]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/HttpHeader.h
Merged from trunk
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / HttpHeader.h
1 /*
2 *
3 * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/
4 * ----------------------------------------------------------
5 *
6 * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from
7 * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full
8 * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's
9 * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is
10 * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of
11 * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid
12 * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other
13 * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details.
14 *
15 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
18 * (at your option) any later version.
19 *
20 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 * GNU General Public License for more details.
24 *
25 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
27 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
28 *
29 */
34 /* because we pass a spec by value */
35 #include "HttpHeaderMask.h"
36 #include "MemPool.h"
37 #include "SquidString.h"
39 /* class forward declarations */
40 class HttpHdrCc;
41 class HttpHdrContRange;
42 class HttpHdrRange;
43 class HttpHdrSc;
44 class Packer;
45 class StoreEntry;
47 /* constant attributes of http header fields */
49 /// recognized or "known" header fields; and the RFC which defines them (or not)
50 typedef enum {
51 HDR_BAD_HDR = -1,
52 HDR_ACCEPT = 0, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
53 HDR_ACCEPT_CHARSET, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
54 HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
55 /*HDR_ACCEPT_FEATURES,*/ /* experimental RFC 2295 */
56 HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
57 HDR_ACCEPT_RANGES, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
58 HDR_AGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
59 HDR_ALLOW, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
60 /*HDR_ALTERNATES,*/ /* deprecated RFC 2068, 2295 */
61 HDR_AUTHORIZATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 4559 */
62 HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
63 HDR_CONNECTION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
64 HDR_CONTENT_BASE, /**< RFC 2608 */
65 HDR_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, /**< RFC 2183, 2616 */
66 HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
67 HDR_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
68 HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
69 HDR_CONTENT_LOCATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
70 HDR_CONTENT_MD5, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
71 HDR_CONTENT_RANGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
72 HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
73 /*HDR_CONTENT_VERSION,*/ /* deprecated RFC 2608 header. */
74 HDR_COOKIE, /**< de-facto and RFC 2965 header we may need to erase */
75 HDR_COOKIE2, /**< obsolete RFC 2965 header we may need to erase */
76 HDR_DATE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
77 /*HDR_DAV,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
78 /*HDR_DEPTH,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
79 /*HDR_DERIVED_FROM,*/ /* deprecated RFC 2608 */
80 /*HDR_DESTINATION,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
81 HDR_ETAG, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
82 HDR_EXPECT, /**< RFC 2616, 2616 */
83 HDR_EXPIRES, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
84 HDR_FROM, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
85 HDR_HOST, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
86 HDR_HTTP2_SETTINGS, /**< HTTP/2.0 upgrade header. see draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-04 */
87 /*HDR_IF,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
88 HDR_IF_MATCH, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
89 HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
90 HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
91 HDR_IF_RANGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
92 /*HDR_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE,*/ /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
93 HDR_KEEP_ALIVE, /**< obsolete HTTP/1.0 header we may need to erase */
94 HDR_KEY, /**< experimental RFC Draft draft-fielding-http-key-02 */
95 HDR_LAST_MODIFIED, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
96 HDR_LINK, /**< RFC 2068 */
97 HDR_LOCATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
98 /*HDR_LOCK_TOKEN,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
99 HDR_MAX_FORWARDS, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
100 HDR_MIME_VERSION, /**< RFC 2626 */
101 HDR_NEGOTIATE, /**< experimental RFC 2295. Why only this one from 2295? */
102 /*HDR_OVERWRITE,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
103 HDR_ORIGIN, /* CORS Draft specification (see http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/) */
104 HDR_PRAGMA, /**< deprecated RFC 2068,2616 header we may need to erase */
105 HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 2617 */
107 HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 2617 */
108 HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION, /**< obsolete Netscape header we may need to erase. */
109 HDR_PROXY_SUPPORT, /**< RFC 4559 */
110 HDR_PUBLIC, /**< RFC 2608 */
111 HDR_RANGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
112 HDR_REFERER, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
113 HDR_REQUEST_RANGE, /**< some clients use this, sigh */
114 HDR_RETRY_AFTER, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
115 HDR_SERVER, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
116 HDR_SET_COOKIE, /**< de-facto standard header we may need to erase */
117 HDR_SET_COOKIE2, /**< obsolete RFC 2965 header we may need to erase */
118 /*HDR_STATUS_URI,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
119 /*HDR_TCN,*/ /* experimental RFC 2295 */
120 HDR_TE, /**< RFC 2616 */
121 /*HDR_TIMEOUT,*/ /* RFC 2518 */
122 HDR_TITLE, /* obsolete draft suggested header */
123 HDR_TRAILER, /**< RFC 2616 */
124 HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
125 HDR_TRANSLATE, /**< IIS custom header we may need to erase */
126 HDR_UNLESS_MODIFIED_SINCE, /**< IIS custom header we may need to erase */
127 HDR_UPGRADE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
128 /*HDR_URI,*/ /* obsolete RFC 2068 header */
129 HDR_USER_AGENT, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
130 /*HDR_VARIANT_VARY,*/ /* experimental RFC 2295 */
131 HDR_VARY, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
132 HDR_VIA, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
133 HDR_WARNING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */
134 HDR_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 2617, 4559 */
136 HDR_X_CACHE, /**< Squid custom header */
137 HDR_X_CACHE_LOOKUP, /**< Squid custom header. temporary hack that became de-facto. TODO remove */
138 HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR, /**< Squid custom header */
139 HDR_X_REQUEST_URI, /**< Squid custom header appended if ADD_X_REQUEST_URI is defined */
140 HDR_X_SQUID_ERROR, /**< Squid custom header on generated error responses */
142 HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY, /**< obsolete Squid custom header. */
143 #endif
145 HDR_X_NEXT_SERVICES, /**< Squid custom ICAP header */
146 #endif
147 HDR_SURROGATE_CAPABILITY, /**< Edge Side Includes (ESI) header */
148 HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL, /**< Edge Side Includes (ESI) header */
149 HDR_FRONT_END_HTTPS, /**< MS Exchange custom header we may have to add */
150 HDR_OTHER, /**< internal tag value for "unknown" headers */
152 } http_hdr_type;
154 /** possible types for http header fields */
155 typedef enum {
156 ftInvalid = HDR_ENUM_END, /**< to catch nasty errors with hdr_id<->fld_type clashes */
157 ftInt,
158 ftInt64,
159 ftStr,
160 ftDate_1123,
161 ftETag,
162 ftPCc,
163 ftPContRange,
164 ftPRange,
165 ftPSc,
166 ftDate_1123_or_ETag
167 } field_type;
169 /** Possible owners of http header */
170 typedef enum {
171 hoNone =0,
172 #if USE_HTCP
173 hoHtcpReply,
174 #endif
175 hoRequest,
176 hoReply,
177 #if USE_SSL
178 hoErrorDetail,
179 #endif
180 hoEnd
181 } http_hdr_owner_type;
183 // currently a POD
184 class HttpHeaderFieldAttrs
185 {
186 public:
187 const char *name;
188 http_hdr_type id;
189 field_type type;
190 };
192 /** Iteration for headers; use HttpHeaderPos as opaque type, do not interpret */
193 typedef ssize_t HttpHeaderPos;
195 /* use this and only this to initialize HttpHeaderPos */
196 #define HttpHeaderInitPos (-1)
198 class HttpHeaderEntry
199 {
201 public:
202 HttpHeaderEntry(http_hdr_type id, const char *name, const char *value);
203 ~HttpHeaderEntry();
204 static HttpHeaderEntry *parse(const char *field_start, const char *field_end);
205 HttpHeaderEntry *clone() const;
206 void packInto(Packer *p) const;
207 int getInt() const;
208 int64_t getInt64() const;
209 MEMPROXY_CLASS(HttpHeaderEntry);
210 http_hdr_type id;
211 String name;
212 String value;
213 };
217 class ETag;
218 class TimeOrTag;
220 class HttpHeader
221 {
223 public:
224 HttpHeader();
225 explicit HttpHeader(const http_hdr_owner_type owner);
226 HttpHeader(const HttpHeader &other);
227 ~HttpHeader();
229 HttpHeader &operator =(const HttpHeader &other);
231 /* Interface functions */
232 void clean();
233 void append(const HttpHeader * src);
234 void update (HttpHeader const *fresh, HttpHeaderMask const *denied_mask);
235 void compact();
236 int reset();
237 int parse(const char *header_start, const char *header_end);
238 void packInto(Packer * p, bool mask_sensitive_info=false) const;
239 HttpHeaderEntry *getEntry(HttpHeaderPos * pos) const;
240 HttpHeaderEntry *findEntry(http_hdr_type id) const;
241 int delByName(const char *name);
242 int delById(http_hdr_type id);
243 void delAt(HttpHeaderPos pos, int &headers_deleted);
244 void refreshMask();
245 void addEntry(HttpHeaderEntry * e);
246 void insertEntry(HttpHeaderEntry * e);
247 String getList(http_hdr_type id) const;
248 bool getList(http_hdr_type id, String *s) const;
249 String getStrOrList(http_hdr_type id) const;
250 String getByName(const char *name) const;
251 /// sets value and returns true iff a [possibly empty] named field is there
252 bool getByNameIfPresent(const char *name, String &value) const;
253 String getByNameListMember(const char *name, const char *member, const char separator) const;
254 String getListMember(http_hdr_type id, const char *member, const char separator) const;
255 int has(http_hdr_type id) const;
256 void putInt(http_hdr_type id, int number);
257 void putInt64(http_hdr_type id, int64_t number);
258 void putTime(http_hdr_type id, time_t htime);
259 void insertTime(http_hdr_type id, time_t htime);
260 void putStr(http_hdr_type id, const char *str);
261 void putAuth(const char *auth_scheme, const char *realm);
262 void putCc(const HttpHdrCc * cc);
263 void putContRange(const HttpHdrContRange * cr);
264 void putRange(const HttpHdrRange * range);
265 void putSc(HttpHdrSc *sc);
266 void putWarning(const int code, const char *const text); ///< add a Warning header
267 void putExt(const char *name, const char *value);
268 int getInt(http_hdr_type id) const;
269 int64_t getInt64(http_hdr_type id) const;
270 time_t getTime(http_hdr_type id) const;
271 const char *getStr(http_hdr_type id) const;
272 const char *getLastStr(http_hdr_type id) const;
273 HttpHdrCc *getCc() const;
274 HttpHdrRange *getRange() const;
275 HttpHdrSc *getSc() const;
276 HttpHdrContRange *getContRange() const;
277 const char *getAuth(http_hdr_type id, const char *auth_scheme) const;
278 ETag getETag(http_hdr_type id) const;
279 TimeOrTag getTimeOrTag(http_hdr_type id) const;
280 int hasListMember(http_hdr_type id, const char *member, const char separator) const;
281 int hasByNameListMember(const char *name, const char *member, const char separator) const;
282 void removeHopByHopEntries();
283 inline bool chunked() const; ///< whether message uses chunked Transfer-Encoding
285 /* protected, do not use these, use interface functions instead */
286 Vector<HttpHeaderEntry *> entries; /**< parsed fields in raw format */
287 HttpHeaderMask mask; /**< bit set <=> entry present */
288 http_hdr_owner_type owner; /**< request or reply */
289 int len; /**< length when packed, not counting terminating null-byte */
291 protected:
292 /** \deprecated Public access replaced by removeHopByHopEntries() */
293 void removeConnectionHeaderEntries();
295 private:
296 HttpHeaderEntry *findLastEntry(http_hdr_type id) const;
297 };
299 int httpHeaderParseQuotedString(const char *start, const int len, String *val);
300 int httpHeaderHasByNameListMember(const HttpHeader * hdr, const char *name, const char *member, const char separator);
301 void httpHeaderUpdate(HttpHeader * old, const HttpHeader * fresh, const HttpHeaderMask * denied_mask);
302 void httpHeaderCalcMask(HttpHeaderMask * mask, http_hdr_type http_hdr_type_enums[], size_t count);
304 inline bool
305 HttpHeader::chunked() const
306 {
307 return has(HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING) &&
308 hasListMember(HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked", ',');
309 }
311 void httpHeaderInitModule(void);
312 void httpHeaderCleanModule(void);
314 #endif /* SQUID_HTTPHEADER_H */