]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - scripts/cache-compare.pl
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[thirdparty/squid.git] / scripts / cache-compare.pl
1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 #
3 ## Copyright (C) 1996-2017 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
4 ##
5 ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
6 ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
7 ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
8 ##
10 # cache-compare.pl
11 #
12 # Duane Wessels, Dec 1995
13 #
14 # A simple perl script to compare how long it takes to fetch an object
15 # from a number of different caches.
16 #
17 # stdin is a list of URLs. Set the @getfrom array to a list of caches
18 # to fetch each URL from. Include 'SOURCE' in @getfrom to fetch from
19 # the source host also. For each URL, print the byte count, elapsed
20 # time and average data rate. At the end print out some averages.
21 #
22 # NOTE: uses the Perl function syscall() to implement gettimeofday(2).
23 # Assumes that gettimeofday is syscall #116 on the system
24 # (see /usr/include/sys/syscall.h).
25 #
26 # BUGS:
27 # Should probably cache the gethostbyname() calls.
29 @getfrom = ('SOURCE', 'localhost:3128', 'bo:3128');
31 require 'sys/socket.ph';
32 $gettimeofday = 1128; # cheating, should use require syscall.ph
34 while (<>) {
35 chop ($url = $_);
36 print "$url:\n";
38 foreach $k (@getfrom) {
39 printf "%30.30s:\t", $k;
40 if ($k eq 'SOURCE') {
41 ($b_sec,$b_usec) = &gettimeofday;
42 $n = &get_from_source($url);
43 ($e_sec,$e_usec) = &gettimeofday;
44 } else {
45 ($host,$port) = split (':', $k);
46 ($b_sec,$b_usec) = &gettimeofday;
47 $n = &get_from_cache($host,$port,$url);
48 ($e_sec,$e_usec) = &gettimeofday;
49 }
50 next unless ($n > 0);
51 $d = ($e_sec - $b_sec) * 1000000 + ($e_usec - $b_usec);
52 $d /= 1000000;
53 $r = $n / $d;
54 printf "%8.1f b/s (%7d bytes, %7.3f sec)\n",
55 $r, $n, $d;
56 $bps_sum{$k} += $r;
57 $bps_n{$k}++;
58 $bytes_sum{$k} += $n;
59 $sec_sum{$k} += $d;
60 }
61 }
63 print "AVERAGE b/s rates:\n";
64 foreach $k (@getfrom) {
65 printf "%30.30s:\t%8.1f b/s (Alt: %8.1f b/s)\n",
66 $k,
67 $bps_sum{$k} / $bps_n{$k},
68 $bytes_sum{$k} / $sec_sum{$k};
69 }
71 exit 0;
73 sub get_from_source {
74 local($url) = @_;
75 local($bytes) = 0;
76 unless ($url =~ m!([a-z]+)://([^/]+)(.*)$!) {
77 printf "get_from_source: bad URL\n";
78 return 0;
79 }
80 $proto = $1;
81 $host = $2;
82 $url_path = $3;
83 unless ($proto eq 'http') {
84 printf "get_from_source: I only do HTTP\n";
85 return 0;
86 }
87 $port = 80;
88 if ($host =~ /([^:]+):(\d+)/) {
89 $host = $1;
90 $port = $2;
91 }
92 return 0 unless ($SOCK = &client_socket($host,$port));
93 print $SOCK "GET $url_path HTTP/1.0\r\nAccept */*\r\n\r\n";
94 $bytes += $n while (($n = read(SOCK,$_,4096)) > 0);
95 close $SOCK;
96 return $bytes;
97 }
99 sub get_from_cache {
100 local($host,$port,$url) = @_;
101 local($bytes) = 0;
102 return 0 unless ($SOCK = &client_socket($host,$port));
103 print $SOCK "GET $url HTTP/1.0\r\nAccept */*\r\n\r\n";
104 $bytes += $n while (($n = read(SOCK,$_,4096)) > 0);
105 close $SOCK;
106 return $bytes;
107 }
109 sub client_socket {
110 local ($host, $port) = @_;
111 local ($sockaddr) = 'S n a4 x8';
112 local ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
113 local ($connected) = 0;
115 # Lookup addresses for remote hostname
116 #
117 local($w,$x,$y,$z,@thataddrs) = gethostbyname($host);
118 unless (@thataddrs) {
119 printf "Unknown Host: $host\n";
120 return ();
121 }
123 # bind local socket to INADDR_ANY
124 #
125 local ($thissock) = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, 0, "\0\0\0\0");
126 unless (socket (SOCK, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $proto)) {
127 printf "socket: $!\n";
128 return ();
129 }
130 unless (bind (SOCK, $thissock)) {
131 printf "bind: $!\n";
132 return ();
133 }
135 # Try all addresses
136 #
137 foreach $thataddr (@thataddrs) {
138 local ($that) = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $port, $thataddr);
139 if (connect (SOCK, $that)) {
140 $connected = 1;
141 last;
142 }
143 }
144 unless ($connected) {
145 printf "$host:$port: $!\n";
146 return ();
147 }
149 # Set socket to flush-after-write and return it
150 #
151 select (SOCK); $| = 1;
152 select (STDOUT);
153 return (SOCK);
154 }
156 sub gettimeofday {
157 $tvp="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
158 syscall($gettimeofday, $tvp, $tz);
159 return unpack('ll', $tvp);
160 }