]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - pdns/sstuff.hh
remove silly enum for AF_INET and AF_INET6 and in the process discovered auth webserv...
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / pdns / sstuff.hh
1 #ifndef SSTUFF_HH
2 #define SSTUFF_HH
4 #include <string>
5 #include <sstream>
6 #include <iostream>
7 #include "iputils.hh"
8 #include <errno.h>
9 #include <sys/types.h>
10 #include <unistd.h>
11 #include <sys/socket.h>
12 #include <netinet/in.h>
13 #include <arpa/inet.h>
14 #include <sys/select.h>
15 #include <fcntl.h>
16 #include <stdexcept>
17 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
18 #include <boost/utility.hpp>
19 #include <csignal>
20 #include "namespaces.hh"
21 #include "namespaces.hh"
24 class NetworkError : public runtime_error
25 {
26 public:
27 NetworkError(const string& why="Network Error") : runtime_error(why.c_str())
28 {}
29 NetworkError(const char *why="Network Error") : runtime_error(why)
30 {}
31 };
34 typedef int ProtocolType; //!< Supported protocol types
36 //! Representation of a Socket and many of the Berkeley functions available
37 class Socket : public boost::noncopyable
38 {
39 public:
40 //! Construct a socket of specified address family and socket type.
41 Socket(int af, int st, ProtocolType pt=0)
42 {
43 d_family=af;
44 if((d_socket=(int)socket(af,st, pt))<0)
45 throw NetworkError(strerror(errno));
46 Utility::setCloseOnExec(d_socket);
48 d_buflen=4096;
49 d_buffer=new char[d_buflen];
50 }
52 ~Socket()
53 {
54 Utility::closesocket(d_socket);
55 delete[] d_buffer;
56 }
58 //! If the socket is capable of doing so, this function will wait for a connection
59 Socket *accept()
60 {
61 struct sockaddr_in remote;
62 socklen_t remlen=sizeof(remote);
63 memset(&remote, 0, sizeof(remote));
64 int s=(int)::accept(d_socket,(sockaddr *)&remote, &remlen);
65 if(s<0) {
66 if(errno==EAGAIN)
67 return 0;
69 throw NetworkError("Accepting a connection: "+string(strerror(errno)));
70 }
72 return new Socket(s, d_family);
73 }
75 //! Set the socket to non-blocking
76 void setNonBlocking()
77 {
78 Utility::setNonBlocking(d_socket);
79 }
81 void setReuseAddr()
82 {
83 int tmp = 1;
84 if (setsockopt(d_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&tmp, static_cast<unsigned>(sizeof tmp))<0)
85 throw NetworkError(string("Setsockopt failed: ")+strerror(errno));
86 }
88 //! Bind the socket to a specified endpoint
89 void bind(const ComboAddress &local)
90 {
91 int tmp=1;
92 if(setsockopt(d_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,(char*)&tmp,sizeof tmp)<0)
93 throw NetworkError(string("Setsockopt failed: ")+strerror(errno));
95 if(::bind(d_socket,(struct sockaddr *)&local, local.getSocklen())<0)
96 throw NetworkError(strerror(errno));
97 }
99 #if 0
100 //! Bind the socket to a specified endpoint
101 void bind(const ComboAddress &ep)
102 {
103 ComboAddress local;
104 memset(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&local),0,sizeof(local));
105 local.sin_family=d_family;
106 local.sin_addr.s_addr=ep.address.byte;
107 local.sin_port=htons(ep.port);
109 bind(local);
110 }
111 #endif
112 //! Connect the socket to a specified endpoint
113 void connect(const ComboAddress &ep)
114 {
115 if(::connect(d_socket,(struct sockaddr *)&ep, ep.getSocklen()) < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS)
116 throw NetworkError(strerror(errno));
117 }
120 //! For datagram sockets, receive a datagram and learn where it came from
121 /** For datagram sockets, receive a datagram and learn where it came from
122 \param dgram Will be filled with the datagram
123 \param ep Will be filled with the origin of the datagram */
124 void recvFrom(string &dgram, ComboAddress &ep)
125 {
126 socklen_t remlen=sizeof(ep);
127 int bytes;
128 if((bytes=recvfrom(d_socket, d_buffer, d_buflen, 0, (sockaddr *)&ep , &remlen)) <0)
129 throw NetworkError(strerror(errno));
131 dgram.assign(d_buffer,bytes);
132 }
134 bool recvFromAsync(string &dgram, ComboAddress &ep)
135 {
136 struct sockaddr_in remote;
137 socklen_t remlen=sizeof(remote);
138 int bytes;
139 if((bytes=recvfrom(d_socket, d_buffer, d_buflen, 0, (sockaddr *)&remote, &remlen))<0) {
140 if(errno!=EAGAIN) {
141 throw NetworkError(strerror(errno));
142 }
143 else {
144 return false;
145 }
146 }
147 dgram.assign(d_buffer,bytes);
148 return true;
149 }
152 //! For datagram sockets, send a datagram to a destination
153 void sendTo(const char* msg, unsigned int len, const ComboAddress &ep)
154 {
155 if(sendto(d_socket, msg, len, 0, (sockaddr *)&ep, ep.getSocklen())<0)
156 throw NetworkError(strerror(errno));
157 }
159 /** For datagram sockets, send a datagram to a destination
160 \param dgram The datagram
161 \param ep The intended destination of the datagram */
162 void sendTo(const string &dgram, const ComboAddress &ep)
163 {
164 sendTo(dgram.c_str(), dgram.length(), ep);
165 }
168 //! Write this data to the socket, taking care that all bytes are written out
169 void writen(const string &data)
170 {
171 if(data.empty())
172 return;
174 int toWrite=(int)data.length();
175 int res;
176 const char *ptr=data.c_str();
178 do {
179 res=::send(d_socket, ptr, toWrite, 0);
180 if(res<0)
181 throw NetworkError("Writing to a socket: "+string(strerror(errno)));
182 if(!res)
183 throw NetworkError("EOF on socket");
184 toWrite-=res;
185 ptr+=res;
186 }while(toWrite);
188 }
190 //! tries to write toWrite bytes from ptr to the socket
191 /** tries to write toWrite bytes from ptr to the socket, but does not make sure they al get written out
192 \param ptr Location to write from
193 \param toWrite number of bytes to try
194 */
195 unsigned int tryWrite(const char *ptr, int toWrite)
196 {
197 int res;
198 res=::send(d_socket,ptr,toWrite,0);
199 if(res==0)
200 throw NetworkError("EOF on writing to a socket");
202 if(res>0)
203 return res;
205 if(errno==EAGAIN)
206 return 0;
208 throw NetworkError("Writing to a socket: "+string(strerror(errno)));
209 }
211 //! Writes toWrite bytes from ptr to the socket
212 /** Writes toWrite bytes from ptr to the socket. Returns how many bytes were written */
213 unsigned int write(const char *ptr, int toWrite)
214 {
215 int res;
216 res=::send(d_socket,ptr,toWrite,0);
217 if(res<0) {
218 throw NetworkError("Writing to a socket: "+string(strerror(errno)));
219 }
220 return res;
221 }
223 void writenWithTimeout(const void *buffer, unsigned int n, int timeout)
224 {
225 unsigned int bytes=n;
226 const char *ptr = (char*)buffer;
227 int ret;
228 while(bytes) {
229 ret=::write(d_socket, ptr, bytes);
230 if(ret < 0) {
231 if(errno==EAGAIN) {
232 ret=waitForRWData(d_socket, false, timeout, 0);
233 if(ret < 0)
234 throw NetworkError("Waiting for data write");
235 if(!ret)
236 throw NetworkError("Timeout writing data");
237 continue;
238 }
239 else
240 throw NetworkError("Writing data: "+stringerror());
241 }
242 if(!ret) {
243 throw NetworkError("Did not fulfill TCP write due to EOF");
244 }
246 ptr += ret;
247 bytes -= ret;
248 }
249 }
251 //! reads one character from the socket
252 int getChar()
253 {
254 char c;
256 int res=::recv(d_socket,&c,1,0);
257 if(res)
258 return c;
259 return -1;
260 }
262 void getline(string &data)
263 {
264 data="";
265 int c;
266 while((c=getChar())!=-1) {
267 data+=(char)c;
268 if(c=='\n')
269 break;
270 }
271 }
273 //! Reads a block of data from the socket to a string
274 void read(string &data)
275 {
276 int res=::recv(d_socket,d_buffer,d_buflen,0);
277 if(res<0)
278 throw NetworkError("Reading from a socket: "+string(strerror(errno)));
279 data.assign(d_buffer,res);
280 }
282 //! Reads a block of data from the socket to a block of memory
283 int read(char *buffer, int bytes)
284 {
285 int res=::recv(d_socket,buffer,bytes,0);
286 if(res<0)
287 throw NetworkError("Reading from a socket: "+string(strerror(errno)));
288 return res;
289 }
291 int readWithTimeout(char* buffer, int n, int timeout)
292 {
293 int err = waitForRWData(d_socket, true, timeout, 0);
295 if(err == 0)
296 throw NetworkError("timeout reading");
297 if(err < 0)
298 throw NetworkError("nonblocking read failed: "+string(strerror(errno)));
300 return read(buffer, n);
301 }
303 //! Sets the socket to listen with a default listen backlog of 10 bytes
304 void listen(unsigned int length=10)
305 {
306 if(::listen(d_socket,length)<0)
307 throw NetworkError("Setting socket to listen: "+string(strerror(errno)));
308 }
310 //! Returns the internal file descriptor of the socket
311 int getHandle() const
312 {
313 return d_socket;
314 }
316 private:
317 int d_socket;
318 char *d_buffer;
319 int d_buflen;
320 int d_family;
321 };
324 #endif