<<endl;
607 if(di.backend && transaction) {
608 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Aborting possible open transaction for domain '"<<domain<<"' AXFR"<<endl;
609 di.backend->abortTransaction();
610 }
611 }
612 catch(const MOADNSException &mde) {
613 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to parse record during incoming AXFR of '"<<domain<<"' (MOADNSException): "<<mde.what()<<endl;
614 if(di.backend && transaction) {
615 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Aborting possible open transaction for domain '"<<domain<<"' AXFR"<<endl;
616 di.backend->abortTransaction();
617 }
618 }
619 catch(std::exception &re) {
620 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to parse record during incoming AXFR of '"<<domain<<"' (std::exception): "<<re.what()<<endl;
621 if(di.backend && transaction) {
622 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Aborting possible open transaction for domain '"<<domain<<"' AXFR"<<endl;
623 di.backend->abortTransaction();
624 }
625 }
626 catch(ResolverException &re) {
627 {
628 Lock l(&d_lock);
629 // The AXFR probably failed due to a problem on the master server. If SOA-checks against this master
630 // still succeed, we would constantly try to AXFR the zone. To avoid this, we add the zone to the list of
631 // failed slave-checks. This will suspend slave-checks (and subsequent AXFR) for this zone for some time.
632 uint64_t newCount = 1;
633 time_t now = time(0);
634 const auto failedEntry = d_failedSlaveRefresh.find(domain);
635 if (failedEntry != d_failedSlaveRefresh.end())
636 newCount = d_failedSlaveRefresh[domain].first + 1;
637 time_t nextCheck = now + std::min(newCount * d_tickinterval, (uint64_t)::arg().asNum("soa-retry-default"));
638 d_failedSlaveRefresh[domain] = {newCount, nextCheck};
639 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to AXFR zone '"<<domain<<"' from remote '"<<remote<<"' (resolver): "<<re.reason<<" (This was the "<<(newCount == 1 ? "first" : std::to_string(newCount) + "th")<<" time. Excluding zone from slave-checks until "<<nextCheck<<")"<<endl;
640 }
641 if(di.backend && transaction) {
642 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Aborting possible open transaction for domain '"<<domain<<"' AXFR"<<endl;
643 di.backend->abortTransaction();
644 }
645 }
646 catch(PDNSException &ae) {
647 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to AXFR zone '"<<domain<<"' from remote '"<<remote<<"' (PDNSException): "<<ae.reason<<endl;
648 if(di.backend && transaction) {
649 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Aborting possible open transaction for domain '"<<domain<<"' AXFR"<<endl;
650 di.backend->abortTransaction();
651 }
652 }
653 }
654 namespace {
655 struct DomainNotificationInfo
656 {
657 DomainInfo di;
658 bool dnssecOk;
659 ComboAddress localaddr;
660 DNSName tsigkeyname, tsigalgname;
661 string tsigsecret;
662 };
663 }
666 struct SlaveSenderReceiver
667 {
668 typedef std::tuple<DNSName, ComboAddress, uint16_t> Identifier;
670 struct Answer {
671 uint32_t theirSerial;
672 uint32_t theirInception;
673 uint32_t theirExpire;
674 };
676 map<uint32_t, Answer> d_freshness;
678 SlaveSenderReceiver()
679 {
680 }
682 void deliverTimeout(const Identifier& i)
683 {
684 }
686 Identifier send(DomainNotificationInfo& dni)
687 {
688 random_shuffle(dni.di.masters.begin(), dni.di.masters.end());
689 try {
690 return std::make_tuple(dni.di.zone,
691 *dni.di.masters.begin(),
692 d_resolver.sendResolve(*dni.di.masters.begin(),
693 dni.localaddr,
694 dni.di.zone,
695 QType::SOA,
696 nullptr,
697 dni.dnssecOk, dni.tsigkeyname, dni.tsigalgname, dni.tsigsecret)
698 );
699 }
700 catch(PDNSException& e) {
701 throw runtime_error("While attempting to query freshness of '"+dni.di.zone.toLogString()+"': "+e.reason);
702 }
703 }
705 bool receive(Identifier& id, Answer& a)
706 {
707 if(d_resolver.tryGetSOASerial(&(std::get<0>(id)), &(std::get<1>(id)), &a.theirSerial, &a.theirInception, &a.theirExpire, &(std::get<2>(id)))) {
708 return 1;
709 }
710 return 0;
711 }
713 void deliverAnswer(DomainNotificationInfo& dni, const Answer& a, unsigned int usec)
714 {
715 d_freshness[dni.di.id]=a;
716 }
718 Resolver d_resolver;
719 };
721 void CommunicatorClass::addSlaveCheckRequest(const DomainInfo& di, const ComboAddress& remote)
722 {
723 Lock l(&d_lock);
724 DomainInfo ours = di;
725 ours.backend = 0;
727 // When adding a check, if the remote addr from which notification was
728 // received is a master, clear all other masters so we can be sure the
729 // query goes to that one.
730 for (const auto& master : di.masters) {
731 if (ComboAddress::addressOnlyEqual()(remote, master)) {
732 ours.masters.clear();
733 ours.masters.push_back(master);
734 break;
735 }
736 }
737 d_tocheck.erase(di);
738 d_tocheck.insert(ours);
739 d_any_sem.post(); // kick the loop!
740 }
742 void CommunicatorClass::addTrySuperMasterRequest(DNSPacket *p)
743 {
744 Lock l(&d_lock);
745 DNSPacket ours = *p;
746 if(d_potentialsupermasters.insert(ours).second)
747 d_any_sem.post(); // kick the loop!
748 }
750 void CommunicatorClass::slaveRefresh(PacketHandler *P)
751 {
752 // not unless we are slave
753 if (!::arg().mustDo("slave")) return;
755 UeberBackend *B=P->getBackend();
756 vector<DomainInfo> rdomains;
757 vector<DomainNotificationInfo> sdomains;
758 set<DNSPacket, cmp> trysuperdomains;
759 {
760 Lock l(&d_lock);
761 set<DomainInfo> requeue;
762 for(const auto& di: d_tocheck) {
763 if(d_inprogress.count(di.zone)) {
764 g_log<<Logger::Debug<<"Got NOTIFY for "<<di.zone<<" while AXFR in progress, requeueing SOA check"<<endl;
765 requeue.insert(di);
766 }
767 else {
768 // We received a NOTIFY for a zone. This means at least one of the zone's master server is working.
769 // Therefore we delete the zone from the list of failed slave-checks to allow immediate checking.
770 const auto wasFailedDomain = d_failedSlaveRefresh.find(di.zone);
771 if (wasFailedDomain != d_failedSlaveRefresh.end()) {
772 g_log<<Logger::Debug<<"Got NOTIFY for "<<di.zone<<", removing zone from list of failed slave-checks and going to check SOA serial"<<endl;
773 d_failedSlaveRefresh.erase(di.zone);
774 } else {
775 g_log<<Logger::Debug<<"Got NOTIFY for "<<di.zone<<", going to check SOA serial"<<endl;
776 }
777 rdomains.push_back(di);
778 }
779 }
780 d_tocheck.swap(requeue);
782 trysuperdomains = d_potentialsupermasters;
783 d_potentialsupermasters.clear();
784 }
786 for(const DNSPacket& dp : trysuperdomains) {
787 // get the TSIG key name
788 TSIGRecordContent trc;
789 DNSName tsigkeyname;
790 dp.getTSIGDetails(&trc, &tsigkeyname);
791 P->trySuperMasterSynchronous(&dp, tsigkeyname); // FIXME could use some error loging
792 }
793 if(rdomains.empty()) { // if we have priority domains, check them first
794 B->getUnfreshSlaveInfos(&rdomains);
795 }
796 DNSSECKeeper dk(B); // NOW HEAR THIS! This DK uses our B backend, so no interleaved access!
797 {
798 Lock l(&d_lock);
799 domains_by_name_t& nameindex=boost::multi_index::get<IDTag>(d_suckdomains);
800 time_t now = time(0);
802 for(DomainInfo& di : rdomains) {
803 const auto failed = d_failedSlaveRefresh.find(di.zone);
804 if (failed != d_failedSlaveRefresh.end() && now < failed->second.second ) {
805 // If the domain has failed before and the time before the next check has not expired, skip this domain
806 g_log<<Logger::Debug<<"Zone '"<<di.zone<<"' is on the list of failed SOA checks. Skipping SOA checks until "<< failed->second.second<<endl;
807 continue;
808 }
809 std::vector<std::string> localaddr;
810 SuckRequest sr;
811 sr.domain=di.zone;
812 if(di.masters.empty()) // slave domains w/o masters are ignored
813 continue;
814 // remove unfresh domains already queued for AXFR, no sense polling them again
815 sr.master=*di.masters.begin();
816 if(nameindex.count(sr)) { // this does NOT however protect us against AXFRs already in progress!
817 continue;
818 }
819 if(d_inprogress.count(sr.domain)) // this does
820 continue;
822 DomainNotificationInfo dni;
823 dni.di=di;
824 dni.dnssecOk = dk.doesDNSSEC();
826 if(dk.getTSIGForAccess(di.zone, sr.master, &dni.tsigkeyname)) {
827 string secret64;
828 if(!B->getTSIGKey(dni.tsigkeyname, &dni.tsigalgname, &secret64)) {
829 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"TSIG key '"<<dni.tsigkeyname<<"' for domain '"<<di.zone<<"' not found, can not AXFR."<<endl;
830 continue;
831 }
832 if (B64Decode(secret64, dni.tsigsecret) == -1) {
833 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Unable to Base-64 decode TSIG key '"<<dni.tsigkeyname<<"' for domain '"<<di.zone<<"', can not AXFR."<<endl;
834 continue;
835 }
836 }
838 localaddr.clear();
839 // check for AXFR-SOURCE
840 if(B->getDomainMetadata(di.zone, "AXFR-SOURCE", localaddr) && !localaddr.empty()) {
841 try {
842 dni.localaddr = ComboAddress(localaddr[0]);
843 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Freshness check source (AXFR-SOURCE) for domain '"<<di.zone<<"' set to "<<localaddr[0]<<endl;
844 }
845 catch(std::exception& e) {
846 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Failed to load freshness check source '"<<localaddr[0]<<"' for '"<<di.zone<<"': "<<e.what()<<endl;
847 return;
848 }
849 } else {
850 dni.localaddr.sin4.sin_family = 0;
851 }
853 sdomains.push_back(dni);
854 }
855 }
856 if(sdomains.empty())
857 {
858 if(d_slaveschanged) {
859 Lock l(&d_lock);
860 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"No new unfresh slave domains, "<<d_suckdomains.size()<<" queued for AXFR already, "<<d_inprogress.size()<<" in progress"<<endl;
861 }
862 d_slaveschanged = !rdomains.empty();
863 return;
864 }
865 else {
866 Lock l(&d_lock);
867 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<sdomains.size()<<" slave domain"<<(sdomains.size()>1 ? "s" : "")<<" need"<<
868 (sdomains.size()>1 ? "" : "s")<<
869 " checking, "<<d_suckdomains.size()<<" queued for AXFR"<<endl;
870 }
872 SlaveSenderReceiver ssr;
874 Inflighter<vector<DomainNotificationInfo>, SlaveSenderReceiver> ifl(sdomains, ssr);
876 ifl.d_maxInFlight = 200;
878 for(;;) {
879 try {
880 ifl.run();
881 break;
882 }
883 catch(std::exception& e) {
884 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While checking domain freshness: " << e.what()<<endl;
885 }
886 catch(PDNSException &re) {
887 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"While checking domain freshness: " << re.reason<<endl;
888 }
889 }
890 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Received serial number updates for "<<ssr.d_freshness.size()<<" zone"<<addS(ssr.d_freshness.size())<<", had "<<ifl.getTimeouts()<<" timeout"<<addS(ifl.getTimeouts())<<endl;
892 typedef DomainNotificationInfo val_t;
893 time_t now = time(0);
894 for(val_t& val : sdomains) {
895 DomainInfo& di(val.di);
896 DomainInfo tempdi;
897 // might've come from the packethandler
898 // Please do not overwrite received DI just to make sure it exists in backend.
899 if(!di.backend) {
900 if (!B->getDomainInfo(di.zone, tempdi)) {
901 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Ignore domain "<< di.zone<<" since it has been removed from our backend"<<endl;
902 continue;
903 }
904 // Backend for di still doesn't exist and this might cause us to
905 // SEGFAULT on the setFresh command later on
906 di.backend = tempdi.backend;
907 }
909 if(!ssr.d_freshness.count(di.id)) { // If we don't have an answer for the domain
910 uint64_t newCount = 1;
911 Lock l(&d_lock);
912 const auto failedEntry = d_failedSlaveRefresh.find(di.zone);
913 if (failedEntry != d_failedSlaveRefresh.end())
914 newCount = d_failedSlaveRefresh[di.zone].first + 1;
915 time_t nextCheck = now + std::min(newCount * d_tickinterval, (uint64_t)::arg().asNum("soa-retry-default"));
916 d_failedSlaveRefresh[di.zone] = {newCount, nextCheck};
917 if (newCount == 1) {
918 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Unable to retrieve SOA for "<<di.zone<<
919 ", this was the first time. NOTE: For every subsequent failed SOA check the domain will be suspended from freshness checks for 'num-errors x "<<
920 d_tickinterval<<" seconds', with a maximum of "<<(uint64_t)::arg().asNum("soa-retry-default")<<" seconds. Skipping SOA checks until "<<nextCheck<<endl;
921 } else if (newCount % 10 == 0) {
922 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Unable to retrieve SOA for "<<di.zone<<", this was the "<<std::to_string(newCount)<<"th time. Skipping SOA checks until "<<nextCheck<<endl;
923 }
924 continue;
925 }
927 {
928 Lock l(&d_lock);
929 const auto wasFailedDomain = d_failedSlaveRefresh.find(di.zone);
930 if (wasFailedDomain != d_failedSlaveRefresh.end())
931 d_failedSlaveRefresh.erase(di.zone);
932 }
934 bool hasSOA = false;
935 SOAData sd;
936 try{
937 hasSOA = B->getSOA(di.zone, sd);
938 }
939 catch(...) {}
941 uint32_t theirserial = ssr.d_freshness[di.id].theirSerial, ourserial = sd.serial;
943 if(rfc1982LessThan(theirserial, ourserial) && ourserial != 0 && !::arg().mustDo("axfr-lower-serial")) {
944 g_log<<Logger::Error<<"Domain '"<<di.zone<<"' more recent than master, our serial " << ourserial << " > their serial "<< theirserial << endl;
945 di.backend->setFresh(di.id);
946 }
947 else if(hasSOA && theirserial == ourserial) {
948 uint32_t maxExpire=0, maxInception=0;
949 if(dk.isPresigned(di.zone)) {
950 B->lookup(QType(QType::RRSIG), di.zone); // can't use DK before we are done with this lookup!
951 DNSZoneRecord zr;
952 while(B->get(zr)) {
953 auto rrsig = getRR<RRSIGRecordContent>(zr.dr);
954 if(rrsig->d_type == QType::SOA) {
955 maxInception = std::max(maxInception, rrsig->d_siginception);
956 maxExpire = std::max(maxExpire, rrsig->d_sigexpire);
957 }
958 }
959 }
960 if(! maxInception && ! ssr.d_freshness[di.id].theirInception) {
961 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is fresh (no DNSSEC), serial is "<<ourserial<<endl;
962 di.backend->setFresh(di.id);
963 }
964 else if(maxInception == ssr.d_freshness[di.id].theirInception && maxExpire == ssr.d_freshness[di.id].theirExpire) {
965 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is fresh and SOA RRSIGs match, serial is "<<ourserial<<endl;
966 di.backend->setFresh(di.id);
967 }
968 else if(maxExpire >= now && ! ssr.d_freshness[di.id].theirInception ) {
969 g_log<<Logger::Info<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is fresh, master is no longer signed but (some) signatures are still vallid, serial is "<<ourserial<<endl;
970 di.backend->setFresh(di.id);
971 }
972 else if(maxInception && ! ssr.d_freshness[di.id].theirInception ) {
973 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is stale, master is no longer signed and all signatures have expired, serial is "<<ourserial<<endl;
974 addSuckRequest(di.zone, *di.masters.begin());
975 }
976 else if(dk.doesDNSSEC() && ! maxInception && ssr.d_freshness[di.id].theirInception) {
977 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is stale, master has signed, serial is "<<ourserial<<endl;
978 addSuckRequest(di.zone, *di.masters.begin());
979 }
980 else {
981 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is fresh, but RRSIGs differ, so DNSSEC is stale, serial is "<<ourserial<<endl;
982 addSuckRequest(di.zone, *di.masters.begin());
983 }
984 }
985 else {
986 if(hasSOA) {
987 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is stale, master serial "<<theirserial<<", our serial "<< ourserial <<endl;
988 }
989 else {
990 g_log<<Logger::Warning<<"Domain '"<< di.zone<<"' is empty, master serial "<<theirserial<<endl;
991 }
992 addSuckRequest(di.zone, *di.masters.begin());
993 }
994 }
995 }