]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/foundation/foundation-sites.git/blob - scss/xy-grid/_cell.scss
Merge branch 'develop' into DanielRuf/tests/test-linux-macos-windows
[thirdparty/foundation/foundation-sites.git] / scss / xy-grid / _cell.scss
1 // Foundation for Sites by ZURB
2 // foundation.zurb.com
3 // Licensed under MIT Open Source
5 ////
6 /// @group xy-grid
7 ////
9 /// Returns the appropriate CSS flex value for a cell base.
10 ///
11 /// @param {Keyword} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Accepts `full`, `auto`, `shrink`, `grow`, or any other value representing a cell size (it will be treated as `shrink`).
12 ///
13 /// @returns {List} The cell flex property value.
14 @function xy-cell-base($size: full) {
15 @if ($size == 'auto') {
16 @return 1 1 0px;
17 }
18 @else if ($size == 'grow') {
19 @return 1 0 auto;
20 }
21 @else if ($size == 'shrink' or $size == 'full' or zf-is-fraction($size, $allow-no-denominator: true)) {
22 @return 0 0 auto;
23 }
24 @return null;
25 }
27 /// Calculate the size of a cell gutters.
28 ///
29 /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters.
30 /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If `auto`, returns the responsive gutters map `$gutters`. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered.
31 ///
32 /// @returns {Number|Map} The cell gutter size or the responsive gutters map.
33 @function xy-cell-gutters(
34 $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters,
35 $breakpoint: null
36 ) {
37 // For `auto`, returns the responsive map `$gutters`.
38 @if ($breakpoint == 'auto') {
39 @return $gutters;
40 }
42 // Use the contextual breakpoint by default.
43 $breakpoint: -zf-current-breakpoint($breakpoint);
45 @if ($breakpoint) {
46 @return -zf-get-bp-val($gutters, $breakpoint);
47 }
48 @else {
49 @return -zf-get-bp-val($gutters, $-zf-zero-breakpoint) or 0;
50 }
51 }
53 /// Returns the percentage size of a cell.
54 ///
55 /// @param {Number|List} $size [$grid-columns] - Size to make the cell. You can pass a value in multiple formats, such as `6`, `50%`, `1 of 2` or `1/3`.
56 ///
57 /// @returns {Number} Size of the cell (in percent).
58 @function xy-cell-size(
59 $size: $grid-columns
60 ) {
61 @return fraction-to-percentage($size, $denominator: $grid-columns);
62 }
64 /// Returns the appropriate CSS value for a cell size.
65 ///
66 /// Gutters-related arguments are required for cells with margin gutters (by default) as the gutter is included in the width.
67 ///
68 /// @param {Keyword|Number} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Can be `full`, `auto`, `shrink` or any fraction like `6`, `50%`, `1 of 2` or `1/2`.
69 /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters.
70 /// @param {Keyword} $gutter-type [margin] - Type of gutter to output. Accepts `margin`, `padding` or `none`.
71 /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If `auto`, returns a map of sizes adapted to responsive gutters. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered.
72 ///
73 /// @returns {Number|String|Map} The cell sizing property value, or a responsive map of them.
74 @function xy-cell-size-css(
75 $size: full,
76 $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters,
77 $gutter-type: margin,
78 $breakpoint: null
79 ) {
80 $margin-gutter: 0;
82 @if ($size == 'auto' or $size == 'shrink') {
83 @return auto;
84 }
86 // For cells with margin gutters, the gutter is included in the width.
87 @if ($gutter-type == 'margin') {
88 $margin-gutter: xy-cell-gutters($gutters, $breakpoint);
89 @if ($margin-gutter == null) {
90 @error 'xy-cell-size: no gutters were found in `$gutters` for "$breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}"';
91 }
92 }
94 // Calculate the cell size (number)
95 $size-raw: if($size == 'full', 100%, xy-cell-size($size));
97 // Calculate the cell CSS size including gutters (string)
98 // If the cell has responsive margin gutters, return a responsive map of sizes.
99 @if type-of($margin-gutter) == 'map' {
100 $responsive-css-sizes: ();
102 @each $bp, $mg in $margin-gutter {
103 $size-css: if($mg == 0, $size-raw, calc(#{$size-raw} - #{rem-calc($mg)}));
104 $responsive-css-sizes: map-merge($responsive-css-sizes, ($bp: $size-css));
105 }
107 @return $responsive-css-sizes;
108 }
109 // Otherwise, return a single CSS size.
110 @else {
111 $css-size: if($margin-gutter == 0, $size-raw, calc(#{$size-raw} - #{rem-calc($margin-gutter)}));
112 @return $css-size;
113 }
114 }
116 /// Sets base flex properties for cells.
117 ///
118 /// @param {Keyword} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Accepts `full`, `auto`, `shrink`, `grow`, or any other value representing a cell size (it will be treated as `shrink`).
119 @mixin xy-cell-base($size: full) {
120 $base: xy-cell-base($size);
122 flex: #{$base};
124 // Set base styles for "full" only
125 @if($size == 'full') {
126 min-height: 0px;
127 min-width: 0px;
128 }
129 }
131 /// Resets a cells width (or height if vertical is true) as well as strips its gutters.
132 ///
133 /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Set to true to output vertical (height) styles rather than widths.
134 @mixin xy-cell-reset($vertical: true) {
135 $direction: if($vertical == true, height, width);
136 #{$direction}: auto;
137 max-#{$direction}: none;
138 }
140 /// Sets sizing properties for cells.
141 ///
142 /// Gutters-related arguments are required for cells with margin gutters (by default) as the gutter is included in the width.
143 ///
144 /// @param {Keyword|Number} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Can be `full` (100% width), `auto` (use all available space), `shrink` (use only the required space) or any fraction (`6`, `50%`, `1 of 2` or `1/2`...).
145 /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters.
146 /// @param {Keyword} $gutter-type [margin] - Type of gutter to output. Accepts `margin`, `padding` or `none`.
147 /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If `auto`, generates sizes adapted for responsive gutters. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered.
148 /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Set to true to output vertical (height) styles rather than widths.
149 @mixin xy-cell-size(
150 $size: full,
151 $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters,
152 $gutter-type: margin,
153 $breakpoint: null,
154 $vertical: false
155 ) {
156 $sizes: xy-cell-size-css($size, $gutters, $gutter-type, $breakpoint);
157 $direction: if($vertical == true, height, width);
159 @if (type-of($sizes) == 'map') {
160 @include -zf-breakpoint-value(auto, $sizes) {
161 #{$direction}: $-zf-bp-value;
162 }
163 }
164 @else {
165 #{$direction}: $sizes;
166 }
167 }
169 /// Sets gutters properties for cells.
170 ///
171 /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters.
172 /// @param {Keyword} $gutter-type [margin] - Type of gutter to output. Accepts `margin`, `padding` or `none`.
173 /// @param {List} $gutter-position [null] - The position to apply gutters to. Accepts `top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right` in any combination. By default `right left` for horizontal cells and `top bottom` for vertical cells.
174 /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If `auto`, generates responsive gutters. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered.
175 /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Direction of the gutters to output. See `$gutter-position`.
176 @mixin xy-cell-gutters(
177 $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters,
178 $gutter-type: margin,
179 $gutter-position: null,
180 $breakpoint: null,
181 $vertical: false
182 ) {
183 // Get the default gutter position according to cell direction
184 @if($gutter-position == null) {
185 $gutter-position: if($vertical == true, top bottom, left right);
186 }
188 // Get the gutter width for this breakpoint
189 $gutter-width: xy-cell-gutters($gutters, $breakpoint);
190 @if ($gutter-width == null) {
191 @error 'xy-cell-gutters: no gutters were found in `$gutters` for "$breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}"';
192 }
194 @if ($gutter-type and $gutter-type != none) {
195 @include xy-gutters($gutter-width, $gutter-type, $gutter-position);
196 }
197 }
199 /// Creates a cell for your grid.
200 ///
201 /// @param {Keyword|Number} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Can be `full` (100% width), `auto` (use all available space), `shrink` (use only the required space) or any fraction (`6`, `50%`, `1 of 2` or `1/2`...).
202 /// @param {Boolean} $gutter-output [null] - [DEPRECATED] Whether or not to output gutters.
203 /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters.
204 /// @param {Keyword} $gutter-type [margin] - Type of gutter to output. Accepts `margin`, `padding` or `none`.
205 /// @param {List} $gutter-position [null] - The position to apply gutters to. Accepts `top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right` in any combination. By default `right left` for horizontal cells and `top bottom` for vertical cells.
206 /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If `auto`, generates responsive gutters. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered.
207 /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Set to true to output vertical (height) styles rather than widths.
208 /// @param {List} $output [(base size gutters)] - Cell parts to output. You will need to generate others parts of the cell seperately, it may not work properly otherwise.
209 @mixin xy-cell(
210 $size: full,
211 $gutter-output: null,
212 $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters,
213 $gutter-type: margin,
214 $gutter-position: null,
215 $breakpoint: null,
216 $vertical: false,
217 $output: (base size gutters)
218 ) {
219 // Default for $gutter-output
220 @if ($gutter-output != null) {
221 @warn 'xy-cell: $gutter-output is deprecated and will be removed. See migration notes at https://git.io/foundation-6-6-0';
222 @if ($gutter-output == false) {
223 $output: sl-remove($output, gutters);
224 }
225 }
227 @if (index($output, base)) {
228 @include xy-cell-base($size);
229 }
230 @if (index($output, size)) {
231 @include xy-cell-size($size, $gutters, $gutter-type, $breakpoint, $vertical);
232 }
233 @if (index($output, gutters)) {
234 @include xy-cell-gutters($gutters, $gutter-type, $gutter-position, $breakpoint, $vertical);
235 }
236 }
238 /// Creates a single breakpoint sized grid. Used to generate our grid classes.
239 ///
240 /// `xy-cell-static()` is deprecated and will be removed.
241 /// Use `xy-cell()` instead with `$output: (size gutters)` to not generate the cell base.
242 /// See migration notes at https://git.io/foundation-6-6-0
243 ///
244 /// @deprecated v6.6.0
245 ///
246 /// @param {Keyword|Number} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Can be `full` (100% width), `auto` (use all available space), `shrink` (use only the required space) or any fraction (`6`, `50%`, `1 of 2` or `1/2`...).
247 /// @param {Boolean} $gutter-output [true] - Whether or not to output gutters. Always `true` for margin gutters.
248 /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters.
249 /// @param {Keyword} $gutter-type [margin] - Map or single value for gutters.
250 /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered.
251 /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Set to true to output vertical (height) styles rather than widths.
252 @mixin xy-cell-static(
253 $size: full,
254 $gutter-output: true,
255 $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters,
256 $gutter-type: margin,
257 $breakpoint: $-zf-zero-breakpoint,
258 $vertical: false
259 ) {
260 @warn 'xy-cell-static() mixin is deprecated and will be removed. Use "xy-cell()" instead. See migration notes at https://git.io/foundation-6-6-0';
262 $gutter: -zf-get-bp-val($gutters, $breakpoint);
263 $gutter-position: if($vertical == true, top bottom, left right);
265 $-gutter-output: if($gutter-type == 'margin', true, $gutter-output);
266 $-gutter-margin: if($gutter-type == 'margin', $gutter, 0);
268 @include -xy-cell-properties($size, $-gutter-margin, $vertical);
269 @if ($-gutter-output) {
270 @include xy-gutters($gutter, $gutter-type, $gutter-position);
271 }
272 }