]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - scripts/www/build-cfg-help.pl
Docs: Copyright updates for 2018 (#114)
[thirdparty/squid.git] / scripts / www / build-cfg-help.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 #
3 # * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
4 # *
5 # * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
6 # * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
7 # * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
8 #
10 use strict;
11 use IO::File;
12 use Getopt::Long;
13 use File::Basename;
15 # This mess is designed to parse the squid config template file
16 # cf.data.pre and generate a set of HTML pages to use as documentation.
17 #
18 # Adrian Chadd <adrian@squid-cache.org>
20 #
21 # The template file is reasonably simple to parse. There's a number of
22 # directives which delineate sections but there's no section delineation.
23 # A section will "look" somewhat like this, most of the time:
24 # NAME: <name>
25 # IFDEF: <the ifdef bit>
26 # TYPE: <the config type>
27 # LOC: <location in the Config struct>
28 # DEFAULT: <the default value(s) - may be multiple lines>
29 # DEFAULT_IF_NONE: <alternative default value>
30 # DEFAULT_DOC: <the text to display instead of default value(s)>
32 # documentation goes here
34 # stuff which goes verbatim into the config file goes here
36 # DOC_END
37 #
38 # Now, we can't assume its going to be nicely nested, so I'll say that
39 # sections are delineated by NAME: lines, and then stuff is marked up
40 # appropriately.
41 #
42 # Then we have to fake paragraph markups as well for the documentation.
43 # We can at least use <PRE> type markups for the NOCOMMENT_START/_END stuff.
45 #
46 # Configuration sections are actually broken up by COMMENT_START/COMMENT_END
47 # bits, which we can use in the top-level index page. Nifty!
48 #
50 # XXX NAME: can actually have multiple entries on it; we should generate
51 # XXX a configuration index entry for each, linking back to the one entry.
52 # XXX I'll probably just choose the first entry in the list.
54 #
55 # This code is ugly, but meh. We'll keep reading, line by line, and appending
56 # lines into 'state' variables until the next NAME comes up. We'll then
57 # shuffle everything off to a function to generate the page.
60 my ($state) = "";
61 my (%option);
62 my (%all_names);
63 my ($comment);
64 my (%defines);
66 my $version = "3.1.0";
67 my $verbose = '';
68 my $path = "/tmp";
69 my $format = "splithtml";
70 my $pagetemplate;
72 my ($index) = new IO::File;
74 my $top = dirname($0);
76 GetOptions(
77 'verbose' => \$verbose, 'v' => \$verbose,
78 'out=s' => \$path,
79 'version=s' => \$version,
80 'format=s' => \$format
81 );
83 if ($format eq "splithtml") {
84 $pagetemplate = "template.html";
85 } elsif ($format eq "singlehtml") {
86 $pagetemplate = "template_single.html";
87 }
89 # Load defines
90 my ($df) = new IO::File;
92 $df->open("$top/../../src/cf_gen_defines", "r") || die;
93 while(<$df>) {
94 $defines{$1} = $2 if /define\["([^"]*)"\]="([^"]*)"/;
95 }
96 close $df;
97 undef $df;
99 # XXX should implement this!
100 sub uriescape($)
101 {
102 my ($line) = @_;
103 return $line;
104 }
106 sub filename($)
107 {
108 my ($name) = @_;
109 return $path . "/" . $name . ".html";
110 }
112 sub htmlescape($)
113 {
114 my ($line) = @_;
115 return "" if !defined $line;
116 $line =~ s/&/\&amp;/g;
117 $line =~ s/</\&lt;/g;
118 $line =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;
119 $line =~ s/[^\x{20}-\x{7e}\s]/sprintf ("&#%d;", ord ($1))/ge;
120 return $line;
121 }
123 sub section_link($)
124 {
125 return uriescape($_[0]).".html" if $format eq "splithtml";
126 return "#".$_[0] if $format eq "singlehtml";
127 }
129 sub toc_link($)
130 {
131 return "index.html#toc_".uriescape($_[0]) if $format eq "splithtml";
132 return "#toc_".uriescape($_[0]) if $format eq "singlehtml";
133 }
135 sub alpha_link($)
136 {
137 return "index_all.html#toc_".uriescape($_[0]);
138 }
140 #
141 # Yes, we could just read the template file in once..!
142 #
143 sub generate_page($$)
144 {
145 my ($template, $data) = @_;
146 my $fh;
147 my $fh_open = 0;
148 # XXX should make sure the config option is a valid unix filename!
149 if ($format eq "splithtml") {
150 my ($fn) = filename($data->{'name'});
151 $fh = new IO::File;
152 $fh->open($fn, "w") || die "Couldn't open $fn: $!\n";
153 $fh_open = 1;
154 } else {
155 $fh = $index;
156 }
158 $data->{"ifdef"} = $defines{$data->{"ifdef"}} if (exists $data->{"ifdef"} && exists $defines{$data->{"ifdef"}});
160 my ($th) = new IO::File;
161 $th->open($template, "r") || die "Couldn't open $template: $!\n";
163 # add in the local variables
164 $data->{"title"} = $data->{"name"};
165 $data->{"ldoc"} = $data->{"doc"};
166 $data->{"toc_link"} = toc_link($data->{"name"});
167 $data->{"alpha_link"} = alpha_link($data->{"name"});
168 if (exists $data->{"aliases"}) {
169 $data->{"aliaslist"} = join(", ", @{$data->{"aliases"}});
170 }
171 # XXX can't do this and then HTML escape..
172 # $data->{"ldoc"} =~ s/\n\n/<\/p>\n<p>\n/;
173 # XXX and the end-of-line formatting to turn single \n's into <BR>\n's.
175 while (<$th>) {
176 # Do variable substitution
177 s/%(.*?)%/htmlescape($data->{$1})/ge;
178 print $fh $_;
179 }
180 close $th;
181 undef $th;
183 if ($fh_open) {
184 close $fh;
185 undef $fh;
186 }
187 }
189 $index->open(filename("index"), "w") || die "Couldn't open ".filename("index").": $!\n" if ($format eq "splithtml");
190 $index->open($path, "w") || die "Couldn't open ".filename("index").": $!\n" if ($format eq "singlehtml");
191 print $index <<EOF
192 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
193 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
194 <head>
195 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
196 <title>Squid $version configuration file</title>
197 <meta name="keywords" content="squid squid.conf config configure" />
198 <meta name="description" content="Squid $version" />
199 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.squid-cache.org/default.css" />
200 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.squid-cache.org/cfgman.css" />
201 </head>
202 <body>
203 EOF
204 ;
207 my ($name, $data);
208 my (@chained);
210 my $in_options = 0;
211 sub start_option($$)
212 {
213 my ($name, $type) = @_;
214 if (!$in_options) {
215 print $index "<ul>\n";
216 $in_options = 1;
217 }
218 return if $type eq "obsolete";
219 print $index ' <li><a href="' . htmlescape(section_link($name)) . '" name="toc_' . htmlescape($name) . '">' . htmlescape($name) . "</a></li>\n";
220 }
221 sub end_options()
222 {
223 return if !$in_options;
224 print $index "</ul>\n";
225 $in_options = 0;
226 }
227 sub section_heading($)
228 {
229 my ($comment) = @_;
230 print $index "<pre>\n";
231 print $index $comment;
232 print $index "</pre>\n";
233 }
234 sub update_defaults()
235 {
236 if (defined($data->{"default_doc"})) {
237 # default text description masks out the default value display
238 if($data->{"default_doc"} ne "") {
239 print "REPLACE: default '". $data->{"default"} ."' with '" . $data->{"default_doc"} . "'\n" if $verbose;
240 $data->{"default"} = $data->{"default_doc"};
241 }
242 }
243 # when we have no predefined default use the DEFAULT_IF_NONE
244 if (defined($data->{"default_if_none"})) {
245 print "REPLACE: default '". $data->{"default"} ."' with '" . $data->{"default_if_none"} . "'\n" if $verbose && $data->{"default"} eq "";
246 $data->{"default"} = $data->{"default_if_none"} if $data->{"default"} eq "";
247 }
248 }
250 while (<>) {
251 chomp;
252 last if (/^EOF$/);
253 if ($_ =~ /^NAME: (.*)$/) {
254 my (@aliases) = split(/ /, $1);
255 $data = {};
256 $data->{'version'} = $version;
257 foreach (@aliases) {
258 $all_names{$_} = $data;
259 }
261 $name = shift @aliases;
263 $option{$name} = $data;
264 $data->{'name'} = $name;
265 $data->{'aliases'} = \@aliases;
266 $data->{'default'} = "";
267 $data->{'default_doc'} = "";
268 $data->{'default_if_none'} = "";
270 print "DEBUG: new option: $name\n" if $verbose;
271 next;
272 } elsif ($_ =~ /^COMMENT: (.*)$/) {
273 $data->{"comment"} = $1;
274 } elsif ($_ =~ /^TYPE: (.*)$/) {
275 $data->{"type"} = $1;
276 start_option($data->{"name"}, $data->{"type"});
277 } elsif ($_ =~ /^DEFAULT: (.*)$/) {
278 if ($1 eq "none") {
279 $data->{"default"} = "$1\n";
280 } else {
281 $data->{"default"} .= "$name $1\n";
282 }
283 } elsif ($_ =~ /^DEFAULT_DOC: (.*)$/) {
284 $data->{"default_doc"} .= "$1\n";
285 } elsif ($_ =~ /^DEFAULT_IF_NONE: (.*)$/) {
286 $data->{"default_if_none"} .= "$1\n";
287 } elsif ($_ =~ /^LOC:(.*)$/) {
288 $data->{"loc"} = $1;
289 $data->{"loc"} =~ s/^[\s\t]*//;
290 } elsif ($_ =~ /^DOC_START$/) {
291 update_defaults;
292 $state = "doc";
293 } elsif ($_ =~ /^DOC_END$/) {
294 $state = "";
295 my $othername;
296 foreach $othername (@chained) {
297 $option{$othername}{'doc'} = $data->{'doc'};
298 }
299 undef @chained;
300 } elsif ($_ =~ /^DOC_NONE$/) {
301 update_defaults;
302 push(@chained, $name);
303 } elsif ($_ =~ /^NOCOMMENT_START$/) {
304 $state = "nocomment";
305 } elsif ($_ =~ /^NOCOMMENT_END$/) {
306 $state = "";
307 } elsif ($_ =~ /^IFDEF: (.*)$/) {
308 $data->{"ifdef"} = $1;
309 } elsif ($_ =~ /^#/ && $state eq "doc") {
310 $data->{"config"} .= $_ . "\n";
311 } elsif ($state eq "nocomment") {
312 $data->{"config"} .= $_ . "\n";
313 } elsif ($state eq "doc") {
314 $data->{"doc"} .= $_ . "\n";
315 } elsif ($_ =~ /^COMMENT_START$/) {
316 end_options;
317 $state = "comment";
318 $comment = "";
319 } elsif ($_ =~ /^COMMENT_END$/) {
320 section_heading($comment);
321 } elsif ($state eq "comment") {
322 $comment .= $_ . "\n";
323 } elsif (/^#/) {
324 next;
325 } elsif ($_ ne "") {
326 print "NOTICE: unknown line '$_'\n";
327 }
328 }
329 end_options;
330 print $index "<p><a href=\"index_all.html\">Alphabetic index</a></p>\n" if $format eq "splithtml";
331 print $index "<p><a href=\"#index\">Alphabetic index</a></p>\n" if $format eq "singlehtml";
332 print $index "<hr />\n" if $format eq "singlehtml";
334 # and now, build the option pages
335 my (@names) = keys %option;
336 foreach $name (@names) {
337 next if $option{$name}->{'type'} eq "obsolete";
338 generate_page("${top}/${pagetemplate}", $option{$name});
339 }
341 # and now, the alpabetic index file!
342 my $fh;
343 my $fh_open = 0;
345 if ($format eq "splithtml") {
346 $fh = new IO::File;
347 my ($indexname) = filename("index_all");
348 $fh->open($indexname, "w") || die "Couldn't open $indexname for writing: $!\n";
349 $fh_open = 1;
350 print $fh <<EOF
351 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
352 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
353 <head>
354 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
355 <title>Squid $version configuration file</title>
356 <meta name="keywords" content="squid squid.conf config configure" />
357 <meta name="description" content="Squid $version" />
358 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.squid-cache.org/default.css" />
359 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.squid-cache.org/cfgman.css" />
360 </head>
361 <body>
362 <div id="header">
363 <div id="logo">
364 <h1><a href="http://www.squid-cache.org/"><span>Squid-</span>Cache.org</a></h1>
365 <h2>Optimising Web Delivery</h2>
366 </div>
367 </div>
369 <p>| <a href="index.html">Table of contents</a> |</p>
371 <h1>Alphabetic index of all options</h1>
372 EOF
373 ;
374 } elsif ($format eq "singlehtml") {
375 $fh = $index;
376 print $fh "<h2><a name=\"index\">Alphabetic index of all options</a></h2>\n";
377 }
379 print $fh "<ul>\n";
381 foreach $name (sort keys %all_names) {
382 my ($data) = $all_names{$name};
383 next if $data->{'type'} eq "obsolete";
384 print $fh ' <li><a href="' . uriescape($data->{'name'}) . '.html" name="toc_' . htmlescape($name) . '">' . htmlescape($name) . "</a></li>\n";
385 }
387 print $fh "</ul>\n";
388 if ($fh_open) {
389 print $fh <<EOF
390 <p>| <a href="index.html">Table of contents</a> |</p>
391 </body>
392 </html>
393 EOF
394 ;
395 $fh->close;
396 }
397 undef $fh;
399 print $index <<EOF
400 </body>
401 </html>
402 EOF
403 ;
404 $index->close;
405 undef $index;